Analysis and Assessment of the Reimbursement Rates Bridgeand Mechanisms Load for Testing Kentucky's Versus Publicly Funded Ferries Bridge Load Rating
Analysis and Assessment of the Reimbursement Rates Bridgeand Mechanisms Load for Testing Kentucky's Versus Publicly Funded Ferries Bridge Load Rating Report Number: KTC- KTC-19-16/SPR06-423-1F20-04/PL35-1F DOI: RAIL ROAD CROSSING ROAD WORK AHEAD Kentucky Transportation Center College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky in cooperation with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Commonwealth of Kentucky TheTheThe KentuckyKentuckyKentucky TransportationTransportationTransportation CenterCenterCenter isisis committedcommittedcommitted tototo aa policypolicy ofof providingproviding equalequal opportunitiesopportunitiesopportunities for forfor al allall persons personspersons in inin recruitment, recruitment,recruitment, appointment, appointment,appointment, promotion, promotion,promotion, payment, payment,payment, training,training, andandand other otherother employment employmentemployment and andand education educationeducation practices practicespractices without withoutwithout regard regardregard for forfor economic, economiceconomic oror socialsocial statusstatusstatus and andand will willwill not notnot discriminate discriminatediscriminate on onon the thethe basis basisbasis of ofof race, race, race, color,color, ethnicethnic origin,origin, nationalnational origin,origin, creed,creed,creed, religion, religion,religion, political politicalpolitical belief, belief,belief, sex, sex,sex, sexual sexualsexual orientation, orientation,orientation,
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