Finals of Miss Watertown Pageant Saturday at Swift

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Finals of Miss Watertown Pageant Saturday at Swift I Property of the Watertown Historical Society The Watertown - OakvillTftmee Weekly e Timely Cowerage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Lifchfield County Vol. 18, No. 852. Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Y Single Copy, If Cents April 2, 1964 Voters Indorse Five Items On Monagan's Questionnaire Finals Of Miss Watertown .Voters of" Connecticut's Fifth of 2,143 (85.8 per cent) in favor"; " Congressional District * have again275 (11% > opposed and 79' (3.2%) expressed their views on national undecided. The' Civil Rights bill Pageant Saturday At Swift problems in response to a Con- has been passed by 'the House and gressional Questionnaire distrib- now is before the .Senate. uted 'by U. S. Rep. John S. Mona- The voluntary prayer amend- 10 Girls C gan 'CD-Conn.). ment was second, high in the tally umpei •'What do they Ike or dislike 'With 2,016 (80.7%) in favor; 365 among issues on 'the Congression- (14.6% \ opposed" and 116 " (4.7%) Players To Present Easter For Right To Enter al Calendar? • . undecided,. (Rep. Monagan has pro- Complete results of the survey posed, legislation to' permit the State' Contest tabulation 'were announced by Rep. voluntary recitation of prayer in Monagan today, and those who re- public schools. | Festival Of Music And Drama A swirl .of Stardust -and, a, little sponded, in record, number, gave While Medical Care for the Aged The Flayers of the First Con- of the sparkle of Miss America, overwhelming' indorsement to five was" supported by 1.897 (76.1%%), gregational 'Church accompanied comes to Watertown this weekend proposals, in 'the following order: with 239 (9.1%) opposed and 369 by the .Adult, Pilgrim and Pioneer Red 'Cross 'Fund as the Watertown Jaycees-present •1 — Civil Rights, to bar dis- (14.8%) undecided, there 'was •'Choirs with guest soloists and in- the second. Miss Watertown Schol- oriminatory practices in estab- wholesale evidence of uncertainty strumentalists, will present an Drive Extended arship Pageant. 'The performance lishing voting rights. - whether the program should be fi- Easter Festival of Music and. itself takes place. Saturday night, 2 — A. Constitutional Amendment nanced under Social Security ex- Drama, on Sunday evening, April but" the activities are already un- clusively; 'under .Social .Security Through April derway. t<f .permit the voluntary' recitation 5, at 8 o'clock:, in the church. Red Cross Drive chairman Fred of prayer in pubic schools. with private insurance or under The featured choral work will Last Wednesday a briefing ses- the Federal-State (Kerr-Mills) Richmond has announced an ex- 3 — A program of Medical Care' be Part' III of Handel's "Mes- tension of the drive through, the sion with the.ten contestants 'was for the Aged. program,, or in some other" un- siah". Three "Mystical, Songs" held. "The entrants were instruct- identified, way. • month of April in view of laging "4 — Additional $1,200 income for baritone solo, chorus and pi- receipts. ed 'regarding the Pageant rules tax: exemption for persons paying RETURNS SET RECORD ano.,, by the noted English compos- Mr. Richmond stated "Although and regulations and given the de- expenses ' of college students. The 1964' questionnaire,. distrib- er, R. 'Vaughn, Williams, will be we are pleased with results .and tailed plans for the activities '5 — A Youth 'Conservation uted to approximately 13,000 peo- sung. The program will also in- efforts thus far, we are still con- which culminate about 11 o'clock: Corps.' • ple, brought 2,505 returns, ap- clude the singing of "Two siderably short: of the required, Saturday on the stage of Gordon Each of the five proposals was proximately 19.2 'per ' cent. In Psalms" for a, soprano solo and budgetary needs of our1 associa- Swift Junior High School Auditor- supported by more'' than 70 'per every respect these figures are chorus by Alan Hovhaness, one of tion,.. This will necessitate an all ium when 'the first Miss Water- cent of 'the 2,505 -vtesidents of the the highest recorded in, the four America's most gifted compos-. out drive through, April to guaran- town, Linda Louise Fabian, Fifth Congressional District who years the survey has. 'been con- ere, and a group of Easter Carols. tee efficient operation of the Wa- crowns, her successor. Hostesses, completed . the questionnaires in ducted. The Players will, -present the tertown Chapter.""" were assigned to assist the young 1 ladies throughout the; Pageant. Un- the fourth annual survey of opin- 'In, 1961 Rep. Monagan mailed, oldest known music-drama in ex- The H'unson House will continue der the chairmanship of the Jay- ion conducted by Congressman the questionnaire - to 7,350 and re- is tance, the '""Quern, Quaeritis" to remain open between 8 and 12 cee Wives' President Mrs. Irene Monagan within his District. Easter play, a, medieval telling of a.m., Monday through Friday, for ceived 1,375 returns (18.5%); in the .Resurrection story through, Quartan, the hostesses are Mrs. Other categories of civil rights 1962 he mailed 10,000 and re- 1 the receipt of funds. Those de- Norman Stephen. '.Mrs. Alvki Turn- legislation received strong' sup- ceived 1,795 (18%); in 1,963 he verse and music. siring to mail contributions may er, Mrs. George Strobel, .Mrs.. port, but the voting guarantee out- The cast will include Fontaine do so, payable to the Watertown 'Charles Greider, Mrs. Ronald distanced all others with a total' (Continued on Page 2) Belfore, Beverly Bradley, Claire Red, Cross. Mellette, and Mrs. James. Myers* Havrah, John Barker',, Roger Bry- Mrs. Daniel H. Fenton, execu- son and Larry Parsons:.. tive secretary of the local 'Chap- TM final, meeting of the' entire Soloists .and instrumentalists for ter, attributed drive activity to- Miss Watertown Committee is the" Festival are: Laura Kee, so- ward 'the increase in blood dona- .slated for 'tonight.. All. Pageant:' Announce Co- Chairmen for prano; Nancy Ibsen, contralto; tions during the March ,25 visit of plans will, be reviewed to' assure*, Richard Smith, tenor; Donald Bun- 'the bloodmobile. A total of 96 •they .are progressing properly. dock, bass-baritone;' Lois Butler, pints was collected,. While this fig- Tomorrow .night there 'will be a violinist; .Harry Vaughan, trum- ure remains short: of the 150 goal, Pageant 'rehearsal, 'with, the con- eter; Antono 'Godding, organist; it provided a, hopeful increase testants and, the' full Jayeee pro*,. Annual Bell Ringers March and Richard Probst, pianist, harp- •over past visits. dU'Cfion crew. Following a runr J. Andre Fournier, chairman .of' sichordist and conductor'. Vincent O. Pattadino, president through of the overall, production,, ' the Watertown Oakville Mental Mrs. Kee', a, .soprano soloist at of the local chapter, also an- individual talent, rehearsal will be*- .. Health Fund Drive, has announced, Young "Democrats' gin. A. second, talent rehearsal wilt.' (Continued on Page 2) 1 be held Saturday morning. the co-chairmen for the annual (Continued on Page 2) A. parade, under the co-chair* .Bell Ringers March .scheduled to' Installation manship of Maurice' Eterginio awl:, be held Monday, Hay 11,. from. 7 James Brooks, is scheduled to' be* to' :9 p.m. Dinner Sunday gin. at 3 p.m. Linda Fabian will Mrs. Dudley Atwood, 55 Stee'le The Watertown-Oakville Young Easter Seal Benefit Dance lead the parade which, will include Brook .Road, phone 274-2262, and Democrats will hold .an, .installation the Watertown High School Band. Mrs. Raymond McKeon, - 91 Bald- buffet and dance at Daveluy's and other special, attractions. Be* win, St., phone 274-3029, are in Restaurant, - Echo Late' Road, on ginning in Watertown the' parad* charge of the 'event: in Watertown., Sunday, .April 5. from 4 to 9 p.m. Satan/ay Night, April 4 will 'travel to Oakville and returns; .Heading activities in Oakville' Lawrence DeSanto 'will 'be in- 'The entrants will, 'be riding .in con* will be 'Mrs. "Donald, .Late, 34 Arrangements have been com- chairman of the "drive, has urged vertibles supplied by Crestwoodr. Cresrwood Ave., phone' 274-1612, stalled" -as president. Other of- pleted for the .annual. Easter Seal all residents who have not .sent in ficers to be installed are Joseph Benefit, dance to be held Saturday Ford. These' convertibles' are 'the-; And Mrs. Edward Rozanskj of: '111,Masi, vice president; Marilyn •their contribution to' do so 'this "Pageant Day 'Cars." 'which wilt"" Merrimac . St,' phone '274-1239'. - evening, April 4, .from 9. o'clock: week. Mr. Dauphinais noted all convey the young, to and. :: 'The co-chairmen are' currently Turner, secretary; .and Mrs. '.Kath- to 1 a.m., at the Knights of Co- funds collected, from, the drive and 1 leen. Dyson, treasurer. from 'the judges' meeting and the recruiting captains for the vari- lumbus home on Main. St., accord- dance would be turned, over to' the Pageant performance. ous sections of 'the community. Special guests will include of- in? to an, announcement by Wilbur Waterbury Rehabilitation 'Center, Volunteers may contact the chair- ficers of the Women's '.Democrat- Cassidy, .chairman of the dance. where many local, residents have The contestants will attend, a. ic 'Club, representatives of the gone to' make use of the services. judges" meeting prior to the pas men listed in their immediate -'Town 'Committee .and officers of Mr. 'Cassidy said 'the dance is rade. This is designed, to .give the: area, for further information. the Young Democrats Club of Con- 'the climax to' the month long East- 'Tickets for 'the dance are still •judges a chance to become better. necticut. er Seal Drive held in the Water- available and may be purchased. acquainted 'with, the entrants as Tickets may be purchased, from town-Oakville' area. at 'Leo's Confectionery Store, personality must 'be taken" into Walsh To Address .any member of the club or at the and.
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