Selections from The Radical Humanist Volume - I April 1970 to December 2005 Selected, Compiled and Edited by Mahi Pal Singh, Editor, The Radical Humanist An Indian Renaissance Institute Publication Selections from THE RADICAL HUMANIST Published by : Satish Chandra Varma, Advocate Treasurer, IRI For and on Behalf of Indian Renaissance Institute A-1/103, Satyam apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi- 110096. (M) 9811587576 Email ID:
[email protected] © Indian Renaissance Institute. Free re-publication or reproduction of the contents of this book permitted with due acknowledgement to the publishers of this volume. E-Version Published on 6th April, 2019 Available at: I dedicate this Volume to the Memory of Dr. R.M. Pal a Dedicated Radical Humanist and my Teacher, Friend, Guide and Mentor who introduced me to Civil Liberties and Radical Humanism - Mahi Pal Singh Selections from THE RADICAL HUMANIST Foreword The Radical Humanist monthly edited by Mr. Mahi Pal Singh inherited the long historical and revolutionary role in India. The journal started by Manabendranath Roy during the Second World War faced an uphill task before and after the Independence of India. Outstanding writers, critics, contributed to the journal covering wide range of issues, which drew the attention of academics, politicians, statesmen and general readers. The journal can boast of the legacy of editors, after M. N. Roy and Ellen Roy, of the likes of Sib Narayan Ray, Vasant B. Karnik, Amritlal Bhikku Shah, Govind D. Parekh, V.M. Tarkunde, Justice R.A. Jahagirdar, G.R. Dalvi, R.M. Pal who ably continued the standards of the journal which drew the attention of one and all.