all about island Villages Beaches History Sightseeing All about Naxos island,

Content Naxos General ...... 4 Mythology...... 4 History ...... 4 Climate ...... 5 Access ...... 5 The town of Naxos, or Chora ...... 5 Most important Settlements and Villages 1. Aghia Anna...... 7 2. Aghiassos ...... 8 3. Aghios Arsenios ...... 8 4. Aghios Georgios...... 9 5. Aghios Procopios ...... 10 6. Abrami...... 10 7. (or Aperathos)...... 11 8. Apollonas ...... 13 9. Glinado ...... 13 10. Engares...... 14 11. Kastraki...... 15 12. ...... 15 13. Lionas ...... 16 14. Mikri Vigla...... 17 15. Moutsouna...... 18 16. Plaka ...... 19 17. Potamia...... 19 18. Sangri ...... 20 19. Tripodes (Byblos)...... 21 20. ...... 21 21. Chalki...... 23 Beaches of the Western Coast Aghios Georgios ...... 24 Aghios Procopios...... 24 Aghia Anna ...... 25 Marangas ...... 26 Plaka ...... 26 Orkos...... 27 Kastraki...... 27 Mikri Vigla...... 28 Sahara...... 28 Parthenos ...... 29

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Alyko...... 29

2 All about Naxos island,

Pyrgaki ...... 30 Aghiassos ...... 30 Beaches of the Northwestern coast Amites...... 31 Abrami ...... 31 Beaches of the Northeastern coast Apollonas ...... 32 Lionas ...... 32 Moutsouna...... 33 Beaches of the Southeastern coast Psili Ammos ...... 33 Kalandos ...... 34 Sightseeing The Cave of Zas ...... 34 Museums and Monuments Archaeological Museum of Naxos ...... 35 The Folk Museum at Kastro (town of Naxos)...... 35 The Geological Museum of Apeiranthos...... 35 “Portara” and the Temple of Apollo...... 36 The “Kouroi” of Naxos ...... 37 Activities...... 37 Shopping – Local Products ...... 38 Why Naxos...... 38 Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

3 All about Naxos island,



Naxos is the biggest island of Cyclades. It is an exceptionally fertile island, with long history breathtaking landscapes and a lot of sightseeing; all these attract a lot of tourists, all year round, but especially in summer. It has an extent of some 440 square kilometers and a coastline of ap- proximately 150 kilometers.

Thanks to its fertile soil the island produces various goods and it is famous for the agricultural and livestock products, especially wine, meat and various kinds of cheese. The visitors of the island have many choices: wonderful lovely beaches, sightseeing of historical interest and a fascinating natural environment to wander in.


Several myths of the ancient Greek Mythology are connected with the island of Naxos, which evidences that human activity on it dates back to early prehistory. The most important myths refer to Zeus, the king of gods. According to one of them, Zeus spent his childhood in the cave of Zas, as the name of the mountain indicates (“Zas” is a false pronunciation of “Zeus”). Other myths connect the island with the god of wine, Dionysus and with Ariadne, the daughter of the mythic Cretan king Minos. According to this latter, when Theseus, the son of the king of Athens killed the Minotaur in , he kidnapped Ariadne, the beautiful daughter of king Minos to bring her along to his coun- try. On his way home he stopped at Naxos and decided to abandon her there. It is here that the god of wine Dionysus found her fell in love and married her. According to another myth, Ariadne, when Theseus left her alone on the island, she went to the small islet of Palatia, fell in the rough sea and killed herself.


The history of Naxos goes back to early prehistory; according to archaeological research the first traces of human settlements on the island is evidenced as early as in late 4th millennium b.C. Ever since, as archaeological finds and written sources show, human activity on Naxos is uninterrupted up to the present.

The scholars suggest that the first residents of Naxos were colonists of Thracian origin; it was them who introduced the worship of Dionysus, the god of wine on the island. Later on Naxos was occupied by Carians; their leader, called Naxos, named the island after him. Being one of the most important centers of the Cycladic civilization, Naxos continued to flourish in more recent periods of history as well. During the Archaic period the island, thanks to the high quality marble it produced, became the center of sculpture in the Aegean; it obtained considerable income and was counted among the most important commercial and marine powers of the period. Naxian sculptors were those who made the Kouroi, the statues of young men of the Archaic period and the Lions of the sa- cred island of Delos. Later on, Naxos became an ally of Athens; during the Persian wars it suffered extensive damages by the Persians. After the system of the city-states declined, the island followed the destiny of the rest of Greece: it was successively conquered by the Macedonians, the Ptolemy’s dynasty and the Romans. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece During the Byzantine period the island suffered considerable destruction by the pirates and by

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Saracen invaders. It is in this period that many coastal settlements were transferred to the moun- tainous inland, so that the people were protected by the attacks of pirates and of various would-be invaders.

After the Francs occupied Constantinopolis in 1204, the Venetian Marco Sanudo took Naxos and the neighboring islands and established the strong and famous Duchy of Paronaxia. Under the Venetian domination Naxos knew a long period of safety and prosperity; a lot of buildings were constructed on the island, mainly castles and strong houses which could protect the people. In 1537 the island was occupied by the Ottoman H. Barbarossa and –with the exception of a few years, in 1768, when it passed to the Russians – it remained under the Ottoman domination until the Greek Revolution of 1821.

The brave people of the island contributed much to the Revolution of 1821. When Greece became independent, Naxos was incorporated to the newly formed state. Ever since, its history is common with that of Greece. During the World War II, in the years 1941 – 1944, the island was occupied initially by the Italians and then by the Germans, who brought about several damages in reprisal to the strong resistance of the locals.

Today Naxos is a flourishing part of Greece with considerable agricultural and stock breeding production and well developed tourism. The island is a favorite destination both for Greek and for- eign tourists.


The climate of the island, with mild winters and cool summers, is one of the factors of attrac- tion of tourists, not only in summer (from Easter to September), but also all year round. The most significant features of the climate of Naxos are the “meltemia”, the northern summer winds, often strong enough, which result in cooling the atmosphere, but also attract numerous fans of windsurf- ing; the second feature is the bright sun and the high annual rate of sunlight. Sea is another factor of the mildness of the local climate and makes the island an ideal destination, especially in sum- mer. Rains are rare and take place mainly in a few days in summer; dry spells, even in winter, are common enough.

All these factors contribute to the fertility of the island whose agricultural and stock breeding production not only covers the needs of the residents and the thousands of visitors, but is also ex- ported in the markets of Athens and of Europe.


Naxos is connected with Piraeus, with the neighboring islands of Cyclades and with several other islands of the Aegean, by conventional and high speed ferry boats. There is also air connection with Athens all year round; in summer there is also connection with other airports in Greece, as well as charter flights from several cities of Europe. An extended network of public buses connects the capital town of Naxos (Chora) and the port with most of the villages and with the popular beaches of the island.

The town of Naxos, or Chora

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Chora is the capital of the island and the main port of it. It is situated at the center of the western

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coast of the island, pretty close to the airport. It is a small town with some 7.000 permanent residents, with good facilities and services and interesting architectural and historic features and sightseeing.

A wide range of alternatives for accommodation is available, both within the town tissue and in the area around, at the neighboring popular and well organized beaches. It also has a good mar- ket both for souvenirs and things of every day use, but also for food, mainly agricultural and dairy products, most of them of local production. For eating and drinking you will find many choices, which cover all tastes in any time of the day and night. And, of course, you will find a lot of alternatives for amusement and night life: music bars, clubs and taverns with music.

You have a lot of things worth seeing in the town of Naxos. The most important of them is the medieval settlement, situated on the hill; it is the heart of the town and also served as the castle of the medieval town. The castle was constructed in the 13th century, during the domination of the Venetian Marco Sanudo. Architectural parts of the ancient town had been used for the construction of the castle. What rests today from the initial building is two out of the three gates, the “Trani” (meaning “the great one”) and the “Paraporti” (the “side door”), as well as one out of the 12 tow- ers. The interior of the castle is equally interesting: well preserved stone paved narrow streets, old Venetian mansions with the blazons of the owners enwalled in the masonry, the palace of Marco Sanudo, the school of the Ursuline Order, the Catholic Cathedral and the house of the Catholic bishop and many other buildings.

The most characteristic monument, the “trade mark” of the island and of Chora, is “Portara” (“the huge door” in Greek). The so called monument is an imposing doorframe made of marble, situated at Palatia, a small islet at the northern end of the town, which is connected with the main island through a narrow strip of land. This doorframe belongs to the grandiose temple of Apollo Delios whose construction started in the 6th century b.C.I., but never was accomplished. The location of the temple is also linked with the myth of Ariadne.

Strolling about the town you will have the chance to visit several churches, as the church of Pan- aghia Vlaherniotissa, dedicated to Virgin Mary, with a very interesting decoration and two icons of the Post-Byzantine period made by one of the disciples of El Greco, the Cathedral of Zoodohos Pighi (Virgin Mary, the “spring of life”) with a very nice icon screen of marble, and the small church of Panaghia Myrtidiotissa (this too dedicated to Virgin Mary) at the port.

Another worth seeing building is the Town Hall, where there are also housed the Municipal Li- brary, the Municipal Theater, the Philarmonic Orchestra and other cultural foundations.

Close enough to the town, at a distance of 3 kilometers to the Northeast, you may visit the Holy Monastery of Aghios Ioannis Chrysostomos, with a very interesting decoration in the interior. Above the monastery, upon a rock, you will see “Theologaki”, a small church dedicated to Aghios Ioannis Theologos (St. John the Theologian).

The Museums of the town are also worth visiting; the most important of them is, of course, the Archaeological Museum where you will see exhibits from all periods of the history of island, from the Neolithic period up to the Early Christian times. The Museum of the Cathedral houses the finds from in situ surveys. You may see interesting pieces of the Mycenaean period, as well as tombs dated in the Geometric times.

The closest beach for swimming is the lovely scenic sandy beach of Aghios Georgios, owing its name to the homonymous church adjacent to the beach. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Several cultural activities take place in the town, both during the Carnival and in summer (the

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so-called “Dionysia”). One of the most popular events, attracting many visitors, is the feast of wine taking place in late August and early September, during the period of vine harvest. A local religious feast (“panighyri”) is organized on the 14th of July in honor of Aghios Nicodemos; the feast is very popular and many people attend it, both locals and tourists.

In case of health problems a local Medical Center is available in Chora; you may also address to the pharmacies of the town. At Chora there is also a Police Station, a Port Authority Office and, of course, a Post Office.

Access to Chora is in fact the same as the access to the island. You can reach Chora from al- most all the islands of the Aegean by conventional and high speed ferry boats. You may also fly from Athens all year round, while in summer there are also flights from other cities Greece, as well as charter flights from several cities of Europe. The town of Naxos (Chora) is also connected with most of the villages and with the popular beaches of the island with an extended network of public buses. Taxis are also available.

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Most important Settlements and Villages

1. Aghia Anna

The scenic tourist coastal settlement of Aghia Anna surrounds the homonymous beautiful and exotic beach with the cedar wood. It is situated at a distance of 6,5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos, just after Aghios Procopios. At the end of the beach there is a small jetty for mooring of small tourist and fishing boats.

Several alternatives for accommodation are available in the village. Food and drink is good at the numerous sea front taverns, within a fascinating and exotic landscape. There are also beach bars where the swimmers can enjoy drinks and cool refreshments.

Swimming, sunbathing and sea sports are available at the nice, well organized beach in front of the settlement, with the fine sand and the crystal clear sea. You may also go to the neighboring sandy beach of Marangas.

Close to the small jetty you will see the small church of Aghia Anna and a bit farer the tiny church of Aghios Nicolaos; the beach in front of the church has fine sand and is very nice for swimming.

If you are around on the 25th of July, don’t miss to take part to the religious local feast (“pan- ighyri”) in honor of Aghia Anna (Ste. Anna).

In case of any problem you should address to the corresponding services of the nearby town of Naxos, some 6,5 kilometers northern to the settlement. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Access to the beach is very easy from the town of Naxos, by public buses running frequently, by

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taxi and by rented or private car and motorbikes. If you reach the settlement by yacht or boat, the small jetty is suitable for mooring.

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2. Aghiassos

The tiny summer resort of Aghiassos is situated at a distance of 21, 5 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora) and surrounds the homonymous sandy beach. It counts less than 150 permanent residents, who use tο say that it is here that Sanoudos, the duke of Naxos in the 13th century, disembarked when he came to take possession of Naxos, after the Francs of the 4th Crusade had conquered Constantinople, in 1204.

The settlement offers facilities for accommodation and you will enjoy nice food and drink at the small scenic taverns of the sea front.

Swimming is really a pleasure at the nice beach with the fine sand and the shallow sea, in front of the settlement. The beach is well protected by the northern winds. Or, you may go to the nearby cove of Rou, only one kilometer far away to the West. This beach is not organized at all and the fans of solitary swimming and calmness, will find here an ideal place for swimming, sunbathing and sea games and sports, especially windsurfing. If you feel like being more in private, you may fall the dirt road southwards for 7 kilometers, where, after you have passed by the tiny church of Aghios Sostis or Aghios Sozon as the locals call it, you will reach a wonderful secluded sandy beach with crystal clear turquoise sea and a nice view of the hills across, within an excellent landscape. Sometimes, the southern winds make noise and whip up the sand of the beach, which is quite annoying, but in general the beach is very nice.

Once at Aghiassos, apart from relaxing and enjoying the beach, you may visit the small church of Panaghia (Virgin Mary) and the important biotope at a short distance from the settlement; here, you will watch the migrant birds which stop here on their way to Africa.

In case of health or other problems you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 21, 5 kilometers to the Northwest.

Access to the beach is possible only by private means and it is not very comfortable, as you may reach the place only via two dirt roads, one from Pyrgaki (some 3 kilometers to the Northwest) and the other from Sangri (some 12 kilometers to the South). If you don’t mind the dust and the few diffi- culties of the dirt road, where you will drive for less than half an hour, you will certainly be rewarded for your idea to come to this place.

3. Aghios Arsenios

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece The scenic rural village of Aghios Arsenios is situated at a distance of some 7 kilometers south- eastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), within a small but fertile plain. It counts some 700 permanent

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residents occupied in agriculture and tourism. The area is famous for the tasty potatoes it produces, which are exported, mainly to Athens. The locals call the village Arghesani, a false pronunciation of the official name.

The traditional and quiet village offers accommodation facilities and the visitor will enjoy nice local food in the taverns of the settlement. The village is an ideal choice for the visitors who prefer to settle in a quiet and nice place with good access both to Chora and to the beaches, without being too far from the popular coastal resorts.

The sea is close enough, only some 3-5 kilometers far away, depending on which beach you are going to choose. You may go to Aghia Anna, to Aghios Procopios and to Plaka, or you may choose to go farer, to Mikri Vigla or Kastraki. Whichever you choose, you will enjoy the nice sand and the crystal clear sea.

Strolling around the settlement you will see several beautiful old houses with their courtyards full of flowers and plants. You may also see many interesting churches. Of course, the most important of them is the tiny church of Aghios Arsenios, who gave the name to the village. There are also the churches of Aghios Nicolaos and Aghios Spyridon, as well as the church of the nearby Monastery of Aghios Ioannis Prodromos (St. John the Baptist), where you will see the nice wood carved icon screen and interesting icons of the Post Byzantine period. On the way to Chora, at a distance of some 2 kil- ometers northern to Aghios Arsenios, at the site of Yria, you may see the ruins of the Archaic temple of Dionysus, dated in the 7th century b.C., whereas close to Tripodes or Vyvlos, the village with the beautiful traditional windmills, you may visit the old church of Panaghia Tripodiotissa, dedicated to Virgin Mary, where you will see icons of the Post Byzantine period and an excellent wood carved icon screen finely worked.

In case of health problems, a pharmacy is available in the village. Of course, for any case of emergence you may address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (Chora), only 7 kil- ometers far away to the Northwest.

Access from Chora is very easy by public bus, running regularly, by taxi as well as by rented or private cars and motorbikes.

4. Aghios Georgios

The tourist settlement of Aghios Georgios has been developed in the last few years around the homonymous popular beach, situated very close to the town of Naxos (Chora) at the South.

Many alternatives for accommodation and facilities for food, drink and amusement are avail- able in the tourist complexes around the beach.

You will enjoy swimming and sunbathing at the very well organized, several kilometers long beach, with the fine sand. You will also have facilities for sea sports, especially windsurfing.

In case of any problem the corresponding services of the town of Naxos are available for you. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

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Access to the beach from Chora is very easy by public bus, by taxi and by private means. As it is very close to the center of the town, you can reach the place also on foot.

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5. Aghios Procopios

The coastal tourist resort of Aghios Procopios is situated only some 5,5 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora), at the center of the western coast of the island, within a nice natural environ- ment and excellent view both of the inland and of the sea. The village counts some 250 permanent residents.

The visitors have many alternatives for accommodation in the settlement, as there are a lot of lodgings of any kind along the beach. You will also find many taverns, cafés and bars with up-to- date music, most of them at the sea front.

Apart from the nice view, the beach of Aghios Procopios, one of the best organized beaches of the island, with thick coarse sand and crystal clear turquoise sea, is excellent for swimming, sun- bathing and sea sports. All these pros make this beach one of the favorite choices of the visitors of Naxos, mainly of young people.

Once in the settlement, you may visit the tiny church of Aghios Procopios, after which the set- tlement has been named. Close enough to the church it is situated the well known tourist resort of Stelida. You may also go to “Kokkini Limni” (“the red lake”), an area on the beach that used to be a salt pan; there, if you are lucky enough, you may watch the herons which stop here for a while, before continuing their long journey to Africa.

If you are around during the first days of July, don’t miss to attend the local religious feast, tak- ing place on the 8th of July, in honor of Aghios Procopios.

In case of emergence you have to address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 5,5 kilometers northeastern to the settlement.

Access from the nearby capital of the island is very easy by public buses, running frequently, by taxi, as well as by rented or private car and motorbikes.

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6. Abrami

The tiny coastal tourist resort of Abrami has been recently established around the homonymous Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

10 All about Naxos island,

beach, within a small cove at the northwestern coast of the island. The settlement is found some 20 kilometers northeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

There are several alternatives for accommodation and the taverns of the area offer gorgeous food made of local products.

You will enjoy swimming and sunbathing at the lovely beach in front of the settlement; the beach has a nice view of the open sea and of the neighboring islands of Mykonos and Paros at the dis- tance.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 20 kilometers southwestern to the settlement.

Access to the beach from Chora, from the port and the airport is possible by rented or private car and motorbikes.

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7. Apeiranthos (or Aperathos)

The mountainous very well known traditional village of Apeiranthos is situated at a distance of 26 kilometers eastern to the town of Naxos (Chora). The village is found at an altitude of 600 to 800 meters on the mountainside of mountain Fanari. The locals call their village “t’ Aperathou” or “Marmarino Chorio” (“the village of marble”) and according to the local tradition the origin of its residents is from Crete; their ancestors settled here in the 10th century, a movement that was repeated several times ever since. As a result, even today the idiom, the customs and the costumes of Apeiranthos strongly remind Crete and more particularly the villages of Sfakia and Anoghia, well known for the rebellious character of their people. The most famous family from Crete is the family of Protopapadakis, several members of which became well known politicians of the Greek State. Several intellectual personalities are also originated from this village as the eminent pro- fessor of History in the University of Athens Vassilios Sfyroeras, the sculptor Polykretis, the scholar George Zevgolis, the poetess Dialechti Zevgoli-Glezou and most of all the famous partisan of the World War II, Manolis Glezos who, in the night of the 31st of May 1941 had removed the nazi flag from the Acropolis and who, later on, excelled both in political and social struggles and in letters; he was also elected president of the village council and contributed a pioneering work not only for Apeiranthos, but also for the rest of Greece.

Today the village counts more than 800 permanent residents who are mainly occupied in stock breeding, agriculture and manufacture.

Facilities for accommodation are few in the village, however the impressive settlement with the medieval features not only is worth the visit, but it is recommended that you spend at least a whole day to stroll about and see it. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece The whole village is worth seeing. Strolling about the narrow streets of the old settlement you will

11 All about Naxos island,

see several two-storey stone houses, some of them mansions, and you will pass below nice narrow arches. But what is the most striking is the extensive use of marble in the constructions; it is exactly to this feature that the village owes its local name. Don’t miss to see the mansions of the Venetian governors of the island, Sommaripa, Castri and Bardani, as well as the impressive tower-like house of Zevgolis, built in the 17th century and standing on a high rock at the entrance of the village. There are several interesting churches of the Byzantine, Post-Byzantine and more recent times, both within the village and in the area around. Among several others we should notice the church of Pan- aghia Aperathitissa dedicated to Virgin Mary, with the excellent icon screen of marble, the church of Aghios Antonios, built in the 19th century and Aghia Paraskevi on the higher end of the village, from where you will enjoy a breathtaking view.

As it happens with other villages in Naxos, Apeiranthos is very active in culture. The village has five museums gathering the rich finds of the area. The Archaeological museum houses exhibits mainly dated in the Early Cycladic period (3rd millennium b.C.), found in the ancient cemeteries and sites of the area. There is a Geological museum housed in the building of the elementary school and a Folk museum, where you may see several objects of the traditional every day life of the area, along with a collection of nice sets of clothes. In the museum of Natural History you will see interesting samples of the fauna and flora of the island. Finally, don’t miss to visit the original museum of the Culture of Children of the Aegean, where you will see very interesting exhibits. After all this, tired from your strolling around and watching the never-ending sight seeing of the village, choose one of the scenic squares of the village and have your coffee or your aperitif under the shade of the big trees. Before leaving the village, don’t miss to buy a sample of the famous traditional hand woven clothes still produced in the village.

If you are still looking for interesting sightseeing, it is worth seeing the old windmills, the Memorial of the Struggles of People and the building of the Cultural Center with exhibitions all year round.

If you are fan of hiking, you may follow the footpath leading to the Byzantine church of Aghios Ioannis Theologos (St. John the Theologian), where you will arrive after some half an hour of walk- ing and the church of Aghia Kyriaki after one hour, both at the Northeast.

At a distance of some 3 kilometers southwestern to the village it is situated the small country church of Aghios Ioannis; once there you will enjoy a breathtaking view and take excellent photos.

Being in the inland, the village obviously does not offer a beach for swimming, but the nice sandy beach of Moutsouna at the eastern coast of the island is not far away. Moutsouna is also the unique natural port of Naxos and in the past it was here that the ships were loaded with the emery extracted from the mines high on the mountain and brought down through a system of cable railway still preserved today. Apart from Moutsouna you may also swim at the more remote beaches of Psili Ammos (meaning “fine sand”) or Lionas, both at the eastern coast of the island.

Two religious local feasts (“panighyri”) take place in the village on the 15th of August celebrat- ing the Assumption of Virgin Mary and on the name day of Aghios Ioannis (St. John), celebrated on the 29th of August. In case of health problems a local Medical Center is available in the village. For other services you should return to the town of Naxos (Chora), 26 kilometers far from Apeiranthos to the West.

Access to the village is easy by bus from the town of Naxos (Chora), as well as by rented or pri- vate car and motorbikes. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

12 All about Naxos island,

8. Apollonas

The well known scenic coastal village of Apollonas is situated at a distance of 35,5 kilometers northeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), within a lovely small cove with a nice beach, at the northeastern coast of the island. It counts some 100 permanent residents. The small port of the set- tlement is available for mooring of small tourist and fishing boats.

Several accommodation facilities are available in the village; the place is nice and pretty calm, but it offers sufficient tourist facilities which, combined with the beautiful environment and the sight- seeing, makes the place ideal for spending a few days. You will find several fish taverns, pretty popular, at the port, along with a few scenic cafés, where you will enjoy your coffee or drink and an excellent view.

The beach is wonderful, with golden sand and fine pebbles and the sea is ideal not only for swim- ming, but also for any kind of sea sports.

Close enough to the entrance of the village, at the site of Kastraki, you may see the unfinished colossal archaic “kouros”, known as the “kouros of Apollonas” and thought to present the god Di- onysus. The statue, made of marble, lies exactly at the place where, some 2500 years ago, they started to sculpt it. At the near by mountain of Kalogeros, there are ruins of ancient fortification, the “Kastro tou Kalogerou” (“castle of the monk”), as the locals call it. At the site of Empoli or Ampoli you may see the traces of ancient quarries of marble, still visible today.

Within the settlement you may visit the church of Aghios Ioannis (St. John) and at the nearby vil- lage of Aghia, situated 7,5 kilometers western to Apollonas, you may visit an interesting tower with excellent view of the northern part of the island.

A series of interesting cultural events, the “Apollonia” are organized during the summer, whereas on the 29th of August the locals celebrate the name day of Aghios Ioannis (St. John) with a great religious local feast (“panighyri”). Another local feast takes place at the village of Aghia on the 15th of August, in honor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 35,5 kilometers southwestern to Apollonas.

Access to the village is possible by rented or private car and motorbikes. If you have a boat, the small port of the settlement is available for mooring.

9. Glinado

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece The small village of Glinado, located upon a rocky hill, is found some 6 kilometers far from the

13 All about Naxos island,

town of Naxos (Chora) at the southeast. It counts some 500 permanent residents, occupied in agri- culture and stockbreeding, which are the most developed activities in the whole area.

The village offers only a few alternatives for accommodation, but if you choose to come here for staying or just for a visit, you will enjoy the nice view of the cultivated plain below the village. At the site of Yria, you may see the sanctuary of Dionysos, a ritual center that had been established in the early Mycenaean era and continued to exist until the first centuries of the Christian times. It is also worth seeing the old medieval towers scattered around and visit the small cheese dairy of the Union of Agricultural Co-operative of Naxos, which is found close to Aghios Arsenios.

Swimming is possible at the organized beaches around Chora, as well as at Aghia Anna and Aghios Procopios.

In case of emergence, you should return to the town of Naxos, some 6 kilometers northwestern to Glinado.

Access to the village is possible by public buses, by taxi and, of course, by rented or private car and motorbikes.

10. Engares

Engares is a small scenic village, situated within a fascinating natural environment, at a distance of some 7,5 kilometers northeastern to Chora. The landscape around is full of current waters, culti- vated areas and numerous green houses. The settlement counts some 200 permanent residents.

A few facilities for accommodation are available in the village.

The settlement and the area around have a lot of sightseeing that attract numerous visitors. It is worth seeing the mansions of the village, as the one of Theofilos family, where the eminent Greek author Nicos Kazantzakis had been hosted for some years in the late 19th century during his staying on the island, the mansion of Raftopoulos, a member of Filike Etaireia during the Greek Revolution of 1821, the mansion of Chatziandreou family and the mansion of Foufopoulos. You may also visit several churches as the church of Taxiarches, within the village, the church dedicated to the Birth of Virgin Mary, situated on a nearby hill and the church of Aghios Charalambos in the settlement of Hilia Vryssi.

Close enough to the country church of Aghios Georgios, you will find the old watermill, situated in a fascinating natural environment of breathtaking beauty, with current water, huge plane trees and luxuriant green.

You should not miss to see the water basin that covers the needs of the village in water, as well as the dam and the artificial lake close to the Monastery of Faneromeni which is housed in an old Venetian tower dated in the 17th century.

Several scenic and nice beaches are available for swimming in short distance from the village;

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece you may go to the cute cove of Micra, to the cove of Kambos Koronida where you will also see the

14 All about Naxos island,

country church of Aghios Mamas; there is also the cove of Abrami, very popular in summer, the cove of Aghioi Theodoroi, with the homonymous country church, and several others.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 7,5 kilometers southern to the village.

Access to the village is easy, by public buses running regularly, by taxi and by rented or private car and motorbikes.

11. Kastraki

The small tourist resort of Kastraki (“small castle” in Greek) is situated at a distance of some 15,5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the southern part of the western coast of the island. The settlement counts more than 165 permanent residents.

There are several alternatives for accommodation in the village and the scenic sea front taverns offer nice local dishes and fresh fish. If you like to spend your holidays in a beautiful, calm place, without being too much isolated from the nightlife and the facilities of Chora, Kastraki is the place for you.

You will swim at the long (more than 3 kilometers) beach in front of the settlement with the fine white sand and the crystal clear turquoise sea. There are nice rocks in parts, which form secluded small coves, where you may enjoy the sea almost alone; a place suitable also for naturists. The beach of Kastraki is successive to that of Mikri Vigla and it is equally affected by the strong winds in summer. You may also swim at the next beach, that of Glyfada.

At a distance of less than 2 kilometers eastern to the settlement you may visit the Venetian castle “Pyrgos Oskelou”. Traces of a Mycenaean acropolis are still visible on a site close to the village.

In case of emergence, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (15,5 kilometers far away to the North) are available for you.

Access to Kastraki is easy from the town of Naxos by rented or private car and motorbikes.

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12. Koronos

Koronos is a traditional mountainous village of the inland, situated at an altitude of more than 500 meters, at a distance of 35 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the Northeast. The area around the village is full of cultivations, mainly vineyards. It counts some 600 permanent Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece residents occupied in agriculture, stock breeding and to a lesser extent in tourism.

15 All about Naxos island,

Few accommodation facilities are available in this quiet place.

There are a lot of sightseeing both in the village itself and the broader area. Many visitors come here to see the excellent houses, the scenic old square of the village with the current waters and the traditional cafιs, to stroll about the narrow streets with the nice arches and enjoy a wonderful atmosphere. The visitor will certainly admire the spring of Platsa at the center of the village and taste the dishes of the local kitchen in the scenic taverns. It is also worth seeing the old churches, visiting the old oil-presses and having a look to the interesting folk collection of the village and the exhibition of traditional embroidery.

Don’t miss to see the War Memorial, a work of the well known Greek sculptor Armakollas, a monument in honor of the executed during the nazi occupation of the village. You will also see the bust of Nikeforos Mandilaras, whose origin was from this village.

Close enough to the village, almost at the top of mountain Koronos, at an altitude of 930 meters, you will see the “Kako Spilio” (“the evil cave” in Greek), which in antiquity was a worship place of Dionysus. Finally, on your way off the village, you may visit the Emery Museum and the Industrial Park of the Emery mines.

Swimming is possible at the nice beach of Lionas, close enough to the settlement, at the eastern coast of the island.

The events and local feasts of the village are famous all over the island and attract numerous visitors. The most well known events are the happenings of Shrove Monday and of Kledonas on the 24th of June. There are also several local religious feasts (“panighyri”): on the 17th of July in honor of Aghia Marina, on Friday following Easter, in honor of Panaghia Argokoiliotissa (Virgin Mary) and on the 23rd of August in honor of Panaghia Kera (“our Lady Virgin Mary”). It goes without saying that all the events are accompanied by local music, dances, abundant wine and local delicacies.

In case of any problem you may address to the local Medical Center, or to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 35 kilometers southwestern to the village.

Access to Koronos is possible by public buses and by rented or private car and motorbikes.

13. Lionas

Lionas is a small coastal village, very scenic, situated at the impressive northeastern coast of the island, at a distance of 38 kilometers northeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora) and 6 kilometers from Koronas, also at the northeast. It is from the small port of this village that the emery mined on the island was exported to the industrial centers of Europe. Today the settlement counts some more than 100 permanent residents.

Only a few facilities for accommodation are available in the village, but there are several things worth seeing and the beach is calm and very clean. Some of the houses of the settlement are so close to the sea that the waves almost lick them. After you have enjoyed a nice swimming in a crystal

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece clear turquoise deep sea and sunbathed on the pebbly beach, you will have the chance to taste fresh fish and delicious local dishes at the small sea front taverns of the area.

16 All about Naxos island,

Once at Lionas, don’t miss to visit the church of Aghios Georgios (St. George); at the Center for the coastal environment, housed at the “tarsanas”, the medieval shipyard, recently renovated, you will get information about the coastal and marine environment and the activities carried out to protect it. At the site “Avdeli”, close enough to the Early Cycladic tombs, you may see the secluded small church of Panaghia Avdeliotissa, dedicated to Virgin Mary. On your way back, before arriving to Koronas, you may visit the Museum of Emery found at the Industrial Park of the Emery mines, see the galleries and learn how mining was carried out during the 19th century.

In case of health problems, a local Medical Center is available at the nearby village of Koronas, some 6 kilometers southwestern to Lionas. For other services you should address to the correspond- ing services of the town of Naxos, 38 kilometers southwestern to the village.

Access from Chora is possible by private means, car or motorbike.

14. Mikri Vigla

The coastal tourist resort of Mikri Vigla is situated some 16,5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the western coast of the island. The settlement counts less than 100 permanent residents.

The settlement offers several facilities for accommodation and there are many sea front taverns where you will enjoy nice local food and fresh fish.

The beach in front of the settlement is excellent and well organized, with facilities for swimming sunbathing and sea sports, above all wind surfing, as the place is ideal for this sport. The beach is beautiful and scenic, with fine white sand and transparent clean sea. Apart from this beach, you may choose the adjacent beach of Parthenos or the near by beach of Orkos.

A few meters far from the coast you will see the small skerry of Parthenos (the greek word for “virgin”), named after the small church dedicated to Virgin Mary that is found on it. It is an islet pretty popular for weddings; many couples come to get married here, within a fascinating environ- ment and a romantic atmosphere.

Once at the settlement, you may walk up to the rocky height above the beach to enjoy the pano- rama around, with Heraklia, Ios Santorini, Antiparos and Paros and maybe Mykonos in the dis- tance. It is from this rock that the locals in the past looked out the sea to warn the residents of the island when pirates’ boats appeared; the name “Mikri Vigla” (meaning in Greek “small lookout”) is due to this use. In fact, the rock of Mikri Vigla separates the nice beach of the settlement from the adjacent beach of Parthenos.

If you sail to the island of Parthenos, don’t miss to watch the shallow sea bed, where you may see the ruins of an ancient settlement, now covered by the sea.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the capital town of Naxos, 16,5 kilometers to the North. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Access from the town of Naxos is possible by rented or private car and motorbikes. As the distance

17 All about Naxos island,

is not long, you may also use a taxi. If you reach the place by boat, the small port housing the fish- ing boats of the locals, is safe and available for mooring, provided your boat is not too big.

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15. Moutsouna

The scenic fishermen’s village of Moutsouna is situated some 37 kilometers eastern to Chora, at the eastern coast of the island; its natural port serves as the port of Apeiranthos. Numerous people visit the village in summer. The few visitors who decide to stay here are rewarded with a nice and calm environment to live in. The village counts less than 100 permanent residents.

A few accommodation facilities are available in the settlement, but you will certainly enjoy eat- ing in the scenic sea front taverns, where you may taste gorgeous local dishes and fresh fish.

You will enjoy swimming at the crystal clear very clean beach in front of the settlement and, if you feel like, you may pop to one of the nearby well organized beaches of the eastern coast.

The settlement itself is worth seeing, but what is more interesting in the area is the remains of an original construction by which they used to bring the emery extracted from the mountain down to the port. The remains are more than a hundred years old. You should also visit the fascinating cove of Azala, with its huge beach and the impressive formations of rocks, the Cape of Moutsouna and the small church of Aghios Demetrios situated at the beach northern to the cove.

At a distance of 8 kilometers southern to Moutsouna it is worth visiting Psili Ammos (“fine sand” in Greek), a very nice summer resort with an excellent sandy beach with fine sand, after which the area has been named. Another 4,5 kilometers to the South you will find the coastal settlement of Kleido, within a small cove, with a nice sandy beach facing the island of Pano Koufonissi. Farer away to the South there is the scenic secluded cove of Panormos, with the nice sandy beach, ideal for those wishing to avoid the popular, crowded and noisy beaches. Once there, you may also see the traces of a prehistoric acropolis situated on a low hill close to the beach.

For any case of emergence you may address to the local Medical Center of Apeiranthos, some 12 kilometers western to Moutsouna, or to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 37 kilometers far away to the West of Moutsouna.

Access to Moutsouna is possible via Apeiranthos, by rented or private car and motorbikes. When driving from Apeiranthos down to the settlement and the beach, you should be quite cautious, as the road is full of bends and difficult enough. Despite the difficulties of driving, it is a nice route, which you will enjoy very much. If you reach Moutsouna by boat or yacht, you may use the small port for mooring, but you should bear in mind that no fuel supply facilities are available at the port. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

18 All about Naxos island,

16. Plaka

The small tourist resort of Plaka is the effect of the rapid tourist development of the area dur- ing the last few years. The settlement is situated around the homonymous beach, within an open cove at the middle of the western coast of the island, some 10 kilometers far away from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the South.

Accommodation facilities are plenty within the settlement and the taverns offer delicious food of the local cooking, most of them made of local products and especially of the local gorgeous meat.

Swimming and sunbathing is really nice at the lovely long sandy beach in front of the settle- ment.

At the outset of your way from the beach to the inland, you will see some impressive rock for- mations of high geological interest. Going on, towards the small village of Byblos, you will see the church of Aghios Matthaios (St. Matthew), built on the place of an earlier one, as it is indicated by the architectural parts of ancient buildings scattered around. Very close to the church you may see the ruins of an ancient defensive tower, the Palaeopyrgos (“old tower” in Greek). A local, quite ro- mantic tradition states that the tower belonged to a princess who, after the loss of her beloved man settled here and became a witch.

For any case of emergence the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (10 kilometers far away to the North) are available for you.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is possible by private means (car and motor- bikes). As the distance is rather short, you may also use a taxi.

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17. Potamia

The traditional village of Potamia is situated in the inland, at a distance of some 9 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora). It is extended in a broad area and consists of three almost separate settlements Kato (“lower”) Potamia - the first to ecounter as you reach the village -, Messi (“middle”) Potamia and Ano (“upper”) Potamia. The area around is overgrown, with abundant cool current water. The village counts some 400 permanent residents mainly occupied in agriculture and stockbreeding and occasionally in tourism. The area is famous for the tasty fruits that the people cultivate at the valley below the village.

No accommodation facilities are available in the village, but it is worth visiting it during a daily

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece excursion.

19 All about Naxos island,

All three settlements and the area around offer a lot of sightseeing, which attract numerous visitors. It is certainly worth seeing the medieval castles and towers,as the Tower of Kokkos and the Tower of Mangakis found at Messi Potamia, as well as the Venetian castle or “Apano Kastro” (“upper castle” in Greek), as the locals call it, which is found at Ano Potamia. Also, don’t miss to see the old churches, the public fountains and the old watermills, an eloquent sign of the prosperity of the village in the past. Thanks to its location the village has a fascinating view and is ideal for taking photos. At a distance of 2 kilometers southwestern to the settlement of Messi Potamia you may see the church of Aghios Mamas, dated in the 9th century, a church of interesting architecture and with nice icons in the interior.

As the village is situated almost at the center of the village, you may choose any beach, at ei- ther coast, for swimming.

In case of emergence, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (at a distance of 9 kilom- eters far away to the Southwest) are available for you.

Access to the village is possible by public buses, by taxi and by private means (car and motor- bikes).

18. Sangri

The tiny village of Sangri consists of two settlements: Ano (“upper”) Sangri and Kato (“lower”) Sangri. It counts some 250 permanent residents, occupied mostly in agriculture and stockbreeding and a bit in tourism. The village is situated at a distance of some 11 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

Accommodation facilities are few in either settlement, but the village has many things worth seeing. Kato Sangri still retains its medieval character and arrangement and you will see several medieval towers, the most important being the Bazaios’ Tower, built in the 17th center. At the begin- ning the tower was a monastery. Today, the building has been restored and houses a lot of cultural activities of any kind, during the summer Festival of Naxos. The visitor can also see a lot of old churches, Byzantine and more recent, with interesting architectural features and nice well preserved hagiography.

At a distance of 3 kilometers southern to Ano Sangri, at the site of “Gyroula” are found the ru- ins of the sanctuary of the ancient gods Demeter and Apollo, dated in the late Geometric period, whereas the place seems to have been settled as early as in the Mycenaean times. The sanctuary was succeeded by a temple, in the 6th century b.C. The excavations of the site have brought to light numerous finds, now displayed in the small local museum on the site. Today, we know that during the Christian era the ancient temple became a Christian basilica which was destroyed by the Sa- racens in the 7th century A.D. Later on, a small church dedicated to Aghios Ioannis (St. John) was constructed on the place of the sanctuary of the basilica; the small church was reconstructed in 1977, a bit southern.

You will enjoy swimming at the organized beaches of the southwestern coast of the island. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

20 All about Naxos island,

In case of emergence, you should return to the town of Naxos, some 11 kilometers northwestern to the village.

Access to the village is possible by public buses, by taxi and by rented or private car and mo- torbikes.

19. Tripodes (Byblos)

The small traditional village of Tripodes, or Byblos, is situated within an overgrown area, some 8 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the Southeast. The settlement still preserves its traditional local color, which makes it very scenic: whitewashed small houses, narrow streets and, above all several ruined windmills, the characteristic feature of the village, situated high on the hill. The 800 permanent residents are mainly occupied in agriculture and in tourism. The village is famous for the high quality wine and the tasty potatoes produced in the area; these latter are highly prized in Athens where they are exported.

Accommodation facilities are available in the village and if you choose to stay here, you will enjoy an excellent landscape and a quiet atmosphere, a good alternative to those wishing to avoid the crowded and noisy resorts of the coast. Close to the village you will see the Holy Monastery of Panaghia Tripodiotissa, dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin Mary, with nice old icons; you may also visit the old church of Stavropeghe. On the way to Plaka you may see the ruins of the old Vene- tian tower. Finally, you should not miss to visit the old windmills, high on the hill, where you will also take lovely photos of the whole area.

For swimming, all the organized beaches of the southwestern coast of the island are available for you.

In case of any problem you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 8 kilometers far away to the Northeast.

Access to the village is possible by public buses, by taxi and by private means (car and motor- bikes).

20. Filoti

Filoti is the biggest and possibly the most beautiful village of Naxos. Built on the mountainside of mountain Zas, the highest mountain of the Cyclades complex, it is situated in the inland, almost at the center of the island, at a distance of 18 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora). The village counts some 1800 permanent residents.

Being in the very inland, the village offers only few alternatives for accommodation. However, it Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece receives numerous visitors and tourists, not only thanks to the interesting monuments of culture and

21 All about Naxos island,

of nature, but also for the vivid and intense nightlife it offers to the visitors. Both in the village and around it you will find a lot of taverns with excellent food of the local kitchen, cafés, bars and music clubs with any kind of music. You will also find several shops, not only for souvenirs and gifts, but also for goods of every day use.

There is a lot to see both in the village and in the broader area. The village itself is part of sightseeing: it has whitewashed houses, narrow uphill stone paved streets, old churches, small tradi- tional taverns and a huge perennial plane tree shading the street with the traditional cafés.

At the center of the village it is situated the old Barotsis Tower, constructed in the 17th century; you may also see the old fountain made of marble and dated in 1841, as well as the church of Panaghia Filiotissa, dedicated to Virgin Mary, with an excellent icon screen of marble, several old icons and a very tall bell tower.

At a distance of some 2,5 kilometers to the South you will find the Spring of Aria, within an en- vironment full of cool current water and huge perennial plane trees. Close enough, but with different access, it is situated the church of Panaghia, dedicated to Virgin Mary; it is a rather new church built beside the old church made of stone, located among high plane trees. Numerous architectural parts of ancient temples have been enwalled in the masonry of the old church, whose fresco deco- ration of the interior is only partly preserved. The spring is the starting point of the old footpath leading to the cave of Zas, at an altitude of some 600 meters. The cave is of high archaeological importance and a small church, dedicated to Zoodochos Peghe (Virgin, Spring of Life) is established in the interior of it. At a distance of 1,5 kilometers southern to the church of Panaghia, you will find the small church of Aghia Anastasia.

4–5 kilometers western to Filoti, on the way to the village Danakos, it is situated the small coun- try church of Aghia Marina. The place is the starting point of the old, still well preserved, footpath leading to the top of the mountain Zas, at an altitude of 1004 meters. Once there, you will really enjoy an impressive view of the entire island, of the sea surrounding it and of several islands in the distance. On your way to the top, don’t miss to have a look to the characteristic rock with the ancient inscription indicating the top of the mountain.

1,5 kilometer western to Filoti it is situated the country church of Aghios Ioannis (St.John), built on the top of a hill with excellent view to the village.

Some 4,5 kilometers southwestern to the village, you will find the small country church of Aghios Eustathios.

Finally, on the way to the beach of Kalantou, some 14 kilometers southern to the village, it is located the impressive tower of Himaros, dated in the . The tower was in use during the medieval period and served as a watch tower for the pirate attacks. Archaeological excavations in the area around have brought to light a complex of an oil-press workshop, along with several other buildings, all of them dated in the Hellenistic period.

If you stay here and feel like having a nice swim you may reach any of the beaches of the island, some 15-20 kilometers far away. As Filoti is situated at the center of the island, all the beaches are found at equal distances.

On the 15th of August the fun-lover residents of the island organize a three-day long religious feast (“panighyri”) in honor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary; music, local dances and abundant

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece food are offered and the fun lasts until early in the morning. The feast is famous all over the is-

22 All about Naxos island,

land and attracts numerous visitors, not only from the island but also from entire Greece, as well as many foreign tourists.

In case of health problems a local Medical Center and a pharmacy are available in the village; for other cases of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of Chora.

Access to the village from the town of Naxos is possible by public buses, running frequently, as well as by rented or private car and motorbikes. Filoti is situated on the way to Apeiranthos (8 kil- ometers far away at the Northeast), just after the village of Chalki, which is situated 2,5 kilometers far away at the Northwest.

21. Chalki

The lovely village of Chalki is situated in the inland of the island, at a distance of some 16 kil- ometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), within the fertile area of Tragaea, overgrown with olive trees and citrus trees. The village counts more than 400 permanent residents, occupied in agriculture and stockbreeding and occasionally in tourism.

No accommodation facilities are available in the village, but you are strongly recommended to visit it, as there is a lot of sightseeing. Once there, you will admire the old houses, recalling the days of prosperity. Also, you may visit the old towers of Gratsias (or Barotsis), of Papadakis at Akademi and of Marcopolites at Kerami; it is also worth seeing the church of Panaghia Protothrone, dedi- cated to Virgin Mary; the church is dated in the 9th century, and the interesting religious Museum has been established beside it. The museum displays interesting ritual relics and utensils as well as icons. The village has several old churches, some of them going back to the Byzantine times. Finally, don’t miss to visit the old distillery of the 19th century, where it was produced the “Citrus of Naxos”, a liquor famous not only all over the island, but also in Athens and entire Greece. Today, you may buy the tasty ouzo they produce here.

As the village is situated almost at the center of the village, you have many alternatives for swimming in shorter or longer distance from the settlement.

Two local religious feasts (“panighyri”) take place in the village, on the feast in honor of Holy Trinity, taking place at the nearby settlement of Kaloxylo, and on the 15th of August in honor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary.

For health problems, there is a local Medical Center at the village; in any other case, you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 16 kilometers far away to the North- west.

Access to the village is possible by public bus and taxi, as well as by rented or private car and motorbikes. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

23 All about Naxos island,

Beaches of the Western Coast

Τhe beach of Aghios Georgios

The beach of Aghios Georgios is situated southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at a short dis- tance from it. It is the most popular beach of the island.

Many alternatives for accommodation are available in the area around the beach and in the nearby Chora. Eating is also easy; there are a lot of sea front taverns and cafés with a nice view of the sea and the island of Paros in the distance.

The excellent organization develops in the best way the huge long beach with the golden sand and shallow, warm sea. Well protected from the northern winds, the beach is ideal for families with small children. However, it is also nice for young people and for the fans of sea sports, who will find here full facilities for swimming, sunbathing, games and sports. When the wind is strong, the open sea, mainly at the southern end of the beach, is ideal for windsurfing. Sport centers for training in windsurfing and rental of the necessary equipment are also available.

Due to these pros the beach is very popular and always crowded; in August the beach gets solid with people. Thus, it is not the best choice for those preferring more space and solitary swimming, but you should not miss to come here al least once, before starting wandering around the other beautiful beaches of the island.

In case of emergence you should address to the relative services of Chora.

Access to the beach from the town of Naxos is very easy. You can use the public buses, running frequently, a taxi, or private means; in this case you may park your vehicle very close to the beach. If you stay in Chora you may also reach the beach on foot.

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Τhe beach of Aghios Procopios

The beach of Aghios Procopios is situated in front of the homonymous tourist resort, at a distance of some 5,5 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora), at the center of the western coast of the island; the beach completes the nice natural environment of the land and the area.

A wide range of lodgings of any type, all of them along the beach, are available for accommo- dation; there are also many alternatives for food, drink and amusement. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

24 All about Naxos island,

Very well oganized, the beach has thick coarse sand and the sea is crystal clear, usually very calm. It offers several facilities for swimming, sunbathing and sea sports, mainly beach volley and wind surfing. Some parts of the beach are nudism tolerant. For all these reasons the beach is the first choice of crowds of tourists, mainly younger ones. The beach gets crowded during the peak period of August, but, thanks to the high level of organisation, you will never have problems.

In any case of emergence, the services of the nearby capital (5,5 kilometers far away to the Northeast) are available for you.

Access to the beach from the town of Naxos is possible by public buses running frequently, as well as by taxi and by rented or private car and motorbikes.

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Τhe beach of Aghia Anna

The sandy beach of Aghia Anna is situated at a distance of 6, 5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Cora), at the western coast of the island, in front of the homonymous tourist resort; the beach is adjacent to the beach of Aghios Procopios. The beach has a small jetty for small fishing boats and yachts.

Accommodation is possible in the settlement, where you will also find some fish taverns at the sea front with fresh fish and seafood and dishes from the local kitchen.

This excellent beach with the white sand and the crystal clear transparent sea is very well or- ganized; you will find sun beds and umbrellas, but the most characteristic feature here is the small cedar tree wood, growing on the sand and making it really exotic. You will enjoy very much the sunset and the evenings here, relaxing at the beach bars and drinking your coffee, refreshment or drink. The beach is suitable for all sea sports, especially for windsurfing. The rocks and the small jetty form separate, somehow secluded parts, some of which are not organized and offer an idyllic landscape.

In case of any problem, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (6, 5 kilometers to the North) are available for you.

Access to the beach from the town of Naxos (Chora) is very easy by public buses running fre- quently, by taxi, as well as by rented or private car and motorbikes. You may also come here by private yacht or boat; in this case the small jetty is suitable for mooring.

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25 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Marangas

The lovely sandy beach of Marangas is situated almost at the middle of the western coast of the island, at the northern edge of an open cove. The beach is found some 7-8 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), between the popular beaches of Aghia Anna and Plaka.

Accommodation and food and drink facilities are available in the neighboring summer resorts.

The beach is very nice, almost intact from human activities and well protected from the “meltemia” (the northern summer winds). You will enjoy swimming in an excellent sea and while sunbathing you will have a fascinating view of the island of Paros across.

In case of emergence you should return to the town of Naxos, 8 kilometers northern to the beach.

Access from Chora is easy by rented or private car and motorbikes. As the distance is quite short, the taxi is also a good alternative.

Τhe beach of Plaka

The long sandy beach of Plaka is an impressive one, both for it size and for the beauty of the landscape. It is situated at the middle of the western coast of the island, within an open cove, some 10 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

The settlement surrounding the beach offers many alternatives for accommodation and food and drink.

The beach is excellent, left almost intact from human intervention, with transparent clean sea and a nice view of the neighboring island of Paros. The beach is well protected from the “meltemia” (the northern summer winds). All these pros, along with the facilities offered to the swimmers, make this beach one of the most popular of Naxos. Natural shade from the cedar trees is also available at spots and after August you may also find sand flowers.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 10 kilometers northern to the beach.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is easy, by rented or private car and motorbikes. As the distance is not very long, the taxi is also a good and affordable choice.

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26 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Orkos

The sandy beach of Orkos is situated at a distance of 12 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), just after the well known beach of Plaka. The beach is in fact a series of tiny, cute creeks, offering calmness and a wonderful sea to those who choose to come here. The area around is also lovely and scenic, with low colorful hills contrasting to the blue sea and the sand and with the locals to pass by leading their donkeys and mules.

Neither accommodation nor any other facilities are available at the beach, apart from a small tavern by the sea, at the end of the beach. However, the cosmopolitan, noisy resorts of Aghia Anna or Mikri Vigla are close enough and offer any kind of accommodation and other facilities. If you come to this beach it is only to enjoy the excellent sea and the nice sand, as well as lovely waves, ideal for the fans of windsurfing, who wish that the beach remains intact from the tourist development and retains its originality. Another reason to remember this beach for a long time is the excellent view you will enjoy once there.

For any problem, you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 12 kilometers northern to the beach.

Access to Orkos is possible by private means only (car or motorbikes). You should bear in mind that 2-4 kilometers before arriving to the beach you have to drive on a good dirt road. You should also know that if you continue southwards you will arrive to the noisy and cosmopolitan beach of Mikri Vigla.

Τhe beach of Kastraki

The long sandy beach in front of the small summer resort of Kastraki is situated at a distance of some 15,5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the southern part of the western coast of the island.

Several alternatives for accommodation and food and drink are available in the settlement.

The beach is huge, more than 3 kilometers long. The sand is white and very fine and the sea is crystal clear, with very clean turquoise water. Nice rocks in parts of the beach form secluded small coves, where you may enjoy the sea almost alone; thus, the place is a good choice for naturists too. In case of emergence you should return to the town of Naxos, some 15,5 kilometers northern to the beach.

Access to the beach is pretty easy by rented or private car and motorbikes. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Click here to view hotels in Kastraki by -

27 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Mikri Vigla

The lovely sandy beach of Mikri Vigla is situated in front of the homonymous tourist settlement, 16,5 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the western coast of the island.

The settlement offers several accommodation facilities and you will find gorgeous food and fresh fish in the sea front taverns.

It is a well organized beach, offering facilities for swimming, sunbathing and sea sports. Due to the weather conditions, the place is suitable for wind surfing. The beach is cute and picturesque with fine white sand and nice transparent sea.

For any problem, you should address to the medical and other services of Chora, at a distance of 16,5 kilometers northern to the settlement.

Access to the town of Naxos is easy by rented or private car. You may also use a taxi, as the distance is not too long. If you have a boat, the tiny port that the locals use for their small fishing boats is available for mooring, provided your boat is not too big.

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Τhe beach of Sahara

The nice and quiet sandy beach of Sahara is situated at the western coast of the island, very close to the noisy and cosmopolitan beach of Mikri Vigla, some 16 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora), at the South.

Accommodation facilities are available in the nearby summer resorts, where you will also find several alternatives for gorgeous food and fresh fish at the sea front taverns. There are also two taverns at the beach, which offer nice food.

The beach is rather organized with facilities for swimming, sunbathing and sea sports, mainly windsurfing; the weather conditions usually are ideal for this sport. The beach is also a favorite choice for the fans of snorkeling, who consider this place one of the best for this sport.

In case of any problem, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (16 kilometers far away at the North) are available for you.

Access from Chora is possible by private means only (car or motorbikes). Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

28 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Parthenos

The excellent sandy beach of Parthenos (meaning “virgin” in Greek) is situated beside the tourist resort of Mikri Vigla; a lovely rock with nice view separates this beach from that of Mikri Vigla. The beach is situated at the western coast of the island, some 16,5 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora).

Accommodation facilities are available in the settlement of Mikri Vigla, where you will also find high quality food and fresh fish at the sea front taverns.

The beach is well organized and offers facilities for swimming, sunbathing and sea sports, mainly windsurfing, for which the place is ideal, thanks to the weather conditions. The beach is wonderful and scenic, with fine white sand and crystal clear and clean sea.

In case of any problem, you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, 16,5 kilometers far away at the North.

Access to the beach from the town of Naxos is very easy by rented or private car and motorbikes. As the distance is pretty short, you have also the choice to get a taxi.

Τhe beach of Alyko

The beach of Alyko is situated within a small cove, protected from the northern winds, at the southwestern coast of the island, some 14 kilometers southern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

This nice beach is not organized, but is found very close to resorts with accommodation and other facilities. It is one of the best choices of those who prefer a quiet beach, but also wish to be in close distance from the tourist facilities offered in Chora and the cosmopolitan tourist resorts of the island.

In case of emergence, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 14 kilometers north- ern to the beach, are available for you.

Access from Chora, from the port and from the airport is pretty easy by rented or private car and motorbikes. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

29 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Pyrgaki

The scenic beach of Pyrgaki is situated within a small cove, well protected from the northern winds, at the southwestern coast of the island, some 18 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the South.

This huge sandy beach is not organized, but it is found very close to tourist resorts with accom- modation and other facilities. It is a lovely beach, one of the best choices for those wishing to enjoy swimming at an excellent, quiet enough beach, without being too far from the facilities offered in the tourist resorts and in Chora. The beach gives to the visitor a somehow exotic impression, thanks to the dunes and the perennial cedar trees which form a small wood by the sea. It is certainly an unusual environment, which recalls the Mediterranean coasts of Africa, rather than a typical beach of the .

In case of emergence, the corresponding services of Chora (18 kilometers northern to the beach) are available for you.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is easy enough by rented or private car and motorbikes.

Τhe beach of Aghiassos

The nice sandy beach of Aghiassos, situated in front of the homonymous tiny summer resort, is found at a distance of some 21, 5 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the western coast of the island.

Accommodation is available in the settlement and you will enjoy tasty food at the small scenic fish taverns at the sea front.

The beach is not organised, but it has nice sand and shallow sea, ideal for small children and water games.

In case of health or other problems, the corresponding services of the capital town of Naxos (21, 5 kilometers to the Northwest) are available for you.

Access to the beach is possible only by private means (car or motorbikes); driving is not difficult but also it is not very comfortable, as you have to drive in a dirt road, either taking the shorter way from Pyrgaki, more than 3 kilometers to the Northwest, or the longer one from Sangri, some 12 kilometers to the South. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

30 All about Naxos island,

Beaches of the Northwestern coast

Τhe beach of Amites

The beach of Amites is found at the northwestern coast of the island, some 10 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the Northeast, after the villages Galene and Engares.

This nice beach is not fully organized, but being close enough to Chora, all facilities are avail- able. It is the choice of those wishing to avoid big crowds and the noisy beaches of the popular tour- ist resorts of the area.

In case of any problem you should return to Chora, 10 kilometers far away to the Southeast.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is easy by private means (car or motorbike).

Τhe beach of Abrami

The beach of Abrami is situated within a small cove at the northwestern coast of the island, some 20 kilometers northeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

It is a charming beach not much organised, but very close to an area with several accommoda- tion facilities and many alternatives for eating good local food prepared with local products.

The beach offers a nice view of the open sea with the islands of Mykonos and Paros at the dis- tance.

For any problem the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (20 kilometers far away to the Southwest) are available for you.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is easy by rented or private car and motor- bikes.

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31 All about Naxos island,

Beaches of the Northeastern coast

Τhe beach of Apollonas

The beach of Apollonas is situated in front of the homonymous scenic coastal settlement, within a cute small cove at the northeastern coast of the island; it is found 35,5 kilometers far away from the town of Naxos (Chora) at the Northeast.

Accommodation and food and drink facilities are available in the settlement.

The beach has nice golden sand and fine pebbles at spots. The sea is crystal clear, ideal both for swimming and for other sea sports.

In case of emergence, the corresponding services of the town of Naxos (35,5 kilometers southwest- ern to the beach) are available for you.

Access to the beach is possible by rented or private car and motorbikes. If you reach the beach by boat, the small port of the settlement, adjacent to the beach, is available for mooring.

Τhe beach of Lionas

The beach of Lionas is situated in front of the homonymous scenic village, at a distance of 38 kilometers northeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the northeastern coast of the island.

Only a few facilities for accommodation are available in the village, but, once here, you will enjoy very much the calm beach with the deep crystal clear sea. The beach is pebbly and not much organized. There are several small sea taverns at the sea front, where you will enjoy fresh fish and delicious dishes of the local cooking.

For health problems, there is a local Medical Center at Koronas, some 6 kilometers southwestern to Lionas. In any other case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of the town of Naxos, some 38 kilometers far away at the Southwest.

Access from Chora is possible by rented or private car and motorbikes. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

32 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Moutsouna

The sandy beach of Moutsouna is situated in front of the homonymous scenic fishermen’s village, at a distance of some 37 kilometers eastern to the town of Naxos (Chora), at the eastern coast of the island.

Only few accommodation facilities are offered in the settlement, but in the scenic sea front taverns you will find gorgeous dishes of the local kitchen and fresh fish.

Not much organized, the beach offers only few facilities, but the beach is nice and the sea crystal clear and very clean, ideal for a nice swimming and a relaxing sunbathing.

In case of health problems a local Medical Center is available at the nearby village of Apei- ranthos (some 12 kilometers western to the beach); for any other case you should address to the cor- responding services of the town of Naxos, 37 kilometers far away to the West.

Access to the beach is possible via Apeiranthos. Be cautious when driving in the road from Apeiranthos down to the beach, as there are many bends and the road is difficult enough. But it is worth the effort, as the route is pretty nice. If you reach the beach by boat or yacht, the small port of Moutsouna is available for mooring.

Beaches of the Southeastern coast

Τhe beach of Psili Ammos

The tiny sandy beach of Psili Ammos (“fine sand” in Greek) is situated within a creek at the east- ern coast of the island, at a distance of 45 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

It is a lovely beach, not organized at all, with fine sand and crystal clear sea. From here you may also enjoy a nice view of the open sea with the small island of in the distance.

In case of any problem you should address to the corresponding services of Apeiranthos, 19 kil- ometers northwestern to the beach.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is rather easy, by rented or private car and motorbikes. If you are at Moutsouna (8 kilometers far away at the North) you may also get to the beach by bicycle or by boat. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

33 All about Naxos island,

Τhe beach of Kalandos

The sandy beach of Kalandos is situated within a small cove, well protected from the north- ern winds, at the very southern end of the island, 42 kilometers southeastern to the town of Naxos (Chora).

It is an excellent beach, not organized at all, with nice sand and crystal clear sea, an ideal choice for those looking for a more secluded environment for their swimming. If you decide to come here, don’t forget to bring the necessary provisions along, as the closest store where you can buy something is found 24 kilometers far away.

In case of emergence you should address to the corresponding services of Filoti, 24 kilometers northern to the beach.

Access from Chora, from the port and the airport is possible by private means and it is not very easy. After Filoti the road is not very good. However, if you wish to visit the beach anyway, you may choose the easy way: catch one of the excursion boats departing daily from Chora in summer and getting the visitors to several nice beaches of the island.


The Cave of Zas

The mountain Zas is the highest mountain not only of Naxos, but also of the entire Cyclades com- plex. It is situated at the Southeast of the village of Filoti and offers a unique experience of natural beauty to the visitors who like hiking. Very close to the top of the village you will see the inscribed rock signaling that the place belonged to Zeus Melosius. According to the scholars this inscription indicates that the place was dedicated to Zeus as a protector of the shepherds and the flocks (“mela”, from which derives the surname “Melosius”, means “sheep” in ancient Greek).

On the way to the top, at an altitude of some 630 meters, at the northwestern mountainside, you will find the biggest cave of the island, the Cave of Zas. According to the local myths, it is here that the king of Olympus lived during his childhood. Archaeological finds indicate that in antiquity the cave was dedicated to Zeus who was worshipped here, whereas during the prehistoric times it was used as a place of abode.

The cave presents speleological interest too. The interior has an excellent decoration and the visitor will see fascinating and impressive formations of stalactites and stalagmites.

Just by the entrance of the cave it is situated the small church dedicated to Zoodochos Peghe (“Virgin, Spring of Life”). The church had been established during the Ottoman domination, when the cave served as a shelter of the Christian population of the area.

Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece Access to the cave is easy enough, following the old, well preserved footpath departing from the spring of Aria and continuing up to the top of the mountain.

34 All about Naxos island,

Museums and Monuments

Archaeological Museum of Naxos

The Archaeological Museum of Naxos is housed in a historic five-storey building, constructed in the 17th century to house the School of the Jesuits of the island. The building developed along the Frankish castle, incorporating two of the towers of the castle. In late 19th century the building was the seat of the well known Commercial School of Naxos, among the students of which was the famous Greek author Nicos Kazantzakis. Later on, the building was allotted to the Archaeological Service of Greece and since 1973 it houses the Archaeological Museum of the island.

Exhibits from almost all the archaeological sites of the island are displayed in the Museum: finds from Grotta and other sites in the town of Naxos, from Melanes, Sangri, Yria, Tsikalario, Panormos and others.

Numerous exhibits are very important and come from the excavations carried out on the island the last 60 years. The finds displayed cover a period of more than 6000 years, from the Neolithic Period up to the Early Christian era. Of course, the most outstanding among them is the collection of Cycladic statuettes of marble, dated in the Early Cycladic period (3200 -2300 b.C.). The collec- tion of the Museum for this period of history is considered by specialists of equal importance and archaeological and artistic value with those housed in Athens, in the National Archaeological Mu- seum and in the Museum of Cycladic Art. Apart from the Early Cycladic collection, the Museum has also rich collections of typical vessels of the Mycenaean period and of Geometric times (9th and 8th century b.C).

The more recent periods are represented by nice ceramic vessels and clay statuettes, along with a few sculptures from the Archaic Period. An important collection of glass vessels come from the Roman period of the island.

The Folk Museum at Kastro (town of Naxos)

The Folk Museum situated within the castle of the town of Naxos (Chora) is housed in the restored tower of Della Rocca Barozzi, now a property of Karavias’ family. The museum combines very well the history with the traditional everyday equipment of an old local house. The Museum has been organized in an exemplary way and achieves to depict very well both the history of the tower and the everyday life its past residents.

The museum also houses a series of cultural activities taking place all year round; the events are held in the old cellar and the side courtyard, which have been purposely arranged.

The Geological Museum of Apeiranthos

The Geological Museum of Apeiranthos was established in 1964; at the beginning it was housed in the elementary school of the village. The museum closed in the period of the dictatorship of 1967 and reopened in 1987, thanks to the efforts of Manolis Glezos, the famous partisan of the World War II, who had also donated to the museum his collection of rocks and fossils. Ever since the museum keeps operating and attracts the interest of numerous visitors, since it is one of the richest geological museums in Greece. Of course, the commonest rock displayed is the local emery, a dark and hard Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece rock whose exploitation has offered prosperity and affluence to the island for a long time. There are also displayed samples of various rocks and ore coming both from Naxos and from other islands of

35 All about Naxos island,

Cyclades. Thus, the visitor will see beautiful marble from Naxos and Paros, sharp obsidian blades coming from Melos and volcanic material from Santorini. The museum has also samples from vol- canic rocks coming from Aetna and Vesuvius, bauxite and other ore from Brazil and small pieces of meteoric stones. Thanks to the special equipment available, the museum offers to the visitors the chance of enjoying the nice colors of some stones, invisible with naked eye. Finally, one of the most interesting and important exhibits are certainly the fossil bones of the dwarf-elephant which lived on the island of Naxos, some 70.000 years ago.

“Portara” and the Temple of Apollo

“Portara” (meaning “the huge door” in Greek) is situated very close to the town of Naxos (Chora) on the small islet of Palatia, which is connected with the rest of the island with a narrow and low strip of land. What we see today is the gate between the antechamber and the nave of an ancient temple. The temple is dated in the 6th century b.C. and its construction is owed to Lygdamis, the tyrant of Naxos, who aspired to construct a temple of equal, if not higher, value and size to the temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, constructed by the tyrant Peisistratus and the temple of Hera at Samos, constructed by the tyrant Poycrates. However, due to the fall of tyranny on the island, the temple never finished.

This archaic temple was of Ionian style, some 59 meters long and 28 meters wide. Its entrance was at the West, a feature quite unusual in the epoch. The temple replaced the earlier open air sanc- tuary of the Geometric times, which was only a simple open air shrine. What remains today from this grandiose temple is only the foundations, the base of the shrine and the huge gate, called “Portara” by the locals because of its dimensions (it is some 6 meters high and more than 3,5 meters wide). The gate had been constructed of four huge pieces of local marble, each weighing several tons. It is thanks to the size and the weight of the material used, that the gate survived the Venetians, who could not use it for constructing the Castle at Chora, as they did with the rest parts of the temple.

In front of the temple, just before the gate there were possibly 4 or 5 steps, elevated above the level of the floor, a feature that scholars connect with a ritual in honor of Apollo Delios. Also, when the invaders from Miletus and Erythraea attacked the island, they used the islet of Palatia as their military base.

During the 5th or 6th century A.D. the temple was transformed to a Christian basilica which con- tinued to be in use until the period of the Venetian domination, when it had been totally destroyed and the material was used by the Venetians for the construction of other buildings, mainly of the Castle at Chora. During all this period a settlement, pretty developed for the epoch, was established in the area around the church; the settlement survived until the collapse of the church. As the sea level has been elevated since antiquity, the coastline of the ancient times is now invisible. Thus, in so far as we know today, in antiquity the actual islet of Palatia was a low hill opposite the actual Kastro, with a plain connecting them.

The islet of Palatia is linked with the mythic hero Theseus who, according to mythology, had abandoned Ariadne, the princess of Crete and daughter of king Minos, in this very place. Mythol- ogy also states that it is here that Dionysus, the god of wine, saw Ariadne, fell in love with her and kidnapped her in order to take her as his wife. This theme, the kidnapping of Ariadne, has inspired a lot of artists worldwide: painters, sculptors, musicians, authors and poets created works with this theme, a fact that made Naxos famous all over the world. Finally, we should notice that is exactly on this islet that was celebrated for the first time the feast in honor of Dionysys, the so-called “Di- onysia”. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

36 All about Naxos island,

The “Kouroi” of Naxos

One of the most interesting sightseeing of Naxos is three “Kouroi”, that is to say statues of young men, left unfinished at the place where once the artists had started to sculpt them. All three statues are dated in the Archaic period (7th – 6th centuries b.C.). Two of them lie at Flerio, near the village of Melanes, at a distance of some 9 kilometers far from the town of Naxos (Chora), whereas the third and bigger one is found near the village of Apollonas, some 35 kilometers far from Chora.

Only one of the statues at Flerio is easily accessible. It lies on a field full of olive trees, now property of Kondylis’ family, at the same place where the sculpture worked it. The statue is dated in the 7th century b.C. and it would be some 6,5 meters high. Due to its impressive size the statue was called “Hellen” (“Greek”).

The Kouros at Apollonas, dated in the 6th century b.C. is much more impressive. From what we see today it would be some 10 meters high and according to some scholars it would present Dionysus, the god of wine. The statue lies at the entrance of an old quarry, pretty close to the village. The size and the shape of the statue can be perceived only from a certain distance; due to its dimensions, if we are very close, we would think that it is just a huge piece of marble. It has been suggested that possibly the statue was left unfinished when cracks appeared in the material, which would not permit its realization as planned. Thus, it had been left in situ.

It is possible that the other two statues were left unfinished for the same reasons. Some scholars have suggested that the statues were never realized because of the death of the people that had ordered them, or because some extraordinary facts interrupted the process. According to ancient texts, Lygdamis, the tyrant of Naxos, when seized power, he confiscated all the orders for statues that wealthy people of Naxos had given to the quarries. According to some other written sources, later on, Lygdamis had sold some of them to the initial owners.

It is considered that the statues of Kouroi express the idea people had about their gods in this period. The gods are human, but much taller than man. It is for this reason that scholars think that these statues present some of the most important gods of the island, above all Dionysus.

Activities Naxos is ideal for many sports and recreation activities and sports either in the sea and on the beach, or in the nature and the mountains. Whatever you choose, the natural environment, completed by the tourist and sport facilities, will certainly charm you.

The numerous organized beaches offer several opportunities for sports; and if you are beginner, the staff of various schools for sports will be willing to help you. Whatever you choose, beach vol- ley, pedalo or surfing, you will have good time. And, if you prefer windsurfing, you will soon real- ize that you are in the right place. The bright sun and the crystal clear turquoise sea complete this fantastic image.

The mountain and the hills of the inland are very interesting for walking, hiking and trekking; a good network of old and of more recently constructed footpaths will bring you in places that it is impossible to reach in other ways. And, if you are fan of bicycle, the numerous dirt tracks will lead you to nice places, calm and beautiful, with springs and trees which make up an ideal environment for relaxing. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

37 All about Naxos island,

Shopping – Local Products Naxos is a very fertile island and you will certainly confirm this from the local products you will try. The agricultural products are very famous and are exported in Athens and other places of Greece, but also in the markets of Central and Northern Europe. The most well known product is the potato, excellent and very delicious. You will also find nice wines, gorgeous fruit and vegetables and high quality olive oil. Equally famous are the local cheese: the local gruyere, the “xyno” (soft sour cheese) and the “myzithra” (soft or hard more or less salted cheese). The local meat is also very nice: you will find lamb and kid meat, but also veal. Both cheese and meat are exported in Athens.

People of Naxos like feasts and have a long tradition in local music, in satiric poems and dance. So, they have made nice products suitable for these occasions, as the traditional liquors; the most famous among them is the sweet-smelling citron liquor, which you will find in almost all the stores of Chora, but also in the villages and tourist resorts. Of course, you may taste them in the traditional cafés and taverns. Also don’t miss to taste and buy the local sweets, made of local fruits.

Finally, you will find a lot of local handicraft products, as woven clothes and embroidery, as well as traditional ceramic vessels, whose shapes and decoration follow the long tradition of the island, going back to the Neolithic times.

Why Naxos …Because it has huge, very clean and rather quiet beaches with excellent sand and crystal clear sea, some of them well organized, other with youthful atmosphere, but all of them suitable for safe swimming, relaxing sunbathing, beach games and sea sports.

…Because “Portara” welcomes us, as we reach the port and reminds us that here is not only a place for beaches, swimming and amusement, but also a place with long history going back to the heart of prehistory, certainly worth exploring.

…Because the remains of the system for the transportation of emery from the mining place down to the port of Moutsouna, is a monument of a period of industrial activities that now does not exists, but adds up to our knowledge and offers a unique spectacle.

…Because if you follow the complicated network of footpaths in the inland, you will find out that walking and hiking are equally interesting and relaxing activities, as swimming in the excellent sea of the island.

…Because it is here that Dionysus, the god of wine, met the beautiful princess Ariadne, abandoned by Theseus, and, dizzy, not from the wine but from her beauty, took her as his wife.

…Because the atmosphere and everyday life in the scenic villages and settlements of the inland remind the past and bring us in a remote time, unknown to us, but still very common to the locals.

…Because here you may see in various places the unfinished Kouroi, laid in situ, as if they still wait for the skillful sculptor to come back and finish them.

…Because the history of the island does not count centuries but millennia, a fact that has endowed Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece

38 All about Naxos island,

the residents of the island with features that are scarcely found elsewhere and allow them to cope with the difficulties of life with courage firmness, joy and fun.

…Because the excellent ancient artisans who sculpted the statues of the temples of Delos are still being succeeded by equally good craftsmen and artists who work on marble and make nice sculp- tures out of the raw stone.

…Because the facilities offered are of high level and allow the visitor not only to enjoy some days of relax and amusement, but also to learn a lot about the nature and the history of this island.

…Because the numerous taverns at the sea front, but also those of the inland, offer high quality gorgeous dishes of the local kitchen, all of them made by the tasty products of this blessed island: from the olive oil, the wine and the potatoes, to the meat, cheese, fruits and sweets. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece +30 210 9953009 - All rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced. Copyright © 2008 INTERnet PRESentations, Athens, Greece