
Fall -- Autumn -- Fall -- Autumn -- Harvest

Here in this time of is called “Fall.” Here in North America this time of year is called “Fall.”

1. Tell us your name and what your favorite is. 1. Tell us your name and what your favorite season is.

2. Think of all the meanings of the word “fall” Why do you think autumn is called 2. Think of all the meanings of the word “fall” Why do you think autumn is called “fall.”? “fall.”?

3. In your home country, how does the change during the fall season? 3. In your home country, how does the weather change during the fall season?

4. Do you change your clothes, your eating habits when fall arrives? Give examples 4. Do you change your clothes, your eating habits when fall arrives? Give examples

5. What do you like or dislike about the fall season? 5. What do you like or dislike about the fall season?

6. What kinds of holidays or activities does your culture have during the fall season? 6. What kinds of holidays or activities does your culture have during the fall season?

7. What are the American holidays from now until the end of the year? 7. What are the American holidays from now until the end of the year? In the U.S countryside, “Fall” is harvest-time, so there is much work needed to reap the In the U.S countryside, “Fall” is harvest-time, so there is much work needed to reap the harvest from crops planted in the . harvest from crops planted in the spring.

8. What kinds of crops are harvested in the fall in your home country? 8. What kinds of crops are harvested in the fall in your home country?

9. Have you ever picked vegetables or fruit during a harvest season? 9. Have you ever picked vegetables or fruit during a harvest season?

10. Do you like gardening? 10. Do you like gardening? People refer to a phrase, “ of life” - that in our lives we go through seasons – People refer to a phrase, “seasons of life” - that in our lives we go through seasons – , spring, and fall – just as a tree or crop does . A famous quote is “And winter, spring, summer and fall – just as a tree or crop does . A famous quote is “And there is a time for every event under heaven -A time to give birth, and a time to die; A there is a time for every event under heaven -A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to harvest.” time to plant and a time to harvest.”

11. What do you think is meant by spring, summer, fall and winter seasons in life? 11. What do you think is meant by spring, summer, fall and winter seasons in life?

12. How could you prepare for the autumn or winter time of your life? 12. How could you prepare for the autumn or winter time of your life?

13. If you think of seasons as situations you are in, when is it spring? Summer? Fall? 13. If you think of seasons as situations you are in, when is it spring? Summer? Fall?

Winter? Winter?

Quotes: Quotes : “ “One sows and another reaps” One sows and another reaps” “You reap what you sow!” “You reap what you sow!”

Idioms: or shine under the weather bad or rotten apple of my eye Idioms: rain or shine under the weather bad or rotten apple apple of my eye

III nnn vvv iii ttt eee YYY ooo uuu rrr FFF rrr iii eee nnn ddd sss NNN eee xxx ttt TTT iii mmm eee !!! III nnn vvv iii ttt eee YYY ooo uuu rrr FFF rrr iii eee nnn ddd sss NNN eee xxx ttt TTT iii mmm eee !!!