United States Bureau of Education Special
UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1912, NO. 23 - - - WHOLE NUMBER 495 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN LIBRARIES IN THE UNITEDSTATES BY W. DAWSON JOHNSTON LIBRARIAN OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and ISADORE G. MUDGE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY -no WASHINGTON GOVERNMENTlitirrrugcofFicE ° 1912 0 CONfEN'I'S. Page. FOREWORD 3 GENERAL COLLECTIONS 5 Public documents, 5; nerspapers, 6.; directories, 9; almanacs, 9; in- cunabula, 10. PHILOSOPHY 11 Ethics, 11; psychology, 11 ;occult sIences, 11; witchcraft, 12. THEOLOGY 12 Exegetical theology, 13; church history, 15; by periOds, 16; by coun- tries, 17; by denominations,. 18; systematic theology, 28practical theology, non-Christian religions, 84. HISTORY 34 Numismatics, 84; biography, 34; genealogy, 34; Assyriology and re- lated subjects, 36; Jewish history, 36; Egypt, 38; Greece and Rome, 88; mediaeval history, 38; North America, 38; United States, 40; Indian tribes, 41; colonial period, 41; period 1776-1865-Civil War, 42; period 1865 to date, 45; United States local history, 45 ; Canada, 53; West Indies, 53; Mexico, 53; South Ameica, 53; Europe, 54; Asia, 61; Africa. 63; Oceania, 64. GEOGRA PH Y 64 Voyages, 65; oceanology, 66. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY 66 Folklore, 67; sports and amusements, 67. SOCIAL SCIENCES 68 Statistics, 69; economic theory and history, 70; labor trades unions, trusts, 71; transportation and communication, 72; commerce, 78; private finance, 74; public finance, 74. Socimoor 75 Family, marriage, woman, 76; secret societies, 75; charities, 76; criminology, 76; socialism, 48. POLITICALSCIENCE 77 Constitutions, 77; municipal government, 78; coloniesimmigration, 78; international relations, 78. LAW 78 FIDUCATION _N_ 79 Higher educlition. 79; Individual intAlti.,Ions, 80; secondary Mace- don, etc., 81; special educatiop, 81schools In the United Stawg.
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