Welcome to Ultumix GNU/ 32 Bit!

What is Ultumix GNU/Linux Ultumix GNU/Linux is a full replacement for 's Windows and Macintosh's Mac OS for any Intel based PC. Of course we recommend you check the system requirements first to make sure your computer meets our standards. The 64 bit version of Ultumix GNU/Linux works faster than the 32 bit version on a 64 bit PC however the 32 bit version has support for Frets On Fire and a few other 32 bit applications that won't run on 64 bit. We have worked hard to make sure that you can justify using 64 bit without sacrificing too much compatibility. I would say that Ultumix GNU/Linux 64 bit is compatible with 99.9% of all the GNU/Linux applications out there that will work with Ultumix GNU/Linux 32 bit. Ultumix GNU/Linux is based on Ubuntu 8.04 but includes KDE 3.5 as the default interface and has the Mac4Lin Gnome interface for Mac users.

What is Different Than Windows and Mac?

You see with Microsoft's Windows OS you have to defragment your computer, use an anti­virus, and run chkdsk or a check disk manually or automatically once every 3 months in order to maintain a normal environment. With Macintosh's Mac OS you don't have to worry about fragmentation but you do have to worry about some viruses and you still should do a check disk on your system every once in a while or whatever is equivalent to that in Microsoft's Windows OS. With Ultumix GNU/Linux you don't need to defragment, scan for viruses, or do a manual check disk because it does not get fragmented, is not vulnerable to any current viruses, and it automatically runs an fsck (instead of chkdsk) at startup once every so many days to ensure system stability. Once more there is nothing that most users will need to install because all of the basic program types that most people use are already installed into the system. If you find that you do need more you simply click Add / Remove Applications on the desktop, click the refresh button first, and search for more applications. Then you select them and click apply to install them. It's that simple. Scanning for Microsoft and Macintosh related viruses is optional and may be done so that you don't send any of your Microsoft or Macintosh loving friends a virus by mistake that might take out their computer. It's often easy to forget about viruses being a problem and you might find yourself forwarding e­mails that contain viruses and not know it because the viruses won't attack your computer. Ultumix GNU/Linux also has a Windows like interface and the Mac4Lin interface so that both Windows users and Mac users will feel at home. It was made by previous Windows and Mac users for current Windows and Mac users. Is This a Full of Baloney? We have searched high and low inside and outside our PCs for baloney and we can say our computers are 100% free of baloney of any kind that we can see or detect with our naked eye. If you think that we are full of Horse Manure we encourage you to click here http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=JcYxe­OS8kU and listen to what Microsoft calls the truth, for yourself and then you can decide who is telling the truth.

Don't have a computer and need to buy one? Click Here.

Ok Then Lets Get Down to the Nuts and Bolts of the System. If you haven't already installed Ultumix GNU/Linux you are going to need to do so by inserting the DVD and turning on your computer. If Ultumix GNU/Linux does not start up you need to ask your computer manufacturer how to make your computer boot from a CD / DVD. The only information you will need to know is that both the password and username for everything is owner all lower case. Stick to that and your computer won't explode. :) For a Video Demonstration similar to Video Professor insert your Ultumix GNU/Linux Installation DVD into another computer or a DVD player and watch the video. It may also be helpful to make two copies of the Installation DVD so that you can watch one in your DVD player and use one to install Ultumix on your computer at the same time. This Readme file was made before the DVD video so it may just end up being a video file that you will play on a computer. Either way please enjoy it and have fun. The first thing you are going to want to do (unless your name is or you believe using proprietary drivers is wrong) is install your 3D graphics driver for your system. This will make your whole system run faster unless your Graphics card sucks. For KDE (Windows like interface): 1. Click the blue K in the lower left corner or Kmenu. 2. Click System. 3. Click Hardware Drivers Manager. 4. Enable the proprietary driver for your system. 5. Wait for it to download it and install it. 6. Reboot. For GNOME (Mac like interface): STOP! Read this note first: (To get into Gnome first click the blue K in the lower left hand corner and log out. After you have logged out click Sessions and change it from KDE to Gnome. Your user name and password are both owner all lower case. 1. Click System. 2. Click Administration. 3. Click Hardware Drivers manager. 4. Repeat Steps 4 – 6 for KDE above. STOP! Read this note first: From this point on I'm going to assume you have more than 3 brain cells and I'm not going to tell you to click on the Kmenu > System > in KDE or click System > Administration in Gnome. I'm going to leave it to you to remember that. Next you may find that you want to print or scan something once in a while so it might be nice to get your printer working. First forget everything you know about putting a CD into your computer to install the driver because chances are GNU/Linux already has the driver. To do this you will need to go to your System or Administration menu as discussed above and then in KDE click the word Printer that has no icon or in Gnome just click Printer. In Gnome you may not even have to do this because it might auto install your printer for you if your paying attention to the balloon popups. Now if it does not work don't freak out on me. Go to www.linuxprinting.org and check out your make and model of your printer. If it says Paperweight status then you can freak out. Your printer is as good as a door stop and probably is not a very high quality printer anyway. Sorry but it had to be said. If it says anything other than Paperweight status go ahead and read about how to get it working. In most cases you will need to download the supplied ppd file and tell your computer to use it. If you feel like your computer is attacking you and not listening then open and type in localhost:631 and press enter. STOP! Important note: In the CUPS printing system and only in the CUPS printing system you will need the root user name and password. The user name is root and the password is ultumix. I would have made them both root but Ubuntu 8.04 got mad at me. It didn't think root was a secure password. I wonder why? Lol. Getting on with it then. You can pretty much figure it all out from here and if you can't you can ask for help in our forums or you can call the number on our website. If we are not there to help you leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we turn Skype back on. :) Yes some times we get so busy taking over the world and crushing Microsoft that we can't answer the phone. Sorry :( Now to talk about scanning. No we are not talking about how Microsoft scans our brains to probe our minds. We have a nice tool called Xsane and it does very little to keep me sane as you can tell but it does help some to stay sane when trying to scan a document into GNU/Linux and save it as a picture file. So open it up and have fun. I'm not going to hold your hand.

Well thats about it for the Nuts and Bolts section.

Virtual Box Oh I know how most people love GNU/Linux but some of us (not me) are so Dependant on Windows and just don't know how to leave it that they must run it inside of GNU/Linux in order to survive or they will start to get the munchies and crave glass windows that will later need to be surgically removed from their stomaches. For these people there is an answer and it's called Virtual Box. Yes for those of us who think inside the box behind Windows and Gates there is Virtual Box. Virtual Box is a nice program that allows us to install Windows whatever (98, 2000, NT, ME, XP, Vista, Extremely unstable version oh wait I already covered that one, ect.) inside GNU/Linux and it actually runs faster in most cases and don't ask me why or how because I only have so much space to type. The first is to locate a valid Windows disk of your choice that is legal and legit. DO NOT PIRATE WINDOWS! 21% of software pirates get put in jail or sewed every year. It's not pretty. Thats why I stopped using Microsoft Windows and stoped installing it on people's computers. A valid Windows disk comes with a Valid Microsoft sticker and if you need to ask call 1­800­785­3448 or 1­800­RU­LEGIT and ask. Ok now that we have a valid disk to install from you put it in your CD/DVD drive and then proceed to set up Virtual Box to work with your Windows OS of choice and boot it for the first time. After summoning the evil one from it's virtual environment you will need to install the drivers to make it work right and after you do this you can seamlessly integrate it with your GNU/Linux desktop to open both Windows and GNU/Linux windows side by side on the same desktop and have your Windows start button too. Sounds very nice and for some it is but remember you still need virus protection and you still need to do all of the maintenance on your Virtual Windows PC you always did before. If you set up a SAMBA server you can also print from your Windows side by installing a networked printer. You will also be able to print off of any computer in the house that his hooked up to the same network.

Install Your Meta Packages! On the Desktop you will find two Meta Package installers for Ultumix GNU/Linux One is labeled GE and one UE. If you want them both install them both. They both have readme files inside that you should read first. What do these packages do? Basically the GE package adds more video games than you or your kids could ever play in a single day but if you want more install the 32 bit version of Ultumix instead. If you can't wait for all of the games to install then order a DVD from www.ultumix.com of the Gamer Edition and it will have all of the packages already downloaded. You can do the same with the Ultimate Edition or UE package. It installs all of the extra little tools you could want. Of course there are more available. I think this read me is done unless you want to go online and read more about www.openoffice.org or something. You can download and read entire .pdf books for OpenOffice.org and other applications. GLUBBLE Parental Control for Mozilla Firefox. In case you were wondering what this is I'll tell you. Basically it's a parental control center that you can use to do two things: 1. Keep from seeing bad sites, 2. Keep unwanted sites from coming up or keeping your workers on task by not allowing them to use the computers for recreation while at work. Direct X 9.0c 2008 Redistributable According to this article found here: http://wine­review.blogspot.com/2008/03/directx­90c­ march­2008­redistributable. it is legal to install and redistribute this copy of Direct X. This means that because I did the work for you you can simply click the icon on the desktop and install Direct X after reading the agreement. Then if you wish you can play games that are supported by Direct X 9. :) “This download provides the DirectX 9.0c end­user multi­languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product.” One Last Note: What is ? Some people think that software is free software. Richard Stallman says it's not. Free software is software that is free and open meaning that you can get the recipe for how it was made and all of the files needed. Nvidia and ATI drivers are not all open source or free software. The Adobe flash player is not free open software. These are free to download but they are not open source or “free software” as Richard Stallman puts it. I call it open source because it has source code freely available. Richard Stallman calls it free as in freedom and not cash or money. I think free sounds more confusing because there is plenty of free software (as in cost) that is free to download but is not open source or free software if that makes sense. This is why Richard Stallman and I don't agree however I encourage the closed source companies to release their source code. If it does not cost me anything to download it and it's legal for me to download and share I really don't care what I'm downloading most of the time with exceptions to Microsoft's suspicious software like mono and silver light. Microsoft also makes the claim that their new software is Open Source but I believe we are being deceived. I believe Microsoft is not showing us everything that will be included in their new software but why should I be so paranoid? Microsoft has only been playing this game the whole time it's company has existed. If you are interested in knowing more about GNU/Linux and what it stands for I suggest you go to these links: 1. Revolution OS Video http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_co00XMTEwMDA4MjA=.html 2. www.badvista.org 3. www.gnuconsumer.com click February and then Microsoft Review. Also people have the definition of the word “hacker” all wrong. A hacker is someone who is creative or expresses playful cleverness which means you have a sense of humor and are creative at the same time. Terrorists are destructive and create computer viruses and spread them around the internet. Hackers wrote GNU/Linux and free software. So please stop blaming hackers for Viruses, Intruders, Spyware, Trojans, and Adaware. Some of you guys out there are actually GNU/Linux hackers and want to know all of the “Technical Questions” so I'll provide them to you whether you want them or not so I don't have to hear about it.

Kernel Version: 2.6.24 Xorg version: 1:7.3

What packages are installed? acidrip install acl install acpi install acpi­support install acpid install adduser install akregator install alacarte install alsa­base install alsa­tools­gui install alsa­utils install install amarok­engines install amarok­xine install amor install anacron install app­install­data install app­install­data­commercial install apparmor install apparmor­utils install apport install apport­ install install apt­utils install aptitude install apturl install install arts install artsbuilder install aspell install aspell­en install at install at­spi install atlantik install atlantikdesigner install install install install autotools­dev install avahi­autoipd install avahi­daemon install avant­window­navigator install avidemux install avidemux­common install awn­manager install base­files install base­passwd install install bash­completion install basilisk2 install bc install belocs­locales­bin install billard­gl install billard­gl­data install bind9­host install binfmt­support install binutils install binutils­static install bittorrent install install blinken install bluez­audio install bluez­ install bluez­ install bluez­utils install bogofilter install bogofilter­bdb install bogofilter­common install install brltty install brltty­x11 install bsdmainutils install bsdutils install bsh install bug­buddy install bum install busybox­initramfs install install ca­certificates install cabextract install camorama install capplets­data install casper install cdparanoia install install cli­common install command­not­found install command­not­found­data install install compiz­core install compiz­dev install compiz­fusion­bcop install compiz­fusion­plugins­extra install compiz­fusion­plugins­main install compiz­gnome install compiz­plugins install compizconfig­backend­gconf install compizconfig­backend­kconfig install compizconfig­settings­manager install console­setup install console­terminus install console­tools install consolekit install contact­lookup­applet install coreutils install cpio install cpp install cpp­4.2 install cron install cryptsetup install cups­pdf install cupsddk install cupsddk­drivers install cupsys install cupsys­bsd install cupsys­client install cupsys­common install cupsys­driver­gutenprint install cvs install dash install dbus install dbus­x11 install dc install dcoprss install dcraw install debconf install debconf­i18n install debianutils install defoma install deskbar­applet install desktop­file­utils install dhcdbd install dhcp3­client install dhcp3­common install ­common install diff install install dirmngr install discover1 install discover1­data install displayconfig­gtk install diveintopython install dmidecode install dmsetup install dmz­cursor­theme install dnsutils install doc­base install docbook­xml install dosbox install dosfstools install dpkg install dvbackup install +rw­tools install dvdauthor install dvgrab install e2fslibs install e2fsprogs install ed install edict install eject install ekiga install emerald install enscript install envyng­core install envyng­gtk install envyng­ install eog install esound­common install espeak install espeak­data install ethtool install evince install evolution deinstall evolution­common deinstall evolution­data­server install evolution­data­server­common install evolution­exchange deinstall evolution­webcal deinstall example­content install eyesapplet install f­spot install fast­user­switch­applet install fastjar install fb­music­high install fdutils install fgfs­base install fifteenapplet install file install file­roller install findutils install finger install firefox install firefox­3.0 install firefox­3.0­gnome­support install firefox­gnome­support install flashplugin­nonfree install flightgear install fontconfig install fontconfig­config install foo2zjs install foomatic­db install foomatic­db­engine install foomatic­db­hpijs install foomatic­filters install fortune­mod install fortunes­min install fping install freeglut3 install fretsonfire­game deinstall friendly­recovery install frozen­bubble install frozen­bubble­data install ftp install fuse­utils install g++ install g++­4.2 install gamin install gawk install gcalctool install gcc install gcc­4.2 install gcc­4.2­base install gcj­4.2­base install gconf­editor install gconf2 install gconf2­common install gdb install gdebi install gdebi­core install gdm install gedit install gedit­common install genisoimage install gettext install gettext­base install ghostscript install ghostscript­x install gij­4.2 install install gimp­data install gimp­gnomevfs install gimp­help­common install gimp­help­en install gimp­python install gksu install gmail­notify install gnome­about install gnome­accessibility­themes install gnome­app­install install gnome­applets install gnome­applets­data install gnome­btdownload install gnome­cards­data install gnome­control­center install gnome­cups­manager install gnome­desktop­data install gnome­doc­utils install gnome­games install gnome­games­data install gnome­icon­theme install gnome­keyring install gnome­mag install gnome­media install gnome­media­common install gnome­menus install gnome­mime­data install gnome­mount install gnome­netstatus­applet install gnome­nettool install gnome­orca install gnome­panel install gnome­panel­data install gnome­pilot install gnome­pilot­conduits install gnome­power­manager install gnome­screensaver install gnome­session install gnome­settings­daemon install gnome­spell install gnome­system­monitor install gnome­system­tools install gnome­terminal install gnome­terminal­data install gnome­themes install gnome­user­guide install gnome­utils install gnome­volume­manager install gnomesword install install gnucash­common install gnupg install gnupg­agent install gnupg2 install gparted install gpgsm install gpgv install gpixpod install grep install ­base install grub install gsfonts install gstreamer0.10­alsa install gstreamer0.10­gnomevfs install gstreamer0.10­plugins­base install gstreamer0.10­plugins­base­apps install gstreamer0.10­plugins­good install gstreamer0.10­ install gstreamer0.10­tools install gstreamer0.10­x install gsynaptics install gthumb install gtk­recordmydesktop install gtk2­engines install gtk2­engines­murrine install gtk2­engines­pixbuf install gtk2­engines­ubuntulooks install gtkhtml3.14 install gtkhtml3.8 install gtkpod install gtweakui install gucharmap install guidance­backends install guile­1.6 install guile­1.6­libs install guile­1.6­slib install gvfs install gvfs­backends install gvfs­fuse install install install hal install hal­cups­utils install hal­info install hdparm install hfsprogs install hfsutils install hfsutils­tcltk install hicolor­icon­theme install hostname install hotkey­setup install hpijs install hplip install hplip­data install human­icon­theme install human­theme install hwdb­client­common install hwdb­client­gnome install hwdb­client­ install hwtest install hwtest­gtk install ia32­libs install iamerican install ibritish install ifupdown install im­switch install imagemagick install indi install info install initramfs­tools install initscripts install inputattach install iproute install iptables install iputils­arping install iputils­ping install iputils­tracepath install iso­codes install ispell install istanbul install jackd install java­common install java­gcj­compat install java­gcj­compat­headless install jockey­common install jockey­gtk install jockey­kde install install install k3b­i18n install install kaboodle install kaddressbook install kaddressbook­plugins install install install kalzium install kalzium­data install kamera install install kandy install kanjidic install kappfinder install karm install kasteroids install install kate­plugins install katomic install kaudiocreator install kbackgammon install kbattleship install kblackbox install kbounce install kbruch install kbstate install install kcharselect install kcoloredit install kcontrol install kcron install kdat install kde install kde­amusements install kde­core install kde­guidance install kde­icons­oxygen install kde4libs­bin install kdeaccessibility install kdeaddons install kdeaddons­kfile­plugins install kdeadmin install kdeadmin­kfile­plugins install kdeartwork install kdeartwork­emoticons install kdeartwork­misc install kdeartwork­style install kdeartwork­theme­icon install kdeartwork­theme­window install kdebase install kdebase­bin install kdebase­bin­kde3 install kdebase­data install kdebase­­plugins install kdebase­runtime install kdebase­runtime­bin­kde4 install kdebase­runtime­data install kdebluetooth install kdeedu install kdeedu­data install kdegames install kdegames­card­data install kdegraphics install kdegraphics­kfile­plugins install kdelibs install kdelibs­data install kdelibs4c2a install kdelibs5 install kdelibs5­data install kdelirc install kdemultimedia install kdemultimedia­kappfinder­data install kdemultimedia­kfile­plugins install kdemultimedia­kio­plugins install kdenetwork install kdenetwork­kfile­plugins install kdepasswd install kdepim install kdepim­kfile­plugins install kdepim­kio­plugins install kdepim­kresources install kdepim­wizards install kdeprint install install kdessh install kdesudo install kdesudo­kde4 install kdetoys install kdeutils install kdewallpapers install kdewebdev install kdf install kdict install kdnssd install kdvi install kedit install keduca install kenolaba install kfax install kfaxview install kfilereplace install kfind install kfloppy install kfouleggs install kgamma install install kgeography­data install kget install kghostview install kgoldrunner install install install khelpcenter install khexedit install install kicker­applets install kicker­compiz install kicker­taskbar­compiz install kiconedit install install kimagemapeditor install kino install kipi­plugins install kitchensync install install kjots install kjumpingcube install klaptopdaemon install klatin install kleopatra install install klettres­data install klibc­utils install klickety install klines install klinkstatus install install klogd install kmag install kmahjongg install kmail install kmailcvt install kmenuedit install kmid install kmilo install kmines install kmix install kmoon install kmousetool install kmouth install kmplayer install kmplayer­base install install kmrml install kmymoney2 install knetwalk install knetworkconf install knetworkmanager install knewsticker install knode install knotes install kodo install kolf install install kommander install install konq­plugins install install konqueror­nsplugins install konquest install install konsolekalendar install install kooka install install korganizer install korn install install kpager install kpat install kpdf install kpercentage install kpersonalizer install kpf install install kpoker install kpovmodeler install kppp install krdc install krec install krecordmydesktop install kregexpeditor install kreversi install krfb install krfb­kde4 install kruler install install ksame install ksayit install kscd install kscreensaver install kshisen install ksig install ksim install ksirc install ksirtet install ksmiletris install ksmserver install ksnake install install ksokoban install kspaceduel install ksplash install install kstars­data install ksvg install ksysguard install ksysguardd install ksysv install kteatime install ktimer install ktip install ktnef install install ktron install kttsd install ktuberling install install ktux install kuser install kverbos install kview install kviewshell install kvoctrain install kwalletmanager install kweather install kwifimanager install install kwin4 install kwordquiz install kworldclock install kxsldbg install landscape­client install language­pack­en install language­pack­en­base install language­pack­gnome­en install language­pack­gnome­en­base install language­selector install language­selector­common install language­support­en install language­support­translations­en install language­support­writing­en install laptop­detect install laptop­mode­tools install launchpad­integration install lbreakout2 install lbreakout2­data install less install lftp install lib32asound2 install lib32gcc1 install lib32ncurses5 install lib32nss­mdns install lib32stdc++6 install lib32z1 install liba52­0.7.4 install libaa1 install libacl1 install libadns1 install libakode2 install libalut0 install libao2 install libapm1 install libarchive1 install libart­2.0­2 install libart2.0­cil install libarts1­akode install libarts1­audiofile install libarts1­mpeglib install libarts1­xine install libarts1c2a install libartsc0 install libasound2 install libaspell15 install libatk1.0­0 install libatm1 install libatspi1.0­0 install libattr1 install libaudio2 install libaudiofile0 install libavahi­client3 install libavahi­common­data install libavahi­common3 install libavahi­compat­libdnssd1 install libavahi­core5 install libavahi­glib1 install libavahi­qt3­1 install libavahi­ui0 install libavc1394­0 install libavcodec1d install libavformat1d install libavutil1d install libawn0 install libbcel­java install libbeagle1 install libbind9­30 install libblkid1 install libbluetooth2 install libbonobo2­0 install libbonobo2­common install libbonoboui2­0 install libbonoboui2­common install libboost­python1.34.1 install libboost­signals1.34.1 install libbrlapi0.5 install libbz2­1.0 install libc6 install libc6­dev install libc6­i386 install libcaca0 install libcairo­ install libcairo2 install libcairomm­1.0­1 install libcamel1.2­11 install libcap1 install libcdio­cdda0 install libcdio­paranoia0 install libcdio7 install libcdparanoia0 install libchromexvmc1 install libchromexvmcpro1 install libck­connector0 install libclucene0ldbl install libcomerr2 install libcompizconfig0 install libconsole install libcroco3 install libcrypt­ssleay­perl install libcucul0 install libcupsimage2 install libcupsys2 install libcurl3 install libcurl3­ install libcvsservice0 install libcwidget3 install libcwiid1 install libcwiimote­0.2 install libdaemon0 install libdate­manip­perl install libdatrie0 install libdb4.6 install libdb4.6++ install libdbus­1­3 install libdbus­glib­1­2 install libdbus­qt­1­1c2 install libdc1394­13 install libdebconfclient0 install libdebian­installer4 install libdecoration0 install libdeskbar­ install libdevmapper1.02.1 install libdirectfb­1.0­0 install libdiscover1 install libdjvulibre15 install libdmx1 install libdns32 install libdrm2 install libdv­bin install libdv4 install libdvbpsi4 install libdvdnav4 install libdvdread3 install libdynamite0 install libebml0 install libebook1.2­9 install libecal1.2­7 install libedata­book1.2­2 install libedata­cal1.2­6 install libedataserver1.2­9 install libedataserverui1.2­8 install libedit2 install libeel2­2 install libeel2­data install libegroupwise1.2­13 install libelfg0 install libemeraldengine0 install libenca0 install libenchant1c2a install libesd­alsa0 install libespeak1 install libexchange­storage1.2­3 install libexempi3 install libexif12 install libexiv2­2 install libexpat1 install libfaac0 install libfaad0 install libffi4 install libfftw3­3 install libfinance­quote­perl install libflac++6 install libflac8 install libflickrnet2.1.5­cil install libfltk1.1 install libfontconfig1 install libfontenc1 install libfreebob0 install libfreetype6 install libfribidi0 install libfs6 install libfuse2 install libgadu3 install libgail­common install libgail­gnome­module install libgail18 install libgamin0 install libgavl0 install libgc1c2 install libgcc1 install libgcj­bc install libgcj­common install libgcj8­1 install libgcj8­1­awt install libgcj8­jar install libgconf2­4 install libgconf2.0­cil install libgcrypt11 install libgd2­noxpm deinstall libgd2­xpm install libgda3­3 install libgda3­common install libgdata­google1.2­1 install libgdata1.2­1 install libgdbm3 install libgdl­1­0 install libgdl­1­common install libgdl­gnome­1­0 install libggi2 install libggz2 install libggzcore9 install libggzmod4 install libgif4 install libgii1 install libgii1­target­x install libgimp2.0 install libgksu2­0 install libgl1­mesa­dev install libgl1­mesa­dri install libgl1­mesa­glx install libglade2­0 install libglade2.0­cil install libglademm­2.4­1c2a install libglew1.5 install libglib­perl install libglib1.2ldbl install libglib2.0­0 install libglib2.0­cil install libglibmm­2.4­1c2a install libglu1­mesa install libglut3 install libgmime­2.0­2 install libgmime2.2­cil install libgmp3c2 install libgnome­desktop­2 install libgnome­keyring0 install libgnome­mag2 install libgnome­media0 install libgnome­menu2 install libgnome­pilot2 install libgnome­speech7 install libgnome­vfs2.0­cil install libgnome­window­settings1 install libgnome2­0 install libgnome2­canvas­perl install libgnome2­common install libgnome2­perl install libgnome2­vfs­perl install libgnome2.0­cil install libgnomecanvas2­0 install libgnomecanvas2­common install libgnomecups1.0­1 install libgnomecupsui1.0­1c2a install libgnomekbd­common install libgnomekbd2 install libgnomekbdui2 install libgnomeprint2.2­0 install libgnomeprint2.2­data install libgnomeprintui2.2­0 install libgnomeprintui2.2­common install libgnomeui­0 install libgnomeui­common install libgnomevfs2­0 install libgnomevfs2­bin install libgnomevfs2­common install libgnomevfs2­extra install libgnutls13 install libgoffice­0­4 install libgoffice­0­common install libgomp1 install libgpg­error0 install libgpgme11 install libgphoto2­2 install libgphoto2­port0 install libgpmg1 install libgpod­common install libgpod3 install libgraphviz4 install libgs8 install libgsf­1­114 install libgsf­1­common install libgsf­gnome­1­114 install libgsl0ldbl install libgsm1 install libgstreamer­plugins­base0.10­0 install libgstreamer0.10­0 install libgtk­vnc­1.0­0 install libgtk1.2 install libgtk1.2­common install libgtk2­gladexml­perl install libgtk2­perl install libgtk2.0­0 install libgtk2.0­bin install libgtk2.0­cil install libgtk2.0­common install libgtkglext1 install libgtkhtml2­0 install libgtkhtml3.14­19 install libgtkhtml3.16­cil install libgtkhtml3.8­15 install libgtkmm­2.4­1c2a install libgtksourceview­common install libgtksourceview1.0­0 install libgtksourceview2.0­0 install libgtksourceview2.0­common install libgtkspell0 install libgtop2­7 install libgtop2­common install libgucharmap6 install libguile­ltdl­1 install libgutenprint2 install libgvfscommon0 install libgweather­common install libgweather1 install libhal­storage1 install libhal1 install libhesiod0 install libhsqldb­java install libhtml­parser­perl install libhtml­tableextract­perl install libhtml­tagset­perl install libhtml­tree­perl install libhunspell­1.1­0 install libice­dev install libice6 install libicu38 install libid3tag0 install libidl0 install libidn11 install libiec61883­0 install libieee1284­3 install libifp4 install libindex0 install libisc32 install libisccc30 install libisccfg30 install libiso9660­5 install libitext­java install libiw29 install libjack0 install libjasper1 install libjaxp1.3­java install libjline­java install libjpeg­progs install libjpeg62 install libk3b­dev install libk3b2 install libk3b2­extracodecs install libkbluetooth0 install libkcal2b install libkcddb1 install libkdcraw3 install libkdeedu3 install libkdegames1 install libkdepim1a install libkexiv2­3 install libkeyutils1 install libkgantt0 install libkipi0 install libkiten1 install libkjsembed1 install libkleopatra1 install libklibc install libkmime2 install libkonq4 install libkpathsea4 install libkpimexchange1 install libkpimidentities1 install libkrb53 install libksba8 install libkscan1 install libksieve0 install libktnef1 install liblame0 install liblaunchpad­integration1 install liblcms1 install libldap­2.4­2 install liblircclient0 install liblocale­gettext­perl install liblockdev1 install liblog4j1.2­java install liblpint­bonobo0 install libltdl3 install liblua5.1­0 install liblua50 install liblualib50 install liblwres30 install liblzo2­2 install libmad0 install libmagic1 install libmagick10 install libmatroska0 install libmeanwhile1 install libmetacity0 install libmikmod2 install libmimelib1c2a install libmng1 install libmodplug0c2 install libmono­addins­gui0.2­cil install libmono­addins0.2­cil install libmono­cairo1.0­cil install libmono­corlib1.0­cil install libmono­corlib2.0­cil install libmono­data­tds1.0­cil install libmono­data­tds2.0­cil install libmono­security1.0­cil install libmono­security2.0­cil install libmono­sharpzip0.84­cil install libmono­sharpzip2.84­cil install libmono­sqlite2.0­cil install libmono­system­data1.0­cil install libmono­system­data2.0­cil install libmono­system­web1.0­cil install libmono­system­web2.0­cil install libmono­system1.0­cil install libmono­system2.0­cil install libmono0 install libmono1.0­cil install libmono2.0­cil install libmpcdec3 install libmpeg2­4 install libmtp7 install libmusicbrainz4c2a install libmx4j­java install libmysqlclient15off install libnautilus­burn4 install libnautilus­extension1 install libncurses5 install libncursesw5 install libndesk­dbus­glib1.0­cil install libndesk­dbus1.0­cil install libneon27 install libnet­dbus­perl install libnewt0.52 install libnjb5 install libnl1 install libnm­glib0 install libnm­util0 install libnotify1 install libnspr4­0d install libnss­mdns install libnss3­1d install libntfs­3g23 install libode0debian1 install libofa0 install libofx4 install libogg0 install liboil0.3 install liboobs­1­4 install libopal­2.2 install libopenal0a install libopencdk10 install libopenexr2ldbl install libopenobex1 install libopensync0 install liborange0 install liborbit2 install libosp5 install libotr2 install libpam­gnome­keyring install libpam­modules install libpam­runtime install libpam0g install libpanel­applet2­0 install libpango1.0­0 install libpango1.0­common install libpaper­utils install libpaper1 install libparted1.7­1 install libpcap0.8 install libpcre3 install libpcrecpp0 install libperl5.8 install libphonon4 install libphysfs­1.0­0 install libpisock9 install libpisync1 install libpixman­1­0 install libpng12­0 install libpng12­dev install libpolkit­dbus2 install libpolkit­gnome0 install libpolkit­grant2 install libpolkit2 install libpoppler­glib2 install libpoppler­qt2 install libpoppler2 install libpopt0 install libportaudio0 install libportaudio2 install libpostproc1d install libpq5 install libpt­1.10.10 install libpt­1.10.10­plugins­alsa install libpt­1.10.10­plugins­v4l install libpt­1.10.10­plugins­v4l2 install libpth20 install libpthread­stubs0 install libpthread­stubs0­dev install libpulse­browse0 install libpulse0 install libpulsecore5 install libpurple0 install libpythonize0 install libqt3­mt install libqt4­core install libqt4­gui install libqt4­qt3support install libqt4­sql install libquicktime1 install libraptor1 install librarian0 install librasqal0 install libraw1394­8 install librdf0 install libreadline5 install librecode0 install libregexp­java install librpc­xml­perl install librss1 install librsvg2­2 install librsvg2­common install libruby1.8 install libsamplerate0 install libsane install libsasl2­2 install libsasl2­modules install libscim8c2a install libscrollkeeper0 install libsdl­console install libsdl­gfx1.2­4 install libsdl­image1.2 install libsdl­mixer1.2 install libsdl­net1.2 install libsdl­pango1 install libsdl­perl install libsdl­sound1.2 install libsdl­ttf2.0­0 install libsdl1.2debian install libsdl1.2debian­alsa install libselinux1 install libsensors3 install libsepol1 install libservlet2.4­java install libsexy2 install libsgutils1 install libshout3 install libsidplay1 install libsigc++­2.0­0c2a install libslang2 install libslp1 install libsm­dev install libsm6 install libsmbclient install libsmbios1 install libsmpeg0 install libsndfile1 install libsnmp­base install libsnmp15 install libsoprano4 install libsoup2.4­1 install libspeex1 install libsqlite0 install libsqlite3­0 install libss2 install libssl0.9.8 install libstartup­notification0 install libstartup­notification0­dev install libstdc++6 install libstdc++6­4.2­dev install libstreamanalyzer0 install libstreams0 install libstrigiqtdbusclient0 install libsvga1 install libswfdec­0.6­90 install libsword6 install libswt3.2­gtk­java install libswt3.2­gtk­jni install libsynce0 install libsysfs2 install libtag1c2a install libtar install libtasn1­3 install libterm­readkey­perl install libtext­charwidth­perl install libtext­iconv­perl install libtext­wrapi18n­perl install libthai­data install libthai0 install libtheora0 install libtidy­0.99­0 install libtiff­tools install libtiff4 install libtotem­plparser10 install libtracker­gtk0 install libtrackerclient0 install libtunepimp5 install libtwolame0 install libucl1 install libuniconf4.4 install libunshield0 install liburi­perl install libusb­0.1­4 install libusplash­dev install libusplash0 install libuuid1 install libvcdinfo0 install libvisual­0.4­0 install libvlc0 install libvncserver0 install libvolume­id0 install libvorbis0a install libvorbisenc2 install libvorbisfile3 install libvte­common install libvte9 install libwavpack1 install libwmf0.2­7 install libwnck­common install libwnck22 install libwpd8c2a install libwpg­0.1­1 install libwps­0.1­1 install libwrap0 install libwvstreams4.4­base install libwvstreams4.4­extras install libwww­perl install libwxbase2.6­0 install libwxbase2.8­0 install libwxgtk2.6­0 install libwxgtk2.8­0 install libx11­6 install libx11­data install libx11­dev install libx11­xcb­dev install libx11­xcb1 install libx264­57 install libx86­1 install libxalan110 install libxalan2­java install libxau­dev install libxau6 install libxaw7 install libxcb­shape0 install libxcb­shm0 install libxcb­xlib0 install libxcb­xlib0­dev install libxcb­xv0 install libxcb1 install libxcb1­dev install libxcomposite­dev install libxcomposite1 install libxcursor­dev install libxcursor1 install libxdamage­dev install libxdamage1 install libxdmcp­dev install libxdmcp6 install libxerces2­java install libxerces27 install libxevie1 install libxext­dev install libxext6 install libxfixes­dev install libxfixes3 install libxfont1 install libxft2 install libxi6 install libxine1 install libxine1­bin install libxine1­console install libxine1­ install libxine1­misc­plugins install libxine1­plugins install libxine1­x install libxinerama­dev install libxinerama1 install libxkbfile1 install libxklavier12 install libxml++2.6c2a install libxml­parser­perl install libxml­twig­perl install libxml2 install libxml2­dev install libxml2­utils install libxmu6 install libxmuu1 install libxosd2 install libxp6 install libxplc0.3.13 install libxpm4 install libxrandr­dev install libxrandr2 install libxrender­dev install libxrender1 install libxres1 install libxslt1­dev install libxslt1.1 install libxss1 install libxt6 install libxtrap6 install libxtst6 install libxv1 install libxvidcore4 install libxvmc1 install libxxf86dga1 install libxxf86misc1 install libxxf86vm1 install libzephyr3 install linux­generic install linux­headers­2.6.24­16 install linux­headers­2.6.24­16­generic install linux­headers­generic install linux­image­2.6.24­16­generic install linux­image­generic install linux­libc­dev install linux­restricted­modules­2.6.24­16­generic install linux­restricted­modules­common install linux­restricted­modules­generic install linux­sound­base install linux­ubuntu­modules­2.6.24­16­generic install localechooser­data install locales install login install logrotate install lsb­base install lsb­release install lsdvd install lshw install lskat install lsof install lswm install ltrace install lzma install m4 install macutils install maelstrom install make install makedev install man­db install manpages install mawk install mdetect install memtest86+ install mencoder install menu install mesa­common­dev install mesa­utils install metacity install metacity­common install mii­diag install mime­support install min12xxw install mktemp install mlocate install module­init­tools install mono­common install mono­gac install mono­jit install mono­runtime install mount install mousetweaks install mpeglib install mplayer install mplayer­skins install mscompress install install mtr­tiny install myspell­en­gb install myspell­en­us install myspell­en­za install mysql­common install nano install nautilus install nautilus­cd­burner install nautilus­data install nautilus­sendto install nautilus­share install ncurses­base install ncurses­bin install net­tools install netbase install netcat install netcat­traditional install network­manager install network­manager­gnome install network­manager­kde install networkstatus install noatun install noatun­plugins install notification­daemon install nspluginwrapper install ntfs­3g install ntfs­config install ntpdate install nvidia­glx­new deinstall nvidia­kernel­common install nvtv install nvu install o3read install obex­data­server install onboard install openmovieeditor install openoffice.org­base install openoffice.org­base­core install openoffice.org­calc install openoffice.org­common install openoffice.org­core install openoffice.org­draw install openoffice.org­gnome install openoffice.org­gtk install openoffice.org­help­en­gb install openoffice.org­help­en­us install openoffice.org­hyphenation install openoffice.org­impress install openoffice.org­java­common install openoffice.org­kde install openoffice.org­l10n­common install openoffice.org­l10n­en­gb install openoffice.org­l10n­en­za install openoffice.org­math install openoffice.org­style­crystal install openoffice.org­style­human install openoffice.org­thesaurus­en­au install openoffice.org­thesaurus­en­us install openoffice.org­writer install openprinting­ppds install ­client install openssl install openssl­blacklist install orange install os­prober install parted install passwd install pciutils install pcmciautils install pdfcube install pdfedit install perl install perl­base install perl­modules install pidgin install pidgin­data install pidgin­otr install pinball install pinball­data install pinentry­qt install pingus install pingus­data install pkg­config install planetpenguin­racer install planetpenguin­racer­data install plib1.8.4c2 install pm­utils install pnm2ppa install policykit install policykit­gnome install ­utils install popularity­contest install poster install powermanagement­interface install powermgmt­base install powernowd install ppp install pppconfig install pppoeconf install procps install psfontmgr install psmisc install psutils install pulseaudio install pulseaudio­esound­compat install pulseaudio­module­gconf install pulseaudio­module­hal install pulseaudio­module­x11 install pulseaudio­utils install pxljr install pykdeextensions install python install python­apport install python­apt install python­bittorrent install python­brlapi install python­cairo install python­central install python­compizconfig install python­cups install python­cwiid install python­dbus install python­dev install python­gconf install python­gdata install python­gdbm install python­glade2 install python­gmenu install python­gnome2 install python­gnome2­desktop install python­gnome2­extras install python­gnomecanvas install python­gnupginterface install python­gobject install python­gst0.10 install python­gtk2 install python­gtkhtml2 install python­gtksourceview2 install python­imaging install python­kde3 install python­launchpad­bugs install python­launchpad­integration install python­libxml2 install python­minimal install python­notify install python­numeric install python­opengl install python­pkg­resources install python­problem­report install python­pyatspi install python­pyorbit install python­qt3 install python­qt4 install python­qt4­common install python­qt4­dbus install python­sexy install python­sip4 install python­software­properties install python­support install python­uno install python­virtkey install python­vte install python­xdg install python­xlib install python2.5 install python2.5­dev install python2.5­minimal install quanta install quanta­data install rdesktop install install readline­common install recordmydesktop install reiserfsprogs install remastersys install rhythmbox install rsrce install rss­glx install rsync install ruby install ruby1.8 install samba­common install sbm install scim install scim­bridge­agent install scim­bridge­client­gtk install scim­gtk2­immodule install scim­modules­socket install screem install screen install screenlets install screensaver­default­images install scrollkeeper install seahorse install sed install sgml­base install sgml­data install shared­mime­info install simdock install simgear0 install simple­ccsm install slib install smbclient install software­properties­gtk install sound­juicer install splix install sqlite install sqlite3 install squashfs­tools install ssh­askpass­gnome install ssl­cert install startup­tasks install startupmanager install strace install subtitleeditor install sudo install install supertux deinstall supertux­data­stable install supertux­stable install supertuxkart install supertuxkart­data install sword­comm­mhcc install sword­dict­naves install sword­text­arasvd install install sysklogd install install system­config­printer­common install system­config­printer­gnome install system­services install system­tools­backends install sysv­rc install sysvutils install tangerine­icon­theme install install tasksel install tasksel­data install tcl8.4 install tcpd install tcpdump install telnet install tex­common install texlive­base install texlive­base­bin install texlive­common install texlive­doc­base install texlive­fonts­recommended install thunderbird install thunderbird­locale­en­gb install tidy install time install tk8.4 install tkchooser install tomboy install torcs install torcs­data install torcs­data­cars install torcs­data­tracks install totem install totem­common install totem­ install totem­mozilla install totem­plugins install totem­xine install tracker install tracker­search­tool install transmission­common install transmission­gtk install trigger install trigger­data install tsclient install ttf­arabeyes install ttf­arphic­uming install ttf­bitstream­vera install ttf­dejavu install ttf­dejavu­core install ttf­dejavu­extra install ttf­dustin install ttf­freefont install ttf­indic­fonts­core install ttf­kochi­gothic install ttf­kochi­mincho install ttf­lao install ttf­malayalam­fonts install ttf­mgopen deinstall ttf­opensymbol install ttf­sil­andika install ttf­sil­doulos install ttf­sjfonts install ttf­thai­tlwg install ttf­unfonts­core install tuxguitar install tuxpaint install tuxpaint­data install tuxpuck install tuxtype install tuxtype­data install tvtime install tzdata install ubiquity install ubiquity­casper install ubiquity­frontend­gtk install ubiquity­ubuntu­artwork install ubufox install ubuntu­artwork install ubuntu­desktop install ubuntu­docs install ubuntu­gdm­themes install ubuntu­keyring install ubuntu­minimal install ubuntu­sounds install ubuntu­standard install ubuntu­wallpapers install ucf install udev install ufw install unattended­upgrades install unmass install unrar install unrar­free install unzip install update­inetd install update­manager install update­manager­core install update­notifier install update­notifier­common install upstart install upstart­compat­sysv install upstart­logd install usbutils install user­setup install usplash install usplash­theme­ install usplash­theme­ubuntu install util­linux install util­linux­locales install uuid­runtime install vamps install vbetool install ­common install vim­tiny install vinagre install vino install virtualbox­ose install virtualbox­ose­modules­2.6.24­16­generic install vlc install vlc­nox install vlc­plugin­pulse install w3m install wamerican install wbritish install install whiptail install whois install wifi­radar install wine install wireless­tools install wireshark install wireshark­common install wmgui install wminput install wodim install wormux install wormux­data install wpasupplicant install wvdial install x­ttcidfont­conf install x11­apps install x11­common install x11­session­utils install x11­utils install x11­xfs­utils install x11­xkb­utils install x11­xserver­utils install x11proto­composite­dev install x11proto­core­dev install x11proto­damage­dev install x11proto­fixes­dev install x11proto­input­dev install x11proto­kb­dev install x11proto­randr­dev install x11proto­render­dev install x11proto­xext­dev install x11proto­xinerama­dev install xaralx install xauth install xbase­clients install xbitmaps install xcursor­themes install xdg­user­dirs install xdg­user­dirs­gtk install xdg­utils install xfonts­100dpi install xfonts­75dpi install xfonts­base install xfonts­encodings install xfonts­scalable install xfonts­utils install xinit install xkb­data install xml­core install xmoto install xmoto­data install xorg install xsane install xsane­common install xscreensaver­data install xscreensaver­gl install xserver­xorg install xserver­xorg­core install xserver­xorg­input­all install xserver­xorg­input­evdev install xserver­xorg­input­kbd install xserver­xorg­input­mouse install xserver­xorg­input­synaptics install xserver­xorg­input­vmmouse install xserver­xorg­input­wacom install xserver­xorg­video­all install xserver­xorg­video­apm install xserver­xorg­video­ark install xserver­xorg­video­ati install xserver­xorg­video­chips install xserver­xorg­video­cirrus install xserver­xorg­video­cyrix install xserver­xorg­video­dummy install xserver­xorg­video­fbdev install xserver­xorg­video­glint install xserver­xorg­video­i128 install xserver­xorg­video­i810 install xserver­xorg­video­intel install xserver­xorg­video­mga install xserver­xorg­video­neomagic install xserver­xorg­video­nv install xserver­xorg­video­openchrome install xserver­xorg­video­rendition install xserver­xorg­video­s3 install xserver­xorg­video­s3virge install xserver­xorg­video­savage install xserver­xorg­video­siliconmotion install xserver­xorg­video­sis install xserver­xorg­video­sisusb install xserver­xorg­video­tdfx install xserver­xorg­video­tga install xserver­xorg­video­trident install xserver­xorg­video­tseng install xserver­xorg­video­v4l install xserver­xorg­video­vesa install xserver­xorg­video­vga install xserver­xorg­video­via install xserver­xorg­video­vmware install xserver­xorg­video­voodoo install xsltproc install xterm install xtrans­dev install xulrunner­1.9 install xulrunner­1.9­gnome­support install xutils install xutils­dev install yelp install zenity install zip install zlib1g install zlib1g­dev install