JUNE 1918 American National Association HASTERS OF DANCING. OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR- President M. F. Conway, 235 Wethers- Secretary George F. Walters, 85 field Avc., Hartford, Conn. Orange .St.. Waltham, Mass. First Vicc-President Fenton T. Bott, Treasurer Edward A. Priuz, 420 N. ill!) W. Tinid St.. Drtjtun, Ohio. KJth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Second Vice-Prcsidcnt Fred A. Jack- Trustees It. O. Blackburn, Pittsburgh, son, 25 E. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Pa.; Walter N. Soby, Hartford, Coiiu. ; Utah. Mrs. J. H. Myers, Dallas, Texas. Third Vice-President Albert V. Tattle, Advisory Board Mrs. Fannie Uiumun, 2] E. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. Sau Francisco, Cal.; C. B. Severance, Fourth Vice-PresidentMrs. James L. Wnwantosa, Wis.; Fred Christouson, Bott, 2G25 Gilbert Avc., Cincinnati, O. Seattle, Wash. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION. To elevate the art of dancing and promote the welfare of its members by en- couiaging legislation. State and National, for the proper regulation of dancing ami the protection of the public and the legitimate teacher from the unscrupulous and incompetent pretender. To give full support for the betterment of humanity by encouraging and teach ing only the highest grade of , such as those approved by this Association. To originate and adopt new dances and establish a uniform method of teaching them. TO PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS. The much needed reforms in dancing can be brought about only through or ganization. All progressive professions are organized; why not the Dancing Masters? Competent teachers of good moral character are invited to join. The initiation fee is only $30.00, which alK> pa.V'B dues for the first year. The greatest experts are engaged to give work free to members at the annual meetings. Each person, when initiated, will receive an elegant diploma, which is a recogni tion of their ability and membership. For "Course of Study." see list of class work provided free of charge for all members who attend the annual meetings. REQUIREMENTS. To be eligible, all persons applying for Membership must: fl) BK OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. (2) Be vouched for by three representative persons in their home city, M reference. (3) Have taught dancing at least three years. (4) Be recognized in their home city as progressive and thorough teachers. (5) Bo willing to be taught, or teach; with a desire through fraternity to ele vate the Art of Dancing. (fi) Pass a satisfactory examination, to show that they are qualified to tea-ch dancing. SPECIAL NOTICE. The American National Association Masters of Dancing is unquestionably the strongest force for sane mid hitrb grade standard of dancing in America Thirty- four years of steady growth, both in membership and influence. Send all communications to George F. Walters, Secretary, 85 Orange St., Wal tham, Mass.

The 35th Annual Convention will be held in New York City, headquarters Astor Hotel, commencing Aug. 2(1, P.I1S; ending Aug. 31, six days. American National Association NORMAL SCHOOL 47 West 72nd St. New York City. STEFANO MASCACNO, INSTRUCTOR August 5th to 24th, 3 (Weeks)

School Hours, 10 11-30, Morning. 10 11 Technique (Junior.) 11 11.30 Exhibition Dances, One Each Week. 3.30 4.00 Senior Technique 4.30 5.00 Exhibition Dances, One Each Week AFTERNOON. ...3;30 to 5 Classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Rates for Members of A. N. A. & American Society Professors of Dancing, One Week$1O., Two Weeks $15., Three Weeks $20 RATES-IMon-Members, $15. OO per week. Board of Directors for Normal School.

M. F. Conway, Hartford, Conn., Presi- Fred W. Kehl, Madison, Wis. dent ex-officio. Edna Rothafd, Passapae Newark, N. .1. George F. Walters, Waltham, Mass., I la Dorinda Knowles, New York City. Secretary ex-offieio. w L B]inn 1904 Harlem Blvd., Rock-

M. Christensen, Portland, Ore. Chm'n ford 111., Secretary and Treasurer.

All communications can be sent regarding the Normal School, as to Prices, Teachers, etc. To W. L. BLINN, Secy. Treas. MEMBERSHIP FEES IN AMERICAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, MASTERS OF DANCING.

The cost of becoming a member is only $30.00, which pays dues for the current year. Yearly dues thereafter are but $6.00; and we guarante that, to obtain from private sources what you will receive at the annual meeting FREE, would cost you $250.00. The International Association Masters of Dancing.

PresidentJ. Dugan, Newport, B. L DEMONSTKATOll Miss Hulda L. First Vice-President Charles McCrea, Hanker, San Diego, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Second Vice-PresidentH. Q. Bailey, Principal W. C. Jacobus, Utica, N. T. Alliance, O. Trustees Charles E. Copeland, Lancas Third Vice-President Dorliska Chaflte, ter, Pa.; Joshua Cockey, Baltimore, Bridgeport, Conn. T. Md.; B. V. Heib, Chicago, HI.; Fourth Vice-President W. P. Casey, Cecelia Fleischer, Pittston, Pa.; Don niion, N. T. ald Showerman, Johnstown, N. Y. SECRETARY P. H. Kelly, Holyoke, Mass. ADVISORY BOARD Benj. B. Lovett, TREASURER Jas. F. Condley, Au B. Beauman, L. F. Schuler. burn, N. Y. Jas. J. Kilgallen SUPERVISORS.

V. L. Oleaon.... Alabama M. O. Duffy Michigan Joseph Nevillej Connecticut. J mi ich Smith Nebraska Geo. R. Puckett California VV. J. Ahhton Illinois Mrs. Edna DaPron <'dorado Wa'ter Wood New York W. J. Hader Delaware Helen M. Stucker Ohio ' Oorothy Martin Georgia G. Harcl Gundry Pennsylvania Mrs. Emma Ordner Kentucky Mrs. M. B. Barnes Ohio Floyd McRea Iowa Katherine Temple Pennsylvania C'. J'. A licrn Missouri Walter Wood Virginia Mrs. W. E. Semper, Montana. G. F. A. Zarbock Wisconsin Mabel Chenault Indiana Mrs. Dorothy Martin Wyoming Eva M. Fero Illinois Evelyn Heller, Tennessee Chas. Brunnell New York Florence Trendell, Vermont II. G. Bailey Ohio Mrs. C. J. Matthews W. Va. Edward J. Condley Texas Thomas Paraday, Maine M. M. Ringler Oregon Parry W. Roselle, New Jeisey W. L. Wilson Louisiana Minnie Glenday, Ontario J. P. Digman Arkansas Mrs. Billy Leon Idaho D. C. Quilty Connecticut L. C. Coffin, Minnesota Nora M. Brown Florida Mrs. Emily L. Wilson Nevada G. E. 11art man Kansas H. P. Lane Ma«sachusetts J. M. Macnair Idaho Harry W. Roselle New Jersey

SPECIAL, NOTICE This Association was founded to Advance and Promote Dancing. Our Norma School, conducted at Annual Meeting, being the Special Feature. Free to members MEMllERSHIP FEB The fee for joining the International Association IB 115.00, which include* th» current year's dues; yearly thereafter, $5.00. An tlegant ii Issued to all applicants Toted in at the annual meetings. TkrM years' experience is necessary to be eligible to membership. Tkii Is the largest organization of the kind in the United State*. Send for application blanks. The next Annual Convention will be held at Hie Academy of James Smith Chicago, Ills. Juue 10th to 15th, 1918.

Addreii r II. KELLY, See 'j, 135 Baeek St., Holyok., f1® HOT Yet


President, OSCAR DURYEA, ist Vice-President, ueorge E. Rutherford,

2nd Vice-President, Adolph Newberger,

Ada M. Moseley, Secretary. 85 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Gertrude A. Tate, Treasurer

Advisory Board, George E. de Walter George W. Wallace T. George Dodworth, Josephine Beiderhase, William Pitt Rivers, Marion M. Hallett Roderick C. Grant

Louis H. Chalif Rosetta O'Neill, M. Barbara Blankenhorn. The Centre of New Ideas and Organized Endeavor The American National College of Dancing

Faculty: Pennine Vestoff, , national, technique and plastique; Sonia Serova, nature, interpretive, classic and "baby dances j" Oscar Duryea, ballroom and children's; Ottokar Bartik, operatic ballet; Margaret Crawford, pageants, eurythmics and folk dances; Frank H. Norman, cotillions, kermesses, and Scotch; G. Hepburn Wilson, ballroom and stage. The Inner Circle OFFICERS 1918 Established about one year and a half G. Hepburn Wilson, M. B. ago, The Inner Circle is to-day in point of Sufrmt Mtattr Mmbir membership the largest organization of teachers of dancing in this country. Oscar Duryea, I Amctait Veronine VestoB, J DlrMir, Its conventions offer the best talent procurable, and surpass anything in Advisory Council of Teacher this line previously attempted. Members The great radical idea of The Inner Frank H. Norman: C. Ellwood Carpenter: Oscar Duenweg; John Circle is its bussiness, advertising and pub Dim. in; V. Herbert Roberts: licity service, which provides members with : George R. Puckett : Willard E. Chambers: Albert Turpin : George Regular Confidential "Messages to 1,. Brown; Joseph Adams: Harl T. Members", containing condensed up-to-the- A. O'Brien. minute of value to every id_eas exceptional Advisory Council of Stage teacher, including discussions of business Members principles, copy for newspaper ads, circulars, Ruth SI. Denis: Anna Pavlowa: etc., copy for newspaper articles, dance Waslav Nijinsky: Mrs. Vernon descriptions, etc. Castle: Ted Shawn: Cecil J. Sharp; Alice Joyce: Mary Fickford; Ned Special discounts on tuition at the Wayburn; William Rock; Frances American National College of Dancing. White; Annette Kellennan: Geo rge M. Cohan; Adelaide & Hughes. Publicity in your local newspapers, and to Mrs. -Lena Whittlesey Adams. through other sources available our experts. ttatimal and International War Rtlttr Our Research Bureau is in touch with DtlittU information and developments through-out William H. Koch. the world, and the data is at the disposal Chairman, of members. CfmmltUt m Dana Dtttrlfttant We are continually in touch with our Ottokar Bartik members, discussing their busidess needs Dinatr National Normal Schools and problems, and co-operating with them for success. Write for Information on dues, etc. HOME OFFICE 562 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK CITY J Important Announcement

(INCORPORATED.) AND THE AMERICAN NATIONAL COLLEGE OF DANCING THREE BIG 1918 CONVENTIONS CHICAGO, ILL.June 15th to 22nd inclusive, at the Academy of James Smith, 1519 W. Madison Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. July 22nd to 27th inclusive, at the Academy of George Puckett, 1268 Sutter Street. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.August 26th to 31st inclusive, at the*Hotel McAlpin, 34th Street and Broadway.

Come to One of These Conventions! It Will Prepare You for More Money Next Season. A HANDSOME ENGRAVED CERTIFICATE. One of these valuable Certificates of Attendance with your name, hand engrossed, will be presented to all who attend. You GET new ideas, new dances, the business experience of many teachers, plus your own experience, you develop confi dence by mingling and studying with others of your profession, AND you will have the happiest and jolliest time of the year taking part in the wonderful Good Fellowship that was such a big feature at the great Inner Circle Convention last year in New York. Send for Full Particulars Including faculty of Normal School teachers, etc., at each Convention. TERMS: Associate Membership.$10.00 Second Order Member- Convention fee 7.50 ship $25.00 Convention fee 5.00 Total, $17.50 Total, $30.00 Address at once, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF DANCING 562 Fifth Avenue, New York City TOEINTERPRETATIVE CHARACTER NATURE BABE-FOOT DANCES

from the

1379 ST. CHARLES AVE. NEW ORLEANS, LA. TOE DANCES. "THE COQUETTE and the Roses," a solo for a girl. Difficult. A basket of roses, two small bunches and a single rose. A real dance for TOE. Description of and music $1.25

"Mendelssohn's Spring Song," most attractive for a worker. Solo for girl. Dance and Music 1.50 "A Lesson in Technique," a dance for the class that have been working on ' ballet, bar and toe exercises. Set to good music, done in unison 1.50 "Glow Worm," "A La Pavlowa. " Beautiful, graceful, needs no description. Dance and costume described and music 1.25 "PIEBETTE" or PIEROT," a dance with a pretty bit of Pantomime, with a rose and a ribbon, either girl or boy 1.50 "Dragon Fly," danced to real Dragon Fly music, a la Pavlowa, all TOE STEPS. Music and description 1.50

'Pas Seul in the Sunshine," a fairy fantasie. Steps are easy, but effective. Music and description 1.25 ' ' ' Pavlowa Gavotte. ' Very good for beginner 1.50 "Dancers Dream of Love and Death," to the beautiful music "Dance of the Hours. " From Giaconda 2.50 "THE BUTTERFLY," all Toe and Poise, to Bendix; music of the same name 2.00 Autumn, each one fully described ; description, costume and music, for either dance 2.00

BABE-FOOT DANCES. "Spring Fancies," for small girl. Interpretative. The idea of a brook, a bird, a butterfly and trembling leaves. Music and description 1.25

"Grecian Maidens Playing Ball," one of the best, for grace 1.25 "Bow and Arrow Dance," a la Volinine. This dance is for a boy or man, and unless the jumps, whirls and leaps are well done, the dance loses its beauty. Original music 2.00 "Salome's Incense Dance," an Egyptian myth, descriptive and st'ry, with music 2.00

"The Peacock," a soul of Vanity, of great beauty 2.00

"Dance Egyptian," very good" 1.50 "Moment Musical" and "Forest Whispers" are two real good barefoot ' ' dances; also ' The Italian Beggar Girl, ' each one 2.00 CONTINUED ON NEXT PACE. "Narcissuss, with story" (2.00 "Italian Beggar Girl," and a "Trio for Three Girls," as Spring, Summer and Autumn, each one fully described; danced to Grieg's to Spring; descrip

tion, costume and music, for either dance $2.00

"SUNSHINE AND TEMPEST." Unusual and great for a good bare-foot dancer; can be danced as one dance or for two, as the first part is danced to Anitra's Dance, and the Second to "The Storm," from the Overture of William Tell 8.50


"Cupid's Rendevous with the Paries and Brownies," Fairy Queen's Solo, Queen's Attendant Solo, Brownies, Fairies, Cupids. This is for Email children, and will be well received, full description and music 3.00

"PAS DE TBOIS." For three girls as Clown Harliquin and Columbine. Pantomime and Dance 2.00


"LA PAPILLON. " A dance for two girls or can be danced as a solo 2.00

"A Spanish Dance," using two roses, a scarf, hat and castinets 2.00 "Umbrella Dance," using a beautifully decorated white silk parasol. Dainty steps and graceful changes 2.00

BOOKS Twelve Baby Dances with music and set to Rhymes, suitable to very small children, fully described, 3. 0 ' ' ' ' Cake . Sprite de Ballet. Asthetic Waltz for two. Russian for sixteen or more each dance, 2.00

"THE WHIP." A Jockey Dance Solo 2.00 EXERCISES.

A Set of Ballet OR TOE EXERCISES. Every teacher will find these exercises worth ten times the amount I am charging for them, and I will refund the money if you do not find them a great help in getting your pupils on their Toes, to the Pupil's Delight. PRICE FOR THE THREE SETS 2.00 "SPECTRE OF THE ROSE," for a boy and girl, set to Von Webber's Invitation to the Valse 2.50




BEAUMONT, WM. H., Little Falls, N. Y. MENZELI, MME. ELIZABETTA 22 East Teacher of Ballroom and Professional Stage 16th St., New York City. Directrice Ballet Dancing. and Artistic Dancing, Delsarte, Physical ^^______^^^____^_^___^^^^_____ Aesthetics and Grace Culture. Normal C °01 °r ' MILLER, MRS. MADELINE E., Private " Academy, 4415 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Instructor of Ball Room and Fancy Dancing. GRAFF, ANDREW, SEAMLESS SHOE, Manufacturers of Theatrical, Ballet, Jig and Buck Shoes; also the New Babies' Seamless St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stage Dancing. GRANT, MRS. GAMELIA I., CARROW, W. E., Dancing Academy, Rud City, 112 17th St. Pacific Grove, California. Mich.-Teacher of Ballroom Dancing. Teacher of various forms and requirements of Dancing, Etiquette, Deportment, Ethics. CHALMERS, JOHN, Dancing Teacher. Ar cadia, 4450 Broadway, Chicago, and the Col HINMAN, ----iseum, Grand Rapids/Mich. MR. .F L. - Give Private Lei- Mail Address, 3948 Clarendon Ave., Chi- sons in All Branches of Dancing at his coca HI residence, 2074 Union St. Classes at Cali fornia Club Hall, 1750 Clay St., near Polk CLENDENEN, MR. F. LESLIE, "Cabanne St-, San Francisco, Gal. -- Arcade," St. Louis, Mo. Originator of. Novelties for' the Stage. HUNTINGHOUSE, R. G., 4616 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111.Cotillon Leader, Novelties for CONDLFY EDWARD Block, Os- J Grant ^^j^' andBother Entertainments: wego, N. Y.Teacher of Society, Stage and Fancy Dancing. KRETLOW. LOUIS. Teacher of Ballroom, MARSH, HENRY T.Instructor of all Fancy and Stage Dancing, 637 Webster Ave., branches of Ballroom, Stage and Step Dane- Chicago, 111. ing. Studio, Masonic House, Wallingford, Conn. KEILLER, MRS. ELLA CLEVELAND, 406 JACOBS, HARRY 5T.Teacher of Ballroom Hancock St., Detroit, Mich. Composer of and Fancy Dancing, Oneida, N. Y. Music for the Ballroom and Salon.

FORD, E. H., 22 18th St., Chicago, 111. O-^TTTT- T> TT -.** ,. ^ -rr , , -.r KELLY, P. H. 135 Beech St Holyoke Mass. Teacher of Ballroom and Solo Dancing.6 Teacher of Ballroom, Stage and Step Dancing. DUFFY, M. O., 66 Park Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Teacher of Ballroom and Stage Dancing. LYNCH, W. D.Teacher of Ballroom and Dancing and Deportment, Twentieth FINDLAY, P. D., 16th St., San Francisco, Cal. ^ancy *94 South The leading school for Ballroom or Stage Cent"ry H*U> Mam St., Akron, O. Dancing. EVERTS. A. E., Manager,Main St. Adit- 3RANGER, ROSS, Ann Arbor, Mich. Teacher orium, formerly Beach's. Houston, Texas. of Ballroom and Stage Dancing and Man- Teacher of Dancing, Tel. Preston, 957. ager of the Academy Orchestra. A Special Feature for Every Holiday PROFESSIONAL CARDS Just What You Want. writ NEWMAN, MR. and MRS. W. H., Danbury, The most complete work ever entertainments for tb* Conn. Teacher of Ballroom, Fancy and ten. Special following days: Step Dancing. New Year Party. Valentine Party. NORMAN, PRANK H., No. Stanley 96 St., Washington Birthday Party. Ball Montreal, Canada. Stage, Fancy and St. Patrick Party. room Dancing. Ex-President and Demon April Pool Dance. strator, I. A. M. of D. of U. S. and Canada. Easter Cotillon. Hay . Thanksgiving Party. PUCKETT, GEORGE R., Cotillion Hall, 1268 Xmas Greetings. Sutter St., San Francisco. Instructor of explains how to Dancing, all branches. The work not onl» but also de Puckett's Assembly Hall, 1268 Sutter St., decorate for each party, new cotillon figures never San Francisco, Cal. scribes many before published. Sent for 82.50, Cotillon Novelties BICCTO, ALPHONSO, Chapel St., New Haven, in book form. Conn. Teacher of Ballroom Dancing. Price $1 each, published A DAY AT THE PAN-AMERICAN. An evening's cotillon full of life.One of SULGROVE, MBS. SOPHIA D., Academy the best cotillons ever produced. Many 10 Park Ave., Helena, Mont. Hall, North of the figures can be used separate. Teacher of Ballroom and Fancy Dancing. Day at (The above can also be called A the St. Louis Exposition. Easy to give and SEEGAR, WALTER L., 108 Dominic St., PEANUT FROLIC favorite. No decorations neces Borne, N. Y.Teacher of Classical and Ball a great sary. room Dancing. SNOW FLAKE COTILLON Pro nounced by all to be the prettiest party TAYLOR, ROBERT H., 706 Huntington ave of the season. Decorations are beauti Teacher of Ballroom and Fancy Dancing. ful, yet cheap. BOSTON, MASS. One Dozen Ways to Entertain a of Kind Ever Published. TRIMP, HARRY W., 4456 Delmar St., St. Only Book for novel Louis, Mo. Instructor of Physical Culture, Having had so many calls to give, and Ballroom and Stage Dancing. features that are easy entertaining, we have described "one dozen" special features that are all big WALKER. H. LAYTON AND WIFE, Main drawing cards. The following features of and Ferry Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. Teachers are plainly described and published in Ballroom, Stage Dancing, etc. book form. Evening Picnic by Moonlight. Teacher Party. W. S. WILLIAMS, Pocatello, Idaho. A Purple of Dancing. A National Party. Japanese Party, (or San Toy.) Farmer Jubilee. WYMAN, MRS. LILLA VILES, 73 Boylston Who is Who. St Boston, Mass. Artistic Dancing, Tech Carnival Jubilee. for nique, Normal Work and Fancy Dances Tag Two Step. Teachers. Running Quadrille. Who Uets It. Dan- Serpentine MME NEYSA MATHE WIHR, Solo Rainbow Dance and Bank, seuse and Teacher. New Netberland Party. 41, W. 34th St., New York City. Rrlce. Chalif Normal School of Dancing

With the personal instruction of Louis H. Chalif, Principal

Master of the methods of the Imperial Ballet School

of Russia.

Summer Course, June 3rd to July 26th.

Our long established reputation for providing usable, as well as at tractive, teaching material will be further enhanced by the inclusion in our Summer Course of


which is a chain of solo and group dances infinitely more simple than any we have hitherto composed.


for use in Y. M. C. A. or Government Camp work will be another

new feature. The following


of national renown will broaden the theoretical basis of our work: Wm. G. Anderson, M. D., Dr. P. H., C. Ward Crampton, M. D., Troy Kinney, B. A., Beatrice Irwin, A. A. All classes will be held in our beautiful new building at


June 17th to 22nd inclusive flonday Sept 2d to Sept 7th Six Evening Sessions 8.30 to II p m. Nt-u) Dance Movements arranged by Mr. Oscar Duryea The Canteen Canter a dance developed from the Soldier life at the Cantonments Liberty Waltz

Rythmatic Patriotism Personified Swagger Stick Drill Duryeas Aesthetics.. The necessary Calisthenics of dancing in an attractive form All the essential Modern Dances as danced in Neu) York's Ultra Smart Ballrooms, u>ith simplified methods of instruction. DURYEA NORMAL SCHOOL. 47 West 72nd Street New York City Detrjces Composed by


Coppelia Description and Diagram ...... $2.00 Music $ .30 Butterfly Solo Dance Description and Diagram ...... 2.00 Music .25 Paillion D'or Description and Diagram.. 2.00 Music .25 Rip Van Winkle Operetta Book and Music ...... 3-°° Carnival Pranks Confetti Dance (Group) ...... 1.50 Music .25 Easter LilHes Symbolic Easter Drill (Group) ...... 2.00 Music 75 Egyptian Cymbal Group Dance ...... i.5° Music .30 Gypsy Camp Group Dance ...... 1.50 Music .30 Zuave Drill For Boys or Girls ...... 2.50 Music .25 Rustle of Spring (Grecian Nature Dances) ...... 3.00 Music .40 Spring Song ...... 3.00 Music .40 Frog SongWith Chorus and Dance Comique and De scriptive ...... 2.00 Music .50 Base Ball Boys Characteristic Drill ...... i.oo Music .50 Firemen's Drill Characteristic Drill ...... 1.50 Music .25 Palm Drill Aesthetic Dance for Young Ladies ...... 2.50 Piano and Orch. 2.00 Gavotte Menzeli Duet or Group (From 8 to 16 People) . . i.oo Piano $ .25; Orch. 1.50 Pas de Couronne de Fleures Solo and Group Dance.... 3.00 Music .40 Le Paniere de Rose Classic Toe Solo ...... 3.00 Music .40 Rose Mourante Poetic Solo Dance with Music ...... 2.50 Classic Ballet Solo For Male Dancer with Music ...... 4.00 Warrior DanceFor Male Dancer with Music ...... 4.00 Hindoo Dance Dramatic Solo With Music ...... 3.00 Amazon Evolution Descriptive Group with Music ...... 3.00 Hunter's Chase Character Solo Dance with Music ...... 3.00 Schubert's Military Match Dramatic Group with Music. 3.00 March Heroic (Saint Saens) Solo with Music ...... 4.00 Sailor Battle Drill, from Opera Rienzi with Music ...... 10.00 Swan Dance Classic Toe Solo with Music ...... 3.00 Pas dc Voil (Scarf Dance) with Music ...... 3.00 Giaconda Ballet Group with Music ...... 5.00 Giaconda Solo Group with Music ...... 3.00 CONTINUED ON NEXT PACE: Dances Composed by


PRICE LIST-Continued.

Patriotic Toe Solo Variation with Music 10.00 Spec, to order

Greek Pantomime Ensemble with Music 5.00

Amor Solo with Music 3.00

Fairy Roses Novel Spectacular Group Dance 3.00 Ballet From the Opera Carmenwith Music S.oo

Ballet From the Opera Aida with music S.oo Pierrot As Poet Pantomimic Ballet from the French. Translated and adopted for use for our dancing school entertainments. Time, I hour. Introducing a large number of people and dances 10.00

Aviator Solo with Music 3.00 Fantasy of Ancient Egypt First Time on any Stage, and presented at New York Lyceum Theater by Mme. Elizabetta Menzeli 20.00 To order only for Group & Solo Le Spirite de Vampire (Saint Saens) To order only.... 20.00 The Awakening of the Soul Dramatic Interpretive Dance Poem. Comprising Eight Dances. For Solo 30.00 A For Male Dancer (Tragic Descriptive) 20.00 Le Retour de Pierrot Dance Pantomime Male Dancer. 15.00 . The Wood Sprite Solo S.oo Perillieux Badinage (Dangerous Sport) French Panto mime for Male and Female and Ensemble, if desired. 10.00

Pas Militaire Hongroise Double Dance 3.00 Spirit of the Times 5.00 Patriotic Toe DanceSolo S.oo Pas de Trois Pantomime Dance S.oo Polka Comique Pantomime Dance for Children 3.00 11 Pleut (It is Raining) Characteristic Toe Dance 3.00 Fancy Toe Dance Medley with Song if desired Solo 4.00 Any of the above dances will be sent upon receipt of money order, check or cash.

FHADAMk FftENZELl'S G^rand Ballet $cbool,

22 East 16th Street New York City SHOULD BE THE POSSESSOR OF

Clendenen's Treaties on Stage Dancing

This it a standard work, unexcelled as a work of superiority, and is the only book published in America, V. eating upon every branch of Stage Dancing, start ing with the rudiments of our art and treating upon Exercises, Posing, Technical

Terms, Fancy Dancing, etc., making it a complete treaties on dancing for the beginner or advanced teacher.

The aim of the publisher was to meet the demands of the beginner, re quiring a thorough conception of the essentials and rudiments of the dancing art; and, to give to advanced teachers, proper facilities, opportunities, and advantages, for a higher dancing education. It contains information, culmin ating in Life, and Force that Devise and Achieve, with reference to the status of ability to be enjoyed by the teacher of dancing. This work is endorsed and recommended by the Press and the Professional Dancing Teachers. Owing to the great demand for this work, orders should be sent at an early date.

This work has been republished, at a great expense, revisions having been made by Mr. Louis Kretlow of Chicago, 111. It contains, among other important information and instructions, many intricate features of Ballet, Poses, Atti tudes, Arabesques, and Positions; Analysis and Combinations of Technical

Terms, Forming Fancy Dances, LaZephire; Skipping Hope Dance; Handy Ref erences and General Review, Questions and Answers; Fancy Dances and How to Teach; Highland Fling. Sailors Hornpipe; 20th Century Skirt Dance; La-





Special Two Weeks Normal Course

TO 2nd, JULY 22nd AUG. 1918

At Passapae Studio 3O Central Ave. Newark. N. J.

20 minutes from New York City, via Hudson Tube.

Course will include

Autaenti : Dances of the U.S. A. and all Allied Nations

A Complete Wartime Paegeant

in Ten Morning sessions, 10 A. to 1 P M.



in Ten Afternoon Session4 to 5.3O P. M.

For schedule of work and further information address EDNA ROTHARD PASSAPAE, 30 Central Ave., Newark, N. J. Classic, Aesthetic, Toe, Interpretative and Character Dances. The following dance compositions by Albert W. Newman have been carefully selected for publication from a most extensive repetoire of Artistic Dance Novelties. Each and every dance has found favor with delighted audiences. The dances appear in a form convenient for teaching purposes with an explicit description, with diagrams and drawings of the steps, positions and movements Anitra's Dance, (Oriental Solo with Veil) $1.50 Amina, (Egyptian Solo, most effective) 3.00 American Beauty Waltz, (with Festoon of Roses) 1.50 Beautiful Blue Danube, (Hellenic Interpretive Solo) 3.00 Barcarole From Tales of Hoffman 1.50 Bolero, (Spanish Duo) 1.50 Coppelia, (Grand Russian Dance for 8, 16 or 32 couples) 2.00 Cupid and the Dove, (Descriptive Solo, easy) 1.50 Crack of the Whip, (Descriptive Solo for lady or gentleman) 1.50 Coquetterie, (Story of the Rose) 1.50 Danse d' Amour, (Poetic Solo) 1.50 Espana, (Spanish Group for 8 ladies) 1.50 Greek Maid Playing Ball, (Greek Interpretative Pantomimic Solo). 3.00 Hungarian Czardas, (Fascinating Solo for lady and gentleman).... 2.00 Indian Idylle, (Indian Story for group and soloist) 2.00 Irish , (a'ny number of couples) .50 In Cupid's Garden, (Artistic Solo) 1.50 Irish Lilt, (Character Duo) .75 Lasso Dance, (Rope Dance) i.oo La Manola, (Spanish Solo) 2.00 Musidora, (Polish Flirtation Dance, gentleman and two ladies).... 2.00 Newman Minuet de la Cour, (as danced in the Pageant, 1913) 1.50 Pipes of Pan, (Interpretative Dance) 2.50 Pizzicato, (Artistic Fan Dance) 2.00 Pierrot and Pierrette, (French Folly Dance for 8 couples) 2.00 Polka Classique, (Solo for Premiere) 3.00 Pas de Styrian, (Folk Dance) 1.50 Reel, (any number of couples) 1.50 Sacred Incense Dance, (Oriental Descriptive Dance) 3.00 Sailor's Delight, (especially for men) 1.50 Scotch Folk Dance, (any number of couples) i.oo Spring Song, (Mendelssohn Emotional Solo) 3.00 Sunshine, (Parasol Dance) 1.50 Tarantella, (, any number of couples) 75 ORDER FROM THE TWO-STEP. Mr. H. Layton Walker having extensively been in receipt of Mr. Newman's dances, and, knowing Mr. Newman's ability recommends these dances most urgently. Summer Normal School OF THE Vestoff - Serova Russian School of Interpretative Classic and Nature Dancing June 3rd to July 27th Inclusive

Dancing is taught at this school not only for the aesthetic training it gives, but as a means of physical development. The aim is to bring about perfect mental and phyiscal co-ordination. Our normal courses are particularly adapted for physical training, for dances are not taught by rote, but as a development from fundamentals, thus differing from most schools.

Instruction will be given by the strongest faculty in this country and a number of courses new to Americans interested in dancing will be included without any extra charge. Our free booklet "Dancing" awaits your inquiry.

Mons. M. Veronine Vestoff and Mile. Sonia Serova will not teach at any of the Dancing Conventions this year. Their studios will be the only place where their instruction may be had.

For those who cannot attend our courses in person, M. Vestoff and Mile. Serova have published two volumes, one on "Nature Dancing," the other on "The Russian Imperial Method of Training a Dancer." They treat exhaust ively of these subjects, and will enable you to gain a comprehensive knowledge thereof. Price, $5.00 per volume. All Instruction at the School Under the Personal Supervision of M. VERONINE VESTOFF and MLLE. SONIA SEROVA Artist, Russian Imperial Ballet, Graduate Russian School and Solo Danseur Classique Pav- Wordsworth School, London, lowa.Mordkin Co. England.

CLASSES Normal Courses Now Forming PRIVATE LESSONS Write, Phone or Call the Studios

26 East 46th Street (Opposite the Eitz) New York City Telephone, Vurierbllt 2399 THE TWO STEP.

Volume XXVIII. BUFFALO, AT- Y., JUNE /9i8, Jfo. 6

CONVENTION week. Afternoon Sessions, 3.30 JOINT to 4.30 Senior technique (i of the American National Asso hour) for those who have some ciation of masters of Dancing and previous knowledge of technique the American Society of Profes or have already studied under Mr. at the sors of Dancing Astor Mascagno. 4.30 to 5 Exhibition Hotel, New York City, commenc Dance, one to be given each week. ing Monday, Aug. 26th, ending Fees for members of the Am. Nat. Saturday, August 3ist, 1918. The Ass'n Masters of Dancing and committee sincerely hopes that members of the Am. Society of every member will strive to at Prof, of Dancing will be as fol tend this One Grand Convention. lows: For one week ten (10) dol No pains nor money have been lars, for two weeks fifteen (15) spared to bring together such an dollars, for three weeks twenty aggregation of teachers whose (20) dollars. All others the fee names are pre-eminent in the pro will be fifteen (15) dollars per fession, and all this is free to week. Regulation Costume to be members. Try to bring in as worn during exercises : Gentle many new members as possible. men, Knee Breeches and Negligee Shirt; Ladies, Short Skirts with Bloomers. Registration to be American National Association made with Mr. W. L. Blinn, 1904 Normal School will be held at Harlem Boulevarde, Rockford, Oscar Duryea Normal School, 47 111. School will be held at 47 West 72nd st, New York City, West 72nd St., New York City. commencing August 5th and con Officers of Normal School : Mose tinuing for three weeks, closing Christensen. Chairman, W. L. Saturday, Aug. 24th. Blinn, Secretary and Treasurer, A. N. A. Normal School, Stef- Fred W. Kehl, Ila D. Knowles, ano Mascagno, Instructor. Pro Edna R. Passapae, M. F. Conway, George gram of Normal School, com (Pres. A. N. A.) F. A. N. A.), Ex-Of- mencing Monday, August 5, and Walters (Sec. to continue for three weeks, clos ficio members. ing Saturday, August 24th ; Morning Sessions, 10 to n SUMMER SCHOOL Junior technique (i hour) for those who have no knowledge of June 310 June 28 a supplement technique. 11 to 11.30 Exhibi ary course to middle of July. Mrs. tion Dance, one to be given each Lilla Viles, Wyman Boylston THE TWO 8TBP. 19

Chambers, 739 Boylston stv Bos ard of excellence maintained. ton. Mass. Rooms en suite with private bath. Mrs. Wyman, an established Running water in every room. and recognized teacher, pageant- Superior Cuisine. Best located director and composer of , hotel for tourists. Make your re has studied at the best ballet servation now. Morgan & Par schools on the continent. Her sons. ; knowledge of the dance is further augmented travel and by practical AESTHETIC and BALLROOM observation of the native dances in many countries. DANCES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS COURSE A Morning Session, 10 to 12; i. Duryea Normal School of Technique, Rudimentary Exer Dancing. Special summer course. cises. Their absolute necessity New dance arrangements by Mr. demonstrated, and their relation Duryea, "Liberty Waltz," "The and value to finished work. II. Canteen Canter," "Camouflage Clog and Step Dancing. III. Turn" in the One Step and Fox Folk and National Dances. IV. Trot, "Swagger Stick Drill." Mr. Ball-room Dancing. Stephano Mascagno Classes in Classic Dancing June loth to B COURSE Sept. loth. 47 West 72nd Street, Afternoon Session, 1.30 to 3.30. New York City. I. Advanced Technique : Bar, Side and Centre Practice, Porte les bras Adajio, Combinations of THIRTIETH ANNUAL MAY Steps for Various Tempos. Panto FESTIVAL mimic Jesture. II. Interpretative under the direction of Mrs. Wil and Nature Dancing. III. A liam S. Butler, Mechanics Bldg., Little Pantomime (solo) with Boston, Mass., Saturday after dance. IV. Variation (sur les noon and evening, May 14, 1918. pointes) : Demi-Character Dances, New and original costumes; Spanish (authentic), Egyptian, dances designed for this occasion Russian-duo. Other Dances sub and directed by Mrs. Lilla Viles stituted if desired. Wyman. Programme: Huckle Tuition fee for the entire course berry Finns and Sunbonnet Sues, $50.00, fee for either morning, 100 participants, a modern cru afternoon or special course $25.00, sader, Knitting, Knitting sister fee for the last week $35.00, fee Nettie for the Navy Nightly for the last week half course Knits. The Kilties march and $20.00. Eightsome, Petronella, Highland, Dance, Shean Trews, The Danc HOTEL BRUNSWICK ing Lesson. In the Walleau Period, Chorovald, Fluff Fluff, Asbury Park, N. J., will open Camouflage, Old Spanish Dance, Thursday, June 27th, for the sea Nature Dance, Her Soldier Boys, son of 1918, The highest stand- Children of our Country, a 20 THB TWO STEP.

Pantomimic Fantasy, Clown with the Normal Courses given 'Capers, at the Pool, Rus by Mons. Maurice, the celebrated sian Dance, Artists' Frolic, 150 ballroom dancer, whom she as young people. This affair was sisted for two seasons ; also the wonderously beautiful, it was also conventions of the American Na repeated for Camp Devans Base tional Association Masters of Ball fund. Great credit is due to Dancing, at which she was special Mrs. Wm. S. Butler and Mrs. teacher in 1916, and is always Lilla Viles Wyman. looked upon as an authority in the newest developments in ball room dancing, as danced in New MRS. LILLA VILES WYMAN York City. She is also a board member of the A. A. Normal Director and teacher of the larg N. School, New City, and State est and most beautiful amateur York Supervisor of the A. N. of production given in the United A. M. States, Mrs. William S. Butler's D. annual May Festival. Dance Mrs. Passapae has made a thor Shop: Boylston Chambers, 739 ough study of authentic National Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Dances of the United States and Wyman announces a daily sum her Allies in the present war. mer school for technical, artistic which she will personally teach in and ball room dancing, month of ten morning sessions. June, 1918, a supplementary The very latest ballroom course to middle of July. Mrs. dances, both for children's and Wyman, an .established and rec adult's classes will be taught by ognized teacher, pageant-director, Mrs. Passapae and capable asist- and composer of ballets, has ants in ten afternoon sessions. studied at the best ballet schools Private lessons may be ar of the continent. Her knowledge ranged for any time during the of the dance is further augmented summer, by teachers who cannot by travel and pratcical observa arrange to be present for the tion of the native dances in many Special Normal course. countries. Dances of the United States and the Allies EDNA ROTHARD PAASAPAE Ten morning sessions. 10 A, M. announces a special two weeks' to i P. M. normal course, commencing July Schedule of morning work, first 22 to August 2, in dances of the week : Monday, France (Solo and U. S. A. and allies and up to the Group) Servia, (Group), Tues minute Ballroom Dances, Pass- day, Russia, (Solo and Group(, apae Studio, 30 Central Avenue, Wednesday. England, (Duet and Newark, N. J. Group), Belgium, (Dance of Mrs. Passapae needs no intro Despair), Thursday, Greece, (In duction to the American Dancing terpretive Solo and Group), Fri teacher, being remembered for day, Review. her excellent work in Second week : Monday, U. S. THB TWO STEP.

A., Tuesday, Scotland.- Solo and vich) ;Polish Ulan Polka, Mr. and Group), Wednesday, Ireland, Mme. de Kurylo; Polish Folk Solo and Group) (Roumania Songs. Miss Didur ; a) Mazur (Solo), Thursday, Italy, (Duet Dance, b) Krakowiak Dance, Mr. and Group), Friday, Review. and Mme. de Kurylo ; Jugoslav Up-to-the-Minute Ballroom (Serbian) Folk Songs, Mixed Dances and Children's Class Quartett ; Czecho-Slovak Folk Work. Ten afternoon sessions. Songs, Mr. Zan (Zaninovich) ; 4 P. M. to 5.30 P. M. Terms of Jugoslav (Serbian) Folk Songs, Tuition : Morning Course, U. S. Mr. Gjurin; Polish Folk Songs, ; Slavonic Dance, Mr. de A. and Allies, one week, 5 ses Quartett sions, $15.00; two weeks, 10 ses- Kurylo; Polish Folk Songs, Mr. ssions, $25.00; single lessons (ex Kallini ; Finale. Miss Ina Good at the cept Fridays), $5.00. Afternoon win piano. course, ballroom work : one week, 5 sessions, $10.00, two weeks, 10 FETE MILITAIRE sessions, $15.00, morning and afternoon courses : one week, War Charity Benefit given and S2o.oo,two weeks, $40.00. Music directed by the Three Arts Club and description of all dances may of Philadelphia, in aid of The be had at a nominal sum. Three Arts Club and The United Service Club of Philadelphia, under the direction of Prof. Albert CONCERT W. Newman, Friday and Satur day, May loth and nth, First of Slav Folk Songs and Dances. Regiment Armory, Broad and Polish, Jugoslav, Bohemian, Aeo Callowhill Streets, Pa. Dances of lian Hall, May 2ist, 1918, by all Nations, performed by the the following prominent Slav art members of the Newman Normal ists: Mme. Clara de Kwapis- School of Dancing. Dances ar zewska, Coloratura Soprano, ranged by and given under the Obrad Gjurin, Tenor, Mme. Nor- personal direction of Prof. Albert ma Robins, Contralto, Nikola Zan W. Newman. Florence Dunlop, (Zaninovich). Baritone), Miss Pianist; American Indian, a) Sun Eva Didur, Soprano. Jozef Kal- Dance, b) Hnuting Dance (Solo), lini, Tenor, Mr. and Mme. Edou- Thusnelda Tholey, c) Dance of ard de Kurylo (former imperial Victory ; Indians ; France, Gavot ballet master of Warsaw and te (Court Dance) ; England, Eng Petrograd) in folk and character lish Jockey Dance ; Scotland, dances. In aid of Franco-Serbian Highland Fling, by members of hospital fund and the Polish army the Children's Class ; Scotch LaS- in hospital in France. sies ; Spain, Jota Aragonaise, Kar- Programme : Polish National lene Franz ; Russian Ballet Diver Hymn, Serbian National Hymn, tissement, a) Pas Seul from La mixed quartett ; Carpathian Gioconda, b) Valse D'Amour : Mountain Dance, Mr. and Mme. Greece, Greek Maid Playing Ball ; de Kurylo; Jugoslav (Croatien) Italy, Gipsy Dance ; Belgium, polk Songe, Mr. Zan (Zanino Peasant Dance ; Japan, Nagasaki ; 22 THE TWO STEP

Ireland. Reel ; Canada, Carnival An especially charming number Skating Dance ; America, Stars was Miss Callahan's new "Water and Stripes ; March Triumphant Frolic," danced by little Polly Militaire; Star Spangled Banner; Hanna as the water nymph and Grand March. Miss Eugenie Wenis as the water maiden. This was a Greek inter pretive and afforded an opport A PRETTY EXHIBITION unity for Miss Eugenie Wenis to The pupils of Miss Catherine show a really beautiful dance, ex- Callahan's dancing classes show trordinarily well done, with grace ed what they had learned at the ful steps and posturings. In a annual exhibition, held at Elks' dress of floating gray, under col hall, Friday evening. From the ored lights, she was the spirit of time that five small girls in fluffy the stream itself, and Polly Han skirts pranced on the stage in the na, as a little Hellenic maiden "Dance of Greeting," to the last with her magic flute, was a charm number, a most attractive and ing figure. well arranged tableau, the pretty These three always dance ex- and graceful dancers were ac septionally well, and this number corded hearty applause. They all was quite delightful. It was fol showed thorough training, and lowed by a little "May-day Pa the event was made more inter triotic," danced, with waving esting by the knowledge that flags. every dance was the invention of A joyous little "Dance of Miss Callahan. Spring" with flower and ribbon In the first number five small garlands. Miss Wenis is one of girls pranced out, four of them the "star" dancers of the classes, driven by silken reins, delightful gave a most graceful and delight ponies. They evidently enjoyed ful solo dance, "Pizzacati." This themeslves, for they were loath was followed by a jolly dance of to retire and were pulled back sailor lads and lasses. ward into the wings by the one The audience lost its collective who drove. heart to tiny Barbara Roche as The next was the comedy the "Moon Bird" in the Moon "Ruby and Reuben" dance by dance, and to fair little Peaches little Marjory Taggart and For Hanna, as the Moon Fairy. These rest Claypool. both in country two danced with an abondon that costum. Then followed a pretty was joyous to see, and were sup gavotte, Irish dancer, excellently ported by five dainty sprites. done. A modern dance, a waltz, "In The "Dainty Dance" was well spiration," was presented by older named, and was extremely pretty, members of the class. One of the four Scotch lassies, danced a reel prettiest numers of the evening with grace and accuracy. was the Humoresque, danced. Repeated by request from last A very pretty little dance was "In season's exhibition was a Spanish Cupid's Garden", the tarantella, dance. and then came a stately little ga fHB tWO STEP 23 votte by Marian Neff and Albert In the report it is also pointed Redman in picturesque costume, out that the states of Georgia and its dignified measures contract Florida have more hogs than all ' ing with the modern dance which the New England states and New followed, with Engenie Wenis York, New Jersey, Delaware and and Clark Robinson demonstrat West Virginia combined. ing the one step and fox-trot to national and patriotic airs, and During the past month Prof. then breaking off into jigs and Menancon has given 180 private reels, as light as feathers. dancing lessons. Menancon Danc The entertainment closed with ing Acadaemy, 895 Elm St. Open a very effective tableau of all the every day and evening. participants, and then came the grand march, ler by Marian Neff and Albert Redman. This was MANY CHILDREN ENTER the end of the set program, and TAIN DURING DANCING general dancing wound up the evening. EXHIBITION

EMPRESS PANTAGES Pupils of M. A. Donovan School Event VAUDEVILLE in Annual Attention! Mothers! We give two complete shows every Satur Opening with a grand march, day afternoon, 1:30-3:15, for you in which 120 children took part, and the children. Sat. Mat. of and led by Miss Eunice Potter fering Prof. Lewis Mahler pre and Master Milton Lindsay, the M; sents Little George Hough. Jean annual exhibition of the A. McGrew, Violin and dancing Donovan School for Dancing last, number. Nadine Philpot. singing evening in Elks Auditorium added and dancing. another to the list of successful affairs given by Miss Donovan and her assistants. FLORIDA STANDS FOURTH Children from little tots of 4 IN THE CATTLE years old to those of 12 represent ing by their costumes different INDUSTRY nations, Colonial days, military A semi-official report on cattle maids and Boy Scouts made an as places Florida fourth in the list attractive gathering they of largest cattle states, according marched each with an Aemircan to the following figures given out flag, and later in fancy dances in solos and at Tallahassee : groups. State 1917 1918 After the opening march and Texas 5,482,000 4,660,000 the singing of "The Star Spangled Missouri 1,650,000 1,782,000 Banner" a large May basket of Oklahoma . . . 1,300,000 1,404,000 pale green crepe paper, filled with Florida 865,000 896,000 flowers, was placed in the centre 24 THB TWO STKP

of the hall and presented to Miss Mahler-Pufeles managed readily Donovan by Elmer Etchells. As to strike the patriotic note in that, he concluded the presentation he by the introduction of multifar

handed Miss Donovan a bouquet ious dance forms, she gave an il of greenbacks tied to one side of luminative resume of the history the handle, and his partner pre of our country, especially the war sented a similar one to Miss Bes periods of the revolution, the civil sie M. Donovan. Another in war, the war of 1812 and the structor, E. A. Hogan, also re Spanish-American war. ceived a sum of money from Miss This constituted the first part M. A. Donovan, the presentation of the evening's diversion; the being made by P. W. Card. Miss second section being given over Donovan also. received a cut glass to ornamental figures, interpreta vase from her class in Bristol. tive dances, animated floral sets,

Ten former pupils of adult clas echoes from fairy land an a grand ses of Miss Donovan were ushers, spectacular Yankee Doodle finale. and preceded the children, Miss For all these ensemble numbers, Donovan and Miss B. M. Dono as well as the solo dances Mme. van as they entered the hall. Re Mahler-Pufeles designed the cos freshments were served after the tumes, which were not only beau children's entertainment and later tifully appropriate but in excellent there was general dancing for the taste as to tournure and color juvenile and adult classes and scheme. The music was selected friends. Eevning Bulletin, Prov by Maxwell Goldman, who led

idence, R. I., May 29. the orchestra, Prof. Mahler direct ing the choreographic portion of the performance. 'MISS YANKEE DOODLE' The Yankee Doodle cast of GIVEN WITH SPIRIT principals was as follows: Miss Yankee Doodle, Dorothy BY MAHLER'S PUPILS Pufeles ; Miss Holesale, Viola Retale, Ranging all the way from tots Wolfort; Miss Melba to and in their Sporteder ; Lemme,, Stewart of 3 girls boys Gimme, White; teens, over 100 pupils of the vet White; Sterling Miss Midget, Altah Behrend; Isa eran dancing master, Jacob Mah

bella, Seele ; Columbus, ler, took part in a specially in Jarvis vented entertainment at the Charles Thompson ; Spirit of of Odeon last night for the benefit 1776, Max Kahn, Jr.; Spirit Klein; Spirit of of the Federation for Soldiers' 1776, Buster Jr., Spain, Week-End Recreation. An audi 1776, Ted J. Druding, Rhoades, Star-Spangled ence that followed the ornate pro Helen Thelma Hayman. gram with joyful approval com Banner. pletely filled the auditorium in The patriotic not was further cluding the boxes and the major emphasized by such ensemble fig section of the balcony. ures as the dance of the Red Cross Calling her offering "Miss Nurses, the divertissement of the Yankee Doodle," Mme. Rosalind- surgical dressings, the merrymak THB TWO STEP

ings of the English sailors, the erican Military Hospital No. I at

flight of the aeroplanes, the spir- for endowment of a ward in Am- tied showing of the Ben Blewett Neuilly, France, the Children of Junior High School Drum Corps, the American Loyalty League who acted as escort to "Miss presented Peter Iljitsch Tschai- Yankee Doodle"; the presenta kowsky's ballet. "The Sleeping tion of the I&I2 gavotte, the dance Beauty," at the Victoria Theater and march of the blue and the last night. gray and the lively sailings of the The perfomance, to be repeated warships. at the same house this afternoon, Ornamental and comedy num was staged and directed by Alice bers were presented by little Martin. Those having the prin Buster Keim, the best canine im cipal characters in the main cast itator in this part of the country, were: Charlotte Tellman, Isabel

if, indeed, for his years and size., Fulton, Grace Oberschelp, Esther

his equal exists anywhere ; the Wagner, Kathleen Wheeler, episode of the animated lounge Marjorie Fulton, Martha Pettus and the flower boxes, the wove- and Martha Schuyler. ments of the clock ballet, the Among the numerous groups whirlings of the scarf dancers and were such as Courtiers, the a well-arranged number labeled Twelve Good Fairies, Little At "Pictures". tendants, Little Nurses, Villagers, Individual dances were so Flower Girls, Gypsies, Gypsy plentiful as to defy enumeration . Queens, Hunters, Pompeiian or description, notwithstanding Flower Girls, Fairy Groups and

all of which piethora, of good a richly costumed diverson, the things, Prof. Mahler, beginning Dance of the Golden Balls, pre promptly at 8:15 and keeping sented by Misses Margaret things moving, "a tempo dans- Houser, Bess Goldstone, Sue Hill, ante," was enabled to ring down Margaret Lippman, Gladys Nes- his final curtain at 10:45. The bitt. Jane Sante and Marie Akins feature of the first act finale was Simpson.

a fine vocal rendition of very The story of "The Sleeping "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Beauty," as musically transcribed Miss Thelma Hayman. The sec by Tschaikowsky, was closely ond and last showing of "Miss followed. It tells of the advent Yankee Doodle" takes place at ures of Prince Florizel and Prin the Odeon this afternoon. Prof cess Briar Rose and the machina announces that he will Mahler tions of the Fee de Lilas, who celebrate his golden jubilee as a plays quite a role in Slavic my preceptor of the art terpsichore thology. in May next year. All the solo participants, as well as the members of the groups, 'THE SLEEPING BEAUTY' handsomely acquitted themselves their several tasks in DANCED AT THE VICTORIA of .pleasant dance and pantomime. The cos Devoting the entire proceeds tumes and scenic environment of 26 THB TWO 8TBP. the great Russian classic were in maids. Natural Dances 24 Couples accord with tradition. Followed by general dancing. School Re-opens Saturday, Sept. TANGO KING 28, 1918. Mr. Kingston Salman has re signed his fine position at the CLOSING EXERCISES Grand Central Palace to accept Class one at the Lovell Palace of Danc of 'the Children's Dancing at the Rutherford School of ing, 637 Madison Ave., New York Sat., n, City. Kingston Solmon and Dancing, May 1918. Ruby Frazier Winners Worlds Benefit of the Red Cross. Direc Championship Tango Contest at tion of Prof. Geo. E. Rutherford. Rutherford, the Millionairs Banquet for a Gco. E. Jr., at the Piano. $500.00 Purse at the Grand Cen tral Palace, New York City, Apr. PROGRAM 24th, 1918. Reference Prof. De- Commerce, Grand Central Palace, Demonstration of Class Exer Prof. Lovell, 637 Madison Ave., cises ; Polka Novelette ; New York City, Holley Tarr, 665 Fantasie ; Skirt Dance ; Polka 8th Ave.. New York City, King (Coquette); Highland Fling; ston Salmon, Studio. 120 West Valse des Fluers; Polka (Petit); 72nd st... New York City. Stage Anitra's Dance ; Waltz Arabesque dancing taught, fifteen dollars per- Group (Trio) ; Pizzicato ; hour. Spring; Venetian Waltz; Hearts and Flowers ; Duett a. Skaters Waltz, b. Crystal Waltz ; Mignon ANNUAL EXHIBITION ette ; Novelette (Toe Dance) ; Chrysanthemums ; Dew Fairies ; The M. A. Donovan School for Deutt a. Waltz, b. Tickle Toe ; Dancing, Tuesday Evening, May Blue Bird; Humoreske; Sylvia; 28th, 1918, Elks Auditorium, Wood Nymph ; Moment Musical ; Providence, R. I. McCarty's Or Whispering Flowers, Toe Dance ; chestra. Programme minuet 20 Finale Ballroom Dancing, Class. Couples, Class Polka, Song and Nightmares, as well as ordi Dance, Childhood Scenes Groups, nary dreams, have more than once Oriental Dance Esther Fischer, been turned to profitable use. The Small Town Group, Scotch famous Mrs. Radcliffe, the great Dance, Woodland Nymphs, Par sensational novelist of the early asol Dance, pecialty, Glow Worm, nineteenth century, obtained her Joan of Arc, So Long Letty, "inspiration" for such blood-curd Sleigh Bell Dance, Sweet Petoo- ing romances as "The Mysteries tie, Land of Wedding Bells, of Udolpho" and "The Romance Bride Dorothy Olsen, Groom of the Forest" from phantom Thomas Fogarty. Attendants & horrors seen in sleep taken after Irish Jig, La Bell Pasee, Spanish supping on pork-pies. Group, Boy Scouts Captain A remarkable story is told master Elmer Etchells Military about the production of Tartini's THE TWO STEP 37

"Devil's Sonata." The musician ship laden with earth and goes had made several vain attempts through all the horror of believ alive, un to write a sonata to his own sat ing himself buried is isfaction, but without any good doubtedly the result of a personal result. At last, in a fit of dejec experience not in waking but in tion, he retired to rest, and no sleeping moments ; while the con sooner had he dropped asleep ception of the Raven, with his than he fell into a troubled dream everlasting "Nevermore," came to in which the devil appeared to the poet as he dozed in his arm him and took up his violin. chair while his pet raven perched on the top of the bookcase. At first he was in an agony of apprehension lest the fiend should treasure, destroy his greatest but SPANISH GROUP DANCE of Evil played instead the Author (Copyrighted.) the most fascinating and weird music Tartini had ever heard. He For sixteen girls, 2-4 time. write it then implored the devil to ENTRY down, but Beelzebub flatly ref used and went off in such a rage Eight girls stand in single file that the musician awoke in a great on each side of the stage thus : fright. 00000000 [Center] oooooooo But the lilt of the wonderful At the first tremlo chord of music was still running in his music, all run to the center, hold brain, and he leaped out of bed, ing tambourines well up, and rushed to his desk and put down shaking them, and stop in posi all he could recall, which, he al tion 2, facing front. ways averred, was the worst por All hold tambourines in left tion of the wonderful whole. The hands, the right on hip. the sonata has ever since borne the Position No. 2 After * name of its true satanic author. entry. De Quincey is usually called 12345678 the English Opium Eater, and Tie oooooooo obtained the greater part of his oooooooo fame from the awful, though The description for the four often enchanting, dreams that couples numbered, will answer for visited him while he lay in the those back. "Confes power of the drug.' His One and two join right hand; Opium Eater" con sions of an three and four the same, etc. of the masterpieces of tains some Polka around each other, hold prose describing in wonderful ing tambourines well up with left language his terrible nightmares. hand ; 4 bars. Edgar Allan Foe, too, was in Change tambourine to the right nightmares for some of debted to hand, join left and polka back; 4 his most terrible conceptions and bars. stories. The scene in "Arthur Two, four six and eight, kneel Gordon Pym," wliere the hero the finish of the above fourth awakes in the narrow bunk of a at 28 THB TWO STEP. bar, and one, three, five and seven, The couples in making the ma polka around them, holding tam zurka to the right and left pass bourine over their heads, shaking each other. them ; 4 bars. When a couple' is moving to the One, three, five and 7, kneel on right, carry tambourine in left the fourth bar, the others up and hand and the reverse. immediately polka around these The Arches kneeling, holding tambourine in 12 12 12 12 left hand ; 4 bars. oo oo oo oo the fourth bar On up. Position No. b In making the polka movement oo oo oo oo around the one kneeling, move 34 34 34 34 of around front them. No. i hold tambourine in right The above takes 16 bars. hand, No. 2 in left, holding them Mazurka Movement Position up so as to form an arch. 3 and No. 3. 4, tambourine to the chest. i 234 In this position I and 2 move oo op oo oo backward with polka step, and at oo oo oo oo the same time 3 and 4 move for with Couples one and three mazurka ward polka step, passing under raised tambourines ; bars. sideways toward the right, two 3 2, and four toward the left ; 3 bars. Step i, 3 in stationary posi tion, ; Each turn .completely round striking tambourine 3 times i bar. with a stamping step. and are Striking the tambourine three Numbers 3 4, who now front, raise tambourines in the times ; i bar. same manner and polka backward, Mazurka back ; bars. 3 in and 2 at the same time polka Each turn as before, striking forward ; 3 bars. tambourine ; i bar. Step i, 2, 3, and at the same Repeat the above movements ; time strike tambourine 3 times ; I 8 bars. bar.* The turn is made by simply Now repeat the entire 8 bars. stepping on R, L, R, or the re The Crosses verse, L, R, L, in one place. The mazurka step is made by oo1234oo oo oo stepping with R to second posi Position No. tion ; count i, Close L to first 5 position ; count and hop on L and o o o o . bring R to fifth position back on 5678 the same count, without placing 0000 weight on it ; count 2, and the re Couples i, 2, 3 and 4 kneel, fac verse stepping with L, etc. ing front, 5 and 6 face toward the A mazurka step may be repeat left, 7 and 8 face toward the right, ed any number of times in one joining nearest hands ; 4 bars. direction. All polka around to position. THB TWO STBP. 29

No. 6; 4 bars. R in front and strike Position No. 6 tambourine toward the left ; count 6578 2. i bar. 0000 Step on R; count i. oo oo oo oo Swing L in front, striking tam o o o o bourine toward the right. C 2. I bar. Numbers i, 2, 3 and 4 now rise the bars from kneeling position, and all During the last two lean a hold tambourines up in the center little back. Repeat the movements to the with right hands, and polka next four bars, beginning with left around once; 8 bars. foot. tambourines to the Change The couples after rising will hand and hold up in' center, other execute the same movements just once around, 8 bars. and polka executed by those back, beginning Numbers i, 2, 3 and 4 again with left foot. 8 bars. kneel, 6 and 5 join hands over At the same time those back, them facing the left, 8 and 7 join will repeat the movements already hands the same facing the right, executed, beginning with right, as and polka step around the places, at first. and the kneeling couples remain When the front row are swing as they are, placing tambourines ing the L in front and tambour on the floor in front of them. ines toward the right, those back Posing figure Position No. 7 will swing R in front and tam oo oo oo oo bourines toward the left. Kneeling, When the hop forward is being oo oo oo oo made, place one hand on the hip, Executing step. the other holding tambourine well The kneeling couples now pose up in front. over the tambourines, making The Turning circular movements with hands, All hold tambourines in left up and down for eight bars, rising hand over the head, and take hold on the eighth. of skirt with right hand, bending sideways. Extend R to second po At the same time the back sition; count i. couples execute steps as follows: Draw R up so the heel is over in right hand. Tambourine the left instep and raise on the Spring forward on R: count i. ball of both feet, turning one- Hop on R as you are ~rcount 2 fourth toward the right; count 2. (holding L up back; i bar). i bar. Repeat, extending R to second Hop on to L, taking R quickly position, turning one-fourth, etc. ; up back ; count 2. i bar. onto L taking R quickly Hop The above two bars turn you back, count 2. i bar. up one-half around. On the above two bars lean a Fow repeat for two more bars, little forward. completing the turn. Step on L; count I. Reverse the position, tambour THE TWO STEP ine in right hand over the head, The movements described take extending left foot and making 8 bars. the turn toward left for four the When one line is bending to the bars. right, the others are bending to The turning is made in one the left. place, and one-fourth on each bar. Now repeat the movements, 12 34 56 78 only in double time, making the oo oo oo oo setp and bend on two counts, or * Position No. 8 one bar ; 8 bars. oo oo oo oo The Arches Position No. 10. 12 345678 10 30 50 70 Numbers i, 3, 5 and 7 make one 20 40 6080 step toward the right, and carry 1030 50 70 L to fifth position back, holding 20 40 60 80 the tambourines, by each side of Numbers 3 and 5, 4 and 6 hold the rim, with both over the hands tambourines up, forming an arch, head so the ribbons will hang i and 2, 7 and 8, move forward in down; I bar. single file and up through the Bend the ; bar. toward right I arch, number i ahead, 7 next, 2 At the same time numbers 2, 4, next, 8 next, etc., as shown in No. 6, 8, and back of I, 3, 5 and 7 car ii, and coming back into Position rying R to the fifth position back, No. 10; 16 bars. and tambourines in position de Position No. n. scribed. o o Bend toward the left. ooo This will bring all into position ooo No. 9 on two bars. ooo Position No. 9 Side balance. o 10 30 50 70 o o 20 40 60 80 o o 10 30 50 70 Position No. 12 20 40 60 80 10 30 50 70 i, Numbers 3, 5 and 7 now 20 40 60 80 make a short step to the left, and 10 30 50 70 carry R to the fifth position back. 20 40 60 80 2, 4, 6 8 Numbers and now Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 hold a make short step to the right, and tambourines in right hand, 5 and carry L to fifth position back ; i 6 facing around so the four can bar. hold tambourines up in center. Bend to the left; I bar. Make four polka steps once The other two lines make the around in this position. At the same movements, only in opposite time i and 2 join right hands, 7 direction. and 8 the same, and carry tam Now repeat the movements, bourines to 1;he chest. bending to the right and left; 4 Make four polka steps around bars. each other ; 4 bars. THE TWO STEP. ' 81

This will form two groups of brings the exit shown in No. .14. center, and four in the four of Position No. 14 two. 37 * 5 All tambourines to left hands Off o o o o Off on the fourth bar. 26 48 o o o o Off Now I and 3 raise tambourines Off together, 5 and 7 the same, 2 and 37 IS o o o o 4 and so on, and polka around 2 6 8 Off each other. 3 bars. Off 4 o o o o Step i, 2, 3 stationary, striking tambourines three times ; i bar. Decorate the tambourines with bright colored ribbons about a Repeat the movements entire ; 8 in four or five bars. foot long, places. Have the dresses about twelve Position No. 13 inches from the floor, and Spanish Exit 10 30 50 7 o 20 40 60 80 right colors. 1030 50 70 A yellow skirt with black lace Left 20 40 60 80 over makes a fine costume, but rather expensive. Numbers i and 3 face each Red, yellow and. black are Span other, 5 and 7 the same, and im mediately move forward with ish colors. polka step, passing each other as Combine red and black, or yel in the grand right and left, and low and black. .. continue until off. At same time 2 and 4 face each other, 6 and 8 Mme. Menzeli's Grand Opera the same, and polka one-half Ballet School. All kinds of Danc around each other, and follows ing. Acts originated for Vaude the movements of i, 3, 5 and 7. ville or Cabaret artists. 22 East The next i and 3 face each 16 th Street, New York City. 2 4, other, 5 and 7 the same, and Tel. 3334 Stuyvesant. 6 and 8 the same. i, 2, and now raise tam 3 4 Vestoff bourines with right hands in the Mme. Serova and Mr. will not teach at any of the Con center, 6, 7 and 8 the same, and 5. Only at uolka completely around to four ventions this summer. School which bars of music. their own Normal will be held at their Studio, 26 1 and stop facing each other, 3 East. Street, New York and move off as in grand right and 46th on the the City, beginning 3rd June. left, 5 and 7 the same and at same time. 2 and 4 face each other, 6 and Should you wish your order 8 the same. Raise tambourines sent in either of these ways, and polka one-half round, and kindly add 10 cts. to the usual move off as in grand right and postage or if by both special left. delivery and registered mail, 20 The movements explained are cts. must be added. begun all the same time, which 82 THE TWO STEP THE TWO STEP Twenty-Fifth Annual Con vnetion International Association A MONTHLY MAGAZINE Masters of Dancing* Devoted to Dancing, Acting and Music The Twenty-fifth Annual Con Founded upon the Best In vention of the International As 1882 ART. 1917 sociation Masters of Dancing was PUBLISHED AND OWNED BY held on Monday, June, loth to H. DAYTON WALKER, 1 5th inclusive, at Smith Main and Ferry Sts., James Buffalo, N. Y. Academy, Princess Hall, July and August excepted. 1519 W. Madison St., Chicago. PUBLISHED AT BUFFALO. N. Y. On Monday, June loth, the con Subscription Rates. vention was called to order at On* Year, - IS.OO payabl in advance 10 A. M. On Monday evening Single Copies 25 Cents Professor Smith taught class Foreign Subscription, 12.50. hiss emit Monty P. O. Order, Registered Letters and demonstrated his simple or Draft on New York, method of teaching the Waltz, Our Terms are Cash. Entered ai Second Class Mail Matter at the Two-Step and Fox Trot for the Post Office, Buffalo, N Y. benefit of all the teachers. ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Tuesday the meeting was call ed Aihton, Wm. J., Chicago, 111. to order at 10 o'clock and con Bangert, Jas. W., Baltimore. Md. tinued all day. Tuesday evening Bott, J. Angell, Cleveland, Ohio. the teachers visited the Municipal Campbell, B. C., Albany N. T. Pier Ballroom. Wednesday's con Chamber*, W. E., Omaha, N«b. vention was 10 Chalif, Louis H., New York City. called to order at Condley, Jas. F., Auburn, N. Y. o'clock and continued all day. Clendenen, F. L^ St Louii, Me Thursday the convention was Duryea, Oscar, New York City. called to order at 10 o'clock and Hinman, Z. L, San Francisco, Cal. continued all day. Huntinghouse, B. Q., Chicago, 111. Kehl, F. W., Madison, Wis. Thursday evening, June I3th, Kelly, P. fl., Holyoke, Mass. was a'galla night. Kretlow, Louis, Chicago, 111. Friday, the I4th, the conven Labonte, A. G., Lawrence, Mass. tion met at 10 o'clock; Mahler, Jacob, St. Louis, Mo. work in Mentell, Mme. Elizabetta, New York the forenoon, and Friday after Louis J. Mshler, Kansas City, Mo noon Professor Smith entertained Newman, Albert W., Philadelphia. the teachers on an auto sight Norman, F. H., Montreal, Can. seeing trip all around the boule Prinz, B. A., St. Joseph, Mo. Russell, T. B., Altoona, Pa vards and parks. Friday evening Sampson, I., Lynn, Mass. Professor Smith gave a banquet Serova, Sonia, New York City and cottilion for the visiting Smith, James, Chicago teachers and his assistants. H. T. Whitley, Vadez, Alaska. Curtis, John, Carl ton, Vic., Australia. Saturday evening, June I5th, D 'Albert, Chas., London. England. was the closing of the Interna Ed. J, Kurylo, New York Cily. tional Convention. Lepp, O W., Paris, France. Following is the program pre Vestoff, Veronine New York City sented the Wnislow, Mrs. E. DaPron, Denver, Co o by members on Wed nesday evening: THB TWO STBP. 38

-G, Hepburn Wilson, Talk on Reid, Elizabeth Richards, Ben. F. Dancing; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smitzdorf, James H. Smith, Mrs. Jacobus, Fox Trot; Miss Flor Emma Ordner, Chicago, 111.; ence Reid, Sailor's Hornpipe ; Miss Mae Bundy Bell, Kansas Louis T. Button and Miss Hulda City, Mo. ; Louis T. Button, Bill L. Hanker, Minuet Three-Step; ings, Mont. ; Miss Estelle H. :Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan and Brennecke, Evansville, Ind. ; Mrs. Miss Hulda L. Hanker, Trio Richard Breidenbach, Indiana Group; Miss Dorothy Winters, Harbor, Ind. ; Mrs. Minnie Chap Pupil of Mayblossom Macdonald, man, Oakland, Cal. ; Mrs. C. H. Solo, On to Victory ; Mrs. Teresa Chau, Newport, R. I. ; Jas. F. S. Dolan and group, Jump Jim Condley, Auburn, N Y.; Mr. and Crow ; Mr. James Smith and part Mrs. John Dugan, Newport, R. I. ; ner. One-Step. M. O. Duffy, Detroit, Mich.; Samuel Davis, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Officers elected : Miss Edna DaPron, Denver, Col. ; President, Smith, Chica James Joshua T. Cockey, Baltimore, go, 111. ; Vice-Presidents, First, Md. ; A. W. Farr, Superior, Wis. ; Teresa S. Dolan, Chicago, 111. ; Miss Marion Haslett, Austin Second, W. D. Lynch, Akron, O. ; Duory, Okla. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Third, Mrs. Billy Leon, Ogden, C. Jacobus, Utica, N. Y.; P. C. Utah; Fourth, Louis T. Button, Kelly, Holyoke, Mass. ; Kil Billings, Mont.; Secretary, P. H. J. J. gallen, Schenectady, N. Y. ; Har Mass.; Kelly, Holyoke, Treas old P. Kelly, Holyoke, Mass.; urer, James F. Condley. Auburn, J. H. Little, Vineland. N. J. ; Mrs. N. ; Demonstrator, Y. Miss Hulda Billy Leon, Ogden, Utah; W. D. L. Hanker, San Diego, Cal. ; Prin Lynch, Akron, Ohio ; Joseph Mc- cipal, W. C. Jacobus, Utica, N. Kague, Rochester, N. Y. ; J. C. Y. ; Trustees, Joshua T. Cockey, McCabe, Atlanta, Ga.; F. H. Nor Baltimore, Md. ; Roy V. Heib, man, Montreal, Can. ; Mrs. James Chicago, 111.; Harold C. Selten- Campbell Mathews, Charleston, rich, Bridgeport, Conn. ; John W. Va. ; D. C. Quilty, Bridge Chalmers, Chicago, 111. ; Mrs. port, Conn. ; John Reynolds, Say- Marion A. Haslett, Dewey, Okla. ; more, N. J. ; J. F. Richards, Wash Advisory Board, Benj. B. Lovett, ington, D. C. ; L. F. Schuler, L. F. Schuler, Geo. R. Puckett, Mansfield, Ohio ; Harold Salt- Kilgallen, Dugan. J. J. John marsh, Bridgeport, Conn. ; W. T. The next place of meeting was Thompson, Boston, Mass. ; Kath- voted Atlantic City, loth June erine Temple, Johnstown, Pa. ; to isth, 1919. Chas. I. Temple. Johnstown, Pa. ; Those in Attendance. G. Hepburn Wilson, New York R. Watkins, Baltimore, Wm. J. Ashton, James A. City; H. Burke, John Chalmers, Teresa S. Md. ; Hulda L. Hanker, San Dolan, J. I. Guyon, Geo. Green, Diego, Cal.; Alice Wells, Mil Roy V. Heib, R. G. Hunting- waukee. house, Frank McGuire, Gertrude The following new members Maxwell, Kennedy Maxwell, May were admitted to membership : Blossom MacDonald, Florence John A. Mason, Calgary, Alta, 34 THB TWO STBP

Canada ; Wai. Wilson, New York Walk for'd 4 steps L-R-L-R, City; Mae Bundy Bell, Kansas 5-6-7-8, 2 meas. In section 6 8 City, Mo.; John K. Penley, Cal counts, 4 meas. gary, Alta., Canada ; Mrs. John K. In complete Part I, 16 counts', Penley, Calgary, Alta., Canada; 8 measures. John Chalmers, Chicago, 111. II Louis T. Button, Billings, Mont. Walk for'd 4 steps, L-R-L-R, Geo. J. Kelley, Westfield, Mass. 1-2-3-4, 2 measures. James A. Burke, Chicago, 111. ("Open" the position than as in Kennedy Maxwell, Chicago, 111. "A" of Part I.) Gertrude Maxwell, Chicago, 111.; Walk back 3 steps, Man.L-R-L, F. W. Baesman, Portsmouth, O. Lady R-L^R, at rt. angles to line Honorary member, Robert T. Al of direction, 5-6-7. mond, Bolton Lane, England. (Released outside hands swing "back-for'd-back"). Face partner as in ordinary fox "SAMMY-STEP" trot position. (A military fox-trot) Man glides to R with R, Close Music and escription by Marion L to R, Lady glides to L with L, Freeman. May be danced to any Close R to L, 8 and fox-trot music. Description for Repeat beginning wiih other man counterpart for lady. foot and turn and walk to the op side, I posite releasing other hands this time, 8 counts, 4 meas. A Walk 2 steps for'd (man) In Part II compete 16 counts, L. R. (lady back R. L.), 1-2, i 8 measures. measure; glide L to side close R to L, 3, glide L to side close CHALIF NORMAL SCHOOL R to 4, i ; L, measure release out OF DANCING stretched hands, man turns to V± West St., L, lady turn to R. Man's left 163-5 57th % New York. and lady's right swing for counts 5-6 and salute on counts 7-8 of Summer courses, June 3 to July the following four counts, 5-6-7-8, 26 inclusive. Interpretive, Clas 2 measures. sic, National, Character, Folk Walk back at right angles to Story and Ballroom Dancing, line of direction, 4 steps. Lady Ballots and Pantomime, etc. begins with R, man with L in Twenty-third season instructors, above 4 steps. On the 4th step, Louis H. Chalif, principal ; Mrs. turn back into position facing Madeline B. Hazlitt, Rose I. partner as in the beginning. In Byrne, assistants; Elizabeth Gil- allso far 8 counts, 4 measures. fillan, music director. Special lec (Ordinary fox-trot position fac turers, William Gilbert Anderson, ing partner.) M. D.. Dr. P. H. C. Ward Cramp- BGlide L to L side, i ; Cloce ton, M. D., Beatrice Irwin, A. A., R to L, 2, i nieas. Troy Kinney, B. A. Send for Glide L for'd, Close R to L re catalogue of summer courses. leasing L, 3, Glide L back, Close Every teacher should send for R. to L releasing L, 4, i meas. one. THE TWO STBP.

MICHIO ITOW AND CO. tion that such an act should create was lacking, and the Thursday Theatre Eighty-first Street. audience was by no means enthu Style Classic Dancing. siastic over the offering. TimeTwelve minutes. We would suggest to Itow that he. his bill, Setting Special. rearrange entire elim inating some of the amateurish Michio Itow, assisted by Tulle dances, and replacing them with Lindahl and Toski Komori, have some that require more skill and brought their dancing offering to effort. If they are capable danc vaudeville. ers; then the trio will be able to Miss L'indahl and Mr. Komori show it to better advantage, only open the act with what is billed in an entirely new offering. as a "Bird Dance," though very H. S. K. little is done to convey this im pression. Standing on a pedestal, OPEN ALL SUMMER .itow, moving his hands and body only, does a bit called "Marion Mme. Elizabeth Menzeli will ette," which is folowed by Miss keep her studio at 22 E. i6th St. Lindahl's hasty interpretation of open all summer and is prepared a "Fan Dance." Komori then to teach all styles of dancing. dance, does a spear and Itow solos Mme. Menzeli is making special in "FoxDance," a wearing a fox's rates to the profession and this head over his face. They close might be a good idea for change number, With an ensemble which for vaudeville acts to interpolate is to supposed picture spring. some new dances in their act. It would be unjust to attempt comparison with- any of the. class ical dancers headlining playing in JESUIT PRIEST CALLED vaudeville. The numbers are pre- IN ALLAN LIBEL SUIT tentiosuly staged, but convey little meaning, and even the Fox dance of Itow's cannot be recon Father Bernard Vaughan Gives ciled to that animal. The mere His Views of 'Salome' fact that he has a flowing shock of hair that covers his face does London, June i. The defence not necessarily mean that he is in the trial of Noel Pemberton- an interpretative dancer of any fiilling, charged with libelling unusual merit, and the same thing Maud Allan, the dancer, to-day goes for his assistants, who really called the Rev. Bernard Vaughan, are as capable (or incapable) as noted Jesuit, to testify regarding he. Komori's spear dance is a the play "Salome,"' in which Miss silly thing, that retains not one Allan appeared. measure of rhythm or grace. The Father Vaughan said he re ensemble number at the end is garded "Salome" as "a treason a poor affair, for in it Itow at against the sanctity and majesty tempts some leaps a la Nijinski, of God." He said its production and fails miserably. The sensa should not be permitted, and that THE TWO SfBP the efforts of Pemberton Billing, Writing paragraphs is like try through his newspapers Vigilante, ing to cross Fifth avenue. You to prevent it were "good work." make a flying start, and first But even to prevent the produc thing you know, something tion of the play, Father Vaughan strikes you. said, he would not libel "a pure DANA BURNET. woman." Pemberton - Billing thereupon suggested that the character of Salome was "hide DANCER KIN OF ously impure." MURDERER London, June i. At the trial THE DIARY OF AN AVER of Noel Pemberton-Billings, pub AGE NEW YORKER lisher of the newspaper Vigilante, Rose at A. M. Closed charged with libeling Maud Allan, 7:30 Grein, folding bed. a dancer, and J. P. man Bathed in patent folding tub. ager of the Independent Theatre, Cooked .breakfast on collaps in connection with a proposed ible electric stove. production of "Salome," Miss Al 8 A. M. Left for office with lan testified she was a sister of 4,892,368 of my contemporaries. Theodore Durant, wtoo was hang ed in California in January, 8:15 to 9 A. M. Crushed in 1898. subway. Maud Allan is an American 9:01. Crushed in elevator. dancer, who first won renown in 9:02 to 12 noon. At desk in office. London in 1908 with a "Salome 12 to i P. M. Automatic dance" in the music halls of the luncheon. Crushed in restaurant. English capital. Durant was convicted of killing i to 5 P. M. At desk in office. Blanche Lament in Aprtl, 1895. 5 :3O P. M. Run over by auto mobile. Previously he was suspected of the death of Minnie Williams. 5:45 P. M. Run over by street car. 6 P. M. Home. Crushed in DANCING AS LIKENED TO' subway. GRAMMAR 6:30. Dinner at popular table d'hote. Crushed by waiter. Positions are the Vowels. arc the 7 P. M. To the movies. Crushed Simple Movements, in crowd. Consonants. Movements are the 9 130 P. M. To drug store for Compound soda water. Crushed in crowd. Syllables. 10 P. M. Run over by auto Steps are the Words. mobile. Enchainements are the Para 10:30 P. M. Run over by street graphs. car. Simple Figures are the Verses. n P. M. Saw a parade. Compound Figures are the Crushed in crowd. Stanzas. 12 M. Home to folding bed. Connection of Compound Fig Crushed. ures are the Strophe. THB TWO 8TBP 87

Entire Dance is the Poem. ment while in their saddles. POSITIONS THE POLKA A Polish SOLE. dance. From the Bohemian RAISED. word "Pulka," meaning "half". refers IF the position is greater than It to the half step which in measure, the length of the feet, it is called occurs this lively of "AMPLIFIED." which the more graceful "Scot- tische" is a variation. Both names FIRST DEGREE Pas Seri- are native terms like the national uxe, Tragic, character. The high dance of Poland, the "Mazourka." est skill and elegance. THE MINUET The short SECOND DEGREE Solos, steps peculiar to the old time fav Pas de Deux, Pas de Trois. etc. orite, gave the dance its name, the Represent emotions and ideas. Latin name for "small," being They demand the highest art and "mniutes^." ' training for grace of movement. THE WALTZ This owes its THIRD DEGREE Repre name to the characteristic move sents entire Tragedies, and high ment, the German Waltzen," est Pantomic Ballets. The Gram meaning to revolve, expressing mar is expression of Pleasure. the circling motion of the danc POSITION Movement fig ers. ures. THE "ROGER DE COV-ER- TRANSITION From one to LY"Owes its name to the orig another position is meant by inator. MOVEMENTS. THE TARANTELLA So Next the Lines described by called because the vigorous move the dancers are FIGURES. ments were supposed to be a cer The division of the movements tain antidote to the poison of the are called MEASURES. noxious spider at Taranto, Italy, DEFINITION OF FRENCH where the dance is highly pop .. NAMES FOR DANCES .. ular. QUADRILLE Literal French REEL The evolution of the for a "little square". The posi dancers explain the term. tion taken by the dancers, gave JIG From the French "gique". the name. BREAKDOWN Purely Am COUNTRY DANCE This erican. It refers to the final rout does not mean a Rustic dance, as before the breakup of a free-and- the term would indicate. It is a easy dancing party. corruption of the French, Contre By Mme. Elizabetta Menzeli Dance, which has reference to the 22 East i6th Street position of the couples opposite New York City to each other during the dance. New York THE "LANCIERS" Derived from the fact that this variation of the Quadrille was originally CONCERT AND BALL improvised by a company of for the benefit of the Russian Lancers, for their own amuse Mutual Aid and Erudition Society THB TWO STBP.

"Nauka", Peoples Home Fund, at FLORIDA SUMMER Hotel Plaza Grand Ball Room, CLIMATE May 9, 1918, under the auspices of the who have the Russian Consulate of New- People of North York. not spent a summer in Florida cannot or will not understand

PROGRAMME that we have a good summer cli I. Andreeff, Czardash, Mr. A. mate, and yet the fact that our Kiriloff; 2. Chopin, Prelude, summers are cooler and more the Etude, Miss Harriette Cady; 3. comfortable than any part of

Recitation, Mile. Yvonne Garrick ; North, at least during a hot spell

4. Rachmaninoff. AJesha's Song, there, is brought home to every Mr. L. Zinovieff ; Divertisement resident of Florida who has oc-

5. '

.of Dances arranged by Russian casion to make a trip North of

Ballet Master Louis H. Chalif; the Florida line. A friend of ours Personnel : On to Victory, Miss was in Atlanta recently when the Alma Bayer; Maid of Honor, thermometer went to 100, and yet Miss Ann Morse; Valse Virtuose, when he told his friends there Miss Grace Cody ; Salambo, Miss that he was going back to Flor

Ina Ruth Quackenbush ;6. Fomin, ida to get cooled off they laughed Mazurka, Mr. A. Kiriloff 7. Proch at' him. their theory being that

Theme and Variation, Mme. N. if it was hot in Atlanta that Flor

Legat; 8. Arensky. Etude (Chin ida, being some hundreds of ese Theme), Miss Harriette Cady; miles to the South, must be some Paolewski, Roses hotter, 9. The Days of degrees for every one of are Vanished; Pucini. Madame those hundreds of miles. A Chi Butterfly ;Zimbalist, Two Folk cago man who expects to locate

Songe, Miss Evva Didur ; 10. Di in Tampa as the representative of

vertisement of Dances by Mr. a big fertilizer concern, says that Louis H. Chalif; Personnel: Pearl when he told his family physician

of Andalusia, Miss Jeanne Schen- that he was going to make a trip

strom ; Valse Caprice. Miss Na- to Florida he was positively for omi Kaplan; Russian Rhapsodic, bidden to bring his wife and Miss Ray Krellenstein,; Spring daughter until winter time, and

Awakening, Misses Ina Quacken warned that he would be sorry if bush, Helen Crawford, Elma he did. The man has been in Bayer, Grace Moritz. Gertrude Florida now for two weeks and

Wolf. Esther Sargent. Mme. is delighted. He has written his Coen, Accompanist. Dances. wife to pack up everything and Music by the Russian Balalaika come with the daughter just as Orchestra, A. Kiriloff, Con Mr. soon as school is over, and they ductor. are to live in Tampa, of which

city he is also much enamoured. Wm. A. Wirth, Milwaukee, The writer can only add to the Wis., has given his regular special testimony of this man from Chi parties during the past three cago, he prefers the summers of months, which were well attended Florida even to the winters.

His novelties, souvenir circular Every morning is deliciously cool, are always kept. one can sleep comfortably every THB TWO STEP 89 night and while it is hot in the men with their families will be sun during the middle of the day, sent from Texas to this state for it is stated on authority that there work on the ranch. never has been a case of heat prostration in this state. We sel dom have a rain storm in the YOUR SUMMER VACATION forenoon and the absence of fogs the most attractive, at all seasons is worthy of note. One of enjoyable, instructive, Our rains usually come in the af most and ways is ternoon, seldom at night and al healthful interesting use of the hundreds of most never in the morning. Re making member those drizzly, chilly miles of permanent improved public highways, with family or springs and early summer rains up friends, with a motor car along yonder? We simply do not have the states, Florida, them in Florida. Our lung cases Gulf Northern the Dixie Highway are all imported ones. The cli especially from down through mate of Florida has a beneficial Jacksonville old St. Augustine, De Leon influence on persons afflicted with Daytona, Palm Beach catarrh. No one had catarrh Springs, and numerous other worse than the writer did when attractive and towns, and places of he left the North years ago. It cities unusual beauty and interest along has entirely disappeared. Ocean Shore, Bay Shore, Lake Shore, following river shores, TO ESTABLISH crossing streams, through the SOUTHERN FLORIDA highways grand beyond descrip tion, with and semi-trop RANCH. tropical ical growth, flowers, palms, vines A recent deal made in cattle and nature's most attractive of and land shows that this state is ferings, furnishes reasons beyond destined to lead in fine stock rais dispute why the thousands of ing. people spending vacations should to By this deal seventeen thous come down through Florida the real new Florida, the farthest and acres of land in the southern in States, part of the state will be stocked southeast the United nature with hundreds of fine thorough taking time to inspect wonderland, Palm bred cattle, to be shipped from wild the Royal the famous Texas ranches for State Park of about .2,000 acres, that roads breeding purposes. A plan is also remembering good the state have been con on foot to raise hogs on a large across leading to all the prin scale. structed ciple cities of West Florida. The proposed ranch is near Cape Sable, south of Fort Myers, in Lee County. The Tamiami The following will take an auto trail will cross the proposed trip to Florida: ranch and will also be in close T. McDougall. Pittsburg, Pa. reach of Fort Myers. . Hundreds R. O. Blackburn, Pittsburg, Pa. of ranchers will be employed and J. D. McConnell, Vineland, N. J. 40 THB TWO 8TBP.

W. L. Albee, Angola, N. Y. ; Geo. Heads, Story ; Columbine ; Ballet K. Staples, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Esbon Fantaseque. Strauss ; Blue Dan B. Rew, Buffalo, N. Y.; J. A. ube, Strauss ; Minuet of Long Shultz, Buffalo, N. Y. ; H. Layton Long Ago, Haydn ; Mistress Mary, Walker, Buffalo, N. Y.; E. J. Quite Contrary; Irish Jig; Rus Stiles, Buffalo, iN. Y.j Edward sian Cossack, Bendix, Frank Steck, Buffalo, N. Y. ; F. Richter, Bouley, Jr. ; Flower of Louvane, Buffalo, N. Y.; Wm. J. Atwill, Venus on Earth, Lincke; Peek-a- Buffalo, N. Y. Boo ; Oriental Scene ; Nubian Would be pleased to have you Slave ; Enchantress ; Visions of and your friends join our party. Salome ; Valse Caprice, Rath- We have an option on 2,000 acres burn ;The Golden Butterfly, Shon of land in several counties which Rosmarin; Buck and Wing; In we will visit on our trip. Our in vitation to the Waltz ; Hawaiian tention is to raise hogs, citron, Scene, "Yaaka Hula Hickey fruits and trucking to sell five, Dula" ; The Peacock, Mignon, ten or twenty acres to our friends Tabout; Song and Dance; Rain and work the same for them, if bow Dance, Amoureuse, Berger ; they do not have time to work Ballet Russe, Au Temps Passe, the land themselves. If you are Berger; Spanish Fantasa, La interested, write for full particu Manola, La Mancha, Espana, La lars. We want you to come in on Getana, La Paloma, Prof, and the ground floor. Address, H. Mrs. Bouley ; American Beauty ; Layton Walker, Main and Ferry Toe Solo ; Italian Rhapsoda ; Tar Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. antella ; Highland Fling, by Class of 16 Girls ; Patriotic Tableau. This program, composed, ar DANCING EXTRAVAGANZA ranged and under the personal direction of Prof, and Mme. F. by the Bouley College of Dancing W. Bouley. Costumes designed May 3, 1918, Auditorium Theatre. Spokane, Wash. and arranged by Mme. F. W. Bouley. PROGRAMME The Bouley College of Danc Nymphs in Woodland ; Dance ing, a School of Ballet, Fancy, of Dawn. Les Millions d'Arlequin- Stage, Artistic Dancing, Origi Berger; Forest Sprite, Schmetter- nator, Composer, Producer, and linge, Steinke ; Welcome to the Director. Morning Sun. In a Pagoda, Brat- Instructor and Coach of Bal ton ; A Greek Maid Playing Ball, lets, Pantomimes, Plays, Operet Whispering Hearts, Aronson ; tas, Musical Comedies, Sketches, Spring Song, Medelssohn; Little Choruses, Song and Dance Steps, Forget-Me-Not, Pas des Echar- Historical Pageants, and Festivals pes, Chamenade ; Elysian Fields for all occasions Ballet ; Pas Suel, Heart to Heart, Up-to-date Novelties, Classic, Trinkous ; Ballet from Faust, Toe, Greek. Fancy, National, Ec Lutz ; Toe Solo, Billee Kill- centric, Comic, Grbtesque, and feather; Esmeralda Galop, Vest- Russian. All styles of Dancing off; Ballet Statesque, Frowsy and Vaudeville acts ararnged. All THB TWO STBP 41 the latest Ball Room Dances in Ill their various formes : Gavottes, In fancy ever rests our cave of Minuets and Tangoes, etc. joy And sealed it shall remain until The School wi^ reopen next we learn September ist for enrollment. To see, in that around us, all the Classes in all the newest ballroom world dancing, aesthetic, ballet and clas And find in it the wealth for sical dancing. which we yearn. Prof. F. W. Bouley, Prin. IV Mme. F. W. Bouley, Sec. and Yes in the realms of fiction still Treas. we search In quest of some new tale of life or men. Teachers' of Dancing Club What folly! Seek we for life's Boston held their Annual Meeting counterfeit. April and elected the 26th. fol When perfect plays are staged officers for lowing the ensuing within our ken. year: President, Isadore C. Samp V son : Vice-Presidents, Mary V. all of life that dwells here McGroth, Robert H. Taylor; Tis at our gate. Secretary. George F. Walters ; 'Tis all the world in miniature Treasurer, Amelia Burnham. at home. The Club ended the year with a Oh ! let us pause and learn our of membership no. world at hand. And gain a wealth beyond where THE HIDDEN TREASURE fancies roam. Marion Freeman. May 23, 1918. I HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN We humans seek in far off lands for fame. BALLET For gold or gems we search in Collected After Historical Frag distant climes. ments by Mme. Menzeli. And yet, perhaps, an unfound By Iwan Novodny. greater wealth (Continued) We pass, as commonplace, a thou sand times. Didelot's Power It is strange how Didelot. a II rather small, insignificant, pock We pass it as Sir Launfal passed marked and deformed French the grail. man, who was born and educated We overlook the treasures at our in Sweden, could play a dominat door. ing role during the twenty-five To dream, instead, of AH Babas' years that he was director of the cave Imperial Ballet Academy. The Awaiting uswith all we wish in most famous dancers of that time, store. Istomina, Teleshova and others, 42 TH8 'TWO STBP. were pupils of his school. The By 1847 the Russian ballet had Czar received Didelot always with taken a leading place in Europe, greatest courtesy as he might but in dramatic sense it was still have his leading general and the foreign in character, the librettos priests finally left him alone. One being built on foreign themes of Didelot's policies was to en mainly or constructed to foreign gage the best dancers of the world music. With the advent of the for the Russian ballet, for which composers Clinka, Dargomyjsky, they had to study the Russian Balakireff and Moussorgsky, it method and Russian art. Wljen was evident that ballet faced a re these foreign dancers later left form similar to music. The bal Russia, for performances abroad, lets of previous periods had they proved themselves truly usually been divided into several Russian in technic and spirit. acts, each of which had entrees, During the reign of Czar Nich or dances which, in steps, gestures olas I, Fanny Elsler and Marie and attitudes, represented a cer TagHoni were the leading figures tain part of the action but lacked of the ballet. Both these wome.n real dramatic detail. Ballets which achieved phenomenal success. expressed feeling symbolistically Taglioni was small, ugly and very were called lyrical dances, while unattractive in figure and Elsler those more pantomimic were was stolid, clumsy and thirty- termed dramatic ballets. The lat eight years old when she first ap ter were classified as historical, peared. That they could keep mythological, poetical and alleg their audiences spell-bound with orical. Russian ballet has mostly the beauty of their art and their been allegorical-dramatic in its exquisite technic was a genuine early history, with a strong tend marvel. Not only Russia, but all ency also to lyricism. Europe was enthusiastic over (To be continued) their dances. The most beautiful dancer of this period was Miss Margaret F. Newman, beloved Novitzkaya, who was also exqui wife of Prof. Albert W. Newman site in technic, but whose career of Philadelphia, Pa., died Friday was destroyed at the start by an afternoon. May 24, after an opera affair of the heart. Gedeonoff, tion for apendecitis. the director of the Imperial Danc Mrs. Newman's loss will be ing Academy, was madly in love keenly felt by a host of friends with her and proposed, but Miss and the pupils of the Newman Novitzkaya having given her School, also by the members of heart to a poor actor remained St. Paul's Presbyterian Church of true to him and became his wife. which she was an earnest worker. This ended her hopes of artistic Her fond loving disposition al success, for the powerful men of ways brought sunshine and hap the time opposed her because of piness to all about her. Those her fine moral character. She pre who knew her loved her. ferred to sacrifice her art to her Prof. Newman's loss is so great ideals of conduct and retired from that it has been deemed advisable the stage to live a happy domestic to discontinue the Normal Course life till her death. for this summer. THB TWO STEP

Owing to war conditions, 'the VESTOFF SEROVA RUS mails are badly congested and deliveries delayed in consequence. SIAN SCHOOL. orders are filled All the day they Instruction will be given, by are received, but we cannot guar the strongest faculty in this antee their arrival time, in unless country and a number of courses sfcn:: by special delivery or reg new to Americans interested in istered mail. dancig will be included without any extra charge. Our free book let "Dance Art" awaists your in NEW DANCES FOR 1917-1918. quiry. Dancing is taught at this school Description, 60 cents each not only for the aesthetic training it gives, but as a means of physi Hawaiian Trot. Description only. cal co-ordination. Our normal Harvard, 1918. Description only. course are particularly adapted The Romp. Description only. for physical training, for dances Spanish Waltz. Description only. are not taught by rote, but as a Inspiration Waltz. Des. only. development from fundamentals, American Canter Waltz. Descrip thus differing from most schools. tion only. For those who cannot attend Ft. Pleasant Military One-Step. our courses in person, M. Vestoff Description only. and Mile. Serova have published Military Four. Description only. two volumes, one on "Nature Queen City Gavotte. Des. only. Dancing," the other on "the Rus Syncopated or Skating Fox Trot. sian Imperial Method of Train Description only. ing a Dancer." They treat ex American National Modern Waltz haustively of these subjects, and Description only. will enable you to gain a com American National Fox Trot. De prehensive knowledge thereof. scription only. Price $5.00 per volume. American National One-Step. De scription only. Waltz Canter. Description only. THE SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL Pickford Polka. Description only. OF DANCING. Clapping One-Step. Des. only. Biltmore Waltz. Des. only. Springfield, Ohio. Four-Four, 1918. Des. only. An Institution For Instruction. Astor Fox Trot. Des. only. Regular Classes Monday, Wed Jolly Taps. Description only. nesday and Friday evenings every Bugle Trot. Description only. week. Special classes' and indi Military One-Step. Music and vidual Instruction (private les description. sons. At any time by appointment. Order from The TWO STEP.



Exhibition Dances Aesthetic Drill "The Roses" - - - - jjo "Chinese Romance" Duo arranged to the Nut Cracker Ballet Suite by Tscharkowsky i.oo Exhibition WaltzDuo ----._------i.oo Harvest DanceGroup Adapted from a Finnish Folk Dance and modernized .50 Pavlowa GavotteAn established classic - - - - i.oo ...... - Springtime Flowers Solo or Group - - - i.oo Swagger Stick Drill Military in character - - - i.oo Birth of the Butterfly Intrepretative i.oo Military - - - Cotillion for Adults or Children.... .50 LATEST CREATIONS

Ballroom Dances with music and description, soc each. "Two Two," a fox trot, "Inner Circle Tango," "Ritz Waltz' new 1918-19 edition, "The Ramble" waltz in slow tempo, "Military One Step" as good today as yesterday, and better tomorrow. "Hello" One Step can be used with or without song accompaniment, "U. S. Taps" most appropriate at this time, "The Chinese Toddle" fascinating oriental dance, "The Toddle" pleasing dance in schottische rhythm. "Canteen Center" the new Duryea Cantonment One Step, "Liberty Waltz" pulsating with patriotic cadiences, Mr. Duryea's latest Valse Moderate, "Swagger Stick Drill" dancing exercise in attractive form, "Birth of the Butterfly" interpretative dance, simple but most affective. The Thrift Stamp Cotillion contest, Camouflage on Turn in Fox Trot and One Step. Ballroom Dances for Adults, description only, 5oc each. "Domino Tango," "Hawaiian One Step" Biltmore or One Step Waltza simplex system for teaching the One Step to Waltz time. "Plaza Waltz" Canter and Waltz combined, "Zig Zag One Step," "Gliding Fox Trot," very smart and correct. "The Jazz," four-four syncopated time, "JAZZ One Step" quite different. "Fast Fox Trot," "Four Four' a Fox Trot Tango, "Fox Trot Pace," "Junior One Step." Ballroom Dances for Children Description only, 5oc. "Pickford Polka" as taught to Mary Pickford by Mr. Duryea for a Photo-Play, "1918-19, One Step," "Junior Fox Trot," good for Adult begin ners "Fascination Waltz," educational and entrancing, "Clapping One Step" a happy combination of Folk and Modern Dancing, "Petite Valse" modern, "Du Zurka," a modern Mazurka, "Military Charge" marching dance to two- four or six-eight time. Educational Dances for old and young. Modern method of teaching the Waltz.

Modern method of teaching the Two Step.

. S}U3D OS SUOIJ33JIQ _. Annual 3ton> Jfoatttral GIVEN BY Mr. andlMr.. H. LAYTON WALKER'S Misses and Masters Dancing Classes AT THE BUFFAL_O*CONSISTORY THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 6th, 1918 PROGRAM 1. SANTIAGO (Spanish Group) Led by Alice Rosehart, Agnes Norton 2. STEP DANCING Margaret Day 3. CAPRICE Helen Oliver 4. SPRING FANCIES Anna May Cook 5. THE LARK Marjorle O'Neil . 6. LA MANOLA Ruth Long, Cheater Long 7. ARTISTIC STEP DANCING William Tlede 8. BYE-LO DOLLY Genevieve Schmidt 9. CLASSIC DANCE (Toe) Georgia Esseltine 10. THE MINUET (Toe) Anna Christensen 11. TAMBOURINE DANCE Beatrice Vester 12. THE BUTTERFLY ,-. Dorothy Gray 13. NURSERY RHYMES Our Babies 14. THE WHIP-POOR-WILL Pearl Dehlinger 15. ESPANITA (Spanish Toe) Gladys McDonald 16. CHIN-CHIN-CHINAMAN (Group) 17. THE SWALLOW Grace Keller 18. INCENSE DANCE Marietta Woolley 19. PAS SEUL Theresa Klmmel 20. THE TWO PJICKANINNIES Dorothy Gray, Harold Walker 21. FAN TAN (Japanese) (Group) 22. ROSEBUD TOE DANCE s Pearl Philibln 23. HORNPIPE (Group) 24. HARLEQUIN DANCE Louise Dudley 25. LA PALOMA Gladys Kehrer 26. PIERRETTE Rose Johnson 27. PIEROT AND HIS FRENCH DOLL. . .Anna Christensen, Jack Christensen 28. IRISH BREAKDOWN (Group) 29. SONG AND DANCE Janey Lewis, Betty Lewis 30. BLUE DANUBE Pearl Scott 31. POLKA DOT IMPS (Group) 32. PIZZICATO Grace Zimmerman 33. PONEY BALLET (Group) 34. SONG AND DANCE Kathryn Humphrey, Cora Tapson 35. EGYPTIAN DANCE Geraldine Day 36. FROLIC OP FAIRIES (Group) 37. COQUETTE AND ROSE Pearl Dehlinger, Beatrice Vester 38. GRECIAN MAIDENS PLAYING BALL (Group) 39. TARANTELLA (Group) 40. RUSSIAN Gertrude Frank 41. DANCE OF U. S. A Led by Geraldine Lewis; Drummer, Dorothy Gray WALKER'S ANNUAL JUNE FESTIVAL-Continued.

DANCE OP U. S. A. Geraldine Lewis Geneva Voll Electa Duguld Mabel Whlttler Esther Lynd Agnes Norton Dorothy Daldson - Alice Aosehart Marguerite Irr Mildred Moore Kathleen Goodberry Hildegard Roberts

GREEK MAIDENS. Kathryn Humphrey Grace Zimmerman Marlon Swartz Arietta Gerlach Cora Tapson Gladys McDonald Eva McFadden Gladys Kehrer Florence McKeon Geraldine Day

HORNPIPE. Georgia Esseltlne Margaret O'Neil Chester Long William Tiede Elsa Brown Harriett Wolf Gordon Scott Leila Ross

BABIES. Ruth Long Ruth Gress Bessie Farber Eileen Parker Jean Kimball Hester Rlchter Jean Strand Muriel Jacobson Leila Ross Kathryn Post Arlene Bukofser Vivian Mock Amelia Miller Marion Walter Genevieve Schmidt

TARANTELLA. Grace Keller Theresa Kimmel Harold Walker Robert Navel Dorothy Gray Rose Johnson Chester Long Dayton Owens Pearl Dehlinger Louise Dudley Beatrice Vester Reynold McDonald Pearl Phillbin Lynden Gerlach Anna Christenseu Roy Blass Jane Lewis Marguerite Twohey Betty Lewis Vernon Gerlach Louise Tlngler Merritt Baker William Tiede Anna May Cook Helen Davis Alwin Tingler

POLKA DOT IMPS. Ruth Long Arlene Bukofser Elsa Brown Marjorie O'Neil Hester Richter Georgia Esseltlne Margaret Day Dorothy Hoefner Eleanor Hlrd JAPANESE. Olive Jackson Vlrgene Clark Virginia Hosklnson Marguerite Shawl Arlene Huber Isobel Strain Clementine BerchtoldElsle Ullinun CHINESE. Jack Chrlstensen Roy Blass Dayton Owens Robert Navel Chester Long Merritt Baker Alwin Tingler Reynold MacDonold William Tiede Junior Preston Harold Walker Vernon Gerlach SPANISH. Helen Davis Marlon Swartz Geraldine Lewis Agnes Norton Marguerite Twohey Geraldine Day Louise Tingler Marjorie O'Neil Dorothy Wagner Louise Dudley Margaret Day Lynden Gerlach Eva McFadden Helen Oliver Loretta Lamme Grace Keller Florence McKeon Rose Johnson Dorothy Gray Anna May Cook Leone Kelsey Theresa Kimmel Alice Rosehart Jane Lewis Arietta Gerlach Pearl Philibln Gertrude Frank Betty Lewis Walker's Annual June Festival Continued. PONEY BALLET. Dorothy Gray Pearl Dehlinger Anna May Cook Theresa Kimrnel Betty Lewis Pearl Phillbln Anna Chrlstensen Rose Johnson Grace Keller Beatrice Vester Janey Lewis FAIRIES. Arllne Bukofser Beatrice Saloff Clementine Berchtoldlrene Fletcher Grace Schnorr Harriett Wolf Dorothy Davidson Doris Goodberry Arlene Huber Geneva Voll Esther Lynd Margaret Hasklll Mildred Augustine Jennie Near Olive Jackson Dorothy Hoefner Marguerite Irr Doris Bates Marjorle O'Nell Kathryn Hoy Almeda Gage Emma Reilly Virginia Hosklnson Irene Jones Mabel Whittier Dorothy Lambert Marguerite Shawl Lydia Lobdell Lillle Grlggs Gordon Scott Margaret Bodkin Gladys Rein Mildred Moore . . . Ruth Long Amey Wilson Ruth Rovall Hildegard Robblns Hester Richter Doris Wlllert Myrtle Michel Kathleen Goodberry Georgia Esseltine Virgene Clark Mildred Nussabum Agnes Norton Isabel Strain Evelyn Elefeld Kathleen O'Leary Electa Dugnld Elsa Brown Leila Fleischauer Elsie UHman Orma Woodward Janet Gram IRISH BREAKDOWN. Pearl Phllibin Dorothy Gray Pearl Dehlinger Dayton Owens Harold Walker Beatrice Vester Mln ?!©§ Wyisia ANNOUNCES A DAILY SUMMER SCHOOL FOR Teenni eal, Dramarie and Interpretative DANCING MONTH OF JUNE. 1918 A SUPLEMENTARY COURSE MIDDLE OF JULY BOYLSTON CHAMBERS, 739 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. ....- Mrs. Wyman, as established and recognized teacher, pagent-director, and composer of ballets, has studied at the best schools of the Con tinent. Her knowledge of the dance is further augmented by tlrave and practical observation of native dances in many countries. Mme. Elizabeth Menzeli's Grand Ballet School


Bouth Ladies and Gentlemen invited to take a course AT MME. MENZELI'S SCHOOL

Write for particulars.

NORMAL CLASSES during July and August, i9i8

Normal School" Ballet Rusa" an open Air School, during August for Children Adults, Professionals, Amateurs and Teachers, SCHOOL OPEN ALL THE YAER ROUND.

Madame Menzeli's Grand Ballet School


THE DREAM (Tempo 4-4) Duet Dance for two girls. An original Novelty. Very effective. Price $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

PIZICATTI (Tempo 2-4) Italian Handkerchief Duet Dance for Boy and Girl. Price $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

MAMA'S BABEE (Tempo 3-4) A Lullaby for any even number of little girls. Entrance, Song and Chorus (8 verses of popular Nursery Rhymes). Dance and Exit. A dainty novelty and immense hit. Price, $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

THE PAVAN (Tempo 4-4)A very old, stately Court Dancean historical novelty. Price, $1.00.

THE SCARF DANCE AND TABLEAUG (Tempo 6-8) Arranged for 16 young Ladies and Soloist. Always an immense success. The prettiest, easiest Ballet, introducing ten Gorgeous Tableaux. Each girl using a four-yard scarf. Don't miss this. Price, $1.00.

SPRITES FANTASY (Tempo 4-4) A dainty Ballet for any number of little girls. Very easy and catchy. Price, $1.00.

LA ZINGERELLA (Tempo 3-4) Spanish Love Duet for Bo yand Girl. A graceful novelty Dance and Pantomime. Price, $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents. THE KERMESSE Historical "First Part" for annual closings. Introduces the National Song and Dances of different Nations. This is a winner. Price, $1.00. LA ZORONGO (Tempo 6-8 and 3-4)A rollicking Spanish Ballet for any number of ladies and gentlemen. Introduces poses, steps, tableaux tam bourine effects, etc. Price, $1.00. GAINSBORO DOUBLE SEXTETTE The Hit of the Convention. Price re duced to 50 cents. A. B. C. WALTZ CHARTS Price, 25 cents.

THE DANCE INSTRUCTOR By Prof. Norman. 135 pages of necessary Information to every teacher of dancing. Don't miss this. Price (cloth), 50 cents.

PAS DE QUATRE (Tempo 4-4) Skirt Dance for four girls a distinct novelty and out of the ordinary run. Price, $1.00.

THE FRENCH GAVOTTE (Tempo 4-4) For any even number of couples In a circle. Very easy and catchy. Price, $1.00.

THE BOLERO (Tempo 3-4 Mazurka) A standard classical novelty. A work of art. Price, $1.00. Special music, 50 cents. KOSACKA RUSSIAN SOLO DANCE (Tempo 2-4)Twelve correct steps. Price, $1.00. For Sale by TWO-STEP PUBLISHING COMPANY, Main and Ferry Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. Dances Composed by


PRICE LIST-Continued.

Patriotic Toe Solo Variation with Music 10.00 Spec, to order

Greek Pantomime Ensemble with Music 5.00

Amor Solo with Music 3.00

Fairy RosesNovel Spectacular Group Dance 3.00 Ballet From the Opera Carmenwith Music 5.00

Ballet From the Opera Aida with music 5.00 Pierrot As Poet Pantomimic Ballet from the French. Translated and adopted for use for our dancing school entertainments. Time, i hour. Introducing a large number of people and dances 10.00

Aviator Solo with Music 3.00 Fantasy of Ancient Egypt First Time on any Stage, and presented at New York Lyceum Theater by Mme. Elizabetta Menzeli 20.00 To order only for Group & Solo Le Spirite de Vampire (Saint Saens) To order only.... 20.00 The Awakening of the Soul Dramatic Interpretive Dance Poem. Comprising Eight Dances. For Solo 30.00 A Burmese Dance For Male Dancer (Tragic Descriptive) 20.00 Le Retour de Pierrot Dance Pantomime Male Dancer. 15.00 The Wood Sprite Solo 5.00 Perillieux Badinage (Dangerous Sport) French Panto mime for Male and Female and Ensemble, if desired. 10.00 Pas Militaire Hongroise Double Dance 3.00 Spirit of the Times 5.00 Patriotic Toe DanceSolo 5.00 Pas de Trois Pantomime Dance 5.00 Polka ComiquePantomime Dance for Children 3.00 11 Pleut (It is Raining) Characteristic Toe Dance 3.00 Fancy Toe Dance Medley with Song if desired Solo.... 4.00 Any of the above dances will be sent upon receipt of money order, check or cash.


22 East 16th Street New York City The Grammar of the Art of Dancing By Friedrich Albert Zorn.

Translated from the German and Edited by Alfonso Josephs Schafe, is now ready for delivery.

This work is universally recognized as the most im portant and worthy contribution to the literature of the dance ever written, and regarded as the standard of final authority upon all questions of technique. It contains a complete exposition of tht entire theory and practice of dancing, and is so arranged as to lead the reader by easy and natural progression from the simplest to the most difficult and complex work, explaining and demon strating the complete system of teaching used in the most celebrated ballet schools of Europe. The work contains all the cuts, diagrams, illustrations, and musical and choregraphic examples to be found in the German editions, together with a full index, and glossary of foreign terms, and is accompanied by a separate music book, containing the full score of the exercises arranged for piano and violin, and suitably bound for use upon the music stand. The Grammar forms a single volume of 320 pages, ap proximately 8xn inches, and is substantially and artistic ally bound in full cloth with title in gold. A twelve page illustrated prospectus, showing the full table of contents and specimen pages, together with de scriptive matter will be mailed upon request. Owing to the great demand for the work, orders should be sent in at an early date, as the edition is limited to 1000 The expense of producing the work has been so great and the demand for it so marked that it can be sent only

upon receipt of prioe $1O.OO NET.


THE DREAM (Tempo 4-4) Duet Dance for two girls. An original Novelty. Very effective. Price $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

PIZICATTI (Tempo 2-4) Italian Handkerchief Duet Dance for Boy and Girl. Price $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

MAMA'S BABEE (Tempo 3-4) A Lullaby for any even number of little girls. Entrance, Song and Chorus (8 verses of popular Nursery Rhymes). Dance and Exit. A dainty novelty and Immense hit. Price, $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents.

THE PAVAN (Tempo 4-4) A very old, stately Court Dance an historical novelty. Price, $1.00.

THE SCARF DANCE AND TABLEAUG (Tempo 6-8)Arranged for 16 young Ladles and Soloist. Always an Immense success. The prettiest, easiest Ballet, Introducing ten Gorgeous Tableaux. Each girl using a four-yard scarf. Don't miss this. Price, $1.00. SPRITES FANTASY (Tempo 4-4)A dainty Ballet for any number of little girls. Very easy and catchy. Price, $1.00.

LA ZINGERELLA (Tempo 3-4) Spanish Love Duet for Bo yand Girl. A graceful novelty Dance and Pantomime. Price, $1.00. Special Music, 50 cents. THE KERMESSE Historical "First Part" for annual closings. Introduces the National Song and Dances of different Nations. This Is a winner. Price, $1.00.

LA ZORONGO (Tempo 6-8 and 3-4) A rollicking Spanish Ballet for any number of ladies and gentlemen. Introduces poses, steps, tableaux tam bourine effects, etc. Price, $1.00. GAINSBORO DOUBLE SEXTETTEThe Hit of the Convention. Price re duced to 50 cents. A. B. C. WALTZ CHARTS Price, 25 cents. THE DANCE INSTRUCTOR By Prof. Norman. 135 pages of necessary Information to every teacher of dancing. Don't miss this. Price (cloth), 50 cents. PAS DE QUATRE (Tempo 4-4) Skirt Dance for four girls a distinct novelty and out of the ordinary run. Price, $1.00.

THE FRENCH GAVOTTE (Tempo 4-4) For any even number of couples in a circle. Very easy and catchy. Price, $1.00.

THE BOLERO (Tempo 3-4 Mazurka) A standard classical novelty. A work of art. Price, $1.00. Special music, 50 cents. KOSACKA RUSSIAN SOLO DANCE (Tempo 2-4)Twelve correct steps. Price, $1.00. For Sale by TWO STEP PUBLISHING COMPANY, Main and Ferry Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. 57. Straight Jig, No. 1. 58. Straight Jig, No. 2. 59. Amateur Buck Dance. 60. Professional Buck Dance. 61. Key to Step Dancing. 62. Trip Around the World. In one night 63. Day at Pan-American, cotillon. Fancy Dances Price per dance, $2 each. 64. Frolic with Peanuts, cotillon Music extra. Any 12 dances, »12. For par 65. Snowflake, cotillon. lor or stage. Professional or amateur. 66. La Jota, a Mexican Tambourine Solo Vaudeville Acts. Sketches, Monologue!. Plays. Dance. Operas, Ballets, Marches, etc. In fact, every 67. Crackovlnne, Daughter of the Regiment thing needed or used by Preceptors or Show 68. Dancers of All Nations. For 26 or more Polks, etc. Books for sale by the Two Step boys and girls in costumes. Pub. Co., H, Layton Walker, Owner, Main 69. La Roberto. Cublan Dance. Easy and Perry streets, Buffalo. N. T. (Write us 70. My Dear Old Mother. An up-to-date for any Information you desire.) vaudeville, singing, dancing etc 1. When Mamma Lets Me Out (Song and 71. Butterfly Dance. Music Floating Air. Dance). 72. Manana Mexican Shawl. Solo or Group 2. Little School Girl (Song and Dance). 73. La Zarana. Spanish Tambourine or 3. La Oitana (Spanish Dane*), Castenet Dance for 9 or 17 girls 4. La Manola (Spanish Duet). 74. Dance of the Clowns. Music, Good-by 5. Royal Middies (Sailor's Dance). My Honey. 6. Sword Dance. 76. American Hornpipe. Solo or Group 7. Solo Tambourine Dance, 76. Dainty Dames. Danced by girls In cou 8. Pan Dance. (Dnet or Solo). ples, one or more. 9. Russian Peasant. (Group). 77. Allemande a Trols. Danced by one man 10. Irine Skipping Bope Dance. and two ladles. 11. Spanish Group. 78. Children's Flag Drill Music and Desc. 12. Dance of the Bee. 79. Little Tlllle Brown. Song and Dance 13. Encore (Group; a Novelty). 80. La Chass* de la Ross. Boy and Girl 14. Irish Washerwoman. (Solo or Dnet). 81. Anchor Hornpipe. 12 Boys ft 12 Girls. 15. Rainbow Dance. (Solo). 82. Hiawatha Party. 18. Flower Hoop . 83. Scotch Reel. 17. La Cachncha. (Spanish Solo). 84. Rose Bnd Skirt Dance. Solo or Group 18. Living Whist. 86. The York Waltz Olog. Solo or Group. 19. German Gaiety. (Gronp). 86. Dublin . New. 20. Paraxottl. (French). 87. Holland Dutch Turn and Dance for two. 21. Pas Sen]. 88. La Mennet de la Oour. Original. 22. Espanlta. 89. Grand March. M. S. S. New. 23. Wing Dance. 90. Theatrical Dancing. Pantomime, 40 pp. 24. Mistletoe Minuet. 91. Queen Louise Gavotte. Eight conples. 25. Grecian Picture Dance or the Dream of 92. Minuet, Louise XIV. Three conples. Ancient Greece. 93. Dance of the Snow Birds. Eight girls 26. Old Seville. (Solo tambourine). 94. Serpentine Dance. Stretch a number of 27. Solo Gavotte. of win across the wall. 28. Columbian March (17 or S3 ladles). 96. Hawaiian Dance. Solo or Gronp. 29. Serpentine Dance. 96. Greek Palm Dance. Gronp. 30. Skirt Dance. 97. Papillon Gronp Dance. 31. Sailor's Hornpipe. 98. Egyptian Gronp Dance. 32. National Highland Fling. 99. The Minuet Quadrille de la Mennet. 33. Santiago. (Spanish Oastagnette) . 100. Polish Dance. Four or more couples. 34. Sheann Trews. 101. American Buck Dance. 35. Dutch Song and Dance. 102. Gertana. Spanish Solo. 36. Chinese Song and Dance. 103. Russian Solo Dance. 37. Maypole. 104. The Fairies Revel. 12 or 16 little girls. 38. Saragossa. (Spanish Tambourine). 105. Indian Dance, Group. 30. Dutch Duet. 106. Fairy Toe Dance. 40. Delsarte Vocal Gavotte. 107. Gavotte Irmareen. 41. Delsarte Action Holy City. 108. Dutch Waltz Clog. 42. Delsarte Action, Now I Lay Me Down 109. Peasant Group Dance. to Sleep. 110. Peplta, Spanish Dance Solo. 43. Original Court Mennet. 111. La Court Mlnnette. 44. 20th Century Minuet, 4 couples. 112. Pearl of Andnlncla, Spanish, for 16. 45. 20th Century Minuet. 1 couple. 113. Grandma's Recitation and Mlnuot Dance. 46. Newsboys and Bootblacks Dance. 114. Hungarian Duet. 47. Gypsy Camp Dance Gypsy Queen. 4 116. Plerrott's Dance. No. 1. Solo Dancers. Gypsy Band of 8 or 116. 17th Century Minuet. 1 or 4 conples. more couples. 117. Tarantella. Italian Dnet Dance. 48. Stephaney Gavotte OlogItalian Solo. 118. March of the Ancient Greeks. For 16 49. Irish Jig. ladies and captain. 50. Artistic steps for song and dance. 119. Pavane for 6,,:617d WB1H DnuwlK 51. Mazurka Clog. 119. Pavane. For one or more conples. 52. Waltz Clog. 120. La Pierrot. Solo or Gronp. 53. Irish ReeL 121. Irish Washerwoman. 54. Lancashire Clog. 122. Sleigh Bell Dance Solo. 55. American Clog. 123. Quarrel Dance. For two little ones 6 56. Buck Dance, No. 1. , to 10 years of age. Classic, Aesthetic, Toe, Interpretative and Character Dances. The following dance compositions by Albert W. Newman have bee carefully selected for publication from a most extensive repetoire of Artisti Dance Novelties. Each and every dance has found favor with delighte audiences. The dances appear in a form convenient for teaching purposes wit an explicit description, with diagrams and drawings of the steps, positioi and movements Anitra's Dance, (Oriental Solo with Veil) $i.j| Amina, (Egyptian Solo, most effective) 3-JI American Beauty Waltz, (with Festoon of Roses) I.J Beautiful Blue Danube, (Hellenic Interpretive Solo) 3.0 Barcarole From Tales of Hoffman i.) Bolero, (Spanish Duo) 1.5 Coppelia, (Grand Russian Dance for 8, 16 or 32 couples) 2.0 Cupid and the Dove, (Descriptive Solo, easy) l.jl

Crack of the Whip, (Descriptive Solo for lady or gentleman) l.jj Coquetterie, (Story of the Rose) 1.3 Danse d'Amour, (Poetic Solo) 1.3

Espana, (Spanish Group for 8 ladies) 1.5 Greek Maid Playing Ball, (Greek Interpretative Pantomimic Solo). 3.0 Hungarian Czardas, (Fascinating Solo for lady and gentleman). ... 2.9 Indian Idylle, (Indian Story for group and soloist) 2.0 Irish Folk Dance, (any number of couples) .5 In Cupid's Garden, (Artistic Solo) 1.3 Lilt, Irish (Character Duo) .% Lasso Dance, (Rope Dance) l.d La Manola, (Spanish Solo) 2.q Musidora, (Polish Flirtation Dance, gentleman and two ladies) .... 2.d la Newman Minuet de Cour, (as danced in the Pageant, 1913) l.jj Pipes of Pan, (Interpretative Dance) 2.3 Pizzicato, (Artistic Fan Dance) 2.q

Pierrot and Pierrette, (French Folly Dance for 8 couples) 2.d Polka Classique, (Solo for Premiere) 34 Pas de Styrian, (Folk Dance) 1.5 Reel, (any number of couples) i.j Dance, Sacred Incense (Oriental Descriptive Dance) 3.0 Sailor's Delight, (especially for men) i.*j Scotch Folk Dance, (any number of couples) i.o Spring Song, (Mendelssohn Emotional Solo) 3.0 Sunshine, (Parasol Dance) 1.5 Tarantella, Folk Dance, any number of couples) (Italian .7 ORDER FROM THE TWO-STEP. Mr. H. Layton Walker having extensively been in receipt of Mr. Newman' dances, and, knowing Mr. Newman's ability recommends these dances most urgently. L, SECOND EDITION. THE FIRST DANCING LESSON Is Your Professional and Financial Success in the Business. This Book is not exactly what the name implies. It covers a wider field than the First Dancing Les son, for which it was at first intended. It commences with the first rudiments, which if followed will enlist the interest of class and spectators at once. Your second lesson and a number following should be continued'the same, which will make your pupils dance without realizing how they learned. With this book you may advertise that all beginners will dance the first lesson. We have yet to find a work that covers the entire field of instructing balhoom dancing in as simplified and comprehensive a manner. Price, $1.00 net.

How to Compile Circulars. Price, 50 Cents. This is the beginning of your Dancing Business. It is of more importance than one mayat first credit it. We conceived the idea of getting out a book of this sort after noting the incompleteness of printed matter foi dancing schools. Your circulars are written to influence the novice. What you say in them is of the utmost importance to your business. If you are confident that you can teach dancing in telligently, you can get the business by going after it in the wght way. You will find matter in our book that may be extracted to suit all circumstances. This book, price, 50 cents, makes your beginning. The First Dancing Lesson is your success. H. LAYTON WAUKKR, BUFFALO, N. V. SPECIAL NORMAL COURSE



Neu> Dance Movements arranged by Mv. Oscar U The Canteen Canter

a dance developed from the Soldier life at the Canton tru-uts Liberty Waltz Rgthmatic Patriotism Personified Swagger Stick Drill Duryeas Aesthetics.. The necessary (Calisthenics of dancing in an attractive form

Alt the essential Modern Dances as dinced in Neio "York's Ultra Smart Ballrootns, uiith simplified methods of instruction. DURYEA NORMAL SCHOOL. 47 West 72nd Street New York City Others Make Money TEACHING SOCIAL OR BALLROOM DONCINC This Pleasant, Lucrative Bnsiness Averages $1,000 to $5,000 Annually

Laides or Gentlemen, youug or middle aged YOU Can learn in a few weeks at small Cost To impart capable instruction BE YOUR OWN BOSS WORK i"OR YOURSELF -quick prop- Tins is not a new ..nd untried and gel-rich or experiment. , sition just being offer, d as a novelty a praclica We are otTeri,,g to ladies and gentlemen elements of a tried Normal Course of Instruction in the which we and approved vocation or profession ourselves honorably and success ,,n. I many o hers have followed fully for many yeais. iHND 5Tvn? FOR BOOKLET time and It you are willing to devote a few weeks towards to speud a reaso rable amount of money STARTING RIGHT have have failed upon the road t.. a success which many to attain for lack of a little training. THE SPRINGFIELD ( OHIO) SCHOOL OF DANCING Normal Course.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. GOODFELLOW, Instructors, 125 South Wittenberg Ave., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. IT. S. A.