incuajkHBon. ■noaLUiicom on Mot 8Sth last to refer the oredentlali NHOT HIMSELF. _ of Wllllem A. Clark end Martin Magln- >*»**v*v**»*v*»*v*v

would make useful Christmas Ulits. jlelow yon will find only n few of the many values we are offering some of which very LADIES’ AND LADIES' FURS. LADIES' STORM LADIES’ CAPES. LADIES’ NEW One lot of real Marten Scarfs, boat SKIRTS. One lot of Oolf Capes, sold every- quality, such as sell anywhere at >12.50. where at t4 09, Bale price #8.00 Storm Skirts will bo sold a* follow*! Will go on salo Thursday morning at Oao lot of Uolf Capes, worth $6. Go, FALL SUITS. COATS. $ 10.00 Skirt* at $6.50 MISSES’ 08 $« 7.98 “ 5.00 Only $4.83 Our entire line of Onling Suits, will go at, $7.50 '• 3.89 to retail niwet’ Reefer Coau, la black an 1 oxford, Scarfs 8 08 One lot of Oolf Capes, made Ju*t Hull Price. Ont let of lallei' Two lots of Marten-Oppossum " *• to Beil for 6.00 2 79 Our sale 4 30 warranted to lined Made ** " it I9.G0, price $ made of all wool cheviot, wear, throughout. will go on salo at $8.75 and 3.75 8.1* 1.79 of Golf One lot of Stills, made of all wool Jacket satin lined, gray and j.,5 M Our price $3.30 Worth >.->.00 and 0.00. 1.98 “ 98c One lot Capes, regular price Homespun, Sale price $0.73 regular $10.00 Suits. Ottr Sale Price $5.00 The above prices ought to tempt every- HO, blue, lined comes One lot Eleotrio Seal Scarfs, trimmed One lot of Kersey Jackets, high daring collar, throughout; body to come at once and secure one as silk lined with two heads and eight tails. Sells One lot of Suits, made of Cheviot, Homespun and Venetian, In tan, castor, pearl gray and garnet. Made to sell at *8.98. the values are extraordinary. black, bluo, PLAIN CLOTH CAPES 1’crcallne lined Skirts, made to sell for $15.00. Sale Price $7.50 Our sale price only $4.50 rogularly at >1.08. Jackets, Our sale 98c One lot cloth 80 Inches price only plain capee. made to worth One lot of Pebble Cheviot Suits, in Blouse and Keefer stylo, One lot of Ladies’ Coats in all desirable shades. Made to sell for *10.00, LADIES’ WAISTS. long, trimmed with straps, $6.80, Fur Collars and Collar- Sale sell for *20.00. Snle Price $10.00 Our sale only High grade price #3.OS price $3.50 our Waist ettes at about Half Price. We have marked down One lot of satin lined Kersey Capes, will on Sale stock for this salo and will sell them at throughout, 30 In. long, Sale price $3 Higher Orade Suits, Including some Imported Xovcltles, go the following prices: Thtirsdny Morning, December bill, for One Week Only til FUR MUFFS 75c Flanneiloite Waists at 99c LOT OF REEFER COATS. 98o Polka Dot Waists at 65c ONE Flannel Waists at S9c ROUGH CLOTH in Electric Seal, Coney, Marten, Oppos- $1.50 w 1.08 Flannel Waists at $1.39 Sale only $7.50 Red Regular price *15.00. price sum, Mink, Btaver, Blue Fox, Fox, 2.50 French Flannel Waists at 1.69 JUST HALF PRICE. “ CAPES. at about two-thirds their regular yalucs. 2 1* •* 1.98 Reefer Coats at ..•••• $10.00 “ “ •' “ 2.30 *20.00 Prices are 8 50. 9.98. 3.1* fur 89c, $1.48, *' One lot Bourle Capca, • • • * • • * • • • • * • • IS. 30 6.00 " “ “ 2.98 *25.00 Suits at $12.50 $25.00 3.98, 0.98, 7.98, 10.00 and upward. trimmed, 34 Incites long. Made to se'l at • • • • 15.00 ...... 15.00 • |o.U8, Oar stile price only $3.#9 *30.00 Suits at • • • • • • • * * 17.50 at » 17.50 $.15.00 “**•*• • *35.00 Suits ELECTRIC SEAL SILK WAISTS. One lot of ItoiiKh Cloth Capes, *40.00 Suits at 20.00 made of tine In iamn full n $10 Two lots of Box Coats, 27 iuches long, quality Kersoy, black, length, sweep, regular Satis at -.. l'or Our Slile *45.00 Made to sell for and 12.50, $8.1* Silk Waists, $2.30 garment. $11.30 25.00 castor and garnet. $10.00 •* at ...... tan, CDATS. 5.00 3.50 *50.00 Suits Sale and $8.50 " price $G.75 0.08 9.75 $0.00 Suits at.30.00 at Cloth and High >25.00 Coats $14.50 Our Waists will be Other Rongh Capes high grade Evening more than Other Box Coats and Automobile Coats at about two-thirds of the regular ** 23.50 ('■rado Plain Capes at a little 37.50 offered at 2-3 of our regular we in stock are marked to with these Just prices. Half Price. The Suits carry correspond prices. prices. 60.00 “ “ 39 50 Don't full to attend litis suit*. I ana wm last tin i nursaay evcnms, uc.™. -- Please call forenoons If you can. This sale commences Thursday morning, December 6th, and never before have Invested to such advantage. to see us, we are worthy of you patronage, you your money good of low Goods exchanged forenoons only. We shall charge fo r alterations on account the extremely prices.^ R. M. LEWSEN & CO., 538 Congress Street.

mein- FATAL ACCIDENT. Ing. several well known citizens, UNI VERBALIST FAIR. ITINERANTS’ INSTITUTE. Fashion Notes For Hen. TELE PBEBB. hers of the parish, will take pan. Their HOUSE TALKS NO. 3. * speeohes will be very Interesting. Patrick Dies From Injin- IOYE Opened mi New Chapel at Wood- Convention of Methodist Preachers at McDonough NEW ADVKRTntKHKKTB TODAY. The annual sale at St. Paul's Parish From Uuder a Car. ► what did Sadie do ♦ fords. Street Churell. juries Falling “Minnie, house will tomorrow at 10.80 a. in, Congress Co. open L her now that tliat X K. M. Lew sen & Good. about gowu 1*. 'J ibbetts & Co. The A. 11. O. Kla-s will meet with Frank r awkward waiter the & Co. The annual fair of the Woodfords Uni- Patrick McDon- spilled soup Burbank, Douglass Mrs. Foster, Walton street, Wednesday, Yesterday afternoon £ * Homsted. k on the other Jordan versally church oommenoed Meetings ol the Itinerants' Institute Trefetheu & Dugan, at the banquet ♦ Bubnrban Realty Co. December 6th at 8 80 p. m. yesterday, ough, employed by Co* at their new on Clifton street were In this city Monday evening a on the night?” • Peering Electric Light In the United States court yesterday chapel begun was at work unloading oar , J. R. Co.—2 af- will he continued she sent it down to I'OS- T I.ibby died The attendance was very good at the and through today. wharf near the old elevator. A car had Hosiery 1 “Why, Ira V. ( lark & Co. petitions in bankruptcy were by ternoon and sessions, The new are held at the Congress In some » TEH'S DIE on Calder wood's Bakery. John F. Morris of Frank K. evening They being teen started by a horse and HOUSE House. Augusta, conforms to | Foster’s of the walls street Methodist church and have been was Rightly fashioned Hose Dye of Portland and W. L Urant chapel Is a beauty, the colors way McDonough got under It. It L Preble St. and it came homo ail £ frank M. Low. ^ llaggett and harmoni- well attended. Monday evening there to tlio foot,—wears longer for Us of Uldtown. wood work, blending very thought that he was crushed all ► right They aro great for such J was a meeting which was con- oue smoothness. Pays us to sell the best Yesterday afternoon the pnbllo works ously. prayer pieces, but It turned out that leg » things as that.” ♦ Lost, Found The booths are decorated In white and ducted by iiev. W. F Berry. Yesterday the knee and the otter Hose wo can find, nt a small margin Let, committee met to approve the street de- was cut below j kkkkkkkk H»»<♦♦♦ will be found on from 8 30 o'clock In are well laden with useful and fancy ar- there were meetings was broken above the knee. He was tak- of want cus- •ads. partment pay roll for the fortnight end- j profit,—we long-wearing ticles. The are the ladlee and the morning until 7.45 o'clook In the eve- in ing December 1 and transacted other rou- following en to the Maine General hospital | tom. « was a devotional obalrraen of oommltteee In charge of the ning. The first meeting Kish's ambulance and died at a few Recent arrivals in WANTED Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. tine business. The pay roll aggregates Fancy Cotton, Mrs servloe which was led by Iiev. W. S. (8,181.00. respective booths: Fancy articles, minutes before 4 o'clock. He leaves a Lisle, Silkoline and Cashmere,— Has been used over Fifty Years by millions of F. L. domestic Mrs C. Bovard. Then followed until three to take half in- On the Portland letter car- Towler; table, family. He was about 55 years old and 20c to $1.00 the pair with *6.500 while Monday terest a well business in mothers for their children Teething, A. art Mrs. T. F. o’clook examinations. At three o'olock a VPARTNF.Hiu established rleis and ex-oarrlers Interested In the bill Phlnney; table, Jones; lived In the rear of 1U Middle strest. low lias been success. It soothes the child, For cut shoes—dancing—young Portland. For the past two years with perfect ou “From Nazareth to Bethle- tor the preserves and vegetables, Mr. and Mrs. leoture Coroner will Impanel a Jury on >»ylng 75 per rent net profit. This will stand the gums, allays Tain, cures Wind now before Congress providing Perry men's Jersey Knit Half Hoso that SQfteus J. H. Mre. W. H, was delivered by Frof. A. W. An- lie most rigid investigation. the bowels, and is the best of overtime outlawed claims, Flies; plants, Brag- hem," the case this morning. SECURITY, Colic, regulates payment The leoture was cling to the ankle—glove fitting— Address, from don ; dollar table, Kev. and Mrs. U. 1C thony of Bates on liege. leeSdiw P. <>. Box 1557. remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising addressed a joint letter to Senator Dale, In solid colors’ Mrs. wltn reference to the experi- won’t wrinkle. black, or other causes. For sale by Drug- him to work for Its Townsend; candy table, first night, given special WEDDINGS. teething urging passage. and of the world. Be sure and B. E. Townsend and school ence of the Virgin Mary. At four odock fancy stripes. gists in every part A case of diphtheria at No. 18 Spring Sunday on ATWOOD—U ALL, ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 23 <;ts second J. H. Files and occurred the round table, when toplos —--—- street, has been reported to the board olass; night,'Mrs. a bottle. third MrB A. K. Huston “The Preparation of the Sermon” were The residence of Mr. and Mrs K. 3. __ of health. class; night, Miss L M. delivered Iiev. IS. O. Thayer. Both Dali, Did Forest avenue, was the scene of EARLY I" CASTORIA Yesterday morning Fire Chief Uldrldge and class; fourth night, by & 3 Bose and class. The remainder of the the Intellectual and spiritual sides were a very charming home wedding yesterday Jordan Homsted, Our Bears the of Chas. II. Fletcher. was served with formal notice by Kn- CHRITMAS signature Their Miss Gertrude Alfred of that ocmwlttees will be published during the given. morning. daughter, In use for more than thirty years, and glneman Wlggln Unglue 6, 571 St. CHANCES Window.. be furnished this At five o'clock followed a business llall, was married to Mr. Frederick It. Congress he held himself ready for service asja fair. A concert Is to The Kind You Have Always Bought, 7 30 In the a Atwood of Mass. the Arlon of meeting and at evening Kverett, -- ... member of the department. evening by Male quartette i 25c W. service with a leoture by Prof. Only the Immediate and Inti- IIay's CASTORIA The St. Lawrence churoh is In charge Portland assisted by Mrs. Abner praise family Violet Water. of mate friends witnessed the and better than Bears the of Chas. II. Fletcher. of the Diet Mission work this week. Lowell, reader. Anthony on the subject, “Migrations ceremony. Larger signature oilier at the price. Mr s Charles F. Mountfurt and Mrs. was This was Just before the coremony was any Tn ii.. f.ir mnr. tVia,, 1 rt i* v.qre the Holy Family,” given. performed I Charles directing. It has 81 ex- Uuptill WEST CHUKCH MEN’S FBATEBN1TF given with sp clal references to the a telegram conveying hearty congratula- Our 25c The Kind You Have Always Bought. Perfume patients. of tions and gcod was received from Soap J. C. who has perience Joseph. wishes, and Sachet Boxes. CASTORIA will be a reoltal at Oreo Staff Captain Smith, There piano The Is the tor the friends at Kidney, C. B. We- Nothing so good elsewhere chunro nf Mia wfirb nf Ihfl Sftlrat.lon Arniv following programme tJUU) bv/aaeej V vv » p. I of Chas. H. Fletcher. liuupci under 550 Bears the signature exercises today: Uev, K. P. Wilson, pastor of the Wood- i he Union Mutual Lite Insuranoe In Maine, Mew Hampshire and Vermont, Xn use for more than am! fords thirty years, — led Congregational church, officiated. Our 25o company have Issued a pamphlet In spoke before the Men's Fraternity of the 8 SO a m D 3 votlonal service, by The Kind Vote Have Always Bought. lorm an antbeutlc list of Iiev. A. 8, J,»dd. There were no attendants, The bride Children’s handy giving West Congregational church on Wednes- Perfume Boxes.. the members of the Maine legislature of V HI Oi Ul —UAauiili«v»«uw. wore a costume of dark blue llle travelling Not trash but 5 best odors day evening, December 3d. subject 1 30 to 3 m.— Examinations. I If 01. p. broadcloth and curried 11 uwere. The in dainty boxes. wae the "Social Work of the Salvation 3 d. m.—Lecture by Prof. Anthony, Are Alive The Brothers and of UU1I BO nun jJiv-tiny ucwtutvui BUSINESS MEN obtain Army,” and he spoke very Interestingly subject, Playmates PERSONAL. the Child Jesus Miss Mabel Atwood and Mrs. P. J. H. H. HAY & SON, work for and ths best employees by of the army's dlsoonraged —Bound Table—The Social Ser- to trade conditions and St. 4pm Brandon ot Boston, were the ont of town Middle men through their hotels, Wnat Shall We Lo With ltf Con- in the DAILY At a regular meeting of tho directors neglected vice, A breakfast was sorved aware that the holi- advertising and farm ducted Kev. C. S. guests. wedding frilly held De- shelters, wood yards, olty by Cummings. of Merchants' National bank ■ ■. PRESS. Has the 7 81 p. m.—Praise servloe. and Mr. and Mrs. Atwood took tbe train is olose at ■■■ largest colonics, kitchens and salvage ware- day season' cember 4tb, Mr. Herbert J. Drown was 7 45 p. ra.—Lecture by Prof. Anthony, for New York. will be at home at men were They home circ u la t i on. 25 director to tbe rooms. Half a hundred pres- Jesus’ in Naza- hand. Our unanimously chosen hli subject, Boyhood Lays their residence on Hoemer preparations staff street, Everett, 40 of Mr. ood- ent and enjoyed the captain's reth. cents a week for vacanoy causd by the death after January 4. Mr Atwocd Is well have been carefully made. of the work. It was also S, Dana presentation known In and Is a member ot words. bury Everett, now until Christ- for the Initial of tne Mrs Atwood has a From John Clifford Drown, who has been the night performance (Hendon olub. the under the ME ETINU STATE GKAN'GE. host of friends here, and the wedding mas it would bo well to ■ Fraternity Orohestra, — ■ In the with the U. 8. Engineers Philip- were numerous and leadership of Mr. Chas. K. Howes. This presents notably pines, has arrived at Ban Franclsoo. and The 27tb annual cession oi Maine Stats have our name on your 2 I I an of valuable._ Ills mother and sister left orohestra Is organization experi- BRIEF JOTTINGS. Is very Blok. Grange, P. of H,, will be held In City INTENTIONS OK MAUKIAUE. list enced musicians and the con- for San Franclsoo Monday night splendid Lecemter Hall, LewUton, commencing Intentions of have Loon Hied to ceit which they gave was enthusiastical- marriage It may be very amusing the Bridge- at 10 a. in. The railroads and hotels after- 19, at tbe office of the clerk Lucretla In addition to the tour regular received. city by now in ♦ papers to construct romances ly rates. will 2 is with everything port,Conn., give reduced Headquarttrs Portland and Joslu E. packed noon vesper services In Congress Square the addresses to be given at K. Hamilton ot Schlotterbesk & Foss Go., have the 2 out of whole cloth, but when such Among be at the LeWltt house. A committee 2 the Jewelry line. Wo on the lust of lleoember Jan- Mathes of Camden. N. J. i Alvin Power Sundays the of this organization dur- the x a statement as that of last evening in meetings ot will be In attendance on Established 1SGG. x most complete stock In ciiy. and March an- reception and Lillian Viola Ersklne of Portland. uary, February already the next few weeks, the following w e show • regard to the reosnt marriage of Judge ing of trains to Information 2 Come to our store can there be arrival give nounced, will a special vesper are already eeourcd. "The Medloal !u Enoch Knight meets the eyes of old needed. A reception will be tendered Prescription Druggist*. t everything usually found 2 service at half seven o'ciook next you past View of Xemperanoe," by Dr. Swasey of establish- • friendg, It becomes a matter too serious the Patrons at City ball, Monday eve- • a Urst class jewelry Sunday evening. The publlo U cordially this olty; "Optloal illustrations," by to be tolerated. A friend of Judge An address of welcome will be giv- 2 meut. f Invited to attend. Dr. N.T. Wortbley of this city; "steam,” ning. Scrofula Knight has requested that we state that K. of en the followed by other in- At the “Town Meeting" to be held In by Geo. Gay Angnsta, by Mayor, MISSION AltY ALLIANCE. tbe notloa lu the Boston Globe and oop- exerolses. Few are entirely free from It. the of l this even- teresting vestry Congress Square as to canse the seoond session of lad In a Portland paper Is Incorrect in ACCIDENT IN’ GHAND THUNK The Lewiston Board of Trade have ar- It may develop so slowly Yesterday, day's every except that Judge the whole the Christian and Missionary Alliance, particular, YAKD. ranged for patrons who wish to visit little If any disturbance during I I Knight has been recently married. at ths street church McKenney, was held The B.=st Enamel Beds afternoon In the Grand the of Interests In the of childhood. Vaughan Yesterday principal points period which the Bleach- then irregularity of the The exercises In the evening, are full PASTOK CALLED. Trunk yard William Welob, assistant city and Aubnrn, Including It may produce JEWELER, 2 smoothly finished, length, and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, were conducted by ltev. X. E. Campbell, November 4 —At a recent foreman, was hit by a oar and bis ankle ery, ootton mills, shoe factories, palace stomach and have brass Gardiner, to consumption ot a devotional nature. to heavy mountings other too nurner and marked tendency were Owing or the Unlversallst It was was so badly hart tbatjne was unable to store, college and places itself in much cutaneous F. P. Tibbetts & meeting parish before manifesting the storm the att'bdanoe was small. Kev, Monument Square, neatly applied. ambulance ous to mention. Penobscot Pomona j unanimously voted to extend a call to step on the foot. Martin's or glandular swelling. * Co. have this but their eruption Mr. Invited all to oorue for- j]>20et!5t!lol'6tnp only sort, man wae will oonfer the llfth degree In Is to be sure that you are quite Campbell 1THE to was called and the Injured Grange It best Uev. W. F. Small of Klohmond pre- was are not a more free from It. and for its complete eradica- ward for prayers and a good response ♦♦«♦♦♦♦« •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦hmvhJ prices sixpence this taken to hie home on Kim street. It le full form. (h side over this body. The oommlttee on at. conferred on tion you can rely made. than inferior beds sell Au- afternoon received word from him that not known whether one of the ankle The sixth dsgrss will be be oonduded this eve- Full to The sessions will otlier good idea for Christmas be would accept the oall beginning hie bones was broken or whether It was only Wednesday evening. programme Hood*a Sarsaparilla ning. BOVOXlBsm giving. pastorate January 1st. a sprain. be Issued later. The best of all medicines for all humors.