ICOANA CREDINȚEI No. 12, Year 6/2020 http://revistaicoanacredintei.com/ ISSN 2501-3386, ISSN-L 2393-137X https://doi.org/10.26520/icoana.2020.12.6.5-21 Jesus Prayer, the kernel of the Orthodox Christian spirituality PhD. Alexandru-Corneliu ARION Lecturer, Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Education, “Valahia” University of Târgovişte, ROMANIA Email:
[email protected] Motto: «For as the more the rain pours down upon the earth, the more it softens the earth; so too the holy name of Christ, when it is invoked by us without thoughts, the more constantly we call upon it, the more it softens the earth of our heart, and fills it with joy and delight.» (Philokalia: Hesychius of Jerusalem) ABSTRACT In the Eastern spiritual tradition the contemplation is made with the help of the Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner”, which becomes the prayer of the mind in its higher phase when words are no longer used, but the mind is occupied by this prayer together with the heart. This combination was the work of Hesychasm. The hesychast is one who devotes himself to the prayer of silence, to prayer that is stripped, so far as possible, of all images, words, and discursive thinking. Jesus Prayer has become linked to certain physical exercises, designed to assist concentration. Breathing was carefully regulated in time with the Prayer, and a particular bodily posture was recommended: head bowed, chin resting on the chest, eyes fixed on the place of the heart, but these exercises did not constitute the essence of prayer.