PARISH LIBRARY NEWS Mobile Library Cart Books recommended by Father to be read during Great Lent March 2017

BIOGRAPHIES Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Born to Hate; Reborn to Love - Kenneth, Klaus Hijack the Women’s Movement - Browder, Sue Ellen Elder of Optina – Chetverikov, Sergius FATHERS Father : His Life and Works - Damascene Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain: A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel – Chambers, Peter The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios – (Trans) Farasiotis, Dionysios St Basil the Great: On the The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemann, 1973-1983 St : Six Books on the Priesthood Maria Of Olonets: Desert Dweller of the St : On the Divine Images Northern Forest – Bishop Nikodim HISTORY Royal Monastic: Princess Ileana of Romania – The Boundless Garden: Selected Short Stories – Cooke, Bev. Papdiamandis, Alexandros CATECHISM The Fall of Constantinople 1453 – Runciman, Catechetical Talks – Sysoev, Steven The Faith: Understanding Orthodox HISTORY/FICTION – Carlton, Clark A Crown of Life: A Novel of the Great The Orthodox Church – Ware, Bishop Kallistos Persecution – Mitchell, Brian Patrick CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AND HOME LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS Building to Last: Stories for Families to Read The Eucharist – Schmemann, Alexander Together – Anderson, Isabel For the Life of the World: Sacraments and My Godmother the Panaghia: Stories for Big and – Schmemann, Alexander Small Children The Heavenly Banquet: Understanding the Raising Them Right: A ’s Advice on Raising – Hatzidakis, Emmanuel Children – Living the Liturgy – Harakas, Stanley CONTEMPORY ISSUES Marriage and Virginity According to St John Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction – Chrysostom – Trenham, Josiah Hopko, Thomas The Reason for : Belief in an Age of The Arena: An Offering to Contemporary Skepticism – Keller, Timothy Monasticism – Brianchaninov, Ignatius The Sacred Gift of Life: Orthodox Christianity Athonite Fathers and Athonite Matters – Elder and Bioethics – Breck, John Paisios Epistles – Elder Paisios : Renewal in Paradise – Speake, Christ the Eternal – Hieromonk, Damascene Graham Early Fathers of the – Palmer, G. The Scent of Holiness: Lessons from a Women’s Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Monastery – Palmer, Constantina Universe – Freeman, Stephen Wisdom from Mount Athos: The Writings of First Fruits of : A Forty Day Journey Staretz Silouan – through the Canon of St Andrew – OTHER RELIGIONS Mathewes-Green, Frederica Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy – Damick, Andrew Follow Me – Kantiotes, Augoustinos Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future – Rose, Great Lent: Journey to Pascha – Schmemann, Seraphim Alexander How to Live a Holy Life – Metropolitan Gregory The Blessed Surgeon: The Life of Saint Luke of Ladder of Divine Ascent – St John Climacus Simferopol – Marushchak, Archdeacon The Lenten Spring: Readings for Great Lent – Vasiliy Hopko, Thomas From Earth to Heaven: St Innocent of Alaska – The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Wermuth, Andrew Spirituality – Markides, Kyriacos Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom – A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain – Kelly, J. Metropolitan Hierotheos Grand Duchess Elizabeth Of : New Martyr Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives – Elder of the Communist Yoke – Millar, Lubov Thaddeus The Life of St. Sava – Velimirovich, Nikolai Pascha Transforms Wolfman Tom: The True Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married Story of a Repentant Murderer Saints – Ford, and Mary A Path to Salvation – Theophan the Recluse Papa-Nicholas Planas, 1851-1932 – The Philokalia, Volumes 1, 2, 3 Papadopoulos, Ourania The Spiritual Life and How to be attuned to it - Romanian Patericon: Saints of the Romanian Theophan the Recluse Orthodox Church – Balan, Ioanichie Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian – Elder Paisios The Way of the Ascetic – Colliander, Tito Saint Nektarios: The Saint of Our Century – With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man – Chondropoulos, Sotos Elder Paisios Saint Hawaweeny Wounded by Love – Elder Porphyrios St – Zander, Valentine THEOLOGY SCRIPTURE COMMENTARIES Christ is Calling You – Calciu, The Apocalypse of Saint John – Farley, Lawrence The Experience of God, Volume 1 – Staniloae, The Gospel of St Mark: The Suffering Servant – Dumitru Farley, Lawrence The Experience of God, Volume 4 – Staniloae,

The Holy Gospel According to St Mark – Blessed Dumitru Theophylact SPIRITUALITY Checkout period is three weeks. The Complex: The Passions of Adam & Eve Please remember to return – Pennock, Dee borrowed materials