EWS Tl IL n.S D \'I _ Fchruar.' 21. '.WO/ \ S \lSL \ ~,pone11l Supporting Free Trade Throug Fashion for those who make goods rang­ ~ T,\HO R MoO R\\ r\~ ing from handcrafted to agricul­ f\PUNE r \i\ t? ER tural products. The movement demands that workers be paid Lights blazed from the fair wages. The laborers form Emerson Ballroom last Thursday co-ops and use proceeds to night as over 400 MSU students. build schools and improve their 'endors. and local comm unit) members gathered to support communities. "An example of how fair trade Bozeman's first-ever THREADS: works is coffee," Sommerfield Fair Trade Fashion Show. THREADS, which stand~ for said. "A laborer farming for Trade. Humanity, Revolution, Maxwell gets paid under 50 cents per pound of coffee, while Equality. Awareness. Diwrsit), and Social justice, was a fair-trader worker can receive sponsored by the Diversit) about S 1.29 for regular coffee Awareness Office. ASMSU and over $2 for organic." Concerts. and ASMSU li\ely Many activities were avail­ Arts and Lectures. The event able to entertam and inform was organized by a committee THREAD-goers about the night's of seven students. which was purpose. The doors opened at lead by Stacey Sommerfield, 6:30 p.m .. and attendees were the administrative associate invited to place bids for unique for student activities. ceramic pieces created by MSU "I went to a student students or to simply peruse the conference on Hunger and vendors' tables of fair-trade and Homelessness in October and organic items prod u~ed by the met some people from No-Sweat. Bozeman commu111t). I was interested in bringing Lotus Fire belly dancers their producb to MSU. and the) gave two performances. and passed on an idea for a fashion the fashion show inspired show. THREADS just grew from cheers as students strutted down the runway in No-Sweat that," she said ...... Photo by~ No-Sweat is a fair-trade. a clothing. The Clintons rounded THRF..ADS: Fair Trade Ft1shio11 Show featured ,\ o-S-.:.•et1 f, a fair-trade, u11io11 -madc". swratshqp--fru union-made. and a sweatshop­ out the night. playing songs free retailer whose clothing is cre­ from "Free Ride in a Cop Car" whou clothmg is made by i11dc'f't!11de11t trade union membas. ated by independent trade union to "Happy Birthday" in honor resources of a healthy p zation that was locally support­ short-term relief. According to members m Canada, the United of Sommerfield's birthday. To date, families in 128 ing people in the community. the Heifer International web­ States, and the developing world. Proceeds from the event tries have been helpt I went to the Bozeman soup so we chose the soup kitchen," site, their mission is "to work TI1e No-Sweat website explains. Heifer International. kitchen var., His Soup on Oak Sommerfield said. with communities to end hun­ "We believe that the only viable "Overall, the night s Street. and Heifer International. Heifer International is an ger and poverty and to care for response to globalization is a to be a success." Som "A lot of the committee had organization that supplies pov­ the Earth," with the ultimate global labor movement." said. "All the vendors wen heard of Heifer International erty-stricken families with farm goal of "a world of communi­ Fair trade is a social move­ excited, and we had a lot,_, ment which promotes interna­ and wanted to donate. and we animals in order to provide ties living together in peace rive feedback." tionally equal labor standards also wanted to select an organi- a source of food rather than and equitably sharing the Street Food Bazaar: Not just for food anymC'I actual event. De jong said she the fair is a chance to seed ~ PATRIC"- McCuE the support of countless volun­ friendship and old faces. All but teers, especially from the Office three countries were returning. knew many of the other interna­ cultures, especially the or of International Programs and so when cooking began in the tional students but was too busy don't nonnally think ab<>' • Q\·er two thousand peo­ ASMSU, with whose help stu­ SUB kitchen on Thursday night. to talk to them during the bazaar. you don't get to experit' ple lined up outside the SUB dents were given free admission. "We get to see good friends," She was one of the first vendors Bozeman," said Brittany wr Ballrooms and spilled into the The free admission exposed said Sudaporn Simram who has to sell out of food. freshman and Bozeman na parking lot on Saturday. Feb. 17 students to the cuisine and cul­ been cooking Thai food for three 'Tm sorry we sold out so With the college com1 for the 26th Annual International ture of over twenty societies, years at the bazaar. quickly," de jong said. "I wanted however, newcomers are .. Street Food Bazaar. including ones from Europe, the Simram owns the Thai-lsan to serve more people Dutch around. MSU Assistant Foreign Middle East, Asia, even North restaurant in Belgrade, but not apple pie." "It was amazing to se1 Student Adviser Deborah America. International food was all of the students were as pro­ The eleven pies sold out in an the countries in one roor. "" Chiolero began preparation for the focus, but dance, music, ficient in the kitchen. hour and a half, but de jong kept Chris Durgan. a freshman the bazaar in September and by and theater entertained visitors "Some of them had never serving Dutch coffee through the The bazaar was about~ October was receiving calls from in the SUB Union Market. The cooked before," Chiolero said. 7 p.m. finish. Simram sold 200 ship among everyb~ the commumty asking when the Lotus Fire belly dancers began "They were calling their parents servings ofThai red curry before Chiolero. and it could not P food bazaar was scheduled to the evening. and a Mali drum­ for recipes." the night was over. attributing it without student involve~ 1 take place. The last two months ming group capped the night. Maaike de jong from the to past popularity. "It's the students thct were the busiest. and final prep­ "It was a great showcase of Netherlands began testing recipes "People know to stop by my this event. Without ti arations filled the three da)s diversity," Chiolero said. "It's for her Dutch apple pie a month booth first," she said. dents. without their effo•~1 before the doors opened. great to see all of the countries before the bazaar. All of the time Th~ bazaar has built a solid out their dedication. it .,. In addition to the amount coming together." spent getting ready couldn't have foundation through its popular­ work." she said. "We• w of time she spent organizing Aside from diversity. hO\\ ­ prepared the international stu­ ity in the community. doing it as long as peop the bazaar. Chiolero relied on ever, the bazaar was about dents for the commotion of the "I keep coming back because coming." EWS 3

110NAL, WHO WOULD THEY BE, - that no explanation is needed! AND WHY? Or, I might like to own a funky Bills for First, I would have lunch little bar/restaurant/bookstore with my Dad. He died when I on a beach on some Caribbean Students-the was seventeen. and we never Island. And maybe I'd sing blues good kind got to know each other as there every Tuesday. adults. Even as a teenager I ..... CHERYL KNOBEL knew he was an interesting WHO WOULD WIN IN A NF\\'5 EDITOR guy! Second, I would like to FICHT BETWEEN YODA AND feallirin~: On Friday, Feb. 16. there have lunch with john Stuart SUPERMAN? was a public hearing for House Mill (of the 19th century) and Win would Yoda. yes. Bill 525, which has been termed Mary Wollstonecraft (of the the '/\cademic Bill of Rights" 18th century). They were key WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE and focuses on confirming that political theorists who laid WHEN YOU CROW U/Y? Montana universities are teach­ out the main (Liberal) argu­ A happy adult. ing diverse points of view. Dr. ~uinn ments for women's rights. "It was a good hearing in that IF THERE WASA ZOMBIE ATTACK, students made a strong showing IF YOU COULD TRAVEL BACK IN AND YOU WENT TO SAVE ONE in opposition to the bill," student TIME AND SEE ANY BAND/MUSI­ PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX lobbyist Jessica LaRoche said. CAL ARTIST LIVE, WHO WOULD WHO WOULD rr BE, AND WHY? "Everyone who spoke was very THEY BE, AND WHY? (CONSIDER THAT IT COULD BE articulate; they kept it very profes­ th Quinn, a professor in WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL No contest: jimi Hendrix! THE LAST PERSON WITH WHICH sional. The proponents themselves ;i.ociology Department of MOTTO? He was an amazing musician. YOU ARE ALIVE - THEY WOULD were also very professional." received her undergradu­ "Nothing worth knowing By integrating jazz (e.g .. Miles HAVE TO HAVE SOME SKILLS.} Despite the student opposi­ psychology from Indiana can be reduced to a motto." Davis), blues (e.g., T. Bone Sorry to be so predictable tion to the bill, it went into exec­ ttrsity, and then went on Walker) and rock (e.g .. Elvis). he but I have to say my partner, utive session on Monday and was her M.A. as well as her IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY SUPER created a unique voice in music john. He never bores me, he is voted to be approved and sent on 1 in Criminology, Law and HERO POWER, WHAT WOULD IT in a unique time. Also. how a good guy, and he knows how to debate on the house floor. from the University of BE, AND WHY? could I not love another left­ to grow food and fix machines! Three Republican represen­ mia - Irvine. Originally I would like the ability to handed perfectionist? Okay - if he was not available. I tatives were missing from the New Albany, Indiana, stop time. You know the expe­ would choose johnny Depp. committee executive session, of 1 has taught at MSU fo r 10 rience where someone says or IF YOU WERE TO SING KARA­ which bill sponsor Rep. Roger When asked his opinion does something and you think, OKE. WHAT SONG WOULD YOU HAVE YOU EVER MIT SOMEONE Koopman held their \"Otes. inn, one student replied, '"What?" I would love to be able CHOOSE, AND WHY? FAMOUS? Though the bill will go on to (?She's great. I'd run away to stop eyerything and think Unfortunately, I do sing I lived in L.A. for a decade house floor debate, LaRoche is f her if she'd have me." about it for a while. It would be karaoke. Fortunately, I never and never ran into anyone confident it will not go through. 1 goes from inspiring stu­ very handy in my research! do it in the vicinity of MSU famous. I did meet Janet Reno, Koopman is also a sponsor in the classroom to shar­ students. And to admit here the former Attorney General for another bill that's final draft i little of what inspires her IF YOU COULD HAVE LUNCH to singing any particular song under Clinton. She is an incred­ is ready for official introduc­ 1s week's "Have You Ever WITH ANY THREE PEOPLE, LIV­ exceeds even my relatively lib­ ibly imposing figure and very tion. This bill proposes to give ING OR DEAD, REAL OR FIC- eral geek meter! much the politician. a tuition rebate to students who graduate within six years and WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LED WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HOT fall under certain circumstances. Has An ZEPPELIN SONG? DOCS? The rebate would be 25 percent "Immigrant Song" I try not to think about of tuition their senior year. Abortion them. Now a good brat - with Students should also be IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY sauerkraut, onions. and mus­ aware of HB2. LaRoche said Silenced You? • DREAM JOB (PRESENT JOB tard - is another thing alto­ - the budgeting bill which was EXCLUDED) FOR ANY LENGTH gether. recently broken down into \nu .ire nl1i il lone. OF TIME, WHAT WOULD IT BE, seperate bills and includes Gov. \fanr wuml"n h;n·c iPe1·n ANDWHY? WHAT WAS THE LAST THING TO Brian Schweitzer's CAP program MAKE YOU LAUGH? hdp~ rt . I would be a blues singer. to stop rising tuition. It is such a cool thing - the For more information. visit SEE QUINN PAGE 5 www.Silen lNoM ore crowds. the music, the clothes http://leg.mt.gov. Awareness.org

G. V Right To Life P 0 801' 6;,.t ~tgr(ldiii Mt _Exponent Staff

Editor-in-Chief 994 2224 Ad Sales Manager 994-22llb Rachel Herget! Nol.m /\IO\'bray :dunrcxponent.montana.edu admanagcrexi><>nent.montana.edu Busines< Manager 994-2432 Copy Editors Carlie Widhalm Karen Walsh [email protected] Scott Obemesser Writers , oug Hoak. Kim Krieger, DJmel. Lockhart, T.anner G o och • Rune Vanderwah Hali Camper, Andrew MacNaught,m, Stet· 11 anJ e. •N a te Bnne· le

From It.ft ,m· the cadidates far ASA/SUpn•s1dent and 'Vlfe presidmt:j14 Bodfish (TT). Mike Pasque (P), Ttgan A/alloy (P), S.-ott Egenspe1ga (~ Nolan .\Jorgan (P), and Jay R utha.ford ( TT). Campaigning began _.Photo courtesy of Tegan Malloy and Scon Egensperger Friday and will last u11ttl polls dose on iU arch 8 at 5 p.111.

Off Campus Candidates· Amanda Moore, tain an ad from ASMSU with all ca11 CHERY L K NOBEL way. The three pairs that are running for the president and vice president seats Jordan Jacobson, Maureen Weiland, date bios. A presidential debate for 1 N \ \ ... EDITOR have even created groups and events on Colt Gill. Mark Bovingdon, and Kristen candidates, sponsored by the Leaders! Friday, Feb. 16, was the official start­ Facebook.com. Schipff. Institute will take place on Tuesday, F ~ date for ASMSU election campaigning. ASMSU is still accepting some appli­ At Large Candidates - Jason Gathing, 27, at noon, in the SUB NW Lounge. "Since it is official, do I have your cations for positions past the deadline. Danielle Chamberlin. Voting will be from noon on Mone! vote?" Nolan Morgan, candidate for Greek and On-Campus Senate Seats are Family Grad Candidates - Michelle Knopp March 5 until 5 p.m. on Thursday. Ma ASMSU President, said as he came from still available, and will be open until Presidential / Vice President Slates -Tegan 8. Special computers will be availa the campaign meeting on Friday. Thursday, Feb. 22, at 5 p.m. Applications Malloy and Scott Egensperger; Nolan throughout campus on which stude Candidates will be posting flyers are in SUB Room 281, the ASMSU Office. Morgan and Jay Rutherford; and Mike will be able to vote. Also. several links around campus, and some can already be Candidates running for seats that are Pasque and Jackie Bodfish. montana.edu will link to the site toy. seen hanging from the Wilson Hall walk- closed are: On March I, the Exponent will con- for ASMSU positions.



s Check your College Home Page TODAY ~omc deadlines arc as carh as December 15!!! Visual Tour of Vietnam s Go to your College Fmanc1al . \1d \\'cb Site College of Business professor Priscilla Wisner will present a visual tour of Vietnam during an International Programs Sack Lunch Seminar set at noon Monday, Feb. 26 J,oo k for a list of schoJar -;[up Sites in SUB 276. The presentation is free. and parricipants are asked to bring a lunch. s Check your hometmYn organuat1ons TI1e Office of International Programs will provide dessert. Local "cholarsh1p s ha' e fewe r applicant" Discussion on Korea s Look fo r scholarsh1ps w11yuc to you On Thursday, March 1, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Procrastinator Theater, there will be a panel discussion titled "Economic Dynamism and uclear Armageddon Rankin Foundation \\'W\\.rankmfow1dat1on.org in Northeast Asia: Battling over the Korean Peninsula." Gordon Flake (ExecutiYe Scholarship America \\\\\\ .scho lar s h1pamc nca~org Director, Mansfield Foundation), Scott Rembrandt (Director of Research & Academic s Check out free scholarslup \\'eb sites Affairs. Korea Economic lnstin1te), and Tom Byrne (Vice President, Moody's lnvestort Fast Web '"'.''"fa stweb.com Service) will make up the panel. SRN Express www.srncxprcss.com Flannery Book Signing On March 5, students can meet lim Flannery during a book signing in the Bookstore from 12 to 1 p.m. Flannery·s most recent book. "TI1e Weather Makers" is one oftllf best selling books ever written about climate change. For inforn1ation on the boo• signing or the lecture. please call the MSU Leadership Institute at 994-7275.

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Quinn: ~ECIEVE YOUR TAX RETURN Revealing BEFORE SPRING BREAK! ii1formation you \Vere dying to know Bring in this ad and get 1/2 off CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 out of state returns Fortunately, these days there are enough things that make me laugh that I can't pick out one •'We even accept all competitors coupons thing in particular. What I'm enjoying a lot this semester is that my students regularly make return cheaper me laugh. When that happens, teaching is one of my favorite things in the world.

DO YOU WISH ON SHOOTING STARS? 1105 REEVES ROAD WEST SUITE 900 I am more likely to wish on BOZEMAN, MT 59718 a four-leaf clover - being Irish 406-587-2525 and all. IF YOU COULD BE AN ANIMAL, WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL WOULD YOU BE, AND WHY? I would rather be a big GETS THE ADRENALINE GOING.~ ancient tree that just is. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR? YOURS AND WHOEVER READS ABOUT Summer, when it's summer; winter, when it's winter. The IT ON YOUR RESUME. only season I really don't like is the muddy slop of springtime in Montana (which we seem to be having in February). It is too much like winter where I grew up.

WHAT IS IN YOUR CD PLAYER RIGHT NOW? Dave Stringer's '1apa," Imogen Heap's "Speak for Yourself." and Miles Davis's "Bitches Brew."

WHAT JS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? "O Brother Where Art Thou."

DO YOU HAVE A DOPPELGANGER, AND IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER ENCOUNTERED /-IER? I do not know, but I just had a student ask to take my picture with his cell phone. He said I was a dead ringer for his friend's mom and wanted to show him.

DARK CHOCOLATE OR MILK CHOCOLATE? Dark chocolate, and the darker the better. Milk choco­ late shouldn't even be called chocolate. Thank goodness you can now buy good chocolate in Bozeman or I would have to per­ manently relocate.


I HAVE A HARD TIME UNDER­ STANDING ...... most everything about life. That's why I am a social scientist. Most people just figure this stuff out; I have to make a study of it.

THE WORLD COULD DO wrrH­ To find out more about Army ROTC's Summer Leader's Training Course , Ot..rr...... "hype" - and high fruc- Call 994-5476, stop by Hamilton Hall , Room 211 , or email [email protected] tose com syrup. Hmm? Perhaps there's a relationship there? Name: Deepu Philip . ASMSU Position: Family and Graduate Housing Senator ASMSU Spotlight: Year in school: Graduate student finishing Ph.D. Major: Industrial ~1anagement Engineering Years inYolved in ASMSU: This is !TI) second year Any other ideas or random thoughts that you like to include on )O ur One thing.) ou \\Ou Id like to accomplish "hile in .)Our position: 1'.lal...c t- ISC spotlight? 80/cman an alfordnblc sclll1ol, 11 here children of lndustn,11 Clas. can go There arc t11 o people 111 thi 11 orld 11 ho ha5 mttucnccd me the most. One lo school 11 llhoul berng rn 18,000 S be111g made b~ The other person 1s Srnchiro I Ionda, the founder of Honda motor ~omc MSU a

ASMSU Recreational Sports and Fitness

Mandatory Sport Registration Event Dates Meeting Beains *Co-Ed Volleyball Feb 15-21 Feb23 Feb26 *Indoor Soccer Feb 15-21 Feb 23 Feb26 *Dcxlgeball Feb 15-21 Feb23 Feb 26 Arm Wrestling Feb 21-27 --- Feb 28 Climbin.Q Competition Feb21 -27 --- Feb28 Register at l 04 Romney Gym, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Friday *Requires a $25.00 Forfeit Fee Upon Registration mSLJ Sw1mm1nq Pool is OPEn 11 Cl1mb1nq Wall: Check our web site for Lap and Recreational Regular Climbing Hours Monday-Friday 12:00 -7:00 pm Swim Hours. Enter through South Door of Orientations/Beginner's Night Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Shroyer Gym or through Field House Ticket *Ladies Night: Tuesdays 5:30 - 8:30 pm Office entrance then u-turn left into Shroyer Must pre-register for Orientations Gym and enter pool through locker rooms. ~Rrestricted to Ladies Only Try our popular HYDRO-FITNESS CLASS on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 Fitness Classes pm (need fitness class pass to attend). We invite you to try a FREE WEEK PASS to our PILATES CLASS! A total body-conditioning system that integrates DPEn RECRERTIDnRL BRDmlnTon the mind and body to improve muscle contr0L strength, and Fridays 6 - 8 pm flexibility. Pilates achieves quality of movement and function by Games played in North and South gyms creating body awareness coordination and endurance. Stop by l 04 Romney Gym to get your FREE WEEK PASS to PILATES that will run February 26-March 2· or to purchase your $25.00 Fitness Class Pass that covers all Fitness classes for semester.For class schedules, go to www.montana.edu/gettit. log on to www.montana.edu/getfit for more Recreational Sports & Fitness Information.


THl R D \ Y - F'Phrnan 2L 2007 \ \I l E\.pO~Pnl Gmberly Akimbo:" . Delight ofAll Ages

SHAYNA GIBSON times awkward for the characters, E EDI OP are comforting and refreshing to the audience. Kimberly Akimbo" will be The "adult" cast of characters of the last productwns to includes the hapless father, Buddy, the SUB theater's illus- portrayed by Colter Langen, s history. After just a few the frazzled vet durable mom­ · performances, part of our at-home, Debra, played by Kari l's identity will be nothing Kelseth, and Cara Wilder as the than a memory. "Kimberly wacky Aunt Patty. Patty, partly bo," directed by Joel Jahnke, fa1rygodmotherand partly ex-con, ,;es that the SUB theater is wildly entertaining in Wilder's Je retired with a bang, not a e>..'"J>ert hands. The things she says per. should be shocking, but, like all of 'he play tells the story of a Lindsay-Abaire's ink-and-paper ge girl, Kimberly Levaco, masterpieces, her allure resides in as coping with a life shaped by her contradictions. The concept ria - an extremely rare dis- of comedic dichotomy is one that :that causes the bodies of chil­ director Joel Jahnke clearly com­ to age four to ten times faster prehends. the natural rate. During There is an underlying sense .ction of the show, Kimberly of certain sadness betwixt the sixteen-years-old trapped in bizarre characters and outlandish body of post-menopausal intrigue, and Jahnke has coaxed an played by DeeDee Van Zyl. that forth to present a poignant ugh she may be the biological painting of reality. This complex­ !ball in David Lindsay-Abaire's ity is part of what drew Jahnke to .t, it could be argued that she the script after a friend suggested e of the more sane personali­ he read it. epresented. The concepts of "It's very funny;' said Jahnke. ity, responsibility, nuclear "Yet it has some wacky but very Photo by Cara Wilder t'ly, and even youthful romance real characters that are touching DeeDee ~n Z)'I play~ Ki"!berly Leva_co', ~' si'!teen-year-o/d girl with a rare disease that causes her body Jiaken; they prove to be stir- and interesting. It's a fascinating to age rapidly in David Ltndsay-Abatres 'Kimberly Akimbo" opening Thursday Feb. 22. 11subjects as the story unfolds. premise to include the aging dis­ I've directed her before. She's just lated the old space here;' said and realized that the lighting wasn't ::cich one of the characters is ease and what it's like to be a six­ a doll - a real pro to work with. Jahnke. "We're bringing the play working and there were things on in depth and armed with the teen-year-old in a sixty-year-old I cherish the opportunity;' said way out into the audience's laps. the second floor of the shop that • to deconstruct stereotypes. body and function in the world Jahnke. We pulled out the first four or five I had to hoist up, I thought that l.berly's best friend Jeff, played like Kimberly's. Particularly with That's not to say Jahnke plays rows of seats, so people sit very there might be a few things I won't ;~ozeman High School senior a family that's a little bit off-kilter. favorites with his cast, athough as close to the actors. It's kind of a miss. Of course, I'm very excited Trotter, is a Junior Wordsmith r love it on a lot of different lev­ an ensemble they have made their preview for what they will be see­ about the black box. [The SUB unerica who spends his time els. I love the way the playwright mark on his career. ing more often in the black box TheaterJ's been here for 50 years, >t-deep in letter games and sets the comedy against the seri­ "This cast is one of the best with that kind of intimate staging. and I've been her for 31 or so, and llrch papers. The complex and ous - sometimes right next to each I've had in a long time. There is It's a really difficult play to sell, I've have a lot of good times on :ming chemistry that blooms other. It takes us on a wild ride." a forty-year spread between the because no one knows the title, and off stage. That space has been reen Kimberly and Jeff is noth- The smaller cast also appealed range of ages [they represent]. and the title doesn't tell you much good to me, and I'U miss it." 1 short of heart-wrenchingly to Jahnke, as did the chance to They've been a joy to work with. about what the play is about. r The Department of Media ·1anting. When paired, Van Zyl's work with Van Zyl. After acting Every director should be as richly would love to fill the place up for and Theatre Arts will present roned authenticity and Trotter's together in "Love Letters" and blessed as I am with this one." the last go around." David Lindsay-Abaire's "Kimberly iring zeal capture the truth of working together on other proj­ The scheduled destruction Even though the theater itself Akimbo" February 22, 23, and 24, y exquisite fear assigned to ects, the two have solidified their of the SUB theater (which is run is counting its final days, the mem­ and March 1, 2, and 3 at 7:30 p.m. relationship between love and theatrical bond. almost solely by MSU students ories that have been made within Tickets for "Kimberly Akimbo" are .h. Their shared moments that "We've worked together receivingcreditin theMTAdepart­ it are timeless, and the promise of $8 for students/seniors and $10 '1.ld be awkward, and are at before, both on stage as actors, and ment) may have opened some a new venue is thrilling. general admission and are avail­ extravagant opportunities "It's always a little nostalgic able at the First Interstate Bank to the production team of and sad:' said Jahnke, "but, as I on campus, the front desk of the "Kimberly Akimbo." walked down there today and put VCB (11th and Grant streets), and "We have sort of vio- more tape on the seats and carpet at the door. f you could remain any age forever, which age would OU pick? -

"25." '"I think probabl) ·-rd sa) the age I am right nO\\., -S a ma ntha Becker, 18.'" mmu~ the school. Jr. -Ashl) Miller. f"r. Maybe 21.·· -Rick) BrO\\ n, Sr.

Photos •nd Rese;irch by Karen Walsh and Cheryl Nobel people were. We get to see scenes from an R-rated studio for any movie crmc. fil m heard rumors regarding who con­ 1 Sm H.\:-..D snrutes an l\IPAA jur). The way I Alunger's investigation unfold film and an NC-17 independent or parent who has ques understood it for wars was that as the film progresses. We see film. While they are nearly iden­ why they can't take their tical. the mdependent film is certain movies. Check o Freedom of speech. It is a "juries" are comprised of parents her stalking the MPAA's buildmg. "slapped" with the NC-17 rating. deleted scenes for addi right that is constitutionall) pro­ of young children 11lio watch a sneaking a peek mto the security Why? Interviews in "This Film" tected for all persons and forms film and determine ho\.\ old a office and taking pictures, and interviews. Also, watch th reveal that there is almost NEVER ot media (with the e\ception, of child should be ifthe1 are to see digging through a rater's trash a second time \\ ith the course, of child pornography). 1t b1 themselves, v•hether their and acruallv finding a form that a clear explanation. alhough tor commentary playmg - many believe that a love scene but ho\' protected are d1ese parent should be present with the l\IPM raters use during their extremely insightful. rights for filmmakers? The film them when the~ see it, or 1f a ratmg process - something that betv•een a gay or lesbian couple ingenious!) titled "This Film ls child under the age of 17 should is supposed to be very, high!) 1s more likel; to get an NC-17 rat­ Not Yet Rated" delves deeply into be allowed to see It at all. In fact. secret. ing than 1s a scene portraying a the l\1ot1on Picture Association of before "This Film" was made, the Through the course of being straight couple. America (MPAAI and attacks their names of the MPM raters were made, "This Film" discovered that Don't get me wrong, I like the non-disclosed reasons behind the a bigger secret than Area 51 . No most of the MPM raters are par­ idea of a ratmg system that helps 1 .) Someone out there h movie rating S)stem they have one knows who the people con­ ents whose kids have grown up parents decide if a film is appro­ described as a "hump co established. trol ling the film industry ratings and even have their own children. priate for their kids to watch. 2.) All members of the The rating svstem uses G. PG. system are. When their kids were However, "This Film" brings to Screenwriters Guild are PG-13. R. and NC-17 to signify Or should I say "knew?" younger, maybe there were some our attention the fact that the communists. rhe age-appropriateness of films. D1rector Kirby Dick hired a pri­ films with content they didn't MPM is the ONLY rating system 3.) Aberrational behavior Most film and movie buffs vate investigator. Becky Altringer, want their kids to see, but who in America and that parents must the equivalent of intersp and film students like myself have to find out exactly who these are they to tell the rest of the base their decisions solely on erotica. Hollywood Theaters Hollywood Theaters American parents that they are their own judgments. "This Film" 4.) john Waters will exp! ' • REM> ttt . 12.30 2-40. 5 00 1: 15 9''90 T NORSrT 12:50. 120. 5-50. 810. not allowed to take their sixteen­ begs us to ask. "Why aren't there "felching" is, in explicit t '«>PASSESt.tml:\'5 1025 year-old kid to a movie that has more?" or "Why does it have to 5.) Sex is censored more T llE lillllllER23 ?100.3:15 5-'.JO. 7 50. T IWNBALRISING R 130. 4 00. 545 10.25 9 15 been rated NC-17? be this way?" extreme violence. Aside from the raters' true "This Fi lm" contains inter­ • BRl>GE TO 1ERABl11«A RI 1.10. 3.3D. T OAOO\''S lll1l..E GIRLS !'OH 7 10 6.) MPAA raters are more 5 45 8 05. 11!'15 NO PASSES lML 2121i identities, the film discovered views of some very talented direc­ SIEAK OF 'WlO HOGS" SAT 2.ffii 8 .05 than OJ. Simpson jurors. something else. Despite all the tors who have all taken offense 7.) Clergy members watc • GHOST RIJER ;-.,.,~ 12: 15. 2:50. 5:20. T LETTERS FROll IWAJillA B I 20. 415. 7:55. lll:JOAl.lRESTRICTlONSl.MIL 9'30 secrecy, raters have been known at, or had their issues with, the for "secret discussions." '1m T BECAUSE I SAID SO f1'.H3 12 45 5· IO. to shmooze with studio heads. MPAA's rating system. Interviews 8.) Appeals board membe • aJSIC AHO l \'RICS Fl.HJ 12·<40 3· IO. 7 25. 950. One 1s forced to wonder whether 53S 8 00 !0'.20 A1.L RESTRICTIONS include john Waters (Di rty Michael McCellan's eyes lM1l. 212& T SMOKIN ACES R 3:45. 9 00 relationships between raters and Shame), Kevin Smith (Clerks 2), rolling back'Ward into ·the "BREACli-'i-1' 12.40 2:45. 5-10 7 40 THIGl{T ATTIEMUSEUY P



PORTS Tl [l I\SD \'l -F.·l11'11a1:-- :n.:mo; \ , \IS l E'f)Q11t·nl Golf will make you crazy!

ments, and my brother recently l-.:1\1 KRIEGER won a national high school title. EXPO~E~T \ VRI R With those types of genes, one SCORE When thi­ would think that I might be able nking of the to hit a damn golf ball. WRONG. BOARD I am absolutely horrible, and I am greatest ath­ Men's Basketball lete of the actually still mastering the whole Feb. 21 century, many contact part of the game. 'Northern Colorado 66 names come Tiger Woods makes it look so MSU 89 to mind: Michael Jordan, Jackie easy, as do my dad and brother. You Rob111 son. Emmitt Smith, and walk up to the ball, take a swing, Muhammad Ali. However, would and it should go pretty far. That is Women's Basketball anyone toss Tiger Woods or how I used to think the game was Feb. 15 Roger Federer into the mix? played. Now, I think differently. 'Northern Colorado 54 I watched Woods open his sea­ Though it is not a contact sport MSU 80 son with ANOTHER win a month and does not involve running or Feb. 16 ago (his seventh consecutive vic­ jumping, the mental part of golf is 'Northern Arizona 96 tory on the PGA Tour), profiled unmatched by any other sport. MSU 74 the Montana State ski team hav­ "To be an athlete in any sport, ing ANOTHER successful season, you need to have a mental tough· Track & Field and saw Federer breeze through ness. but you need it the most in Feb. 17 the men's tennis field to claim golf." Montana State golfer Kelly Bobcat Open ANOTHER Australian Open title. Gillum said. "Concentrating and 31 season's best scores Sports that people play for not getting distracted for five to six hours is pretty fun are produc- Women's Tennis ing some of the tough." Feb. 16 greatest athletes Okay, so ...... Photo courtesy of Jens Jensen Next time I go to the driv­ concentration Golf is a very difficult sport to master. In fact, it's tough just to play MSU 2 in the world, ing ra nge, I will remember is key. That decently. D espite that, so many people still spend their money and UC-Davis 5 but what makes the mind, body, and force makes sense time to become more preficient at the sport. Feb. 17 these leisure it takes to compete at a until you are MSUO sports - golf, low level of golf, let alone skiing, and ten­ carrying a 30- to in the swing comes from." eye coordination most athletes •sacramento State 7 a professional one. nis - so difficult 40-pound golf There are so many different can only imagine. Hitting a tiny to dominate? bag for those aspects that contribute to pl

n's Basketball: Men beat up on Northern Colorado We'd like to introduce you to online Montana State improved its conference record to 8-6 with an 6 vtctory against Northern Colorado. filing that's exceptionally EZ••• Carson Durr and Nick Dissly sco~ed 24 points each in the win. N-· This year, the Montana Department of Revenue has Will Figures had 29 points in the loss for UNC. w a new easy tax form, called Form 2EZ. This form offers an improved filing option for taxpayers whose 1men's Basketball: Women rout Sac. St., lose to Idaho St. only sources of income are wages, interest and/or The Bobcats managed a 1-1 weekend at Worthington Arena as 0 unemployment compensation. And, best of all, Form ly blew out Sacramento State 80-54, but lost to Idaho State, 96-74. cn 2EZ can now be filed electronically-for free!-on our Against Sacramento, four players scored in double-digits as website. vry player on the squad recorded between 12-20 minutes on the nr. The win was a true team effort. en To find out if you qualify to file Form 2EZ online, visit ~ MSU tripped over the starting blocks and collapsed out ~f the our website at mt.gov/revenue. Or, give us a call at ~ the following night. ISU connected on 8 of 11 three-pomters .. (406) 444-6900. I shot 53 percent from inside the arc in the first half. , . Sloppy, disheartened defense appeared to be the Bobcats pn­ rry reason for falling behind so quickly. Although the Bobcats - ~'REv°ENUE :iyed much better in the second half, the large advantage was too c' :: : r to overcome. c: 'C"

L omen's Tennis: MSU stays on the road ' The women's tennis squad struggled under the sunny ifornian skies over the weekend. MSU dropped a 7-0 decision 1Big Sky powerhouse Sacramento State on Saturday night. TERRAIN PARK The young Bobcat squad played a tough Cal-Davis team Frid~y and : S-2. Sophomore McKenzie Hilmer and freshman Lau.ra Villegas ,11 at the number five and six positions. The tandem ofJunior Katy 1iietti and junior J\l ison Fey also posted a win in doubles.

skierMarch 4th .....U) c C1I ~ E 0u • j 0 .0... C1I C' montana ·-"'C... yog~ .0 sapphires ... and we'll gift wrap it too! ~UlJt~ me•"-@>.,. Carisch inc. Bozeman MT USA Chalet Spor ts ,.., Cosmic Pizza ,.., World Boards 12 ~PO~RT=-=-5 Random and quick sports thoughts ... While giving 's sticker slam a 1O K' LE Sno. Howard had been planning a 360 pers. and probabl} losing about play: no Steve Nash. Jason Kidd. Cal hockey goalie Mickey Meyer' ~ dunk on a 12-foot nm! S 10.000 in blackjack... Chris Paul. or Allen Iverson... reason for riding his hocke} s C, 111 l~ EDITOR Tiie NBA. with its inability like a horse, dropping his pa Two thou- to sometimes think outside the Craig Sager tries too hard... The NFL has players who mooning the crowd, and t glm about my bo:-.. stated that the height of have been arrested for drunk slapping his butt during a g article from the rim couldn't be adjusted as 1t I was talking with my friend driving and suspended for tak- against BYU on Saturday) - "I hac last week: (I) would conflict with the original Erica (another avid Kobe fan) ing steroids, but the league may my fill of these refs." ... I referred to rules of the dunk contest. What about Kobe's performance m the have a new problem on its hands: Mike Chavez as the NBA fails to see is that the All-Star game on Sunday. star passing backs fathering kids Ridiculous story of the week Matt Chavez. dunk contest is a dying event She thought he played really out of wedlock. Matt Leinart had Lakers forward Vlad RadmonoY11 and for that that needs an injection of inno- well because he actually tried to a kid in October, and now Tom claimed he separated his shout 1 am very embarrassed. That is vation. something that would put on a spectacle for the fans, Brady is expecting one in August. der over the All-Star break b the second time 1 have screwed rake the contest to places where something the fans want in an So. when will these white NFL getting out of a car, slippmg Oi up a person's name in one of my it hasn't been. All-Star game. I thought he was poster boys start getting mocked a patch of ice. and falling to th columns this semester. so it was Ideas like raising the rim great because he played the for their irresponsible carpet­ ground. The dude is a 6-1 O. 23~ appropriate when a friend called give fans an opportunity to see exhibtion game like it was the cleaning the same way black BA pound professional athlete whc me a "spaz." something they may have never seventh game of a playoff series; players did in the late-'90s? ... I would assume, 1s in reasonabl (2) There was quite a bit of seen before. The NBA cannot be He was one of the few players good shape and could witt confusion about why I mentioned so set in its ways 1f it wants the who cared about winning the After thinking for 15 minutes stand a tumble to the grounc the "Bobcat Nation" website. I public to re-embrace an event game. One thing we could agree about whether the NFL is the Apparently, he's made of glass.. did 1t so that my readers would that used to be a highlight of on was that he's the best player most popular pro sports league know where I was getting some each NBA season... in the world; he's at the peak of in this country, I think a future I would rather party in Vegc of my information and opinions. his career. Enjoy watching it ... NFL vs. NASCAR article is in during NBA All-Star Weeken That's all... llove Charles Barkley because order. If anyone reading this has than in Miami during Super Bow he doesn't try to hide the fact There were 37 turnovers and a thought as to which is more Week. I'll take freshly-pumpe For every step forward that that he hits the occasional party. about 12 half-assed attempted popular. hit me up (sports@ oxygen, blackjack, eating tw the NBA takes (embracing Las After listening to him and his alley-oops during Sundays' game. exponent.montana.edu) and tell meals in three days, trying to b Vegas as an All-Star venue and a coarse voice during TNT's All­ It kinda looked like almost every me your thoughts ... the first of a group of friends t possible location for a franchise). Star Pregame Show on Sunday, player was playmg with a hang­ spot a hooker walking throu3 it falls two steps backwards. It I had no doubt that Charles had over. which would have been Can the CAA get it over a casino, roulette. scrambling t_ took those two steps back by probably stayed up till 6 a.m. on inconceivable if the game hadn't with and give his an ATM , insomnia. craps. 4 a.r refusmg Dwight Howard's request Saturday night/Sunday morn­ been played in Las Vegas on a Player of the Year award now? ... hotel fire alarms, and sippmg on to raise the level of the rim dur­ ing downing bottles of Grey Sunday afternoon. vodka tonic at 10 in the momi~ ing the dunk contest ro 12 feet; Goose. chatting up models/strip- Another reason for the sloppy Quote ofthe week: (Southern any time over a stupid beach ...

I~ I •

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.!SU is no longer a non-profit university with education as its foremost goal, but a for-profit collaboration that is more concerned about their research status and select faculty, than their students. c main issue I want everyone to examine is the unnecessary extravagance of our Chemistry department. First off. you have to look at the 24 million dollar. over budget, new Chemistry build- 1is building's sole purpose is for research and offices. It does not contain a single classroom. Then you should note the proposed S28.5 million for renovations of the old chemistry building ntzler. Gail "Remodeling 101" The Bozeman Daily Ch1onicle 9 February 2007: Cl). ~ovcmor Brian Schweitzer h;is endorsed this hefty bill for Gains Hall in his new proposed budget. Now, I do appreciate the things that our Governor has done in an attempt to keep the cost of Jtion reasonable. But, I keep hearing and ,ceing him pushing the issue of affordable higher education Is SS2.5 million affordable? With 12,338 students attending thi' year that works out co -4250 per student A lot of this tab is bemg CO\ered by grants, but whom do you think will pay for maintenance. heating. utilities, and insurance? It will not be grams, but us the students. rt, Terry. Quick !·acts \\'\\W.montana.cdu/opa;facts1quick.html#Full 28 lkcember 2006). lie Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry are mcluded in the College of Leners and Science. Only 21"• of all students enrolled at MSU are in the College of Letters and Science, which es 11 other departments. Of those 13 other departments 8 of them arl' stuffed into Wilson Hall The English, History, Mathematical Sciences, ative American Studies, Philosophy. Polincal cc, Speech Communication. and Socioloro Departments are all in Wilson Hall. I am sure they all could utilize a little extra space (Wilson Hall. http://WW\\.montana.edu/campusmap/buildings/ .html 27 June 2006) understand that G,1ins Hall does require renovations for safety reasons such as new hood vents, but S28.5 million worth? Gains Hall could use renovations just as much as any other building •r department on campus. And, yes, mosl students at MSU take at least one chemistry course (Chem 121 or 131). which is in Gains Hall. But every student is required to take Cl5 101, English I nd some combination of Math courses, which are all jam-packed mto Wilson Hall. So much so, that many of lhese class are held out side of Wilson Hall. I know that this faculty and the stu­ • would appreciate little more room 'rom another perspeclive: there were a total of 123 undergraduate and graduate chemistry and biochemistry students in 2004 and 2047 studenls in the entire College of Engineering. This s one department has roughly equal noor space as an entire college, and this college has over 16 times the students. It does nol take a mathematician ro detem1ine that these numbers do not , p (Fall Head Count Enrollment by Major. http://www.montana.edu/opa/facts/MajorsByYear.html 19 July 2006). \!so a few weeks ago, January 30, a bill was killed in the State House that would have given all of Montana's in-state students a S500 tuition break. The State cannot afford to give us a break ,Nould only cover the cost of our books, bul some how S52.5 million dollars can be scrounged up for the Chemistry Department. For some reason I am baffled by this (Williams, Walt. "Tuition

10ie in House." The Bozeman Daily Chronicle 30 January 2007: A 1). t comes down to one thing; it is ultimately about one department and not the students in general or the good of our university as a whole. I want you all to ask yourself this question: why the chemistry department get special treatment? Thank you, Joseph Schmoll

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Lady Persephone's Weekly I-­ (/) I z Tarot Reading Aries (March 21 - April 19): Page ofSw~rds. Pag~do; 0 0 C s King of Cups. You are currently m the m1 s ufp 1' · stage rio"ht now. Bt studiousi!~d pay z o a earning "' rization is attention to details. Right! ndw. n;iel'no <(/) key to mastering your craft w w~ Taurus (A pn·1 20 - May 20)·· 6 of Wands, 2 of· CupsII C.vtrrlvAUf 1 iwc s-tart (inversed}, 2 ofSwords. Successes can come m sma _J< > -Hv~ doses. Sometimes there seem to be more losses z t.t~vi~ l c.-f s o ~ ktd.51 lfClo~I~ than wins. Keep in mind that for every loss you stay in place; for every win, you move forward. 0 "fk~y ~()f i1'e:.tt/'' o I (,JOit rt d1t1 "rff. t5.) Gemini (May 21 -June 21 ): The Hermit, The M?on ( u (both inversed), Hanged Man. We all have quirky hobias but if we don't overcome them, we cease WITH LEf ~o live life the way we should. Don't get cau~ht up in your fears, but bite the bullet and go for it. HALL Cancer Uune 22-July 22): The Magician, 3 ofSwords, Ace of Coins (inversed). It is hard to recover from heartbreak. The struggle may be a time for self ACROSS reflection; you may realize things about yourse~f 1 Cock's crest 17 that you never saw before. Trust yourself and uti­ 5 Mother of Apollo lize these newly-found traits. 9 Basilica area 21 13 Ascetic Indian religion 25 Leo Uuly 23 -August 22): I 0 ofSwords. 6 of Swords. 17 Naulical hail Knight of Coins. You sometimes tend to use stub­ 18 Scullers 29 19 Snowball bornness to uet what you need, and it works for 20 Holiday, in Roma you. Use this "'trait to your advantage. but d on .t use 21 Storm it to Lake advantage. 22 Fragrant rootstock 23 herd kept 47 control Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The Fool, A.ce of 24 Many times 51 25 Copenhagen com Swords (inversed), 7 of Coins (inversed). You 11 be 26 Pubhr storehouse 57 meeting an old acquaintance this week, which, in 27 Star or phone f-;;,,,---+--r--r-- 6 2 tum, will spark or rekindle a new relationship. lead-in 28 Crackers 29 Eponymous city in Libra (September 23 - October 22): 6 of Cups, The the Badger State? 31 Farrier Devil (both inversed), Queen of Wands. If you are 33 Eponymous city in second-guessing your choices lately, step back the Lone Star State? from the situation, check your intuition, and trust 34 PFC, e.g what it tells you. 35 Egytian sun god 36 Ireland, before 1949 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21 ): Queen of 38 Agitate Coins, 7 of Swords. The World. We all have those 41 Eponymous city/state 1n the 107 times when our maternal or paternal instincts take Cornhusker State? over. Don't let them run your life, but don't ignore 46 Stage whisper 111 those feelings, either. 47 Actress Claire. of "N1notchka" 115 48 John or Walter Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The 49 Pickled pork ©2007 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. All nghts reserved 50 Habitations Chariot, 5 of Cups, 5 of Swords (inversed). You will 51 Formal fiat be in serious need this week. Don't be afraid to look 53 4th yr. students 85 Cuzco Valley 114 Liquefy 55 Sense of self 26 Accomparnes 70 Sn1ggler's catch for solace and understanding from a close friend. 1nhab1tants 115 Renovate 27 Eponymous city/state 72 Wolsey's 56 Light-refracting 86 Eponymous 116 Celtic tongue optical devices city/state 1n the 1n Pelican State? birthplace 117 Diamond glove 28 River to the Severn 73 Module Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Death 57 Lamprey lungs Empire State 118 Quarry 58 Dishevel 89 Fork-tailed, crested 30 "Monsters, _" 74 Diamond figure (inversed), 8 of Swords, 4 of Swords (inversed). You 60 Tactile guides, in 32 Fireplace ledges 75 Made agam , gull cousm DOWN may feel a bit on edge when the chaos finally set­ plant biology 90 Anthony or Chagall 33 Refrain syllable 76 Shakespeare s 62 Facility 35 Humanoid Antonio and others 91 Switzerland's 1 Ricochet tles, as if expecting more. Just sit back and relax, 63 Eponymous city/state 37 Mamie's mate 80 Outlaw and enjoy the calm. Obringa River, 2 Leigh role 1n the Hawkeye State today 39 Henri's headwork 81 Ekaterinburg victim 65 Sapporo sashes 3 Affected 92 Drowned valley 4 Short farewell 40 Smaller 83 Mexican wrap 69 Persistently 41 Feudal lord 86 Holds 93 Family name of 5 Navigation system Aquarius Uanuary 20 - February 18): The Empress. pestered two presidents 42 Type of ink Japanese art from 71 Southern U.S. 6 Legendary lawman 87 Ace of Wands (inversed), Judgment (inversed). 95 Petain 7 Adriatic seaport 43 Pins down 88 Chitchat author Welty 97 Drip painter Pollock 44 Cuddle up S counterpart Expect an abundance of creative energy this week. 72 "All for 8 WWII spy agcy. 45 Sum part 90 ra 101 Previous to 9 Come to terms Impress those around you and apply it to academic Christmas " 103 Festive 46 Adam's second 94 Elvis Pres1 ey 73 Unwind 1 O Advance, 1n Arno 50 breve 96 Make merry circumstances and your work environment. 104 Plot 11 Pop 76 1.051 to Cicero 106 Actress Gardner 52 Eponymous city/state 97 Blouse fnll 77 Half a little African 12 Woolly mom in Buckeye State? 98 Cavalry sword 107 Straight. comb. 13 Eponymous Pisces (Februar:r 19 - March 20): 9 of Wands, Knight antelope form 54 Light source 99 Small egg 78 Tag11iatelle or city/state 1n the of Swords, Page of Wands. You may have to defend 108 Oscar-winner Hawkeye State? 59 Resembling a pillar 1 oo Cooper's Bumppo tortellini Magna111 60 Actress Calve!, of 101 Vulganan 79 Black. metallic 14 Minor planets your actions this week when someone accuses you 109 Waffier's word Far Country" 102 Dash1ell's peer inlays 110 Touch on 1 5 Road to Roma of wrongdoing Persist in proving your innocence 16 Flat breads of 61 Come alive 103 Growl 80 Brute or barbarian 111 Liquid fat 82 Loch in Scotland India 63 141 to Had nan . Puniab peasant \\hen you are faced with setbacks, and you will be 112 Power u111t 64 Kelp product prefix 105 Dumbfound victorious. 84 Fmancial market 20 Stable newcomer 108 113 Melville s second 22 Actor Peter, 1n 66 Deep voice . lemenl control agcy novel 67 Act or cede lead-in 109 Pop comp ·rhe Last Emperor 68 Pile of poker chips 11 O Elec u111t NOTICE: In the past week or two. a fabricated. three-dimentional scrap-metal owl sculpture (I 2-18"rall) was stolen from the yard (SW cor­ ner of Sourdough an