Shed, Gazebo, Cabana & Awning Application & Policy
WORK CANNOT BEGIN ON THE PROJECT UNTIL AFTER APPROVED BY THE ECC - $50 Review Fee SHED, GAZEBO, CABANA & AWNING APPLICATION & POLICY Property Owners Name: ______________________________________________________UBL#:_____________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Project Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different):____________________________________________________________________________ Contractor Name: ________________________________________License#:________________ Phone: ______________ Who will do the work: _____________________________________________ Phone, if different:____________________ Lot type (circle all applicable) INTERIOR CORNER LAKE FRONT GOLF COURSE SEWER SEPTIC LOCATION, DESIGN, MATERIALS, AND COLORS MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE EXTERIOR OF THE RESIDENCE AND FIT IN WITH THE NEIGHBORING SURROUNDINGS. Circle Yes or No to each of the following questions: 1. Is shed, gazebo, cabana or awning pre-manufactured? YES NO a. If the answer is yes, a manufacturers brochure must be included 2. Does the plot plan include: a. Location and Dimensions of the shed. YES NO b. Front, rear, sides and rear set-backs clearly marked? YES NO c. All easements of record? YES NO 3. Does construction require a variance? YES NO 4. Do plans include building specifications, dimensions and elevations? YES NO 5. If trees are being considered for removal, are they tagged and identified by size and number? YES NO 6. Do plans include how building will be anchored? YES NO 7. Do plans show roof pitch(s) and overhang size? YES NO Base Color Trim Color Roof Sample Property Owners Signature: Date: I, the undersigned, have read and understand Article IX, Section 1, of the HVLA CC&R’s, the attached Shed, Gazebo, Policy Rules, as adopted by the Board of Directors and hereby agree to comply with same.
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