0022-1 767/87/1382-0358SOZ.OO/O THEJOURNAL OF IMMUNOL~~Y Vol. 138.358-363.No. 2. January 15. 1987 Copyright 0 1987 by The American Association of Immunologists Printed in U.S.A.


LEANNE WOLF VOLLGER," DEBBI T. TUCK,' TIMOTHY A. SPRINGER,* BARTON F. HAYNES,"' AND KAY H. SINGER"' From the *Departmentof Microbiology and , Divisionof Immunology and the 'Departmentof Medicine, Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, Duke UniversitySchool of Medicine. Durham,NC 27710;and the 'Laboratoryof Membrane IrnmunochemistrQ, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Boston,MA 021 15

With the use of cultured human thymic epithelial ing assay (7). In that study, TE- binding was (TE) cells, we have previously shown that thymo- not blockedby to major histocompatibility cytes bind to TE cells in suspension in a rosette- complex (MHC) class I and class I1 (7).To addi- forming assay. To identify cell surface molecules tionally define molecules involved in human TE-thymo- involved in human TE-thymocyterosette formation, cyte binding in vitro, we have investigated the ability of we assayed alarge panel of monoclonal antibodies monoclonal antibodies againsta wide variety of epithelial for their ability to inhibit rosette formation. We and antigens to inhibit TE-thymocyte bind- found anti-CD-2 (LFA-2, Tll), and anti-LFA-3 anti- ing. In this report, we identify two molecules, the CD-2 bodies all inhibited binding of TE cells to thymo- molecule (LFA-2, T1 1 , E-rosette receptor) on , cytes. By using indirect immunofluorescence as- and the LFA-3 molecule on TE cells, which appear to be says, we determinedthat culturedTE cells were 90% LFA-3 positive and CD-2 negative, whereas thymo- involved in human TE-thymocyte binding invitro. cytes were 10%LFA-3 positive and 98% CD-2 posi- tive. Pretreatment of TE cells with anti-LFA-3 but MATERIALS AND METHODS not anti-LFA-2 inhibited TE-thymocyte binding.In Monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies against thelymphocyte func- contrast, pretreatment of thymocytes with anti-CD- tion associated -1 (LFA-1) CY and p subunits, (TS1/22 and TS1/18, respectively), LFA-2 (TS2/18, TS1/8), and LFA-3 (TS2/9) 2 but not anti-LFA-3 antibodies inhibited TE-thy- antigens were raised against HLA-DR specific human cytotoxic T mocyte binding. ThusTE cell-thymocyte binding is lymphocyte clones (8)and were used as ascites or purified . blocked by antibodiesto the CD-2 (T11) antigen on Antibody LM-2 was raised against granulocytes and detects theMac- thymocytes and by an antibodyto the LFA-3 antigen 1 CY subunit (Miller and Springer, manuscript in preparation). Anti- on TE cells. Because the CD-2 antigen has been bodies against human TE cells (TE-3, TE-4. TE-8, TE-15, TE-16, and TE-19) were raised against human thymic stroma and define implicated in activation, these data suggest discrete stagesof TE cell maturation (9-1 1). Antibody 8AD6 against that a natural ligand for T cell activation via the early T cell precursors was generatedin our laboratory by using the CD-2 molecule is present on human thymic epithe- DU.528 human stem cell line (12)as immunizing antigen and lym- lial cells. phocyte hybrid techniques as described (10). Other anti-T cell anti- bodies were obtained through the Second International Workshop on Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens (13). Antibody 3F10 reacts with non-polymorphic MHC class I determinants (1 Antibody4). L243 Although the is necessary for generation of reacts with non-polymorphic MHC class I1 determinants (15) and functionally mature T , the specific roles was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; that thymic microenvironment components play in pro- Rockville, MD). Anti-IgG-Fc receptor antibody (KFc79) was the gift motion of normal T cell maturation are not understood of Dr. T. Mohanakumar,Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA; anti-thymulin antibodies E8ClO and 1H6H10 (16. 17) were the gift (1-4). We have previously developed an in vitro system of Dr. M. Dardenne. Paris. Anti-keratin AE1 for the long-term growth of human thymic epithelial(TE)3 (18) was provided by Dr. T.-T. Sun, New York University School of cells (5).Moreover, we have shown TE cells can activate Medicine, New York. In vitro culture of human thymic epithelial cells. Thymus tissue autologous thymocytes in vitro, and serve as accessory was obtained at the time of corrective cardiovascular surgery from cells for phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced thymocyte 15 patients aged 7 mo to 16yr. Human TEcell cultures were initiated activation (6). by an explant technique,were propagated in enriched medium, and were subcultured as described (5). The A431 cell line (19) was Recently, we have described binding of both cortical obtained from Dr. J. DeLarco. National Institutes of Health, and was and medullary thymocytes to autologous and allogeneic passaged in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (Grand IslandBio- cultured TE cells by using a TE-thymocyte rosette-form- logical Co.. Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (GIBCO), 100 pdml streptomycin, 100 IU/ml penicillin, and 0.25 &/ml amphotericin B (GIBCO). Received for publication September 16, 1986. Thymocytes. Thymocytes were gentlyteased from thymus tissue Accepted for publication September 29. 1986. and were purified by centrifugation through Ficoll-Hypaque (20). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the Cells were frozen slowly in RPMI 1640 (GIBCO) containing 20% fetal payment of page charges. Thts article must therefore be hereby marked calf serum (FCS), 7.5% dimethylsulfoxide (Sigma Chemical Co.. St.. advertisement in accordance wtth 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indi- Louis, MO). and 10 pg/ml gentamicin (Schering, Kenilworth. NJ). cate thisfact. This work was supported in part by Grants CA28936. K0400695, and were stored in liquid nitrogen. To thaw, thymocytes were incu- AM34808. and 5T32CA09058 from the National Institutes of Health. bated at 37°C for 1 hr in RPMI 1640 containing30% fetal calf serum, KHS is a Scholar of the Leukemia Societyof America. 100 pglml deoxyribonuclease I (Sigma), and 10p@ml gentamicin. Reprint requests to: Leanne Wolf Vollger. Duke University Medical Immunofluorescence. Indirectimmunofluorescence was per- Center, P.O.Box 2987, Durham, NC 27710. formed on cells in suspension, on frozen tissue sections, and on Abbreviations used in this paper: LFA, lymphocyte functton-associ- cytocentrifuge preparations as described in detail (21). P3X63/Ag8 ated antigen: TE, thymic epithelial. ascites fluid was used as a negative control in all assays. 358 HUMAN THYMOCYTES BIND THYMIC EPITHELIAL CELLS VIA CD-2 359

TABLE I In reciprocal washing experiments, 1 X 10' TE cells, 2 X lo6 A431 Monoclonal antlbodies that inhibit TE-thymocyte binding cells, or 40 X lo6 thymocyteswere preincubated with a 1/100 dilution of antibody in 400 plof RPMI-FCS for 30 min at 4'C. Percent In- Remaining free antibody was removed by washing cells twice (250 Antlbody Speclflclty hlbltlon f x G. 5 min. 4°C) in 15 ml of RPMI-FCS. Cells were then examined SEM for TE-thymocytebinding as described. Assays for inhibition of TE- TS2/9 LFA-3 912 5 thymocyte binding with antibody 3F10 (anti-MHC class I) and with TS 1/8 CD-2, LFA-2 91f 4 antibody L243 (anti-MHC class 11) were performed both in the pres- TS2/ 18 CD-2, LFA-2 91.C 1 ence of excess (unbound) antibody and after washing out excess 35.1 CD-2 96.C 0 antibody. T11/3Pt2H9 CD-2 93.C 3 T 1 1/ROLD2- 1H8 CD-2 93+ 3 TI 1/7T4-7A9 CD-2 83+ 7 RESULTS T56 CD-2 44 f 10 D66 CD-2 59 2 14 Screen of a panel of monoclonal antibodiesfor ability T 2/3Pt1 12B8 CD-6 15* 5 to inhibit TE-thymocyte binding. A large panel of anti- 12.1.5 CD-6 12* 3 lymphocyte and anti-epithelial monoclonal antibodies "Thymocytes were pretreated with monoclonal antibody as described in Materials and Methods. and TE or A431 cells were added. The data was tested for ability to inhibit binding of thymocytes to are expressed as mean percent inhibition of epithelial cell-thymocyte cultured TE or A431 cells. Of the antibodies tested,only binding. The datarepresent mean f SEM of three experiments. those directed against the CD-2 (LFA-2, T1 1, E-rosette TABLE I1 receptor) molecule and theLFA-3 molecule inhibited TE- Monoclonal antibodies that did not inhlblt TE-thqmocqte bindin.@ thymocyte and A43 1-thymocyte rosette formation(Table Antlbodv SDeClflCitV I). Anti-LFA-2 antibodies TS1/8 and TS2/18, as well as other anti-CD-2 antibodiesT11/3Pt2H9, T1 lROLD2- 3F10 Anti-HLA class I L243 Anti-HLA class I1 (la) 1H8, T11/7T47A9, and 35.1 blocked greater than 80% NA 1 /34 CD- 1 of TE-thymocyte or A431-thymocyte binding. The anti- T3 CD-3 T4 CD-4 CD2 antibodies D66 and T56 partially blocked TE-thy- 6-2 CD-5 mocyte binding (59and 44%inhibition, respectively) (Ta- 2H4 CD-5 2H4 ble I). D66 and T56have been shown to bind a subset of 3A1 CD-7 T8 CD-8 CD-2 positive peripheral T cells and to bind to a F1089-4-7 T200 distinct on the CD-2 molecule (13, 22).We have 8AD6 Pan-thymocyte also observed that themonoclonal antibody TQl, which TSl/22 LFA- 1 TS1/18 LFA- 1 inhibitsE-rosette formation (22) andwas found by TE-3 Cortical thymic epithelium Knowles to bind to the CD-2 molecule (23), completely TE-4 Thymic subcapsular cortex and medulla inhibited thymocyte-A431 binding (not shown). We ob- TE-8 Thymic Hassall's bodies served a slight inhibition (12 to 15%)of A431 -thymocyte TE- 15 Thymic Hassall's bodies binding in the presence of CD-6 antibodies (Table I). The TE-16 Thymic Hassall's bodies TE- 19 Thymic Hassall's bodies possible significance of this inhibition is currently being E8C 10 Anti-native thymulin investigated. 1H6H10 Anti-(synthetic)thymulin Anti-LFA- 1 (TS1 /22, TS 1/ 18) and anti-T8 antibodies LM-2 MAC- 1. CD- 11 KFc79 Anti-human Fc receptor for that areknown to inhibit binding of cytotoxic T lympho- cytes (CTL)to targetcells (24, 25). and anti-T3antibodies 'The ability of antibodies to inhibit thymocyte-TE and thymocyte- that inhibit CTL-mediated killing at a post-conjugation A431 rosette formation was tested in two separate experiments as de- scribed in Materials and Methods. Monoclonal antibodies listed effected step (26)did not haveany effect on TE-thymocyte binding less than 3%inhibition of TE-thymocyte rosette formation. (Table 11). Other monoclonal antibodies that did not in- hibit TE-thymocyte binding are shown inTable 11. TE-thymocyte binding assay. Assays of TE-thymocyte binding As previously reported (7).antibodies againstHLA class were performed as described (7).Briefly, 2 x lo6thymocytes and 1.5 I molecules (3F10) and HLA class molecules (L243) had X lo5TE cells or A431 cells were combined in 200 pl of RPMI 1640 I1 supplemented with 5%FCS (RPMI-FCS)at 4°C. were centrifuged for no effect on TE-thymocyte binding (Table 11). To demon- 5 rnin at 250 x G at 4°C. and were incubated for 30 min at 4OC. Cells strate that the TE-thymocyte binding observed in the were gently resuspended. and coded samples were counted under light microscopy (150X magnification). TE cells or A431 cells that presence of anti-HLA antibodies was not due tobridging bound three or more thymocytes were scoredas positive (7).For each of TE cells to thymocytes by bivalent anti-HLA anti- assay, 200 TEcells were counted, and each determination was bodies, thymocytes and TE cells were pretreated with performed in duplicateor triplicate. We have previously shown that anti-HLA antibodies, followed by addition of anti-LFA-2 thymocytes bind to the epidermoid carcinoma A431, with binding properties identical to thoseobserved with TE cells (7).Therefore we antibody before mixing thymocytes with TE cells. As have used A43 1 cellsto compare with normalcultured TE cells,and shown in Table 111, CD-2 antibody TS1/8 completely in- performed experiments withA431 and TE cells in parallel. hibited TE-thymocyte binding in the presence of anti- Znhibitlon of TE-thymocyte btndtng by using monoclonal antt- HLA class I or class I1 antibodies. Similar results were bodles. Either 2 X lo6thymocytes or 1.5 X lo5TE cells or both were preincubatedwith saturating amounts of monoclonal antibodies obtained with the A431 cell line (not shown). (ascites fluid or purified antibodyat a 1/100 dilution) in200 pl RPMI- Inhibition of TE-thymocyte binding by anti-CD-2 and FCS (4°C for 30 rnin). and cell suspensions were assayed in the TE- anti-LFA-3antibodies was concentration dependent, thymocyte binding assay as describedabove. Control cells were sham-treated by incubation with RPMI-FCS without antibody. Per- with maximum inhibition occurring at a 1/1000 dilutian cent inhibition of TE-thymocyte binding was determined by the of TS1/8 ascites fluid(anti-CD-2) and ata 1/1000dilution equation: of TS2/9 ascites fluid(anti-LFA-3) (Fig. 1). Percent inhibition of TE-thymocyte binding To determine the siteof inhibition by anti-CD-2 (TS1/ 8) and anti-LFA-3 (TS2/9) antibodies, experimentswere % TE-thymocyte rosettes with antibody =[1 - ]x 100 performed by using either TE cells, thymocytes, or both % TE-thymocyte rosettes with RPMI-FCS that had been preincubated with antibody, washed,and 360 HUMAN THYMOCYTES BIND THYMIC EPITHELIAL CELLS VIA CD-2 TABLE I11 when TE cells were pretreated with anti-LFA-3 (94% Epithelial-thymocyte bindingwas not inhibited in the presenceof Anti-MHC class I or class II /la1 antibodies" inhibition) or thymocyteswere pretreated with anti-CD- 2 (94%inhibition). Inhibitionof binding of thymocytes to Percent Percent TE Rosettes Inhibition A431 was similarly inhibited when thymocyteswere pre- - - - 25 0 treated with anti-CD-2 and when A431 cells were pre- - - -+ 2 92 treated with anti-LFA-3 (not shown).Previously we have Anti-MHC class I Anti-MHC class 1 - 25 0 shown that theability of thymocytes to bind to TE cells Anti-MHC class I Anti-MHC class I + 2 92 Anti-Ia Anti-Ia - 27 0 was trypsin sensitive (7).By using indirect immunofluo- Anti-la Anti-Ia + 2 92 rescence assays and cytofluorograph analysis, we ob-

a Thymocytes and TE cells were preincubated with either media (-)$ served that theloss in ability of trypsinized thymocytes anti-HLA-class I (3F10). or anti-HLA-class I1 (Ia) (L243) antibodies for30 to bind to TE cells paralleled the trypsin-induced loss of min at 4T.Either media (-1 or anti-CD-2 antibody (TS1/8)in saturating amounts was added to thymocyte suspensions, and after 5 min more CD-2 molecules from the thymocyte cell surface (datanot incubation. TE cells were added. The data areexpressed as mean percent shown). rosette formation and alsoas % inhibition of binding. The data arefrom one representative experiment of three experiments. Expression of LFA-2, fCD-21 and LFA-3 antigens by thymocytes and TE cells in vivo and in vitro. By using indirect IF assays with antibodiesTS1/8,35.1, andTS2/ 9, we investigated the distribution of LFA-2 (CD-2) and LFA-3 antigens on TE cells, thymocytes, and A431 epi- thelial cells in vitro, and on frozen sections of normal human thymus.As previously reported (27), resting thy- mocytes were less than 10% LFA-3+, and greater than 95% CD-2+ (Fig. 2A and B). Cultured thymic epithelial cells were 98% LFA-3+ (Fig. 2C) and CD-2 negative. The A431 cell line was 99% LFA-3+ (Fig. 20) and did not express CD-2 antigen. Figures 3A and 3B show a cyto- centrifuge preparation of cultured human TE cells in vitro in double IF assay labeled with anti-LFA-3 (Fig. 3A) and rhodamine-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglob- ulin, and the samecell reacted with fluoresceinatedanti- keratin antibody AE-1 (Fig. 3B). Figure 3C shows a CD- 2 negative TE cell bound to CD-2-positive autologous thymocytes, whereasFigure 30 shows an LFA-3-positive TE cell bound to LFA-3 negative autologous thymocytes. To confirm that thymic epithelial cells expressed LFA- 3 antigens in vivo, weperformed double immunofluores- I I I C lo5 lo4 lo3 lo2 cence assays on frozen sections of human thymus by RECIPROCALOF ANTIBODY DILUTION Figure 1. Ability of monoclonal antibodies against CD-2 (LFA-2)and LFA-3 antigens to inhibit epithelial-thymocytebinding. Titration of mon- oclonal antibody TS1/8 against CD-2 (LFA-2)antigen (e)and antibody TS2/9 against LFA-3 antigen (A]for inhibition of T cell-epithelial cell binding was tested by using A431 cells and allogeneic thymocytes. The results areexpressed as percent rosettes & SEM and represent the mean of triplicate points. C indicates the level of control binding when no antibody was added.

TABLE IV Effect of pretreatment of thymocytes and TE cells wfth anti-CD-2 or anti-LFA-3 antibodieson epfthellal cell-thumocutebindin@ RELATIVEFLUORESCENCE RELATIVEFLUORESCENCE Pretreatment Percent TE- INTENSITY INTENSITY Percent Thymocyte Inhibition TE Thymocyte Rosettes C D - - 31 0 - Anti-CD-2 2 94 Anti-CD-2 - 28 10 Anti-CD-2 Anti-CD-2 2 94 - Anti-LFA-3 32 0 Anti-LFA-3 - 2 94 Anti-LFA-3 Anti-LFA-3 2 94

a Thymocytes and TE cells were pretreated witheither media (-), anti- CD-2 (TS1/8), or anti-LFA-3 (TS2/9), were washed, and were tested for ability to form rosettes. The results are expressed as mean percent of cells rosetting with thymocytesand also as percent inhibition of epithe- lial-T cell binding. The data are from one representative experiment of RELATIVEFLUORESCENCE RELATIVEFLUORESCENCE three experiments. INTENSITY INTENSITY Figure 2. Cytofluorograph histograms showing reactivity of anti-CD- 2 (LFA-2)and anti-LFA-3 antibodies withthymocytes, TE cells, and A43 1 then tested for bindingin the TE-thymocyte binding epithelial cells. Panel A shows anti-LFA-2 antibody (TS1/8) reactivity assay (Table IV). Inhibition of thymocyte binding toA431 with thymocytes. Panel B shows anti-LFA-3 antibody (TS2/9)reactivity with thymocytes. Panel C shows anti-LFA-3 antibody (TS2/9)reactivity cells by anti-LFA-2 and anti-LFA-3 antibodies was also with TE cells. Panel D shows anti-LFA-3 antibody (TS2/9)reactivity with tested. Inhibition of TE-thymocyte binding occurred A431 epithelial cells. HUMAN THYMOCYTES BIND THYMIC EPITHELIAL CELLS VIA CD-2 36 1

Fiyurc’3. i’hrnotypc analysis ot TP; cells and lhyrnocytrs 111 autolo- gous TE-thymocytcrosettrs. Panels A and H showthe same TE rell binding. both anti-LFA-3 antibody (TS2/9] visualized with rhodamine- conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Panel A) and directly flu- oresceinated anti-keratin monoclonal antibody (AE1) (Panel B]. In indi- rect imunofluorescence assays of cytocentrifuge preparations of autolo- gous TE-thymocyterosettes. anti-LFA-2 antibody (Panel C] bound to thymocytes (arrows).but not to the centralTE cell. and anti-LFA-3 (TS2/ 9)bound to TE cells (Panel Dl.but not to surrounding thymocytes (arrows) (X400).

usinga directly fluoresceinated anti-keratin antibody AE-1 to identify epithelial cells along with anti-LFA-3 detected by a rhodamine conjugated goat anti-mouse Ig. Anti-LFA-3 reacted with thymus in an epithelial pattern Figure 4. iiractivity on human thymus ol anti-krratin ant~bodyAI~-l in thymic cortex and medulla. Figure 4 shows cells which (Panel A] and anti-LFA-3 antibodyTS2/9 [PanelH] in double immunoflu- react with both AE-1 (Fig. 4A) and anti-LFA-3 (Fig. 4B). orescence assayon the same frozen section. Antibody AE-1 was directly conjugated to fluorescein, whereas. antibody n LFA-3 was detected with Occasional cells were seen that reacted with anti-LFA-3 rhodamine-conjugated goat anti-mouse lg. The solid arrows showAE-1’ and not AE- 1 (small arrow).All appropriate controls were cells in Panel A that are anti-LFA-3* in Panel E. The long arrow shows an AE-1- cell in Panel A that is positive for anti-LFA-3Panel E. S negative (not shown). indicates interlobular septum (x400).

DISCUSSION that although in vivo human TE cells express Ia antigens, In this study, we have shown that antibodies against cultured TE cells are Ia negative (5).However, treatment the CD-2 antigen (T1 1, LFA-2. E-rosette receptor) on of cultured TE cells with interferon-? (IFN) in vitro (28) thymocytes and the LFA-3 molecule on TE cells inhibit or co-cultivation of TE cells with thymocytes (6)induces the binding of human thymocytes to autologous and al- expression of Ia antigensand increases the level of logeneic thymic epithelial cells. These antibodies previ- expression of class I MHC antigens on TE cells. However, ously have been shown to inhibit bindingof cytotoxic T IFN-y-treated TE cells that have been induced to express lymphocytes (CTL) to target cells (24): Anti-LFA-2 anti- Ia antigens bind to thymocytes to the samedegree as do bodies inhibited binding at thelevel of the CTL. whereas Ia- TE cells, and anti-CD-2 antibodies inhibit completely anti-LFA-3 antibody inhibitedCTL-target binding at the the ability of Ia+ TE cells to bind to thymocytes (Wolf, L., level of the target cell (27). In this study, indirect immu- Haynes. B.. Singer, K. unpublished observations). Taken nofluorescence assays on sections of frozen thymus tis- together these data suggest that TE-thymocyte binding sue. and cytofluorograph analysis of thymocyte and TE may not be related to MHC binding, norto the generation cell suspensions confirmed the presence of CD-2 antigen of T cell MHC restriction, but rather TE cells may act as on thymocytes and LFA-3 antigen on thymic epithelial an intrathymic source of an endogenous ligand of the cells in vitro and invivo. CD-2 antigen andpromote thymocyte activation. It is of interest that theTE-thymocyte binding reported Meuer et al.(29) have demonstratedthat a combination here did not appear to be mediated by MHC class I or of antibodies against the T1 l2and T1 l3 on the class I1 (Ia)antigens. Antibodies to MHC class I and class CD-2 (T1 1) molecule leads to IL 1 independent peripheral I1 antigens did not inhibit binding, nor have quantitative T cell activation. 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