XJ:x~xxx J38- '/436

October 2?, 1 98J

Dr..fil' ftG,T:

T! n trn~i~ drnt1 of V.n~ett C! 1 ~es bocone ~ell pu(,J.id.!:...nd . Tlw fm~m1 n·~ injustice of j •Jdicia.l ra.cisc aet ~:ree om ind:i.r;nQ t~Oi·., tmd r.m ber.~ of tho Chinatoim Poq.lc ' ' !"! 'Jf;l u F' ,;.: • :. r u :.e.' :..u1 1 ol t.

Po hope yNt ' 11 ac~ept. our ~'l:U.d offCJrt. i i:.".c c·i.ruggle

;luctice rnr1 '':.irn,...s~ . Enclosr.

\Ji.th l:l.l.lCh (•C?mL:nni"t·:·r .

Tioues Ghan , Esq . ·r rens'lrer

\ :Joni C!.otea. 10i dayamou. clio~. C!.l'u.li~, dt{aHaaJ;uietti 02150

7-/5- JS J) ;£,'('a ':Jic;;ar.cf ;~ w~ ;ouUe; ay

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' t ~ ~ tl jL ~ 'l + Committee To Support Long Guang Huang

July 15, 1985

As a result of the widespread organizing around the case of .r..tr . Long Guang Huang , communications with the Police Department have started and are now ongoing .

On July 2nd , re9resentatives of the Committee to Support Long Guang Huang met with Police commissioner Francis '1. Roache and Superintendent Joseoh Carter (Communitv Disorders Unit) to talk about the creation of a "Police Liaison to the Asian Community" . This meeting was a very productive one which gave the Chinese community an OP?Ortunity to voice their concerns . Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a good working relation with the .

The Committee feels that involvement from all sectors of the As1an community is essential to ensure a successful and meaningful 9rocess in the selection of the best candidate to serve as liaison to our community. Your participation in this matter is needed and will be greatly appreciated . The next scheduled meeting will be held on Friday, July 19th at 10 M1 at the Police Headquarters at 154 Berkeley Street. Please call Suzanne Lee at 726-6200 Ext, 5684 to indicate whether you will attend.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. ~e look forward to seeing you Fridav. Sincerely ,

David Nong Suzanne Lee I /~~

27 Beach St., 3 Fl. Boston MA 021 I I or 90 Tyler St. Boston MA 02 I I I

(6 I 7) 426-53 I 3 (617) 542-2574 July 25, 1985

Commissioner Francis M. Roache Boston Police Department 154 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116

Dear Commissioner Roache :

I am deeply concerned about the lack of sufficient progress in the case of Mr . Long Guang Huang. While the Police Depart­ ment's administrative internal hearing against Detective Kelly has come to a complete stop, the criminal charges against Mr . Huang continue to hang over his head .

Why do you continue to allow these charges against Mr. Huang to be pressed forward when witnesses have testified, even in the police hearing , that Kelly struck Mr. Huang 2-3 times without being struck back?

I am deeply dissatisfied with the fai lure of the Police Department to resolve Mr. Huang ' s case. Close to three months have passed since the May 1st beati ng. I urge you to move quickly in resolving Detective Kelly's status and in dropping the charges against Mr . Huang.


CC: Mayor b ,.- llllill., .. .. "'"'·- ·---- -ri -·, a .. r;i;_.~ 0!:1c~ c! i:".e C.;::-::':"'ISSic.-.er CPCDOUccce 154 ::e'xe!ey S tree ~ l·t .•[Bcm:sDCDrn S::srcn . Massac~~.;seus C:< • ! E


lI • G. Kelly J;:: • ~ ::::~:;66~? ~ Gene=a- =~~es~~ga~~~e Uni~ u. 3~=ea~ c ~ I~ves~~gac~ve Sar~ices ..~ & '?'" "';:, ·.· :: '2 "g o ~ ~uly 9, 1933 and suosesuent da~es, a hea r~~ g was held iS be=~=~ Ces~q~c~ec he~ = ~~s o==ic== Su?e=i~~=~Ce~~ -I~- c~ie= ;) ,. Jch~ ~- Gi~~cr~, w h~ch c c ~cluce~ c~ Se?~=~ber 3, 1~2~, r e la=~ve .u to a c=~?lai~t c~ar gi~g you with t~o s~eci~icatio~s. A c=?Y cf ~ t' t~e co~?lain~ is a~~ ached.

i.. A~ t~e hea=~~g evide~ce was presented establishi~g t~a: ycu ~ A.. were se~rec ' wit~ notice o f the heari~g and af:or~ed a full i O??Or~u~ity t o be r e?resented ar.d heard. You were re?resen~ec i by At~=r~ey Thomas T=oy . ! I! 1 Basec on t.=:e evidence, I fi:::1d t!la~ just cau.se exists t::) l ..'I su==or~ t~e allecra~ions of the c=molaint located in sceci:icatior.s ~ I a;d II . Becau;e of the gravity of the of~enses I hereby SUS?end ~ you f==::t t..-..e Boston Police De?ar~-:\ent for t!:e period of one ( l ) · 1,. year, wit~out pay, for specification I. Additionally, I here~y I 'I suspend you f=om t~e Boston Police Depar~ent for t!:e period at one (l) year, wit~out pay, for specificat~on II. These suspensions are to be se~;ed conc~rent ly , e£fec~ive this date.

~=~ ~ay a?~3al t!:is ac~i cn pc=:ua~t t: M.G.L . c. 31, sec~i=~s 41- 45 by filing an appeal i n writing with the Civil Se~rice I Ccm.."i:ission for tb.e Commonwealth of Hassachusetts withi:::1. ten (10) days of r eceipt of this letter .. \ Res~ec~=ullv vours ,

.·. : : ~~~W\ .. ~ ··. · Francis M. Roache Police Co~~issioner


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POLICf.' ('0).0115510 :-\ZR FOR TEE CITY OF BOSTO:\

I hcrcoy bri11g a com?iaint brfor( you aqcins:

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/r. ~5 ...•d Jn ut ;cc Dc.; ,arlntcHi. wit: ,t:...... S:?::: ·:.:::.:::C.~T! O ~T .. ! ...... ~ ~ j 1, ..1 98 5 ..w:--..:. le. i '"'.. .. t::e. .a::-.e2.. .. c::. . :"'-•ee!..?...-:C. .. S.L ...... ~ ~ ~ =- t.:.-:e ...C.c· ... -n t::·..;n s.:cti.on . of. 3oston ,. Dete:: :~. .:. :re .. ::..::-.=.::.c.:..s .. G • ...~e!.ly . J=--,·········· ~ ~ usee. ex.cess.ive !!:)=== agai.nst . .a ~- • . Long Qua!:.g E:.!a::::;------St=.c~ .. c::.:-.C.~c t ...... ti ~ is .i~ - :v::..c.!.a t.:..on of t:;.e. P.t:.les . .and.. P.equlat.:..ons .. ct .t.":e .. ~ston .. Police...... : ... . ~ 1.,. De?a= -=.::-.e!"l t. r ..Rule 10 2 sec-=.i.on . .3 ar.C: Rule .. 304 .. sec-=.:..cn. .. l .•...... l!f ; ·········· ····· ...... S?=:O:::::?!C.rt T!CN .. .t.I ...... •...... ~ ~ ... . __ T~~~ ..?~ . or abo~t---~~X _ -~--'-·--~~-~-~ - --~~-~--~-:: .. ~~X. ...~.~--~---~-~-~-~---?.~.~~.7.~.~-Y.~ .... -...... I Francis G. Kelly Jr. , submitted a re?or":. and was inter=ogated by i t~~ E~~-~ ~-u . ~~ .. ·; r-~~ ~~;. ~:~~;~-~--~~;:;~;~~~;~~~~~~:~~~~;~;~:·. :;~~::~;:::~;~:~~;~;·::·:··::~:::~~~~~~:~~:

t~e oc~~ == ed on May 1 , 1985 . Sue~ report and inte==~gation was • •• •• • ···-...... 0 ...... • ...... • ...... • ......

unt=ut~ful in t~at you stated that you st=uck M=. Lon~ Quana . - ...... ~ ......

. ..Sue~...... conduct ...... is ...... in violation ...... of...... Rule 102 se::-ti.on 3 .. .1nC. sec-=.ion...... 23......

...... ·······-······························...... · -·-·-··:········

. . .. ~ ...... ····· -·····-·-··· ···-···········

.. -~··~ ~~------~ .. R E C E l V ED...... · ··················· · ······· · · · ·:· ~· ·-········ · ···································· · ·· · -···~-···· · ········ ·

. . .. ····.·····-····· ··················· ...... ·········· ······································································ ...... --········-·· .. ..· ~·,.:.IVJL :!~IC: ~~~~SION . .... ~! ..f:~;~ ~;;···: ·· ·-- --······ .;. k".... . _ • ai• u s upe=l.::"!tenc.ent. . , G.:ner al ·. : Investigations Unit

: ~ ...... ~.!~~~~! •!5$:1SE!t0'...... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ~...... · . -~--~-~--~-:.. .. _ .". -~- ~- ~- ~--·--~- -~-- ·-~-~- ~-·.:.. : _ October 24J 1985

WBZ Radio 1170 Soldiers Field Road Brighton, MA 02134

Dear Sir or Madam :

We are writing to express our deep concern about a recent Peter Mead show that was broadcast on WBZ on Friday , September 6, 1985 . Peter Mead's guest was Attorney Thomas Troy, who defended Detective Francis Kelly against disciplinary charges arising from the arrest of Long Guang Huang for solicitation. Earlier that day, the Boston Police Department had announced the suspension of De­ tective Kelly from active duty without pay for one year for using excessive force when he arrested Mr. Huang on May 1, 1985 in China­ town, and for filing an untruthful report atter the incident. Mr. Huang had been acquitted of all charges against him.

Anti-Asian sentiment pervaded the entire program. Troy accused Mr. Huang of being a Communist, and implied that Mr . Huang was a collaborator with the Japanese army in Camp Five (a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II). This unbridled attack on Mr. Huang was allowed to continue for two hours without adequate questioning by Peter Mead as to the basis for his inflammatory remarks. Troy's unsubstantiated comments encouraged callers to the program to vent anti-Asian sentiments.

The Asian-American communities in the Commonwealth have endured numerous incidents of racial violence recently. In addition to the Huang incident, a Vietnamese immigrant was stabbed to death in Dor­ chester; a Cambodian immigrant was beaten to death in Medford; several Southeast Asians had been assaulted in East Boston, , Revere, Lowell and Worcester; and only weeks ago, several Cambodian families were left homeless when their house in Revere burned to the ground.

In such a racially tense environment, it was irresponsible for WBZ to provide a forum for Troy and others to vent their racist senti­ ments without sufficient counterbalance . WBZ owes a responsibility to the public to be fair. By giving Troy free reign on public air waves, WBZ has participated~ however inadvertentlyJ in denigrating Asian-Americans and in promoting racism.

Troy's racism has been well publicized . During the course of Kelly's disciplinary hearings, he was only too willing to capitalize on the basest racist elements. He implied that Huang had May 1 off because it is a Communist holiday. The Boston GlobeJ August 30J 1985 . He compared May 1, the day of the incidentJ to December 7, (Pearl Harbor Day), the "day of infamy . " , July 12, 1985 . He charged that Huang had fought with the Red Chinese Army against U.S . Marines at the Yalu River in 1950 and suggested "that his background explains why he struck Frank Kelly." The Boston Globe, September 4J 1985 . Given these well-publicized comments, there is no justification for WBZ to allow Troy two hours of sensationalist air time. • We ·welcome a free exchange of ideas on the sensitive issues raised by the Huang incident7 including the issue of violence against Asian- Americans . There is no better way for WBZ to discharge its civic responsibility than by providing a forum to probe what is a painful problem facing all of us who live in the Commonwealth today . This WBZ has failed to do . We suggest that WBZ take a responsible role, such as WCVB-TV has , and promote better race relations through a series of programs or public interest spots . If you wish to have a further discussion on this issue, please feel free to contact Marian Tse at 523-5700. Very truly yours,

Asians for Justice

Asian-American Forum of

Asian-American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts

Asian-American Resource Workshop

Chinatown People ' s Progressive Association

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England

Committee to Support Long Guang Huang

National Association of Chinese Americans

Organization of Chinese Americans

Wayland Chinese Association GREATER ~Jt ± ~li I& B OSTON * C HINESE C ULTURAL 'f-$~1Lt~+ A SSOCIATION

P. O. Box 265, Newtonville, Hassachusetts 02160

%CL l_... s·l.._L., .)

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?~a~iJ f~· _§;7-~L //l.J2Js:di'.J) 6J?c c.A- . •

New England Medical Center, Inc.

Jerome H. Gro.. man, M.D. 1196 &110ft D••TN"•ary Til• prlftrtpal cloftoco1u"'' 171 Harrison Avenue P,.uod#~tl 18$4 Booton Flooll"'f Ho•potol of tit• Tutu - N•w Ef!JIIond Boeton. MauachuRtt. 02111 1938 Pratt Doa•notll~ Hotpllal Modo col C011ru Telephone: (617) 956-5000 1958 R•iloboluor.on 1Mtllut•






FrnAL HOLD DA.TE__ c:;}J__,'-1--- · .;:....3._~1 ~~+-~/:.....:...92_x.:~::IIL---

M. K ... ElVAN lll~fO®!fliiL ~~~O~i!O®llll ®" (!;000111~~~ iOO~IO@~llll 1!1®1\t.®ID (Cill[g[jJQ.(glf' P 0 Box 178, Newton MA 02159

Long Guang Huang Support Commit tee c/o Chinese Peop 1e's Progressive Association 27 Beach Street Boston, MA 02111

Feb. 13, 1987

Dear Sir:

Over the past two years, various community organizations including NACA rallied to the support and defense of Long Guang Huang. Thanks to the strong leadership and dedicated efforts of the Support Committee, charges against Mr. Huang were dismissed and detective Kelly was disciplined. NACA and its members are aware that the batt 1e is not yet over. Vole st i 11 maintain act 1ve interest and concern in the future development of this matter.

During this struggle, many organizations and individuals had contributed financially to this cause through the Support Committee. A financial statement detailing contributions and expenditures wi 11 bring great pride and sat i sf action to those who gave. Please send us a copy of th1 s statement at your earliest convenience. We intend to include it in our next newsletter.

Keep up the good work !

Sincerely yours, 0.~~uJor;

Vice President ~.·· ._, r~::i.~,e r~ad V'l'itl1 great dismay that the iindings of t.h~ Polk.;? De"{:·J.rtr:n.:::-nt'·:: ~,.:~i".'ll '"1; :.t.n~.: --.:. he~.ring C~.nd t11e subsequent Civil Service Commission's !1~·:•.r:.::!.'~ r~ :2'::).rOin2" Lr)n9· -- \.:...• officer Francis G. Kellv'sI actions tovran- ..is '"•j'-'rJ.uano · !-, !-iiJ. )n·~ h=ve b.::en overturned by~judge Bakas of the Boston Municipa.1 Court ~c·.1::. ·.• -:"o:.i~.t·.)fi ls distn.J.l)ing i)ecausE.- it sends a message to th<& (:omr.numt;,;r t.hat ~~i...-.~ p..:.:1c.e f·:·rc.:- c::}~i d·~ ~Nhat it .,.v~Jishes to Asians 'YVithou.t. fear of c:ensur€' ~11d

. . •.• ··.·.- <·t·,.-. .,. -:.1 ... •• -....-t- ., •. , . .• ~n,... +-:ll·"lt A·~1-3t1l'ltT"" 3.f6 "c 1~~"' .. 6. .::- •• _ ...... :. .-·:-.-.;...... ~ .. t: .~..~·:.. .1.:: •. .::t•.·~J.~ '··"~.. ,.. !)':;' • ~1. ., r~..;, '· '.*~::> ,. 'G 1"t;'d.j.l.

·'":!":' ,.·l;;:..-:T:·:on ;::1.l:::o calls ink question thE> Police Deparbnent itself a:; it im.plit:s o "\\w • . A-'· -1 - - 'i .. ·r .~~ -~ ~ 1·TT,:::. rr·r~·tur~,...1 ~r·' m· ad.::>'11l~t~ f"'tf th<:.> P... "'t ~t · f '~ \. v-'l~ .\ :.·~~·~ '. ••:P .. !.!ll ~ll: s_ ! .-:J.~. ~,' 'J r) .) ... ._.r_- . 7.;, -~~v ~ ._ t..1 _ d., ~. '-~ ..· v ,.• '·J /.?1...... 10!1 ()l 3.n ~ ·:: · :--:.,- ·· <:::v11 nghts In a<:tdrtt>n_,Judge Bakas fmdmgs 01 the maclequacy •?f (.t1<:· r·:-'1'_.,,,\r b,;,)rd's proceduret; will go far to strengthe-ning the Gonununity's r-:-: ..:Av.:::- t.h;:,.t. c,_ Civ·ilian R~viev\' b(;·a.rd is t1H only v·ray for citizens to pr~)tE:-ct -··· ,::.t··,·····'<;•·•c ~ ···'1' , .•. -.,.~ ·l UT .• r ' .... ·• .~ .f-'k.- ~.- ~ .• 1.. 11::·':"~, >::" _, ft···oLr ""1 t_.ll.ll (,>;;: !"I1l\:i~. . - ~_.~whu(,· 't .. y·; >::: .::.u.pp~)t t.. ':::!. po 1'1ce I. oL ..- G>::: •-ikl.~t ~>:::r •v.::b · ::ih:.: e::>mmnmty, not one tnat oppresses it.

~: i·:: :·Idkt:.lou~:: to suggest. that 6Hicer Kelly was made a "scapegoat" to

:~.r·~• .. t=-:·.:.:. ~:H A:::H\n c.ommunitvc clP-"rl..,, ~n -:•r-t-,...,1'· 1·n "'"1· >. • .l..d .. .:. \)J.. •• r;' r:.. ~ - .t . ·.. • J..) f",l ·l .• .1. oJ1 Y ...,tj'i I":..v ~ V"/~"J..... ,t ... ~\_ l C. c..~ ... A~~ !VJ. . Rr::m:~' ::. a.ssault. If the cornmu.nity pressed for a harsh punishment, it 'Nas ·. n• .7 :.:•\7•-~au.se the punishm~nt -..,..;as V•larr~nted. Iv1r. Huang broke no lat:,.,:r, yet ~, •,- -· -· ~· -- -'- ~ . .. - ; 1"· t ~ -l .- " ,j • . , ff . d xtr t T C'. 1 . t ·l r •., ~.. 1 , l!:· 1 >:~.Jl '-·=· wd>::: '!J.O ·:•. .r.:',+ -:t .. i'·-~ Il.:? Sl.o.• ete e etne p1l;T~·lCa a .lc.+ lh.atld-3. y,;:m:::;l"l!p. We remind you that tlle Combat Zone "v'Tas placed next to : Lrl.:.;.t,:·-.:i·'fl in (:all•)US disregard for the rights of a resid~ntial community. Trus ~N:~ :; ('!early an act of institutional racism, and $ificer Kelly's assault ·:m ;.;!:·. H·;.. ::1f1!;: V·TlS mer01'v cHl extensk;n of this cit,,r·s past ract~:m. In ses-tinq ~ . , ~ _~n.=;j ..~·.:::- ·j::.r Mr Huang V·.'.:? v.. rere asserting tlle rights of a community ¥:lho l1a.s 1 1 ~-:.·. l ·1..4n+·...... _..... t...... ~ +·...... -)o m1JC.a.J. -· ·i1 for t··'AJ c./ J. oncr1 b. ~~· ,: '

Ti·!.:- suppcrt tho:? Asi:::m community received from other crxnmunities V·las a :~·.1!- ~r. :lt·::atDn that the assault on i..... rr. Huang ' ..vas not simply an As1an ts::;ue .e~·:j -:-:~ ·~: . :..ati:1o~· .. gays and women have also ~)een victims of the arrogance ·A ._-7· ~~~it: offic€:-'rs, anel t11ose communities re(~ognize(i ~.... 1r. Huang·::. issue as t.Y!e1r '''·-::-: . '~ o;. .- c~~ ·)fficers op;:·•)StS- dec1sive departrnental action in the face of · ~; ·. 1'· · -~.-.•,.~ .. .-1- -l'l ,.....~~·-·· ··--.1~~· ·· n~·· n ~::"! ~h~ '71.Pt 1 t'(·nt,;c-~ ·····- } !. :== ~ ;. t_IIJ c 1 u t_.J.)llllll. :.: :a.L'-.'1 t-1 1 r,tJ·:.t.. e. t.-'.J • c.)\.!1'.r- ··-···n __.c_.· ln -, ...... _.. ...-·J•.. · ..l'l·'gp. "-·'...+ ..., Bafc:. .t~· ;1·-·.... ~ ' ··ulEig, ·.~n th1s <:ase. T1H ruling is an insult to t}1e~commumty . We believe - t ;__ 41· YA t'l ...... ,! t·· t thi·,-.. 11roc:- ~·T111"'·"t'\•'uc-.l ~-l?.:·o6C"~I( h+.. -. . ,..,... ~• ~f · " -...,. Jt l'n'c· ·.• t::l ... l•:Jbu• ... -'v ~v 1 .eS .:· lU. ... )_5 \'1 • ..,.,...~~\;i.,.r-tglll..Ue-8'"' ~~ Vl h.-~. ue 17 " .::\.-:'C.Lns 3.nd :::uggest t11at'tity's initial ad-ions v?ere onl}T done to a.pp.s-ase the -~.)-r.::..m :.l rl:~y 'yVe ><··• .rere tK•t looking to be appeased) 'fvW':~ v.,ere seeting justice t·~·~r lvlr . H1J.:t.!1g .

. ,,, .,... ..· v--.-,.l,....,rt··l·rn··l· ~·c" ~rh'p r: ,... ~"'th·c ~ ..... ~ ·t ·c- t·r·t~l :- . - :1-~·-- ,_ .,.,_.p .... .;:. -~1 •) ~ - ~·- -=-·--· !_{) .·L e rogre.::oS Vi . lv (:.:;1.. ::.€' dS 1J L 0 {L:1.

()e,(\ ~ ~~\~-\\u CLvlt~ o~.s Q.~ ,A~-tl_ u?-A... eEOc CCt-\-Sl!\ 'jHCA \ t 1t f ll 1L ~ l + Committee To Support Long Guang Huang

April 18. 1988

Commissioner Francis Roache Boston Police Department 154 Berkeley Street Boston. MA

Dear Commissioner Roache:

The recent decision by jud~e Backas reversing the action of the Boston Police Department and the Mass1cllusetts Civil Service Commission suspending Det. Francis ~elly is ~ tragic failure by the judiciary to understand the full importance ':If the prior administrative actions. We the undersigned believe that you will make the wise and responsible choice to appeal the decision. Otherwise. the clear message, which will be sent out to those who choose to abuse their authority and then misrepresent their actions to their superiors, is "You will not be held accountable."

The commitment of additional resources by the City of Boston and the Boston Police Department are significant costs but no less significant than the personal costs paid by Mr. Huang and the minority communities of Boston if actions such as those of Det. Kelly carry with it only symbolic penalties. Your continued commitment and su{Jport of the advancement of civil rights and improvements in the quality and caliber of the Boston Police Department is well known here and nation wide. We encourage you to maintain these positive and uplifting goals for Boston as they are fundamental to our future.We urge you to take immediate steps to appeal the decision of judge Backas and send the message out clearly that 'You will be held accountable!"

2 7 Beach St., 3 Ft. Boston MA 02 I I I or 90 Tyler St. Boston MA 02 I I t

(6 I 7) 426-53 I 3 (6 I 7> 542-2574 •

We understand that the Massahusetts Civil Service Commission has undertaken an appeal in the Kelly mtter. We feel throughout the ordeal of Mr. Huang and the administrative prcess thus far you have demonstrated a dedication to an open and public proess and we hope to see that continue now. Prior to a decision being made, ·re would appreciate any opportunity to meet with you in the near future to dscuss the full public ramifications of any decision. Please contact Frederic.. H. Dow , Executive Director of the Asian American Resource Workshop, is he is coordinating the support efforts of the organizations listed below aromd th appeal of the Kelly decision.


july 24. 1989

Letters to the Editor The Boston Globe Boston. MA 02107

Dear Editor:

On July 15. the Bosw.a Globe announced "a two-way settlement" between 1985 police brutality victim Long Guang Huang and police detective Francis Kelly. This was a misleading characterization of two separate out-of-court settlements. Mr. Huang received $85.000 compensation and dropped his civil rights charges against the Police Department. Mr. Huang was never informed that the City agreed to pay Kelly a total of $115.000 for back pay. overtime. legal fees. and damages!

The City's settlement with Kelly is an outrage to the Chinese com.m.unity and to all justice­ loving people in the city. Instead of standing against police brutality. our city government gave more compensation to Kelly than to the brutalized victim! This settlement makes a mockery of justice in the City of Boston and reveals the underhanded methods of our city government. It is a slap in the face to the communities of color, who most often suffer from incidents of police brutality.

Mr. Huang was found innocent by the municipal court on all charges. Detective Kelly was fo und guilty IJ,v his own department of using excessive force and filing inaccurate reports. Due to massive public outcry and the blatant nature of the case. the investigation resulted in the unprecedented suspension of a police officer. For four years. Kelly has tried to have his suspension revoked through a series of legal maneuvers. With this settlement. the City is trying to sweep the issue of police brutality under the carpet. The City has shown more con cern with preserving the police department's public image than with the safety of our communities.

While this settlement may close the legal options for Mr. Huang. it will not stop the people of Boston from continuing to demand police accountability and an end to police brutali~y .

Sincerely. ~~~;L ;fltttk: £Li~~ Suzanne Lee David Yong ~ Committee To Support Long Gua.ng Huang

2 7 Beach S t • • 3 F l. Bos t on MA 02 I I I or

( 6 I 7 ) 426-53 I 3 ilA.M~fi I A. 'liM J:P 1L' Chinese Progressive Association/Workers Center 27 Beach Street, 3rd floor Boston, MA 02111 (6 17} 357-4499

July 25 , 1989

Dear Friends:

The attached letter is an open letter to Mayor Flynn regarding the recent settlement with Detective Kelly in the case of Mr . Long Guang Huang . The letter is expressing outrage at the City's failure to take a clear stand against police brutality and for police accountability.

We would like to finalize all endorsements of the letter by tomor r ow morni ng at the latest and send it out to Mayor Flynn as well as to the press. Please look it over and let us know if you can add your name or the name of your organization.

Thank you.

Director Committee To Support Long Guang Huang 27 Beach St., :3oston. MA 02111 90 Tyler St., Boston. MA 02111 357-~~99 5~-257~

July 26, 1989 Dear Mayor Flynn:

On july 15 the Bos/QJ1 filo!Je an.nounced "a two-way settlement" between 1985 police brutality victim Long Guang Huang and police detective Francis Kelly. In fact, there were two settlements. Mr. Huang received $85,000 compensation and dropped civil .rights charges against the Boston Police Department. Mr. Huang was never informed that Detective Kelly would receive a total of $115.000 for back pay, overtime, legal fees, and damages!

The City's settlement with Detective Kelly is an outrage to the Chinese community and to all justice-loving people in the city. Instead of standing against police brutality, our city government gave more compensation to Kelly than to the brutalized victim! This settlement makes a mockery of justice in the City of Boston and reveals the underhanded methods of our city government. It is a slap in the face to the communities of color, who most often suffer from incidents of police brutality.

Hundreds of people and dozens of eyewitnesses came forward to support Long Guang Huang after he was beaten by police detective Kelly in 198'}. Mr. Huang was found innocent by the municipal court on all charges. Detective Kelly was found guilty !Jy llis OJYJl dep8rtJJle11t of using excessive force and filing inaccurate reports. Due to massive public outcry and the blatant nature of the case, it was the first time the Boston Police Department was forced to make an internal investigation of a police brutality charge public, resulting in the unprecedented suspension of a police officer.

For four years, Kelly has tried to have his suspension revoked through a series of appeals and legal maneuvers. With the current settlement, the City is trying to sweep the issue of police brutality under the carpet. Our city government seems most concerned with mending rifts between the police detectives' union and the City, caused by fellow officers' anger at the publicity which the Huang case received. Meanwhile, the City has shown a callous lack of concern for the brutalized victim and a racist attitude that Asian lives are cheap. The city government's underhanded nature is revealed by the fact that Mr. Huang was not even informed about Kelly's side of the settlement! Instead, he was kept in the dark until he had signed a document which would legally bind him to drop the charges. While this settlement may close the legal options for Mr. Huang, it will not stop the people of Boston from continuing to demand police accountability to its citizens and an end to police brutality. As the mayor of the City of Boston. you have the responsibility to take an unequivocal stand against police brutality, uphold justice, and ensure police accountability to our communities.

Sinz;e ly, . 1 ·' , -: , ~ \..r...__z_~ .Yac, ~...t:. c/ !c. '~:?02~ Suzanne u e Da.Tid ..., O.D.J CoaaiUee To Support Lone Guaa1 Huaa1 Asian American Resource Workshop Peter Nien-chu Kiang Asian American Lawyers Association Melvin H. King, Founder. Boston Rainbow* Bruce C. Bolling, * May joan Louie, Chair, Boston Rainbow* Center for Community Action National Association of Chinese Americans Chinatown Housing/Land Development Task Force Organization of Chinese Americans/NE Chinatown/South Cove Neighborhood Council Rep. Byron Rushing Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Chuck Turner Chinese Progressive Association Juanita Wade, Boston School Committee* Rev. Graylan Ellis-Hagler Marilyn Wu Bill Fletcher, Jr. &affiliations fot' identification purposes onty Boston City Council Rosana Salerno 725·4376 New City Hall One City Hall Square Boston, Massachusetts 02201

October 9, 1989 Chinese Progressive Association 27 Beach Street 3rd Floor Boston , MA 02111 ATTN : Lydia Lowe

Dear Lydia,

Enclosed pleased find the long overdue letter from Councilor Salerno to Mayor Flynn concerning the agreement reached between the Boston Police Department and Francis Kelly . Please accept ~ apology for taking so long to get this letter off . Rosaria asked me to do it long ago - I simply screwed up !

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me . Again, my apologies. ~~inc~::W T y Pal omba P icy Advisor Boston City Council Rosaria Salerno 725-4376

October 6, 1989

Mayor Raymond Flynn Boston City Hall Boston, MA 02201 Dear Mayor Flynn, I write to you concerning a matter which was brought to my attention by the Chinese Peoples Progressive Association . It is a matter which is deeply disturbing. As you are aware I have worked closely with the Boston Police Department on a number issues, including the establishment of Sector Integrity in high crime areas which began this summer. I have great respect for Boston ' s police officers and for the Department as a whole. However a recent decision by the Boston Police Department concerning Detective Francis Kelly is very disturbing . It appears that the BPD has agreed to a settlement with Detective Kelly concerning the 1985 case in which he was charged with using using excessive force against Long Guang Huang. The settlement will result in Detective Kelly receiving a total of $115 , 000 in back pay, overtime, legal fees, and damages. I know some members of the Asian community are also upset that agreement reached with Mr. Long Guang Huang and the Boston Police Department resulted in Mr. Huang dropping civil rights charges against the BPD but receiving only $85,000 in compensation . I can understand their anger that the victim of police brutality received less compensation than the individual police officer who was at fault, and believe their concern deserves serious consideration. However, I am more upset by the fact that an agreement was reached with Detective Kelly in the first place. If an internal investigation conducted by the Boston Police Department found Detective Kelly guilty of using excessive force against Mr. Huang, why would the Department, four years later, agree to a settlement with Detective Kelly?

New City Hall ·One City Hall Square • Boston • Massachusetts • 02201

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I am sure that many Boston residents, particularly members of the Asian community, would also find the Department's decision inconsistent. In addition, I am concerned about the message this decision sends to members of Boston's Asian and other minority communities. What is the message the City is sending when its Police Department agrees to a monetary settlement with someone who has been found guilty of using excessive force? I do not believe it is a message that encourage a sense of trust in the Department's internal supervisory procedures. I hope you will give this matter serious consideration. As always I am available to discuss my concerns in person. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

~~ncerely, ~~ Rosaria Salerno Councilor At-Large