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A Z E T T E. • L • D a ,1794 , (No. f B R - *- . ,- AA nrZ T^E H.PT TTP E.T* . T H u R 8 D A Y, JoJ -v*^1 ' *..- ' i" '»'. ... _.'.:, ' t'-f ; fr''| 1..,. VIENNA, M«rc*a6. BRUSSELS, April 15. This artillery belonged to a fort of fortification, wiliest; f«) ; H E prince of Weldeck has at length They write from Valenciennes, of yefterday's date, had been ereded to guard hi* lordfhip's oyfter bank- accepted the command of,the com- that fince the nth only, the Auftrians have loft 3000 from the depredation* of the San* Culottes hfhermen. r 4 > bined army of the Italian States, to men killed and as many wounded; the wounded are r?or thefe few weeks, however, there hu been no _ 4 > ia the county. * 4 i be afTcmbled in Auftrian Lombardy : difpdfed of in the private houfes in Valenciennes and other disturbance of confcquence his letter* parent were difpatched to Q^iefnoy ; for they arrive hourly in fuch numbers, as- April ii. A party recruiting for the French regi­ him on the Z3d. On the following to make it impottible to difpolc of them in hofpitals ments, and wearing white cockades, were Hopped ItUr dakr Albert received his commiffion for the com- and churches. ' ycfterday by the people on Weilminfter bridge i their [ sod of the army of the empire ; and M. O'Donnell The capture of Oneglia is of the utmoft importance white cockade* torn. .from their hat* and trampled [that of commiflary.general of the army of the Nether­ to the French, for being fituated on the fea-fhore, it underfoot, amidft loud and general acclamation*. lands. The Jews of Gallicia are to da the duty of will facilitate the introduction of provifions a*nd other April 13. The captain of an American veflel ai£ army waggoners. There is an idea of produfing the neccflarirs into France, and will alfo expofe Piedmont rived in town, yeflerday, from Bourdeaia, which gratuitous gift of the hurgttifit to all foreigners who to the irruptions of the enemy. city (he left about three weeks ago (having been de- until m '(hall have ferved in the Imperial armies during the tallied fume time on his way down the river convoy for Brcft failed), ftatea the fallowing,particu­ [years fixed by, the cipitulation.___ M A N H E I M, 4ri/30. lars: . ',' /;'.-;. : ••••. .. r ' - " of war wu held yefterday at A grand council That ail the Englifb. -io«»cnentt u that, place had VALENCIENNES, April 8. Heidelberg, ihe refult of which is faid to have been, This place continues to be the head quarters of the been fet at liberty, ao,d their" property rettored to that the Autlruns are immediately to repafs the Rhine, vcffeli (whole army, the prince of Cobourg himfelf re&ding the'm. That the embargo laid on American and commence offeafive operations. off, and fach u had brought cugoes were I U the town. The prince of Orange command* the driving back was taken We jutl learn that die French, after at liberty to carry away an equal amount of certain lleft wing of the allied army at Bavay, as the duke of poffcmon of the Pruffian advanced pofts, have taken commodities. That Mr. Fenwkk, the 'American* York does the right at St. Amand. The troops are Lunfheim and Fraftkenthal. differently from the lift campaign : thofe conful, had heciv H Paris, «ndy returned with 8oo,co6 low difpofed their f (be fevera] nations are not placed in feparate dil"- livret to reimburfe the American captains for O S T E N D, May i. the time j uoct bodies, but mixed together » excepting that the actual expences (or at leaft in part) ditrirg Menin was taken by florm jeflerdiy. they had been embargoed, and that it was underltood . | prince of Cobourg has imperialifts only under his im- It is laid thit all the emigrants, with La Chstre Some corps of Auftrians are the fubjefl of demurrage for the detention of the vef- lagediste command. their colonel, were put to death. The garrifon con­ the two I joined to the Dutch, undertheprir.ee of Orange, fa felt, was to be ad)o(ted by the government of futed of about 3000 men. countries. The American captain affo reports, that lai to make his number amount to about 20,000 men ; The 8th regiment of the Irifh light dragoons who hu alfo feveral Imperial corps at- about fix \veeks ago he -was at Rochefort*, where the Jibe duke of York fet out yefterday to join the duke of York's army, re­ of army, which now, conftiling of Britifh, utmoft exertions were making in the dock-yards, Inched to his turned this morning. were twcnty-ive 1 Aoftriiai, Hanoverians, Medians, and French emi- which he "was a witncfai that there All the tranfports are preparing to go out by this fail of the line afloat at that port, and five on the. MACCU3WK. [ grants, cannot be much under 40,000, and with this tide, if pofliblc, as it U ftrongly lufpcftcd the French force he has to defend the whole frontier* from the docks. intend to pay us a vifit. « the convoy expeflecl from Chiteau'of Rheims to Nieuport.' Before be left Bourdeaux, America was talked of there, and it was generally be-, If the allied army is to lit upon the defenf.ve, it CAM* near T O U R N A Y, M*y6\ the French to attack them lieved that the Breft and Rochrfort fquadron* were to will be very difficult for have hurried hither with extraordinary expe­ profpect of advantage, unlefs aq extreme We unite and put to lea for its protection, to the amount with any fair dition, and exccflive fatigue and inconvenience i but hi* pafiage from, of men, and fore** much fupcrior to any that have of twenty-five fail of the line. On lofs fince cur arrival at our prcfent encampment, we have by a French frigate, \thx» trt taken the field. Their potts are rtcll c hoi en, and Bourdeaux he wa* boarded but ftrong: many that were- been perfectly inactive. had five prizes in company, moilly taken out of the) are not only numerous is Hill Rationed a fhort diftance from ' ' confidered merely pods," may now be Pichegru Dutch We&rlndta company. heretofore Couruiy, which is covered by .hi» camp : Hia army, WHITIKALI, May 3. reckoned among the fortified placet; fuch in particular with their late the furtheft which it very numerous and flatbed Mr. Tims, oqe of his maje&V* ineflcngeri, ar« tre Orchies and Marchicnnes, which arc us the pofTcffion of country, on this frontier, fuccefs, are likely to dilpute with rived this morning with a letter from hit royal high- uveat Six DOLUAII advinced into the enemy's of which we are now matters. Henry ftrengthened fince the laft year the fertile country nefrthc duke of York, to the right honourable J on fuv ftririing,) srf sad hive been greatly The lofs of the Auftrians, in the late affairs, amount, principal (ecreuriea of by tbe labour of (he Auftrian troops and the petfams. DunJas, one of bis majejty's F. and S. Grcin, U iiilcd and taken prifoneri, with the loft of a> Catcau, April jo, 1794, of which th« Indeed both tbofe placet fecm capable of fqftaining a to 3500 Hate', dated Philip Edusid., i» pieces of cannon, lie. following is a copy: befidcs gaining very confidcrable plun- , of Valenciennes have been com­ The enemy, Sia, . The fortifications dcr, have, by their incuruont, completely deranged fatisfafUon that I have thej pletely repaired, and are now in a better condition IT is with peculiar our plan of operation. pleafure to acquaint you with the fuJr ender of Lan. thio they were before the fjege j but the town, to- hit prcfent petition obliges the.poft, * heap of ruins. Pichegru, by drecict, . ' Wirds the fide attacked, ftlll remain* to go round by Ghent, and the town offered 19 upon a new ciudcl. tec. from this to Oftcnd, At ten o'clock this morning At Tcumay they are at work the greateft part of our military llores have been re- a fufpenfion of arms for for­ happened near Le Cateuu capitulate, and rcqueftcd The day before yefterday heart, tp arrange the articles i but thb wat which it to be numbered among thofe, mjvcd from thence to Antwerp. ty-eight a action, abfolu(cly refufed, and they were allowed only half act which reflect difgrtce upon humanity, without tend- a fe» fide ' DUBLIN, April 17. ,1 hour to come to a determination, which* upon lag materially to the adva»U;c cither cf the one how? of the war. The A private of the 39* reelroent, juft arrived from copd rcqueil wu extended u> an hour. Before, ^ifiSe other, in the general parpofe etapfed, ,rnc deputies of the towa pieqoeis, wearied of pcrpc'ual Gibraltar, relates the fallowing melancholy account of ever, thu time wu 'French ind Auftrian after a very fhort conference, agreed mntual ufelefs attacks, had agucd to that regiment. came out,.and, ftirmifhes and men which that re­ to deliver up the place this evening *t five o'clock, and < trace e-r fufpenfion of firing frr twenty four hou'S. " That out of 1000 effective giment contained on embarking for Toulon about a that the garrifoa (about 5000) fhould be prifoneri uf By fome accident, »ne of thr Carmagnole fcntiiiel?, . it, yc«r fince, but feven have I'urvived. He adds, that war. citatt unaware ot the agreement, or difrejjarding whitb was .not expected to M,'-.- Imperial com- die royal Irifh inlautry had loft 300 men, the iiih This fortunate event, an Aultrian on his p-Mk.
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