, (No. f B R - *- . . . ,- AA nrZ T^E H.PT TTP E.T*

. T H u R 8 D A Y, JoJ -v*^1 ' *..- ' i" '»'. ... _.'.:, ' t'-f ; fr''| 1..,.

VIENNA, «rc*a6. BRUSSELS, April 15. This artillery belonged to a fort of fortification, wiliest; f«) ; H E prince of Weldeck has at length They write from Valenciennes, of yefterday's date, had been ereded to guard hi* lordfhip's oyfter bank- accepted the command of,the com- that fince the nth only, the Auftrians have loft 3000 from the depredation* of the San* Culottes hfhermen. r 4 > bined army of the Italian States, to men killed and as many wounded; the wounded are r?or thefe few weeks, however, there hu been no _ 4 > ia the county. * 4 i be afTcmbled in Auftrian Lombardy : difpdfed of in the private houfes in Valenciennes and other disturbance of confcquence his letter* parent were difpatched to Q^iefnoy ; for they arrive hourly in fuch numbers, as- April ii. A party recruiting for the French regi­ him on the Z3d. On the following to make it impottible to difpolc of them in hofpitals ments, and wearing white cockades, were Hopped ItUr dakr Albert received his commiffion for the com- and churches. ' ycfterday by the people on Weilminfter bridge i their [ sod of the army of the empire ; and M. O'Donnell The capture of Oneglia is of the utmoft importance white cockade* torn. .from their hat* and trampled [that of commiflary.general of the army of the Nether­ to the French, for being fituated on the fea-fhore, it underfoot, amidft loud and general acclamation*. lands. The Jews of Gallicia are to da the duty of will facilitate the introduction of provifions a*nd other April 13. The captain of an American veflel ai£ army waggoners. There is an idea of produfing the neccflarirs into France, and will alfo expofe Piedmont rived in town, yeflerday, from Bourdeaia, which gratuitous gift of the hurgttifit to all foreigners who to the irruptions of the enemy. city (he left about three weeks ago (having been de- until m '(hall have ferved in the Imperial armies during the tallied fume time on his way down the river convoy for Brcft failed), ftatea the fallowing,particu­ [years fixed by, the cipitulation.___ M A N H E I M, 4ri/30. lars: . ',' /;'.-;. : ••••. . .. r ' - " of war wu held yefterday at A grand council That ail the Englifb. -io«»cnentt u that, place had VALENCIENNES, April 8. Heidelberg, ihe refult of which is faid to have been, This place continues to be the head quarters of the been fet at liberty, ao,d their" property rettored to that the Autlruns are immediately to repafs the Rhine, vcffeli (whole army, the prince of Cobourg himfelf re&ding the'm. That the embargo laid on American and commence offeafive operations. off, and fach u had brought cugoes were I U the town. The prince of Orange command* the driving back was taken We jutl learn that die French, after at liberty to carry away an equal amount of certain lleft wing of the allied army at Bavay, as the duke of poffcmon of the Pruffian advanced pofts, have taken commodities. That Mr. Fenwkk, the 'American* York does the right at St. Amand. The troops are Lunfheim and Fraftkenthal. differently from the lift campaign : thofe conful, had heciv H Paris, «ndy returned with 8oo,co6 low difpofed their f (be fevera] nations are not placed in feparate dil"- livret to reimburfe the American captains for O S T E N D, May i. the time j uoct bodies, but mixed together » excepting that the actual expences (or at leaft in part) ditrirg Menin was taken by florm jeflerdiy. they had been embargoed, and that it was underltood . | prince of Cobourg has imperialifts only under his im- It is laid thit all the emigrants, with La Chstre Some corps of Auftrians are the fubjefl of demurrage for the detention of the vef- lagediste command. their colonel, were put to death. The garrifon con­ the two I joined to the Dutch, undertheprir.ee of Orange, fa felt, was to be ad)o(ted by the government of futed of about 3000 men. countries. The American captain affo reports, that lai to make his number amount to about 20,000 men ; The 8th regiment of the Irifh light dragoons who hu alfo feveral Imperial corps at- about fix \veeks ago he -was at Rochefort*, where the Jibe duke of York fet out yefterday to join the duke of York's army, re­ of army, which now, conftiling of Britifh, utmoft exertions were making in the dock-yards, Inched to his turned this morning. were twcnty-ive 1 Aoftriiai, Hanoverians, Medians, and French emi- which he "was a witncfai that there All the tranfports are preparing to go out by this fail of the line afloat at that port, and five on the. MACCU3WK. [ grants, cannot be much under 40,000, and with this tide, if pofliblc, as it U ftrongly lufpcftcd the French force he has to defend the whole frontier* from the docks. intend to pay us a vifit. « the convoy expeflecl from Chiteau'of Rheims to Nieuport.' Before be left Bourdeaux, America was talked of there, and it was generally be-, If the allied army is to lit upon the defenf.ve, it CAM* near T O U R N A Y, M*y6\ the French to attack them lieved that the Breft and Rochrfort fquadron* were to will be very difficult for have hurried hither with extraordinary expe­ profpect of advantage, unlefs aq extreme We unite and put to lea for its protection, to the amount with any fair dition, and exccflive fatigue and inconvenience i but hi* pafiage from, of men, and fore** much fupcrior to any that have of twenty-five fail of the line. On lofs fince cur arrival at our prcfent encampment, we have by a French frigate, \thx» trt taken the field. Their potts are rtcll c hoi en, and Bourdeaux he wa* boarded but ftrong: many that were- been perfectly inactive. had five prizes in company, moilly taken out of the) are not only numerous is Hill Rationed a fhort diftance from ' ' confidered merely pods," may now be Pichegru Dutch We&rlndta company. heretofore Couruiy, which is covered by .hi» camp : Hia army, WHITIKALI, May 3. reckoned among the fortified placet; fuch in particular with their late the furtheft which it very numerous and flatbed Mr. Tims, oqe of his maje&V* ineflcngeri, ar« tre Orchies and Marchicnnes, which arc us the pofTcffion of country, on this frontier, fuccefs, are likely to dilpute with rived this morning with a letter from hit royal high- uveat Six DOLUAII advinced into the enemy's of which we are now matters. Henry ftrengthened fince the laft year the fertile country nefrthc duke of York, to the right honourable J on fuv ftririing,) srf sad hive been greatly The lofs of the Auftrians, in the late affairs, amount, principal (ecreuriea of by tbe labour of (he Auftrian troops and the petfams. DunJas, one of bis majejty's F. and S. Grcin, U iiilcd and taken prifoneri, with the loft of a> Catcau, April jo, 1794, of which th« Indeed both tbofe placet fecm capable of fqftaining a to 3500 Hate', dated Philip Edusid., i» pieces of cannon, lie. following is a copy: befidcs gaining very confidcrable plun- , of Valenciennes have been com­ The enemy, Sia, . The fortifications dcr, have, by their incuruont, completely deranged fatisfafUon that I have thej pletely repaired, and are now in a better condition IT is with peculiar our plan of operation. pleafure to acquaint you with the fuJr ender of Lan. thio they were before the fjege j but the town, to- hit prcfent petition obliges the.poft, * heap of ruins. Pichegru, by drecict, . ' Wirds the fide attacked, ftlll remain* to go round by Ghent, and the town offered 19 upon a new ciudcl. tec. from this to Oftcnd, At ten o'clock this morning At Tcumay they are at work the greateft part of our military llores have been re- a fufpenfion of arms for for­ happened near Le Cateuu capitulate, and rcqueftcd The day before yefterday heart, tp arrange the articles i but thb wat which it to be numbered among thofe, mjvcd from thence to Antwerp. ty-eight a action, abfolu(cly refufed, and they were allowed only half act which reflect difgrtce upon humanity, without tend- a fe» fide ' DUBLIN, April 17. ,1 hour to come to a determination, which* upon lag materially to the adva»U;c cither cf the one how? of the war. The A private of the 39* reelroent, juft arrived from copd rcqueil wu extended u> an hour. Before, ^ifiSe other, in the general parpofe etapfed, ,rnc deputies of the towa pieqoeis, wearied of pcrpc'ual Gibraltar, relates the fallowing melancholy account of ever, thu time wu 'French ind Auftrian after a very fhort conference, agreed mntual ufelefs attacks, had agucd to that regiment. came out,.and, ftirmifhes and men which that re­ to deliver up the place this evening *t five o'clock, and < trace e-r fufpenfion of firing frr twenty four hou'S. " That out of 1000 effective giment contained on embarking for Toulon about a that the garrifoa (about 5000) fhould be prifoneri uf By fome accident, »ne of thr Carmagnole fcntiiiel?, . it, yc«r fince, but feven have I'urvived. He adds, that war. . citatt unaware ot the agreement, or difrejjarding whitb was .not expected to M,'-.- Imperial com- die royal Irifh inlautry had loft 300 men, the iiih This fortunate event, an Aultrian on his p-Mk. The happen fo loon, makes up for the difagreeable inttllt- the circumftancc, 500, and the royal Scotch 400, in only two actions on heing informed of gcnec 'wbidh we received thf» day of i check which* men, fell upon the French, who were previous to the evacuation." drew out *ii* of Caf- general Clairfayf bad.at Afoucron. Thh poft ha*} and put themejrl to the bayonet, to April 19- The reverend Alexander Henry, (beir guard, prclcnt affixes for the becQ retaken fnem the eatmy by acorpaof HaoovnV the number of between tw« and three hundred. The tleteagh, wu indicted at the county of Down, op the affidavit ol Robert Leathern, riant, under the command of majortgene/al Oenhan* 'barbarity of this action may b* proved from their own but the enemy having ia a on for ufing fediiious expreffions, tending to vilify the fen, the night before; relation and* the nonnjiftance of the French11: for manner, furrounded it, general Clairftyt, who hsJJ taeftdeof the Auftriant, according tq.jhtir ftaiement king. .... « , n- . . ,, , -. r u i e . « . (and there it nor,* left to give enoth7r) one man only . He wu acquitted withoot the nece»7 of calling jomed ,he Hanoverian with fix bsuahootof AuftnanJ. * lny evidence in hia defence, or the jury leaving the wu at lalt obliged to retreat,.nnd had taken up a new 1 loft, he happened to be drowned. '. poTilioa, in order to cover the high road fro«n.Tour- The emperor is expeA«d, daily fiom Bruffels, and box. From Mr. Henry's well known mode* and peace- nay to Courtrey. u' t ,' s , this Intelligence. th« emperw ' » Ae ampiign open*. able demeanor, this profccution wu generally looked In confequcnee of rumour fays, that hat defired me to march this evening, at quick at Mf« is again!) the elUtt rf arming the peafantt has u very extraordinary public The imperial mudate for the " Preftryte- Able, to St. Amand, and from thence, T, of Charles fjunrf, »°t been attended with the fuccefi thet was hnpcd the great objsrt wu to fligmaiize rian body," by an uumpt to cony id one of iu mini- to Tourney, to the affiiUncc ol general Clairfayt. :hibit ihem propeily * w from that meafore. Inftead of »o,ooo at hat been I am. Sir, Ice. ly of June next, ai tkt **p««»d, not more thin «ooo have taken up armt ftert. ttpa con- . FREDERICK. » tdminillration «n tie frontier of Flanders, thofe exccpted wlio LONDON. April 16. Right honourable Henry Dundat, &c. , 1794, v*t ycfter­ BRENT, Ex.-cotor. *dy of this degenerate peoaile, who iri Ihe time of day received from hit royal hithnefi, thrdokaof Yoik, **l«r were *xt»lled a> the br«veft of the Gault. They for Monday, to be held in Store.ftrtet, Bcdford- fquare, where the ftrong arm of power prevented by the right honourable H< ^/ Dundu, hu,ro»jcfty'» "Wp between the boundarkt of the two arroie*. end prisicipal fecretary of tan -for ihe hone department. *«n they fall in with a few draggling Frenchmen, their affemblino. " SIB, - . , .v'«'. . »*y tike the advantage j but If they find that they They adjourned, in confequesce, Jo the Chalk Farm Gardens, where they met to the »umber, of «« IN eori^ueuce of the cmperm4! Wanrf, Otich ' , i g|»e not th> completely, they hide their arms in the 301 h, 1 marched «t inrce thoufand.muui.im. They....7 there.^. read their -- correfpondence- I mentioned in my letter of "KC "alas, wherf lhe/y have fpade* oraxet ready at hand the night before laft, with all (he troop* cutting wood, u if they were from feveial parts of the kingdom » and pt*ed a num- twelve t/olock . «d fall to digging or under my command, from the camp tvear Cateau, etie) WoHrioufly and l»n«Kently employed in their reftxc- ber of ftrong reflations. Amonuft ihe latter was .one, that another conventign fhould be formed in fcx weeks, proceeded 'here, wiik pert of the ,eav»lry, yefterdaf «»e occupations. the dayt and to confider* the B«ft emcaciout means of ppmoting pvcningi*"™V flbutb« from' (ha rxeelfivc beat of I «9t< The garrilbn of Landrtciet, to the amount the whole night; thai*, ' 76c« men, paffiid thit morninf! by the glacis of our their avowed objea-.a -reform-in the reprelcntatioB) of «v fever* norm 'hkb, lilted °f able to arrive till this.morning, \ WT. U u f»ii, tht, Ufore the fiege commenced, the the people in parliaajawt. ' ^ »»|ry *" n°5 letetra from Ireland we lam, that 0* » I wcttt overo by appointment to.day to Tournay» fi; t«n.fan amounted to 9000 men. Th« town was fo ^0/19- By *»Wl+m 1^1..( » * . -»^^^ •*•*.«.. A H« PJWII »»•»» a»» '«/e*^ y f *•/-*(_ ^rT_——t.l»J _ f- —— »*» •*»«•!> in otdcr to eonfutf witk Wliire Boys in the eounry of Cork, (Teanhled a lew to meat general'Qairfayt, "Jured by the fire of the beficgers, that there are him upon the neceflkry operations for compelling tb« fcatteNin*"-1- twfiw, houfc| tlut haw ^^ received nights ago tured fewnteen pieces of fmall brai* rdnance, at RoftUloa, the feat of id l-chiq«0. enemy to retire from Flanders, and. had, atttsptttti*

."."^'^W^" .-. 'as1 in all cafe*, it ia CINCINNATI? dme, am ofpmtimiry • inquire fcfly into the VIII. For the twier of commaad oafonnanc aCur of the , agreed u adjp: the tenor ot article 6 aid 7 in the con- E*tna rfm Jfbdiaw w y«t doubtful « G«aeral Clairfayt laid me, that the eaenry had vcanan ot the izui of July, 1-756. IX. The German States both Deamar^tt} Swe­ kios nive fc« two rum taken the advantage of his airfare u Deaaia to attack '« A continual correfpoadcBcc is kept ap bfa v cxceptjjHpn thu pave requetled me to aad carry tae pod of Mjucroa, aad confcqaeady des, are reciprocally and entirely the Bririfii commanding oftccr of Detroit, when they arrive you (h Coortray i«felf. waka waa incapable of dcteace. OMvcnuon. W Spanim commanding ottccr of St. Lemi*. ofthemeffage.butl.m Tae Baluc being always to be confidered as a That with regard to the afatr ot the ayh, it aad X. ters 'received from gentlemen living Mk tat jot ihew himlelf. Th ___ fcj, tnif*na« to attack tne enc-ny a* io.m ai fix fea (hut a_id laaccemtuc to tne armed (hip* of diltant dated May fixth, we are informed, taat ibf Here for fome time pail bimrnry of Aathaa sniaatry, wttua had been lent power* at war, u dccUred i» anew by the contracting erpitfc had returaed from Datrait, oav fcnt, treated the otficer to asm from the empcror'a ar«ay, were armed; bat p«uc* who are rciolvcd to maintain in i: the noil per­ firft iaftaat, aad bring* ialoraMHoa that tac ibout it with the utmot that the eacar had oeea beforc-nana witn tae j, and fect tra-iqaiihty. are nuking great preparation* lor war it that , rival they have altered began taeavdres the axack. Taathu troop* berated XI. Taor mijcdin engtge to make a joint commu­ That the militia of Detroit, cojonanded by Le B«uf» and gave tl with mach coarage aad r«>luaoo, (romeagut o'clock nication of thu convention to all tbe powers at war, vernor of that place, aad three regimes.!* ot d»y alter uyi|»aiK>*» the __ the ai>raiag. whea the aoack begun, oil t>ur ad~:iag the mott toiema aucrances of tritir fincere de- were at Rufhdeco, to acl in conjuction korn md Bales, the tv o'clock ia the ariertwoo i bat tkat a* toon a* rhe order fir* to prefer*e with them ihe moft pence) harmony, dian* vgaiort general Waync*! army i I Jeiwr, faw one Indian waa given to retreat, (rom tae intricacy ot tae coun­ aad to ccmcat, rather than wound it by thu meafure, come* Irom another quarter, by the this We of PittJburg, ar try, tney fell into a coalufija. Iron which u wu even which tends ooljr to secure rights maintained and al- great many ol this nver arc goae to joto ttt Brhift « I am not (urpriled OBponble n rally them. fened by thofe power* themlc.ve*, in ail cales where ftaadard. About five days ago a man amvei lro« 0 worfe than any fror I have n-x received the ret jrns of the lot* upon they were ncutxii and at peace, wanoui Denmark and New Madrid at this place, and inform* u>, taat tat ^«t tor tbe block'houl thia occafioo. bat I fear it i* preny cooddcro.e. Sweden, having drcaiat ot intcrraptiag ihcin. . garrifon is zoo (Irong, beiides three gillies art tin bvlt, it would be inhnu The brave gamloo of Memn, under toe com- Xil. B-it it toe uufonunaue caic La^uid occur, that galliot*, which bad juft arrived Irom Ne«.drlt iclpeci the rubiis of loctciy aod lerxr* (rum Kjfkafkii*. The Spaniard* are m *d }n the (orm of a imiar« coar, gallantly determine* to force their way thrdugh tae general tuppiocis, and (hilt mote A the innocent fpirita about the news from Detroit. the turtaini or flank*, the eaemy, which they etfedcd with*ut aay grea: lois, DS'ijauoa of the ijojrcls ol their Daciih ana S«vedi(h Head Quarters, Greenville, May 17, 1704 , aloag which, out fi^e,' though continually harraiTcd in their march. oijeiiie*, then will they, alter having ejuauUed all The commander in chief is happy intaeoppoita. fecore. Beiore we c " Dm garnfoa coofciled of tour oaitaliocu of his pstjij.e mea.is ot caocuicion, and made the molt nity, of thus publicly cxprefling hit Hnn4»un || pl«e locked up day ai majefty** Hiaoveriaa troop*, aad four companies of pricing pint reaocuracce* to obuic the fituladhn the conduct of lieutenant Turner, of the id, ; to pal* out or in, and the loyal emigrants. ani mJemnity dae to them, mite ufe of repriials, at fign I^e, of the 4th tub-legions, who with actoleueje. He fay* •• I am (orry that from (brae recent changes in the tbe laud, four m-Mtun afier the refuiil ot their claim, gal fan t dragoon* charged aad defeated three i I' prtfentationi of the d« eiftributioa of the troop of Flaadcn, 1 have it not »».cr.-ver that (hall be thought filling, the Baltic al­ cumber ot favage* on the thirteenth innaoti that it wu impolfibltf l< ia my power to name the regi-nenu which have cil- ways cxcepted ; and will anlwcr entirely the one (or in poueuion ot their choice of ground and to repair it. tiaguifhcd themfclves (b mocA. They reared to In- ths otcer, aad lupport one another equally if either with temporary advantage over tfce fauH tot the d*. ] " VV< thill fpeod i glcmanaer. catiaa (hall be attacked or injured on scccuat of li.is termined van guard, who with their intrepid I Pdlaemiu to put hit ga 44 The ene~y ha* not a* yet made any aaeapt to convention. corporal James Waters, of the firtl fab-, hw»I for AoaM iny thing hi penetrate into the cooctry. X11I. Ta: convention (hall fab lift in its whole ly tell in defence ol the etcort. The comxujminon defence of the liberty aaj after this convention (hall have been tinned and ex­ abandoned all their packs, blankets and fafety of the Dinii and Swedifli commerce acd na­ changed. In tetlimooy fOKt-r-. Jm It, E. M. STAEL DE HoLSTEIN. of * Uttir from Fart Frvddin, dittd The Eoglifh by their; HIS m»je&y the king of Denmark and Norway, and '794- it the time for them I hi* majetty the king ol Sweden, having conGJeted try., that if -we once j . WHITES-TOWN, Jmtii. " I rnufl orce more miora J-TO of oar fitnti^j how much it import* the fubjeds of their realms to en - here an e.x--reit from tbe Caroplaata. lands are gone. Con A report is in circulation, that the UneiJa, Cayngi, this d?y arrived joy, in fafety and tranquillity, the advantage* attached who brougiit a Icttti that Brandt fent bin, rrpri* creek to meet Brand to a perfect neutrality, anJ founded on acknowledged and other tribes ol Indian* fettled in the wcrurn pans I rom ihe governor rn.nding him fcr futfcriog tbe United States to build receive a meffage fro treaties, iraprcfisd with a deep fenfc of their dude* to of this lUte, have received a talk diant I think a gre offering them large prcfcnu if iney Mill gluttons at Laic Eric, therefore, it u gcnera.1) tboagbt their fubjecb, and arable (o diflcrr.ble the ireviuble of Canada, fliortly. Wetrtterf the council it the S which rage* deten the United State* and uke up their rtjUitit here we (hall be attacked very embitr»fl"neei of their &:ua:ioa in a war nut ordered to it* fall heavy on our c< and do (which i* but a loiter name for qrmt) in hi^ mij.-ity'a much iurprilcd that the militia arc in the greated part of Europe, hive agreed worth to at­ tvery precaution oug meafure* and their intereitt in this domioiont. licve us, for it i» aa much a* our live* are agree ta oni:e tueir witfc them." their nation*, after the example The report flees, that the Indians collected to con- tempt con.ing oo An It you have any influence rcfpcet, and to give to do rcqueft iLcm to fei.d relief to of their preJece(T)ti, all the protection which they idcr of me offers made them in the talk; bat that a our icaamg men, to c*p:ft 'rom their pa'.ernil car: ; defir- difference atiung between thofe wno were lor con­ our leuleincat. There ha» been two fpies at Le Boraf, PHIL AD have a right the Cornplaota draw clofer the bonds of the amity tinuing tlieir Irieadfhip with the United States, and to Ice the fitaatioa of our Cioopj, and The new* of the iog, moreover, to the old which (o happily fabfifts between them, have nomi. the oppofite pony, a large number got to blow*, ani has requettcd our* people not to clear out period of tha I3th < hi* Daaith majetly, hit minillcr broken iimb* and bioody French .road, and (ays, tl.at if we do not flop, « that captain Yhurap cited to that effeft, the meeting ended in a tow before we know what we are aaoot, of date, and fir-izn affairs, the Sicar And re Pierr: nofes. (hill get too Itiong (tiled from thence i count d: BcrnltarST knight of the order cf the Ele­ Wh;n we compart the above account wtih thofc it. and other hint* that we do not ufe the Su Nil that the Spanifh arm; phant, ttz. and his m*jeliy the Ling of Sweden, the ready published in the Uniieii bta:cs, and aod to inem, well. during ftvcral day*, Sirar trie MignJi, Baron Stacl de Haltlcin, chambtr- that governor Simcoe has actually p*n'u*ded near lorty " For God'i feke try to horry the people of yi* Jate. hin to hermajeliy the queen Dowager of Sweden, and German families' who were brought I rom Holland, quarter to turn out, aa it is aot Ufe for ui to ftep otf General Laveaax knight of lie Order ol ihe Sword, who, after luving and fettled in the county of Ontario by Charles Wil- of door i. to be relieved ftof exchanged their lull powers, have agreed on ihe fol- liamfon, Efquire, to del^rt their lertlements, and take . " Robinfon is well, but wants this unhappy aaie— Doca it look re*(onable tint ht iawing article*: op a rendence in Canada, it doe* not appear altogctht r 'Javei, having tranjfi 1'utfer tor fuch a rafcally let, who killed foot I. Their majeftie* declare folemnly. that they will an idle chimera, that the font lejaJ gniltmm fhould (hojld maintain the mod perfect neutrality in the coarle of b: tampering with the Indians to mike the.H break and Wallace? and look back two year* and fccotf| Ihe preftnt war ( avoid, u much u on then; depend'! t.ieir taith with the United States. Bjil that killed old Mr. Mead i Ball is of tktfiM waatevir roay embroil them with the power* their nation. If the United Stajcs look over all thcfetka^a be no odds how many of our people the l«^*** . ffrienda n4 alltet t and continue to mark, a* ihev hive CANAAN, Jmt 18. it will Robmfon's killing wa* not like there's, inuada*, COfiftantly done, in circumliancea fometimes difficult, Meffr*. Ruflell and Fifh, who were fcnt to New. kill. 11 the attention and even all the amicable m the Britifh at Three River Point, is or. MY DEAt FRfEHD, . , war. dercJ to be reftored—that thry received fourtou*of I have juft received your mcflage of invitanoa •* III. They engage alfo reciprocally, and before all muGtet ball*, and one ton of gunpowder for the ufe attend- a council»w-..«.n at.<. Cataragaru,<%,.... e.l >., which^... I- i» , Europe, that they will not claim, ia cafe* not fpeci- of the faid counties that a fubicription had circulated obliged to you for, but am exceeding lorry to bar* &edaea in theme treaties,ireiuej, any advantageBnvBougo whichwwcn i>u ne creek, in which c«le I «"*• denied to neutral and independent nation*. We underfland there were five Englift, and four wi(h to meet you with the reft of our friendi, w V. For attaining the propofed objecl, their rnajcdie* French, but one of the French ran awjy before the chiefs, in a few days at the above-mentioned pl««i. « ...... :. ... ret"" •nfaga reciprocally to equip, at Coon u the feafon will aflion commenced, and the other Eoglifh frigate, fiid we have received a rntOage trom our bfethr'*' permit, each a fquadr/*' of eight (hipi of the tine, to be the La Nymph, could not come up. The weftern Indians, which require* to be delivered «*«• with a proportionate number of frigates, and to pro. "rench 44 gun (hip hid all her mifts (hot away, and The bearer of tl.ii will deliver you ftrings cf ««•• Vide them with all neceflaries. So men lying dead oa her decks when (he (buck to pum to confirm whit I have already fiid. . /, VI. The Iquadron* fhalj, nnitc or feparate i a* (hall the two Irigatea. From your friend, . be judged beft for the common interrft, which (hall be JQS. BRANJXT. interpreted/tn^both fide* with (he unity that fo hap. LAN 81 N BURGH, 7*» 10. To captain Obeal. . . r-- under the pretext , ally fobfifta between the two power*. Reporta of the uneafinef* in Canada are daily con. N. B. I (hall be at Buffaloe cr«k « »w»i |B* •cfence. but the • VII. No diftinAion whartotver (ball be made be­ firmed by people from thence.—One who piflcd day* if the weather permits. her wa* lowered tween the ihterefli and the flags of the two nations, throng thi* town lall week fayi, that the ^lh regiment objected, aod th except {uch a* different fabfifting treaties with other mutinied, took poffcOion of a final! fort, and cried, •««• I*** franklin! j- — . . _,«• •urn pie of the nation* may require. Moreover, in all cafe* of de­ H*x**ffr HTa/bmpim. _The militia_ were.....„...__..„ called on to I have the honour ol acknowledging H* ft •ent and of th« fence, convoy, or other* without any exception, the fupprfil* I* tthem, with difficulty they *>ot out a aumbeV, of your Ittieri, dated the 9th and 11 th inM^ «^p.i>u>i (hip*~..^- Chill...... defend_...__ the.-.- Swrdifh_..,-.... (hip*....r, aad___ (Uftv,,.-B., who grouaded their arm*, crying, Vim la Rtpukliitu, ter receiving the firft, we concluded u wo" aa1 if they were thck »wa nation, aad the iaine «a thai He further add*, that the pamphlet* (cot by Mr. Gt- to proceed upon our inarch. We arrived •«/' -1"'—— M»««ialheh«djrfmryone. ^ before ycfterday, tU well. The account of J That theYaict ««cet» true, but by what nation (edged lofj of it |ren*Jiiri killed »nd zo wounded. . A*Jh ft firlhr ituSiJ, peeole beingkilted Was.fco be apnunted and commislioned by the prrflticat ol th« i» yet doubtful. Mr. Ellicot and Mr, WiU Their lofs of infantry, cavalry and negroes, they keep of rndiaw of the Gapt, OniteTStates, and (he faid gallics or vcffels be Hatiosi. kios have f«« two runners for the Conplantcr, and concealed. The raulauoes and negroes amnwiartion, ed in fach para of the United 8t' * "• ' \ when they arrive you fhall b« infortaed of the fucccfi ..IT-.' ...... /. _. thtta. ^. be appropriated. , ., J,he meffage, bu* lam futpicioua the o!-i fellow will having -=- 15, «~or i6oo~men- ~- flck,-oc««iOBe daring the about via, appropriated. And that the prefident of rival they have altered their tune. We have written otherwife "SIRS, the United State* be authorifed to take on Ivan ol tave it Le B«uf» and gave the officer there a cauiion--th« " The prefent fervet diiefly to inform yqu, that body poti* back. Van- bank of the United States, or of any other day alter tty%>ofcow the runner ii to be our Bubarian neighbours, the Algerinea, have again the faid Com of wi who brought your laft that the tic or corporate, perfon or perfoni, action fcom and Bales, the two men declared war again it the Portuguefe j -^JDd to be reimbursed, principal at the plains about 10 miles confiding of eighty tiionasid dollars, letter, law one Indian latter have again replaced their fquadron, of the faid proceed), appropriated u ne the trace of fix or (even. and fome fmaller and intereft, out this fide of PittJburg, and five (hjpj of (he line, four frigates, according to Inch contrail or conUacu which »*> jow at Polhemus't alarm the fort Straiti, which will aforefaid, " 1 am not (urpriled vefTelt, at the mouth of the be made concerning the lame. trt* any frontier llatiuu you ever faw, aad thofe r6bben, in their de- fhall man arrive* ji worfe than wholly check the carvr of Approved, June the fifth, 1794. iformi u>, felt tor the block»houle, which is iar irom being the predationi againft your fl'g,, As now they will i { O. WASHINGTON, p«fident c< gallies a«l &* belt, it would be infinitely worlc than nothing at all icarcely dare to venture out hence, your vcfleli may f the United Suits. ibe picqueU might do to-eaclolc a garden and do look come thu length with the fame fafety as formerly." ion u coaanntd st ore like a fence than any tning elie ; they are placed From a late Londan paper. «; The honourable WILUAU PIMKHIY seal miards are B ail the form of a Iquare wituout any thing to Uclend FRAUD. . JOHM T. Efquires, are appointed aids-do* S and in the bottom ot the divch, CURIOUS the curtaini or flank*, a camp to maior-g«neral £TONE, and are ta be obeyed out fide, 500 Indians might lay pcrleAiy A few dayi fince, a very genteel man went into ' M«7 '7. '704. aloag which, and requeued and retpccMp' u iuch by the snilitia compofing hit di- fecure. Beiore we cainc Mr. Polhemus kept the pawnbroker's (hop, near Long Acre, PFT « *e epporw. ring: The vifion. ' place locked up day and night, permitting no perlon the loan of 15 guineaa on a diamond minutely, offered of ih«id,aMt»x! to pals out or in, and (offered every inconvenience of pawnbroker, after examining it very i who fiege. He lays that he has made frequent re- to lend nine guineai on it i at the lame time declaring HE fubfcribcr being appointed by the honoura­ a cteic more than ten tcdtkret prtfenuuons of the declining Hate ot the garrilon, and that it was contrtry to law to advance ble chancellor as truftee for EDWARD W^at 1' was at firft refufed T ih innamj that it waa unpoffible lor him with his prefent ttrcngth pound! on one pledge. This fum BOSWILL, *n. infplvent debtor, notice is therefore and fiaJkei by the (Iranger, who took the ring back, but after a given, that all the PROPERTY of fajd Bofwell will ground to repair if* the fatal) tot the de. fpend two days more in helping Mr. moment's apparent confideration, and pointing out b«. EXPOSED to fUBLIC SALE, /or READT lie « We fhail it between inuepid kssfct)] to put his garnfon in fome Aate ot defence, peculiar brilliancy of the (tones u he held CAoH, at the late dwelling houfe of Mr. CMAaLa^ Jcir ftMBcmus contenting be­ t fob-legwo, bra*. any thing happen to it, we fhould tare the nu fingers, returned it to the pawnbroker, SIWBLI.I fen. near Por^rTcbsccj. The falc to for ftouM put it in hit drawer In July next* The corottmder it worfe above." to take that fum, who in.ftantly gin at one «falock, on the laft Saturday paid the money. A fhort time, however, eon place-all the creditors ot the (aid r.cnjnt Clirk u of oar of the line, and le- rom cbe Carnplaato. lands are gene. CornplsnteV it again gone to Bufialoe that a Preach fleet of feven (hips and the JOHN and ANNE, -according to the ail of land troop* on board, had dt fcnt bio, rtpri. ] creek to meet Brandt and Johnfon in council, and to veul frigates, with 2000 general aflembly* entitled, An aft Lr marking and a mtflage from their brethren the weflern In­ landed at St. Anne's, (Guadeloupe) the ad of June. boundiif lands.-. >.- . Jailed Sous to baud receive to the En­ thoagat, ! dians I think a great deal depends on the relult of It is hoped, (hat aa this fleet i* luperior CHARLES CARROLL, t u gensra.1) colours have, before We arc very I the council it the Six Nations go to war they will glifh in thai quarter, the national CLEMENT HILL, iwrily. Hand on the tree of liberty. ire but ordered to M» fall heavy on our country and WellmoreUno, ard this time, again taken their - THOMAS QJkVENyWILLIAMS. lives are worth to at> every precaution ought to be ufcd to be prepared fox, d pongrefs of the United States. JuneS. 1794. 1*f'9jA t*. any influence with fh»mthem." * re MX! miaul mtttutg if cm to fet.d iclicf to ACT It mlltr lit linn fir I hi " To be SOLD, ^ ;AO fpies at Le Bcraf, PHILADELPHIA, 7«w 75. IVE hundred and ninet),four acres of LAND, Jtifrrfntti- , and itu Corn plan ta The news of the capture of Cape-branfois at the SB it tn^Btdkj llx Snati *mJ lltmfi if lying in Harford county, within three mil«l of o clear out the oU 13(0 of May' is fo far from being true, eflft UniltJ Staltt of Amtrita in Caigrtfi affrmilid, navigableF water, well fiiuated with relpecl to places of ptriod of the the »»e do not flop, nt captain Tnurap.on, of the brig Harriot, who That after rhe adjournment of the prelent fenV>n, public wotfhip, mills and atarkeu,,has a great qu.ru thit be on the firft *r what we are (tiled from thence about the firil of Jane, a flu ret us next anuual meeting of congrela fhall tity of valnat>le timber, Iuch i> white oak. black oik, X uie the Six Ni .that the Spanilh arrny, which had blockaded the town, Monday in November next. chefnut and poplar growing on it, and has a Aream of Curing farcral days, was cut to pieces by general Vel- FREDERICK AUOUSTVS MuHLiNBaRO,'t>peaker water running through it, upon which a law mill may ry the pcoplt of ye* of the hoate of reprcfentative*. be creeled at a (mall eiptncf , to run feven or eight Jne. the United Uie for ui to ftep otf Qenerar Laveavx was about to march agaiflft Fou JOHN ADAMS, Vice-prefidcnt of months in the ycsr. The title if indifputable. Tor Diuphin, in full confidence of b«irg able to retake States and prefident of the fena.te. terms apply toTpOMM HALL, Efqaire, on the pte» iti to be relieved fa> Car the emancipation of the Approved, May 30, 1794. mifes, or to the fubfcnber living near Warwick, is It, the newt of the decree of the United ok reasonable Jut a* laves, having transformed ail the negroes into (o m ny eoV>WAIMING!on, Prefident county. r let, who killed foci Stitea. A Llal' of LEI i fc.H.5 remaining in the polt-offic*^ wo yean ind feeoM , Spanilh fquadron which blocked up the Cape, >" The */ tkt ftttnJ in- Upprr-Mtrlborough, if not taken up before ih« I Ball ii of thffoae fent a 8;g ol truce to* ftimmon the town; the jfn ACT pmnfog fir tk f»jmtnt old kutk / tbt Vmlt firll July, will be fcnt to the general poll office M >k over all thefc top ^Bpaniih commander received orders to fend no more, flaJrnttt in m It** mtuti *J Ift the laditM SlMlH. dead letters! our people ji they were determined not to luirender. The bat- HENRY TRIBLE, : like there's, ifl well ferved. The Americana who weie in BE it neffiJ tj /*« Stoutlt **J Ht*/i of Refnftnta- /CAPTAIN 'trries were John. M-fflin, jun. th* Road, defended a -Tutteiy of thirty.fu gum, on tnxi //*» Unituf Stfttt tf Amtrit*iu &*gr*f> af/tmbid, \i States be, and he td*atd Nicholls, 110 BRAHDTIOCOUI- which the tri-tjabured tnj American tiagv were flying That the prefident of the United hereby is luthortied and empowered to apply two hun­ Doctor William Baker; ot foreign loans .Tobus B«U, . tf 4 Utttr frtm taftai* Sun^k, at Firt Hamil­ dred thoufand dollars of the proceeds heretofore transferred to the United Stales, in payment Richard Stoneflmt. ton, M kitfrtnJ in ibit eily JattJ May 18, 1794. Major William Biogden, icfTage of invittrJoBW you -ol my of the fecond inflalment due to the bank of the United " 1 wrote you yelterday, informing puduint J ifeph Smith, j, which I a» «* of 120 infantry States, Mpoaka loan of the faid bank, made btlag si.this poll with a command lor incorporating the Thomas Ejgan, : ceding forry to bar* my intention to (et out on rr.y to the elevenm fedtion of the aft and jo dragoons of bank: And thit the annual------pe-r- Alien Bowle, awares at Venanjo. ' rttura tfcftreenville with 700 packlioKes, loaded with lobfcribers «» >. >»««» W% the» » faid - - . - - for the payment of each infalmcsU of the Uid Badfon Nay lor, e peopje of the Onipra1 four, eany\his morning; fince when cipuin Lewu nod Araot Barber, go- loan/fhM'be deemed to be the laft day of December George Prefquc Ifle, 00 L«M arrived from head quwtejs, with intelligence of Thomas Firmer, :ry ihing frtlh i« / vernor Simcot's being at Roufh de Boe, or the falls of in each mK . t* il fvtntr tnaBtd, That a fufficient fum of Zadock Duvall. . raloe creek, wbkka* the M'umi of the Uke, wiiK three Britifh itgiment*. And L. Wailes, \ the dividends, which h«v* accrued, or which fhell Edward ifinefs of coat!"** What efitd this may have on the movement! of the John Scott, ^* in whichcmfcloM* 1 cannot tell, but am inclined w believe it *iil hereafter accrue, on the ftock owned by the United Ugion be, and the Mrs. Oden. don't think ihat Gw* becWiged to reirogaae very loon. I am very certain States, in the bank of the United States, D. t>. M to the payment of rhe in- S. HAMILTON, per our proeeediap'1 I (kill be attackedattackcd on mvmy wavway out.out, aaas the IneHantIpduni 'areare tame is hereby appropriated has, or fhall become due, on the loan ob- ire already done, af& «ry thick round us* and my fpies have ditcnvercd a tereft which Dollars Reward; our prefect fittufl* tained, aa aforcfaid. - Sixteen in »ery Urge trail between tliU and Fort St. CUir; the fubfcribcr, this day. a wi(h that we IboaW Approved. JuneJ 44 1794 TJ AN AWAY fiom the d olf thing that can prevent it Is colonel Strong's bcfng llifpaniala, called BEN. with a Gtowfea Preideat of the United t\. mulatto man, native of »ow on his way out 'from Port Walhingt'-.n fometimca JOHp. (whkh lad name i few dayi ago at and u the (upp)ics StaW JAMIN, and aamber of waggons and packborfes, waa given him in this city) about thirty fix years of in which cafe I «« are of more conTcquenct to the enc- under his convoy tbt Unilld Slmlii, age, ftrong made, fix feet high, black eyed, full and reft of our friend i, * Bj (ban thofc which I Uke, It is pctfible they may An ACT it ktit*rifi ikt tti tfl, / tan/i l» k* brown.faced, marked with the fmall jv-x, Urge nofe, >ve-mentioned plscci " kt ae go clear i however, be it u -k may, I am tbt rtirfi if tbt friftnt with M numbtr if vfffiJi tt in tu black hair queaed, fpeaks bad KngliOtr -carried rom our brethret, * content. If 1 am unfortunate 1 will be brave, and hilt, iloaths. The ttktrwijl, in ttf jvvitt if I- ltd him a trunk containing a great many ea to be delivered that- eet mj fate like.fotdier." tr '»" wcckr a hundred n this date.nate. Whoever will appre- JOS. BRANPT. ot ten meni per company, That the prefident of the United State* be and he is beTery dangerous w«d a draft from the militia him, end. have him confined io prifqn, here or of putting the country in a' Hate of hereby authorifed, during the recefs of the prefent Jscnd odcr the pretext for in Baltim"r*^|n, will receive' Ike above reward «f oc creek in »bwl f<* jkfence. but the people refuted w comply. The num.-. congrefs, if the fame fhall appear tp him oeetffary of the United Slates, to caufc a number SIX POUNlM^m Mr. Ptsma,'» French geRtle- waa lowered to three j to this requifition the people the prote'aion IP the.wfi- exceeding ten, to be built or purcttafed, nan, ufidifijfUWifig in. thistbU city, next door IP Dnnj f# °bje««d, and the order te mains unexecuted, and an ofveffels, not ^ , GIRARD, toanned, armed and equipped as office. • • j.: ± - GIRARJ umple of the tyrannicallpfpofiuon of the go»cri- and to be fitted out, who apprubends him4halLb«\es\' lies, or oAerWife,' In the fervlce of the United N-B. AnvAny ptrfoipetfon rknowledgmg entandof thefpiritoftft.peoc4e. r«o«iver inn sS'tdhion to '(he above reVvjrd, pne *. ires, the oficen ahd men to 'be on the fame pay, titled to receite, and nihi»«» Jt**r«« •f*l»n^^mf»Tt D***tngt JutJMaj S the;he ftokn'ftokn money which'he may iuve la pof- O officers of tne half of ^IK • * fubnftence fc driven from all the out- and to receive the fame m_ ,cluded.t " The Spaniards have been to, to the nary ol the fcffion when taJrtn. -^ ( particularly mentioned fame rank a«d matter*mitlea .m of C.pe-FrancxHs. tdote United States. [* V ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' * Annapolis, June - 'he W.'tanaeol. L«uj; Au tf>». *tth the acknow- la, virtue 4f a decree of the honoorabk the clutvteno?. NOTICE b hereby given, VI OTICIL. '* «"b* *««» rt*t the tubft the tevcaca of February laft, the fabtcriber ^HAT ~ the fabfcriber. -!»**»** KL^^^L^Calvert county court, at their neat>-*»* Septenibt7 J ' will, after the twentieth of Jjiy aeat, and t^weem I aext conaty coun, «o be holden for Saint. that time anJ the Gil day of. Aogut following, at for a commifioa to mark and bound a traft Dj M*ry*a coaaty. at Leeward-town, ia the faid county, of land; lying and being in the. laid county hi* b/JBfe in Calmer, coaaty, DISPOSE of at PRI­ oa the firt Monday ia Auguft next, for a commiBtoa VATE SALE. water* of the Chefapeake'bey, and in all Saiot'I e» mart aad boaad a traA of land called SAIHT called aad known by the HE REAL PROPERTY of nantetfPABua'i £L which LOCK Wixivaiu'i FaEBHOLD, lying and being in faid f part whereof i* in hi* , Caiw, late 01 Anoc Amndel poffeSon) or fo much of tU county, died conaty, on Saiat-CletaemV Bay. according to the di­ faid tra« of land feized,T aJto««th'r oc i.-> convenient parcel*, on the fot. at may be necefikry tp afctrtiinS rections of the ad of aflcmbly, paflfld at November part of the fame, agreeable to the aft of altahl. lowing terms: The parchaler or .purchafer* k to bond, fefioo. 1786, eauitka. Aa aft- for marking and fuch cafe made and provided. * with approved fecorm, lor payaaeat of the porchaie boanding Und. Bfmey, aad iniereft taereon, within JEREMIAH BADEN two yean Irom E. PLOWDEN, Calvert coanty, June 6, 1 794. ' the time of fale, the land aot to be conveyed until THOMAS ALLSTAN, * the fale fhall be confirmed bv the chancellor, and the /" WILLIAM GOODRUM, purchase money and in errtt (hall be fully difchar; pd. 9 RICHARD MASON. fS be .S O L D, Any perfon defirrxts of viewing the lajidi alluded to, May toth, 1794. - At private Sale, will aopJy » majar RICHAKD CB«W, of AnojjArun- WARSAW, (Cm{ BOUT two dcl county, to whofe dwelling plantation they >ae con. thoufand acres of LAND, fpiri Twenty Dollars Reward. South river, about aine mile* from Ac tigoous. faiiiA Isnd where. The creditor* of the faid LOCK Cmiw are re- T> AN AWAY, oa Wednefday it (iivided into three (encmenu, «1| the z6-.h of March, proved, ed the S ' qaeftei to exhibit their feveral cia:mi to the chancel­ JX. from the fubfcriber, living at Alien's Freft, and abounding in limber ul the firft i and the a There i* alfo on (aid laad lor, within fix month* froan the Erft diy of Auguft brignt mulatto flare earned PH1LL CARTER, about a good Mil with hii next, ia conformity with the direction* of the faud twenty .four or twenty-five years of age, good order, running two jpair of (tents, L | (. intrench Eve feet twenty acre* of nine or ten inches high, has a fmall fear on hi; fore, meadow before the do^j BOW iB ^ be haJa battle with the m^Sy, and much more m»y be made with »{f, \\D^u WILKINSON. Troftee. head, a round face, fall of pimples, his ankles crack i (fcjree, worfled. On tl Calven county, June 11, 1794. ^ very aauch when *!* walk*, he ha* been expence. The above land'wHI be' fold iliogttVr, at accuttomed in lots from two broke out in this city. to attend on harfca, aad waiting about to three hundred acre;, as nay bei taken, in which were a houic ; had fuit the purchafert. f OTICE i* hereby given, that the fobfcriber in- oa and took with him a new parfon's Perfons inclinable to gray cloth co*t, may know t non. Several of the pt tend* to apply to the court for Anne-Arur.del with three button* on each of the llecvcs and-pocke 3 the terms by tpp)>ing to The infurgents have dn eoanty,N at the enfuing September term, for a com mi f- a ftripcd waiftcoa:, SAMUEL - lour and falinet brceche*. mirt Hocking;, Beard*i creek, Anne-.o. >75-^___ y ellablifhed a tribunal, w part of ihe LIVIL belonging to him. recording to the we a* off a large fura of m ney, and on the 18th of i to the h*li«r. General provifions of the *&, entitled, An ad for marking aad April "he came to my plantation and lloic a fmall DWARDS's BALTIMORE DAILY animated tddrrfs to the < forrel VERTISER bounding, laad*. mare, big with foal, branded im her left thigh thus, has been conEderablp 1 appear favourable to the within thefe lew weeks ptfl, aad i* now little i ABSALOM RIDGELY. W. about twelve hand* hifh. I am informed he hat Anapolu, June, 1794. 3 pifljd a* a free mag, to any daily publication OB ih: continent. Th; i and ha* fold goo-1'*, and anJ moil authentic faid (hat be traded to Alexandria, information, txxh frrci^n ltd do! George-town, and medic, fhall be given Our government ha* HE fubfcriber, intending to leave thi* part o Annapolii i it is very poffible that he is gone to in ihrs paper, «r.d frotn its rot Balti­ cxtenfive circalition I tae hope* it had conce the country in a (hort time, find* it neceCary more, as his father >* living there on Howard'* Hi!), througho/jt the uricn, it'n| ' fumed to be an important vehicle for a (column of 10,000 Frer toT remind thoie perfon* who are indebted to hire on and is a drayman, hit name is JAMIS CABTBB. tie. tec. Suhfcrip'ion* for the above at! _ __ ItkeGenoefe territory, » hit private account, or a* partner with his brother, Whoever apprehends the fiid n:gro anj ir.are, f* that I tk coronandint Dr. JAMI* Mot«AT, than it i* tieceflary per annum (one half to he paid on fubfcriHnj,) it that i their feveral I get thrm again, fhill receive the above reward. Ipiffige over neutral accounts fhou'id be clofed in a fhon taken io at the PrintinpK>ficc of F. and S. Gtret, H gr: tine, for tr-.U par- SIXTEEN DOLLARS will be given for the negro, Ifuh a padage pose he h*» appointed Mr. JOHN Annapolii, ind by the editor, Pkilip E4*ardf, k could no STIWAIT, at Dr. and, if brought home, ail realonable charges paid. I force i but laaae* Murray'*, to fettle and receive the feveral ba­ Market.Urect, Baltimore. that the PR RICHARD MASON. ferny rcfpcdl mould be | lance* that are due, and he is alfo directed to ufe com* N. B. All mailers « Advenife.nents not exceeding a fqairt, of vedeli are forc^rned taking ferted four Afolcmn p rot eft was t pulfory method* ia every inflance where it may be off the above negro at their peril. H time* fur «ar dollar, and for evrty eta- tinuance thereafter, eighteen cents. /*7 M an outrage on the net neceffanr. Alien'* Frefh, Charles county, May 12, 1794- | ry ; and it was added W. MURRAY. , parity of the force* of Annapolii, May 7, 1794. V Fifteen Pounds Reward. Richard Tootell and Co, \ (aw any refinance to b Y waiting man, negro DICK, ran away from Refpecitully inform the citrn-ns of Acunrjol*;| oefe. A remoaftrance '' C c Thoufand Dollars Reward. me laft Saturday t he croffcd the bay t'rom An­ and Anne-Arundel county: ' I tad a reprefentation of OME fe* COUNTERFEIT POST NOTES of napoliiM to Kent IQand on Sunday a boat nine o'clock, HOUGH he intend* to the Wcu-lBditt, thi tae court* of Europe. S the Rank of Midland, having been lately dif- and Hole and took with him my gray mare. He wore T com try .will open a large and gcixnl laort- corered in circiH»Uon, and on tracing the firne were a green clot* coatee and jacket, leather breeches, and mer.t of W&T and DRY GOODS, in ihii city- FRONTIERS o found to come from the back parti of Virjyr.ii, where 4kxx>, a round hat, and blue furtoat, but'took with They will bay tobacco, corn, barley, wheat, lunba The infurreclion in they have probably nrft ilTisd -, n avoid imp-^fttton, it him a variety of other clotrht. He is a very likely of all kind*, cord, wood, oyller (hci:«, for lime, for no: ralcult'cd 'upon, ii thought necefT'ry to give the following 'efiription lad, well made, wear* a queue, fame little plait* in which they will give the HICRIST rVcn he tvaao lively apprchenfioni. of them, by which they may be readily detected: hi* wool, and drcffe* very fafhionably; he is about NEGROES of all kindt, buys and lti!v^orf«, Ice. :i be reinforced by t They have the letter D for their alphabetical mark, twenty-five eyeai* of age, weil fixed, black colour, Annapolis May 21, 1794. V Gillicia, and they U at the left hand fide of the note. reads a little, and ii a complete waiting man; he took HE luDlcriber intends to appiy to the tu'.itortf much for tbcir dcitinai The paper on which they are printed it more foft the Philadelphia road. in Poland has occafion< - and tender, the flrokes of the letttrs in the the treasury, far the icaewal of the foll*wi*f engraving I will give the above reward to any perfon who will Tdellroyed pofiuoQi, and thd"'. vc 'are in general ftnnger, aad have a darker appearance ceniicttet: * apprehend and fecure the faiid negro Ud and marc, or No. 82687, on interefl from Jtnaary, 1782, fee to lurm a cordon Irom than ia the true bills. TIM POUND* for Dick, end Five POOND* for the 11 ttic tame time noti6( The fignature, Wm. PatlvfaK, 525^ dollar*, final frtrlemeno, ifTued io John C n badly done; the rcaxe, trd-pay all reafoi&blc charge*. Jones, loft on the would expjfe iheinfel ftroke* ot all the letter* are ftiff and laboured, and. twenty.lounh July, 1788, at Ctdar WILLIAM J"ACA. Point, wafhed away by the ovcifbwbg of tlie rim they were to take any | appear to be painted over with the pen, a* well at the Baltimore-town. April 9, 1794. infoncction which hat flourifli under the name. in my hiufe. ^ No. 8176 and 8181, on inttrefl from aoxl. So the Gallic! The value U left blank in the engnving, to be filled the rigbibcf M*y, 1779. for 500 dollar* each, Pennfy^ieiikm- f^ptifm threatening tt1 up in writing, (b tlut the fum an:y be more or led, at JUST PUBLISHED, will be Ire?, and liber pie tf a re. office, ifTued to Msrgarel Murray, and a^fioiJfet- And to be fold at the Printing-Otfice, tlementt, (fined the (ha me I u I yoke whi No true Poft Note* of the alphabetical mark above to cornet William Murdock, Aaoae*i corp*, loll the 4ntatin. The part w defcribcd. have been lately idued, aad very few are Price, One; Dollar, twenty-ninth Jtnuiry, 179), Betf Baltimore, in the mail gornt to FhiUddphis. an dubious : Aufty* BOW in circulation. liouio her power in The above reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL- ' JOHNC.JONM. The LAWS Cedar Point, 4th June, 1794. 3 . ^ ii'e want them to cm XARS will be paid to the perfon or perfons who (hall kmuns. In vain dot difcover and profecote to conviAirm the feveral of. I OF Ht»t«ri« it ready to I feaden, or any of them, of the following dcfcriptioa, CASH given. for Clean Fnoce. The truth via. M A R Y L A N D, fcnption which Jofe The perfon or perfons who manufactured the paper ? Faffed November Linen kingdom, hat been aa which the bill* are printed. and Cotton Kelenied thcmfclves < " The peifon or perfons who rtigr»r pnrehsft tM hi* euAomtn. He hu on haad Mi/» '794. ««»'<> > " named CLfcSAR, about above property, it is expelled would wifh tovi"* 11* a large afTortment of forty.five yeart of age, 6ve feet nine or ten f ne and eoarfe fafnionable hats, which he will fell inche* land, therefore a further defcription i* unneeefi"*.^ high/a flout well m»de fellow, except hi* leg*, which ...... , ...... ,. . . , . " The p«irioi« < low for cafh, or oa the ufual credit to hit punctual Mr. Jamet Mof*. living adjoining the ftndcicd tiicmfclv* cuftoiDen. are rather fmall m proponion to hit body, and in will fluw the fame to any perfon wifhinf to ft** walking bend very much forward» the faid fellow ha* An indifpuuble title io fee fimple will be given - * Waffaw, obliged t JOHN LONG, PF " jooo truopi, to eva< N.B. Fin* and eoarfe hat* made at the above ••• been brought up to plantation work, and can faw purchafwTby L-v.b, H'~f,U. For' ternii aafa^ory. with the whip-faw; h, h»d oh when he ran away a colonel Eli~l> R*M*,(, on Magothy, or the fobferi- *k Ruffian ambifi pair of cotton breecheB, ofnabrigfhirt, and fearnoaght *ilh the Frudian at Anaapolb, »794 ber. coat, and it i* probable he took with Him fome pther CELOT WARPIELP. e't diftan cloathi. Any perfon taking up the faid fellow and May ao, 1794. tiug of Poland F o v 8 A L E, * bnngmg him home, or confining hire in gaol, fo that u. Some repo eommodiout dvrttliag HOUSE now k» I get him again, (hall receive the above reward, aad St ^'t convent, elc J[ the occupation of captain {AMI* TMOMA*, in all reafoaable eaareai, if hrought home, paid by A N N A* O LI " The ambaira( thli city. Par ^tle and term* apply to lANClLOTWARPIELD. Printed by and iblvihe Pruffian, Annapolia. ^ g^ F. GREEN. June 11, 1794. $\ . ' GREIN. •

(XLIXth YEAK.) . T H - ft (No. MART LAND GAZETTE --•"•*- *-" THURSDAY, T 10, 1794. _i__ - rf.

WARSAW, (Ca/»V«/ c/ fVWJ Jfril z*. " The infurgenti have efiablifted a revolutionary Only three brigade*, (not 1 0,000 BM} add chat hia tribunal; and leveral pcrfon* have already (uffered by defeat wu ncH of a nature to endanger Oil ted i that *_A^ i -HB fpirit of revolution reigna every lalt hi* rainrortemenu vvould be all ar< i where. General Kolcmfko has ereci- the rope. by Thurlday rived i and that if Monficur Piciiegrb did not pay him 1 < . ed the STANDARD or LIBERTY " Lithuania, according to the lateft account*, U likewiie in a Kite oi inlurrettion. a lecor)d vifit, he, general Claufayt, wui^ld nnarch in 2 < > *nd the people. He u tt prefect, (earch of him. Thirty waggons loaded with the T with hit main army near Promnick, " General Kolcinflto U very aclive in fortifying the town of Cracow. He ordered * declaration to be plunder of Courtny, had been re-ukea tuna the ene­ rwr, -; . , i, i A A | j. intrenched. Oo the fourth inttant, my- be had a bailie with the RufTiani, and wu, in a fmall publilhcd, b/ which thofe citizens who do not with degree, worfted. On the nth a formal infurredion to remain in the town, in cafe of a (Uge, are per­ broke out in this city. Thc^rfenal wt» ftormed, and mitted to quit i: within 8 days time j in confequence O 8 T B N D, uken, in which were feveral hundred piece* of can- of which declaration, a great number of rich mer­ The 8th regiment of light horfe, commanded by nan. Several of (he public edifice* have been burnt. chant* with tlicir goods, together with a great number colonel Lafcellea, lately diteinbarked at thii place, la The infurgenu have driven the Ruffian troopa from oi women and children, have palfed the bridge over composed entirely of Irilh, and fo very dcflruiis are they bur environs. The king, unable to quell the inlur- the Viftula, in order to fettle in the village of Podgorz, to be in aclion, and t«ke ptifoners, that when their reaion, ha* fought refuge in a convent. .They have belonging_ _ t* Gallicia. paniei are on the look-out, they take Hanoverian*, ellablifned a tribunal, which have condemned feveral -- We likewiie learn, that general Kofcmfco ha* Hefliani, and every perfon they meet who cannoc to the halter. General Kofcinflco has publifhed an ordered the bridge to be broken down, and-a number fpetk finglifli. A very laughable circumftance of animated addrefs to the citizens of Poland; and event* of boats which were on this Ade the Viltula, to be this kind occured yeftcrday- noiuing in the neighbour­ appear favourable to the revolution. towed into place* of fecurity. The three Polifh regi- hood of Oilend : menti of Lubominflti, Czapiky, and Oiarowfky, have A picquet belonging to the Irifh regiment was la GENOA, Jprilio. joined his Itandard." motion about fix mile* Irom the town, and the officer [Extract of another letter.] who commanded ordered one man to advance about « Our government has be:n entirely difappointed in '" The I yth of this month hu proved a dreadful mile on the road, and to fire if he taw un enemy. J ike hopci it h«d conceived. On the fifth inllant, a The man fired and returned to the pkqnet in lull gal­ appeared on the confine* of day to Warfaw. General Ingelftrohm, a few day* I column of 10,000 French lop, fwear ing moll vehemently that Ike had difchtrgecl - ItaeGenoefe territory, and on it* being reprefented to before, had given order* to the whole of the Rulhan cavalry, in g-irrifon there, to march from Warfaw, to his piflol at ic,,coo Frenchmen, who were advancing, tW commandant that the republic could not grant with the utmoU expedition to Oileod. Two Hano- piffage over neutral ground, tb« reply wu " That join all the uoop» which had .been previouGy detached, in order to act ag.tu.it the army under general Kolcin- veiijn* came up at this moment who belonged to the [focb a padage could not be prevented by the Genoefe detachment em ploy (M to convoy three piece* of artille­ I force > but that the French affurcd the Genoele, that flio. " V/hen the infurrcftion took place on the 171(1, in ry, uken that morning from the French at Ruufiilicre. ding a fqatrt, Ift)' [ertry refpeft (hould be paid to property, ptrfon, &c." The Irifb. immediately took them prifoners. They I A folemn proteft was next made againil thii meafure, the morning, general Ingelftrohm ordered the only and (or every CM. three battalions of Ruflian infantry who remained in expoftulated, but could not make themlclvc* underflood. as an outrage on the neutrality of the Genoefe territo. The Hibernians fworc, that a* they tould nnt I peat. ry; and it was added at the fame time, that the dil- the garrifnn, to take up arms; at the fame time, he fent a melUge to the king, informing his majefty of Englifh, they mult be French, an.i abfolutely pro. 'ty of the forces of the two power* would rot al- cecded with them to Oilend, at prifuneis of war. C any reftftance to be made on the part of the Ge- the event. The king fent him word, that he had al­ aorfe. A remoaftrance has been tranfmitied to Parin ready been informed of what had happened ; that his / . tad a reprefentation of thu affair will be made to all majefty had only to add a requelt to (he general, to PARIS, 2 F/orta/, Jtjril 21. tat courts of Europe. fend all the troops out ot the capital, in order to pre- ARMY IN ITALY. vent bloodflicd, until the minds of the people flial. in The army of the republic began lt» march from fome Tiealure be pacified. Mentun on the tyth at midnight, and after a march of FRONTIERS of AUSTRIA, Afril\\. " General Ingellhohm, in the mean time, had fent The infurreclion in Poland, which our court had hi teen hours, arrived at Pigno on the 18th j fourteen general Bauer at the head of a detachment to proteft hours after took potfeflion of Mount Faoaro> being no: calculated "upon, haa occafioned here the moll the arfenal; but this was too late. The patriots had jy^jh^ lively apprehenfioni. Our armies on the Rhine were drenched with rain, fnow and whirlwind*, without a already rendered themfelve* mafter* of all the artillery mouthful of bread, not a tingle mule being able to t) be reinforced by (he Autlrian troop* that are in contained in that building i and the latter general, Gillicia, and they ttad already received order* to follow our forced marches. On the iqth we marched with bis detachment, on their arrival, were forced to to Molino, and on the aotb to Mantalto. This day >piy to the au liter rf much fur ibcir dettination ; but thii unexpected event lay down their arm*, and to luricnder prifonen of in Poland hai occafioncd a total change in thtfe dif- we began to lee fome of the enemy. On (he lift I ftal of the follewiaf war. marched to Carpafio, a village occupied by 2000 men : !4- -v- poniicas, and theft; very troop* have received orden •• The patriots afterwards, provided with arms tolorm a cordon Irom Cracow to Bredy. It has been I attacked the lleep rock with ihe grenadiers and chaf- from the arfenal, formed themlelves in order ot battle, (curi, and we took it under a (hower of bulled and u (lie lame time notified (he Gallkvn nobility, they and marched againtt a battalion of the Ruffian infan- would expjfe theinfelves to the fevereft penalties if rocks, which they rolled dawn, whereupon the village naturally become ours. I hid but one officer killed, they were to take any part dire£Uy or indirectly in the ',* General Ingelftrohm, however, placed himfelf at inioncction which ha* uken place in that neighbour. and fix men wounded. From thence, climbing from the head of the other two baiulions, and took poll in jock to rock, after a moll dreadful march of ninb :fl from the ei;bd of acwJ. So the Gallicians are now placed between Jc. a Urect, wliere he was determined o defend bnufclf t fppt-fm threatening them with in vengeance if they hour:, we arrived at Mount Bizo, where the enemy i, Pennfylvuii thtfe battalion* were fired upon with g!»it violence wa* in force with artillery. I made my difpoGtions will be Ire;, and liberty in withing them to fhme off f i am every window ; and after an engiicinent which „• T_ n tr in'" concertwukcri withwuit theme commander in chief, who had the (rumelul yoke which defpoulm lui Utcly inipofed laded 33 7hour* w.thout... intemiflion. the Ruffiani were me |hu ^ A| Oniacia. The part which they are going to take is driven trom War.aw with the K.U ol[half their num. ^ ^ fc§ §nd ,Ut ,uUO£ ,h» mJoul||^ an dubious: AutV^ia U in want of hand* already (o brr killed. Generals IngclBrohm, Apraxm ana au- . . - - * niinuio her power in the Netherlands i flie will like- in three point*, the fignal to attack waa nut given un­ J '•,., i how, at the head «f (he remaining Ruffian infantry, til after the enemy's firft fire, who feeling th<- by kuen or from traveller*, in feveral place* of our lame time inviting uiat general to come to their affift- On the 27th, after a march of eleven hour*, we rowien, we karn that the difafrccledf on that day ancc. got in fight of the enemy. They occupied a redoubt, aad rifen in immenfe number*. Thole of the nobility and to the right a camp intrenched before, and covered and others, Known to have been in favour of the M O N S, in the back by an inacceflible rock. '1 he fitimion I'.uffiin piny, werc either k'iled in the c»uull or ien- We hive joft received intelligence of the utmoft in- wa* excellent, and capable of flopping at once all pnlbonj. The |>atri(jti at (he lame time, rendered tereft to u* in ihe prefent rrifis, that 18,000 Prulfian^ .other troop but Frenchmen t but our dreadful char; c f^...!,^*.' iKtmlelve. miller* of the arfenal, from which they are arrived at N«mur. Thi* releafes u* trom the ap- made the Piedinontefe fly directly, and only the Aul- "'a it* artillery, confining of ne.;.,V'F On their quarter* being beat up at Beiumont, the of Auftrjan grenadier*, a battalion of Piedmontefe b^t they have fince returned other troopi, malcin FKONTIIR* of POLAND, Afrit tl. Dutch took refuge here» grenadier*, a legion, and fome i &JiB'l)!I!!iy:^ij^,^,H | [ExtraA of a letter.] to their pod. in all 500 men. The river wa* between, th«y cut« the bndj", and (wo piece* of cannon defendid it, ': .%I,iil^'.»i " The patriots on the lyth inftant, after having LUXEMBOURG, May I. but a crolj fire well direcled and well fupported, foon ^ndeieJ liicrofclvet maUcn of the grand arfeaal at put them into a moft oomplete difurder. Night t,j:a- W«ffiw, obliged the Rufiaa V-'ifon, confiding of General Clairfayt wrote to captain Robinfon, of the ; 111:i,^; j'"i- Brilliant frigate, off Otlcnd, and alh to general ing on prevented u* from reaping all (he advantu^ct of 'i"J! jooo (rwopi, to evacuate the town. Baron Ingelftrohm, t two hour* more day, and I fV-i'ld have uji :r;h'-^ "* Ruffian ambaffador, wu obliged to take_ refuge...- Stewart, the governor, acquainting them that (he our vielury taken the whole battalion of Aullrian grenadier* pri- -V *itk ibc Pruffian army under gener'al Wolk'yTeticamp- French, to the number of 60,000 men, had .attacked r.ul" «J»l«gne'i diftancefrwn that capital. Hii majelly him in his pofilion to cover Olleod, wl.ich was the luncri. On the 271!!, we took Ormea, where «k.Vi,,g5of Poland i, reined M an hoa..e by "he p.- objeft of thV enemy , that he had repulfed them fe- feeble g.nifon moll of them bjng |rd, w,, ^ «"OM. Somt reporii ft.te, that hi, n3efty elc.ped Veral time, before they made any impreffion: On the prlfoners, wkh one colonel, thre*capta1W, and about hwi convent, efcorted by 300 Ruffiaas. «i-Ktheiihth attack they penetrated his...... lines, . and forced him 140. men. , In, thefc. .,two .day* - ten» pieces of. cannnr,. , blanket*, flour, grain, mufkeu, v i.', ^* n)b«"'»dor of a neighbouring power, pro- to retreat with the lofi of about 23 pieces of cannon, quantity of cjothei, Pruffian, ha* alfo been retained as an hoft- Hii Iof. in men had not been fo great as he at firft and all kind* of ammunition, together with 80,000 •»« General Clairfayt adds, that he had cartridges and 4000 weight of powder foil into our apprehended .'&!A.^lif;??< -;==-^1 band*. T1fc-ft:£hi of the enemy was {o precipitate, «:' the conlpirators have Red to the Papal terri an and Pmffian power*, th: latter of whom was that the" rAd frjm ihe bridge t)th-ta«r«, wiuch u tones, and others embarked for t&e coatt ot Africa. a; a kmgdom when the brave John Sobiefki ra aaout the dillance of a .'cagae, was, ftrewed w.th c»u.- The k:tg 01 Pruiua is to taV* the commmand in fiege ot Vienna, and refcued Europe from ket*r tqputreraea s, .cartridges,.ixad and waoaaed, perion cl tne 61.400 men, lor which we are to pay. tan flavery. bags, rjAams of ury, acad iaa.cs, &stJl other arti­ Thi> it generally conuaercd as good lecuruy againft Surely there b; at leaft, DO Briton, who will cles. \ * r .';: tocir coiairg to any harm. rejoice in all the Itxccflei bf this gtonowi ud iXifcniou is-rery g:eat-«mrg t£e Ae4riii», tbey Mey 3 Srveral American gent^rmen Juft returned man. ' ' . "-are higr.lv dit'gaited 4*ain£ :ae fiednuntcl: lor their from aa excurfion to Paris, concur in the following CTwatJly. bcAavuior. Oat anUery U coming up, aad icpuUnuuw of the ttate of atTiih in that capital. , .a o s T o N, >* 3o. I ocacvc we fiuii feon* attack Cos a, a ptacc KMMC- Tney say, that fieee Uu ofpauton't By the fchooner Sally, capfalo David wni: t-jrtitc.1 acd deicnjed by heavy aiu:iery, api ta&ioo, every thing nas been conducted at Paris with rived here on Saturday laQ, IN forty.five . the Auitnint which bare retreated r.ubtr. GUI troop* p:rlccl ordering regultrity ; ^hat there is nothing in the Bourdeaiu, we learn That the republictni are excellcn:; it ts a ptei jr; o mice wtr w'fi fuck ilpcrt ot lae t3vv») or us Inhabitants, that uid.catcs tained a complete vicloty over the Spanifl, brethren in arras, BO:.nig can ft >p them. » Nr.ne but tneir being engaged ia a dcfpera:e war with almoft the having killed 4000, and taken }ooa.piiig*xa. FreatekdWA cowld bear (AC drvadfal fatigue of OMIT ri­ whole of Eurap*. whom' were two ot the Spanifh gcnenJt, ng o er rxu and craggy maintains, to wide through Tr.t:, on I'M contrary, they are as gay as ufual; with their whole camp equipage, and 260^, I'aow aa4 rain 4 and tvrit hunger and all other fpexies there being fifteen confiJcrable theatres open, befides cannon. They ha\e taken Nieuport and Parnti of mifVrv; a naaaber of th: battalions hare co: been ochcr* of iefs note; lhat they feem to hold tr.e efforts the Auftrian Netherlands, and hoarlv nw/lJ L--_ -r -L- f.. __ J _ -r y«n . „.. •paW dry 5nce the day'rttey mtrched from Meaicxa. ot the allies ia pcriecl contempt; and that, when it hear of the furrender of Oftend. The whole was reported at Paris that the king of Pruiba liad wilh- captain Lamb was in Bourdeaux, al 1 17 Floreal, May 6. crawn binielf from the league ot crawned heads, they We think we 'ou^ht to give o-.r read en fome fur­ were received of ^the lucccfle* of the vr»;ed br an equitl fence j we cu: off nis t.-.i: towards the co»U the aiarm hai lubfidcd. The r;treai and made i j.odo pnljocr*, we hive tak:n 32 Captain Leakc, of the floop Dem-xrtt, _.._^ o.-Jcii ilTacd ot Oliend fjr gettir.j the (hips out of the to Norwt.-h, arrived here yefterday I rom St. Birtbo. piecei of canajn and killed or woua Jed 4000 men ; harbour, and for opening the fluiccj, have been coun­ lae Hin-.veniu genera! and 31 officers a.-e t'ailcn iato lomew's, which place he left the n:h inftaat. H« termanded ; but is does oot acjpear that the French bring! an account of the re-capt&re ol Polnt-Peirt, ii car handi, th* enemy wis purfued to Saint L:grs, a ruvr retired from Court.-ay. Oar correfpondent at league an .2 an h*if from Taurnay. The enemy'* plan Guada'.oupe, by the French. The gentleman whs was to fjrround us a: Counray, and give (uccovsrs tj Bruflels writes, that they attacked general Ciairrayt gave him this information (aid, thit the French ip. Mer.in wntch -was in a refutable llate of defence; en Lae zJ. in his pjfition between Courtray and Tour- peared off Point-Petre with nine ft.il of French tut but Mcnin lurrenJered at 6 u'clock in the morning of nay. On the iflue of this attack depends the fate of of war, who fent a boat CD (bare, which was detaiscd the Iltn Fiscal, we mile noo prii'mers, took 38 Tuurnay and Gnent. Oo the oi^er iuik of the com­ by the Roglifh j in confrquenre of which the Frtad piece* of cannon, acd pot to the (word eco emigrants. bined armies, their army of the Ardennes has pene­ viflc;j bore down as near to land as poilible, \ud<4 This is one of the rood important victories, u the con- trated into Namur, while jourdan, with the anuy ol' 1 200 men, and ttoroied the fort, aud after btjafit. th; M->fe!!e, keeps Bcaulieu almolt in a Itate of fiege fcquences, I trull, will fhcw. pulled fcvcrai times, carried it. It was alforeponei, in the Luxembourg, and Richaud, with the armyof thit by aieart*-of fome people who had nudetaot the Rhine, is advancing againft Trcvts. el'.ipe, admiral (ervis was : acquainted witk tat LONDON, A Bruiih oiftcir !ui Seen taken into cuftody in above intelligence, who immediately toll tiled pan of The following is a very accurate return of the force* FlanJcrs, en a charge of corrclpondence with the hit naval force, repaired to Poutt-Pctre and blockaaea , of the allies in and near F.inicrs, with the p'tccs they er.emy. it. were ftaror.ed a', ace rJm< t) the I si1, advices. D.cpitchcs were yefterday faiJ to have b:en received The above, with feveril other report; rcCpcfliog tin | The i j'.tl »m Hint of the army ur.der the command front Djblm by government, raiher of an alaiming re capture ot Point-Pette, were prevs.ezt at St. &> of his Imperil! m»jefty ii elh.TuieJ at 187,000 nun; naure. R<.pyrt lays, that in cooiequencc of the ap- tholotnew's whin cap'atD L:ake fulci;, the tratb «i iu.n:ly, i;,oop Du'ch, and 15,003 A-.illriia,, unlcr pr;nenfio» ol'Jacklon, the clergy man, for ireafonable which was not doubted, except that of Jerris's bariaf trie commir.d of the prince of (Jar, c and genc-*l DA- cjrrcfpondencc, a difcovery has been made of a molt. blockaded the place, who WAS lopp-led to hare failei t>jr, by wh^m the fi:ge of Landre.<£* is formed ; «nj dingerous p'.'Jt againft the llate. This is the gcntl:- for England. lj,coo Britifh, a-.d 15,700 Auftniru, commanded by man who was fj diilinguifhed fome years ago in the "July z. The Britifh troop* arrived before the eit^ t.ie du .e of Yor',: an-1 general O:to, encamped on ttie qjarrel between the celebrated Foote the comedian, of Port-iu-Prince the fccor.d of June, anchored ia fiJe ot Cambray, to watch the motions of the French and the late dutchels of Rmgfton. the Road, and landed about 6coo troops in two dif­ atmy^ The emperor, and the prince of S«xe C}- By the accounts vvhic.t are arrived at the admiralty ferent places. The comminder, nnj: r-£,ener*l Whjtt, bjurg are at the head of 60.000 Auftrians, in the vi­ from OAend, we learn, that general Clurfoyt had iminecutcly, by an offircr, lutnmsr.ed the Frcnck | cinity of Guife; iz.oco Htltans and Auf.r.ans. un- fent to g'Vernor Stewart, acquainting him, that hej governor to Surrender. d.r the command of general Worn;, are Rationed had been attacked by 60,0:0 ot the enemy, whole ob- M >nfieur Santhonaz declared he wsold defend tat r.ear'D-iuay anj Bouchain, count Kaunitz with 15,000 jedl feenud to be that of penetrating to Ottei.d. He city to the lall txtremi!), en which an attack «» AuUnans defends the Sam'orc, and the quarter of hid, it (eems, repul.eJ them fevcn times, but on the -- - ..-. . ^* i « / . *_ ^ commenced, by j!»s Road of Leogaae and Le Croii Maub.-uge. And laftly, general Ciairfayt, with 43,000 eigth a:tick they forced his lines, and obliged him to del B.jaue'ti. The clace was foo.i ca:r\ed, andik A..il_.... and-_J Hanoverians,LI.. H...«..« protects^m»i.A« VttnArTK fromIrrtm retreat»--»..•• with.V.'»k'*f.M t{|e lofsl/^f- ofnf 23«• piecesM.««»< ofM^^-^HMM cannon. principal. . .'. fort, St.. Clairt,' _' icfilled_ . . only nine hoots. Tiuinay to the lea-fide. It was yefterday faid, on the authority «.-f a private The girriionj, both of the city ind fort, were put Tfte pumaer of Britifh fli'p* of war now in com- letter, that the Potifh infurgents had ^'.ticked Wtrfaw, to the lAorJ. Sinthonsx his killed himfelf with i miiiion exceeds all former exertions jn the naval line. and after bomb.irding the city carried it by slfault; piftol his colleagues, Polverel, M^nbrtn, and B«a- The li.t male up i> the ao:h ir.ft. includes the fol- and that thr king, wi'.h the remnant of the Ruffian vais, ch.eft of t.'.e mulatioes, have been made pn- lowing now in actual fervice : of the line, 93 ; of jc tr'inp:, h'sd retired into the citadel, where they were foners. Port-au-Pfince, Leogane, Le Croix des B««- gum, ten i digues from 40 to 24 guns each, 119; befieged. The account is prob.be, fjr we know by quets, L'Arcahaye, are now in the power of the Sri- (loops, cutteri, &c. gi ; revenue cutters, 37; armed previous inf .rmation that the people ol P-Und are to a tifh, and have been burned. (hi pi, z8 i tender*, (v\hich lift are employed chiefly man in fivourV>t the infurgenis, and that every corps A d.-tschmrnt from the Britifh troops h« beealc*! on "the emprcfs ferviie at d.n':rent port* of Great-Bri­ of the arm^hst had an opporuinity has joined th:m, to j^rkrae!, and a Corvette difpatched to Fort D** tain and Ireland,) 24. ' even ihafe who had been taken into the pay of Ruffii. phine where we are informed ibas a general illumi­ dpnl 30. The following particulars refpeCUng Ma« Tlie conf|>)rjcy in Naples ag-inlt the royal fa iiily, nation had taken place, and Te D:um was fuo|oa dame Fauchez, mentioned in the Times of Mmday, our Icitcu of yeftcrday inform us, was occafioned folely receiving (his intelligence. may be depended upon: The hulband of this lady by the jealoufy ot the nobles, on account of the prin. » - |L»_WN_: who has property in this country and St. Doming?, >cipal offices ol the flatc being occupied by Hungers. PHILADELPHIA, 7^2. offered a corfUcrable fum of money to an American The king had retired to a country feat, under a guard captain in one > < our pores, ii he would go to Bour­ of 4000 men, and when the laft advices came away, Exlr*U »f m Ittitr from Mr. WtJWT, t* Mr, deaux, where Maiime Faucl.cz and net three chil­ the city of Naples was in a date of the mod violent 7*"* M*vtr. JaitJ Kiwgflu. »X Twr, I794' dren were, and endeavour to bring (hem over. On fermentation! muticattJ t» ibt i<*.trmr by Mr. R**t Rt his p:fl"»gr, h= was Icirci.ed by a French frigate, May 8. Government has received dispatches from " The yellow lever is raging very bad on boird w which took a Frenchman he had on board. Upon his Berlin wiih accounts of the revolution at Warfaw. (hipping,, here. The---- fleet----- that arrived a , , arrival at Bourdeaux, he contrived in tlie middle of Thefe accounts add, that his Pruffian majefty, on be- n«ve moft all their crews down with it, *nd cWKrf the night to get Madaine Faucliez on board, concealed ing informed of the events, immediately fct out for hi* f*ft S «nd gf*»t many gentlemen who ca»»« P""' in a water caflt. The French pilot difcovercd the Polifh dom.inion», in order to head his army againft ger»» 'llve died, circumfUnee fr>m the crew carrying provifions and the Polifh patriots, in perfon. " I think it would be neceflary to *"V'^ water to her in that fituation a (he was Uowcd under It was yefterday confiJeVtly reported that the mar--. v«ff-' r'«ie quarantine, that comes liom KiB|W» t-c ballaft, and the only air (he received, was from quis Cornwallis is to have the command of the Pruf- Philadelphia." tSe pu up-hale upon deck. The pilot threatened tae nan troops to be taken into the pay of England in the Sunday Ufl arrived b«r« the brig E''1"^ Captain to infor.n, it be did not immediately lend her abfen?e of the king of Pruf&a, who i* let off for Po­ Vanneman, in fourteen day* from St. T*?^'* on more, which he did i but got her on b -wd again land, in conference of the revolution in thst coun­ Captain Vinneman informs, that he was at G«*«' )r. the night, -aking care to make the pilot drunk } and try. loupe on the fourth ult. on which day there arm* « on the following d*y he fet fail. The illuflrious KOICINSCO* St. Anne's a French (hip of the line, five fritst"; The American fhip met ihe fame frigate in return- We.. . have.._.. fern..... _» ...... letter .._...from this..... greate.,_. pftriot,.., ., writ- .,.. cutter,»...»., and...- two...- prizes,,-..»., and-..- landed _ 1500-,- in< from England ; who /earched it very nanowly, ten to a Sivcdifh nohlemin in London. In this the tclligence being lint by expref* to admiial Jer»u, » but did not discover tlie lady. The French informed genera! bewails, iu terms Itrongly exprefGve of indi,;- Buficterre, the BritiOi fleet of two ftiips of the!'« •It/t.l'i the captain, that the Frenchman tliev took from him. nation and relentment, the fufferings of his country, and (everal other (hips were feen on the fixtb, on «« w*» a fpv, employed by Eag!*nd, and that lie Had the p-jf-!!animity of the king, the abjeft treachery of eaft end of'Nevis, bcatini; up tor St. Aoues. * been »ujj|otined immecii^tely at Brelt. Tne captai.i ths noble.', and the cruelty of the oppreflbrs. . the day before captain Vanneroan failed If0"j *j arrived life, and landed Madaine Fiuche?. in England. In :his.correTpon-lence he give* no dtreft intimation Thoma»'s, acccuni* were received of aJmirsI J«w She ia a very beautiful young wonwn, not to years of of the revolt he was then meditating, nor did his having blocked up the Frenth fleet, *ttK««' {t**'

age. No mention is made of the three childitn. friends Tufped it; but it is now msniteft that the let- and killed 600 men, •and I1U itIV was"-• expected"I —— tn»« II, May 2. The French are in great force at Worms, ter was written while that important eveat was iu con- French foices would beie compelled to lurrender*"lurrcnder ' 1f'J1 nd have vrith them a confiderable train of artillery, tempiition. crction, a* the term* of a Tapitulatbn was rcfuM Lautern has a garrifon of bboo Sans Culottes, which The general, who appears to be f. man of deep them. was reinforced on tlie 21 ft ultimo, by two fane re^i- judgment and found difcretion, takes a fummary view A gentleman arrived at New-YoA «d'}jo^,IS merits ol huffirs. of the vail natural ftrcngth of Poland, though the anar- informed- that they fell in wi ie a ~ '''"" On the »3d ultimo, the Pruffian troops quartered at chy of more than an'age has rendered-- it.. a_ prey,..., to the' 30th of May, and the next day ., Cologne received orderi to march back to tlie environ* every furj^inding defpot. He then compares the in- brig that had four day* before railed thrown of Mentz. ternal refdUrcc* of this country with thofe of America, French fleet from the Chesapeake. Account* received from Coblentzon the lift ultimo, at the time that hi* love of liberty induced him to fight The brig Stifannah, captain Bairn. MI , announce, that the enemy'* plan upon Treres ha* in the fervice of thofe ftates, where he diftinguifhed faft the feventh of May. She has bro been happily froQrated. himfelf bv exploit* of the greateft enterprife and va­ fengers, al) in pe tendency of the late coo fpi racy which broke lour ; and,' thuugh he laments the want of maritime lhat Mr. Rowan, the celebrated Irifn j out againft the kin*; of Naples and his government, ftrength, he is ftill of opinion, that Poland, if unani­ nttde hi* efcape from prifon in Dublin. > was (0 have «ftabli(hed a republic in that country. mous, would be abl* to defend itfelf againii the Ruffi. looo guinea-, was offered for fecuiing him- ,- * tJtIlSn * £"SIirEuSS Matthew and John Eight Dollars Reward. n Mandeville (ays thai the French naval lorce Have JUST RECEIVED, oy the laiifl arriva/t from AN A WAY lalt Di^hc Iron the lubfcritxr, living near Qu^en-Aaiie, a likely negro lad named !i!.rrivcd in theWelt-Indlies, conCltsot one line EUROPE, the following lilt of arrived Jtrvl,R nineteeu or twenty years of age, fi e feet eight battle (hip frigates, with 4000 troop?, |tl i1M w'ere"'i«d'cd at Pdini-Pctre, the lort of whicli Choice GOODS, or nine inches high, 01 a yellowifh tximpiexran ; had \ev carried fword fnkhand, upon which the fhips on when be went away, an old light itripcd claftic ! . into tbe hartx.«r. They have ailo poflelHon of Which they are NOW OPENING, and have for cloth coat much worn; the (kirts cut fhoit ; and. ofnaT- c's. ^at-ttln, MtHdevi.ie'adds, th« the inha. SALE, at their STORE, brig, or rather brown roll (hirt and troulm, and ft* Antigua, were much aurmed At Beard's Point Warchoufe, old pair of fatinet dark coloured breeches, tie frav' ol the French, many of ihcui had quently limps in one leg, occafsoned by a p«ua in the it the atrual RIVER, . of Se­ | fled to St. Euttai^jU for fafet /. On SOUTH knee j it is pcobtble be will make for the Head riz.- vern, where bis father lives, who belongs to Mr. Lan-' B A ITT I.M O R E, 7*^4- celot WariMd, and is now ran away; as be has en- ERMAN STEEL Sea green ditto, deivoured taWntice him away leveral times. Whoever' 19 a gttllunan ia of 42 ft coarfe \lxtraaofAtttt"- f"* FbiloJelfkia G SCYTHES, Superfine, fecond takes up faid fellow and brings hun home to me, or 1 /£M/OW/I, rfWr^7«/; 2, 1794. «nd 46 inches, clothes, in any goal, Co that I get him again, fhall battons of fecores him Yefterday arrived here two vcilcl* Irorn France, Sickles, Coat and veil receive the above reward, including what the law all kinds, looefrom L'Orient, and the other from Bourueaux. Scythe (tones, " ""'' I The Utter came in 44 dayi, and bnngs the flatccnng Green bone handle knives Black, purple, and Loo- intelligence o» a molt olooUy «citon having been fuught and forks, don brown bombalctu, Anne. Arunfle county, July 7, 1794. in Rouliillon; the bittle w«« general, and the ban* Ditto delert ditto, «Green, pink, black, Culottes triumphed completely, and took from the White ditto, ditto, brown, and lead co­ A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Poll Of- Spanurd* from two to three hundred ^iccts ot artil- Large white ditto, ditto, loured moreens, . fice, Annapolis, which, if not taken up before the Carving knives, triped calimanco, firit day of Oclober next, will be fent (o the Ge- Buck horn ditte^ Hack ditto, netal Poll-Office as dead letters. ANNAPOLIS, Jul) 10. Sham ditto* ^Ifttat, Jurant, ditto, loans fanning, AWSON ALtXAItDER, Annapolis. - ' AHNIVERIAIIV of AMEK^AN IK- Belt ivory To celebrate the Celt penknives, iiue and bUtk worded Wills**)-Bf*gd«t>~ rJ«iiol»» Brewer, John Bui PEPINDCVCC, on Friday lair, the fourrh inftant, the QCII,L Annapolis t Sally Bro«r>, Annc-Arundcl county ; of militia in tl.ii city p«. Pruning ditto, damsfk, Ifcvcral volunteer couirviniei Shalloons and tatmeu, JofepK Byus, Lower Marlborough. at nine o'clock, completely unilonned, and ttter Gimblctj, raded locks, Tammies, Jeremiah T. Chafe, Samuel Chafe (2), Mr. Coorf reviewed by hi&Kccllcncy the Governor, and Cupboard being Chelt ditto, L'smbleb, ty, James Cox, Anl(ibaki Chifholm, Annipohs t ma}> maior-geneul Stone, and going through varieiy of Richard Chew, Herring Bay ; Samuel Chew, of John,c_ garocn, to partake Stock ditto, Black everlalling, evolucionj, repaired tu Mi. Mill'a pad ditto. Striped ditto, Lyon'i Creels. , * pi ovidej lor the occtlionj and Double decked I of tn excellent dinner bufs dcJL dit­ Wonted binding, of all Gabriel Duvall (7), James Davan (z), Thomas wa» a ball at the affctnbly -room. Three bolt ia«the evening there to, colours, I Da!ziel, Annapolis; Jan:C3 Difney, Welt river i Dr. Door latches, w Valencia ttuff, James Dividfon, Queen's county. knobs, Royal nubs, Peter Emerfon, l-iuniir|-tonn. rTE Printers cirneltly reuuells all perfuos in­ Philip Rd. Fenda,!!, Elia* Flecher, Benjamin fair- debted to them to pay off their, rdpecAi.e ba- j-8 inch fcrews, i, i i and 2 inch ditto, Siripcd.atid plain muflins, bairn, Mr. Faiquhar, Annapolis. I l*«esT as fpeedily as poffiule ; ihu being abtoiutel/ ne- Anne Garfton, John Gwinn (4)4 William GUntill, % 1 ccHary to enable them to profecutc tucir bulioefs, a Brafj butt hing:s, iVluflineti, Ditto lur veft lhapes, f reJerick and Sin.uel Green, Annapolis. atglccl wiH compel them to purfue diugrecaole mea- HL ditto, Urge, capt. II ditto, Printed callimei uitt Striped HolUud, John Rhodes, Archd. Roomftn, i only nine hoars, Jalm Rogers, Newport, Charles county. Safh ditto, waril Roper, Hugh R'rid, care of Dr. bcott, Annapo­ ity inJ fort, were pit E * 'E. DAV1S, D. P. M. Hand-faw files, Ditto Bengal, dowlaf1, lis i Patty Richards, Welt river. Lilted hirafelf with i Jily i. I7C-4- / ______Wliip-faw ditto, German county, re»d. Thomas Ticklcnburghs, Sheriff ot Anne-Arundel M -nbrtn, and Bcm- Two fout ruies, Scott (2), Dr. James Stcuart, William Spigp, Wil. A LIST ol LE ITLRS remaining in the Port-Of- ial ft before the firit day of October next. Weft-India cotton, John Alien Thomas, Dutth ovcn», care ofc.pt. Leonard, Hill's Delight} Thomas Tuck. ALPH BROOK, Churl's county. Chafing dittoes, Knitting ucedlca, of Richard Sfrigg, Well river ; Thomas '1 il- White cl.at, county. Planter, Norfolk. Jockey whip*, Thimbles, (t), J-inies Winchcllrr, Ri- of all kinds, Eliiabeth Whitewood John F'uhes, Benedict. Broad and narrow riband, Ladies lans Wells,' Richard W.,,,,,, jol.n Welch, D.nicl cards, cliard Miry Dowfon, Benedict. . of diffcrcat colours, Wool Wever, Charlei Wi ton, Annapulis» William Wood, Charles i'yc, near Judin held, C. C. Calicoes, and ehintres, Ivory combs, ; Stephen Well, jun. ditto, ward, fen. Annc-Arundcl county John Langley, Cedar Point. Ladie* fupcrfinc cotton Crooked Welt river. }»wes Simms, E(qi fhenffof C. C. hofe, Writing paper, LETTERS. hue white, black, FRENCH MiUHeathey Smith, C. C. Common ditto, - Ladies M. Audouigue, M. Guichot dc Krrlegand, Cilioea |j«n B. Turner, Port-Tobacco, (2). Men'i brown thread hofe, and green halt, very bad on botrd tk L'Engle aini, M. de la Tremblaye, Mui fi?ur Lechair, Wjrfliiplul Matter of Lodge No. 11, Port Tobicco. Superfine cotton ditto, Willow ditto, Monneur Lafuge, Monrieur Tainturicr Jcune, MOD* irri»ed a few dsys sp. f E. DAV1S, D. P. M. Ribbed ditto, ditto. Men's fine and coarfe dit­ i with it, and die «rf fieur Qneflin et Mirr auld, Annapolis. Myt, 1794. / Boy's brown thread ditto, to, July i, 1794. f S. GREEN. D. P. M. . nen who caax p*I»- Superfine white ctffimer, Ginht, | living in Saint AN away from the fuafcrihcr, Black ditto, Scrubbing brufhes, To be DISPOSED of, at PRIVATE SALE, lor rectory to «*k« K)'S county, near Bencdi£t-towu, on Pa­ Slate colouied ditto, Joiner's gltw, a ne­ CA*H> ofBAftTiaiD lor TOBACCO, OKI iroin tuxent r:v,.r, on Wednefday the z^th ""ultimo, ALS O, gro msn by the nsme of SHADRACH, of a yellow LIKELY'healthy negro WOMAN, about «jmpluion, twenty two y wrs of age, about five feel Cognac Brandy, Pint ditto, ditto, A twenty- three year* -of a^e, the is well ac

for the hotbedc- L B Y D E .N, Jpril *8. been able to diflodge them from thei r favourable po- ~maje(ly'r principal fetrttary tt fate fatt, that the panmcatg i. have this day received feveral letters fition. A Hanoverian officer aflerts as a ^^ I i-E had endeavoured to Vl t TOUHAT, May to. from Cienoa, the moll recent of which day before yefterday Clairfayt April, and from Na­ bring -thrift out -of their pofuion, b«t after an attach Su, r arc dated tench ground, IN ray lift letter I mentioned to you bit Imperial ike fifth April. Thefe letters of three .hours, they had not gained a foot of ples of obtained the raajefty'* intention of making jewel attack witk only contain details of the entry nd* were forced to retire without hiving Unot head quarters are*t Cour- his"whole force, in order, by a joint co-operation witk ^ . ). ot the French into (he territory of fmalUll fuccef*.- Pichegru's right of his army extends to Lifle. the troops under the command ot gcperal Clairfayt, _tt j Genoa, and the proceeding* of the government there, uay, and the We had an account yefterday that an attack upon compel the enemy to evacuate Flanders. I in txder to oppofe then), but likewife of the corvfe- the army moved forward - _-- - Avefnei, bad not only failed, but that the Auftrians On the 1 6th, at night, .._>_ which...... this - event- is- likely-r---, to- produce on the in five columns. in order to promote their and Dutch had. been obliged to fill back on their camp for this purpofe, repofc of Italy. It appears, two columns on the left were intended to force; t rani mined, with confidcrable loft. Befidej ftirmifhet of the out The | views, the committee of public fafcty had the paifage of the Marque, aod, by a vigorous attack to Naples, and contrived the con- poftt, nothing material has happened. coofiderable fumt ha* been here for fome time, on the enemy's', poft* along the river, to cover the of the particulars of which we have )U^ Lyi, and then by a junction pletely -beaten between '* prifoners, and 16 pictes of cannon. corps, to haver cut off the comrnunicatioA FRONTIERS of POLAND, received yefterday an official advice Lifle and Courtriy. Mjrfrul Bender the left forced KoCciufco hat entrenched hirrifelf near Prommick, of what we fuppofe it the-fame as the Hanoveriin Unfortunately the. two columns on in- were fo much iinthe neighbourhood of Cracow, where he feenis officer's relation, that 15.000 Englilh 'and Auftritut the paflage of the Marque (o late, and IciiDcd to wait to be joined by the different corps of "~ but that a general' fstigaed by the length of their march, that they were hid been repulfed near Courtray, ' I troops who are on hit fide the caaAion. General*. with 25,000 men to-morrow not able to accomplrfb the remainder of the piopofed attack was defined general jCumflcy and Capflty have quitted Volhinia, and arc morning. . plan, white the column on the right, nnder I marching to hi* faccour with 4000 men. The in. BuCche,' finding the enemy at Motferon -in much to reckon on the neutrality of the court greater numbers rhao-had. been expcdtd, was voder affeQ -LONDON, May 10. - ( and the affiftancc of Turkey/ The latter the oeceffity of lelinquifhing its attack* and of re-­ of Vienna, re- Iftems to be iu Tome meafure confirmed by the warlike letters were fent to the following gentlemen, treating to its former pofiuuti at Warcotttf. making on the part of the Ottoman gj- quelling them to attend his mtjeBy** minified at the Lieutenant-general Otto proceeded with his columaj [preparation* ton, Iteranent, which has induced the court of Auftria to lecretary of Hate's office: To Mr. H. Thorn through Leers to Waterloo, from Whence,' alter fora* fome troops, n thr frontiers of Turkey. M. P. M. Downe, banker*. Mr. Cornwall, the RnfOa refiftance, he drove the enemy, and pufbed cm to [aurch s Turcoing. .' , : Many circumltanee* incline people to think that the m:rchant-, Mr. Harris,' of Milk-fticet, Cheapfide both had knowledge of, and did not and Mr. Young, a broker. My column confiftet) cf feren battalions of Britifh, kifl| of Poland **""- -' '- - - to the infurreelion atWarfW; certain it it, Tr.e council fat in the morning from twelve five of Auftritnj, and two of Heffians, with fix o'clock, k never wu fatisoed witb the whole country being (a three, and met again in the evening at fevea fquadrott of light dragoons,, and four of huflars. We* under the control of RkiiTu, and hit pro. when Mr. Stone attended, and underwent a long ex* moved ferward from Templeuve to Lannov, which iWolately the banker. pofil of the well kuov/n conllitotion of May, 170'. amiaition j a* did alfo Mr. Towgood, we forced the enemy to evacuate, after a fhort catt«- together with the pains he took to eftaSliih i., mf-, Tne council did not break up till near midnight. nonade, in which I had the misfortune to lofc- major be could not he very iverfe to any The gentlemen who aOilted at the council were, Wnght, ot the royal artillery, a brave and defcrving kicntly mew* and p»wrrfui endeavours to re-e(Ubti{h it agj'rn. , the attorney and folicitor-general, Mr. White, officer. of J^ofciuflco are e>ilimater,/io. -moll degree implicated in the Having at this time no intelligence of the A bj*rd was held yefterdty at the admiralty office and left, notwithstanding I had Uttett from AI (ace rtttc. tbat a nulignant pu- lumns on my tight Our on buftnefs relative to the Dockyards, and a further effort to obtain it, I did not think it pru­ trid fever rages lu that province, which does vatt mif. made every contr.ct with private (hip builders, to conttrucl fome advance any further, but wat refolved to have iniomuch that the holnkal* are filled with ficlt. dent to ckicf, more frigates and floopa of war, according to new mo- left my advanced guard under the compund of lieute­ At Sinfburg i 500 foldiers behngirtg to the army of ... -,...,-. . J , wept off; auJ QJO [Wont have de!l hwlX hld ***** lhe bo*rd for lheir nant-general Abercrombie at Roubaix, and, with the have been I in oavi .1 _-..!.:_ ..!,. The™. being the newcft improvements remainder of my corps, to have {aken a poGtion on LarieJ within .1 lurinitf.t in "th« city. pnr- waggon* lure the heights behind Lannoy. The orders for this , our account adili, ate c-wtrcd «i'h thkt M. Perigaux, the laft Imperial are dsferted by Letters from Paris date, pgl'c v/ere given, but having acquainted bis l*Jen with fick, and whole vil!ag-« banker of that capital, who went Lannoy, with my in­ «tt inhabitants. remaining wealthy majefty, who had Advanced to lately to Switzerland on tbe pretence of railing a loan tention, the necefCty of co-operating with general for the convention was jutt put in a ftate of ace u fa- Clairfayr, induced his majefty to direct that I fbould COLOGNE, tion, and that his (bur font were taken into cuftody as proceed to the anack of Mouveauz. Letter* Irom Italy mention, thst the G?noefs have hollage* for the immediate return of their father, to 1 accordingly diiecled the attack to be made by tcetdtd to the league of the coalefccd power igainft anfwer the ehargei of the public accufer. lieutenant-general Abrrcrombie, with the four bat- France. "» Lord Lauderdalo, Mr. Sheridan, and Mr. Vaughan, taliont of guardr. He found the enemy ftrongly in­ were again before the cabinet minifteri yefterday. trenched, but having cannonaded itjor fomc time, the B I N C H E, Mk :_,_.r^lincrtafed audacity..n/4.ri>w General and I jth light dragoons, under lieutenant-colonel per- Ac Muiert of Klebec, fulUinetl' the attack for three their chief, has ten adjutaatt, who force (he fifth Churchill, compelled the enemy to retJKC. Witb the ^They were at length forced, to evacuate the fon of every family to eolift. lofi of three pieces of cannon and a coofiderable num­ which the' Freocb took immediate The infurgcnts have publifhed a fecotid manifcRo, ber of men, who were cut down by the light dragoona i. of Raffia an accident, the vilUge of Baufugny which revile* ! the mod daring «x.preflioiu, in tbe purfuit, whicb wa* continued a* far u Bou- By on the court of * 6rc, and the greatelk jwrt of it *a» burnt. and Pruffia, bpt make* no reproach ders. Vienna, Thii edicl hat ocqafioned three ftate paper*. Upon maturely confidering tlie nature of oor fitua- ' Mty 4. M, de Cachet, the'charge d'affaires of tbc court of tion, | direeled Ikufenant-general Abercrombie to re­ HAG XL u, Vienna, ha* fignified in hit note, the difpleafure of hit with the four battalion* of the that newt it arrived there main at Mouveaux W« learn from Mip* of tint re- hi* abhorrence Pox, to take poft on my "».«lctfal,.»o^-juioi» lenru!, Ingelftrohm, in hit note, infiitt on the part to Roubaix. The catalry wu divided . • Inm Lifle V:«^ I'-Vii-r-t .-,-, i of th" Polifh government, thtt the rebels be moft ri- with thcle feveral Corp*, for the purpofe of patrolhip, goroufly proftcuted anil purifbed. the Mature of the country not admitting of their being B R V S S E,L S, Atiro. The infurgentt have been attacked by the Pruffian of any other ufe. My advanced polls communicated Jbe^pnfoners taken at Landrecy, which have psfTcd general Tormanzow, near Crtcowt, and witb thofe of general Otto, on m% right, who I now ' ce, aaiouni in all to 4400 rnen, young, found had got poffeflion of Turcoing. and healthy. The Auttrian* tried to taken. The Ruffian co&tcEi Early the next morning tbe enemy attacked lh< poft of Turcoing in great force,'and I received an applica­ *od it U curious tact, that out. mine J to carry, coft what it ..... tion from colonel Devay, who commanded there, to _ tht tempting of&i* that were made The Pruflini are in confldcrable force in the OH. make diverfion in his favour; for which ptirpofe I and the eloquence, cxtrted by the officers in trift of \Vinza. feot two battalions of Aultritni, giving'thetn exprtfs lo recruit them. Only twelve agreed to enlift, The rebels have put in requifition all the lead, tin, directions, if they mould be prdTed, to fell back upon «hefe were booctd by their aromrade*. » A toi Itt iron and falc-petrei they alfo r»ifcd a contribution of me, but, by fome mtftake, isQcid of doing fo, they ^"' ° ^ «atf» A1, filled tie air, and with dilu- 200,000 Polifh florins on the clergy, who are further joined colonel Dcvay. From thii circurnKunce^ an "ere prevented from murdering lhe recruit*, to pay 60 per cent, out of their income. opening wa* left on ray rir,ht, of which die enemy of their that however we may be told A May t\. 'availed bimfelf io the attack upon' my cWpt, which .OT WARFIBLD. rcquifition, me to into tbe fervlee by public GA&ITTI ExT«Aoa.otNA»r. took place foon after, and, by fo dotag, obliged enthufiafm in the ^ LONDON to feViire t( poinl an filled witb. WiiiT«HALi., May 23., emoloy tbc only banaDon I had left, utmoft importance to\«. ' f ' A difpatch, of whicb tbe fallowing it a cooy, wa* which wat of tbe ire * Plamlett, and notwitlifltnd period a very connd«r»b!«r ciroMn e»f'rtv*j this morning received from bit roy»l highnefs the duke At (hit hich fwelluhe force of th« w arnue* to ne|r 40,000 men, they have not .of York, by the right hoaoujablc Henry Dundas, bit eaeiiiy, then recommenced with eouil violence, and lafted for pletely beatea by the combined armies .nler

officer* who were about me. to rally them. At that frigites having attacked the watering place, which wat lieve that they will Oil) have more facets noment the advanced parties of the column from LiQe defended by two gun-boa-*, and a detachment of hit -this year will terminate the war." ihewed themfelvea alfo upon the road between Rou­ maieftj's troops. The frigates were beat off, but not Yeftcrday armed in towa from Nugui baix and Moutcaux, and I io\«nd it i-npoZibie to luc- before they funk one gun-ooit, which ha» fince been Pierce, a gentleman whole veracity may u/ ceed in the attempt which I made to join.the brigade got up. uP°n' wno inlorm» that 'he BntiOi forces u of guards. f The Britifh, confiftmg of 2200 mea, exclufive of act in^oppofiticm to general Wayne, have That cirearnftaneed, I turned my attention to join teamen had gained the heights above Fleur o'Epee, called from their ftatiori; and that p»tt ^f general Fox** brigade, but, upon proceeding to Roc- without th'. lof* ol a man '; in thit ntuation affair* Rood arrived at Niagara, previous to Mr. Pierce'i baiz for that purpofe, I found it in tkgjpoffei&oa. of at Grand Terre, on Friday laft. that place, which w*s four weeks ago. jy|r the enemy. alfo inform., that a large number of Indi-u Thus completely cut cff from every pan of my BERMUDA, 7«M2i. before this, collected, who intended tOjNin corpf, nothing remained lor me to do, but to force »fa Ittltrfnm Amttpui, J*m 6. tifti i but that they had all difperfcd. my way to tnat of general Otto, and to concert mea. A French fleet very unexpected arrived at Point, The above orders were fuppoied to have beeaifc.il {urn wii him to free my own troop.- a Peir;, Giudaloupe, on the 3^ infant, counltmg of by lord Djrcheftcr. ^'1 This I effected, accompanied by a few dragoons of 4 iail of the line, a fngates and 3 transports. Yef- Jtuj ii. Notwhhllandicg the variom die 1610. regiment, with great difficulty; but the pro­ terdty morning the rrench landed (by report) 2OX> rclpccting the intention of CuloneJ Sia»coe£*_ ject ol marching upon Linnoy, to which general Otto foidien, ar.d tlicy effected their landing without op- cccdings, we are aflured by a gendemaa who" had coofemed. as a tneafue which would greatly fact* pofi-ion, except by two planters, (royalut.) who drew in town yefterday from Canada, that the bofi, liter* the retreat of my corps, being given up, upon up their negroes to the number ol about 2m., near the which Simcoe wasdifpatched, wasoaly to ercc> a «r L I finding that the Hefiact hid been cbliged to abandon bc.ch, but who were loon obliged to give way, after mill for the Indians to grind their corn, wtucii Lc I tha: place, I found myfelf under the painful neceffi:y having halt of them killed. Only 100 Briuih troops now comj)!e:ed, he had returned, « Bentiojcd in I'hll of continuing with general Otto's column the re­ were near the fpot, but they were yeilerday reinforced, garette on Tuefday UU. J mainder o/ the day. and we hope (as there are a great number of ro)al.l>* The la.ne gentleman informs, tiiat a!root eten w.I Previous to this, I had fent order* to general Aber- there) they will be able to drive them off, or keep cefTary, of which the Indiaa* framl in aad, to irofe.l crombie to retire from Mouvcaux to the heights be­ them it bey until admiral Jem* armci with relief to cute the war againtt America, is luppacd by the Sea.1 hind Roubaix, where it was my intention to have aftem- their abidance. We exped he will be there this even­ niarui, who iccm aaxioa* to encourage then ' in bled my corps) and the Coldfiream batulion had been ing. dil'pofitioni. potted to cover the communication till he effected his " Three veffel* were captured going into Poiat-a- retreat. In confequenee of thefe directions, general Prtre, by a 64 gun (hip that acchurcd there, the mat­ PHILADELPHIA, JJ, -. Abercrombie began hi* retreat, and on hi* arrival upon ters not lufpectiog any danger. ExtraA sf a Ulltr /ram a gtntltma* in BtvJtaa, i the height* at Roubaix finding himielf furrounded " P. S. News is thi> moment received that the frmJ m itii ctlj. opoa all fides without a poffibility of aflembling the enemy have taken the forts, and are in poffeffieo of " The Spaniards have been completely rotuj ' corps, he determined to continue it to Lannoy. This the guillotine." the fouio, and the victorious French are entcriniSna, he effected amidft the repeated atucLs of the enemy, The French fleet and troops which arrived in the Menin, Fumes, and (Jourtray are taken ia theasa, who poured upon him from all pant. General Aber­ Well.Indies came too late to relieve their iflands but The La Vendee insurgent* are defeated, and brim* crombie found Lannoy alfo in poffelEon of the enemy, had they been a lew days longer on their pjfljgf. Sir fucceile* are announced Irum all quarte*s. but he avoided tha town by marching riund it under | )hn Jcrvu muft have been tailed lor England wn!i " A proclamation cf the repre(entarifes cf ik 1 a very heavy fire, and foon alter reached Tcmpleuve. fome of the large ft fh'ps, and every thing muft have people in this departm:nt, grojoded on tbretdJi,] Major-general Fox, after (uftaining, with great te- favoured them. However, there it every reafun to rent arrcts of the co;n...u;ec ut pnlu'ic (U'ety will o-J (blutioc, a very vigorous attack from tiie principal pail believe, tH»: a:l the force lent by the French regicide plain to you in fome degree, the f>xin| < of the column which came from Lifle, begin his re­ will be captured, as the Britifh forces in that quarter u.uc is tj be carried on in luiure. I bt.vc wx oail treat alfo, and finding himfelf cut off from the brigade are thought fuficient fcr the purpofe. t j ojfcrve on the diffeuot poiii:s, but th: oVfOi of i] of guards, and Linnoy occupied by the enemy, he n, :o iclure the ceruin fupply of article* ol tie L_ directed hit march upon the village of Leert, at which ALBANY. J**i 30- neceffi:y to this country, b, ccnnaiog the eipGnaual place he joined the column of lieutenant-general of their own valuable cooimoditie* totbeiicwavi Otto. We have received certain information, through va­ rious channels, from Canada, that trie French cmtccs into er.gage:ncr.u unJer fc:urity to import i I enclofe you a return of oar loft upon this occafion. value ol bcccJu/ article*. 1 regret that it is (o great, but when the nature of the in that province are alreott uoammoufly determined to throw off the Britifh yoke, the full favourable oppor­ action it confidcred, and that it was conducted in a BALTIMORE, 7*J- 14. ccuatry ths moil favourable to the flew;- of the enemy tunity that they have inoftly procured arms and am- that they could have wifhed for, while their perfect munitija havs private magazines lecretly eltablifheJ T!.e Bilsifh hcjfe of brJ* wns lamnotciu lead knowledge of thefe pans enabled them to take every anu are waiting anxiouQy for a co-operation with on uic z6th of May, on a motion of lord them, cither from their brethren of France or the cl'-aoe, to uke into corudcmionyiaar rft-ototaM/ advantage*of i:, it might have been expected to have lit LiMitt St*iii tfj*nri(*l been ftill more considerable. United States; and as there .re at lei It hve to o:ie u From the badnefs of the Cip:»jn loads, the lofr of the horles, and the timidity of the the Englifh, and at upwirJi ol 20,000 ol the citizens Gjrdai., cf the brig Trial, arrived it rV I la'lclphia, driven, the leaving a part of our artillery became in* of tiie I'mted Sta:cs are ctUtiiQied in Upper Canada. 63 da) i from Ferret, infjtiL*, thatoattt eviuble. r.d v>ould lend a helping h.nd, a doubt cannot exill, 26:h ol May. tl? the Wc.lcrn-lliei. he fell b *4 I I am to defire that you will a.Tcre his majefty that Lut that their struggles for independence would L: the Ficnch fleit from the Ch.-lapeaxe, and *u br/jjl the officers and men (hewed all the ftrmnels and refo. fhort and ceruin of luccefs. o by one of the Irigares, from whiih te mtiiclil latioa on this occafion that could be expected from It is with the tnoll lively iVJifaction, we lesrn, In! ir in lieu ef a Frenchman. The inajclt) king guirdi .* th* advanced corpv. H< foon after i " Since my laft letter no attempt lias been difpatched thither captain Baunney, of sieral Pox, to fecure his a royal highnel.'i right »- a«roft the Heule, afterward* behind the liver M*ndel; Spanilh fchooner. Diver* report* had been circulated in conCtqacace of thele dcWchment*. the aw but being ftill very clofely purfued by rite cnetny, he abaut the reduftion of Port-au-Prine*. at liLewifc the only three Brltilh regim«r»»i with him, and -iW n«J*2. found hirafelf untler the neceflity of continuing hit ^leftiny of the commiffioDen. We have likewife heard goons. Tha French guinifg Inielllxence »f march to Thiclt, where he hat taken up a pofition in of the arrival of fome French troops at Point Pclie, ed a co»p* between hi* royal Highnif* anf» gei order to cover Ghent, Bruges and Oftend. Hit lof*, where they have made a landing, fupnotitd by one who gained the rear of the duke, and a body o I am forty to fay, ha* been very confiderable." So fhip of the line, and fome frigite*. Rcpoit* are al* f-x>n after ifluing from Lifle. begtn the attaf» far Gazette. way* exaggerated by the captain* of veflej. and the royal highneft. -The ionflia wa* of no 0 ' . ' ' Gafceitei ol till* coaotry. Admiral |ervit had got to they were mucked in front and reir by ai roi»f ST. JOIITri, (Antiy*,) J**t »3d, ,794. Gaudaloupe. He will not have (ailed to prevent the Jandt of tHe French HI they had hundred*, wen On Saturday laft a veflel arrived from Gu.daloupe, re-capture. We hope foon to have futther informft broke, and hi* royal high.ieft with dilhrui" « by which we learn, that about . __ I f • 4 to'clock on Friday* tion thefe fuccour*—-- —~- --had been- --- _^wafced ,forw , ujby «->aMr. i » ^WltViyCollot generalar«uwail Otto'*^^%l-^ m -l.column. Vf w »•«*•• The delachmecti morning, a tramendout explofition of morun and can- who did not wifh for more than two battaJiont, scree, nerali Abercrombie, Fox &c. maJe good non were heard in Point-a-Petre quaMer,-. Graud able to. what he ha* told here. treat andd joined their colocolomni on ih«ir ngM«° j T«rrr, which eontinned without i6teroii(Uon until By ie««nt aew* from Europe, w« learn that The lof. in killed, woonded and.mT(fir.| '« 1°°'.'. } ten «»4oek, when if ceafed for about an how, and the army of Ox republic, in Flmdtri^ his been com- that, thiee regimenla (ihe i4«h, 37'h. " ....*,..«.t.j. J^£^D£^^^}^^j

ftained near 450, fo thafrtie ptheri fuffered very 'TpHIS is to give public notice, that we have f>T ^HB Printers earaeftly reopeftj all oerfoiu in- the moft were made prilbneSr*. Major Wright 1 Opened, in Chnrch-ftreet, a SHOP,' whe,re all X debted to them to pay off .their relpeclive b«- of the artillery, is the- only-r officer- of rank' killed.- kinds of SADDLES and HARNESSES ire made and lances as fpeedily as poffible ; thh being abrotuteJy M^ Gtneral Clairlayt has revenged this Check, andicom- repaired on the fhotteft notice, and any work in our cefTary to enable them to profecuie their bufinefi, a nUuly defeated a large body of the French, taking 24 branch of bufinefs OB the lowed terms. W« flatter negleft will compel them to pvrfae difagrectbie mca- oiecei «f cannon, and killed 2000 on the fpot. The ourfelves that, from ferving a regular apprenticelhip furea. ~ • orince Saxe Cobourg invelled Maubeuge. Thia is a to the different branches of bufinefs, and working in The fubfcribec parpofe*,to atUod ,Saint Mary'* hsfty fc«ch of P""'*1 of tht Oime'te, the number different (hopa in the United States, we are perteft county court at the next term, and begs thofe indebted! killed, &c. Is accurate, having taking them, down matters of our bufinefs. Any commands from the in that county .to be prepared to pay up their a r rear* it received and punctually at. the accounti againfl all who do not comply, fiom the return. .... country will be thankfully that time; 7«/X 16. We have authentic accounti that the booka tended to, by the public's humble fervants, will be put into the hands of a collector, with direc­ and r*P of tne Lpndon correfpondipg focieties have WILLIAM WHiTTBR, tion! to compel payment in every itifUncc, without been fiexed by the mimftry } that feveral of the prin­ JOHN GRAY. refpecl. Attendance will alfe be given at Port-To­ cipal characters have been under examination, and Annapolis, July 16, 1794. If)' ' bacco, 4ajmt the next court for Charka county, and tbtt Mr. Home Tooke has been arrefled. Reports by it ia hdpJUll rums due the Printers in that coijfltf the way of Lifbon and the Well-Indies fay that Mr. In CHANCERY, July 10, 1794. will be paid by that time to Mr. J. C. Dizon, who U Fox* and feme members of pariiamcRt are a* retted and Q't RDERED, That the fale, made on the twenty- authonfed to receive them, or dircftions will be given committed to the Tower. It is probable this event _ nrtt of June laft, of certain lota of ground in M above. ^ , will prove truevJU it is neceffary for government to try Pig-Point, the property of Josim WALKIK, de- ' X, FREDERICK GREEN. iu ftrength with the refortniUs. The violence and op- cealed, to John Groves and Clement Hill, and, like- preffions of the Britifh government have for a long wifc, the faJe, made on the tweuty-third of June laft, WANTED,^/ time been railing an oppolmon, and their late proceed, of certain lota in Upper-Marlborough, the property of MULATTO YOUTH, from feventeen to jogs incafcs of libels cannot fail .to bring that oppo- the laid Walker, to the faid Clement Hill, W.hich twenty year*yean of age. A generous price will fiaon to a crifis. lalea have been made by William Kilty, truflee, U t>«A given for one who can be well recommended for ftated in hu report thji day made, be approved, rati­ hooefly and fobricty. Inquire of the PRINTERS. ANNAPOLIS. 7«/jri7. fied and confirmed, unlcfs caule to the contrary be twenty-fifth of September of the (hip George, arrived at Balti­ (hewn on or before the Twenty Dollars Reward. Ciptain Low, a copy ot this order be infertcd in the 49 days from Liverpool, inform*, that ajcw next; provided AN AWAY1, on Wednefday the z6th of March, more in Gazette, at any line during the prefent I days before he failed the French fleet, which failed Maryland R from the fubfcriber, living at Alien's Frefh, a the Chefapeake, had late arrived month. bright mulatto (lave named PH1LL CARTER, about fome time fince from HOWARD with the lofs of two or three (ail which TeO. SAMUEL HARVEY twenty-four or twenty-five years of age, five feet in France, R«g. Cur. were miffing, and no pofitive accounts given of them i nine or ten inches high, has a fmall fear on hit fore­ that the French were every where fuccefsful j that two head, round face, full of pimples, his ankles crack or three dsvs previous to his failing news had reached N'OTlC'E is hereby given, that the fubfcriber in- very much when he walks, he has been accuftoroect England of the American embargo i thu there were _ tends to petition the next Anno- Arundel county to attend on hotfes, and waiting about a houfet had treat apprehenfions of an embargo being laid there, court for a commiffion to mark and fcauad the follow­ oo and took with him a new parfon's gray cloth coat, ind that he confequently hafted away with all poffible ing tracla or parcels of land, viz. RUDMIOI, WHITK'I with three buttons on each of the fleevcs and pocket.', ftriped waiftcoat, and fatinet breeches, mixt ftockings, (peed. ADDITION, and KNIGHT SMITH'S FOLLY, lying and a being in the county aforefkid, agreeably to the direc­ new coarfe (hoe*, and a round hat, alfo a ftriped coat, tions of an ail ol aflembly for marking and bounding buff cafimer jacket and breeches) he ftole before he t Will be SOLD, on the 6rtl Wedoefday in September, pf lands, paflcd at November fefljon, 1786. went off a Urge Cum of money, and on the 18th of it the BLACK Hotsi T AVI an, on the Annapoli* . * JOHN April he came to my plantation and ftole a fmall I*, rret toad, Nf'5»'794- . mare, big with foal, branded on her left thigh tliJ,, HE pcrfonal property of eapt. PIILIMOM WAK- W. about twelve hands high. I am informed he lus deceafed, among which property i» a ^ pa^.d as free roan, and has fofd goods, and FIILD, and I varietyT of houfehold furniture, plantation utenfili, One Guinea Reward. I ^d that he traded to Alexandria, George-town, complete fet of fmith'a tools, and a great variety of Annapolis i it is very poffible that he is gone to Balti­ TEPHEN, (who fomctimet is by his connexions Hill, carpenters and joiners tools; the feledion ofjoinei's more, u his father is living there on Howard's called STEPHEN BKAULIY) black man about his name ii JAMLI CARTIR. tools are, pertup*, for variety and quality, equal to S about and is a drayman, rive feet fcven inches high, and appears to be apprehends the faid negro and mare, fo that any in the (late. The fale to begin at 10 o'clock, and of age, a likely Whoever twenty.three or twenty-lour years I get them again, (hall receive the above reward. to continue till all is fold. A fhort credit will be black, ran away plaufible fellow, rather of a fhming SIXTEEN DOLLARS will be given for the negro, |iren for all fums over three pounds. from the lubfcnber, on the nineteenth June lati, who paid. ASENATH WARFIELD, AdminiftrMrix. --h| and, if bronght home, aJI reafonable chargrs * ti been informed that Stephen has a father, who is a RICHARD MASONV Anne Arundel county, July 14, 1794^tf*'7/ff pr near >reachcs, and livea with Mr. HVMPHKIT BILT, N. B. All matters of vedcls are forewarned taking Upper-Marlborough, and that Stephen, alfo, fome- negro at their peril. V J: by off the above tiraei preaches. He was brought into Virginia Alien's Frefh, Charles county, MTy/li, 1794. ' LAND for SALE. colonel Mercer, who had him from Mr. Ktchsrd HE fubfcriber would difpofe of, upon moderate Sprigg, near Annapolis, wbere it n likely he may AN away from the fubfcriber, living in Saint terms, for READY CASH, a fmall TRACT now be, unlcfs he ihould be in the neighbourhood of Mary's county, near Benedict-town, on Pa- | ofT LAND, in Charles county, and in the neighbour­ Marlborougb, amongft his relations. The above re­ tuxent river, on Wednefday the 2Cth ultimo, a ne­ hood of Newport and Chapuco, about fix miles from ward Will be paid by the lubfcriber, to any perfon gro man by the name of SHADRACH, «f a yellow tath pUce, containing about one hundred and fifty- who fee u res laid fellow, and gives immediate infor­ complexion, twenty-two years of age, about five feet fire acres, the greateft part of which is cleared aed mation, fo that be may tx got again, and all reafona- three or four inches high, fmooth face M well ai back, utdcr good fence: The buildings and other improve­ ble charges paid, if brought home. he never had a (tripe thereon by ane who raifed him i ments are gxxl and convenient, and the water filu- . JOHN MAMDEY1LLE. hid on wh'-.i he went away, as I am informed, a blue bnous and pleafant. He deems it unnecefliry to be Alexandria, July >J, 1794. broad cloth caat with large metal buttons, * (Wiped, firthcr particular, u it is to be prefumed that any veil with metal buttons, a pair of olive coloured ptrlon inclining to purchafe would with to view the breeches, a white linen (hirt ruffled at the bofucnt pretnifcs, where they may be informed of the terms, Twenty Dollars Reward. white thread ftockings. a pretty good high crowned tk:r:.sA afomu, thtt and other interelting circumCancci, by their ready living at the mouth hat, (hoes and metal buckles j he had many other Manure nai AN away fiom the fubfciber, from sort obedient fcivaut, about three, weeks ago, a negro cloaths not particularly cnvugh known to dcfcrlbe. of Magothy, in HATCH DENT, elk. named ISAAC, about twenty years of age, five Whoever takes up the faid flave, and fecurcs him a*/ / Bnrdttux, Charleijkonty, July 5! 1794. or uo inches high, well made and very ac­ any gaol, fo that I get him again, if out of the (late of feet nine mo­ in N. B. Should the abuve Und be not fold privately tive, talks boldly, milefs when (harply interrogated, Maryland (hall receive FIVE POUNDS current before the firft day of September next, it will then be then, ha ii apt to hefitate and fecm embarrafTed j ney, and if in the aforefaid ftate THREE POUNDS, for paid by ttioce appear* in U"Nf I offered to the higheft bidder, at public file, with fome he had on and took with hirn a, fhon jacket and pair and.il brought hone all reafonable charges, now more unia.cuty I Rock of various kinds, and a lew articles olof goc of breeches made ol kcrfcy, a pair of cotton (lockings, July 2, 1794. C, HENRY TUBMAN.. ch paopie thtao«(«aij Wlhold furniture. / H. D. f i V. >' - - and new (hoes,* a high crowned h*t, with a fmall rent up adrift at THOMAS'S POINT, a large in it, two Germsn linen (him, and a pair of ftriped new SCOW, between thirty and forty feet iretto Bxtraordissry, AKEN fiom my ftote, nt'the STONI llbusi, troufcrsi has lately been fecn lurking about between long, and about ten feet wide, has not been fealeoV ig a letter from the dvh T fome months fincei a HOLSTER PISTOL, Majothy and Severn, and will probably endeavour and appears to have been ufed in carrying wheat, has ' the igth. fined mount, eight inches long in the barrel, maker's to ftcal a boa"t and crofs the bay. I will give the above large nail in one of her row-locks, and a hole in her mi to attack the French Mme engraven on the lock, BaAtivi*. 'Whoever reward to any perfon who will apprehend and .bring head, with a pcice of a cable about four feet long. romnund"', werecosv will deliver this pifted at the Prinnng-OfEce, (where home the faid negro roan. The owner may have her again on proving property d ^ Hcffian bun!:-* iu fellow is left for cOmpanfon) will receive TWO / JOHN GIBSON, jun. and paying charge*, by applying to the loblcfibcr, |000i and buffw, *« DOLLARS, and no quellinns afked. / Anne-Arundereouptv,, July 12, 1794. living at the Mouth of South river. ty n-.ade on the Freadl ROBERT JOHNSON. ______afe_ . JOHN KEITH. »o entrenched poll», * AN away from the fubfcriber, living at the lower o take a pofition ferry of Pstapfco, fume time in June pall, a JUST PUBLISHED, ihircity in a rTT'HE fobfcribfr porpofing to Irave brigntR mulatto man named GEORGE, about twenty And to be fold at the Printing-Office, years of age, five feet eight or nine inche* high, with fo e»N wd fettle their accounts. He intends removing long bufhy wool, he U very fond of (hong drink, and Price, One Dollar, to TloHinifworlH*! whf»» in Baltimore-town, where is un­ in all vihen in liquor it very talkative ; his ctoathing ntwillesAonthe HAT MAKING bufinefi in the ferry boat a( the lower the moll rcafon- known i he has rowed The LAWS l'» branches, snd furntfh his work on Piupfco tbele five or fix years, and is known to his friends and fciry ol O F ble urmi. He returns his thanks b> a great number of people that have eroded that " Homers for pi ft favours, end (hall be happy in con­ Whoever takes up faid runaway, and fecurei to fcrvt them. ferry. M A R Y L > N D, tinuing him in any gaol, fo thu I get him again, (hall re­ JOSEPH BURNESTON. ceive SIX DOLLARS REWARD, and U brought SelTion, I 793-' / ^ Parted November ' Annapolis, July itj, 1794. home all re«lonable charge], by ALSO, ANNE MERCER, Adminiflratrix of In CHANCERY, July 10, 1794. ' fsKaoaixk MaRcca, late of Anne- The VOTES and PROCEEDINGS RDERED, That the laic made to NATHANIEL Arundcl couour. deceased. /? Of both O WASHI^GTOH by WILLIAM KILTY, truftcc, July i j, 1794. (U dated in his report thi* day made) on the (even- HOUSES of ASSEMBLY. ,«««kdayof June laft, of two Iracli ol land in Prince- -.j'WKe's county, called BI.VI PIAIH «nd ADDIIOM'I Six Cents Reward. Hawkins, |*>ob WILL, the property of George F. the fubfcriber, living near Port- CASH given for Clean ^approved, ratified and confirmed, unlefs caufe to the AN away from day Tobacco, In Charles county, on the firft of Ja- «»trary be (hew* on or before the twenty-fifth named JOHN Linen and Cotton , next, provided a copy* of this order be luary, 1794. "I* apprentice boy -?' S»p<«,iriber about eighteen year* of age, his apparel un­ in Grttn's and Hanfon's ncwi-papers at any GRAY, "Urted known. Whoever takes up faid apprentice, and de- JIJM during tht prefent month-la* ccmsMbd therein /£ R A G S, ** liven him to me, dull kajrc the above reward. ^^V^^rtACOB DODSON. SAMUEL HARVOT HOWARD, At the Printing-Office. lUg. Cw, Cm. July 1 6, 1794 A LIST of LETTERS icnuiniog in the Poft rv Matthew and John Beard, Eight Dollars Reward, fice. AUen'a Fraft, wttch, rf not ttkcn ootbdl; T AN AWAY Uft night from the fubfcriber, liring the firft day of October, will be lent to the Gtntnl &K UST REUUVED.br tne fc* .mW. near Qjeen-Anne, a likely negro Ud named PosVOmce«*«lemdleuen. > ' ^ JAM, nineteen cr twenty years of age, five feet eight LLEANOR BRADFORD. Cnnries COQW. or nine inches high, of a yellowifh complexion ; had John Rogera, Newport. -Charles county Choice GOODS, oa when he weot «nsy, an old light Rriped elaftic E ^ B. DAVIS. D.P.M. dota cou much worn, the Hurts cot Ibort; and ofna- July i. 1704. *-•____ brig, or rather brawn roll (hirt and ttoufen, anti an old pair of (aiincc dark coloored breeches, be fre- A MST of LETTERS remaining in the . „ At Beard's Point Warchoufe, Q-eatly limps in one leg, occafioned by a pain in the ne«, Port-Tobacco, which will be fcnt to in keee i it is probable he will make for the Head of Se­ neral Poft Office u dead letters, if not tsicaoat On SOUTH RIVER. vere, where his father lives, who belongs to Mr. Lan. before the firft day of October next., ceiot Warfcelo, acd u now ran away, aa he has en­ ALPH BROOK, Charles county. lERMAH STE.EL I Sea deavoured tt entice him away fercral limes. Whoever Clerk of Charles county. SCYTHES, of 41 Superfine, f Ic coarfe takes up (aid feiiiw and brings him home to me, or RCan. William Dorfett, on 'board the clones,- fecnre* him IB any goal, fo that I get him again, (hall Planter, Norfolk. Sickles, Can tod Tcft buttons of receive the above reward, including what the law John Forbes, Benedift. Scythe ftones. all kinds. al'.ows. * •vs Mary Dow fon, Benedift. Green bone handle knives _•», purple, and Lon­ ^. A GASSAWAY P1NDELL. Charles Pye, near ludin hod, C. C. \ and forks, don brown bcmbafcra. Asne-Araadel connnr, July 7, 1794. John Langley, Cedar Point. Diao oefeu ditto, Greet, pbk.^ black, James Simros, Efqi (beriflFof C. C. i Wnite ditto, ditto, brown, ana lead co­ A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Poft-Of- Mifs Heathey Smith, C. C. Large white ditto, ditto, loured moreens. fier. Annapsl-s, which, if HJ; taken up before the lohn B.Turner, Port-Tob.?naber Chea ditto, Cam bleu, Richard Chew, Herring Bay ; Samuel Chew, of John, term, for a com million to mark and bound the follow. Stock ditto, Black everiafting. Lyon'j Creek. ing tra£\s of land, Gm*te in ihe faid county of Man. Double docled pad ditto. Striped ditto, Gabriel Durall (7), Ja»« Davan (z), Thoinas fomery, to wit: PAtTRiRSHip, the AooiTiosto Three bolt br*£s defit dit­ WorfteJ binding, of all Dalziel, AniMpohs; Jatnes Difr.ey, Weft river ; Dr. PAKTNfRSHIP, AlX t.A CnAFtLLf, ihe DROOQIT to, colours. Jamei DtviJfbn, Outen's county. and the JOHN and Asm, according to the afiof Door latches, with braii Valencia ftnf, Peter Enveribn, Huning-icwn. general aflVmbly, entitled, Aa adt for marking sad knobs, Royal ribbs, Philip R.-1. Pencil, Eliza Ftecher, Benjamin F*ir- bounding land?. 5-8 inch fcrews, Fuflaina, btim, Mr. Fnqnhar, Annapolis. CHARLFS CARROLL, i, if and z inch ditto, Striped aad plain muflins, Anne Gsrftjn, J?hrt Gwinn (4); William Glanvill, CLEMENT HILL, Bral* butt hinges, Muflineu, Frederick and Simu-1 Green, Annapilis. THOMAS OWEN WILLIAMS. HL ditu, Urge, Ditto for reft fhapes, Margarena Hj.varH, Zcbn. Hollingfworth, capt. June 8, 1794. H ditto, Printed caflimer ditto, JVrnjatmn H>«fifyo, care of George Minn, Atauiia Pewter tea fpoons, Italian fbipu for ditto, Hill, Samuel Harvey tic wart, John Hufk,*)oii.. To be SOLD, White metal table ditto, Camels hair and ftlk ditto, Ilvdc, Mary Hariifor., cite of William Cxike, Anna­ Marfcilles quilting, bar* IVE hundred and ninety-four acres of LAN&, Claw hammers, polis j Richard Henjeribn, Mouth of Anti Ei'.am. lying in Haiford crmn;y, within three nilesef Drawing knives, dered, Mrs. Jones, care of Wallace *nd Muir, Anne Juni- 3 J yds Indu (hawli, navigableF water, well fituated vsith rtfpecl ;o plactstf Beft plated fpurs, fer, care ol Mr. Weft, Sjjnccl Jolinftoo, Daniel Jenni- pablk woifhip, mills and markets, has a great qua. Plated (hue and knee Printed cotton ditto, fet, Annapolis. Romal handkerchiefs, tity of valuable timber, luch as white oak, black oak, buckles, Dr. KncsJs, care of Mrs. Urcunart. chefnnt and popUr growing on it, and his a ftnun of Xerby fifh hooks, Check ditto, Randolph B. Latimer, Geotge Ixggett, Annap&i. Spectacles, with tt with­ Indu book muuin, George Mann (a), David M'Mcchan, Mr. Mat­ water running through it, upon which a fa* mill may Common ditto, be ercfted at a (mall expence, to ran (even or eight out ' thews, care of Mr. Met rick, Luther Martin, Gilbert m«BTht in the year. The title is indifpuuble. For] Blue, white and black Murdock, Richard Mackubin (i), Mrs. Mathews, John Pcrfian, terms apply to THOMAS HALL, Et'quire, on the pit. Small (hcan, T. Mafon, H. H. M'Kernie, Annapolis i Samuel mifes, or to the (nbfcriber liviog near Warwick, is Enamelled china fnufF Irifh linens, Maynard, Pig-Point} Daniel M'Doonald, Queen- Baffsty, Crcil county. / boxes, Anne; Benjamin Mackall, divert county. _____ /j RICHARD K. HEATH. Paper ditto. Rufiia {heeling, George Naylor, Annapolis. Tobacco ditto, RuCa duck. William Pica, William Petty, Saml. Peace, Anna, Beft razors in cafes, polis. To be , 8 O L D, Snaving boxes, compete, Henry Ridgely, RiJgely and Evani, Mr. Raudale, chsclc, 7-t wi-e, At private Sale, Rmd-lawi, John Rhodes, Archd. Robinfon, Wiliiam Rogers, Ed' BOUT twothoufand acres of LAND, Ijringca Safe ditto, ward Roper, Hugh Reid, care of Dr. Scon, Annspo- Ditto „ . South river, about nine miles from Annipoliii Hand-faw filw, lu { Patty Rich«rds, Weft river. faidA land is divided ioto three tenements, all well im­ Whip'faw ditto, Gnmtn dowlaf., Sheriff .of Ar.ae-Arundel county, rcvd. Thomas Tickltnburgh . proved, and abounding in timber of the firlt quality. Two foot rules, Scon (.1), Dr. Umei S'.euait, William Sprigg, Wil­ There is alfo on faid land a good MILL, now is aod, i*d, iod, and 84 Ofnabri£s, liam Satidifon, j >hn Stuckett, care of John Brice, Prifly Coarfe and fiM brown good order, running two pair of flones, with six* nails, Shorter, Annapolis' twenty acres of meadow before, the door now ia Or Iron mane combs, rills. * John Alien Thomas, Annapolis i William Taylor, Weft-Ind'u cotton, rnothr, and much more may be made with very Unlf Dutch event, cue of capt. Leonard, Hill's Delight; Thomas Tuck­ expence. The above land will be fold altogether, « Chafing difhei. Knir.ir.g re-idles, er, care of Richard Sprigg, Weft river; Thomas Til- Wnite er.riel ditto, in lots from two to three hundred acre:, as msyba Sadirons, lard (3), Herring Bay; Michael Taney, Calvert fuit the purchafers. Perfons inclinable*) putcasi Screw augers, of all fi«i, Pim, county. may know the terms f « » « Jockey whips, ThimWei. Elizabeth Whitewood (z), James Wmchefter, Ri- Broad and narrow riband, Ladies fans of all kinds. chard Wells. Richard Wecms, John Welch, Daniel Beard's creek, Annc-ArundeJ county, of different colours, Wool cards, Wever, Charles Wilfon, Annapolis j William Wood, Calicoes, and chintzes. Ivory combs, ward, fen. Anne-Arupdel county ; Stephen Weft, jun. . . May 10, Ladies fapcifine cotton Crooked ditto. Weft river. Writing paper, v 'DWARDS'i BALTIMORE DAILY AD' bofc, FRENCH LETTERS. j VERT1SBR has been coo6c»r«blj "l*1 Common ditto, Ladies fine white, black, M. Aodouigue, Jyf . Guichot de Kerlegand, Citioen Men's brown thread We, and green hats, > within thefe few weeb pat, and is now little mfsnjrt L'Bngle aini, M. de la Tremblaye, Monfieur Lechais, to any daily publication on the continent. The esrixfj] Superfine cotton ditto, Willow ditto, Monneur Lafuge, Monfieur Taintarier jcune, Mon­ Ribbed ditto,-ditto. Men's fine arid coarfe dit­ and moft authentic information, both foreign and* fieur Queftan et Marr anld. Annapolis. meftic, (hall be given in this paper, and frun mtq Boy's brown thread ditto, to, July i, 1794. 4 . S. GREEN, D. P. M. Superfine white caflimer. Girths, extenfive circulation throughout the union, it up* fumed n> be an important vehicle for sdveruknflli Black ditto, Scrubbing bruflici, To be DISPOSED of, at PRIVATE SALE, for Slate coloured ditto, Joiner's glcw, Ice, Ice. SubfcriptioM for the above at Six Do"*" . CASH, or BARTIIEU for TOBACCO, per annum (c^ half.to be paid on fubiciihia|J » LIKELY healthy negro WOMAN, about taken in at the Prbning-office o* F. and S. Gicet,» twenty-three years of age, (he is well accuf- Cognac Brandy, 'int ditto, ditto, A Annapolii, and by the editor, Philip Ed«u*» lsfs decanters, tomed to all kinds of houfe-work, and fptaks the Ger­ Spirit, man language well, has no fault, bat is fold bccaafc Market-flrect, Baltimoie. V W. I. rum, Tumblers, Adveuifementa not exceeding a fqusit,* Wine glade?, her roafter has more of the fcx than he has oc'cafion ferted four times (or «w dollar, and for e»ei»C* N E. rum, for. For further particulars inquire of the printers Sherry wine, Sets of caftors, tinuance ihcicafter, eighteen cents. Red Port ditto, Tea u*ys, hereof. Jiincn. 1794. Brown fdfau, Hand boards, /-|pHK fublcriber intends to apply » the Cof««, Queen's ware difhes of ^ Ihc ucafufy, for the renewal Chocolate, different figures and Fifteen Pounds Reward. deftroyed certificates <— _ yl Allfplce, fixes, No. 82687, on intereft from Jan.ary, i?^"" Two fallen flout jugs, Y. wiltingn ...... B _.,..,man, negro...,._ _._._,DICK, ran. away_-._, .from - Pepper, A »X. me Uft Saturday \ he eroded the bay from An­ S zc|i dolls*, final (eitlcmcnts, iflned to JC*» r Raifini, Half gallon ditto, M Jonet, loft ou the twenty-lourth July, i Large and fmall ditto, napolis to Kent Ifland on Sunday about nine o'clock, Poonded ginger, and Hole and took with, him my gray marc. He wore Point, wafhed »w«y by the overOowii Indigo, pickle puts, Japand candleflicks, with a green cloth coate* and jacket, leather breeches, and Hair fifttn, boon, • rourid hat, asx) blue furtont, but took with '"aNo. 8176 and SiBi, on intewft from th«el|W> J Beft and fecond quality Inuffcn, rfc, lay, ,779, for coo dollar, each, P«"V»^JS Pickled herrings. him a variety of other'eloaths. He is t very likely May, 1779, lor coo oouan ««.«, •-"-•'. ,c tea china, lad, -well nUde, wears a queue, fome little phits in office,, idued to Margaiet Murray, and 4444 - Quart bowls and mugs, his wool, «nd drefles very fafhionably ; he is about «l«-m*nii.tleroent., iffucd to cornet William Muruoci,Miiwock «« Bta/d's Pout, July 3, 1794. twenty-five- eyean of age, wcN filed, black colour, corps, loft the twenty-ninth January, I79J» reads a little, and is • complete waiting man i he took Baltimore, in the^ mail going to FOR 8 A L E, the Philadelphia road. TRACT of LAND, containing 900 acres, in I will give the above reward to any ptrfoo-who w^| Cedar Point. 4th Jonc, 1794 the county of Harrifon, and ftatr o( Virginia, pprchena and fecure the faid negro Ud and marc, or Awithin a few »i!«« of tb« town of Clark%i»b. F»r TIN POVHDI for Dick, and FIVB POUNBS fur the to marc, and pay alLrcafunable charges. «nd /C-- ' WILLIAM PACA. Printed Dcc«nbct 4> »T9J- BiJtimorc.town, April 9, 1794. YEAR.) t H R MARYLAND G A Z E T t E.

t H U R S D A JULY 24, 1794

BASLE, (SviitztHaiui) May 8. V ALEN CIENNES, M

in this ftale, ai,d to take op theii reEdrnce in the Bri- feme people whom they fjppfed were here. I A'N N A P O L I S, .^.T- tifh lines — \rntn, fay* a correfpondem, let ;hem uke thought it would be confident to inform you ol my £xlra3 tf a Untr fnm Ufa, t, a gtmtUm^ n .11M tholetf-ofl deceitfuldeceittul rafcals Irom the United S;a;es, in arrival, and tuat I (hall be at Lc Boiuf to-motrow at fa, food M*jMay 22. J welcome! two o'clock vviio this deputation. " Since writing the foregoing, we learn that oV I am, S:r, your obedient fervant, Spaniard* have bad a levere beating near RoutlJoq. NEW-YORK, 12. ISRAEL CHAPIN, Superintendent geport fays, that they have loll 260 pieces of eannft7 The Jofeph, Fareft, arrived lall evening Iron New- of toe Six Nationi. all their baeeaee. provifions and lleuet, a greit m ' ' ...r._—s>—fjer London accounts are not At a council holden at Fort Le Bceuf, June z6th, men are killed, woundedlunded and miffing,miflino and**A "the",L. ..i io late as we have had, but (he fpoke a vefTcl which 1794, by Andrew Eilicott, and captain Denny with tiring, or rather running away, towards Barceloa7» informed, that the duke ol York's army was cut up. general Chapia and a deputation Irom the Six Na- E~ xtratt of a litttr from M mrr(ba»t in ^^'__ The Union, from B,-iit»l, tailed May 19; her Lon- tions—General Chapin opened the buunei?, by nrrtffonJnt in PtUaJtlfbim, rtcri-vtj kj lotj^ju In which the c dcu dates are May 16 tmj paper contain* an account reading the proceedings of the council at Buffaloe, rift. • ™ of Holy Scripture cone of the total defeat fli CUirUvt, allo, on May 11, beat which were as follows :•— •• I hope bef»re this, you are fatisfied that DO «, msnifeft! "d '« «he '" back to the wail* of Bruges, at 11 o'clock of that At a council holden at Buffaloe creek by the Six can take place between America and ibis country » interefted » its report* b night. . ' Nations of Indians, on the i8th of June, 1794. Great- Britain means to pay for every Arc nt A vedel gone icto Bofton, which failed from Eng­ General Chapin mas add re (Ted as follows: that has Been condemned fine* the war." f (ociety, among all < land in June, will doub'.lels afford very Utcreftiog Captain O'BAIL, fpeaker. I'meing 'with a new El particulars for our next. been referved in the w The French convoy of 150 fail of viclaallen from WHEN we I'cnt for you, it was becaufe we placed Pun'uant to an order of the orphans court of Anne the prefent century to ut America, arrived fafe. Arundel county, will be SOLD, »t PFJJji.|o Price only a C Our laft accounts of London, Miy 13, inform, that great dependence upon you—we expetUd that you would not fail 10 doing every thing in your power to SALE, on Friday the ijth of Auguft, it the i... Jaly 18. ______Cocrtray and Menin were retaken from the French ; dwelling plantation ot CALEB Buaoiss, but'this is, this day, con:ndittcd, by accounts' of Lon­ atoll us. ~" O* NOTIC don, May 17, received via Li\erp>>l and Bofton. Lrstltr, ! LL the perfonal property of SUSAKHA Bu»oiH HAT the fubfcri We now hope that y"u will exert yourfcif in re­ A coplilling of houlehold furniture, one boric* gomery county t 'PHILADELPHIA, J*tj 16. moving thole people cff our lands, we know very fame cattle and hogs, a luiall quantity uf tobacco and* vemherT next, for a com w:!l what they have cjmc on for, and we want them fomt cider ca&s. Six month* credit will be tiren traft of land, called ^ The French fleet, under convoy ot the Concorde on i»nd with approved fee* my. The li)« to bnJ and three fmaller (hips ot war, in all 45 fail, went to puihed back. and being in faid cour Brotbtr, at ten o'ckck, A. M. ^^ tied, An aa lor markini fea from the bay, at twelve o'clock on bunday laft. We now with that you and Mr. Jahnfon would go ROBERT ^LUSBY, Eiecutor. Captain Green arrived yefterdiy from Breft, which together and remove thofe people back over the lice, July 23, 1794. he left the Jlh of June. In the oeginntng of that which we have marked out upon the map. month, or the end of May, there was a naval engage­ Will be SOLD, on the ment between 28 EngliOi (hip of the line and 2; Bmbtr, If thofe people remove off immediately we' fhall For SALE, at the BLACK Hoai French, in which much damage wai fuftaioed by both, road, and victory remained undecided. The French had confidcr them, as our friend*—if, not we (hall conlider WO BILLIARD TABLES: one of then j, feveral engagement* in Flanders, in which they were them as no friends. " a handfome frimc, in guod order, \vithtxh HE perfonal prop T Ml tD. deceafe. generally lucceliful. [Gen. Adv.] Brtthr, and ball* complete the other is a plain ore, in prttty T Yefterday arrived here, in 41 days Irom Brelt, the V/e wi!h that you and Mr. Johnfon would go to- good order, and will be (old low f»r cafh, or &x tiriety of houtchold ft brig Maria, captain Green. Captain Green informs, gether upon this bufinels, and we (hall fend ten war­ month* credit. For further particular* kquireof la: | complete fet of fmuh': that on the Sth of June he was ooarJed by a French riors to attend ycu, and we ft.all expect that }ou will Printer* hereof. /I f _ carpenters and joiner* v»ls arc, pcrhap*, foi frigate ol 40 guns, the captain of which informed bring u» word when you returc. July 23. 1794. jo* 7/tr any in the Hate. The him, that on the joth May and }d June, the Britifh Thu fpecch was delivered with fix firings cf bl»ck and white warnpu.n. to continue (ill all is fleet, contorting ol 30 Tail, and the French fleet of 25, tifen for all lumi over had two fevere engagement.:, near the Bruifh channel, Aker this Ipeech was reav!, Mr. Ellicott and captain Patowmack Company. Denny dcfircd one ho-r to prepare an anfwer, at the HE llxkho'Meri in 'he PATOWMACK COM* ASENATH W off Scilly—that the two fleets had withdrawn, but no Anne Arund.el coun victory was obtained on cither fide. Three large fri­ cxph-ation cf wh-..-h, Mr. Ellicott delivered the f< 1- T PANT, are required to pay to H'i/litm Htrtf- gates hove in fight on the 7th ult. the captain of the lowing reply to the mcfTage fent by general Cbapin hirnt, trcalurer, t*vthx ftumft tterling, on cich (hot frigate fufpeeting they were enemies, left captain and Mr. J.ihnfon. by them heiJ, on or befjre the firfl day of September Green t« proceed on his voyage. Brotttri of Ihi Six Naiisaj, next. We learn by the arrival ot the French (loop of war Your brethren of Penclylvania have always been By order of the diirflori, HE fubfcriber w Cornelia, that the La Concorde, Pcrdnx, Lalcafle*, attentive to the intereft of the Indians, efpccially to W«. HARTSHORNE, Tteafurer. term*, lor RE.' act! Prompte, with a fleet of 25 (ail under convoy, that of the Six Nations, and happy |o inect ihein in Alexandria, July i6th, IIQ^. / of LAND, in Charic* failed from the Delaware on Sunaav la.l, and on Mon­ peace and unity. hoOvl of Newport and day, a'>out 27 leagues Irom the land, they fell in with Brnhtn, each place, containing 2 Britifh ihips ot the line aniM tr.gates. Six of the We have heard jour rmffage by general Chapin acd FISHER fif ire acres, the greatrll under good fence: Tl merchant (hips were unlortunateiy taken ; the convoy Mr. Johnfon, and nave cobndered the rcqueft. BooK-SitLERs, BOOK-HINDERS, and STA­ and the rell ot the fleet, it u fuppolcd, enetted tncir Brttbtrt, menu are good and c TIONERS, brhus and uleafant. cfcapc. By the pesce of 1782, the king of Great Britain added to your brethren of Pennfylvania, all the land* Three doors weft* of Taiu and CamftttTi VnAu Steri, tin her particular, u The Perdrix ha* lince arrived within the Narrows, Market-flrcct, Bjitiinorc, ana feveral (hip* were yetlcrday evening feen (land­ which they claim, but from a regard to jultice, and perfan inclining to pi ing ior Sandy-Hosk, luppofed to be part of the above cor.fidcring you a* the real owners of the foil, could TJ ESPECTFULLY info/.-n their friend* and ike prcmifei, where they M\. public in general, that they have Utely efts- inJ other interefting licet. not confidcr themfclvet a* entitled to it until (airly Aatlbtr Account. purchafed Irom youilelve*. bliihcd a BOOK and STATIOIAIY STORI, in Bilti- *»J obedient fervant, The captain of the Amelia, who arrived laft even­ more, and humbly folicit the patronage of a generous Phc land* which you have rcqucfleJ u* to move off public, whofe favour* they will endeavour to merit. Charle* county, Jul ing, inform;, that the fleet cf 30 odd victuallers failed " - - - ' -. * .... . ~. rr i . « i r.t.:.t\ :- N. B. Should the i from (he Delaware Uli Sunday, under convoy of the riave lor feveral year's paft been purchafed by the (late They are now afforted with book* on every fubjecl ui of Pennfylvania from the Six Nations, and the line* polite literature. Among the many valuable i before the firlt day of Concorde ot 44, the Partridge of 26, and the Laf- ofcrtj to the higheft b cafles of 18 guns; about 27 league* out, they fell in bounding the fame were opened andvnarkcd with their licatr.oj, they hare now on hand, are the follow­ con fent and approbation. The purchafe' north of the ing ; Hock of virious kind with two 74 gun Britifh (hips, and two frigates—that furniture. he la* the iignaito dilperfe, 6 ot the vellels manned, north boundary of Pennfylvania, welt of the Cone- •nd th: two Ihips in chalc of the Concorde, which wango river, Lake Chataque and the path leading Paine'* work*, complete, in 2 vol*. i from thence to Lake Erie, and fouth of the faid L*k£, American Biography, ift vol.—to be contiued, i 5° feemed to leave tnem faft. $° July i 7. The •• Courier FranpjU" of this morning, WAS made of your chiefs at Fort Harmar, by general Moore'* Travel*, a vol*.—8vo. • ^ referring is ihe engagement between the French »i d Butler and general Gibfon, and the money and good* Do. Journal in r ranee, 2 vol*.—is mo. w 7$ punctually paid to them. Morle's Geography, elegant, a vo!*.—tvo. $° EngliQi licet), reported by captain Green ro have taken $« place tne la;t ot M»y and beginning of June, fayt— Brtlttrt, Do. (hecp bound, " We ihall give to-morrow lomc detail* of this u- Your brethren hive fairly and openly made the pur- Do. abridged, for life of fchool*. chafe of all the land*, and which they claim, and Pindar'* works, 2 vol*.—Complete Letter Writer, tion." Love and Gibfon'* Surveying, Williarm's Letters on A letter from New-York, by thi* day'* it£I, b- having fold ihofe lands to fuch people as chofe to fettle form* that the fix veffel*, (one of which was amied) and work them, they think it now their duty to pro- the French Revolution.—Allo,—Folio, Quirto, Rojsl, captured out of the convoy from the Capes, were tefl foch fetilcrs from the depredation of all fuch pcr- Oaavo, and Duodecimo Bibles, School Books of all. taken by one of the Bruifh frigate*—that the mailer fon* a* may 'attempt to moleJl them. kinds, a new edition of the Common Prayer, /or IM HE fubfcriber of a vtflel horn jNew-Providcnce arrived at Ncw-Yoik Brotttri, Proteftant Epifcopal church, price from 6/b to jy- T fhoit time, r<( yelterday morning, report* that he faw the Concorde The prefcnt military preparation* of your brethren And a great variety of Hillory, Divinity, Medici* to e»ll snd fettle theii frigate It r ike her colour* t» a Bhtifh (hip of fixty -four of Pennfyltrauia were Intended to proteA the citizen* Pailofophy, Chemittry, Novel*, «Vc. &c. 109 I to Hollingf worth'* v gun*. One of the convoy,, commanded by captain agaicft the weflem hoftile Indian* only—not fuppoGng to be contained in a oewfpaper. He will carry on the MI tranches, and for Dillon, has efcaped. and i* arrived in the Delaware. any protection neceflary agairft the Six Nation* whom Order* from gentlemen in the country, & they conuder u their friend* and allies. carefully attended to. Thry exped in a few b!e ttrmi. He reti Brotlxrt, new and elegant edition of SttuMt MiliHuj " cu.lomcn fof pad fa THE inclofed piper* from captain Denny came to ij(. • Prefque Ifle, Tuefday, 24th June, 1794, our duty, remove fiom hence until order* come from ' marking and bounding a part of two trafl* « three o'clock, P. M. them for that purpofe. Your meffage, however, fhall vi/. IIAM'* PuacMA.i and Buaoi»»'« c ^01^,' ,70§a OCA*. SIR, be immediately forwarded by cxprclt to them for their and being In Anne-Arundel county, r- I HAVE juft airived at this place with a deputation conuderation. act-of afleinbly fjpr ' from the Six Nations, confiding of fixteen chief* and (Signed) ANDREW ELLICOTT, - / - J warrior*, with a meflage we were defired to deliver to E. DKNNY, Captain. Anne.ArurJel county, July 18, »794 this day is Publifhedii Matthew and John Bead, And for SALE by the PRIHTEM hereof, and It the lancea as fpeedily at poffible i this being abfoluttly ne- Have JUST RECEIVED, by the Uaifi arrivali frorii «" different. _ BOOK-STOKKSmm f* _.___;_¥?«!•«.»*«•• in Baltimore, ceflary— — /T*_ _ _.. to enabletil them to profecutef their. • *bufinefs, *• f t EUROPE,** r * M ^^w»™ the.1 following* » t • t:lilt *f of- f A BOOK ENTITLED, neglect will compel them to puifae difagreeable mea- fures. ^ Choice GOODS, ' A DIVINE CALL The fubferiber purpofes to attend Saint Mary's f\U T*1 rmf-'^I fa^7 " Which they are NOW OPENINd, and have for T county court at the next term, and begs thofe indebted SALE, at thc: r STORE, rds Barcelona." J E W S, ' ( in that county to be prepared to pay up their arrears, at *" that time ; the accounts againft. all Vvno'do not comply, At Beard's Point Warchoufe, - In which the moft important truths will be put into the handt of a collector, with direc­ On SOUTH RIVER, of Holy Scripture concerning tliat people are made tions to compel payment in every inftance, withou,t ifefti kDd in the ifTue of which all mankind are refpcft. Attendance will alfo be- given at Port-To­ STEEL jea grecifditto, interefted» its reports being on the true grounds of a bacco, during the j&ext court for Charles county, and VjT SCYTHES, of 42 Superfine, fecond & coarfe.' pcw fcene-whi-sh is now opening, for the general good it is hoped all turns due the Printers in that county and 46 inches, < clothes, . a>f focietv, among all denominations of people, be- will be paid by that time to Mr. J. C. Dixon, who is Sickles, Coat and veft buttons of* -aint with a new EPOCH, that appears to have authorised to receive them, or directions will be given Scythe ftones, all-kind., *tcn referved in the womb of PROVIDENCE, for af above. . Green bone handle knives Black, purple, and LOM- the prefent century to unfold. FREDERICK GREEN. ' and forks, don brown bombafettt, . Price o»^r « QUART t a DOLL A«. y Ditto defert ditto, Urcen, pink, black, HE fubferiber, intending to leave this part of brown, and lead co­ tnc country in a fhort time, finds it neceflary White ditto, ditto, : ' toT remind thole-perfons .who arc indebted to him on Large' white ditto, ditto, . loured moreens, ~ ~~ & NOTICE is hereby fciven, Carving knives,' Striped calitnanco, HAT the fubferiber intends t> petition Mont, his private account, or as partner with his brother, their fevera4 Buck born dittd, : Black ditto, gomery county court, at their feffion in No. Dr. JAMBS MURRAY, that it is neceflary Sham ditto, ditto, Duraot, vemherT neit, for a com mi (ton to mark and bound' his accounts mould be clofed in a fhort time, for this pur- pole -he ha> appointed Mr. JOHN STEWART, at Dr. Beft ivory ditto, Joans fpinning. trafl of land, called NORWAY Risur.vtvEn, lying Bed penknives, Blue and black w or fled and being in faid county, agiteably to an aft, enti­ James Murray's, to fettle and receive the feveral ba­ lances that are due, and he is alfo directed to ufe com- Pruning ditto, da mafic, tled. An aa lor marking and bounding lands. Gimblets, Shalloons and ratioets, i |r /J HENRY WARING. pulfory methods in every iuilance where it may be Tammies, oeceflary. Cupboard lock*, ]u!y 3- '794- ______Chert ditto, Camblets,' > ' . Plated {hoc and knee rnnted cotton ditto, The fignature, Wi», Patttr/e.i, is badly done; the buckles, Romal handkerchiefs, HE fubferiber would difpofe'of, upin moderate flrokes of all the letters are fliff and laboured, and Kcrby fifh hoc&s, Check ditto, terms lor READY CASH, a fmall TRACT appear to be painted over with the pen, as well as the Spccttcles, with & with­ Indis book muflin, of LAND, in Char!c« county, and in the neighbour­ flourifh under the name. out cafes, Common ditto, hood of Newport and CKtpiico, about fix miles from The value it lefrblank in the engraving, to be filled Sciffin, Blue, white and black each place, containing sbiut one hundred and fifty- up in writing, fo that the Cum nay be more or lefs, at Small fhesrs, Perfian, ire acres, the greatelt part of which is cleared and pleafure. .Enamelled chin* fnuff Irifh lincus, under good fence: The buildings and other improve­ No true Poft Notes of the alphabetical mark above buxes, Baffaty, ments are good and convenient, and the water falu- deferibed, have been lately idued, and very few are Paper dittc, Rufl'n fheeting, briw and pleafant. He deems k qnnecefTiry to be now in circulation). Tobacco ditto, flulE* duck, mfttlTi farther particular, as it is to be preromed that any The above reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL­ Belt razors in cafe?, Bed-ticking, more, perfon inclining to purchafe would with to view the LARS will be paid to the perfon or perfons who (hall Shaving boxes, complete, Drillings, eir friends and tk prcmifei, where they mty be informed of the terms, difcover and profecute to convielion the feveral of­ Hand-laws, Apron check, 7-8 wide* :y have litely efts- inJ other intereAing circumftancei, by thsir ready fenders, or any of them, of the following description, Safh ditto, Striped Holland, Y STORE, in Bilti- aad obedient fervant, viz. Hand-law filcsv Ditto Bengal, onige uf a gcoertmi HATCH DENT, elk. . The perfon or perfons who manufactured the paper Whip-faw ditto, German dowUfi, endeavour to merit, Charles county, July 5, 1794. on which the bills are printed. Two foot rulrt, Ticklenburghs, i OD every fubjeS in N. B. Should the above land be not fold privately The perfon or perfons who engraved the plate. aod, isd, tod, ajod Bd Ofnar/rigi, ay valuable Mtv/U- before the firlt day of September next, it'will then be The printer or printers of the bills. nails, Coarfe smd fine brown id, are the follow- offer:J to the higheft bidder, at public fate, with feme Every perfon who his afked as principal in any Iron mane combs. rolls, ftock of various kinds, and a tew articles of good vf*y, in the counterfeiting and uttering the faid Dutch ovens, Weft-India cotton. h»fh.:U furniture. H. D. bills. Chafing difhei. Knitting needles, WM. PATTERSON, PreWcnt Sadirons,, White chapel ditto, npAKEN from my fture, at the STONE HOUSE, of the Bsnk of Maryland. Screw augers, of all fixes, Pins, 1 fomMnontht fince, a HOLSTF.R PISTOL, Baltimore, April 7, 1794. Jockey whips, Thimbles, phteJ ,-7«ouH eight inches long in the barrel, maker's N. B. Thttrinttrt in ibt niigU*»ri*t flattt art n- Broad and narrow riband, Ladles fans of all kinds. nint engraven on the lock, BRANDEP.. Whoever rrpgblijk tin abovi, fQ of different colours, Wool cards, ill deliver this piflol at the Prin^ng.Omce, (where ' Calicoes, and chintzes, Ivory combs. its fellow ja left for companion) will receive TWO Ladies fupcrhne cotton Crooked ditto, DOLLARS, %nd no quchions aflced. Richard Tootell and Co. hole, Writing piper, ROBERT JOHNSON. Refpe&fully inform the citizens qf Annapolis Common ditto, Ladies tine white, black, M'5. 1794- t^ nd Anne-Arundel county: Men's brown thread hofe, and gieen hats^ HOUGH he intends to the Welt-Indies, the Superfine cotton ditto. Willow ditto, fubferiber purpofing to leave this city in a company will open E large and general afTort- Ribbed ditto, ditto, Men's fine and coarfe dit­ X (hoit time, rcquefU all pcrlons indebted W him mantT of WET and DRY GOODS, in this city Boy's brown thread ditto, to, ' i to eill tnd fettle their accounts. He intends removing They will buy tobacco, corn, barley, wheat, lumber Superfine white caffimer Girth.', ' to Hollingfworth't wharf in Rihimore-town, where of all kinds, cord wood, oytter fhflli, for lime, for Black ditto, Scrubbing brufhes, he wilt carry on the HAT MAKING bufinefs in all which they will give the HIGHEST-PRICE ; he wants Slate coloured ditto, Joinet's glew. MS trtnehes, aftd fornifh his work on the moft reafon- N KG ROES of all kinds, boys and fells boifes/ &c. -A L S O,- k!e ttrmt. He returns his trunks to his friends and Annapolis, May 21, 1794- ' Q) Cognac Brandy, Pint ditto, ditto, cu.Ionic rj for pad favours, tnd (hall be happy in con- Spirit, GUIs decanters, tinuingtoierve them. JUST PUBLISH ED, I W. I. rum, Tumblers, JOSEPH BUHNESTON. N. E. ram, Wine glafles, Ar.B.poU, Jttry 16. 1794. And to be fold at the Printing-Officc, Sherry wine, Sfts of callers, Price, One Dollar, Red Port ditto. Tea trays. In CHANCERY, July ic. 1794. Brown fugar, Hand boards, R Outfit), That the isle made to NATHANIEL , The L A ^y S Coffee, Queen's ware difhes of O WASHINGTON hy WILLIAM KILTY, trullee, Chocolate, different figures and (*> fitted in hii repuit this day madr) on the (even- O F Allfpice, - fixes. Ktath day of jane lalk, of two IraAt of land in Prince- Pepper, Two gallon ftone.jugs, George's county, called BLUB PLA'INS and AODISON'S M A R Y L A N D, Raiiini, . Half gallon ditto, GOOD WILL, the property of George P. Hawkins, Parted November Seflion, 1793. Pounded ginger. Large and fmall ditto, * approved, ratified and confirmed, unlefs caufe to the Indigo, picklepojts, wmrary be (hewn on or before the twenty-fifth day ALSO, Hair After*, Jipand cindlofiicb, with * September next, provided a copy of this order be The VOTES and PROCEEDINGS Beft and fecond quality fnuflVn, Ice. werted in Green's and Hanfon's news-rmpers at any tea china, Pickled herrings. "nw during the prefent month, and continued therein Of both /AK.EN ug adrift «t THOMAS'S POINT, »larg« rcby given, ^ Reg. Cur. Can. new SCOW, between thirty and lorty feet -' »i',1', : dslomakeanapp'C*- ix;'!'".- ^nne-Arundd eouoif. CASH given for Clean long,1 and about ten feet wide, has not been (ealed, FOR S A and appears to have "been ufed in earn ing whc.it, hat frr^" TRACT of LAND, containing 900 acres, in Linen and Cotton large nail in one of her row-locks, and a hole in her ** county of Harrifon, and Aate of Virginia, head, with a peice of a cable about four feet long. 4 n few miles of the town of Clarkfburgh. For R A G S, The owner may have her again on proving property lub'criber, Ila nd paying charges, by applying to the JE9SE DEWF.ES. living at the. Mouth of South river. At the Printing-Office. 9 V JOHN KEITH. to '7S3«

^ mi' HE fuofcriber having bein appointed executor A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the P0» nr HIS \t to give puViic notice, thit we have Atlen'i. Frefh, which, if not taken onuJr where all on the eftite of JAMES SWANK, in the year fice, opened, in Church-ftreet, a SHOP, feventeenT hundred and eighty-eight, and being de- the - «-»firft day- - of-' ^«-iOftober, will be fent- to **<** T and HARNESSES are rtade and kinds of SADDLES Juch Poft-Office as dead letter*. notice, and any woik in cur termined on a fetrlem/nt of faid eftate, defircs repaired on the fhorteft eftate, if any count, bufinefs on the loweft terms. We flatter perians as may have claims againft laid T^LLEANOR BRADFORD, Charles branch of on or before the firft county. that, from ferving a regular apprenucelhip there be, to exhibit fuch claims J2^ John Rogers, Newport, Charles ourfelves as any claim to the different branches ct bufrnci':, and working in day of September next, at this place, the United States, we are perfeft appearing thereafter will be for ever precluded. Jury t, 1794 different fhops in WILLIAM SWANN. of cur butinefs. Any commands from the matters of LETTERS remaining in tbe P0»r7 country wi'.l be thankfully received and punctually at. Alien's Frefh, i ith June, 1794. A LIST fice, Port-Tobacco, which will be fent to (he ft!* tended tJ, by tuc public', humble fersants, HE fubfcriber being appointed by the honoura­ not uk*. V/ILLIAM WHITTER, neral Poft.Office aa dead letters, if ble chancellor as truftee for EDWARB WARE before the firft day of Oaober ne». °* . JOHN GRAY. - BowT ELL, an insolvent debtor, notice is therefore o'i«, Jaly 16, 1794. * * of faid Bofwell will ALPH BROOK, Charles county. given, that all the PROPERTY of Charles county. ' to PUBLIC SALE, for READY Clerk be EXPOSED R Dorfett, oa board the fciprW. , In CHANGER Y, July 10, 1794 the late dwelling houfe of Mr. CHARLES Capt. William CASH, at Norfolk. * MMtnt RDERED, That, the fale, made on the twenty- SEWELL, fen. near Port-Tobacco. The fale to be­ Planter, John Forbes, Benedict. nrlt of June laft, of certain lots of ground in gin at one o'clock, on the laft Saturday in July nexr, O property of JOSEPH WALKER, de- place all the creditors of the faid Miry Dow fort, Benedict. Pig-Point, the at which time and head.-C. C. to John Grove* and Clement Hill, and, iikc- attend. Char!cs P\e, near ludin ceafed, Bjfwtll are requeued to Point. wifr, the fale, made on the r.venty-ihird of June laft, CHARLES MANKIN,Trun«. John Langley, Cedar* Simrru, Efq; (heriflfof C. C. \ of certain lots in Upper Miriborcugh, the property of Charles county, June ?6, 1794. Jimes to the laid Clement Hill, which Mils Hcathey Smith, C- C. , the faid Walker, remaimag in the Poll Of­ been made by William Kilty, truflc:, as A LIST of LEiTERS John B. Turner, Port-Tobacco, (»). fales have it not taken up before the Port-Tobicca his report this day made, be approved, rati­ fice, Annapolis, which, Worfcipful Maftcr of Lodge No. 1 1, ftated in next, will be fent to the Ge­ -' fied and confirmed, unlefs caufe to the contrary be hrft day oi October E- DAVIS (hewn on or before the twenty-fcfih of September neral Poft Office as dead letters. |uly i, 1794 of this order be inferted^n the LAWSON ALEXANDER, Annapolis. next; provided a copy Bul- OTICE is hereby given to all perlons whomit at any time during the prefent William Brogden, Nicholas Brewer, John Maryland Gazette, county ; may concern, that we, the fubfcriben, month. den, Annapolis ; SaDy Brown, Anne-Arundel N Jofeph Byus, Lower Maryborough. are underwritten, do. intend to apply « %lw Teft. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, county, at the next November I Reg. Cur. Can. n Jeremiah T. Chafe, Samuel L .fe (2), Mr. Cour- court of Montgomery ty, James Cox, Archibald Chifholm, Annapolis; maj. term, for a commiffion to mark and bound the folow. Richard Chew, Herring Bay ; Samuel Chew, of John, ing trtfb of land, fitnaie in the faid county of Moot- OTICE U hereby given, that the fubfcriber in- Lyon't Creek. ( emery, to wit: PARTNERSHIP, the ADDITIOK to N tends to petition the next Anne-Arundel county Gabriel Da vail (7), James Davan (2), Thomas PARTNERSHIP, Aix LA CHAPELLI, the DROUGHT, court for a cornmiffion to mark and bound the follow­ Dalziel, Annapolis; James Dilney, Weft river; Dr. and the JOHN and ANSI, according to the idol ing t rafts or parcels of land, viz. RUDMICI, WHITI'S Jamei Davidfbn, Queen's county. grneral aUcmbly. entitled, An aft for marking ud ADDITIOK, and KHIGHT SMITH'S FOLLT, lying and Peter Emerfon, ncnting-town. bounding lands. being in the county a fore faid, agreeably to the direc­ Philip Rd. Fendall, Eliza Flecher, Benjamin Fair, CHARLES CARROLL, tions of an aft of aflembly for marking and bounding bairn, Mr. Faiquhar, Annapolis. CLEMENT HILL, of lands, pafled at November feffion, 1786. Anne Garfton, John Gwinn (4), William Glanvill, THOMAS OWEN WILLIAM! '. JOHN HAMMOND, of NATHAN. Frederick and Samuel Green, Annapolis. June 8, 1794. £ yL July. 15, 1794. Margaretta Howard, Zebn. Hollingfworth, cap:. B;nj*min Hcpifon, care of George Mann, Aquila To be SOLD, Hail, Samuel Harvey Howard, John Huflc, John acres of LAND, One Guinea Reward. Anua- IVE hundred and ninety-four Hyde, Mary Harrifjn, care of William Cooke, within three milfiof of Aiti Eltam. l>ing in Harford county, TEPHEN, (who fbmetimes is by his connexions poli-; Richard Henderfon, Mouth F fituated with refpcfl to plucs of about and Muir, Anne Jeni­ navigable water, well called STtFHKN BRADLLY) a black man Mrs. Jones, care oj Wallace mills and markets, has a gun qcin. S appears to be about Samuel Johnilon, Daniel Jcnni- public woifhip, five feet feven inches high, and fer, care of Mr. Weft, of valuau.e timber, tuch as white o»k, bhck osk, -yean of age, a likely tity" twenty-three or twenty-four fet, Annapolis. chcfnut *nd poplar growing on ir, and has afirtimof of a Chining bUck, ran away Kneafs, care'of Mrs. Urquhart. Clairfayt has been plauuble lelbw, rather Dr. water running through it, upon whkh a faw re ill may from the fubfcribcr, on the nineteenth June lad, who Randolph B. Latimer, George Leggett, Annapolis. flan here The 8th i be creeled at a {mall exper.ce, to run (even cr eight (oons, and the 381(1 a his becn-informcd that Stephen hat a father, who is a George Mann (2), D«vid M'Mecrun, Mr. Mat- Fcr Gilbert months in the year. The title is indifputabie. ordered to f.ll back preacher, and lives wi:h Mr. HUMPHREY BELT, near thewi, care of Mr. Memck, Luther Martin, Elquire, on the pre- fomc- (2), Mrs. Mathews, John* terms apply to THOMAS HALL, within a mile of Of) Uppcr-Marlborough, and that Siephen, allb, Murdock, Richtrd Mackubin living near Wtnvick, in into Virginia by M'Kernie, Annapolis; Samuel niil'of, or to the lublcribcr arrived laft night, and tunei preaches. He was brought T. Mafon, H. H. 41^ who had him from Mr. Richard Pig-Point; Daniel M'DonnalJ, Queen- Cicil county. colonel Mercer, Mayn^rd, ______. «/ R1CH.JRDK. HF.ATH. Sprigg, near Annapolis, where it is likely he may Anne; Benjamin Mackall, Ca'.vert county. nuw be, un'iefs he mould be in the neighbourhood of George Naylor, Annapolis. Marlboroagh, amoagft his reladons. The above re­ William Pica, William Petty, Sam!. PCKO, Anna, To be SOLD, ward will be paid by the fubfcriber, to any perfon polls. At private Sale, gives immediate infor­ and F.vans, Mr. Raudile, who fecures faid fellow, and Henry Ridgely, RiJgely two thoufand acres of LAND, lying oa git a;;ain, and all reafona- Robmfon, William Rogers, Ed­ BOUT mation, fo that he may be John Rhodes, Archd. South river, about nine miles Irom Annapolis i home. Hugh Rrid, care of Dr. Scott, Annapo­ ble charges paid, if brought ward Roper, laidA land is divided into three tenement!, nil well im­ JOHN MANDEVILLE. lis ; Patty Richards, Weft river. in timber of the fit ft quality. county, revd. Thomas proved, and abounding Alexandria, Jaly 2rt now on thfcir mai on and took with him a fhort jacket and pair chard Wells, Richard Weeins, John he had William Wood- May 10, 1794. The French bun of breeches made ol kerfcy, a pair of cotton ftjckings, Wever, Charles Wilfon, Annapolis; county ; Stephen Weft, jun. tad of Ypres. and new fhoet, a high crowned hat, with a fmall rent ward, fen. Anne-Arundel > DWARDS'« BALTIMORE DAILY AD- in it, two German linen fhirts, ind a pair* of ftriped Weft river. __ VERTISER has been confiderably enlarged has lately been feen lurking about between FRENCH LETTERS. weeks paft, and U now little inferior troufen; dc Kerlegand, Citioen within thefe few Magothy and Severn, and will probably endeavour M. Audouigue, M. Guichot on the continent. The ewlit* aini, M. de laTicmblaye, Monfieur Lechaii, to any daily publication to fteal a boat and crofs the bay. I will give the above I.'Engle and moft authentic information, both foreign and do- Monfieur Lafuge, Monfieur Tainturier Jeune, Mon­ reward to any perfon who will apprehend and bring meftic, (hall be given in this paper, and from iu vtrf the faid negro roan. fieur Queftan,et Marr auld, Annapolis. home S. GREEN, D. P. M. extenfive circulation throughout the union, it b FV JOHN GIBSON. jun. July i, 1794. ^ fumed to be an important vehicle for advertifemt«u, July 12, 1794. (f Anne-Arundel county, SALE, tec. Sec. Subfcriptions for the above at Six DOLUU To be DIS?OSED of, at PRIVATE for on fubfcribing,) « CASH', orlARTiRBU for TOBACCO, per annum (one half to be paid living at the lower taken in at the Printing-office of F. and S. Grecs, » AN away from the fubfcriber, LIKELY healthy negro WOMAN, about (ome time in June pall, a Annapolis, and by the editor, Philip Edwari*. < R ferry of Patapfco, twenty-three years of age, fhe is well accuf- bright mulatto man named GEORGE, about twenty A Ger­ Market-ftreet, Baltimore. tomed to all kinds of houfe-work, and fpeaks the exceeding a fqusrt, * years of age, five feet eight or nine inchc» high, with becaufe « Advertisements not man language well, has no fault, but is fold dollar, and for everjr (Of long bufhy wool, he is very fond of ftrong drink, and than he has occafion ferted four time* for mi un­ her trufler hu more of the fex when in liquor is very talkative j his cloathing is inquire of the printers tinuance thereafter, eighteen cent*. boat at the lower for. For further particulars known t he ha* rowed in tbe ferry hereof. ,/"" June 12, 1794. ferry of Patapfco thefe five or fix years, and i* known HE fubfcriber intends to apply to the auditor of by a great number of people that have eroded that the treafury, for the renewal of the foll«wn| ferry. Whoever take* up laid runaway, and fecure* Fifteen Pounds Reward. yed certificates: ^ , ihall rt- X him in any gaol, fo Out I get him again, Y waiting man, negro DICK, ran away from No. 82687, on intereft from Janisary, 1781. » ceive SIX DOLLARS REWARD, and if brought me laft Saturday ; he eroded the bay from An- 525^ dollar*, final fettlements, iffued to Ioh»J-- . home a'.l reafonable charges, by . s to Kent IfUnd on Sunday about nine o'clock, Jones, loft on the twenty-fourth July, 1788, at t« of M ANNE MERCER, Adminiftratrix and dole and took with him my gray mare. He wore Point, warned away by the overflowing of ">«"'" PIRIGRINE MERCER, lateof AIIQC- a green clotk coatee and jacket, leather breeches, and in my houfe. . . / Arundcl county, deccafed. boots, a round hat, and blue furtout, but took with No. 8 1 76 and 8181, on intereft from the«igh"» w July 15, 1794. £^ hint a variety Af other cloaths. He is a very likely May, 1779, for coo dollar* each, PennfyKsnu o«- lad, well made, wear* a queue, fome little plaits in oflice, iffued to Margaret Murray, and 44^ 6"*"..' tiis wool, an d dreflei very falhionably ; he is about tlements, iffued to cornet William Murdork, IMS' Six Cents Reward. twenty-five eyeais of age, weN fized, black colour, corps, loft the twenty-ninth January, I79J> living near Port- and is a complete waiting roan t he took Baltimore, inXa mail going to Philadelphia. AN away from the fubfcriber, reads a little, C. JONES Tobacco, in Charles county, on the firll of Ja­ the Philadelphia road. £/f JOHN nuary,R 1794, an apprentice boy named JOHN I will give the above reward to any perfon who will Cedar Point, 41^ June, 1794.______GRAY, about eighteen year* of age, his apparel un- apprehend and fecure the faid negro lad and mare, or 'known. Whoever takes up faid apprentice, and de­ Tin POUIJBS for Dick, and Fivi POUNDS for the ANNAPOLIS: liver* him to me, ihall iuyc the above reward. mare, and pay all reafonable charges. Printed by FREDERICK «nd f JACOBDODSON., /3 WILLIAM PACA. J«ljr 16, 1794. Zr .-. Baliunoce.town, April 9, 1794.. GREEM. (XLIXtU YEA*;) , THE (No. 2481.) MART LAND GAZETTE

T H U R S D A Y, JULY 31, 1794.

M A N H E I M, 'May 7. vantage, in their having been obliged r.6 abandon to that the Englifh were 28 fail of the line, the French artillery ; but he trufted that fuch 25 only; that 6 fail of the Fr«nch were deftroyed, *-**-| HE French, to-the numbar of three them fome of their or four thoufand, yeflerday made a a circumftance would not difpirit the army he htd the nd 3 of the Englifh } and that both fleet* had It- third "attempt againft Franckenthal, honour to command, and he hoped that in a fhort turned to their refpeflive ports to refit. » T ; and repulfed the Ruffian, advanced time, they would repay with interefl, any lofs they July 23. The paragraph which appeared in thit pofti; they advanced to BoVcrnhcim, hid fuftained." paper of ycftcrdty, refpecting the particulars of the within a league of Wormt, and re- Colonel Craifc, adjutant.general of the Britifh army naval engagement in the Btitifh Channel, we -find, in-Flanders, arrived in town this morning. upon farther inquiry to be premature : It wu cur­ turned by the way of Schefferftadt, carrying with booty. It is hoped, Kowever, that rently reported in the coffee-houfe on Monday night, w....i an immenfe with an will be their laft attempt, as general de Mollen- 'D OVER, Afoy si. and on that credit we mentioned it, bat hot this nor give offence to the durff has lately been reconnoitring the ground Le- By t veflel which arrived this day ftom Oftend, we intent to mi (lead the public, it wu faid htd received the in­ |» tween Franckenrhal and Lambfheim ; and we are af. learn that an unfortunate affair took place two or three public character, who fared, that the Pruffian uoopt are immediately to form 'dayt fince. As a regiment of Englifh cavalry were formation . '• A letter from Montreal, dated July 5th, to a gen­ a camp in that quarter. giing from thence up the country, to join the army, they were attacked by a body of Auftrians and a great tleman in" thit city, fays, ' For this week pad they BRUSSELS GAZETTE. many men killed before .they difcovered their mif- have been carting to Lachine * all governor Simcoe**' take. / (lores, the b«ft pan of which is 'for hi* new fort |oa May u, at nine o'clock in the evening. the Miami. There are four very large field piece?, We are at this moment at the very criCs of ocr ST. J O H N't, (Antifum) Ju*t 24. and 2060 (land of arms for it. They arc recruiting file; in two or three hours, perhaps, we dill receive deal of fpirit. In two week* they wonderfully here with great the intelligence which miift influence the future def- Tiie French at Fleur d'Epee have been have got upwards of 60 recruit*. The bounty it 1$ a fhort rime made a double tiny of Flanders i it is known that the engagement diligent/ they have ia and 20 guineas. -' before Courtray commenced yefterday at four o'clock »bb*tis, and a double foffc round that fort. A battery ... __morning;:'. .i..the cannonading,.« »«.^;n -. <-rnt\nuri\continued tillrill *iohteight of two Seventy-four'sieventv-fout's and a howitzer uit erected by Sir Tbt place at luhicb all pojt intinJtJ far Ufffr Ca­ o'clock in the evening; but perfons who quitted Ghent Charles Grey at Camp St. Jean, which, on Friday nada art defoJiteJ. • . \ it four o'clock this morning, and who have juft ar­ lall, played very warmly on the French frigates. rived here, jfa tyl ignorant of'the refult. All the General Greyyon Thurfday morning landed 3000 Bri- P H I L A D E L P H I A, July 22. particulars/however, whic'i they .have been able to lilh tioopt at Guzier with two 6 pounders, two mor- We hear from good authority, and with great plea- learn, are of a favourable nature, though as they arc tara of 13! inches, and feveral howitzers, which w:re fure communicate, that the French, about the end "of ir acrci of LAND, ot confirmed by any official authority, we decline at to open upon Flenr d'Epee yefterday, and is imagined March, fent the corvettes Le Fabias and-La Difficile three muiof into the detail. \ by this time have made a dreadlul havock. The bri­ to cruife in the latitude ol 'the Canary iflands lor the lithin kprefent going L'lflct refpcfl to plitcs of gands fired ft fuccefsiully on Sunday night from velfel in whicti Muir, Palmer, &c. were to be traof- h but no ti, his a Ri.it qein. O S T E N D,- May 14. a Cohons that they funk one of our gun boats, ported. Thel'e corvettes wer« to be relieved by two people were loft. She was funk in oply four fathom white oak, black oak, WEDNESDAY NOON. others about the beginning of May. Gen. Adv. water, and it is faid hat fince been weighed up. Tne the , and hu a firtim of has been obliged to retreat All is coniu- By a gentleman arrived from Edinburgh, by Clairfayt property at Point-a.-P.rtre belonging not only to the we arc inlorm^d that (faith a law IT ill may here The 8th and 12th regimeats of light dra- way of Ireland, in the Swift, nan captors but to the Britifh merchant!, is very confide- in $cocland bs^in M wear a fctious ap­ > run (even cr eight fMns, and the 381!* and ijth regiments of foot, wers the difcjntenu rable, and from the pofition in which thispkce Hand5, Ifa the beginning ol" May laft, one Rufa, is indifputab.e. For ordered to f.ll back as fail as poffible) and encamp pearance. Elquire, on the prc- i: is apprehended the whole mull perifh. formerly concerned in printing the Edinburgh. Ga­ within a mile of Oflend to cover this phce. They Tnis i* cejtainly a common caufc, faccdurs fhould g nclr Wsnvick, in themfcivct. zetteer, a popular newt-paper, and fourteen other per* mived lall night, and hegan intrenching be fent from the different iflandt, for if thole repub­ and between "B-uge* fans, were apprehended, all at the fame time,' A very fcrious conflict happened lican*, fucceed, the conferences mull be fatal. that they had RD K. HEATH. in which there vat vaft. (laughter on committed to prifon. The charge Was and Courtray, I^yery precaution that wifdom can fugged is taking, and collecting arms ot varioui fidei. It was fough; on Sunday, and continued been manufacturing both and although tedious, the operations of Sir Charles kind* in a clandelline manner, and lor unknown pur- fcveral hour:. Grey and Sir |ohn Jcrvis will doubtlefs be certain in­ pofcs. Some hundreds of muGceu, beQdes pikes a"nd The fiege of Cambray hu commenced. The and effectual $ the enemy being furroundea on all found le- that other weapons, with powder and ball, were tention of the French is to effect the relief of fiJcs. arms would foon^have of LAND, lying oa into t'.ie hands of creted t and the quantity of place, believing that fhould it fall A veflel arrived this day from Guadaloupe, which it no doubt, that the tiles liom Annapolii; the moft feriou* been very confiderable. There the allies, it will be productive of bring] accounts, that th« cannonading had commenced, be feverely punifhed, if the govern- oerncntj, nil well im- Douay, the next place of attack, confpiratort will cnnfequences. For and that they could plainly difcovcr one of the cannon men: lifts long enough to give the lord advocate time' r of the fit ft quality. tkjy are in great alarm, it beirg the great foundery good MILL, not* la in the fort wai ovcrfet by one of our gun-boats. for their trial. However defpcrate the project ma/ for cannon. We can aflure the public from good authority, that indirection, yet it is certain that of ftones, with ibout . s - Eleven at night. feem of a S:utt ' the ports in Guadaloupe are open to Americans for the 2000 well 'armed a:id refolute men would be fuffici- e the door DOW in ti- Oar alarm hat in fome meafarc fubGded. The made with very little importaiion of beef, pork, falted filh, oil and we: ent to drive the finglilh government out of the, coun­ above regimeats have deceived order* (gain tooroceed provifions of all-kinds thai there is a fctrcity of lum- be fold- altogether, or we entertain try. on their former deftination, from which ber. not a board to be got, an*1 that flour, corn, peale, The (landing forces in Sco'.bnd never confift of red *cret.u tuy beft hopes that |he fituition of the allies in Flanders it not inclinable* putchaft flock of all kinds, Sec. are admitted, and all very more than two or three regiments ol foot, and u many fodefperate is we at firft believud. .fcarce in th»t ifland. troops of horfe. The new raifed Scots levies are to Clairfayt, who exerted himfelf aftonifhingly, hu *L MACCUBBIN. A fleet for the Weft Ir.diet failed from St» Helen'* the laft degree difaffected > fome of them have repeat­ fillen back to a place called Thielt feveral regiment! on the 17th of May, under command of hit majefty't edly mutinied againll their officers j and all uf them, are now on thteir march to join Clairfayt. fhip Intrepid of 64' guns, captain Carpenter, and two are friends to the Vrench revolution. The French burnt a fine village in the neighbour­ tbrty.fours. There are feveral tranlportt with troops At prefent no merchant in Edinburgh it fuifered to hood of Ypre*. WORE DAILY AD- coming out with this fleet. have" more than two pounds of gun-powder in hia n confiderabljr enlarged poffeffion. The infolence of the military, in the late LONDON, May 23.' H A L I F A X, July 5. . dillurbance, at the Theatre, has greatly augmented d U now little tnferwc king's meffenger, continent. The eitlitt This morning Mr. Brookt, the ExtraQ of a Ittltrfrtm tbt bay of Cbaltur. thd number of perfons, who judge reform nccffliry. wrived with difpttches Irom his royal highntft, the " The Peggy, captain Reed, has arrived here from Gen. Adv. a, both foreign and do- duke of York, dated May 21. >aper, and from iu vtrf Dartmouth, but laft fiom Newfoundland. Captain From the GENERAL ADVERTISER. By the fame conveyance we have letters from our Reed failed in company with the Jerfey fleet, under ut the union, itbprf/ in the, army, We find at we yefterday FRENCH ACCOUNT of the BAT'1 LE fought correfpondents,K ,K 'VV01?- A 7 " WeiyK- i, ;,;' ««voy of hi. majeuy's fhip C.ftor, and inform,, that tiicle for advertifemenu, , that the all.ed arnue^under his royal h.ghne.s / I J P . fc fi frf which he May 171(1. above at Six DOHA" had Papers. cap From French aid on fubfcrihing,) « hundred :"menh were !%\? kitted ajidr^v-rJ". wounded, and1; v*fome ><««»£** &«« ?•*«». *«<,*. ?.«*.N». of F. and S. Grees, » tune, Palubiac, Dumarret, and Three Siftert, with L I S L'E, May 18. ptecei of light artillery were loft, report faid to the another (hip whole name he does not recollect. Cap. r, Philip Edwtri*. « number of thirty. CITIZENS, Um Reed was ordered to fend his boat on bourd one The letter of exchange drawn, by the Alpine army from General Fox's brigade, whiih was det.icru'd of the French frigates, which he did wi:h 20 men; on that of the north1 begins to be duly honoured. iceeding a fqutre, i»« 'lie main force, fullered moft They Were furrnund* ir, and for every coo- but nifchi foon after coming on, he took advantage of Viflory it here the order of the day; -The enemy ia 'd by the French, but alway* drove them who aiuck* ir, and made his efcape with the remainder of the their lodes at Cour- entt. in the front. in full route. Notwithstanding w^them crew. As none of the veflclt have arrived, we are tray, Moncron and Menin, thry determined to attack riic-4jd have loft 180 men the 141(1 and 37th, afraid they have fhared the lame fate." ^ us «t»in, and to u!c every endeavoar to rcfume their bout loo each j but it is fuppofed that the moll of former pofiticn. iliem are taken prrfonen. Bievet ricjor Brown ol the N B W B U R V P O R T, July n. YelUrdiy having tfTembled their troops of the cen­ 14th who commanded the regiment, in the abfcnee of ». BREST FUET.' tre, they attacked ut in all points. They cbliged u* «»jor Rufs, WM (hot through the body and left in the A letter from Breft, to a gentleman in this town, to fall back from Point-a-M.\rqu« and Lannoy. We ntld. Captain Cook who commanded the 37th regi- daied May 23, I7Q4, fay) " The fleet, confifting of retreated in good order. Proud of thit firft fuccefs, n*nt, Sir C. Roft being fick, wtt killed. Colonel 6 fail of battle mips, from 74 to 120 guns, 10 fri- they expected by attacking us again to-day to make l.udlow. t, v,e have ftatcd hat loft an arm. Kates from 44 to 50, and about 18 fail from 20 to 36 farther progreft. It was their object to cut off our William Erfkine, who commanded Mother co puns, to be joined by fixteen of the line f'om Con- communication; but wa did not give them time to lumn, wu f«d to have met with a very fuperior num. calle-Bay, a port near Morlaix, failed from thit port etTcdl it; we attacked them, and .every where drove Wt of the French at Comlnes, to which he had ad- the lothintant. * them back, beat tlic charge, and our victory wat com­ k,.."."" *"UJ*ni w "° w"c wllu """ ' UM5"' •• Letters from Denmtrk, inform, Alt the Danes plete. bravely, tnd ,h, trafeni't troopl( who were to ^ ^^ h§vc Wi>eked up |he BlhiCt ,nd all Eng. Adjutant-general Revel fought with the grcateft vi­ J " fo'n °f«he columns, came up opportunely and lifh veffels there taken, and that the Englifh take all gour. We took a train of artillery complete, made ..= ie ^-'»rmagnolet to retreat. veffels tney find in the North Sea or Channel, without the garrifotrof Lanuoy priloner*; near 300 He (fit us Hie above check, by no meant fo confiderable, u it referve." have fallen into our hand). They a(ked fur quarte/t, " «t firft reprefented, hat not had roach effecl upon we ought not by the laws of war, to have granted it i "t iDirlt««>f the Britifh armv. On the 2Oth, his roy. NEW-YORK, July s». fince the town wu taken by affault, yet they otfcajned it. V/e (ball (hew to the world that Frenchman aje only to be (eared ia battle. V/c !eat u that the enemy oppofed to our force* fixty lh<3ufsnd men. The commandci in chief juft returns

^ai^itmif^ Tf

THE genie*** /* AsMAtouaTaoo,,, from hi. round with my colleague Ricl.itJ; I hope AUGUSTA, Jaa 26. ' % LlOHT D»AOOpHi art btrtby informed, ttat it iL" foon to be able to communicate new victories. We Cosy of a letter from captain Bowen, of Fr.uU'iii ^.j .. _ . ^ M^.J, fa niiftrmi >n «£ fifty piece* of cannon, the enemy loft 1000 - 'of thu have taken " o'clock in the .fi^ men. This divifion needed this »itlory. 1 «*/, at thrt, of tbt-dajt appointed by lav, for tbt mwL CHODltL, RoprefcntatiTC On Wednelday the nth inft. major Samuel Nelfon Of tbt that no pert, £ ol the j-eople. Cnerokee mountain, militia in tompaniii,, , . it i, boped..,.-_._ ".. ,,_ arrived at Boxe's Ration, at the to* to the troop 'will, on **y atttmt, Jhort ,fLl. P. S. I learn this moment thit the enemy evacuated after he got there, the fpiea of rtlnnVr.'viz. He flarts i and in * few minutes hi failfall toIt MfmJattend, - .& :-ll- ' ' J VmTI Pomt-a-Marque, and has fallen bads' upon Orchies, had made dijabtiity, every Tvtfday morning, faid (Uuon came in with a report that they fnnntnt of enrolment, conlequenily tne communication between Douay and a half mile. George-ion-n in the evei difcovcry of ten Indian, within one and tondna of tbt troop, unit then Lifle is re-edaMiftied. of this fort. Majtr Nelfon, with. Gx men he railed Md Ikarts from Mr. Stn promised not to differ the enemy to natum. Thofe gentlemen in the morning, «t fix o clock, tffff 24. We at the ttarion, ftarted on their trail, and, at his de­ Jspifa ^ We keep good »ur vord. We attached them Hi, and tbt adjacent ttmtiei, -who HOT* evening. Thepncefor, Kit. parture, fent order* for me to follow him with what iubo may ot h ft in all quarter., and every where beat. We intention to join thit ttrfi, and ethtrt lowo, » **fi e*cht the yellerday men I could raife. i accordingly got lour men with tbt time atne have driven them to Tournay «;.J Motnt Trinity. pcftJ, are invited to attend at ,g/o_ Way paffenger* 6 me, and overtook him on Friday about ten o'clock. to make choice tbcn of a (- The battle laltcd fiuetii hoar;, and was \vcll fought. camp, as it is pnpoftd allowed zolb baggage, a That night our (pies made dilcovery of them at the rxtcntrvt for the Jennd .._ The enemy were condderably reinforced, iod we re­ a large creek. recommended to for, at the rate of i colb at five different fires on each fide of ii vacant and they will be admitted, HI tired in good order, having ultj*titls, at the ttfual lair on Saturday next, , 600 onfoners. We (ball foon begin again. lad, (as appeared afterwards) and he divided the CHODIEU. that ftfir fuxflual attendance it fxfeBeJ. other men at tne other four camps. He allotted to of LETTERS when ligtit enough to y JOHNKJLTT, atcacic tnem in the morning, ./ A.Knafoin Light Upper-Marlborough, AcnuKt of this lafl afiiiH tj tte gemrel in tkief of lit draw a fight, but my cimp role rather early, and diy o( Oftober next farther* frmj. nvj\cd into the creek to cnfs, but thty were no Pod-Office as dead le f-XMicr in tlie ,water, than my two bjys and myfelf FOR SALE, C O U R T R A Y, MV 13. received) and ENJAMIN ODEf fired, {agreeably to the orders we On MONDAY next, at PUBLIC VENDUE fo Citizen Rrpreftntoti-vtt, three ; with thai the rett ot the men tired at Meffieurs Mayard the whole day long. We have Killed READY MONEY, all the STOCK iaTRADEoC B We fought yeAerJsy every camp; we then charged wi:h our (words and Turner Wootton, Elqu driven the enemy beyond the Scheld; we captured a the fubfcribcr, living at the head cf the iXxk, U' »Gilr» Hick., pidoli, and fbon made them break, though not till this city, convoy of hay, oat. and coal. We carried off what guns. We John F. Mercjk Efqui thcv raifed the war-heop, and fired (cveral the JR. we could; the remainder was burnt. The affair was and fuppofed VARIETY of GOODS, fir.ub!: to Daftor JamesTJwy, tojoj they were about 30 in number, (eafors, leather with a | bloody on both fides. There has been a great number not be certain, as forac lay fent and_app_roi»cli!ng Jofeph Jackfon Btrni feven piece* of we killed nine, but could A wounded. We took from the enemy the beft of my knowledge, Maryland, made about 500 in deep water; bat, to cannon, who took two of oun. We in number, befides one priloner Walter D. Adtlifon, they are that much lefs WINDSOR BEDS «nd prisoners. brought in. GREEN ditto, John Weems, Weem.'s of courage were numerous j cowardice and one of the boys STEADS, *cc. 4c. Trait, overtook two on the trail, within abobt Fielder Bowic, Efquin treachery in (one parts injured us. Many loldier* left P. S. We The fubfcribcr intending to leave miles of this camp, one we killed dead, the other cirj in Jicub Bradly, Merchai their duty to pillage, which fo weakened the battalions, five next week, eirncUly rcqueit. all :Nofe v/'.: badjy wounded, bat got in a fwamp. Mif» Berry, that towards evening we were near being driven wife indebted tj him to call and lst:!e ticlr .. Mirtin Fields, tallar, and all thofe to whom he is indcbtej to bfin£ la back. T A U N T O N, J»fy 5. . Micbal Earle, Efquire The right of the army, on the lift May, xvas near S accounts for fettlemcnt. . , his county, Binche, and muft thence have proceeded to Mor.s or By a letter from a gentleman of veracity to GEORGE lOUNoJN. Robt. Tinke, Efquire, Charleroy. friend in this town, dated Point Pleifant, May 29, Annapolis, July 29, 1794. / V J>hn Newto*, fchoolr PICHEGRU. 1794, we have the following intelligence : " That on William Hemfley, Eft the 171)1 of the fame month, the Indians killed two Calvert count), July 25, i;^ Ha. Belt, Queen-An brothers of our correfpondent at Belville, one of ARMY of the ARDENNES, HE honourable chancellor having »pjoi;'uJ tat John R. Magruder, E whom was a fpy ; that there had been lately killed on crcJiton Commanded by general FKOUEKTI::. lubfcribrr trudtc for the benefit o: ih^ An.'rew Wherter, bla. the Ohio nine men, and three taken prifoners. S'gns T Ef^ire, an juo-rot John Addifun, Efquin May 22. of WILLIAM ALLEIN. BINCHE, of the enemy are (ecu ilmoft every day by the fpics; debtor, therelore, givta notice, that all tbe prcpon Levey White, We have crofTed the Sambrc in fcvcral points. Our but have not men enough to purfue them, and guard conveyed, in trud, will be offered at PUBLIC SALE!, Frank Boone. divifion acted with concert and luccels. 1 have taken the d.Herein pods. He farther add?, that on the zcth at the houfe ot faid ALLEIK, on TVESOAT tl.t loik SAJ from the enemy all their travelling hofpital, a great h: (poke with feveral gentlemen, recently from head day of Augad next, on the followicg te.-r.i, :)wii; Oiany fhccts, a confiJcrable nu»d:r of Flemifh h^rlei. quarters i who informed him, that on the loth of That where the price of property fold fhall no: exceed We t\d hive taken feveral drove* ot cattle; I lend Miy, » number ol pack-boric i with an efcort, fct out five poucJj, the purchaltf (hall pa/ icuy m orjr, provi- thsm to Pi.ilipvi'.le. We drive on the entroy wita ex- from Port-Wafhington, to Fort Hamilton with where the price (hall be more than five psundi, inJ petition, and may an^cinatc 'utccjcs the mult e rcfid ic, witk of your cancan aad lend it back to thofe brigands." tragedy our commander in chief intends to ait this intered, within two years, from the time of U'e. fjinmcr. Thi. is to give notice to the creditors of WIILIAU MOSELLE 'ARMY, ALLEIN, Efijuire, an infolvent debtor, tlui the fnb- Commanded by Jourdan. BALTIMORE, "July 28. fcriber hath been, by^ the chancellor, appointed truflee, JattJ JH!J 19. A R L O N, May 22. Exlr*fl of a letter frtm Pitt/turgk, for their benefit, and thi: the chancellor hath limifld " Two day. fince, the houfe ol general J. Neville, and appointed the thirty-firft day of December next, We arrived this day at Arlon. The Imall number at day.break, by a I have the revenue officer, wa. attacked on or befoie whith day they are to bring in and de­ of the enemy here did not attempt to rcfift. 80 in number, oppofed to the of cur ar­ hwlcf. rabble, about clare their claims to me. here a body of :roops to protect tl.e march a fhort conflict they were beat off paij through the coun.tr/ excife law. After / CHARLES WILLIAMSON, Truftee. tillery and provificras which and hi* family, fome of them being and 1 march on. by the general of Trevci, acd of Luxembourg, wounded, one mortally. They are now aflcmbling in By order of the orphans court of Aine-Aruedtl Expect great fdcccfici. great numbers and threaten to dedroy the general and county, will be SOLD, to the HIOHIST BIDDU, JOURDAN. liu property, as well a. I he ofhce of inspection efta- on FriJay the twcnty-fecond day Augafl r.cil, if biiOiCJ in that town. fair, if not the full lair day, at the dwelling plan­ N E U F C II A T T E A U.. Afcy t.\. " This moment an account hu arrived, that the in- tation of JOHN CAIR, jun. in Annc-Arundcl coun- We have this day taken this poll. We made leventy furgent', to the number of 700, renewed the attack piifoncri, and loll but five men killed, and i ; taken U.t evening on general Neville's houfe, which was : HE PERSONAL PROPERTY of JomtCAiit, | Ctorge-Town. J> prifoners. The inhabitant, had been taught to believe, bravely defended by the genera), his family and a few _ deceafed, confiding of CATTLE. HOGS, that the French pillaged every thing, they have been ioldier*. In the conflict one foldier was killed, and SHEEP, and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, awl undeceived. The troops have not pillaged. We arc three wounded. The infurgents loft their leader. PLANTATION UTENSlLi. The urrru of (ale terrible to our enemies ; kind tu the people. James M'Farltne, and others not known, but (up- CASH. The van -guard of Beaulieu hu been complexly pofed to be not a few. They then burned all the Thofe who have claims igaind the dtceaftd, M beaten by that of the Mofeile army. We taok too houfcs, fences and barns, on the plactation. Trre ge­ defired to produce them, legally authenticated, ut priloner*. I to-morrow march on St. Hubert, and neral i. now in town, having made a fortunate efcape. fuch u an indebted to make p.yment to the day after on Rochfort. Our communication i. re- Major Lennox, the marfhal, was a prisoner, but libe­ ^" _ "\RR, Executor, ftorcd with Bouillon; it foon will be with Givet. rated after many threats. One or two of the general', July 29, [End of Extract..] friend, are miffing t the infurgenu are difperfed to all From theCe detail, it i. evident, that the Mofeile ar­ for the prefent." In CHANCERY, July «8, 1794 my was upon the point of forming a junction with RDERED, That the fale made by GAIMH that of the Ardennes. The lad mentioned army and DUVALL, trullee of the real edate of Au»*»- that of the North were already united. The lequel July 31. ODta TnucmAN, deceafed, as ftated in his rejwi, «j of this valt operation will no doubt be forr.eilung de. For the MARYLAND GAZETTE. Ihe twenty-fecond day of April lad. of a houfe *M cifive. ^An ACROSTIC. lot in Annapolis to Joim DAVIDSON, Bl' 01'.*'** Particulars of the operation, of the Southern armies, SiKILL'D in fcience, form'd without art to pleafe, faid city, and four lot* of fifty acres esc' from the fame authentic (ource, (hall loon appear, but A . bright a. glory, set as mild as cafe, county, to WILLIAM DEST BEALL, jn the mean time we can an'ure our readers, that, the R erin'd in pulitencia, aa in carriage nice, 1 rltified, and confirmed, unlel. caufe 10 (he contradictory account publifhcd in New- York not- A Itho' (he1, fair, (he', diffident, tho' wife ; \ be (hewn, on or before the third Tuelday in Auj«» withfUnding, the French advance rapidly in Caralorua, II cr brilliant eye. a hermit would emice. J next, provided a copy of this order be inferted in IK St. that they have taken the impjrunt foundery of M erry, tho1 not light i agaiuft flattery a tell, Maryland Gazette in thi* or ihe next week Lament, the only one in thai province, and furrounded U nknown nj intrigue, of female fair the pcd. . Teft. v SAMUEL HARVHY HOWARD, Bicllegarde. In Italy, their fuccefle. arc, if podib'.e, R ange' from the northern to the fouthern pole, Reg. Cur. Can. _ tnorc rapid. Mount Si. Bernard was carried the be­ R cirace your footlleps, e'en pervade the whole, ginning of Miyi and about the t^th of the fame A nd view the beauties of each various clime, In CHANCERY, July 18, IJ94- month, the formidable poft of the great Mount Cenii, Y ou'll ice none fo fair, a. my nymph divine. RDERP.Ll, That the fale made by CAM"1 waa taken by Dugomier. DUVALL, V'ftee, as dated in hi* repi The account* from French paper* in thit number, nineteenthO of April lad, of feveral traflj re four or five day. laler from the great Iceneof action Anne-Arundel county, the property of , in Europe, than any intelligence before pubiifhed here. For SALE, HOWARD, decea/ed, unto Henry //«//, who I Their conclfenef. and perfpicutiy enabled the reader npWO BILLIARD TABLES: one of them 5* affigned his purehafe to Ki"' better, however, for a (hade of obfcurity, as the fwi- inontli. credit. For further particular! inquire of ihe in the Mar> l«ndd Gatette In thisi or01'the the next w""- oifh multitude fhould not know how their money ii Printer, hereof* 9 *Tcft. *'* /' SAMI1BI.SAMUEL HARVEY expended iid their bed blood laviQicd. July»§, 1794, ^ Reg. Cut. Cm. 1 I . Annapolis and George-fawn Stag*e. Purfuant to an order of the orphans court of 'Anne- HIS ia to give public notice, thai we ha»« "'"«* ^rundel county, will be SO|LD, at PUBLIC opened, in Church-ftreet, a SHOP, where all .„ Stltr^ Irr'HE fubfcriber begs leave to inform the public, ofAuguft, at the late T SADDLES and HARNESSES are n.ade and once a week, between SALE, on Friday -the i Sth kindi of *«*-.• J that he runs a STAGE, dwellin« P1*?"" <* C*"> B«*««». on the (honeft notice, and any work in our by of* repaired LL th t , , , -,---...... -_-..-_ , - - - - We Batter from Mr. GEORGE MANN'S confining of houfehold furniture, one horfe', ourfelves that, from ferving _ He fomeA cattle and hogs, a fmall quantity of tobacco» and to ** different branches of bufinefs, and working m morning at fix o'clock, and arrives at we are _ I every there one day, f6me cider caflu. Six months credit will be given, different (hops in the United States, in the ev mailers of our bufinefj. Any corrtn audj from the ml fi, fflrf, , every Tlntrfifay on bond with approved fecurity. The fale to begin • *• • _••* .•.'-•l-t-.t. A ___• country will be thanklully received and puntt ualty^ at­ *"•'*•*'' at fix o'clock, arrives at ^nnapolis in the « o'clock, A. M. ROBERT LUSBY, Executor. tended to, by the public's humble lervsnir, ' "'"' I ««mni The price for paflengen, to or from George- WILLIAM WHtTTER, llo-fo i> «./6 etch> the Price to °* frotn Bladenfburgh July 23, 1794. A 1 JOHN GRAY. imt [i8/b-Way paffengera 6d per mile. Each paflenger Annapolh, July 16, 1794. ^ V "* " of a Uljowed -olb baggage, and for all over zolb to pay FISHER ^ COLE, * Jtaxi for, at the rate of Kolb baggage to a paffenger. In C H ATS C E R Y, July '_io, 1794. «& >>/_/, 1 Great care will be taken by, BOOK-SILLERS, BpoK-fiiNDBR), and STA­ / «« «» tb the public's humble fervant, TIONERS, RDERED, That the fale, made on the twenty- WILLIAM MILLER. T(uee doora weft of Totn and CvnfltlJ's Vtndut Start, O fir It of June laft, of certain lots of ground in Market-ttreet, Baltimore, Pig-Point, .the property of JOSEPH WALKER, de- July 19, 1791- /_____-^ __ ceafed, ta) John Groves and Clement Hill, and, like- Q ESPECTFULLY inform their frienda and the wife, trje fale, made on the twenty-third of June lad, I A LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Pod-Office, J[V public in general, that they have lately cfta- Irmgttm. Upper-Marlbocoogh, if not taken ,«p before the firll of certain lots in Upper-Marlborough, the property of biilhed a BOOK and STATIONARY STORE, in Balti­ the faid Walker, to the (aid Clement Hill, which diy of October next, will be fent to the General _. more, and humbly foliqt the patronage of a generous Pod-Office as dead letters. fales have been made by William Kilty, truftee, aa public, whofe favours they will endeavour to merit. flatcd in his report this day made, be approved, rati­ ENJAMIN ODEN, Efq>iire, They are now aflorted with books.on every fubjeclin contrary be c VENDUE, Meflicun Mayard and Whittington, fied and confirmed,' unlefs caufe to the polite literature. Among the many valuable new pub­ (hewn on or before the twenty-fifth of September, ICK ioTRADE TurnerB Woouon, El'quire, lications, they have now on hand, are the follow­ tad ci the IXxk, next; provided a copy of this order be inferted in the iileaHick., . ing . Maryland Gazette, at any time during the prefent i John F. Mercjk Efquire, ^ Utters, Dth. Cti, month. f fclub!: to the P Doftor JameiXJray, Paine'a works, complete.yixi ^ vols. 2 o Teft. --SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, >n, leather with Jofeph Jackfon Birntby, Prince-George's county. American Biography, ill vol." to be contiuedf i 5° . . Rrg. Cur. Can. dioui to ctiirorn. Maryland, Moore's Travels, z vols. 8vo. 50 ILES *nd CHAIKS, Walter D. Addifon, Do. Journal in France, 2 vols. 12 mo. i 75 BEDS and John Weems, Weem.'i Foreft, Calvert county, Mode's Geography, elegant, 2 vols. 8vo. 4 5° OTICE is hereby given, that toe fubfcriber in* I Fielder Buwic, Efquire, Do. fheep bound, . 3 50 N .tends to petition the next AnrierArundcl county cave t;.i« cirj J.cub Bradly, Merchant. Queen-Anfle, Do. abridged, for ufe of fchools, t court for a commiffion to mark and bound the follow, tliofe ' Mif» Berry, Pindar's works, 2 vols. Complete Letter Writer, ing tracts or parcels of land, vi_. RUBNEOE, WHITE'S le their JMirtin Fieldi, tallar, Upper-Marlborough, Love and Gibfon's Surveying, Williara-'i Letters on ADDITION,.and KNIOHT SMITH'S FOLLY, lying and to biin£ l Micbal Earle, Efquire, Church-Hill, Queen-Anne's the French Revolution. Alfo, Folio, Quarto, Royal, being in the county aforefaid, agreeably to the direc­ county, OlUvo, and Duodecimo Bibles, School Books of all tion! of an aft ol afTcmbly fur marking and bounding I Root. Tinke, Efquire, Queen-Anne'1 county, i Linda, a new edition of the Common Prayer, for the of lands, paflcd at Noveunber feflion, 1786.' |])hn Newtoif, fchoolmalter, PatuxenX Proteftant Epifcopal church, price from 6/6 10 jc/. : JOHN HA\1MOND, of NATHAN. \\m\vn Ilemney, Efquire, And a great variety of Hiltory, Divinity, Medicine >, July 25. i,-4. Htz. Belt, Queen-Anne's county I'hilofophy, Chemiflry, Nvtels, Sec. tec. too numerous having *px)ii-ujtk John R. Magruder, Efquire, to be contained in a newfpaper. i:nc£t o: ih,^ ctcdjioo An.1 tew VVherter, blackfmith, Orders from _,cntlcmcm in ilie country, (hall be One Guinea Reward. n J»e, in K.ioivcat John Addifon, Efquirc, * , carefully attended to. They expeft in a few days a TEPHEN, (who fometimes is by his connexions that all the prcpcm Le»ty White, 4 ^''Jf/ new and elegant' edition of Sttubn'i Military DIfd flint, called STEPHFN BRADLEY) a black man about 1 at PUBLIC SALB, Frank Boone. (offer f/attt. fiveS feet fevcn inches high, and appears to be about n TutsoAT th: i^ik SAM. HAMILTON, D. P. M. tweniy-three or twenty-f >ur yean'of age, a likely !o\vic^ te.-r.i, -.) wit; NOW in the PRESS, and fpecdilj will be PUB­ plaufible fellow, rather of a (hming black, rm away t f»!d (hall no: exceed Twelve Dollars Reward. LISHED, from the fubfcriber, on the nineteenth Jure laft, wh i I', pa/ Jcttiy m Dty, has been in funned that Stephen has a father, who is a than five pouidi, inJ R'AN AWAY from the fubfcriber, on the ;ia By FISHER and COLE, - preacher, and lives with Mr. HUMPHREY BELT, near : bond, to ;h: uutttt, _ inrtint, an apprentice lad named JOHN A PAMPHLET, entitled, Upper-Marlborough, and that Stephen, alfo, fome­ i red, for p>)ii:g tbt I bTblWART, about nineteen years of age; it is fup- times preaches. He was brought into Virginia by witr.in ooe,jrei( from rofed /aid lad now lurks in the neighbourhood of PROSPECTS on WAR colonel Mercer, who had him from Mr. Richard i New-Market, on the Eaflern fliore. The above re­ rice flull e rcfi<2-ie, witi ISAAC HOLLAND. ward will be paid by the fubfcriber, to any perfoa the time of fait. N. B. *A11 perfons are forwarned again It harbouring, The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, who fecures faid fellow, and gives immediate infor­ :reditOM of WIUIAU eotertaininiSfli; employing faid lad, at the law will be By THOMAS PAINE, mation, fo that he may be got again, and all rcafona- debtor, i tut the fnb> enforced again (I them, without rcfpeA to perfeni. Author of RIGHTS of MAN, COMMON SENSE, Ice. blc charges paid, if brought home. llor, appointed trufiee, July 19. 1794. f______Baltimore, July 13, 1794. JOHN MANDEVILLE. rhanceltor hath limiftd Alexandria, July -d, 1794.. V U) of December not, Thirty Dollars Reward. « NOTICE is hereby given, ire to bring in and dc- AN AWAY from the fubfcriber, the ninth of the fybfcriber intends to make an applica- Twent^.Dollars Reward. April laft, a negro man named PALMER, _|_ lion to the j -diets ol Anne-Arundel county, IAMSON, Truftet. Rabout five feet fix inches high, Itrong built, bow at the next September courr, to grant a commifTion for AN away from the fubfciber, living at the mouth marking and bounding a part of two t rafts of land, of Magothy, about three weeks ago, a negro irt of Art«- AniBd(1 lejjed. He hath a white wife, near Mount- Plolant ferry, AonC-Arundel county, living on ISAAC SIM- viz. IIAM'S PURCHASE and Buaorss's CHOICE, lying nunR named ISAAC, about twenty years of age, five the HIOHIJT BiDDta, and being in Jtnne-Arundel coiinty, agreeably to an Jeet nine or ten inches high, well made and very ac­ d day Avgoft r.cit, if MONI'I land. The above reward will be paid, by the fnbfcriber, to any perfon who will bring him home, aft of aflctnblvk for marking and bounding lands. tive, talka boldly, unlefs when fharply interrogated, , at the dwelling plan- WILLIAM CHAPMAN. for then he ia apt to hefitatc and feem embarraiTrd ; in Aone-Arundcl COUB- without any other cWges. w THOM Anne-Arundel county, July 18, 1794. he had on and took with him a (hort jacket and pair Ceorte-Town, July 13', of breeches made of kerfey, a pair of cotton (lockings, ERTYof IoiinC*M, N OTICE1 is hereby given to all perfons whom it and new (hoes, a high crpwned hat, with a fmall rent CATTLE. HOGS, AN *4ay from the fubfcriber, living in Saint may concern, that we, the fubfcrilxn, whofe in it, two German linen fhirts, and a pair of Aliped » FURNITURE, aad Malary'j county, near Benedift-iown, on Pa­ name* are underwritten, do intend to apply at the troufers; has lately been leen lurking about between i. The ttrim of U» ymentR river, on Wcdnefday the 2Ctb ultimo, a ne- court of Monlgomery county, at the next November Majothy and Severn, and will probably endeavour |ra nan by the nune of SHADRACH. «f a yellow term, for i commiffion to mark and bound the follow­ to Heal a boat and cr^fs the bay. I will give the above ainB the demftd, m complexion, twenty-two years of age, about five feet ing tracts of land, fituate in the faid county of Mont­ reward to any perfon who will apprehend and bring illy authenticated, aa< three or four inches high, fmooth face as well as back, gomery, to wit: PARTNERSHIP, the ADDITION to home the faid negro man. lymcnt to lie never had a ft ripe thereon by me who raifed him j PARTNERSHIP, Aix LA CHAPELLE, the DROUGHT. JOHN GIBSON.jun. R, Executor. hid on when he went away, as I am informed, a blue -n- the JOHN and ANNE, according to the aft of Anne-Arundel county, July 12, 1794. broad cloth coat with large metal buttons, a flriped general itfcm&ly, entitled, An aft for marking and «elt with metal buttons, a pair of olive coloured bounding lands. AN away from the fubfcriber, living at the lower JulyjS, 1794. breechei, a white linen fhirt ruffled at the boforn, CHARLES CARROLL, ferry of P.taplco, fome time in June part, a le made by GA»»IH while thread (lockings, a pretty good high crowned CLEMENT HILL, brightR mulatw may named GEORGE, about twenty realcflateof ALIXAH- hat, (hoes and metal buckles s he had many other THOMAS OWEN WILLIAMS. years of age, five feet eight or nine incho high, with Rated in hii report, o« deaths not paiticulaily enough known to defcribe. June8. 1794. X ______long bufhy wool, he is very fond of rlrong dunk, and il laft. ol a houfe aad Whoever takes up the faid Dave, andL-{ecures him in when in liquor is very talkative i hu cloathing is un- ••:_ :n, VIDSOM, and of » I**" "y gaol, fo that I'get him again, if out of the fUtr of HE fubfcriber having been appointed executor knowti; lie has rowed in the ferry boat at the lower r acrei each in Allf!*"? Maryland fhall receive FIVE POUNDS current mo- T on the e(U»rjof JAMES SWANS, in the year ferry of Patapfco ihefe five or fix year*, and is known BIALL, be approtd, «v, a_d i( in ,ne ,forefaid Mate THREE POUNDS, fevcnteen hundred and eighty-eight, and being de­ that have eroded that of faid ettate, delires fuch by a great number of people i caufe (0 the contraty »ad if brought home all ic*lor>ab!e chirp.rs, paid by termined on a fettlement ferry. Whoever takes up faid runaway, and fecurea ird Tuelday in Au^» July a, 1794. _| HENRY TUBMAN. perfons as may have claims againft faid cftate, if any him in any gaol, lo that I get him «gain, (hall re­ >rder be inferted in ik« Er there be, to exhibit fuch claims on or before the firft ceive SIX DOLLARS REWARD, and if brought ie next week flay of September next, at this place, as any claim home all realbnable charges, by ^RVEY HOWARD, Patowmack Company. aDDcarinx thereafter will be for ever precluded. «* B . WILLIAM SWANN. ANNE MERCER, Adroiniftratrix of . Can. . _ ^T^HE ftockholders in the PATOWMACK COM- PEREGRIN! MERCER, late of Anne- are required to jwy to William Hartf- Alien's Fwih, nth Jurfe, 1794. ' Arundel county, dcccafcd. July »8, IJ94- *, treafurer, twelvi ftuuJi ilerling, on each (hare HE ftbfcriber being appointed by the honoura­ July 1 5, 1794. . *$ ale made hy C»i«i"- (hem held, on or before the firft da^of September ,ted in hi» report, on«M »cxt. ble chancellor as tnillee for EDWAR. WARE BoswT ELI, an Infolvent debtor, notice is therefore feveral trafl» ot Uwl 1B By order of the directors, Six Cents Rew&rcf: property of ,Binj*«" iven, that all the PROPERTY of faid Bofwell will .. WM . HARTSHORNB, Treafurer. SALE, for READY AN away from the,fubfcriber, living near Port- Ery W, «HO hath fi«C !6th, 1794. £) t EXPOSED to PUBL1C Alexindria, July CASH, at the late dwelling houfe of Mr. CIIARLU Tobacco, in Charles county, on the firft of Ja­ ed, unlefs caufe co SEWELL, fen. near Port-Tobacco. The fale to be­ nuary, 1794, an apprentice boy named JOHN Fore the third To N T E D, Dt gin at une, o'clock, on the lalt Saturday in July next, GRAY, about eighteen years of age, hia apparel un­ of this order t* /^MULATTO YOUTH, from feventcen to at whictf time and place all the creditor^jufitoraot the faid known Whoever takes up faid apprentice, and dc> bis or the next ««« X k i*enty yctr, Of age. A,generous price will Bofwsll are requefted to attend. livers him to me, (hall have the abbvfcreward. ARVEY HOV/AR» 0 one wl10 c"n btwrll recommended for CHARLES MANK. riOrruttee. 0 X J ACOB DODSON. n. Can. ta«» kbriety. Inquir*of the PRINTERS. Charles county, June 16, 179 July 16, 1794. *\ \

HE Prioteri eirncftly reauefts til perfoni in- To be DISPOSED of, tt PRIVATE SALP This day is PubliflieJ, _ debted to them to pay off their refpeaiveba-refpeaive CASH, or BARTIB.EU forTo«»r^for TOBACCO ' * And for SALfc by the PtiNTEas hereof, and at tie lance*T a.-, fpeedaly as poffiblc ; this being ablolutely ne- LIKELY healthy negro WOMAN different BOOK-STORKS in Baltimore, ceflary to enable them to profecu te their bufioefs, a A twenty-three years of age, flje i, Wtn ' A BOOK ENTITLED, neglecl will compel them to purfne difagreeable niea- toped to all kinds of houfe-work, tod fpeaks th fure«. man language well, has no fault, butiTfold A DIVINE CALL . The fubfcriber purpofei to attend Saint Mary's her matter has more of the iex than he hat County court at the next term, and begs thofe indebted For furthe/pamculart inquire of the TO THE for. . in that county lo be prepared to pay up their arrears at hereof. aw. w- J E W S, that time ; the accounts again ft all who do not comply, In which the mod important truths will be put intj the hands of a colleaor, with direc­ Fifteen Founds Reward? of Holy Scripture concerning that people are made tions to compel payment in every inftao.ce, without Y waiting man, negro DICK, nn-i nup.jieft, aod in the uiue of which ail mankind are relpeft. Attend»nce wil» alfo be given at Port-To­ sne lad Saturday ; he croffed the bay intereited ; its repoiu being on the trts grounds of a bacco, during" the neit court for Charles county, and M new fccnc w&clta "tow opening, for the g:neral good it is hoped all fums of fociety, among all denominations of peorJe, be- will b: paid by that »-'horifcd to receive phr.icg with a new EPOCH, that appears to have . bnt took wnk been referved in the womb of PROVIDENCE, for ai above. him t variety of other cloatbs. He is a very the prefeot century to nr.fold. FREDERICK GREEN. lad, well made, wears t queuel fome little b), Price txlj a QOARTEE. DOLLA*._ '"~|~"VHE iubkliber, intending to leave this part of his wool, and/dreffes very fafhionably; htis \ a mean; July t8. ______*- J_ the country in a fliort time, Ends i: neceffary twenty-five eyearr of age, weM fized, black coicw , lirengtl u remind thcfe perions who are Indebted to him on reads a little, andrii t complete wartieg nun- h*f_ W ! many f< t& NOTICE is hereby given, the Philadelphia road. ** '7 governi HAT the foWcriber intends to petition Mont- Ir.i private account, or as partner with his brciber, s our coi Dr. JAMSS Mum AY, that it is neceffary their feveral I" will give the above reward to any petfon *), ,^.1 gomery county court, tt their feHion in No­ apprehend and fecurs the faid negro lad snd nu reiigioi vember next, for a commiffion to mark and bound his accounts fnould be clofed in t fhort time, for this p'.ir- ...... e, the fertility o pofe he haa appointed Mr. JOHN STEWAUT, at Dr. TIN POUNDS for Dick, and Five POUSDI f»_" t traft of land, called NORWAY REJORVIYID, lying mare, and pay til reafonable charges. of our commerce, ma) and being in faid county, agreeably to an ad, enti- James Murray's, to fettle and receive the fsveral ba­ in this l»*te, if they v lances that are due, tnd he is alfo directed to ufe ccm- WILLIAM ' vantages ami privileges rtcd, An aft for milking and bounding lands. Baltimore-town, April 9, 1794. HENRY WARING. pulfory metLodj io ever/ inftance where, it may be otth.s line du enjoy: neceffary. /.» 4- - Be il tbtr^tri matitd, July ? *794-______^ ______iff W. MURRAY. To be SOLD, lanJ, t hat every perlo. Will be SOL D^ on the firlt Wednefday in September, th:« lUtr, from any i Annapolis, May 7, 1794. IVE hundred and ninety-four acres of LAND (hall, t>elore the goveri at the j£v°* HORSE T AVERS, on the Ahnaputls lying in Harlord county, within three milno! I v COUNTERFEIT POST NOTES of public worfhip, mills and marker?, has a great qma. Unbe a declaration of FIELD, dcceafed, among which property is t the Ban!: of Maryland, having been lately dif- tity of valuable timber, luch as whi:? nak, bltdtoik, .ion, and take, icpe: varietyT of houfehold furniture, plantation utenuls, covercdS in circulation, and on tracing the fame tvere chcfnut tnd poplar growing on it, arj t>a> a ilrts-rf oaih, or affirmation, il complete fet of ftn'uh's tools, and a great variety of fojnd to come from th: bick paru of Virginia, where water runntr.g through it, upon whic.Va faw miouf to wit: " I, A. B. d and joiners tools; the felection of joiner's > htreaftei become a I carpenters they have probably firft iffued t to avoid impofitioo, it be erected tt a ftrill cxpcnce, to run f-.ven ortitk u an<< will he i-iithlul tools are, perhaps, for variety and quality, equal :o is thought neceffary to pive the following delcription monthj in die >ear. The title ii indiff ui:ble. *« i' (aid (late, and that I any in the Rate. The fale to begin at to o'clock, and of them, by .which they may be readily detected: terms apply to THOMAS HAM, Elquirc, cnchepre. I yitlJ any allegianu to continue till all is fold. A mort credit will be They have the letter D for iheir alphabetical mark, mifes, or to th^luofcriber living near Warwick, ii " prince, or »ny othe give* for all furas avet three pounds. at the left hand fide of the note. Caetil county, jp p^ RICHARD K. HE'VTH. (i,d oitb or affiiraaiion ASENATH WARFIELD, AdminiOratrix. The paper on which tbtf arc printed is more foft l>e:iively, the governc Anne Arundel county, July 14, 1794. _J V and ;eaJer, the ftrokes of the letttri is) the engraving To be SOLD, couit, or any one jtulg are in general ftrongcr, tnd have t darker appearance aic litieby empowered At private Sale, thereupon and therea thin in the true bills. t.k'n, to be a natiual IP' LAND for SALE. The fignature, IPm PaJMrfo*, is badly done; the BOUT |^rcrthcVfciKiyrM of LAND, l/.Djon Aniispolii ; A II »e then eto-th 9 I MiE fubfcriber would difpafe of, upon moderate flrokcj ol all the letters are fliff tnd la!*>ured, tnd A So^th ftveX ^about r.i* miles fiom rights and pnvilegei, I J. terms, tor READY CASH, a fraall TRACT appear u> be painted over with the pen, ts well as the faid land is divided rtto three tenement, all well in- flj.ei provided, tl.it i of LAND, in Charles ccunty, and in the neighbour­ flutiriih under the name. pro ed, and abounding in timber ol the firll quality. tntil bom :u>>ject uf t hood of Newport and Chapiico, a'.-out lit miie* from The value is left blank in the engraving, to be filled There is alfo on laid land a grod MILL*, Low ii lluli b: appointed to • each place, containing about one hundred tnd fifty- up in writing, fo that the fum snay be more or lefs, tt good order, isrning two pair of Hones, vti.li aba* vcrnor, mtmt-er of th fi\e acres, th; gmtelt part of v.'hich is cleared and ple.f'ire twenty tcrts ol meadow before the tio->r r.c.v io ti­ aia delegate to congn under good fence: The buildings and other improve­ No true Pod Notes of die alphabetical rmrk above mothy, »nc.' much more may be mtde wi:h very !*ttle rtfultd wuhin thu II The rove land will be fold aliogcihfr, oe election or nppointmc ments .re good a.-.a convenient, and the water falu- dcfcribec!, have been lately iffued, and very icw are expecce and eliate required '>y briojs and pleafact. He deems i: unnece^r/ to be now in circulation. in .oti frorc t vo to three hundred srr«% aj n:'ay bei vrrnment, to execut farther particular, as i: is to be prcfumeJ tliat ary The above reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL­ fuit the pjrc.^a'er:. Perfoni inclinable to pu;cbsfe live y. perfon inclining to purchifc would wifn to view t'ue LARS will be paid to the perfon or pcrtons who fhall may know :i'. teriri:'. ; applying to prcmiies, where they may b; informed cf die terms, difcover and profccute to conviction the feveral of­ SAMUEL MACCUBBIN. and other interefticg circumllance:, by their ready fenders, or any- of them, of the following defcripuon, Beard's creel*, Anae- AruodcJ ccunty, and obedient fervsnt, viz. . HATCH DENT, elk. The pjrfon or perfons who manufactured the paper Charles county, July J, 1794. on which the bill* are printed. BALTIMORE DAILY AD- N. B. Should I'.ic above land be not fold1 privately The perfon or Jerfoni who engraved the plate. __ VERHSBR has been cqnGderably colajgri before the firfl^day of September next, it will then be The printer 6r printers of the bilii. within thefe lew weeks part, tad it now little inferior offered to thefygheft bidder, at public file, with fome Every perfon who has' acted as principal in tny to any daily publication on the continent. The esiliel ftock of various kind:, and a few articles of good way, in the counterfeiting tnd uttering the faid and moll authentic information, both foreign and do­ houfhold furniture. ^ H H. D. bills. me flic, (hall be given in this paper, and from io »try WM. PATTERS ON, Prefident ej.ten.five circulatio* throughout the unit-n, it u pre- AKEN from my ftore, at the STONL HOUSE, of the Bank of Maryland. fumed to be an important vehicle for advenifemtnii, fome months fince, a HOLSTER PISTOL, Baltimore, April 7, 1794. ttc. tec. Subfcriptions for the above »t Six DoiLAts platedT mount, eight inches long in the barrel, maker's N. K. Tkrfrinttri in tin Hfigliboitri*rflaltt trt rt' per annum (one half to be pafd on fubfcribio|,) art name engraven on the lock, RaANuea. Whoever "" tit atovt. jH taken in at the Printing-office of F. and S. Often, in will deliver this piftol at the Printing.Offir:, (where Annapolis, and by the editor, Philip Edwaidi, ia its fellow is left for companion) will receive TWO Market-(beet, Baltimore. DOLLARS, and no quehions a Deed. Richard Tootcll and Co. *«* Advtf^fcivents not exceeding a fqoare, in- ROBERT JOHNSON. Refpeflfully inform the citizens of Annapolis ferted-foV times fVr »nt dollar, and iottnvy COB- July ij, 1794. and Anne-Arundel county: tinnance the'reafter, eighteen cents. /fa ' HOUGH he intends to the Weft-Indies, the HE fubfcriber purpofing to leave this city in a T company will open a large and general affort- Twenty Dollars Reward. T (hort time, requclls all pcrioni indebted to him ment of WET and DRY GOODS, in this city AN AWAY, on Wedoeldaythe j6-l> J Midi, to call and fettle their accounts. He intends removing They will buy tobacco, corn, barley, wheat, lumber fror.i the lubfcriber, living at Allen'i Frtft, s to Hollingiworth's wharf in Baltimore-town, where of all kinds, cord wood, oyfter wells, for lime, for brightR mulatto flave named PH1LL CARTER, sboat he will carry on the HAT MAKING bufinef; in all which they will give the HIGHEST PUCE; he wants twent>--four or twenty.five yean of age, 6tt fat its branches, and furnifh his work on the mod reafon- NF.GROES of all kinds, buys and fells hotfe* &c. njtw or ten inches high, haa a fmall fear on hu fort- ble terms* He returns his thanks to his friends and Annapolis, May ai, 1794. ^y\ head, a round face, full of pimples, his "^''^ cudomeri for pad favours, and fhall be happy in con­ very much when he walks, he has been »rcolw» tinuing to fcrve them. JUSTPUBLISHED, to attend on horfes, and waiting about a houtr, sw JOSEPH BURNESTON. on and took with him a new parfon'! gray cl<;th cost, Annapo is, July 16, 1794. And to be fold, at the Printing- with three buttons on each of the fleevct and pockcu, Price, One Dollar, Ariped wailloott, tnd fatinet breeches, mill it'xkiorJ, In CHANCERY, July ie, 1794. new coarfe fhow, and a round hat, alfo a Ariped cot, L RDERED, That the (ale made to NATHANIVU LAWS buff canmer jacket and breeches; he ftolebtfen^ 'WASHINGTON by WILLIAM KILTY, trultce, 11 The went off a large fum of money, and on the iStlK* flated in his report thL day made) on the fcvcn- OF April he came to my plantation and dole a frosll Cvntl teenth day of June laft, ot two tracb of land in Prince- \it A mare, big with foal, brtnded on her jeft thifh »« George's county, called BLUE PLAINS and ADOISON'S AVJ\ 4* N D, W. about twelve hands high. L/m iniormfd he MJ GOOD WILL, the property of George F. tlawkins, PalT«d November Seflion, paffed as a free m«n, and hss fold goods, S«A be approved,'r.itided and confirmed, unlefs ciufe to the '793- faid that he traded to Alexandria, George-towR,,*"11 contrary be Ihewn on or before the twenty-fifth day ALSO, Annapolis i it is very poffible that he is gone to Bil"- of September next, provided a copy ot this order be The VOTES and PROCEEDINGS more, as his lather is living there on Howard's ""' inferted in Green'i; and Hanfoo's news-papers tt tny and if a drayman, his name p JAMES Ci" rime during the prefer.! month, tod continued therein Of both /G Whoever apprehends tht ftid negro and mare, the two foHo<».'iy weeks. I get them again, (hall receive the above r.-w- \MUEL HARVEY HOWARD. HOUSES of ASSEMBtVy. SIXTEEN DOLLARS will be given for the nfp«' P.eg. Cur. Can. and, if bronght home, all realonable charge* p*'4 - CASH given for Clean * RICHARD MASON; FOR SALE, N. B. ^Us>>»rt«s of veffels are furewarDfJ ui»»l off the above negro at their peril. ^& in TRACT of LAND, containing 900 acres, Linen and Cotton Ajjti^s Frcfh. Charles county. May \i, the county of Hanrifon, and Hate of Virginia, witlunA a few miles of thc.tOwn of Clarklburgh. For ANNAPOLIS terms apply to s> RAG . «W JESSE DEWEE8. Annapolu, December 4, 1793*. At e Printing-Office. Printcd by