Susan Gross to Present TPR Storytelling Workshop at 2004 OFLA Conference in Columbus
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Vol. 42, No. 2 December 2003 Susan Gross to Present TPR Storytelling Workshop at 2004 OFLA Conference in Columbus. by Barbara S. Andrews teachers deal with some of the usual it seemed to lose its power, so she issues about implementing TPR went back to the textbook. Storytelling in the classroom. The two She invented over 100 games to workshops will not cover the same teach French grammar. She made ground, and may be taken the kids talk for ten minutes every independently of each other. day of the year. She had them write More about Susan Gross: weekly diaries. Nothing seemed Susan Gross taught French to 7th and like too much work. 8th graders in Colorado Springs, Susan says: Colorado for 28 years of her 33 years “When I first encountered of teaching experience. Since retiring Krashen’s five hypotheses, they in 2002, she does consulting work struck a chord with me. I knew they with individual school districts and were true, but they did not seem to One of this year’s featured presents workshops on TPR workshops at the OFLA Annual Storytelling. (Continued on page 16) Conference will be a full-day Throughout her career, In This Issue: workshop by Susan Gross on Susan kept searching for a Thursday, March 25. I met Susan TPRStorytelling................................................1 better way to teach Letter from the President .............................4 in late July 2003 at the National languages. Dismayed by 2004 OFLA Conference Notices ....................6 TPRS Conference in Chicago. falling enrollments and Around the State ..............................................8 What follows will surely make you elimination of language The Cardinal Notebook.................................9 All Students can Learn a Foreign curious to know more about courses, she experimented Susan’s ‘winning ways.’ I have Language ........................................................... 10 with many “new” methods A Fully Bright Experience ................................. 12 included both some of her as they came and went: Being Bold ....................................................... 14 professional background and ALM, suggestopedia, direc- Professional Development Opportunities ...... 20 statements from an interview. ted dialogs, simulations, AATF News ..................................................... 24 AATG News .................................................... 25 In addition, for those who want to communicative competence OCC News ....................................................... 26 know MORE about TPR interviews, paired activities, OFLA Student Award for Excellence Storytelling, OFLA members Teri team learning, cooperative in Language Study ................................ 28-29 Wiechart (Delphos Jefferson High learning, mastery teaching, OFLA Teacher Grants .......................... 30-31 School) and Julie Schonauer (New and TPR. She found that OFLA Conference Scholarship for Prospective FL Teachers ..................... 32-34 Philadelphia High School) will be TPR was better than OFLA Membership Form.......................... 35 presenting a half-day workshop on anything else, but after five Calendar of Events............................36 Saturday, March 27, to help or six weeks in Level One, The Cardinal December 2003 Page 1 Executive Board Ohio President Philippa Brown Yin Department of Modern Languages Rhodes Tower #1619 Foreign Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH 44114 [email protected] The Ohio Foreign Language President Elect Language Association is a member of the Barbara Andrews Gateway Middle School Central States Conference 900 Gibbs Maumee, OH 43537 (CSC), the American Council on [email protected] Association the Teaching of Foreign Executive Vice President The OFLA Vision Languages (ACTFL), and the Mary Goodwin Northview High School Joint National Committee for 5403 Silica Dr. Every Ohio student will be pro- Sylvania, OH 43560 Languages (JNCL). [email protected] ficient in a second language, Immediate Past President which is essential to a world- Committee Judith Fowlkes Columbus Public Schools class education. Northgate Staff Development Center Articulation & Curriculum Committee 6655 Sharon Woods Boulevard Jianhua Bai Columbus, OH 43229 Department of M.L.L. [email protected] The OFLA Mission Kenyon College Gambier, OH 43022 Executive Recorder The Ohio Foreign Language [email protected] Carol Eiber Stow-Munroe Falls H.S. Association is committed to Awards Committee 3227 E. Graham Rd. Marian Walters Stow, OH 44224 world language study beginning 5159 Sandra Drive [email protected] in the primary grades, so that Toledo, OH 43613 Executive Treasurer [email protected] Davara Potel every learner, from early child- College Committee Solon High School hood through adult, acquires a J. Christopher Eustis 33600 Inwood Dr. Department of Modern Languages Solon, OH 44139 high level of communicative and Olin Hall 304 [email protected] University of Akron Vice President of Public Relations intercultural competence. Akron, OH 44325-1907 Lee Wilbershied [email protected] Department of Modern Languages By-Laws Committee Rhodes Tower 1619 Lori Winne Cleveland State University 6238 Summit Street Cleveland, OH 44115 The OFLA Strategic Plan Erie, MI 48133 [email protected] [email protected] Vice President of Membership 1. Establish clear expectations Promotional Educational Activities Debbie Sehlmeyer Committee OFLA for foreign language learners. Sandra Murray P.O. Box 1342 Tallmadge High School Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 2. Build the capacity of foreign 484 East Avenue [email protected] Tallmadge, OH 44278 Vice President of Publications language teachers to prepare [email protected] Andrea Bradd Laggan learners to demonstrate their Committee on Secondary Language Beachwood Middle School Learning 2860 Richmond Rd. proficiency. Deborah Huffman-Mirib Beachwood, OH 44122 Beechcroft High School [email protected] 6100 Beechcroft Road 3. Build support for foreign lan- Columbus, OH 43229 guage instruction among par- [email protected] Website Coordinator ents, policy leaders, the busi- Nominating Committee Charles E. Conway Judith Fowlkes [email protected] ness community and opinion Columbus Public Schools Northgate Staff Development Center Web Consultant leaders in the media. 6655 Sharon Woods Boulevard [email protected] Columbus, OH 43229 [email protected] Page 2 December 2003 The Cardinal Visit the OFLA Affiliate Organizations Website: The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Rita Stroempl Early College Corlett Building • register your membership 1935 Euclid Avenue and pay with a credit card Cardinal Cleveland, OH 44115 [email protected] • read The Cardinal on-line American Association of • download forms and The Cardinal is published four times per Teachers of German (AATG) applications Deborah Page year (October, December, February, and Raymond Walters College • register for the conference June) by the Ohio Foreign Language 9555 Plainfield Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 and pay with a credit card Association. [email protected] • submit a conference American Association of proposal on line. Comments, suggestions, opinions, re- Teachers of Slavic and views, and classroom tips are welcomed. Eastern European Languages (AATSEEL) Send to: Irina Stakhanova Department of GREAL Chairs Bowling Green State University The Cardinal Bowling Green , Ohio 43403-0219 Andrea Bradd Laggan, Editor 419-372-7135 Political Advocacy Committee 419-372-2571 fax) Kathryn Lorenz 2636 South Taylor Rd. [email protected] Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures Cleveland Hts, OH 44118 American Association of University of Cincinnati (216) 831-1891(fax) Cincinnati, OH 45221-0377 Teachers of Spanish and [email protected] Portuguese (AATSP), [email protected] Buckeye Chapter Committee on Early Language Denise Lepe-Perkins Learning Deadlines for each issue are: Middletown High School Cheryl T. Ames 601 North Breiel Blvd. GATE-McKinley Elementary August 1 (October issue) Middletown, OH 45042 1210 S. Verity Pkwy October 1 (December issue) [email protected] Middletown, OH 45044 December 15 (February issue) American Association of [email protected] Teachers of Spanish and April 1 (June issue) Portuguese (AATSP), Northern Scholarship Committee Chapter Christine Monday Deborah W. Varga Sylvania Northview H.S. Keep in mind that space limitations may 6570 Palmer Dr. NW #7 5403 Silica Dr. Canton, Ohio 44718 Sylvania, OH 43560 make it impossible to publish all submis- [email protected] [email protected] sions, and that submissions may be Ohio Association of Teachers of Teacher Education & Licensure edited for the purpose of brevity and Japanese (OATJ) Committee clarity. Lee Link Susan Colville-Hall Ohio State University C&I Studies 327 Arps Hall University of Akron 1945 N. High Street Akron, OH 44325-4205 Columbus, OH 43210 [email protected] Moving? [email protected] Professional Development Committee Ohio Classical Conference (OCC) Patrice Castillo Sherwin D. Little Lexington High School Indian Hill High School 103 Clever Lane 6845 Drake Road Lexington, OH 44904 Cincinnati, OH 45243 [email protected] [email protected] Send notice of your change of Retired Teachers Committee State World Languages Consultant address to: John Purcell Deborah Wilburn Robinson 6788 Laurel Trace Ohio Department of Education Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 25 South Front St. #509 OFLA [email protected]