Package ‘igraph0’ February 15, 2013 Version 0.5.6-2 Date 2013-01-05 Title Network analysis and visualization, old, deprecated package. Author See AUTHORS file. Maintainer Gabor Csardi <
[email protected]> Description Network analysis package, old, deprecated version. ’igraph0’ is the old version of the igraph package, kept alive temporarily, for compatibility reasons. In this package,vertices and edges are in- dexed from zero, whereas in ’igraph’,starting from version 0.6, they are in- dexed from one. Please do not use this package for new projects. Depends stats Suggests stats4, rgl, tcltk, RSQLite, digest, graph, Matrix License GPL (>= 2) URL SystemRequirements gmp, libxml2 Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2013-01-09 19:39:41 NeedsCompilation yes R topics documented: igraph-package . .4 . .6 alpha.centrality . .8 arpack . 10 articulation.points . 13 1 2 R topics documented: as.directed . 14 attributes . 16 . 18 betweenness . 20 biconnected.components . 22 bipartite.projection . 23 bonpow . 24 canonical.permutation . 26 cliques . 28 closeness . 30 clusters . 31 cocitation . 32 cohesive.blocks . 33 communities . 36 components . 37 constraint . 38 conversion . 39 conversion between igraph and graphNEL graphs . 40 decompose.graph . 41 degree . 42 . 43 diameter . 45 Drawing graphs . 46 dyad.census . 52 . 53 edge.connectivity . 55 . 57 evcent . 58 . 59 . 61 get.adjlist . 62 get.incidence . 63 girth . 65 graph-isomorphism . 66 graph-motifs . 69 graph-operators . 71 graph.adjacency . 72 graph.automorphisms . 75 graph.bipartite . 76 graph.constructors . 77 graph.coreness .