Image description. Cover Image End of image description.


What Is IPEDS?

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of survey components that collects data from about 7,500 institutions that provide postsecondary education across the . IPEDS collects institution-level data on students (enrollment and graduation rates), student charges, program completions, faculty, staff, and finances.

These data are used at the federal and state level for policy analysis and development; at the institutional level for benchmarking and peer analysis; and by students and parents, through the College Navigator (, to aid in the college search process. For more information about IPEDS, see

What Is the Purpose of This Report?

The Data Feedback Report is intended to provide institutions a context for examining the data they submitted to IPEDS. Our goal is to produce a report that is useful to institutional executives and that may help improve the quality and comparability of IPEDS data.

What Is in This Report?

The figures provided in this report are those suggested by the IPEDS Technical Review Panel. They were developed to provide selected indicators and data elements for your institution and a comparison group of institutions. The figures are based on data collected during the 2011-12 IPEDS collection cycle and are the most recent data available. Additional information about these indicators is provided in the Methodological Notes at the end of the report. On the next page is a list of the institutions in your comparison group and the criteria used for their selection. Please refer to "Comparison Group" in the Methodological Notes for more information.

Where Can I Do More with IPEDS Data?

The Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) is designed to provide campus executives easy access to institutional and comparison group data. Using the ExPT, you can produce reports using different comparison groups and access a wider range of IPEDS variables. The ExPT is available through the IPEDS Data Center ( center).



Comparison group data are included to provide a context for interpreting your institution’s statistics. If your institution did not define a Custom Comparison Group for this report by July 15, NCES selected a comparison group for you. (In this case, the characteristics used to define the comparison group appears below.) The Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)( can be used to reproduce the figures in this report using different peer groups.

The custom comparison group chosen by includes the following 62 institutions:

Alvin Community College (Alvin, TX) Wharton County Junior College (Wharton, TX) (Amarillo, TX) (Lufkin, TX) Austin Community College District (Austin, TX) (Brenham, TX) Brookhaven College (Farmers Branch, TX) Cedar Valley College (Lancaster, TX) Central College (Killeen, TX) (Cisco, TX) Clarendon College (Clarendon, TX) (Beeville, TX) (Texas City, TX) Collin County Community College District (McKinney, TX) (Corpus Christi, TX) Eastfield College (Mesquite, TX) El Centro College (Dallas, TX) El Paso Community College (El Paso, TX) (Borger, TX) (Galveston, TX) (Hillsboro, TX) Houston Community College (Houston, TX) (Big Spring, TX) (Kilgore, TX) Lamar Institute of Technology (Beaumont, TX) Lamar State College-Orange (Orange, TX) Lamar State College-Port Arthur (Port Arthur, TX) Laredo Community College (Laredo, TX) (Baytown, TX) (The Woodlands, TX) McLennan Community College (Waco, TX) Mountain View College (Dallas, TX) (Corsicana, TX) North (Gainesville, TX) North Lake College (Irving, TX) Northeast Texas Community College (Mount Pleasant, TX) (, TX) (Odessa, TX) (San Antonio, TX) (Carthage, TX) (Paris, TX) (Ranger, TX) Richland College (Dallas, TX) (San Antonio, TX) San Jacinto Community College (Pasadena, TX) (Levelland, TX) Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf (Big Spring, TX) Southwest Texas Junior College (Uvalde, TX) St Philip's College (San Antonio, TX) District (Fort Worth, TX) (Temple, TX) (Texarkana, TX) Texas State Technical College Harlingen (Harlingen, TX) Texas State Technical College Waco (Waco, TX) Texas State Technical College-Marshall (Marshall, TX) Texas State Technical College-West Texas (Sweetwater, TX) Trinity Valley Community College (Athens, TX) (Tyler, TX) Vernon College (Vernon, TX) (Victoria, TX) (Weatherford, TX) Western Texas College (Snyder, TX)


Figure 1. Percent of all students enrolled, by race/ethnicity and percent of students who are women: Fall 2011

Image description. Bar chart with 10 groups with 2 items per group. GroupY scale 1, titled American Percent. Indian or Alaska Native. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 3, hover Median text (N=62) on image. 1, hover text on image. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Asian. institution 1, hover text on image. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Black or African Group American. Median (N=62) 2, hover text on image. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 7, hover Median text (N=62) on image. 12, hover text on image. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Hispanic/Latino. institution 10, hover text on image. GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Native Hawaiian Group orMedian other (N=62)Pacific Islander.25, hover text on image. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01, Median hover text(N=62) on image.0.01, hover text on image. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your White. institution 71, hover text on image. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Two or more Group races. Median (N=62) 50, hover text on image. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 7, hover Median text (N=62) on image. 1, hover text on image. ItemGroup 1, 8,Your Race/ethnicity institution 0.01, unknown. hover text on image. GroupItem 2, 9, Comparison Nonresident Group alien. Median (N=62) 2, hover text on image. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01, Median hover text(N=62) on image.0.01, hover text on image. ItemGroup 1, 10,Your 100Women. institution 62, hover text on image. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=62) 59, hover text on image. Race/ethnicityShape or gender line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image90 description. Label:

80 71 70 62 59 60 50 50

Percent 40

30 25

20 12 10 7 7 10 3 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 American Indian or Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian White Two or more races Race/ethnicity Nonresident alien Women Alaska Native African American or other unknown Pacific Islander

Race/ethnicity or gender

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) NOTE: For more information about disaggregation of data by race and ethnicity, please see the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. Median values for the comparison group will not add to 100 percent. See "Use of Median Values for Comparison Group" in the Methodological Notes at the end of this report for how median values are determined. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2012, Fall Enrollment component.

Figure 2. Unduplicated 12-month headcount (2010-11), total FTE Figure 3. Number of subbaccalaureate degrees and certificates enrollment (2010-11), and full- and part-time fall awarded, by level: 2010-11 enrollment (Fall 2011)

Image description. Image description. Enrollment measure Level of award XHorizontal scale titled Bar Number chart with of students.4 groups with 2 items per group. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Number chart with of awards.4 groups with 2 items per group. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Unduplicated institution 7282.headcount - total. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Associate's. institution 555. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Total FTE enrollment.Group Median (N=62) 9517. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Certificates Group of at least Median 2 but (N=62) less than 533. 4 years. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 2902. Median (N=62) 4736. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=62) 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Full-time institution fall enrollment. 2613. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Certificates institution of 305. at least 1 but less than 2 years. GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Part-time fall Group enrollment. Median (N=62) 2399. GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Certificates Group of less Median than 1 (N=62)year. 211. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 2594. MedianEnrollment (N=62) 3680. measure Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 124. Median (N=62)Level 100. of award Shape Shape line,Shape Label: line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

Unduplicated 7,282 555 Associate's headcount - total 9,517 533

Total FTE 2,902 Certificates of at least 2 0 enrollment 4,736 but less than 4 years 0

Full-time 2,613 Certificates of at least 1 305 fall enrollment 2,399 but less than 2 years 211

Part-time 2,594 Certificates of less 124 fall enrollment 3,680 than 1 year 100

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Number of students Number of awards Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) NOTE: For details on calculating full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, see Calculating NOTE: N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. FTE in the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. N is the number of institutions in SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, the comparison group. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2011, Completions SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, component. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2011, 12-month Enrollment component and Spring 2012, Fall Enrollment component.


Figure 4. Academic year tuition and required fees for full-time, Figure 5. Average net price of attendance for full-time, first-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates: degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students 2008-09--2011-12 receiving grant or scholarship aid: 2008-09--2010-11

Image description. Image description. Academic year Academic year XHorizontal scale titled Bar Tuition chart withand 4fees. groups with 2 items per group. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Net chart price. with 3 groups with 2 items per group. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your 2011-12. institution $1248. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your 2010-11. institution $6628. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison 2010-11. Group Median (N=62) $1922. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison 2009-10. Group Median (N=62) $5095. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1128. Median (N=62) $1655. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $6039. Median (N=62) $5016. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your 2009-10. institution $1080. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your 2008-09. institution $5703. GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison 2008-09. Group Median (N=62) $1562. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=62) $5499. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institutionAcademic Group $1080. Median (N=62) $1490. year line, Shape Label: Academic year Shape InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution line,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: End of image description. ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

$1,248 2011-12 $6,628 $1,922 2010-11 $5,095

$1,128 2010-11 $1,655 $6,039 2009-10 $5,016 $1,080 2009-10 $1,562

$5,703 $1,080 2008-09 2008-09 $5,499 $1,490

$0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 Tuition and fees Net price Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) NOTE: The tuition and required fees shown here are the lowest reported from the NOTE: Average net price is for full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking categories of in-district, in-state, and out-of-state. N is the number of institutions in the undergraduate students and is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, comparison group. state/local government, and institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, attendance. For public institutions, this includes only students who paid the in-state or in- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2011, Institutional district tuition rate. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required Characteristics component. fees, books and supplies, and the average room and board and other expenses. For more information, see the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2011, Institutional Characteristics component; Winter 2011-12, Student Financial Aid component.

Figure 6. Percent of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking Figure 7. Average amounts of grant or scholarship aid from the undergraduate students who received grant or federal government, state/local government, or the scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local institution, or loans received, by full-time, first-time government, or the institution, or loans, by type of aid: degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students, by 2010-11 type of aid: 2010-11

Image description. Image description. HorizontalType of aid Bar chart with 8 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalType of aid Bar chart with 8 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Any Percentgrant aid. of students. GroupX scale 1, titled Any Aidgrant dollars. aid (N=62). Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 20. Median (N=62) 70. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $3311. Median $5195. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Federal institution grants. 9. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Federal institution grants $4792. (N=62). GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Pell grants. Group Median (N=62) 58. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Pell grants Group(N=62). Median $4916. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 9. Median (N=62) 57. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $4792. Median $4734. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your State/local institution grants. 12. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your State/local institution grants $1410. (N=62). GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Institutional Group grants. MedianType (N=62) 22. of aid GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Institutional Group grants Median Type(N=59). $1562. of aid Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 2. Median (N=62) 13. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $2610. Median $1459. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Any institution loans. 7. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Any institution loans (N=60). $3759. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Federal loans. Group Median (N=62) 16. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Federal loans Group (N=60). Median $4652. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 7. Median (N=62) 16. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $3759. Median $4732. ItemGroup 1, 8,Your Other institution loans. 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 8,Your Other institution loans (N=11). No data. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=62) 0.01. Item 2, Comparison Group Median $2898. line, Shape Label: line, Shape Label: InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Any grant Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Any grant Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: 20 ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: $3,311 End of image description.aid 70 End of imageaid description. (N=62) $5,195

Federal 9 Federal $4,792 grants 58 grants (N=62) $4,916

Pell 9 Pell $4,792 grants 57 grants (N=62) $4,734

State/local 12 State/local $1,410 grants 22 grants (N=62) $1,562

Institutional 2 Institutional $2,610 grants 13 grants (N=59) $1,459 Any loans Any loans 7 $3,759 16 (N=60) $4,652

Federal 7 Federal $3,759 loans 16 loans (N=60) $4,732

Other loans Other loans 0 0 (N=11) $2,898

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Percent of students Aid dollars Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: Any grant aid above includes grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, NOTE: Any grant aid above includes grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution. Federal grants includes Pell grants and other state/local government, or the institution. Federal grants includes Pell grants and other federal grants. Any loans includes federal loans and other loans to students. For details on federal grants. Any loans includes federal loans and other loans to students. Average how students are counted for financial aid reporting, see Cohort Determination in the amounts of aid were calculated by dividing the total aid awarded by the total number of Methodological Notes at the end of this report. N is the number of institutions in the recipients in each institution. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Student Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Student Financial Aid component. Financial Aid component.


Figure 8. Percent of all undergraduates receiving aid by type of Figure 9. Average amount of aid received by all undergraduates, aid: 2010-11 by type of aid: 2010-11

Image description. Image description. HorizontalType of aid Bar chart with 3 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalType of aid Bar chart with 3 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Any Percentgrant aid. of students. GroupX scale 1, titled Any Aidgrant dollars. aid (N=62). Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 20. Median (N=62) 48. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $2473. Median $4194. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Pell institution grants. 10. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Pell institution grants (N=62). $4024. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Federal loans. Group Median (N=62) 37. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Federal loans Group (N=60). Median $4284. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 9. Median (N=62) 15. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $4001. Median $5275. Shape Shape line,Shape Label: Type of aid line,Shape Label: Type of aid InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

20 $2,473 Any grant aid Any grant aid (N=62) 48 $4,194

10 $4,024 Pell grants Pell grants (N=62) 37 $4,284

9 $4,001 Federal Federal loans loans (N=60) 15 $5,275

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Percent of students Aid dollars Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: Any grant aid above includes grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, NOTE: Any grant aid above includes grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, or other sources. Federal loans includes only state/local government, the institution, or other sources. Federal loans includes federal federal loans to students. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. loans to students. Average amounts of aid were calculated by dividing the total aid SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, awarded by the total number of recipients in each institution. N is the number of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Student institutions in the comparison group. Financial Aid component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Student Financial Aid component.

Figure 10. Graduation rate and transfer-out rate (2008 cohort); Figure 11. Graduation rates of full-time, first-time, degree/ graduation rate cohort as a percent of total entering certificate-seeking undergraduates within students, and retention rates of first-time students (Fall normal time, and 150% and 200% of normal time to 2011) completion: 2007 cohort

Image description. Image description. HorizontalMeasure Bar chart with 5 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalTime to program Bar chart completion with 3 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Graduation Percent. rate, overall (N=62). GroupX scale 1, titled Normal Graduation time. rate. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 16. Median 14. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 9. Median (N=62) 6. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Transfer-out institution rate 15. (N=60). ItemGroup 1, 2,Your 150% institution of normal 21. time. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Graduation Group rate cohort Median as 24.a percent of total entering students (N=62). GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison 200% of normal Group time. Median (N=62) 14. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 37. Median 34. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 27. Median (N=62) 19. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Full-time institution retention 62. rate (N=62). Shape GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Part-time retention Group Median rate (N=62). 55. Measure line,Shape Label: Time to program completion Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 85. Median 44. InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) line,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: Graduation rate, 16 overall (N=62) 14 9 Normal time 6 Transfer-out rate 15 (N=60) 24

21 Graduation rate cohort 37 as a percent of total 150% of normal time 34 entering students (N=62) 14

Full-time retention 62 rate (N=62) 55 27 200% of normal time Part-time retention 85 19 rate (N=62) 44

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Graduation rate Your institution Comparison Group Median Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) NOTE: Graduation rate cohort includes all full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking NOTE: The 150% graduation rate is the Student Right-to-Know (SRK) rates; the Normal undergraduate students. Entering class includes all students coming to the institution for time and 200% rates are calculated using the same methodology. For more information the first time. Graduation and transfer-out rates are the Student Right-to-Know rates. Only see the Methodological Notes at the end of the report. N is the number of institutions in the institutions with a mission to prepare students to transfer are required to report transfers comparison group. out. Retention rates are measured from the fall of first enrollment to the following fall. For SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, more information, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2012, 200% comparison group. Graduation Rates component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2012, Graduation Rates component and Fall Enrollment component.


Figure 12. Full-time equivalent staff, by assigned position: Fall 2011 Figure 13. Average salaries of full-time instructional staff equated to 9-month contracts, by academic rank: Academic year 2011-12

Image description. Image description. HorizontalStaff category Bar chart with 4 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalAcademic rankBar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Instruction/ Number research/of staff. public service. GroupX scale 1, titled All ranks Average (N=62). salary. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 167. Median (N=62) 203. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $51817. Median $51100. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Executive/ institution administrative/ 27. managerial. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Professor institution (N=31). $51817. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Other professional Group Median (support/service). (N=62) 26. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Associate professorGroup Median (N=28). $58516. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 42. Median (N=62) 50. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group No data.Median $49330. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Non-professional. institution 87. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Assistant institution professor No data. (N=24). Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=62)Staff 140. category GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Instructor (N=37).Group Median $48270.Academic rank line, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group No data.Median $43381. InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Lecturer institution (N=1). No data. ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison No academic Group rank Median (N=19). No data. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group No data.Median $54631. ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: Shape End of image description. line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. AllLabel: ranks $51,817 Instruction/ 167 (N=62) $51,100 research/ public service 203 $51,817 Professor (N=31) $58,516

Executive/ 27 Associate professor administrative/ (N=28) $49,330 managerial 26 Assistant professor (N=24) $48,270 Other professional 42 Instructor (support/service) 50 (N=37) $43,381

Lecturer (N=1) 87 Non-professional 140 No academic rank (N=19) $54,631

0 50 100 150 200 250 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 Number of staff Average salary Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: Graduate assistants are not included in this figure. For information on the NOTE: Average full-time instructional staff salaries for 11/12-month contracts were calculation of FTE of staff, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in equated to 9-month average salaries by multiplying the 11/12-month salary by .8182. the comparison group. Salaries based on less than 9-month contracts are not included. Medical school salaries SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, are not included. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. Medians are not Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Human reported for comparison groups with less than three values. Resources component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2011-12, Human Resources component.

Figure 14. Percent distribution of core revenues, by source: Fiscal Figure 15. Core expenses per FTE enrollment, by function: Fiscal year 2011 year 2011

Image description. Image description. HorizontalRevenue source Bar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalExpense function Bar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Tuition Percent. and fees. GroupX scale 1, titled Instruction. Dollars per FTE. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 11. Median (N=62) 15. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $6321. Median (N=62) $4094. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your State institution appropriations. 22. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Research. institution $0.01. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Local appropriations. Group Median (N=62) 26. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Public service. Group Median (N=62) $0.01. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 3. Median (N=62) 19. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $336. Median (N=62) $147. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Government institution grants35. and contracts. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Academic institution support. $719. GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Private gifts, Group grants, Median and contracts. (N=62)Revenue 33. source GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Institutional Group support. Median (N=62) $656.Expense function Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=62) 1. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1804. Median (N=62) $1405. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Investment institution return. 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Student institution services. $1092. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Other core Grouprevenues. Median (N=62) 0.01. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Other core Groupexpenses. Median (N=62) $824. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 29. Median (N=62) 2. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $2586. Median (N=62) $1892. Shape Shape line,Shape Label: line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=62) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: $6,321 Tuition and fees 11 Instruction 15 $4,094

State $0 22 Research appropriations 26 $0

Local $336 3 Public service appropriations 19 $147

Government grants $719 35 Academic support and contracts 33 $656 Private gifts, grants, $1,804 0 Institutional support and contracts 1 $1,405

$1,092 Investment return 0 Student services 0 $824

Other core 29 Other core $2,586 revenues 2 expenses $1,892

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 Percent Dollars per FTE Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=62) NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison NOTE: Expenses per full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, particularly instruction, may be group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the comparison inflated because finance data includes all core expenses while FTE reflects credit activity institution. For a detailed definition of core revenues, see the Methodological Notes. N is only. For details on calculating FTE enrollment and a detailed definition of core expenses, the number of institutions in the comparison group. see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2012, Finance Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2011, 12-month component. Enrollment component and Spring 2012, Finance component.



Overview Cohort Determination for Reporting Student Financial Aid and Graduation Rates This report is based on data supplied by institutions to IPEDS during the 2011-12 survey year. Response rates exceeded 99 percent for most Student cohorts for reporting Student Financial Aid and Graduation Rates surveys. Detailed response tables are included in IPEDS First Look reports, data are based on the reporting type of the institution. For institutions that which can be found at report based on an academic year (those operating on standard academic terms), student counts and cohorts are based on fall term data. Student counts and cohorts for program reporters (those that do not operate on Use of Median Values for Comparison Group standard academic terms) are based on unduplicated counts of students enrolled during a full 12-month period.

The value for the comparison institution is compared to the median value for the comparison group for each statistic included in the figure. If more Description of Statistics Used in the Figures than one statistic is presented in a figure, the median values are determined separately for each indicator or statistic. Medians are not Average Institutional Net Price reported for comparison groups with less than three values. Where percentage distributions are presented, median values may not add to 100 percent. Through the ExPT, users have access to all of the data used to Average net price is calculated for full-time, first-time degree/certificate- create the figures included in this report. seeking undergraduates who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution anytime during the full aid year. For public institutions, this includes only students Missing Statistics who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate. Other sources of grant aid are excluded. Average net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, and institutional grant and If a statistic is not reported for your institution, the omission indicates that scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance the statistic is not relevant to your institution and the data were not is the sum of published tuition and required fees, books and supplies, and collected. As such, not all notes listed below may be applicable to your the average room and board and other expenses. report. For the purpose of the IPEDS reporting, aid received refers to financial aid Use of Imputed Data that was awarded to, and accepted by, a student. This amount may differ from the aid amount that is disbursed to a student. All IPEDS data are subject to imputation for total (institutional) and partial (item) nonresponse. If necessary, imputed values were used to prepare Core Revenues your report. Core revenues for public institutions reporting under GASB standards Data Confidentiality include tuition and fees; state and local appropriations; government grants and contracts; private gifts, grants, and contracts; sales and services of educational activities; investment income; other operating and non- IPEDS data are not collected under a pledge of confidentiality. operating sources; and other revenues and additions (federal and capital appropriations and grants and additions to permanent endowments). Core revenues for private, not-for-profit institutions (and a small number of public Disaggregation of Data by Race/Ethnicity institutions) reporting under FASB standards include tuition and fees; government appropriations (federal, state, and local); government grants and contracts; private gifts, grants, and contracts (including contributions When applicable, some statistics are disaggregated by race/ethnicity. Data from affiliated entities); investment return; sales and services of disaggregated by race/ethnicity have been reported using the 1997 (new) educational activities; and other sources. Core revenues for private, for- Office of Management and Budget categories. Detailed information about profit institutions reporting under FASB standards include tuition and fees; the recent race/ethnicity changes can be found at government appropriations, grants, and contracts (federal, state, and local); private grants and contracts; investment income; sales and services of educational activities; and other sources. At degree-granting institutions, Postbaccalaureate Degree Categories core revenues exclude revenues from auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), hospitals, and independent operations. Nondegree-granting instituions do no report revenue from auxiliary The use of new postbaccalaureate degree categories was mandatory in the enterprises in a separate category. These amounts may be included in the 2011-12 collection year. These categories are: doctor’s degree- core revenues from other sources. research/scholarship, doctor’s degree-professional practice, and doctor’s degree-other. (The first-professional degree and certificate categories and the single doctor’s degree category have been eliminated.) Core Expenses

Core expenses include expenses for instruction, research, public service, academic support, institutional support, student services, scholarships and fellowships (net of discounts and allowances), and other expenses. Expenses for operation and maintenance of plant, depreciation, and interest are allocated to each of the other functions. Core expenses at degree-granting institutions exclude expenses for auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), hospitals, and independent operations. Nondegree-granting institutions do not report expenses for auxiliary enterprises in a separate category. These amounts may be included in the core expenses as other expenses.


Equated Instructional Staff Salaries regardless of the duration of service, and amounts made to or on behalf of an individual over and above that received in the form of a salary or wage. Total salary outlays for full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month Frequently, benefits are associated with an insurance payment. Private, for- contracts were equated to 9-month outlays by multiplying the outlay for profit institutions under FASB standards do not report salaries. 11/12-month contracted instructional staff by 0.8182. The equated outlays were then added to the outlays for 9/10-month instructional staff to Total Entering Undergraduate Students determine an average salary for each rank. Salaries are not included for medical school staff or staff on less-than-9-month contracts. Total entering students are students at the undergraduate level, both full- and part-time, new to the institution in the fall term (or the prior summer FTE for Enrollment term who returned in the fall). This includes all first-time undergraduate students, students transferring into the institution at the undergraduate The full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment used in this report is the sum of level, and nondegree/certificate-seeking undergraduates entering in the fall. the institution’s FTE undergraduate enrollment and FTE graduate Only degree-granting, academic year reporting institutions provide total enrollment (as calculated from or reported on the 12-month Enrollment entering student data. component). Undergraduate and graduate FTE are estimated using 12- month instructional activity (credit and/or contact hours). See “Calculation Tuition and Required Fees of FTE Students (using instructional activity)” in the IPEDS Glossary at Tuition is defined as the amount of money charged to students for instructional services; required fees are those fixed sum charges to FTE for Staff students for items not covered by tuition that are required of such a large proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charge is an The full-time equivalent (FTE) of staff is calculated by summing the total exception. The amounts used in this report are for full-time, first-time, number of full-time staff from the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates and are those used by the section of the Human Resources component and adding one-third of the financial aid office to determine need. For institutions that have differential total number of part-time staff. tuition rates for in-district or in-state students, the lowest tuition rate is used in the figure. Only institutions that operate on standard academic terms will have tuition figures included in their report. Graduation Rates and Transfer-out Rate

Graduation rates are those developed to satisfy the requirements of the Additional Methodological Information Student Right-to-Know and Higher Education Opportunity Acts and are defined as the total number of individuals from a given cohort of full-time, Additional methodological information on the IPEDS components can be first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who completed a found in the publications available at degree or certificate within a given percent of normal time (for the degree or certificate) before the ending status date of August 31, 2011, divided by Additional definitions of variables used in this report can be found in the the entire cohort of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking IPEDS online glossary available at undergraduates minus any allowable exclusions. Institutions are permitted to exclude from the initial cohort students who died or were totally and permanently disabled; those who left school to serve in the armed forces or were called to active duty; those who left to serve with a foreign aid service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; and those who left to serve on an official church mission. Transfer-out rate is the total number of students from the cohort who are known to have transferred out of the reporting institution within the same time period, divided by the same adjusted cohort. Only institutions with a mission that includes preparing students to transfer are required to report transfers out.

Retention Rates

Full-time retention rates are defined as the number of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who enter the institution for the first time in the fall and who return to the same institution the following fall (as either full- or part-time), divided by the total number of full- time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in the fall of first entrance. Part-time retention rates are similarly defined. For 4-year Dr. Jeremy McMillen, President institutions offering a bachelor’s degree, this rate is reported only for those Grayson College (ID: 225070) first-time students seeking a bachelor’s degree. For less than 4-year institutions, the rate is calculated for all first-time degree/certificate-seeking 6101 Grayson Drive students. Denison, TX 75020-8299

Salaries, Wages, and Benefits

Salaries, wages, and benefits, for public institutions under GASB standards, and private, not-for-profit institutions under FASB standards, include amounts paid as compensation for services to all employees

Grayson College