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Membership Directory MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Australia University of Alberta Humboldt University of Berlin University of Ulster Curtin University University of British Columbia International Psychoanalytic U. Italy La Trobe University University of Guelph Berlin SAR Italy Section Monash University University of Lethbridge Justus Liebig University Giessen European University Institute National Tertiary Education University of Ottawa Karlsruhe Institute of Technology International School for Advanced Union* University of Toronto Katholische Universität Eichstätt- Studies (SISSA) University of Canberra University of Victoria Ingolstadt International Telematic University University of Melbourne Vancouver Island University Leibniz Universität Hannover (UNINETTUNO) University of New South Wales Western University Mannheim University of Applied Magna Charta Observatory University of the Sunshine Coast York University Sciences Sapienza University of Rome Austria Chile Max Planck Society* Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt University of Chile Paderborn University Scuola Normale Superiore Ruhr University Bochum Scuola Superiore di Sant’Anna MCI Management Center Czech Republic Innsbruck- The Entrepreneurial RWTH Aachen University Scuola Superiore di Catania Charles University in Prague Technische Universität Berlin Societa' Italiana Delle Storiche School Palacký University Olomouc University of Graz Technische Universität Darmstadt University of Bologna Vienna University of Economics Denmark Technische Universität Dresden University of Brescia and Business SAR Denmark Section Technische Universität München University of Cagliari University of Vienna Aalborg University TH Köln University of Florence Aarhus University University Alliance Ruhr* University of Genoa Belgium Copenhagen Business School University of Bayreuth University of Macerata UAF-SAR Netherlands & Belgium Danish Institute for International University of Bonn University of Milan Section Studies University of Bremen University of Padova Academy for Research and Higher Danish Institute of Human Rights University of Cologne University of Pavia Education (ARES) IT University of Copenhagen University of Duisburg-Essen University of Pisa European University Association Roskilde University University of Düsseldorf University of Siena European Students’ Union* Technical University of Denmark University of Freiburg University of Trento Ghent University University of Copenhagen University of Greifswald University of Trieste Global Student Forum University of Southern Denmark University of Göttingen University of Turin Hasselt University University of Udine Finland University of Hamburg KU Leuven University of Urbino SAR Finland Section University of Hildesheim Foundation Network of Universities from the University of Hohenheim University of Venice Aalto University Capitals of Europe (UNICA) University of Kassel University of Verona Université Catholique de Louvain Åbo Akademi University University of Konstanz Iraq Université Libre de Bruxelles Hanken School of Economics Lappeenranta University of University of Münster Sulaimani Polytechnic University Vrije Universiteit Brussel University of Potsdam Technology University of Siegen Kenya Brazil University of the Arts Helsinki University of Tübingen African Network for International Association of La Salle University of Eastern Finland University of Wuppertal Internationalization of Education* Universities University of Helsinki Masinde Muliro University of Pontifical Catholic University of University of Jyväskylä Ghana Science and Technology Paraná University of Tampere University of Ghana Kyrgyzstan Canada University of Turku Greece American University of Central Asia SAR Canada Section France Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University of Alberta International Université Grenoble Alpes University of the Aegean Lithuania Canadian Association of University Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint- Ionian University Belarusian Human Rights House* Teachers Vilnius University Denis Hungary Carleton University Université de Strasbourg Central European University Luxembourg George Brown College Germany University of Luxembourg Massey College - University of Iceland SAR Germany Section Toronto University of Iceland Mexico Alexander von Humboldt McGill University Asociación Mexicana para la Foundation* Ireland McMaster University Educación Internacional Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin SAR Ireland Section, with Memorial University of Universidad de Monterrey Bard College Berlin Universities Ireland Newfoundland Netherlands Berlin School of Economics and Law Dublin City University Mount Royal University UAF-SAR Netherlands & Belgium Bielefeld University Maynooth University Queen’s University Section Bielefeld University of Applied NUI Galway Saint Mary’s University Delft University of Technology Sciences Queen’s University Belfast Simon Fraser University Eindhoven University of Technology Europa-Universitat Flensburg Trinity College Dublin Trent University European Association for European University of Viadrina Universities Ireland* Université du Québec à Montréal International Education (EAIE)* FernUniversität University College Cork (UQAM) Freie Universität Berlin University College Dublin *Affiliate members Sustaining Members SAR sections or partner networks (3/2021 ver.) The Hague University of Applied Smolny College Swiss Academies of Arts and Kingston University Sciences Serbia Sciences Leeds Beckett University Hanze University of Applied University of Belgrade Swiss Federal Institute for Liverpool Hope University Sciences, Groningen Vocational Education and Liverpool John Moores University Hogeschool van Amsterdam Sierra Leone Training SFIVET / EHB Liverpool School of Tropical International Migration, Integration Fourah Bay College Swissuniversities Medicine and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) Slovakia Thurgau University of Teacher London Business School Leiden University Bratislava International School of Education (PHTG) London Metropolitan University Maastricht University Liberal Arts (BISLA) Università della Svizzera italiana London School of Economics Network of Concerned Historians* Bratislava Policy Institute* University of Applied Sciences and London School of Hygiene & The Netherlands Institute for Matej Bel University Arts Northwestern Switzerland Tropical Medicine Advanced Study* Pan-European University University of Applied Sciences and London South Bank University Radboud University Nijmegen Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Arts of Western Switzerland Loughborough University Stichting voor Vluchteling- University of Ss. Cyril and University of Basel Manchester Metropolitan Studenten (Foundation for Methodius in Trnava University of Bern University Refugee Students) UAF* University of Fribourg Middlesex University Slovenia Tilburg University University of Genève Newcastle University University of Ljubljana University of Amsterdam University of Lausanne Newman University Utrecht University South Africa University of Lucerne Nottingham Trent University Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Durban University of Technology University of Neuchâtel Open University Wageningen University University of Cape Town University of St.Gallen Oxford Brookes University University of Pretoria New Zealand University of Teacher Education Plymouth University University of the Witwatersrand New Zealand Tertiary Education Lucerne PH Lucerne Queen Margaret University Union* Spain University of Zurich Queen Mary, University of London Royal Society of New Zealand* Associació Catalana d'Universitats Zurich University of Applied Queen’s University Belfast University of Canterbury Públiques (ACUP) Sciences (ZHAW) Ravensbourne University Compostela Group of Universities Zurich University of Teacher Regent's University Norway Universidad Complutense de Education PH Zurich Royal Holloway, University of SAR Norway Section Madrid Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK London BI Norwegian Business School University of Deusto Sheffield Hallam University Chr. Michelsen Institute Tunisia University of Jaén Syndicate of Union Movement of SOAS, University of London MF Norwegian School of Theology Southampton Solent University Sweden Tunisian University Teachers Nord University Staffordshire University SAR Sweden Section (IJABA)* Norwegian Association of Universities UK* Dalarna University Researchers* United Kingdom University College London Jönköping University Norwegian School of Sport Cara-SAR UK Universities Network University of Aberdeen Karlstads Universitet Sciences Abertay University University of the Arts London Karolinska Institutet Norwegian Students' & Academics' Aston University University of Bath Konstfack University College Int’l Assistance Fund (SAIH)* Bath Spa University University of Bedfordshire KTH Royal Institute of Technology Norwegian University of Life Birkbeck College University of Birmingham Linnaeus University Sciences Brunel University University of Bournemouth Luleå University of Technology Norwegian University of Science & Canterbury Christ Church University of Bradford Lund University Technology, Trondheim University University of Brighton Malmö University Oslo Metropolitan University Cardiff University University of Bristol Royal Swedish Academy of University of Agder Central School of Speech and University of Buckingham Letters, History and Antiques University of Bergen Drama University of Cambridge Mid Sweden University University of Oslo City & Guilds of London Art School University of Central Lancashire Södertörn University University of
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