Ulrike Schlägel Current Position Education Past Research Positions
Ulrike Schlägel Affiliation: University of Potsdam Institute of Biochemistry and Biology Am Mühlenberg 3 14476 Potsdam, Germany Contact: office: +49 331 977 6263 mobile: +49 176 8065 2385 e-mail: ulrike.schlaegel@uni-potsdam.de Current position 2021–present Junior research group leader (DFG Emmy Noether Programme) University of Potsdam, Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, Germany Education 2015 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Thesis: “Models on the move: memory and temporal discretization in animal movement” 2008 Diplom in Mathematics, with distinction Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany Thesis: “Deterministic recombination-selection dynamics” 2005–2006 ERASMUS1 exchange University of Edinburgh, UK, 09/2005–05/2006 Past research positions 2015–2020 Postdoctoral researcher, Research Training Group “BioMove” (DFG-GRK 2118/1) University of Potsdam, Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, Germany 2015 Postdoctoral fellow (DAAD Returning Scientists program – Rückkehrstipendium) Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt, and Department of Biological Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, 06–09/2015 2009 Research assistant Research Centre for Mathematical Modelling, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, 01–06/2009 1European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students Curriculum vitae page 2 of 5 Ulrike Schlägel Publications (selection) 5. Schlägel UE, Grimm V, Blaum N, Colangeli P, Dammhahn M, Eccard J, Hausmann SL, Herde A, Hofer H, Joshi J, Kramer-Schadt S, Litwin M, Lozada-Gobilard SD, Müller MEH, Müller T, Nathan R, Petermann JS, Pirhofer-Walzl K, Radchuk V, Rillig MC, Roeleke M, Schäfer M, Scherer C, Schiro G, Scholz C, Teckentrup L, Tiedemann R, Ullmann W, Voigt C, Weithoff G & Jelsch F (2020) Movement-mediated community assembly and coexistence.
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