A Matter of Conviction A blueprint for community-based rehabilitative prisons Rachel O’Brien and Jack Robson October 2016 The mission of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) is to enrich society through ideas and action. We believe that all human beings have creative capacities that, when understood and supported, can be mobilised to deliver a 21st century enlightenment. We work to bring about the conditions for this change, not just amongst our diverse Fellowship, but also in institutions and communities. By sharing powerful ideas and carrying out cutting- edge research, we build networks and opportunities for people to collaborate, creating fulfilling lives and a flourishing society. Transition Spaces is a community interest company set up in 2015 to work with justice services to strengthen rehabilitative outcomes. Its focus is on co-design – incubating and facilitating practical change with staff and service users – and on bridging the gap between theory, evidence and practice. For further information please visit: www.thersa.org/action- and-research/ rsa-projects/public-services-and-communities-folder/ future-prison. Or contact Jack:
[email protected] Contents About Us 5 Foreword 7 Acknowledgements 9 Key Points 13 SECTION 1: THE CASE FOR CHANGE 1. From Object to Citizens 19 2. Reducing Risk through Strengthening Rehabilitation 29 SECTION 2: THE CONTEXT OF CHANGE 3. Where We Are Now 41 4. Justice Reform 49 5. Health and Wellbeing 57 6. A Time for Transformation 65 SECTION 3: A BLUEPRINT FOR COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATIVE PRISONS 7. A New Model of Accountability 73 8.