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Coady Juanitar.Pdf INFORMAll0N TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text diredIy from the original or copy sobmitted. Thus. some thesis and __copies ItO in __face. while 0!Ilers may be from any type of CXllllpUIOrprinter. Tho quality 01 this """"'uction Is dopondont upon the quality 01 the copy submItIItcI. Ekoken or indistinct print. coIofed or poor quality ~Iustrations and phoCographs, print bMdthfough, substandard margin$, and improper alignment can adYeI1ely atIect reproduction. In lhe unlikely _ that the author did noI send UMl a complete manuscript and there are missing pages. these will be noted. Also. if unauthorized copyright maI8riaI had to be rerncMtd, a note will indicate the deletion. ~ __ (e.g.. __• drawings. c:har1s) are __ by oedioning lhe original. beginning at tile UPl"" left-hand comer and continuing fn>m left to r9llmequoIsections wilh _ overlaps. 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The author rdlIins ownersbip of!be L'auteur conserve la propriete do copyright in this thesis. Neither !be droit d'auleur qui protqe c:etIe lbese. thesis nor substaotial_ from it Ni la lbese ni des cxIraits substanliels may be printed or otberwise de ceDe-ci oe doivent ette imprimes lqlIO<!ueed without !be au!bor's 00 _ reproduits sans son permission. lOIlOrisation. Canadi UNDERSOWfNG RUTABAGA (Brauic:o nopus L.) WlTH WHITE CLOVER (Trifolium reptns L.): EFFEcrs ON THE CABBAGE ROOT MAGGOT (Delia ,adfrom (L.)) AND ITS PARASITOIDIPREDATOR (Aleocharo bilineo(o GyU.) by JUANITA R. COADY A thesis submined to the School ofGraduate Studies in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree 0 f Master ofScience (Environmental Science) Environmental Science Program Memorial University ofNewfoundland December 1999 St John"s Newfoundland UNDERSOWlNG RUTABAGA (Brass/ca "apus L.) WITH WHITE CLOVER (Trifolium repens L.): EFFECTS ON THE CABBAGE ROOT MAGGOT (Delia rad/cum (L.» AND ITS PARASITOIDIPREDATOR (Aleochara bili"eata GyIL) JUANITA R. COADY AJJST«ACT The cabbage root maggot Delio radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyi\dae). particularly the 5C'Cond generation. is the most smous illSttt ~ of rutabaga in Newfoundland. Cabbage root maggOllarv3e feed on the developing root and leave unsightly scars that reduce marketability. Undersowing rutabaga with white clover (Trifolium repens l. var. Sonja) was tested 10 detennine the effects on cabbage root maggot adults. oviposition. rutabaga yield and marketability. carabid beetles and the root maggot predator/parasiloid Aleochara bilinealU Gyll. (Coleoptera: Siaphylinidae). Results of this study show that undersowing did have significant effects on the factors studied. The bare plou had more D. ,.adicum females and eggs. A. biJineata (measured by both pitfall trapping and rate ofparasitism). and some carabid species (Clivinafossor and Bembiclion lamprw). The undersown plots had higher loul numbers of D. radicum of which most were males. and mort ofsome carabid species (Plerosrichw melanariw and Amaro hifronsl. There was a signiftcant yield rtduction in undersown compared to bare plots in 1997. 3tld no rutabaga were marketable from either lreatment. In 1998 when there was less pest pressure. yields were similar lind a small percentage ofrutabaga were m3rketable from both treatments. The rate ofparasitism by A. bilineota was lower in the undersown plots. as observed by other researchers. An incubator study of fall-col1ected D. rodiclJm pupae found peak D. raJicum ernt':rgen<:e occulTCd at 112 degree days (DO) and peak A. Mineota emerge~ occurred at 421 00. above a base thrtshold of4.4°C. Survey collectKms showed that A. bilineata is present in all major growing areas ofNewfound1and. ACKNOWL£lHi£M£NTS I extend my sincere gratilUde to my supervisors Dr. P. L. Dixon, Agriculture and Agri·Food Canada and Dr. D. J. Larson, Memorial University ofNewfoundland for lheir interest. guidance and help throughout the completion of my graduate program. A speciallhanks to Dr. Dixon for her confidence, encouragement and lor being a great role­ modellar all who are fortunate enough 10 work with her. Much thanks go to the Entomology Technicians - Barb George and Janet Coombes who have been very helpful in many aspects afmy research. Thank you to Dr. D. Spaner for his statistical expertise. To the following employees of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: for access to the equipment and expertise oflhe staffof the Atlantic Cool Climate Crop Research Centre. Dr. J. Richards. Director: lor countless technical advice. Mr. Ken Proudfoot (retired); for financial administration. Mrs. H. Stevenson; advice on undersowing, Dr. D. McKenzie and sowing ofclover. Mr. Crosbie Williams, I appretiate and am thankful tor the financial support provided by Agriculture and Agri·Food Canada and the Newfoundland and Lnbrador Federation ofAgriculture. I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation tor the never-ending support and encouragement provided by my family ­ my parents - Ann and James and to Deanie. Jamie and Janice thanks for always being there. [extend thanks to my friends for their support: A. Coady, M. Dalton·Nimz, M. Hayden and L Kavanagh. To my friend. B. Coady, ( appreciate all the encouragement and support. I "ish to dedicate this thesis to the memory ofa very inspirational, intelligent and special person - Mr. Charles Coady (1912·1999). iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract . Acknowledgements . iii List ofTables . vii List ofFigures ._ viii 1.0 Introduction . I.I RUiabaga ... 1.1.1 History." 1.1.2 Production in Newfoundland . 1.1.3 Pests. 1.2 Delia rudicum (L) (Dipiero: Anthomyiidae) . 1.2.1 History. 1.2.2 Ta.xonomy. 1.2.3 life Cycle ... 1.2.4 Damage. 10 1.2.5 Control Options . II 1.3 Aleochara bilin/!utu Gyll. (Coleoplera: Staphylinidae) . 14 1.3.1 Ta.xonomy ... 17 D.l life Cycle. 17 1.4 Predators . 19 1.5 Underso\\ing . 20 1.6 Objectives . 23 2.0 Materials & Methods . 24 2.1 Study Area . 24 2.2 E:-::perimental Design . 24 2.2.1 GenctaJ. 24 2.2.2 Rutabaga Transplants . 26 2.3 Delia radicum Aduhs .. 29 2.4 Ovipositional Prelerence of Delia radicllm . 30 2.5 Pitlall Traps. 31 2.6 RUlabaga Sampling . J2 2.6.1 AIl!(x:hara bilineala Dislribution ... J2 2.6.2 Damage Assessment . JJ 2.7 Data Analysis .. 34 3.0 Results . 36 3.1 Delia radicum Adulls . 36 3.2 Ovipositional Pattern or Delia radiCllm . 43 3.3 Pitfall trap catches. 54 3.3.1 Staphylinidae. 54 3.3.2 Carabidae. 59 3.4 Aleor:hara bilinl!OIO Parasitism and Degree Day Study . 62 3.5 Distribution across die Province .. 66 3.6 Damage Assessment 66 4.0 Discussion . 70 4.1 Delio radicum adulls and oviposition. 70 4.2 Natural enemies - predators and parasitoids .. 71 4.3 Damage Assessment . 75 4.4 Summary . 77 4.5 Future Research . 79 4.6 Conclusion . 81 Literature Cited . 82 ,; LIST OF TABLES T.ble Page 3.1 Mean number and SEM ofDelia radicum flies per pan trap per day (x 10) in clover or bare plots. 1997. (' =significantly different atp~O.05). 39 3.2 Mean number and SEM of Delia radicum flies per pan trap per day (x 100) in clover or bare plots, 1998. 44 ,., Mean number and SEM ofDelia radicum eggs per plant per day (x 100) in clover or bare plots. 1997. (' "" significantly different at p~O.05). 47 3.4 Mean number and SEM ofDelia radicum eggs per plant per day (x 100) in clover or bare plots. 1998. 50 35 Percent Delia radicl/m and A/cuchara bilineafa emergence from D. radicum pupae collected in 1997 and reared in the incubator study. 65 3.6 Damage assessments for rutabaga collected in 1997 and 1998 from bare plots or plots undersown with clover. 68 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure rage 1.1 Dt!lia radiC:llm pupa (top) and Aleochora bilineala adult (bottom), (magnification"" l5x). \5 1.2 Parasitized Delia radicum pupa (note Aleochara bWneala larva on inside left. and A. bilineata entry hole on bouom right), (magnification =35x). 18 2.1 Field site at Agriculture and Agri·Food Canada Research Centre showing rutabaga plots undersown with clover. 25 2.2 Plots at the Agriculture and Agri·food Canada Research Centre showing row covers to exclude first generation cabbage root maggot damage. 28 3.1 Mean number and Standard Error ofMean (SEM) ofDelia radictlm flies per pan trap per day in 1997 (n = 8; rutabaga undersown and bare combined). 37 3.2 Mean number and SEM ofDelia radicllm flies per pan trap per day in clover or bare plots. 1997 (- = significantly different at p :::: 0.05), (n:4). 40 3.3 Mean number ofmale and female adult Delia radicl/m per pan trap in rutabaga not undersown with clover (bare plots), 1997 (. "" significantly different at p ~ 0.05), (n "" 4). 4\ 3.4 Mean number ofmale and female adult Delia radicum per pan trap in rutabaga undersown with clover, 1997 (n "" 4).
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