$)#*+, * Martin Seeger**

6"!"&7-'#5M'C/*&7-6!$) C/0(!(7 C/0(&7-.)*7-" ,5x$ 7-)M#7-6!" '.7. LS–S ,5x#&! )!7-6!" '.7. LŒ‘’ ,5!M-)!6! 4!!($ 0 5"$)'6)// '.7. LŒS‘ $‰) 6!7-%)&7- $7-6!%6 P‘ ‚!(Q!" &5 (!" 0 5!($M-,5Q7-Q)7- )))4 '0( )! )),! 5 7 7 M' # M'% 7-,56!$

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 ( ) !"#$ %&' (*++,), ./' 0 () !"#$%&' 1"2/" 3 04 55. 162/ ".04 ' Martin Seeger Research Committee of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the United Kingdom (ASEASUK) funded by The British Academy !2/" " Justin McDaniel 2/1 #5#" &.06 (. ' ..87 6)7 9& ' ., %%. (; 66) !"& ' ., & ' . 9.; 6 ;.1 9 52/#5#" * #' = ./ ./ >9 ** Senior Lecturer #0;; & 4? ./ ' ;&9@4 ! "## $%&-& ''( Mae Chis’ Access to Higher Monastic Education in


This research investigates the relationship between Thai mae chis’ access to higher monastic education, provided by the , and their opportunities to find appropriate accommodation and financial support. While the Mahanikaya Sangha has supported mae chis in their Abhidhamma Studies since 1951, the Dhammayuttika-Nikaya Sangha has provided mae chis with the opportunity to pursue Pali Studies in a similar way to since 1963 (even though there still exist some significant differences). As a consequence of the enactment of their University Acts in 1997, both Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Mahamakut Buddhist University have been able to admit mae chis to their programmes. Our research will show that monastic educational career opportunities for mae chis have improved significantly over the last 10 years or so. A major objective of our research is to provide an analytical investigation of the interviews we conducted with students, administrators and teachers in higher monastic education. Here, we will discuss the views and experiences of our interviewees in order to study the potential and effectiveness of the monastic education that has been made available to Thai mae chis in recent years.

Keywords : Thai mae chis, access to higher monastic education, gender in Thai Buddhism, Pali Studies, Buddhist Studies, bhikkhuni - . / Martin Seeger

. 9 )!7-6!"‚ '.7. LŒLP %6, P‘ ‚!(Q * C&) ,! " M'-, 5 6!4 7- ) 7& - )6 %! $ !" '$'7 * % Q& % %D !"4$ %‚ '.7. LŒSL “ 6)! !8 ( * ) ! " #$%%!$&'()& N6& ( *‰ *+ &),$"+ % 6!7-) // ! '' #7& ,-.#$*%""*+ & '0(7-.)6!!7 ),$!"/) $ " 6!7!5 ! & Q" -! #$)01()*2&*+ # $7- ) //* * " ,#3,%! ) œ,6& %6 60( (&'%!") !$,-., ( 7 -% ‚ '.7. LŒŒP (7 %,66!7 " ,+ 2!$ œ,6& , LŒŒP) 8%2 ("%',) 2 !(6!$!7-)&7-" $! && &9, #*!/ "#$ 7-)7-#7- %‚ '.7. *+/),$,'(3&%&* LŒRR 0 7-# ,! 8( :,& " + ; % #$ ) 6!$ .M!( 6) &! -22!"*+” *,6!) 6!$ 6 / ('$'7 *, LŒŒ’: P–P) )7- #7-#7- %))7-))*! (7.) ($ N," 5 8( ( Q ( !( 6'# #7-)!7- '6)// 7- 6 '.7. LŒSL $ %4/!()6$$)67!8( '( (U)) !( L) '.7. LŒSŒ 0 6!!# 7 - 7 -))% ." 6!7 %7-$%)//!//* & .M67 ! Z$ ‰ ! //%Z)$ .)) // !" ‰ ! 0 ) Entrance 8(! %  5./694F ;;65.%$5. 2.$.0 '... 9; .$0 G ;H ‰ 7 -$ *$ !";.#;1 9" .;6I 9 .;I 9N ./9N 9;H9'$.0'G ./;$ 29././.O  5. ;95/., #5.& #;0  5.# 0&P, - & 9/F., ;6%. V, 66; , #;0, 9/ , 1 *Q @40. ././>9, 1 W+ .$ *+++, .04 '. *+++, .04 '. 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

Entrance )6$ /%& )6! Q6 ‚ '.7. LŒŒ‘ -& ) 5 ~5 7 5 .6/, 5 )/& %& Q& “6 (Lindberg-Falk) $ ! !( )7 - 6!$ )6!$))6” " % 0 !( ) )6/ (Lindberg Falk Monica, Z)$ ‰ M'! 7- 2007) $ 7 - 6!$ “6!$$ ) (!U'55!M(.) 6! /& 7!( - ) // !!(  5 7 -$ œ,6-& 7$$!( !"4!*. ) 6!!( ‰ ! ) //* // 7 - ) 7& -$ ” % '# 5 .)@ 5 6! " '.7. LŒSL ! !" ) 5 ~5 (Lindberg-Falk) $4 " ! P ‚ œ,6& $ ‰ 5!(7-U'C)& // !'&#7),J6M# " *#) “œ,6& !( ‰ ,'#7& 5 % ‚ '.7. LŒSR .) 6!@ 5 *%6!7-%)//$,!'7- 6/ N6& 8 ( U')”& (Lindberg Falk Monica, 2007: 201) 5!$‰*%6!7-$% %!!"$#)'( !)6"! ) // ! ( '.7. LŒSL //* ‚ '.7. LŒSŒ (courses) !(6!!$ )5 ~5 // ‚ '.7. LŒS– %!" 4 ! (Lindberg-Falk) ' *%7 - ) // !(%0())7-!(6! !6)!( ! ! " $ $ !( !" %,!(6 $" &œ,6&N- 6 $ 7-7-* 7-D 6!!( !") $ !7-)!()!(%)) 7-).)6!!(*5 $" " !( *‰ !" !( !(!./$ %6 * 6 $ $ % %%7-50(!"!(

“Mae Chiis have not been entitled to study for Bachelor degrees at the two Buddhist universities in Thailand and  !"&.' .69 ' 6/ , // 0" there are few opportunities for them to attain higher 6 ./ & , 9;./, 1 *+ . education” (Lindberg Falk, Making Fields of Merit, /" *+++, .04 '. *WQ).  /%&=, 0%. “…, Thai mae chiis have been excluded from the %&,' ./ ./ >9 . Buddhist universities with the exception of some courses  = ././.X #;0 that are open to them” (Lindberg Falk, Making Fields of %.= 9/ F.. Merit, /" WVQ). - . / Martin Seeger

6 $!( *%‰ 6! (!($) 7- 5" " !(  5" $%&)"//!// $)&6)!! % 0 “)” 8( !''5 " %‚ '.7. 8( *! 6! " % '# 5 LŒŒR M- &,!# $! “  5 L //8 ( 0( !( Minnesota % ‚ '.7. %&'› "&N6&œ- LŒŒR Kaoru Adachi ! “*% ,6 " % 7 - ', 7-0())U))!0((!(6!! %#& " C !( ) & ,!(Z))&'M-&%7- ),Z)!($M-!-A ) 7& -Q  5 Z)$ "/6 7-'&#7!(%% *7-% 6! Q)0 0(  5" !" .U''M - & 5 *%7-!"0(./ 4 0( !(%6)# ) $ (serious)” (Adachi, Kaoru, n.d.: 40) !" ",!,"<,&, ,$92&2, 0 *& !( $ ' ')! & ,$%, =, ? ” %)!" M- &,!#$ $ ' %)$!" Q) *Q/ % 7 -% 5'"'B0(7M' #M'*&7-!(*,5 $ " ! C &)' %"  Faith Adiele ;" ; 1 & 495.? “I know that maechi are often relegated to the ghetto, cooking œ,6& N-& and cleaning and serving monks to earn their keep. 6 *7-),57- Religious study is generally not open to them, certainly 6!!(7-%) D !( œ,& - not at the two Dhamma universities in Bangkok,…” (Adiele, Faith, Meeting Faith: An Inward Odyssey, New York: 6&N6 W. W. Norton, 2004, /" q+) /9 9z Faith Adiele ;. 3 M#*6 )!7- " .2' { .&. *+,| Iz /9 ;1 2/} 5." &?4" 5 /C * 7 -% 2 953 66 $ 9? 66;; ;H + .5{ " ,5!(7-6!Q!()7- % 5I;H" Faith Adiele ."$?9 I; /9 ;z . ;3 ? ;1 ; 595.1 6! ,$ %" 0( .6 ! "9".2/".. %*$ $ N # '7 !#'  04%.., , (9;./: 4 9&. *%))7! - !(*,$5 #, *++~) /" +|. 1"9..“.3 592 ;99"91#”9%.. 5 %6 !( $4 6 40 '7 ; " “. 3 [Iz “.592; 99 9" #1 %))7-'#Q7-M- ”] 5;.;1 .H ;1 ; 04H 9@429 )!'5))!7-6! %$) .9 & 4? 1 ?3 /1 F;. M (!(Z.0) (6!,Z 29;z;.4 *+,Q 5;H'9 !"   95.;? 04H / 9”?1 (04 U B ,5 LŒŒL: LL“-LL”) Z) )* %.., , /" +*) – U''M- & // ! $$ ))! 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

7-6! $$))&), 7 ),& %)5 7- 6 ,)& )Q& !( .7-.))6/ 7- 6!0( P‘ ‚!( “ 6! P.L Q)7- ) 6!!( ' $0 !# M'! )Q 0(Z# / 7-")!7- M#7- &7-% % 7-) $ )6! ) D !(Q0 #!M-,)5 & '4 ! ',6!%M')6 4)66!)&!(!() ! )6/ ” (6 ,)& )Q,& ),75 -* )& !( )* LŒSŒ: P‘–) ! )0 $ 7 - # &C/!(Q6/%!)!7- '5!(6!$ ! $ M#7-&7-%,!"4‰ % “%7-, 50(D ($%6 7 - *% 6!!% 7 !(.!( .) $ *%‰ Q/ !( M-, 5 $% Q/ 0 6!'! # !((%, (6!@-, )'M - ,& 0 *%‰ Q/ -*U) 6!!(Q7-!(*,5 #” ( ! )0 , LŒŒP: LPL) )//*//& (%‚ 6 ,)& )Q& ! )0 $ '.7. LŒSL '.7. LŒSŒ .)) C &) )&'!' .. .5 !( œ,-& " !"%/ Q 6 ,M'& 6 S ‚ ! (qualitative) !#! $ !" ),5"%ZQ)7-Q P. M-, ))5 (in-depth interviews 7- .%,$!*!( (%6. ‰ 6!(M-, 5 ) L & %6 0 $ %%Q !(%' B 0 .‰!#M'6! P.P Q7- 8( !)) !( (%,! ," 4 . ! Q*)7-.))6@5!( )  $5 " )# ) ! L. M-, 5 & (focus group) &œ,6 #)! M-,5&6! P‘ !(!)!7- &N6 #)!x M#7-&7- '0(%$!() 6 'Q%/ )) D0( '70( - 7),5)& !(.% ,4 7),57-$6"

 .5.%66.& ;," .%. V, 0%. = , 66 ;, #./' ./. X , 1 W  .5.19.. 1 Wq O. *++~, 9/. *++,, .04 '. .04'. - . / Martin Seeger

8(.%$ ' ! 4 /6C * 6 7-6 ( " 'U" ))) !" " # M'% 7 -$ !" $$ %6 % 65 ,% " !" 4 4(!(6!4!"%M' 6&,M'!(!*65.)"!" 7 - ' )," )5 &5(!" 0 )!( 6!)%6!. (6 5 $!( M-, 5Q7- )* $)'66 Q)7- )))4 N'#50(D )66) !(Q0%6 '0( )! )),! 5 7 7 M' M-,56!!(!)!7- M#7- #M'%7-,5 !)&7-& '#!4) 6!$ !(!# M' %60( N '# 5 '&6!!(M-,5 . &"!" "%!(!(!)!) 7), '5 , D '0( %, 5C&)$!" . (" !""" 6!& !"4$ !( 6!( 7-))757-!(,5 7$) ! ,$ 7-Q'' R. )4 6 , %6D &,M, 5 (..&—*) '$ 7- ,'B)))$) 0( !" 0( $) 5 )))0, R‘‘ 6&*!"%4) ,5 7 -, 5 % ' 0( 65 , $ 4 0( !6(!(!.Q))!( )))!()&7- )6!$ &œ,6 " 8( )))$!" )4 7-% $% ! 6 !( Œ 6!U'& !$&))) " ,5Q! !( . R‘‘ 6&!"%$ '%0( 7- !(-*D %!( # Q)))$6!$ 6&6&'7& 6 '.7. LSRL ( (7$ $4 Q$.4 œ,6& , LŒS‘: R) $! %))) !( 6!" R‘‘ #& 8( 6!( 0( œ,& - 4 )5 $!( M-, 5 6 '.7. LSR’ $" N6& '%0( 4 /6C * # M'% (#, LŒR’: ŒL’) " !"

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*6 !( Œ ,$5 7- M-)" ! $! ) 7& - 'M - & % "'5$A ,%N6& ( N-& !()7-$ %‚ '.7. LSSP *% 6, LŒR’) ‚ '.7. LS–‘ ,5x '5 Q 7-% 66 8( 0 U) ) $(!%)&7- $!(7%6%" %*7-" 'M-&,!(&œ,6 $7-5))5% (&N6, LŒS‘: LL) '- 7 -) $0 6 $ ! 6&! (..&—*) “ ~0" 7 - $& 6 % N6& )"'0(0),#6!( Œ 8(.% ! 7 5 #& A! 6$6!($7-) ('6&! ( #— —*), LŒSL: L-R) Z$!*&7-0('0 "6!( Œ 7-$$!(*!( 7-)Z"% ))%Z 7 75 - 66!(!Z7-Z ! * ))'5%Q%*! 6$6%6)” ('6&! (..&—*), $ ...: S‘-SP) '6&! (..&—*) $0(!" '6&! (..&—*) $ U' ‚ “')0( '4 & 4 '.7. LŒP“ “7-%" % '.7. LSŒR " & 6 !( Œ % Z 6$ 6$ ’ " 6!( 7- 6 4Q$' %/7$ %6)6$ !!(4!" 6, “’-”‘ & Z 7- ) Z Z ) 7-&'0(!(!*0 7-. )-A 5 70 -6 $ )! ” ('6&! (..*),& LŒL–: 7-)"$.x! R–) Z)7-)&7- 7- 6 % . )'M - ,& 8$( 4$(%6) '6&! (..&—*) ( 7-( 4 & & $” $%5 “&œ- ('6&! (..&—*), LŒL–: R’) 0 Z% ,6 '.7. LŒPP-LŒP’ ' ! ./% 70( - 5 $!. 66), –– ) '&#7%Q7-6 '6&! –P %,!(%Z (..&—*) #)% ‚ '.7. LŒL– “%* 7-%/6'%0% Q7-6&U))&Q " '.7. !66)$'! ’ 0 LSŒ’ $!. ' 5 # $ ”” ('6&! (..&*), '0 #& ”! ('6&! (..&—*), LŒL–: LŒL–: SS) R’) ( ‚ '.7. LS”– ,5x#& - . / Martin Seeger

*666)$ 7 - #)),5 “), )&7-!(.*Z) ''! $7 ‚ ’‘,‘‘‘ ) )0 (..&—*) “66$!M $'%6 )!(&N 7- 66!(%($ .D $ $!. $ ))7- Z 4 7 6 $ )! $ $ )! ” (. 5 Z, LŒRL: 0” ('' ! (..&—*), ...: PS) " R-R–) “%6 ‰ %! ! 7 -% )&!( )6 '#A‰ 0 $ ! (.4 )$0 $ ! ' (..&—*) '( “$%6!( 0)$!5 !*&!!$! '5!(6 % 7 - $ !( $~~”• (. 5 Z, LŒRL: LP) /C Z)” $ 4 ,54$7-% ),)%& . 66!( )67 M' # M' 7& - ,5Q6/ & %$! )$! )7 - 0(! 0 !6(!(7-Z'B"$ Z '#A‰ (..&—*) ' ( “ $ %. / 7 -, 5 6'!( $ $%6 $ Q 4 !( 4 4.$$)7- 6)!(,56$ 4%6$)7-! 5 7-M-)!"!()$!A 4 $ 'x Z $4 $ ) )7-'M - ,& 4'! ! ' ! Q'$ 0( 7 .0 .'M- ,%&  $5 )) ”" ('#A‰ (..&—*), ...: ." )%, ! )), $ SR-SS) '%6 'Z) )%  .5 7-) 0(!))Z '' ,5"$ $ %Q 7 - Z '$! &,M, 5 (..&—*) %!( $ ))&7. M!" “% ‚ '.7. LŒP’ " !( #7 5 $' '%! 7 - . 5 Z !7- ”,Œ‘‘ $)),Q ,& 5 %( ! “0( ! 5 ),%) 7- '% $ '$5 $  &';&4 #9' 9;F, ;5 .&. *,V, ;6%. V , ". %;; !%% 0( !"!' ),! 5 .% &4? ./1 ; 2/F;. , ;#9#5/9 7 - $! $ ) 0(” ' ./ ./ >9 .&. *,V|, (. 5 Z, LŒRL: P“) $ ) ! #9&" ., & „ Q .&. *+**-*+*~. &%) .5 Z$ .0./ ./ >9 ! 9" *+,-*+++, 1 4%? ./ ./ >9 - , = & ' #= $, .#=. 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

SL,””R,R‘‘.‘‘ ) %6U!( (..&—*) $%!(%!()&B7- Œ,‘SŒ.‘‘ ) % ‚ LŒP’ 6" !(œ,6-& '5 “'5)!/ – 0) 8(!',!" –“Œ ! 5!(Z$)4$%7 )," " ’‘‘,‘‘‘ ) (),Q ”! ('6&! (..&—*), LŒL–: ’”) S.J. % & & PŒ‘,‘‘‘ )) " $)& M 5 Tambiah $! !( ) )7 -) ! 7)#8! )) 'M- ,8& ( Q ! ,0( R’ ‚!( ($ %6 U!( ’PŒ )” ('' “'M- & ,0 )!( /#! R * &,M, 5 (..&—*), LŒŒL: R”-R–) (Chatsumarn !%#75$ Kabilsingh, 1986: 62-80) " '6&! *" !( L $ ) /#! (..&—*) & 0( $!" “7-M - & ’ *7-% ,%/ $ )66)& .& *!" #7$5 $0( 7!" -) $! * '%0% 7),Z $$4 7 -$ ” (Tambiah S.J., 1976: !(&))7-Z !(Z 294) ,J5M-!!(.” 5"!'!( ('6&! (..*),& LŒL–: P‘–) )0 0( %Z)) //M' !(Z)$)&B7-%  5 ," 5Q%/,Q )  5 " %& 'M - ,& !( )! $ $0('6) //  5 0( '.7. LŒ‘‘ 7-% ) //*%7$$ '6&! %‚ ! $!" N Z " $4 !!( 0 ) &  Gosling 2 { *+*~ “There is a certain irony !(!. 0!($!M' &C in the fact that the secular universities in Thailand do not !" .%& 6 $ recognize degrees from the Buddhist Universities. Graduates 0.%'6)// from both Mahamakut and Mahachulalongkorn have no $$ )', ," 54' difficulty in finding places in post-graduate courses at Indian Universities and to a lesser extent at universities $%( ‚ '.7. LŒL“ Z)7 ) in Europe and the U.S.A. One Mahachulalongkorn undergraduate who had passed prayog nine was fairly recently allowed to transfer directly to an undergraduate course at Cambridge. But even on completing his  '. ' 9/ ' ( 04 %..) ; Mahachulalongkorn B.A. he would not have been eligible 2{ *+*V “The central problem regarding these to start an undergraduate course at any secular Thai Buddhist universities (which the monks themselves university.” (Gosling, David, (1980), “New Directions in emphasize as the most urgent) is the need to be academically Thai Buddhism”, Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 14. No. 3, /" recognized by the government.” (Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, ,WQ). Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, “Buddhism and National “Buddhism and National Development: A Case Study of Development: A Case Study of Buddhist Universities”, /" q+. Buddhist Universities”, /" |Q. - . / Martin Seeger

'6)// .ZQ . 4 6 N%!( PR “&&($!( ''&#7%'6)//U))")U' Z)%‚” &B7-Q!()//!)!" " L ‚% '.7. LŒSL ( œ,6& , LŒS‘: ’L) $5 ‰ )@ 58(4 " 6!%. " %'6)//!!" “%Q.46 Q& $!( )$ %'6) // ''#7& ' # Q# “*")7-" Q)! /#! * !Z '.0( 7 - %) 6"// ! ! “/#! *” %6- 6''&#7'M-&, “.#. –” ('6)// .ZQ . 4 @ 5” 0(  5" '6)! // 6''#7,& LŒL“) 0 . 4 ),! 6 'M- & ",5 ($%6•!( ,!( ) ! ! % ,5 ')"!"Z))'! 6!) ! 'M - ,& .)@ 5 //) " $ $ ) Z. 6/4 %,57-%!()0//! $4  $5 )$ " $ 7 - ) //*$ M7- !( " .% !), % ‚ '.7. LŒL“-LŒR– '5!()! $' '$! Œ‘ ‚ !( 5$!7-) !$$ 0($) '&#7%7$%'7!('M-&5$ 668( $ $ " '6&! (..&—*) $6!"% $4 M !! ( !(./%)) !" 40$$ !$ 7-!(Z.7-,5'! M7- 0( M'7-Z " //! “,58()!( !$M7-!(0( ''&#7%7$,!" ('.7. LŒL–) ! '7M 40, '.7. LS“‘ 0( 7- & // ! Q .74 - & Q/$$$!*!(!%$ (6 ,57-%"$ "xQ/!&M#O&4 6 $ ! L 0 P) $7 $! 6 /6 !( $! ( , LŒS“: !(7 ! L) $ $ ! $ L”) (Terwiel, Barend Jan, 2012: 102-104) @ ”5 ," 5$ '6) // % ‚ '.7. LŒR“ !(& Z) ) % ‚ '.7. LŒS‘ 0(  5" '6! - )// $ ) & & Z) $  66 ./ . W . *+,.  66 ./ . W . *+,. 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

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//* .) // !& P,‘‘‘ ) // ),!(5.6" %‚ LŒŒS ! *. R,‘‘‘ ) % 6)! ! . P & . P‘,‘‘‘ ) )% 6! L !(7-) // ! 6! 8( % Œ,‘‘‘ ) " 6!!&D 6 6M5 !&#6)!! 8(&'!(%& .) &4''6&)6&! & #75"'"6!!%64 $! 66!()Q# *&#$" " 667! # 6!$) & ! $0 $%0( ) & 0 6!@0 5 !!(.A0 &'Q%/ 6 6!,Z U B 5 8( 5$ !//* 6!7- $)&4 7-)!7- '6 5 (6 */)— ". N6& “% ‚ LŒŒP-LŒŒR $), M-!/ &' %#& Q . L‘‘,‘‘‘ ) % ‚ LŒŒS $), &6@-A O ##& #7'6/! 5 . P‘‘,‘‘‘ ), $!" %* $)&6!!())!7-$ ("‚ ).7& B# ()!7-) %Q), LŒRL 0((‚C&) "$ &N6 )!")7- )&6!!()#7-Q&6"‚ ,6!” #75!(! %/6 .'7!&# $)&& '&#7)//*60(D 8(! 7-% 6!)! ! )70( -) !6" !( – 'M- & 6!7 - ! %& ' ! //* $ ) %& ! //* // ! & ' ’‘ #7‚ 5 !" " 6!!(.! 7 & 8( . !( 0 '' #& U ’‘ #7‚ 5 6!!(‰ M-)! %! 6! ! )!"%U''M-&,!(! M-)$! ) & & & !(!( #7 5 % 6! $% & !(.6!&!"%# M- &,! ) 5 6& ) " &N6%&M50(6! 6 6@,& * Q!#O)& 0 ' .!"$)&M5C 6! @5 %)!(%6!$!% 66),)D . Q !&.) ! '# 5 .) 7- & )Q!( * '# 5& ”,‘‘‘  !&... z 9" %966 %&&4? 0 6 ./ %.& .' 1 ) ), %!( $* D W~ 9/. *++~, .04 '. 6 ) P‘‘,‘‘‘ ) %‚ LŒŒR !" .$ 7 -  ; ? .," % ., .! ";" 6 5 % D 6 #& 5 ./%9@4OP.// 1 | 9/. %*656'#5* *++,, .04 '. 5.. 9, 2/6 .9, &?4 V. 1 Q ;.4 *+++, .04 '.  %.. 1 W, .$ *++,, .04 '.  5. 1 *, 1 + 9/. *++~, .04 '. 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

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. , . / Kancana Triamdhachook, maechee. (interview) , . !. " # %$ " &'$ " '%.$ / Channarong Boonnoon. (interview) !* +-, !. -%5+%! $&'" (&'$ " ) -+#-%; " " !" . / Duangphorn Khamhomku, Maechee. (interview) " -, !. -%5+%! $&'" &'$ " < &'$ ." / Dhanyamas Netrnoi, Maechee. (interview) 01 2 0 3 - 4 56 / 5 .-3 5889

%5&$ =-" -, !. %5" >& *.. ?@@@ " " >& %&- " !" . / Prathin Khwan-On, Maechee. (interview) *5 (%5 H$H), . !. -$!$&'"Q'$&'" X" .$ / Pradharmakoshacarya (Prayoon dhammacitto) (interview) *5 (* ), -!$ Y "!Z[\" $] &*5 &" &*^. / Pradharmasudhi (Peer Sujato) (interview) *5&$ $, - !" Z[\" $] &*^. / Prarajasiddhimuni. (interview) *5"# ($ %_H ),H -. !. --`$ q $ &'$ " Q'- &'$ ." / Prasrigambhirayan (Somcint Sammapanno)~~ (interview) *5" ("5 x$), -"!5 &*. / Prasrivajramuni (Vajra thitamedho). (interview) *5" (& $$), . !. !"X$ &'$ ." &'$ " Q'- &'$ ." / Prasudhidhamanuvatra (Thiap Sirinano)~ . (interview) *5&*%$"$$', -!$ &'$ " < &'$ ." / Pratheppariyattivimol. (interview) $ &" , . !. %5%&$ =*$ & z[ #%$ " &'$ " . / Montri Shirarocananand. (interview) "5 $ ,$ !. %5+#%$ " 5'%$ &'$ " . / Watchara Ngamchitcharoen. (interview) &-!, !{" "' *5- . / Somkhuan Thongdee, Maechee. (interview) * ,| !5" &*^. / Shomsri Carupheng, Maechee. (interview) !*5| " '" ( %_),H - !%" }+#[ $ &*^. / Somdec Pramaha Rajamangalacarya (Chuang Varapanno)~~ (interview) "*$*"~$$, *5%' !" !"X$ &'$ " &'$ " < &'$ ." / Sampiphadhanaviriyacarya, Pragru Palat. (interview) '" -% ," !%" }+#[ $ -*$['5&% [-z - +`q %!$ $&'." / Sisalap Upamai, Maechee. (interview) &,$ *5 " -* ~" " [z &'$ " < &'$ ." / Sutadharmakovid, Pragru. (interview) "& ', +" '" $= -+#-" "!%x." / Sunantha Rianglaem, Maechee. (interview) "~$ (> ),$ *5%' !" --!$ `q%5& &'$ " Q' &'$ ." / Suvadhanavajiragun, Pragru Palat (Sawai JotiKo) (interview) - . / Martin Seeger

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