College Governance Charter Tobereviewed and Amended
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:::.~ ........ ) .~ ........ ,. 1932 * The Students' Voi~e for SO Years .. 1982 ... Volllme 83 No. 6 BarucllCollege, CUNY December 6,1982 College Governance ChartertobeReviewed andAmended ReviewCommittee,ComprisedofFacultyMembers,Already Established By Pamela D. Smith minimal, it has been suggested the former committee, H said Pro However, the review committee is Faculty Senate and will be forward that 20 percent be required to fessor Boddewyn. debating whether issues involving ed to the students and facuIty In an effort to upgrade the Ba- vote with 60 percent approving. A proposal to improve the col- students should require only a stu members in the form of a referen ruch College Governance Charter, While many of the changes will lege's grade appeal system has al dent vote. dum. a review committee has-prepared be editorial, that is, to provide bet- so been initiated. The Grade Ap "Since the charter contains only "The charter was established to fourteen revised articles to be ter wording and eliminate duplica- peals Committee can presently statements of principle, faculty protect the interests ofthe students voted on by the Faculty Senate tion, the revised charter may also handle a case where a student re members will probably make some in the college." said Unneland. Executive Committee. eliminate unnecessary bodies of ceived the wrong grade due to input," said Boddewyn. Dr. Florence Siegel, Assistant to The Governance Charter Review government. clerical reasons. If a student, how- There is a proposal to simplify the Dean of Students; Jeffrey Gol Committee, which will be convened For example, the Baruch College ever, feels some injustice was done the articles regarding student gov lands department of Education; by .Jean Boddewyn, Professor of Council, which was established to to him the committee may refuse ernment, According to Boddewyn, Francis Barasch, department of Marketing and International bring the students, faculty, admin- to take action. The review commit the current wording is too specific English; Susan Friedman, depart Business, will present each article istration and alumni together, was tee believes there should be an -and students should be allowed to ment of Math, and David Doyaga, separately so as not to have the en- expected to meet once a month. article to protect the student. develop their own by-laws. department of Law, comprise the tire charter dismissed by the Ex- Instead the group met once or "If a faculty member engages in "There should be more student review committee. ecutive Committee. twice during last year and accord- clear discrimination or sexual input in the amendment of the Summing up the committee's The charter, voted in 1973, es- ing to Professor Boddewyn may be harassment the teacher will be vul charter." said Unneland, a sopho purpose, Edmund Uoneland said: tablishes the structure and powers H a body that's not needed" since nerable," said Boddewyn, admit more at Baruch. "It .is to revise the charter in a of the governments within Baruch it "'has not fulfilled any particular ting that there would be difficulty The revisions, if accepted by the manner that it will be flexible College.. purpose." in· proving these charges. Faculty Senate Executive Commit enoughto serve the college for ••Any amendment attempts will . The new charter, if approved, Edmund U nneland, selected by tee will then be voted on by the close to ten years." be complicated and we still have a will attempt to increase faculty Dean Henry Wilson to serve on the . long way to go," said Boddewyn. participation "in ruling on promo- review committee as a student rep In fact, one of the proposals calls tion and tenure and limit the num- resentarive, said that so far the for a change in the amendment ber of committees on which a fac- committee has.been responsive to procedures. Currently, .30 percent ulty-member can serve. the student's needs. .. ~.:--'" of.. ~ .votiug,populatiOD must 6' sitting. One 0'--_ reYised.a:rtic~·J::; . ", ..: '.", '-.- vote ,on apy amendment ·with SO . on" committees that"··review. the ac- eliminate ~ students voting on .facuI ----~.---. pettein>Uf:tmft .RlUp-~-·~nonsi Of ott:::..• ~·-COilt~ and-- ~.. .isst!es--suai"'aSiJiea~Dfiiiajt . Since student vofing is usually that sam~was a memberof . ~·a·depirtment 'chairperson. StudentLeadersand Survey Results ShowOpposition to 13-weekSemester' By Debra Mastrangel~ soundness of the plan. noting that understand the issue so that they students would have less time tor can determine how the outcome of A proposal has been made to coursework. the issue will affect them in their shorten the present 14-week se "Also, finals come right after roles as Baruch students." GuestSpeakerAddresses mester to 13 weeks. Those who classes," said Katz, "You must , 'I am personally opposed to the favor the change note that the cram and then you don't learn. This change," Cheda continued. "I shortened semesters would mean is not what education is all about." believe students need the extra time CurrentChallengesfor ending the fall term, including Day Session Student Govern to study and a shortened semester finals, before Christmas and ending ment conducted a survey to deter will not allow enough time to do .CivilRights Movement the Spring term early in May. Many mine whether Baruch students term papers. Students will not be students, however, are opposed to would favor.the implementation of able to learn effectively and will. ment." the change (see results of poll, page a i3-week semester. (The results" end up cramming for classes." In By Pamela D. Smith .. Afte-r full employment, current 7), including student government of this survey can be found on addition, Cheda fears that student forms of public assistance will be There was .standing room only leaders. page 7). Two out of every three apathy will increase. replaced with better programs." when Dr. William Julius Wilson. Phillippe Katz, Evening Session students who responded were op Professor Tracy Bragen, Chair he said. the Lucy Flower Professor of Ur Student Assembly President, is op posed to such a schedule. Sal of the committee formed to colIect The recipient of the Distin ban Sociology and former Chair posed to the implementation of a Cheda, Day Session Student Gov and evaluate data concerning the guished Teacher of the Year man of the Department of Sociolo 13-week semester. Katz feels that ernmentPresident, was somewhat schedule change. explains. "This. Awa-rd in 1970 from the University gy at the University of Chicago. evening students would not be disappointed with the number of option was offered to every CUNY of Massachusetts at Amherst also addressed the Baruch College / able to take as many credits, pos student who responded to the sur college.' A few colleges, including said that the United States should community on new challenges for sibly not the 12 credits required to vey. •'The proposed 13-week se Hunter and Borough of Manhattan work to maximize employment op the civil rights movement last receive TAP. Many evening stu mester is probably the most crucial Community .College went with it portunities while providing a de Wednesday. dents will, consequently, lose their . issue that has faced students at this year." Bragen went on to say cent job to anyone who wants to According to Dr. Wilson. despite financial aid. Katz is also con Baruch," said Cheda, "students that the Baruch faculty is divided work. cerned about the educational should make it their business to .on the issue. "Many teachers at the passage of anti-discrimination Regarding black female-headed Baruch called their equivalents at legislation and the creation of af households, Dr. Wilson said that the participating colleges to get an firmative action programs. civil in 1980. 78 percent of the black idea of how it was working. The rights supporters sense that con ditions are getting worse, not bet homes were headed by women. He unanimous answer they got was described these families as .,over 'it's too early to tell.'·' . ter, for the vast majority of black whelmin.gly impoverished;" The committee will meet on J an Americans. uary 6 to review the data. includ The sharp rise in black unem The .main problem is that the ing the results of the student sur ployment. the decline of blacks in lower-class black family is in the vey. They will submit their find the labor force and the growth of throes of an economic depression ings to the Executive Committee. single-parent homes are a few of and the rising percentage of which will then call a general fac the problems that Dr. Wilson be female-headed families is one of ulty meeting in early February: lieves need re-addressing. the sym ptoms, not the cause. of students are welcome and encour In suggesting the need for eco that problem, states Mr. Wilson aged to attend. At this meeting. nomic reform. Dr. Wilson said: "I in his article, "The Black Com persons with strong feelings one am fully aware that it (economic re- ' munity in the 1980s:" way or the other will have a chance form) will be more successful if it Wilson expressed dismay that D.S.S.A. Presideat Clleda (Jeft) opposes caDle; Professor Tracy Bragel (.....t) to speak out. President Segall will can generate· conditions tbat black and white supporters of heads ~iew committee. make the final decision. guarantee sustained full employ- Continued on p. 5. col. 4 December 61 1982 __________----- The .r~ker.....".• - ------ ; , .;.. ,[...: EDITORIAL.'- VIEWPOINTS Less is NotMore Students were recently asked to-fill out a questionnaire indicating whether they would favor the proposed I3-week· semester. Of the 1,466 students who bothered to reply, 31 Semen Donor Advertisement percent favored the proposal while 64 percent were against it, and five percent were either indifferent or undecided.