The Housman Society Journal Vol.39 (Dec 2013)
The Housman Society Founders John Pugh and Joe Hunt President Sir Christopher Ricks, MA, B Litt., FBA Vice-Presidents Professor Archie Burnett, MA, DPhil. Colin Dexter, OBE, MA ` Nicholas Earle, MA Christopher Edwards, MA Professor Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV Sir Geoffrey Hill, D Litt, FRSL Paul Naiditch, MA, MLS Professor Norman Page, MA, PhD, FRSCan Sir Tom Stoppard, OM, OBE Gerald Symons Chairman Jim C. Page, MBE, MA 80 New Road, Bromsgrove B60 2LA Vice Chairman Robin Shaw, BSc Honorary Treasurer Max Hunt, MA, Dip. Ed. Membership Secretary Kate Shaw, BA (Econ) 78 Kidderminster Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7LD Minuting Secretary Ann FitzGerald, BA (Hons) Editor of the Journal David Butterfield, MA, MPhil, PhD Queens’ College, Cambridge CB3 9ET Editor of the Newsletter Andrew J.M. Maund, MA, MPhil 57 Marlborough Avenue, Bromsgrove B60 2PH Committee Sonia French, BA Dip. Lib. Dip. Soc. Sci. Kate Linehan, MA Jennie McGregor-Smith Elizabeth Oakley, MA, LRAM, Dip. RSA Valerie Richardson 2 HSJ11Final.p65 2 11/25/2012, 11:59 AM Housman Society Journal Volume Thirty-Nine December 2013 Chairman’s Notes Jim Page 4 The Housman Lecture Gillian Clarke 9 Housman Abroad David McKie 21 War Memorials and A. E. Housman Brian Young 79 ‘The Half-Moon Westers Low, My Love’ Andrew Breeze 83 ‘The Antiquarian and the Lexicographer’: Two Views of J. E. B. Mayor Andrew Breeze 94 Towards a New Bibliography of A. E. Housman: A Shropshire Lad (Part I: 1896-1914) P. G. Naiditch 99 Biographies of Contributors 120 The Housman Society and Journal 122 3 Chairman’s Notes 2013 This year has marked the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Society so it is appropriate to repeat the announcement in The Times Literary Supplement of 5th December 1972, which was quoted by Joe Hunt’s elder son Max, when he told the story of the early days of The Society in the last Newsletter.
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