
The conversion of di-sigma bonded to ethylidyne on Pt(111) monitored with sum frequency generation: evidence for an ethylidyne (or ethyl) intermediate

Citation for published version (APA): Cremer, P., Stanners, C., Niemantsverdriet, J. W., Shen, Y. R., & Somorjai, G. A. (1995). The conversion of di- sigma bonded ethylene to ethylidyne on Pt(111) monitored with sum frequency generation: evidence for an ethylidyne (or ethyl) intermediate. Surface Science, 328(1-2), 111-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/0039- 6028(94)00820-5

DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(94)00820-5

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The conversion of di-o- bonded ethylene to ethylidyne on Pt(111) monitored with sum frequency generation: evidence for an ethylidene (or ethyl)intermediate

Paul Cremer a, Colin Stanners a,b,1 J.W. Niemantsverdriet c, Y.R. Shen b Gabor Somorjai a,, a Department of , University of California, Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA b Department of Physics, University of California, Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA c Schuit Institute of Catalysis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands Received 13 September 1994; accepted for publication 18 November 1994


The conversion of di-tr bonded ethylene (-CHz-CH2-) to ethylidyne (=CCH 3) on the Pt(lll) crystal surface was monitored with infrared-visible sum frequency generation (SFG) in the u(CH) frequency range. The conversion began around 255 K and involved a third stable species that is neither di-o- bonded ethylene nor ethylidyne. This species manifested itself as a peak at 2957 cm- l in the vibrational spectrum. Furthermore, we found the same species present during the conversion of vinyl iodide to ethylidyne on Pt(lll). The 2957 cm -1 feature has been assigned to the CH 3 asymmetric stretch of ethylidene and/or ethyl.

Keywords: Ethylidyne; Sum frequency generation

I. Introduction C-C axis perpendicular to the surface. Its structure and the relocation of platinum atoms around the site When ethylene is chemisorbed on the (111) crys- have been reliably determined by tensor LEED sur- tal face of platinum at temperatures in the range of face crystallography [5]. The transformation of di-o- 120-240 K, di-o- bonded ethylene (-CH2CH2-) bonded ethylene to ethylidyne is shown schemati- forms [1-3]. Annealing this species above 280 K cally in Fig. 1. The purpose of this paper is to causes ethylidyne (=---CCH 3) to form [4]. Ethylidyne investigate the mechanism of this transformation by is adsorbed in an fcc threefold hollow site with its spectroscopic identification of possible intermediate species. To this end we carried out vibrational spec- troscopy studies, using the technique of optical sum frequency generation (SFG) on the (111) crystal face * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]; of platinum in the temperature range of 202-352 K. Fax: + 1 510 643 9668. 1 Present address, Silicon Video Corporation, 10460 Bubb Rd., Several different mechanisms involving the for- Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. mation of a variety of intermediates have been pro-

0039-6028/95/$09.50 © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0039-6028(94)00820-5 112 P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118

SFG has been described in great detail in the literature [15-17]. Briefly, it is a second-order non- .... , ...... -+ .... &,,,r,, linear optical process in which an infrared beam is di- a ethylene ethylidyne combined with a visible beam to generate a sum- below 240{< above 270K frequency output. The process is only allowed (in the Fig. 1. Decomposition of ethylidyne on Pt(ll 1). dipole approximation) in a medium without inver- sion symmetry. The fcc lattice in the bulk of plat- posed in the literature. These intermediates include inum is centrosymmetric and, therefore, in the case ethyl groups (CH3-CH2-) [6], vinyl groups of an organic monolayer adsorbed on Pt(lll) the (CH2=CH-) [7,8], ethylidene (-CH-CH 3) [9,10], SFG signal may be dominated by the contribution and vinylidene (=C=CH2) [11,12]. Because direct from the interface between the metal and vacuum. spectroscopic evidence for any of these intermediates As the IR beam is tuned through vibrational reso- has been elusive, it has been widely assumed that the nances of surface species the effective surface non- rate limiting step for this reaction is either the break- linear susceptibility Xs~2) is resonantly enhanced. The ing of the first CH bond in the di-o" bonded species SFG signal is proportional to the absolute square of to form vinyl [7,8] or the isomerization of the ad- Xs~2) and, hence, a vibrational spectrum of the surface sorbed di-o- bonded species to ethylidene [9,10]. species is detected. Formally we can write: Although direct spectroscopic evidence has been ,)(S(2) = ANR'~'(2)_~_ )((2), lacking, some experimental and theoretical studies have pointed to the likelihood of a mechanism in- ,)((R2) : £ a q volving an ethylidene intermediate. Windham and q (.Oir -- O.)q -- iF' (1) Koel have shown spectroscopic evidence for ethyli- dene formation on Pt(lll) when ethylene is coad- where ann"{2), X[2), Aq, tOq, O.)ir, and Fq refer to the sorbed with 0.12 monolayers of potassium at 100 K nonresonant nonlinear susceptibility, resonant non- and then annealed to 300 K [10]. Evidence for an linear susceptibility, strength of the qth vibrational ethylidene species in the potassium promoted system mode, qth vibrational mode, infrared laser fre- has been further supported by Zhou et al. using quency, and the damping constant of the qth vibra- secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) [13]. Some tional mode respectively. theoretical evidence has also pointed to ethylidene as Our results indicate the presence of a third species a possible reaction intermediate. Carter and Koel present on the Pt(lll) surface during the conversion have made equilibrium thermodynamic estimates of of di-o" bonded ethylene to ethylidyne. This species the energetics of the transformation of di-o" bonded gave rise to a vibrational feature which was observed ethylene to ethylidyne [9]. These estimates support a only during the reaction and has been assigned to the mechanism involving ethylidene. However, it should CH 3 asymmetric stretch of ethylidene and/or ethyl. be noted that other theoretical studies did not support this conclusion [12,14]. In fact some experimental evidence points to vinyl intermediates [7,8]. 2. Experimental In the present work we utilize infrared-visible sum frequency generation to study the v(CH) por- All experiments were carried out in an ultra high tion of the vibrational spectrum (2700-3100 cm-1). vacuum chamber pumped with a turbo pump and an SFG is a powerful technique for surface vibrational ion pump, The chamber had a base pressure of less spectroscopy because it is both surface specific and than 1 X 10 10 Torr and was equipped with a Varian capable of providing resolution on the order of 10 retarding field analyzer (RFA) for Auger and LEED, cm 1 or less. The u(CH) portion of the vibrational a high resolution electron energy loss spectrometer spectrum is extremely valuable because of the fre- (HREELS), a VG SX300 mass spectrometer, and quent difficulty in interpreting the complex structure CaF 2 windows to allow the passage of infrared and often found in the 900-1500 cm ~ region of the visible laser beams. The Pt(l11) crystal used in this spectrum. experiment was spot welded onto the manipulator P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118 113

onto the Pt(lll) sample. Both the green and IR light Nd: used in this experiment were p-polarized such that A their electric fields had components perpendicular to 1064rim the surface of the platinum crystal. The sum fre- beam quency photons generated from the crystal surface were detected via a photomultiplier tube and the i [ IR I ~ UHV signal was stored on a microcomputer. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of the instrumentation. Fig. 2. Apparatus for UHV-SFG. In this experiment 4 L of ethylene (Matheson, C.P. grade) were dosed onto clean Pt(lll) at 202 K. The crystal was cooled to 120 K at which point an with platinum wires and was capable of being resis- SFG spectrum was taken. The crystal was then an- tively heated to above 1200 K and cooled with liquid nealed to successively higher temperatures for peri- N 2 to 115 K. Temperature was measured with a ods of 60 s after which the crystal was allowed to chromel-alumel thermocouple which was positioned cool to 120 K. At the conclusion of each such on the edge of the crystal. The sample itself was cut, process an SFG scan was taken at 120 K. Additional polished, and then cleaned in UHV following the spectra of di-cr bonded ethylene on Pt(lll), ethyli- standard procedures. dyne on Pt(lll), and vinyl iodide (99% pure, Pfaltz A 20 picosecond passive, active mode-locked and Bauer) on Pt(lll) were taken for comparison. Nd : YAG laser with a maximum output energy of 50 All spectra presented in this study represent raw mJ/pulse at 1064 nm was used to perform the SFG. data. A portion of the beam was frequency doubled to 532 nm and used as the visible portion of this spec- troscopy. The rest of the light was sent to a LiNbO 3 3. Results optical parametric generator/amplifier arm where it could be frequency tuned from 2650-3900 cm -1. Fig. 3a represents a scan of ethylene adsorbed The two beams were then focused concentrically onto clean Pt(lll) at 300 K and then flashed to 400

1000000 i 800000 (a) (b) 29O4 2886 700000 ;% 800000 e 600000

-# i 500000 E 60OOOO /

A .~o 400000 ?: i 9 400000 f i / i 300000 c c ~°~ / !

200000 :.; 200000


0 I I I I I 0 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3080 2800 28~o 2900' 29 ; 0 30 'o0 ,3050' .5100 Frequency (crn -1 ) Frequency (cm -1 )

Fig. 3. (a) 4 L of ethylene dosed on Pt(111) at 300 K and flashed to 400 K. (b) 4 L of ethylene dosed on Pt(111) at 202 K, spectrum taken at 120 K. 114 P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118

K, a procedure which completely decomposes intensity of the CH 2 peak continues as its frequency chemisorbed ethylene to ethylidyne. The spectrum shifts to 2916 cm -a The high frequency feature shows only one major feature at 2885 cm ~ (unfitted shifts to 2957 cm -~ and continues to grow. Anneal- value) representing the CH 3 symmetric stretch of ing to 273 K for 60 s makes the CH 3 symmetric ethylidyne. A second much smaller feature just under stretch at 2889 cm ~ of the growing ethylidyne 2800 cm -~ has been assigned to a Fermi resonance resonance clearly visible. The CH 2 symmetric stretch with an asymmetric bending mode [18]. The nonres- peak which has now shifted to 2918 cm ~ has onant background signal immediately beyond the decayed substantially while the high frequency fea- peak frequency falls below its base line and then ture continues to grow. At 281 K the CH 2 symmetric returns. This is the interference pattern formed from stretch has almost completely disappeared. The CH 3 the interplay between the nonresonant background symmetric stretch peak of ethylidyne continues to signal (in this case due primarily to the platinum increase in intensity and the 2957 cm 1 stretch peak surface) and the resonant signal from the ethylidyne starts to decrease. species. Because of this interaction, the peak of the Annealing to 288 K shows continued growth of resonant feature comes at a slightly lower frequency the ethylidyne peak while the high frequency feature than would otherwise be expected. Signal in a sum has nearly disappeared. Further annealing to 296 K frequency experiment is proportional to the square of and then 352 K leaves only the CH 3 symmetric Eq. (1); therefore, fitting the data by I X (2) 12 yields stretch of ethylidyne. the actual resonant frequency of the main peak in Fig. 3a at 2886 cm-1. All further peaks in this paper have been identified by their fitted value for the resonant frequency. Fig. 3b is a scan of di-o" bonded ethylene that has been adsorbed on Pt(lll) at 202 K and then cooled i ., i , i Ethylidynei~1 to 120 K before taking the spectrum. The singular feature in this spectrum is at 2904 cm -~ and has been assigned to a CH 2 symmetric stretch [1-3]. ~ ~ 352K From reflection-adsorption infrared spectroscopy ~l~ -1 (RAIRS) studies, Hoffman et al. have concluded that !~i 2957cm 296K the CH 2 asymmetric stretch is also incorporated under this peak [19]. ~ ~ 288K Fig. 4 shows a series of eight spectra of di-o" =~ ~ Ethylene ~ 281K bonded ethylene annealed to successively higher %~°°~ o~o~ ...... temperature. During the annealing process di-o" Q bonded ethylene is converted to ethylidyne. Upon >, e° c annealing di-o" bonded ethylene to 243 K for 60 s the CHe symmetric stretch peak shifts to 2906 cm-1 ~/~ 265K and sharpens up, but the spectrum remains otherwise ~ ~oo unchanged from the spectrum in Fig. 3b. The first sign of significant change begins as the sample is ~ ~. 257K annealed to 257 K. There is a definite decrease in intensity of the CH 2 symmetric stretch peak and a new feature begins to grow in around 2953 cm -~. 243K Further, a shoulder which is assigned to the CH 3 symmetric stretch of ethylidyne develops on the low 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 frequency side of the CH2 peak. Frequency (cm -1 ) The ethylidyne shoulder feature increases slightly Fig. 4. 4 L of ethylene dosed on Pt(lll) at 202 K is annealed as the sample is annealed to 265 K. The drop off in stepwise from 243 to 352 K. P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118 115

4. Discussion bonded ethylene on Pt(111). This leads to the con- clusion that the high frequency stretch seen during The CH stretch portion of the vibrational spec- the conversion is due to a species that is neither di-o" trum shows a clear progression from di-cr bonded bonded ethylene nor ethylidyne, but rather a third ethylene to ethylidyne with the appearance of a high species that is only present on the surface during the frequency feature at 2957 cm-~ that is only present conversion of the former into the latter. during the transition (Fig. 4). The primary objective Both a (-CH=CH 2) and vinylidene of this discussion is to identify this feature. There are group (=C=CH 2) can be ruled out as a candidate several candidates for this species, including ethyl, for the 2957 cm -1 feature. Infrared and Raman ethylidene, vinyl, and vinylidene. A possible asym- spectra of vinyl and vinylidene moieties in osmium metric stretch mode and a Fermi resonance of both clusters show that the CH 2 symmetric and asymmet- di-o- bonded ethylene and ethylidyne must also be ric stretches of these moieties occur too high (2998, considered. 3052 cm -1 for vinyl and 2990, 3052 cm -1 for The possibility that the high frequency feature is a vinylidene) to account for this feature and the very Fermi resonance can be discounted because its signal weak CH stretch of vinyl is too low (2920 cm -1) would have to grow and attenuate in concert with [20]. Further, a recent RAIRS study by Zaera et al. either the CH 2 or CH3 symmetric stretch resonance. has shown that vinyl moieties decompose to acety- This is not the case for either the CH 2 or CH 3 mode. lene and vinylidene by 140 K instead of directly The 2957 cm -~ peak remains until after the CH 2 converting to ethylidyne [21]. In the RAIRS study symmetric stretch intensity is completely gone and heating above 200 K caused all spectroscopic fea- actually attenuates as the CH 3 symmetric stretch tures to disappear. This led Zaera to conclude that grows. Further, neither the di-o" bonded ethylene nor T-bonded ethylene must be formed around this tem- the ethylidyne species when present alone on the perature. The T-bonded ethylene would have its surface have Fermi resonances in the 2957 cm -1 dynamic dipole parallel to the surface and would range. therefore not be seen by infrared spectroscopy. Zaera The high frequency feature in Fig. 4 is also accounted for the change in C/H stoichiometry from unlikely to be from an asymmetric stretch mode. C2H 3 tO C2H 4 by proposing either adsorption of H 2 Although asymmetric stretches of CH 3 species on from the background or the evolution of surface Pt(111) are found in this region of the spectrum, they hydrogen from the formation of a minor decomposi- are mostly forbidden in the ethylidyne geometry tion product. Upon heating this system above 300 K because of the surface dipole selection rule, which ethylidyne features were observed. requires the dynamic dipole moment of the species We have also investigated the thermal evolution to have some component normal to the surface. In of the vinyl iodide on Pt(lll) system and the spectra this case (with the C-C bond axis normal to the are shown in Fig. 5. The bottom spectrum shows 10 surface) the asymmetric stretch would be in plane L of vinyl iodide dosed on Pt(lll) at 132 K. At this with the surface and would not appear in this spec- temperature some of the C-I bonds are broken and troscopy. In fact the asymmetric stretch feature is not vinyl moieties are direCtly adsorbed on the platinum observed in the pure ethylidyne spectrum (Fig. 3a). surface [8]. There are three peaks (2995, 3033, and It also cannot be argued that the high frequency 3068 cm -1 ) observed for vinyl iodide adsorbed on feature is from the CH 2 asymmetric stretch of di-o" Pt(lll) at 132 K. The 2995 cm -1 resonance can be bonded ethylene. This is because the high frequency assigned to the CH 2 symmetric stretch of a mixed peak is clearly still present after the CH 2 symmetric sp2/sp 3 hybridized species of either vinyl or vinyli- stretch signal has completely vanished. For this fea- dene [20]. The 3068 cm-1 peak may be due to the ture to be the CH 2 asymmetric stretch, there would CH 2 asymmetric stretch of intact vinyl iodide [8]. have to be a conformation of di-o- bonded ethylene The 3033 cm 1 feature, however, is harder to iden- that would only allow the asymmetric stretch to be tify because it does not correspond well with any observed, but not the symmetric one. It is extremely frequency from the inorganic cluster models of difficult to envision such a conformation of di-o- vinylidene, vinyl, or acetylene [20,22]. Because there 116 P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118

J d We assign the 2957 cm ~ feature to the CH 3 2878 c c asymmetric stretch mode of ethylidene and/or ethyl. There is a preponderance of evidence which supports 406Koo ° o% o o o o leo° oc °oo o c this assignment. In a RAIRS study of deuterated and 0o<~ oo Qa o eo o o o o o o c o oo o nondeuterated ethyl iodide on Pt(11 l) Hoffman et al. c ° o 2950 e o co c have shown that ethyl groups give rise to three oo ° e ° features in the CH stretch region at 2857, 2914, and c o 295K o o o eo 2952 cm -1. The highest frequency feature has been o ° o c c c vo ~ o - , oo o,e assigned to the CH 3 asymmetric stretch of the termi- o %0 %6 o e e nal [19]. We have repeated this work c o using our SFG system and obtained the same results. 2950 285K Hoffman et al. have shown that ethyl groups may o o¢, o

.... it would be expected that flat lying ethyl groups di- c ethylene ethylidene ethylidyne would not give rise to a peak in the 2857 cm 1 below 24CK 250K-290K above 2701( region of an SFG spectrum where the orientational Fig. 6. Three possible dehydrogenation mechanisms for di-o- sensitivity is even more extreme. bonded ethylene to ethylidyne through an ethylidenc intermediate. Another significant observation from Fig. 4 is the blue shift of the 2906 cm-I feature. One possible explanation is that the changing surface coverage of di-cr bonded ethylene causes this phenomenon. We [27,28]. Our spectra of the conversion show that the have carried out experiments on the coverage depen- 2957 cm-1 feature is present on the surface without dence of the CH 2 symmetric stretch frequency which any di-o- bonded ethylene at 281 and 288 K (Fig. 4). show that there is indeed a shift from 2924 cm-1 at This requires ethyl groups to survive for minutes low coverage up to 2904 cm ~ at saturation. An- under severe dehydrogenation conditions after all the other possibility is that the shift is due to intensity di-cr bonded ethylene is gone. Further, our vinyl from another vibrational mode of the intermediate iodide spectra show that the same CH 3 asymmetric species. This would be easiest to explain in terms of stretch signal occurs even under the condition of an ethylidene intermediate. For an ethylidene moiety 25% less initial surface hydrogen. For these reasons that has its methyl group tilted close to the surface we favor an ethylidene interpretation of the 2957 and its hydrogen pointing nearly straight up, one cm 1 feature. might expect to see some intensity from the weak An ethylidene interpretation of the 2957 cm -1 CH stretch mode. This would also explain the lack of stretch leads to two important conclusions. Ethyli- intensity near 2850 cm -~, because the CH 3 symmet- dene would be a likely intermediate in the conver- ric stretch would be nearly parallel to the Pt surface. sion of di-cr bonded ethylene to ethylidyne and the It would, however, be more difficult to explain the breaking of the CH bond on the c~- of ethyli- blue shift of the 2906 cm 1 peak in terms of an dene would be the rate limiting step in this reaction. ethyl group. This is because an additional feature at The mechanisms in Fig. 6 illustrate three possible 2857 cm-~ is not seen. The 2857 cm -~ intensity pathways for ethylene decomposition to ethylidyne would be from a Fermi resonance of the 2914 cm- that involve an ethylidene intermediate. In the first feature and should scale with it. mechanism di-cr bonded ethylene is hydrogenated to Because small amounts of have been de- an ethyl group followed by stepwise dehydrogena- tected to desorb from the surface during ethylidyne tion of the o~-carbon. We reject this mechanism formation [25,26], we postulate that some ethyl because work on ethyl chloride by Lloyd et al. has species may exist during the conversion of di-o- shown that ethyl groups first dehydrogenate on bonded ethylene to ethylidyne. However, studies of Pt(lll) to yield di-o" bonded ethylene rather than ethyl moieties have shown that ethyl groups decom- dehydrogenate directly to ethylidyne [28,29]. pose to form di-cr bonded ethylene and ethane at In the second mechanism a CH bond on the di-cr temperatures above 250 K on the Pt(111) surface bonded ethylene breaks to form a vinyl group. This 118 P. Cremer et al. / Surface Science 328 (1995) 111-118 vinyl group undergoes hydrogenation at the CH: for supporting J.W. Niemantsverdriet's stay in carbon to form ethylidene. Ethylidene then dehydro- Berkeley. genates to form ethylidyne. This too can be ruled out on the basis of the vinyl iodide work by Zaera et al. 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