United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,096,692 Hagihara Et Al
US006096692A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,096,692 Hagihara et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 1, 2000 54 SYNTHETIC LUBRICATING OIL 4,851,144 7/1989 McGraw et al.. 5,395,544 3/1995 Hagihara et al. ......................... 252/68 75 Inventors: Toshiya Hagihara, Izumisano; Shoji 5,523,010 6/1996 Sorensen et al. ....................... 508/307 Nakagawa, Wakayama; Yuichiro 5,575,944 11/1996 Sawada et al.. Kobayashi, Wakayama; Hiroyasu 5,720,895 2/1998 Nakagawa et al. ....................... 252/68 Togashi, Wakayama; Koji Taira, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Wakayama; Akimitsu Sakai, Wakayama, all of Japan 0696564. 2/1996 European Pat. Off.. 2003067 8/1970 Germany. 73 Assignee: Kao Corporation, Tokyo, Japan 59-25892 2/1984 Japan. 4320498 11/1992 Japan. 21 Appl. No.: 08/776,751 657243 3/1994 Japan. 22 PCT Filed: Feb. 27, 1995 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 86 PCT No.: PCT/JP95/00304 Chemical Abstracts, vol. 77, No. 9, Abstract No. 61237u (XP-002097541), Jun. 29, 1990. S371 Date: Feb. 13, 1996 Primary Examiner Jacqueline V. Howard S 102(e) Date: Feb. 13, 1996 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO96/06839 57 ABSTRACT PCT Pub. Date: Mar. 7, 1996 The present invention relates to a Synthetic lubricating oil 30 Foreign Application Priority Data comprising cyclic ketals or cyclic acetals obtained by a Aug. 29, 1994 JP Japan .................................... 6-228616 reaction between one or more polyhydric alcohols having an Oct. 31, 1994 JP Japan .................................... 6-292431 even number of hydroxyl groups of not less than 4 and not more than 10 and one or more Specific carbonyl compounds, 51) Int.
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