ON BAY STATE ROCKS Olympic Games, with Germany 2-3 VOTE FAILS Testified As the “ Spiritual Attitude” QUICKIE ENDED Finishing Second
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NET PRESS RUN New AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the^ inoiitli of February, 192^ Fair, cold tonight. Snnday wann 5,108 t w n x m er, snow or rain toward night. Hember of the Audit Bureau of Circulations PRICE THREE CENTS (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 10 VOL. XLII., NO. 137. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) Conn. State Library GERMAN PREDICTS U. S. l i W HAVENERS’ WILL WIN OLYMPICS. KILL LAME DUCK i Lion Tamer Jailed; Won Y 365 TRAPPED ON LINER New York, March 10.— Dr. Otto Peltzer, champion German AMENDMENT AS I D a u g f ^ « Charge runner, predicted before sailing TRY AS BANDITS for home on the liner Columbus early today that the United Kansas City, Kan., March 10— In^leged she had been punished in an States would win the coming '^unusual manner. Several witnesses jail today because she could not pay ON BAY STATE ROCKS Olympic games, with Germany 2-3 VOTE FAILS testified as the “ spiritual attitude” QUICKIE ENDED finishing second. a $100 fine, Mrs. Charles Wood- of the daughter and Mrs. Woodside In his prediction, however, | side, former circus lion tamer and failed to defend herself. Peltzer did not figure himself as | [mother of 16-year-old Lorene “ I will be crucified before I tes Boston-New York Steamer Robert E. Lee Piles Up on a point winner. Track experts 209 io 157 in House Falls 1 Jones, repented whipping her tify against my child,” Mrs. Wood- START MACHINERY Quartet Runs Up Against believe he will prove to be Lloyd j j daughter with a clothes hangar. side told Judge Fred R. White. Hahn’s most dangerous oppon- ; 36 Short of Needed Ma I In a filled city auditorium last “ I ’ll plead guilty,” then turning to Reef Near Plymouth in Blinding Storm— Rescue of ent. i night a dramatic police court trial Lorene, she sobbed: TO TRY MRS. KNAPP Nothing But Bad Breaks _________________________ —----- =-------------- “ Lorene, dear, did you have mo jority For Measure to sh'Id.TaySfwere^r/- arrested of your own accord? Tell Shipps Company Impossible During Night of Terror and All Four Land in Nor ' ered and hundreds of persons on me. If you did, I ’ll plead guilty and do a year in jail.” She declined to the outside clamored to get in. and Darkness But Some Passengers Are Taken Off CLIFFORD RESIGNS Short Sessions. Lorene, who last week failed to take the witness, oath. Two Other Women and Man walk Lockups. give her mother an account of her Mrs. Woodside was sent to jail when she failed to pay the $100 fine w'hereabouts when she was out late, Face Prosecution Also This Forenoon— Liner Lies Mile and Half Off-Shore was the complaining witness and al- assessed by Judge White. Norwalk, March i d — Four New BECAUSE OF ILLNESS Washington. March 10 — Ihc Haveners, following what they sup White-Norris constitutional amend For Census Frauds. Amid Jagged Reefs. posed to be the accepted rules of ment intended to advance the date a bandit gang, raided Norwalk of Presidential inaugurations and DESERT MARATHON HOME BREW RADIO Local Phone Exchange Man Albany, N./Y., March 10.— Legal do away with the short sessions of Juring the night, were repulsed al j machinery is being set in motion Plymouth, March 10.— Rescue of the passengers of thi Congress participated in by mem most automatically, and came to ager to Be Succeeded By BILL UP IN HOUSE for the criminal prosecution of Mrs. stranded liner Robert E. Lee was begun this forenoon when be i'rief in Stamford. They are locked bers who have failed of re-election HIKERS GRIND ON 1 Florence S. E. Knapp, former tween 20 and 30 persons were taken off by a Coastguard boat. up here without bail awaiting a was defeated in the House late yes J .Secretary of 'State, on charges of hearing next Monday under the WinstedMan. terday. The vote was 209 to 157 1 forgery, grand larceny and other It was hoped that the entire ship’s company would be removec in favor of the amendment, thus following names: John Sheridan, Scheme to Gag Big City Sta I felonies in connection with her ad- by the same method. 29. of 120 Congress avenue; Ralph falling 36 votes short of -the nec Newton^ Veldt Trekker, Still ! jninistration of the $1,200,000 Rohloff, 22, of 76 Hazel street; Owing to the illness of Loren C. essary two-thirds. Among those 1925 state census. who vigorously opposed the adop The charges made against Mrs. Plymouth, Mass., March 10.— Two huiuired and sixty-three Michael Quinn. 19. of 18 Rose Clifford Jr., manager of the Man In Lead in Cross Continent tions in Favor of Locals tion of the amendment was House | Knapp and other state employes by street; William Hunt, 27, of 113 chester and Rockville exchanges of persons, passengers and crew of the Boston-New York linei Leader John Q. Tilson of Connec-j Moreland Commissioner Randall J. Silver street. Robert E. Lee, were trapped this morning on board the steamei When che four had been booked the Southern New England Tele ticut. I Derby. Goes to Test. Leboeuf, Jr., of Albany, today were and discussed police here announc phone company, and the necessity The amendment would have i turned over to Special Deputy At as she lay storm beaten on the jagged reef known as Mary Anr ed the New Haveners had stolen a of immediately having someone in changed the meeting date of Con- j torney-General George Z. Medalie gress from March 4 to January 4 I Rocks, off Manomet Point, ten miles east of here on the shore: private automobile in that city dur charge of these busy and important Mohave Desert, Cal., March 10. Washington, March 10 The na- of New York and Deputy Attorney- ing the snowstorm early last eve and the date of Presidential inau- j General Albert M. Danaher for of Massachusetts bay, w'here she ran in a dense snow storm las offices. William B. Halsted, cashier gurations from March 4 to January __California will be a boom camp tion’s radio broadcasting system ning. stripped its plates and aband study. Medalie and Danaher were night while on her way from Boston to the north entrance t< oned it in a coal yard. They stole at Winsted, will succeed Mr. Clif 24. for today and tonight and then will was placed in the balance today as named by Attorney-General Albert ford. effective, Monday. March 12. 1 high-powered taxi, transferred pass into the oblivion of “ ghost the House took up the Watson hill. ‘Ottinger to present the Leboeuf the Cape Cod Canal. She struck miles off her course. plates, and drove down here, to Mr. Clifford, as is well known charges either to t h e i ’egular Al and regretted by his many friends cities” of the west after C. C. Pyle’s Proposed originally only to ex While the steamer is reported as^ make their task easier the four bany County Grand<fu}:y_^ or to a in these exchanges, has been ill for WANAMAKER FUNERAL tend the life of the Federal R a '"i in no immediate danger it has been worse. Snap out of it.” were among dressed in overalls of identical pat marathoners trek onward to special term Grand Jury. some time. Recently it was consid Needles and new adventures m Commission for one year, the bill Aroused by widespread criticism ] so far impos-sibie to take off any of the messages shot from the antenna tern. ered by his physicians to be ad o.f the radio of the liner. Had Scouted Ground. Arizona. , . has assumed wider proportions of the action of District Attorney her passensers. though a cloud of visable for him to try a change of TO BE HELD MONDAY A water-hole for(y miles east ot ^ “ Cannot launch lifeboats. W« The New Haveners liad been Charles J. Herrick of Albany in re climate in the hope that this would Bagdad has been selected as the throui^h the Davis amendment, navy. Coast Guard and other vessels arc on reef and water too shallow, I'.ere before aud selected the East fusing to present the charges '• prove beneficial. He has. accord next rest spot for yie contestants which directs a wholesale redistri have responded to her SOS calls for went bafk a message to the Tus- Norwalk tailor shop of John Ku- bution of broadcasting licenses. against Mrs- Knapp to the grand carora. Then began to come the re ingly, entered the Winsted hospi .New York. March 10.— Funeral in the $48,500 “ bunion derby,” at jury. Gov-. Smith ordered Attorney- aid. and the passengers and crew I'Ovic as a likely place to rob but tal 'where he is receiving the best Frankly aimed to eliminate assuring messages: “ Everyone (JK arrangmeuts were completed today which they will find a few brief General Ottinger to reopen the case passed a wretched night, for the when they reached that place early of medical attention and where, it hours’ respite from the agonies scores of stations in New York, no panic.” Later: “ We are lying for Rodman Wanamaker, merchant and. lay the alleged facts before a today they found a policeman sta is stated, he has shown some im that equal feats of the early-day Chicago and other cities, propon- ^ steamer’s lighting and heating sys comfortable now. No immediate tioned nearby. Then the New ents of the .ueasure condemned i grand jury.