Complete Newi, Picture* A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage *X.'..

vol. XLVII-NO. 13. Entered ts atcond Olui Utttn 4;!' »t tht Poat'Offli*, WoodMdg*, If, J. WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Governor Attends Reception Here for New California Oil Head Plant to Build Office Buildings, Warehouse Here to Cost $750,000 •2*1 Jennings, Adams Appointed Metal-Thermit To New Air Force Academy Headquarters WOODBRIDGE—A WoodbrldRe High School student and a former resident of Woodbridge were among the Ml cadets out of 8,000 can- To be Shifted didates chosen for th« first class of the new Air Foroe Academy, ac- cording to an announcement made by Secretary Harold K. Talbott. WOODBRIDOE Announce- The local student la Robert Sidney Franklin J*nnlnga, son of Mr. ment was made yesterday by •nnd Mrs. Wlllard K. Jennings, 5 Falrvlew Avenue, Colonia. The former Metal 4t Thermit Corporation it resident is James Riven Adams, will erect a $750,000 Reneral of- son of Mr. ahd Mrs. Clement H. Watson, Oarfleld Road, Concord, Win Coveted Places fice building and warehouse here Mass., and the grandson of Mr. adjacent to lta Research Labora- and Mrs. Janwa J./Dunne, Oreen tory on Rahway Avenue. It Is ex- Street. Rivers, who will graduate pected the building will be ready from Concord High School,1 June for occupancy in April, 1956. 8. has been an honor student. Hl| The office building will consist TI-I)Iinn was held yesterday pany and was attended by Gov- left to right, vt Charles E. tfi. Governor Mryner, Mr. and Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, of mother is the former Jean Dunne, of two floors with a total of 25.000 II iiniv.inl Johnson's for B.'W. ernor Robert B. Mcyner and in- Gregory, James R. MacDoBato", JHckard, former Attorney Gen- Woodbridge. In the foreground and his father, Rivers Adams, was square feet and its architectural ' piil, ml, newly-Hefted presl- dustrlaUtaadm In thf^nrfeh- president of General Cable eral David T. Wilrntz, Mayor is former Mayor August F. killed in World War II.' deslirn will conform to that of rt,n! ,,r Ilir California Oil Com- borhood. In the photo above, Corp.; Senator Bernard. W. Vo- .I;-Flynn of Perth Amboy Gr«lner of Woodbridge. the existing laboratory which wns ttober. t Jennings has maintained built 14 yeans ago. an A average'throughout his four years of high school. He was on One of the company's plants, Secretary of State, Suit for $195,343 the varsity track team for four which is engaged In chemical Incinerator Tmte Started; years, is a member Of . the Year and metallurgical engineering is r £pok Committee and was elected located In Carteret. The decision Settled for $20,000 WHttp.Mational Honor Society In to centralize accounting, engin- o be Memorial Day Speaker Early Operations Exp&tt&ik. eering, gales, production and hi^lMi(tof.4He is also on the WnoDHHIUOE—Secretary of State Edward J. Patten will be the WOODBRIDGE—Tests were started yesterday at the new Town- staff oflrSB^L manufacturing headquarters in WOODBRIDOE-tA $195,343 suit ship incinerator, off upper Main Street, and will be continued for Woodbridge ts the result of ex- II;.''.;M1 -]n:ikcr at the annual Memorial Day services. May 30. at brought by Pierson and MacWU- avy publication a aq the next few days. If everything goes well, it Is expected that the in- panslos of activities and personnel, W.i:- iviul Memorial in Wooclbrld«e Park.. liam, Metuchen architects, against Robert is also a junior fy 1 H. E. Martin, president of the •I. i . •-•I .;iTh will be proceeded by a parade which will start from the Woodbridge Township Board cinerator will be in official operation next, month. scoutmaster, a member of Hi- company stated. : II.. > Firehousc on School Street dhd will follow the traditional of Education, has been settled out At the next Township meeting, June 7, ordinance* will be Intro- plays on his church basketball of court for $20,000, it was an-duced accepting the incinerator and regulating the collection of gar- team, is a member of a model air- The Metal and Thermit now occupies offices at 100 East 42ivi r Thls year, under the rotating nounced at the Board of Educa- bage and the use of the incinera- plane club and Is a member pf the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts. Street In New York, and its ex- system. WoodbrldEe Post, Ameri- tion meeting Monday. tor. It is expected that rules simi- To Speak Here lar to thoBe used in Perth Amboy Nominated by Smith ecutive office^ will remain at that' r Toolan, Haney and Romond, can Legion, will be In charge of all will be applied in the Township. Befo're the announcement was address, at least for the time special attorneys for the Board, arrangements with the command- Materials that will burn, such as made of his acceptance to the Air being. reported that it holds in escrow a garbage, wood and paper will have Force Academy, Robert had taken News of the company's plan to Sweetness er. Elmer J. Vecsey. serving as duly executed copy of dismissal of general chairman. to be placed in one container, a competitive examination for the enlarge its holdings here was re- the wit*, pending payment of the while materials that will not burn, Naval ROTC and had been accept- ceived with 'understandable en- and Bands participating in the par- »30iOOO. *' ;i such' as ashes, tin cans, glass and ed. He was planning to attend thusiasm on the part of the local ade this year will be the New York The Board passed the nrtesuary metals, must be placed In another Princeton University, but his ac- government. The new building resolutions smd the money. accord- City PAL Fife and. Drum Corps., container. Two'trucks and twoceptance to the academy has def- will be constructed on a site pics-, Ing to the Board auditors, will have crews will be employed in each col- initely changed that plan. Kotert entry owned by the State as part| Light sponsored by Woodbridge Fire to come from the High School lection. Containers welshing wore was nominate* by 8«n*#ir H. tte.lfwjffwy State Prison J P\ ctlAKlES E. GREGORY fords VPW Band, bond money as part of the new than 100 pounds, with, Alexander Smith,, and pfuwed' alt tni Is diagonally across! high school cost, will,«npUwt . : 8CMP» Band,! iConUnued on P*g* 8) Rahway Avenue from the prenrt! Plerson and MacWilltam were Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said bullalhgV' Senator B. W. VORRI,^ i may be suffering from I.selln Hook and Ladder Drum and Fife Corps and St. Anthony's (Continued on Page- 81 yesterday that steps will be taken who Is also WoodbridKe Town- n;my community deficien- very soon to correct the situation ship's counsel, and Mayor H Band. at the municipal dumps in Keas- Chemistry Benefits B. Quigley were larcely instru- but the list doesn't in- The parade marshal will be Her- boy. Bulldozers will be used to mental in obtaining an aRrcemcnt| lludc pansies. Ibert BIHch, commander of the Alibani is Slated straighten out the site and then on part of the New Jersey D--1 >• * * the whole area will be coverfcd with Observance Theme partment of Institutions nnd| | Woodbrldgc Township Veterans an ample depth of dirt. We are threatened, as a Agencies to relinquish a fivc-a::re^ Alliance and the assistant marshal To Take Mroz Post '•We will have to take steps to WOODBRIDOE — This week is tract to accomodate the. com-' flatter of fact, With being will be William Van Tassell, chief keep people from dumping at Chemical Progress Week and the pany's needs. of Woodbridge Fire Company. WOODBRIDGE — Mayor Hugh iiun by pansies—and I Keasbey after the incinerator is observance Is highlighted by a pro- Salons Must Approve B. Quigley stated yesterday that in use," the mayor stated. "I have »ak of the genus viola tri- At the park, Roy E. Anderson, gram formulated by representa- While approval of the Depart- Commlttee^na^ George. Mroz will great hopps that the site can be nr, and not In the verna- Woodbridge, Past Commander of tives from chemical plants in this ment'! aotion in releasing tlm the State Department of Ameri- resign from the Planning Board sol-d for industrial purposes." area. •ar. The pansy epidemic, due to ill health and that Com- DR. AKCHIBALD CAREY land must still be ratified by tin; can Legion will serve as master of The chemttfal plants sponsoring UI'.T some circumstances, mltteeman L. Ray Alibani, also legislature and approved by Gov- ceremonies. Rev. Earl Hannum De- the program and their representa- JAMES RIVERS ADAMS ernor Meyner, Senatof Vonel is uikln't be a matter of ,con- vanny. minister uf the First Pres- of the Third Ward, will be named tives are Heyden Chemical •Corp., in his place. The matter was dis- Prosecutor Checks corttldttit that this action will be ?m—but its acceptance to byterian Church, Woodbridge, is Christian Science Frank O. Harkay, Maintenance taken before the legislature ad- cussed in caucus Tuesday night. represents a confession of scheduled to give the invocation Engineer; Catalln Corp., August DIRECTORS TO MEET journs, In addition to the land to and Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley. the The mayor said he does not orption in small things VA Westbury Files Naprovnik, Mgr. New Product WOODBRIDGE—The Board of be acquired from the State, an ad- address of Welcome. The national know whether Mr. Mroz • will also Lecture Tuesday Development* Shell Chemical Co., .11 we should be assiduous Directors of the Woodbridge Wom- ditional tract of nearly thro* anthem will be sung by Mi's. An- resign as member of the Board of A. E. Jennings, Supt. of Chemicals; acres Was purchased from the ISELIN—Prosecutor Alex Eber '!; large ones—like schools drew Aaroe and the benediction Health, but if he does, commit- WOODBRIDGE — A world tra- American Cyanamid Co., Ralph an's Club will meet tonight at 8 Shell Oil Company. announced yesterday the the Vet- ii ;i working sewer system pronounced hy Rt. Riy. Msgi'. | teeman Richard Krauss will in all veler and lecturer of wide experi- Jones, Office Manager and E. I. o'clock at the hojne of Mrs, Joseph Addition of a $750,000 develop- erans Administration has brought *i equalization of assess- Charks G. McCorristin, pastor of likelihood be named In his place. ence has been secured by |Ftr,>t Du Pont de Nemours and Co. Inc., Brantjegan, 470 East.Avenue, Se- (Contlnued on Page 8) , St. James' Churoh, Woodbridge. Former Committeeman John Ber- Churcb of Christ, Scientist, Se- iu Its files on the Westbury Park Robert I), graven, Process Im- uHits, provement Engineer. waren. All organizations and groups gen is still a member of the Board waren, to deliver a free public lec- development and that he Is in the process of examining them. throughout the Township are in-of Health, but has pat attended ture In the First Congregational The main purpose of the ob- At the direction of Attorney it is easier, though, to vited to participate. meetings due to ill health. It Is Church, Woodbridge, on Tuesday, servance is to bring to as many ATTORNEY NAJHED Salk Vaccinations The annual church services for expected he will resign and that General Grover C. Richman, Mr. Americans as possible the fact that Pant pansies. They are, in- May 24, 8:30 o'clock. WOODBRIDGE — David Pav- very pretty little flow- all veteran and fire • company Committeeman Edward Kath will Eber's office is checking the the science of chemistry as ap- groups In ttoe Township will be be named to succeed Mm. He is Dr. Archibald Carey, many allegations regarding the plied through progress in the lovsky, Fords,: was named attor- May Start Monday nit are not self-sufficient held Sunday, May 29 under me One thing is certain, |he mayor C. S. B, of Detroit, Michigan, inspection of the homes and com- chemical Industry Is building an ney for the Planning Board at a ll They require atten- a member of The Christian' Sci- increasingly better America. sponsorship of the Woodbridge said, Mr. Mroz has no'intention plaint? that the homes have not retainer fee of $1,500 a year, at BULLETIN iur beyond placing their Methodist Church at the Masonic enc5 Board of Lectureship, fle met the requirements of the The five plants are furnishing un of resigning as Town Cpmmitee- a meeting of the Town Committee Word was received this morn- iii the soil, and so our Temple,; Green Street. All units man or as chairman ol the ad-will speak on the subject, Christ- Township building and fire codes. speakers to all the high schools ing that a further delay on the Tuesday night. |o\vu Committee aftd Board are asked to meet at Woodbridge present time. (Contiriued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8> Continued on Page 8i release of Salk polio vaccine has Education have planned a Firehouse at 7:30 P. M., to march been ordered tor another "look- to the temple in a body. summer for themselves see at thl* whole very confused Joint Conference Hears of Critical Need for More Schools picture," Vaccine to be iised in ppinir, the blossoms as Woodbridge was produced by •ey unfold and pinehing Wyeth laboratories, Marietta, < buds so that respectable Adults' Aid Asked Fa., »Od has not yet been •wins will be assured. If cleared by the New Jersey Com- me not prepared to do In Youth Program mittee on Poliomyelitis Vac- then we have wjasted cine, in i and money at, thf Mu- WOODBRIDGp~-ThL'i f^ from Committeeman Edward WOODBRIDQE—Prom all in- al Building and the Kadi, chairman of the Recreation dlcutloni the Salk vaccine inocu- school whene we have Committee, Is addressed to parents lations for first and second grade in a Stupendous t\nd others who are interested In pupUs will start Monhay in the ? :ombatting juvenile delinquency. Towiiahlp. At press time, Superln-'! on pansiesi . tendent of Schools and the Boiirdji Mr. Kath is seeding volunteers of Health were awaiUng word that'! who are willing to give an hour or was curious about this the vaccine, made by the Wyeth two of their time each week] or as Corporation, Pennsylvania, had Clicking romance, but I often as possible during the sum- been approved and reletised. 't yet been able to mer to teach handicraft to. the youngsters at the various play- The vaccine Is already In the v all the details. The 1 grounds. | Township , under refrigeration and Committee, according; under lock and key. "\ye are working on the assump- the pansy tab, purchased tion.that busy hands pi keep the County Superintendent o f D0 plants at a cost of youngsters out of trouble," Mr. Schools Robert Blunt notified Vic- 1'iOiio, There we're addition- Kath sate, "and we will need help. tor C. tfleklas, Superintendent of During the year the various clubs Schools, Tuesday, that the va"- nui>(\s of $11.00 for two ine would undoubtedly be re- of fertilizer and $bo.oo and organizations have had shak- ers dn the subject, now here is your leased this week and to make evory effort to Start Inoculations Mon- preparing arid cleaning .halce to (Jo something about it. day. beds. Large figures al- We are particularly anxious to get « appall me, and I was volunteer workers to teach sewing, There Is sufficient: vajclnp in the hwd about out ability to crocheting and knitting to the Township to lnnoculate all the girls. We would like to teach Such first and second grade pupils and 'onnnodate J,400 -pansy : ['nits, short of planting one crafts as leather carving to the to start the second shots. . ' bpys. The Recreation Department The tentative schedule of inocu- ' >p of another,, will supply the materials." lations 1B as follows: May 23, * * • ' Schools 4 and 5, Avenol mid Hope- Mr. Kuth urged those Interested. lawn School; May 24, School 1, In helping out to call the Recrea- 1 went over to the town Fords; May, 23, Keasbey School; tion Department, at Woodbridge tin; other evening and Schools 9 »nd IB, Iselin and School Lid them, otte by one. 1200, and leave their names and 17, Inman Avenu*, Colonia;-M»y addresses. right, reading clockwise, are total, including the dead Aiove are members of the Scbuul 11 cafeteria to discuss rick W. Buylan, D i. Barnlckel, intendent uf Schools Vii'tor C, 26, Bewaren School, School 1, Senator B. W. VoKel, Thomas 1 "I will gladly call on prospective Town Committee, the 1'laiiiiins tht need for immediate school David favloviky, Mayor Hugh NLcklas. Heated at table at left, Woodbridge and Strawberry Hilt iivintf, cattte te 1.33Qvolunteers and discuss the entire G. Desmond, 4lo«ard Mmll- Board, thf Board of Education houalny. Standing, left to right, B. Quigley, Andrew Aarot, reading clockwise, are Harry Schooli May 27. Schoul U. i\ml*; '• left 1,064 janaccounted program with them," Mr. K»th I 11UUB1 tjun, L. Charles Mauglont, Nor- Mid key municipal *nd board [are Frank Wukovets. Edward Richard Krauss, Mrs, Lawrence Secnrlst, Lester Near)', William Schools H and 16, Colonia und I'm i except said "However we must make Im- man Tuiuuian and Charles E. Reading and Hagamuu as jfifjorded employes who attended » con-JlKatli, Harry Burke, Ur. John 1*. Ryan, Edwin Ctwey, Ptrter O'Neill. John Csabal, James bill. I mediate plans; because before long Wallace WUok, Super- Mullen. Seated at table at Gregory. iy count the playground* wlll^e opsniwf." f«nm>« U»t i'bunfry uiibt at ™ut», Charles!, Alejutndcr, Pat-

M INDEPEKDENT-I.F,., I i PAGE TWO MAY in, 19f>fi MinisterCompleJ (landlelight Rites Annual lownsliip^WhleGirl Scout Rally Sunday Proves Very Successful Book Transit, Feature Induction WOODBRID&E "M,ln — At Tuesday iiRlc Life" By Liiszlo V, , i\ mei-ting of School I PTA been translated [rum n)(.' .1. ,.t s hool 11 Auditorium. Mrj. Hunnarlnn by Rev. [, (>, IIIYI- Oftile was installed as .•kemethy, pastor of t,ir •:rlni' * w Reformed Church i':i!'i officers installed at a Thr book has heen p ii,i ,(!!i-li.'hting ceremony condur- I'liiio.soph.jul Llbraiy. in i Ijv Mrs. Rudolph Frt-y were: 40th Street. New York. • Edward Seipe. first vice presi- "Man mid his Tn\i,- ii: Miss Cecelia Artym, second basud on ttje studit.s i,f ]). prc-iident; Mrs Julius Alien. ,ky s woi'us. ::\ w.-o president: John Euan, In his pre^ase, Rev ;; aiUici; Mrs. V'i'liam Gadek. mitiiy pives thanks tu • ;,, ida;K secretary aid Mrs. A. Mackay, prtsldeiit o| , :i i'unku. corresponding Sec- ton ' .K(«j.n,)i-, y t:ncoiiraneinent and Ueip; i kr :icc€ptan?e speech. Mrs. KiisUons; to Dr. Paul I, i -:• pUdK-'d fulfilling the theme. HIJ.L.ISJI1 01 Apptwl C,,i .1., li'iin the ancient Roman Princeton 1 liLalugici; 1 ..;. I : education "Mens sana in for hi.s vnluiiblt cr.tici n, i- ,uio'—a sound mind iii a .vlui'e buok without vhi; I ,: :..•! billy contain mai)y shoitcuni; ;.'•• an succeed only if every .1. • '"•k.H-l.l'fil J-lffli-i : : . it helping hand. We can Mrs. William Boynton fui •;. Mi-ether pleasantly only if iiiK tut tnidish iBXt." ':'.('.1 whether in unity." con- i Ki;v. Ki;-..)kemt;nti,y :,l , ; i\ Mrs. Oettle. in tht'-prufuce: "Man iiim - •M'ei 'lit parent-teacher prayer i.s an ucluul prublt in tor i . ;','•..•; Boylan. elementary FU- 1 am certain.that t;.e n.a,. • •.-..'w Mr? Norman Kilby, the dihcovci a portion uf 1 • :. 'president, presented her h, nature in our or n, :...;:! r port announcing that ; chapter of this ir.'atisr Th :..•- v.culd be allocated for a uoiuou.s or Indepeiui. iii lioodly portion of mtr |,•,, .. : uim-.-ize projector. i.s Koinn to bti forced tu u M. Alien, membership chair- (liih Scout Pack lite tliroimli anew by M, . ; rjj'jr'.fd a total of 310 mem- Slate Included ultimate consequeiu us m ; iii)j postulate, "everytliin. i.' MToud grade Class of Mrs. Bv Avenel I'TA Is Reorganized ful, evtrylhing is ptrmlv.n, .'..',; '.Mm the attendance prize whose shoulders art- .stoi.ij- .i'. •:.(• annual attendance award the weight of suftniiH' . :;.itdf IO tile second grade class AVfcNKL Installation of offi- AVENEL—A special mueling was cus wii.-. held at the final meeting held Tutsduy in the First Prasby cover, much to his aim!, '.:!.> Edit:; Davis, \ : the very essence of life : of the season, by the Aveiv.'l Par- tiiiiin Church to re-organize Cub '.••:. ,i program on books. ,Mrs. ln({. He shall be cunvm.rd •' Clark recojjinfended and ent Teachers Association, Tuesday, Scout Pack 141. .sponsored by the tvrmnu in ihn s:-lio<)l auditorium. author Is Justified in (., . \i-(i books for parents and' church. Charles Jamlfsen cub- D>i':urtes by sayiiiK Mrs. Pied Hanrattit, County. ,.•• f.••! ciiilcren of kindergarten sc-out m\ster and Arthur Schwle- not btcause we think but Membership chairman, installed j • t:.rjukfh fifth grade. In a plea we suffer." the slnlc as follows: Mrs. Earl' tler assistant cub-scout muster, •'i;j;>ort o! the Mental Health; The book is a phf. Smith, president. Mrs Harry conducted the meeting ..:.:::! Mrs Cyril Hutner re- treatise illustrated with ti.. Jones, vice-president. Harry Lund, • '. ti t.-.c strides made to estab- The pack committee consists of: of Dostoevsky's nuvt-i.s :. a (i:mc !o service this area. ' second vice-president. Mrs. Peter .T.'ttleton Perkins, Jay Hoffman, ! • Mr., Kilby's untiring efforts f'ocuz/H, secretary ami Mrs. Edward Kosic and Eugene Safford. Eugene Safford. Mrs. '!,, I'TA pre.-id.ent for tht past two iie Salford. triu.sunT. Den mothers were chosen as lington, and Mrs. A; ..:-. Tamboer, principal New chairmen were announ-fd follows: Mrs. Gus Johnson, Mrs. Bartlett. M;.mt:: witrj a past presi- us fullows: Mrs. H. Jones, budget :.' .s pin. Refreshments were and finance: Mrs. F. Rumpi-Uln, . -.Yd by mothers of the fifth: founders day; Mrs. R. William La- gay, goals; Mrs. Rubin Greco, | health and welfare; Mrs. William Kuzmiak. historian; Mrs. J. Hospital Tag Day H.uisei and Mrs. William Gerak, httspitality: Mrs. Benjamin Se- legislation and librarian; Here Raises $366 Mrs. Lillian Burgcson, music: Mrs. How aro you Stephen Markulin, and Mrs. Law- '.VODDBRIDGE — The annual rence Felton. membership; Mrs. fixed for hot 1:".. ii.iy sponsored here Friday by Alex McDeimott, PTA- magazine; !..i Woudbridge Chapter of the Mrs. Arthur Peterson, program; weather }V)ih Ambuy General Hospital Mrs. Richard Menke, publicity; (imlil netted $366.52, Mrs. C. I. Mrs. Dale Scott, parent education; clothes? It's a HIIIM:T, chairman, announced to- At top left Is a camp fire scene presented by Troop 9, Colonia. Left to risht are Joyce Goodrich, Priscilla DriscoJl, Diane Larson, Mrs. R. Heinrich, safety; Mrs. rhiy. Judith Pica™, Mrs, Henry Ulshoefer, leader: Uslie Nims, at piano, Janet Smith, Veggy Gelton, Joanne Glascott, Donna Larson, Linda Charles Ford, international rela- Mrs. Hutner was assisted by Mrs. Gaydos. Picture, top right, is that of a mock wfddinR presented by Troop 6, Avenel, with Mrs. Herman Steinbach as leader. Left tions '^tid citizenship; Mrs. $. good idea to come in now and Henry A. Betefsky, Mrs. R. to right are Beatrice Barr, Carole Novak, Joyce Obropta, Diane Reusch, Susan Mcdinets, Carole Obropta, Ruth Steinbach. Seated, Johansen, teachers representative; Tiiomp.suii, Mrs. William , Betty Tomes, Genevieve Martarelli. Pictured below are Girl Scouts who were presented with curved bars, highest honors in scout- Mrs. C. Cloidt, program book; Mrs. get set before the heat's oa. .Vlr.s. Isadoie RabinowiU, Mrs. inc. Left to riffht, Beverly Howell, Barbara Rolf, Dolores Poll, Christine Mcglis, Joann StacheUki, Adele Chrisiensen, Carol Obropta, John McClue, visual aid, and Mrs. Shephard, Mrs. Jules Ruth Steinbach, Barbara Sisco, Dorothy Hoffman, Joyce Mayer, Carol Province, Diane Voris, Linda Sprock, Carol Schmidt. A. Dyer, character and spiritual MfiLiich, Mrs. Steven O. Fortay, education. Mrs. Edward Novak, Mrs. Fred- Plans were discussed to sponsor rick Kessler, Mrs. Leonard Gold- Chemist Addresses New Mother's Group Meetings will be held the second TO PARADE a bicycle club for boys and .girls, man, Mrs. C. R. H. Rothfuss, Mrs. Thursday of each Month, Officers AVENEL—Mi's. Herman Stein- details to. be announced later. S dayman, Mrs. Charles Rossner, Kiwinis Club Meeting Organised in Avenel elected were President, Mrs. E. bach, president of the Woodbridge Harry Lund, school principal an- $32-50 Mis. .Sylvia Warfield, Mrs. Leroy Mann; vice president, Mrs. Mat- Township Girl. Scout Council, re- nounced that a Learn-to-Swim COOL TRIM WOODBRIDGE—"The Chem- quests that all brownies and girl Homer, Mrs, C. W. Baraekow, Mrs. AVENEL—A meeting to organize thew Quinlan; secretary, Mrs. program is contemplated, plans to 1 ist's Role in Progress" was the scouts of Woodbridge Township, S39-95 Anna Culvert and committee, from Mother's Group of Boy Scout be announced in the fall. LUXURY LINED subject of a talk given by Edward Glenn W. Slater; treasurer, Mrs. who will participate in the Mem- I.selin: Faith Frankel, Nancy Troop 42 was held Thursday at St. The program featured, Mrs. A. Naprovnik, of Heyden Chemical Gwen Roff; publicity, Mrs. Henry Sloan, Paula Syby, Hinda Feibush Andrew's Church. orial Day Parade, May 30, to meet Henry Smith, who sang three se- Co., at a meeting of the Kiwanis C. Webster. ol tiie Lites Chapter of the Sub- on James Street, Woodbridge, at lections, accompanied at the piano Club in observance of Chemical Percy A. Hulibk, District Com- ISZWSHED mo Drbs; Miles Wolpin, William Platt, &:30 A. M. for the lineup. by her mother, Mrs. Scofield. Arthur Melnick, Gary Ostrower Progress Week. missioner, as guest speaker, sug- gested ways In which the mothers HONORED Attendance awards were made oi tlit- Stars of David. The speaker discussed in detail ON HONOR ROLL L.BMGS & SONS could effectively benefit the troop*. ISELJN—Richard J. Dickinson, to Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Balderston and Tat/m - the subject of synthetic plastics WOODBRIDGE—Charles Hut- Mrs. Safford. Tiie Bureau of Labor Statistics The aims of the new unit are to Iselin, was one of the guests of SMITH AT KING STJ. - PBRTH AMBOV. N. J. and described its uses. lie told that ner, 134 Grove Avenue, a ninth l (-ported that for the fourth month give assistance to the scouts in Fret Parklm Rear «( Start at Heyden in Fords the firm man- their activities when desirable and honor at the 25th anniversary grade student at Plngry School, SUn in ii row the consumer price index ufactures phenolic resin powders, Street sign in a southern street l.iui u-mained unchanged at 114.3. to initiate activities in which the luncheon of the Federal Reserve Elizabeth, won scholastic honors liquid phenolirf and urea .resins and scouts may have a part. , Bank of New York. Tuesday. for the seventh school month. "No U-all turns."—Gosport. in a special division manufactures oil additives on a custom basis for the standard Oil Company of New Jersey. Dr. H. M. Zatewski Kenneth Van Pelt was named a SUMMIT'S SENSATIONAL OFFER! FIRST two-year trustee and Howard it. TIMK Optometrist Madison and Kent Stultz were named one-year trustees. ENJOY THESE WONDERFUL HOME IMPROVEMENTS EVER AT THIS EYES EXAMINED Just So "We should be careful what we YOU PAY LOW say." said the careful friend. All Summer Long at OUR EXPENSE - - - PRICE !!!? PERSIHNG AVENUE •'Of course," said Miss Cayenne, NOTHING "altho it isn't so much what you Before you buy anywhere compare Summits quality anil prices!—20 years in CAUTERET 1-7608 say that makes trouble as what business —buy with confidence! UNTIL Extruded 3 Track somebody else says you said." OCTOBER 1st! 1ST QUALITY WHITE STEEL WINDOWS Then As Little M Any stuck sl»e window 1 1.25 Per Week to I Inntall»Uun Optlu^l VENETIAN BLINDS 1.44 with up to )4 per wlnduw nn 3 or niurr! OM uf the flnot window'. FASHION 1 ,5 Years To Pay! Sizes to 21" x 64" 22 to S6 x (U money can buy . • Kndused Tup Bolt Automatic l.iviri % Individually Hoircl Extruded Muney Uatk (ju lte! If Nut Sati^lied Fur Any Keusuu 1.99 Double Track Window? CENTER For Any Stock SUe 11 "Newest Store in Perth Am^oy" JALOUSIE to 40"x»0" * l 1 326 State St., Cor. Jefferson Check Our CUSTOM BLINDS in Flexalum, Steel, Aluminum Hundreds of color combinations to choose from . . . ALUMINUM LOW PRICES plastic, ruslon and cloth tapes. DOORS Ladies' and Children's ON THESE OTHER m< to w, OF! LIST AWNINGS SUMMIT PRODUCTS For 36" Windows 100% Extruded Aluminum Green and White WEARING APPAREL J.iluusif Knclusureii All For 59.95 Casemenl, Sliders Lowest Prices Anywhere STORM - SCREEN to 37x85 Opening 14,95 Window 8bo4t« COMBINATION DOORS Custum Blinds Include*: t Heavy Mutter Uoor Kiame • fit Ouur Frame md Any nice No Extra^ ALUMINUM mUm WeaUuu Senl. Aluminum 28tu 31x85 NO EXTRAS TO BUY! • 2 i.Uu FnaeU • 2 Bttttll to buy! Street Dresses Table last. Optl. $10 DOOR CANOPIES fur Cluck * Uurriune Safety Cliain 40"04x 488 " Sizes AT, FACTORY 7 tu 15 $10.99 PJJONE 2455 14ii to 58 Value*)! SHOWROOM ONLY iwlly advertised Alumu 5 HI 24120 custom awnings for stun Come Early lor Best Selection •240 OR m 2-^121 fronts, parches, patios, «>»• Ve ttlao cany LINGERIE. SPORTSWEAR and SWEATERS dows, doors. Made to your exw t AND A COURf BATHING SUITS IN *EUUlA»t AND EXTBA SIZES WILL CALL WWH SAMPLES! MADISON AVE. OfENrRHMYKVENniGTO-e PERT« mm IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! ^DEPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 10, PACK THREE Mrs. Bird Heads Weds Woodbridge Man Sewaren School Presenting Gift for Avenel Library Library Campaign itvcnel VFf Unit Lists Honor Roll To Start June 1

iae Bird RKWAREN - The following AVfNFi, A final planning ''^.'in-ii'd president of the Ladles pupih In the Sewaren School arc meeiii::: tyween volunteer or- , s,iniv of Avenel Memorial Post, on the present honor roll; In the ••.wi'.'.iiioTu iind thp Board of ,'|.MV M ;i meeting held In the Club class of Mrs. Margaret' Rowley. TriMcr^ of Avenel Public LlbTMT ' v,',i,; others elected were: Mrs. Unrin Miilvlhlll. Grant Stiles. was 11 hi nt. the library and de- ,,,,,, v Chester, senior vice presi- Judy McQueeney, Jan* Campbell i.n.s tin latmcliing the campaign fur tlie lijiildinu fund were dls- (•ill s William Bonham, Jun- James DuncJa, Ralph Rudash, presldent; Mrs. Richard June Ore«or, Carol Medvick, Su- cuvii'il and 'Aurkcd out. ,„,,,,„„ chaplain; Mrs. John Ko- an nne Lagay, Dorothy Faaekas.. Aveni'l has been divWed Into ; :•• treasurer: Mrs. John P. Ost- [.oretta Poll, Carol Vodjaok, Mary si>o"(iin and nsxlimed to vartom, K si'iTctmy; Mi's. Raymond Murphy; In th« clan of Mist •fvniips who will solicit fund* tat\ , ,„;,„, conductress; Mrs. Bci- .Sophie Stefanowakl, James Cot- I lie iiropospfi np\\ library bulW- nl Korslund. ituard. ter. Michael Daley, Roy Helne- ms( A trustee has been deilg- vi ,s Wilbur Marsh, three-year man. Otto Penlch, Arlene Gra- nn'i'd to work with each group. r;,.,,; Mrs. Thomaa Meehan, two bowski. Dolores Rnath, Janet The (hive will commence June 1 , ,,- trustee.; Mrs. Arthur Sthwel- Ruddy, Mary Terefenko, Patricia and -,v;i: extend for at least a per- . ',' niir-year trustee;, Mrs. Harold Urban. Arlene Coyle and Walter \M lit two vveks. i, patriotic instructor and Mrs. Lrdltf. ,.,f sehnelder, historian. 1 Five;.-, explaining the need f« •"' lh Also Included in the list are; 1 \u* J<>sf;ph Sulo and Mrs. tin [uid the beneflM de- '• in the class of Mrs. Katherlne rived have been distributed to the. •' ];, (,,(•' (Hi.s.saway, were named McDonnell; Martin ftobek, Ger- ;,',,;',Ir;'to the department en- school chiidr.-n. tlmufrti the prtn-. ald Johnson, Gary Lueaa, Joan cipnl of Avenel School, H with Mrs. Meehan and Mrs, Patricia Panko and Susan Pepsin. .11 in*-;- Cl.mcity as alternates. Others on the hctior roll are; nel to Mrs. Daniel Levy, president of the Hoard of Trustees of the Avenel Public Library, and were Miss Marie Hayden, Mrs. Joseph Manxione, chairman of the Library Butldlnir Fund, Left to rlsht, first row, Arvld Wlnqulit Andrew Galisln, Mrs. John Kew- A mint installation will be held in the clas« of Mr. Au4tm King; Mrs. Kuzmiak, Mrs. Uvy, Mr. Manzlone, Mrs. Andrew GalMn, Miss Marie lUyden; second row, kes, Mrs. Frank Barth, Mr. Arvid M;',v 2H in Avenel School Audi- Carole Anne Zablockl, Michael AUtn Phlfer, Mrs. John Kerekes, Mrs, Frank Barth and Mrs. Charles (loldt. Wlnquist, Mr, Charles Cloldt and liii-iiitn. Mrs. Barr was named ho«- Terefenko, and Albert Terhune; Mr, Allen Phifer, Mrs. Benjamin ,r.,uty chulrman and Mrs. Mary in the class of Mrs. Betty Hem- r Weinsteln, Prank Wukovets, • I .mi', cuvteret will be the in- street, Bert Jacobson, Michael Bishop to Officiate George Mroz and Alen Hunter. f.i.lm" officer. Renwlck, Peter Lagergren, Mer- Crowning Ceremony Slated Pavticipating organizations and I'iaiis were made to attend the lene Medvet, Marilyn Patrick. At Confirmation Sunday their representatives present cpariment memorial services at \ Pamela Seng, LaUra Kublcka, SEWAREN — The Rt. 'Rev. were: Mother's Club, Mrs. Edward li,.. i-iiy National Cemetery, May Linda Kublcka,. Cheryl Lucas, MRS. JOHN .1. ANNESI Sunday at Avenel Church Alfred L. Banyard, D. D., bishop Koslc. Mrs. William L«iPor»B; :M The auxiliary will also attend Barbara Lojewski, Victoria An- mi-Mini'wl services at the First dersen, Victoria Mltaak, Elaine AVENEL—Miss Joan E. Jaeger, of the Diocese of New Jersey, unlor Woman's Club, Mrs. Hans V:,.,bvti!!-.m' Church of Avenel, Molte, Marianne Panko, Donna daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Jullu* B. To be Crowner will officiate at the confirma- Nielsen; P.T.A., Mrs. Richard Konkowltz and' Richard Sandholt. Jaeger, 14 Burnett Street, will be tion service In St. John's Church Menke; Ladies' Auxiliary Fire Miss Constance A. Kadingo the crowner at the annual May on Sunday ' afternoon* at 4 '0,, Mrs. John Kovak and Mrs. l hi1 unit made plans for the sale crowning rites Sunday at 4 P. M., o'clock, Michael Petras; Fire Company, 1 uiddy popples with Mrs. at St. Andrew's Church. Mr. Jack Mclver; Woman's Club, .•iiin'iilir .is chairman. Bride of John /. Annesi The following confirmation Grunzig-Gifford Miss Paula Syby will be her per- class, which was Instructed by Mrs. Kuzmlak; Fifth District Mr Dominlck Christian, Mrs. PORT READING — Miss Con- irystalette, ankle-length gown sonal attendant and other atten- Rev. Orville N. Davidson of Car- Democratic and Civic Club, Mr. •;.,:i rv, Mrs Sulvatbre Grillo and stance Ann Kadingo, daughter of j vith an over-skirt or pleeted net. dants will be Miss Mary Ann Sev- teret, will be presented by Jo- Daniel Healing; Cozy Corner Civic l: Wil'.iiim Travers were inltift- Wedding is Told Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kadlneo, 28 3he carried a bouquet of white chuk and Miss Jean Cursl. Patricia ph Thomson, Lay Reader of Group, Mr. Carl Bredow; Sons of : mid membership, Lee Street, became the bride of jompoms, Jaeger, niece of the crowner, will Jacob Sisterhood, Mrs. Jean AVENEL—Mr. and Mrs. Enley the church: The Misses Nancy A donation was voted to the John James Annesi, son of Mr. be the crown bearer and Laura Temkin; Avenel Acres Civic Or- Mrs. George Cranshock, Car- C. Gifford, 29 Victor Avenue, West Hasko and Joyce Szenazi; and .ui.lie Keep Well Camp. The at- and Mrs. John Annesi, 280 Smith Eak, Ann Silakoski and Joyce Sub- ganization, Mr. Harold K*l*r, Leret. and Miss Anna Mae Hege- Long Branch, formerly of Fords, L. C. Krogh and John Van award went to Mrs. Street, Woodbridge, Saturday aft- yak will serve as flower girls. Mr. Ralph Miranda; Fifth District rtlca, Woodbridge, cousin of the have announced the marriage of Wagenen. :.ii.-.l|.ili Mrs Elmer Green was ernoon in St. Anthony's Church. Republican Club, Mr. Arthur irldegroom, served as bridesmaids. their daughter, Barbara Marian, to Members of Middlesex Council, of hospitality. Rev, Stanslaus Milos, pastor, per- ?hey wore ice-blue ankle-length Pvt. Paul B. Orunzig, son of Mr. Knights of Columbus, will serve Herman. formed the double-ring ceremony. ;owns with oversklrts of pleated and Mrs. Bruno P. Orunzig, 38 as honor guards and Eev. Gustave Given In marriage by her et, and carried bouquets of white Livingston Avenue. The ceremony Napoleon, St. James' Church, kest Night Held Civic Organization I jnm's Kay Huber Marks father, the bride wore a gown of jompoms. was performed in the Old First Woodbridge, will be guest speaker. Rev. A. J. Morello will preside. Plans Member Drive 9//i Hirtluhiy at Party Chantilly lace and nylon tulle The best man was Peter Annesi, Methodist, Church, West Long By History Club with « fitted bodice embroidered Woodbrldge. brother of the bride- Branch, by the pastor, Rev. Wilbur Benjamin Egan, Metuchen, AVENEL — The Avenel Acres with iridescent sequins and seed groom, while Anthony Wisnewskl, Pike, former pastor of the Metho- brother of Rev. John J. Egan, will Civic Organization met Monday \V( muBRlDGE — Janls Kay pearls, It had a mandarin collar, dist Church, South Amboy. be the organist. SEWAREN—Guest Night of the : ,:iei-, ciiiiiBhter of Mr. and Mrs Sewaren, and WilllamBerei, Perth Sewaren History Club was held evening in the Avenel School audi- long sleeves pointed at the wrists, Amboy, ushered. The bride was given in marriage Girls who will be received Into torium, at which time Harold •:,.irles K. Huber, North Park a tiered bouffant skirt of lace and by her father and was attended by last evening at the home of Mr. A reception was held at Wliltey's the Sodality will be Loretta Bryan, Kaiser president, presented i••.•,!', celebrated her 9th birthday tulla. Her three-tiered veil of Im- Miss-Agnes H. Kovacs, Fords. Pfc. and Mrs. H. B. Rankln, Cliff Restaurant, Perth Amboy, after Prlscilla Kennedy, Arlene Kri- new by-laws which were ac mday at a party. ported silk illusion was held by a Leonard Larsen, Aveny the "Queen's Men," a quartet MEETING TOMORROW Turner. studies. The bride is employed in crowning will be held tonight at Man Princess," an operetta in two :rom Rutgers University Glee WOODBRIDGE—A meeting the Signal Engineering Manufac- 7:30 o'clock in the church. All acts, will be staged at the Social :iub. the Ladles' Auxiliary of Wood- turing Company at Long Branch. participants are requested to at- Center of the, First Presbyterian Mrs. Henry O'Connor and Mrs. bridge Fire Company will be held, Church at MarTeT and Rector indrew Simonsen were co tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Florence Leidner firehouse on School Street. June 14 Set at Date Sts. at 8 P. M. lostesses. The operetta will be produced Is Church Bride For Republican Dance Bowling Social by the Drama and Music depart- WOODBRIDGE —> A square ments of the Women's Club, It is AVBNEL—Miss Florence Elea- and round dance, sponsored by the directed J>y Mrs, Sewell Baldwin nor Leidner, daughter of Mr. and Woodbridge Tbwnshlp Republican Held by Auxiliary while Mrs. Andrew Sebben is the Mrs. Carl A. Leidner, 48 Lord OrgqjniEatlon will be held Tuesday, music director. street, became the bride of Sgt. June 14, at the Masoni? Temple, AVENEL — A bowling social, Tickets will be available all day 1/c Maurice J. King, son of Mr. Green Street, sponsored by the Ladles Auxiliary tomorrow a*id Saturday at the So Shorty Warren's Band and of Avenel Fire Company was held cial Center. Announcing... and Mrs. Frederick King, 1111 Sixth Avenue, South Escanaba, Long-John Martin will provide the Saturday- night In the Rahway Mich., at a double-ring ceremony entertainment. Th,ere will be a Recreation Center with members performed at the First Presby- nominal charge for admission and of the Firemen's Association, Ex- DAR Group Hold: terian Church with Rev. Charles refreshments will be free! Tickets empts and Fire Commissioners and The Board of Managers of The a. Mac Kenzle officiating. may be obtained from the county their wives as guests. After the committee members in each dis- bowling party, refreshments were The Mi'lde, given in marriage by Closing Meeting trict, or at the door. served at the firehouse. ier father, was attired In a grey Perth Amboy Savings Institution suit, blue blouse, navy blue acces- Trophies were awarded • as fol- WOODBRIDGE — The closing sories and a corsage of white car- ,ows: Steve Coharsky, high set and meeting'of Janet Gage Chapter, I GRIFFITHS DAR, was held Monday at 82 has declared an increase in the nations. Plans Furthered high game for men's team; Mrs »ufl9*st...The Lovely Mrs, Frank Behrnes, slsier of the John Lucas, high set and Mrs. Green Street. •' bride, as matron of honor wore a Rubin Greco, high game for wom- The resignation' df Miss Adel- , ...New... Mahogany navy blue suit, pink accessories For Dedication en. Frank Wanca and Peter Greco, aide Berghof as treasurer was re- dividend rate from 2V4 to and a pink carnation corsage. The AVENEL — Stanley Chapman, low game prizes. p vived and Mrs. William Seaman KIMBALL English Regency bride's brother-in-law, Frank president of the Avenel-Colonia The committee] in charge was was named In her place. Mrs. Behrnes, served as best man.' First Aid Squad, welcomed Arnold Mrs. Jacob Essig, chairman; Mrs. George Skillman, State registrar, The bride attended Woodbrldge A. Hauser, an a new member, at a Everett Johnson, Mrs. Stanley De- as guest speaker brought birth • -Thfe beautiful new English lbfiency Spinet with High School and graduated from nieeting held Tuesday at the head- rewsky, Mrs. George Kovach, Mrs. day greetings from the State : Middlesex County, Vocational and quarters, Park Ayenue. Greco, Mi's. Elmer Pragos, Mrs. Board. > matching btnch will harjnonize with practically Technical High School. She was The* New Jeosey State Police Andrew Qalisin, Jacob Esslg, Ru- Mrs. Jean Scu^l was soloist and • all interiors. It ia built in Kimball's world's employed by the 8New Jersey Bell awarded a certificate of merit to bin Greco, William Dwyer and Jo- she was accompanied by Mrs. Telephone Company, Woodbridge. the squad for participating In an seph McClue. George Rhodfes,' Guests included per largest piano factory umler the control of the, Her husband is a graduate of Es- Assembly of Review of New Jersey Mrs. Caa-lton Bradbuity, Plain- MARKS ANNIVERSARY • KimU family for neatly 100 years. You an canaba High School and was sta- Vojuntears First Aid and Rescue fieldj Mrs. Olver Hatfield, At annum tioned at East Rutherford with the Squads May 14, at Morrlstown. RAHW^Y — Michael Gutweln, lantlc Highlands; Mrs, Charles rent it fon$14. por month. If you decide to buy B8th AAA Gun Battalion,1 A donation was received from 158 Liberty Street, Fords, recently Kroha, punellen; Mrs. Walter bhe Ladies' Auxiliary of Avenel celebrated the completion of 25 • it within |6 months all money H for r«alal Tim couple left on a j trip to Fullam, fcrlnceton; Mrs. Thomas Michigan anjd on their return they Flr» Company. years of service with Merck & Roberts, Rahway; Mrs. Richard and delivery will be deducted from tfie purchase will leave for Iceland where Sgt. Plans were furthered for the Co., Inc. He joined the company Dunham, Metuchen. on May 14, 1930 and all of his King will be 6tfttioned. dedication of the new building, Hostesses were Mrs. M. I. Dem- • price and be applied tq the down payment. employment has been with thi June 18. arest, Miss Edna Agan, Mrs. J. H. packaging Department, where hi ENTERTAINS GUEST Th« program will start at 1 P.M. T. Martin, Mi's, Elsie Williamson Ml0 U has worked In various capacities • TIA« OW COUPON *-'^.° J.*U^ FORDS — Julius E. IJ80, CTOW8 and an outstanding speaker will and Mrs. Gordon MacCaulay. Mill Road and his house guest be on hand for the occasion. Har- He is a member of the S»ns of Interest at the new rate will be 1 Kasmler Kasmlerskl, Chicago, 111., old Deter, one of the organizers Norway lodge in Metuchen and 1 Gcntlamen: I am interested in: INFANT BAPTIZED spent a day In New York City. of the squad, will lay the corner- manager of the Little Baseball WOODBRIDGE — The infanl credited to all accounts entitled • A iy Spinet PW They visited the Empire State stone of the new building. League of Fords. He Is a choi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August singer at the Woodbrldge Metho • A flatly Used (Splint Piano Building and the United Nations All first aid squads and fire O. Young, 657 Leone Street, was Building and the/i saw, the play, companies of Woodbridge Town dist Church,' where he has a 12 1 D A r% Ap«tm»nt.SiM H"» baptized Nancy Ann, Sunday a "Inherit the , ship will be invited to attend. AJ year perfect attendance record, St. Jamfes' Church by Rev. Gustavei to( same on June 1, ^955. • AN«wMrG«ndW»w> , small parade.1 will be" held in con-1 He and Mrs. Gutweln are the per Napoleon. The sponsors were Rob- a A Uwj Btby Ct»»(J Vitm NAMED Tl nectlon with! the program and a ents of three sons and. a daugh- ert Powers and Miss Duane Me- Q AOjIUtihtlVjUptl o WOODBRIbOB — Mr«. Je»n block dance will conclude the aq- ter. Bwen, both of Woodbridge. Q ID Vour Ksntil-Puiehw W« McGurty and Mrs. Dorothy B. tlvitles. H^orne, formerly with the Susanna A meeting of the dedication School for [Retarded Children, committee will be held May 24, at were appointed as teachers to the headquarters. " Nam- teach class for the mentally re- GEORGE'S GARAGE tarded who are trainable; for the HONORED AT SHOWEft AUHK 866 ST. GEORGE AVE., WOODBRIDGE next school year at ,a salary ol WOODBRIDGE - Wty guests $4,000 a year, at a meeting of ware present at a miscellaneous Expert Repairing of The PEBTH AMBOY \ the Board of Education, Tuesday. shower In honor of Miss Olga Wagy, 885 Lewis St»«t, held at » HAND and POWER MACHINES Cajjy's Restaurant, Ljntfen. Hos- Sating* Institution OWN • LAWN MOWERS tesses were Mrs. Margaret DeStm- WIQHESDAY GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY fano, Mrs. Helen Paul, Mrs. John Plus Lawn Mower Sharpening IVtNINQ( N»gy, Jr., Mrs. Kattwlne N» ITI1NWAT UfMHNlAtlVII HOW CHRiSTlAH SCIENCE UNTIL NIHI ana Mlw Theresa SchiikQ. Free Pick Up and Delivery Miss Na«y Will be married, to Call; WOodbridge 8-0121 j, M. Kowatoyk. Jr., J59 Amb$ MAiM VMM WOR110KC 1:15 P.M. Sunday Avenue, Juo* 4 INDEPENDENT-LEADER PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 Craftsmen to Give Annun\ Smiths Celebrate OBITUARIES Crowning Rites Held at St. James' Church Sunday 25th Anniversary Awards to WHS Gradual J MRS. DELIA SCWILTZ WOODBRIIX1E wn AVENKlr—Mv. and Mrs. Elwood ISEJJN — Mr*.-Delia Schultz WllUamson, •pvpsiripnt n[ \ Smith. Z Manor Place, celebrated 75, 37 Pershlng Avenue, died Nicklas te Explain Craftsmen's Club, nnnmn! their twenty-fifth wrdiiing arm! Saturday st home. da" the appointment, of •,, vpisary Saturday by repeating Mrs. Schultz wws born in Ireland tee headed by Edwin I, i their mnrriflKf vows nt a double- and was a re*ldent of Iselln for the School Emergency handle the club's annum v ring pprpmony. at the Presbyterian past 30 years. She wa« a communi- outstandlnn members n| i,' Church of Prrtli Amhoy. with Rev. cant of St. Cecelia's Church. WnonniUDGE—A meeting to uatins class at Woocllinii Andrew M. Sebbm. performing the Surviving are two daughters, which representatives of the School. Serving un the ,.,,„ ceremony. Mrs. Mary Mftrascio, Iselln. and PTAs. Hettpr Schools Association, with Hale nrc Alfred Knt. Mrs. Anna Jones, Long Island: Citizens Council for Education, Jamin I. Kuntor and n Mrs, Smith was given in mar- thre« sons, Prank, Brooklyn; Ed- Cimnril of Civic Clubs and other Hnnna.. riage by HIT son-in-law, Joseph ward and Joseph, New York City: interested Rroups are invited, has 'The awards this yem ||j Foldhiui. and her daughter, Mrs. five grandchildren and five great- W Joseph Foldhazi, was-the matron been called by Superintendent of of appropriately eiifn;iv. grandchildren. Schools Victor C. Nicklas lor Tues- of honor. Mr. und Mrs. Smith's two watches. They will br RK, Funeral services were held Tues- sons. Kenneth and Scott Smith duy afternoon. June 7 at School 11 boy anrt girl gi-Rduate *!„, day morning from the Costello Fu- served as best men. . Auditorium. selected for 6utst,andiii>:;. neral Home, IseHn and at St. Ce- The purpose of the meetinK, Mr. his clas.sand school-and i After the ceremony, a buffet celia's Church vgb*fe Mass was Nirklas explained Bt Board pf Edu- tainins ,high scholnrMiip supper was served af the Smith celebrated by Rev. Phillip Mater a, cation meetin;? Monday night, is The aim or the .v;ii, hoinp at ;in open house. . ;r Burial was in St. Gertrude's to discuss the buildlnc needs and stlmntttt.o qualities in lui Guests included: Mrs. Rose Cemetery. the problems which must be met zens which will r,w,, ,' Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe An- in the school situation within the serve ponuijunlUrK ui^ , JOSEfH P. PEFE dreiuzi. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, next tew years. , whatever direction thru AVENEL — Funeral services Mr. and Mrs. Joseph t. Price, Mr. In addition to Mr. Nicklas, Harry mny take them. The m, for Joseph Pepe. 9r, 32 Madison and Mrs Daniel Secer, Miss Helen Sechrist, administrative fiaslstarft; for hlKh scholastic stum Avenue, were held Monday morn- Bloodgood. Mr. and Mrs. Alflt Dr. John P. Lozo, high school prin- tpach students that OIIIM Ing at 8t. Gertrude's Church Foldhazl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward cipal; Thomas G. Desmond, vice ests and service need n>i' With Rev. John Eagan as cele- Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Say Ferguson, principal and Patrick W. Boylan, with high personal d<>w! brant of the mass. Burial was In Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foldhazi and elementary supervisor, will be on Selected by a faculiy ,,, children Michnel. Mark and Lynn, St. Gertrude's Cemetery, Colonia. hand to answer questions. Pall bearers were Lawrence Rlel- •appointed by the prjti and Miss Dorothy Doran, all of At Monday's session. Dr. Syd- ley, Leo Drake, Walter Engle- John P. Lozt), the winin ; Perth Amboy: Mr. and Mrs. Fran- ney Goff of the Citizens' Council hart, Robert Simpson, Norman prewntcd with the \\-,i\. i cis Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Louis asked if it was true that "the re- Jacob! and Robert May. annual Clas.s Day cwr, < Baumlin, Woodbridge; Mr. and assessment proRrnm would add to 10, Mrs. J. Robert Leahy, Carteret. the Township's ratables and help Also, Mrs. Helen Smith, Mr, and to provide money to build schools." Mrs. John Latourette, South Am- The board members agreed that boy; and Mr. and Mrs. Hennlng Town Finally Bans Miss Virginia Siry Serves "it.was true." Dr. Goff then sug- Township, Edison PeUrson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred gested that the Board get behind Stewart. Miss Gertrude Marsh and Traveling Shows the reassessment program. James Leahy, A vend. As Crowner at Annual Rite Edwin Casey, vice president of Dispute Mr. and Mrs. Smith were mar- WOODBRIDGE — After more WOODBRIDGE—Annual crown- Patrick Baumstirtner. Linda Bor- the board, attending the first inn ceremonies were held Sunday owski. Judy Kasciewicz, Gloria Del meeting since the automobile ac- WOODBHIDUt Huv., ried on May 14. 1930. at the First nan 20. years of controversy and son. Township Engine, i Presbyterian Church of Perth Am- lebate, the Town Committee to- in St. James' Church with Miss Poppolo, Jean Griffin. Roseann cident he was in last winter, said Virginia Siry as crowner. She wore Cunha, Geraldine Hntfield. Vir- that the board would have to make to the Town Comniin., boy,' with Hcv. Neidermcyer, lay announced that travelling rar- that he Is having dittitui- a cown of-chanttlly lace and nylon ginia Tlrpuk. Participating in the its decision as soon as possible as officiating.- llvals will no longer be permitted ting the cooperntinn ,,• tulle nvm- satin, styled in princess floral arch were: Ruth McKenna, tu whi«h school would bs built npxt a come into the Township. 1'ownshlp t(i psiabllsh M lines. Her fingertip veil fell from a Jennie Swslinski, Mary Geis, and go to Trenton and ask for per- The matter was finally brought ship line in the Mcnlu I1 cup of matching lace and tulle. She Peggy Catalano, Sally Kmnetly. mission. o a head 'when both Police Chief race development. carried n bouquet of white rosed Mary Ann Tobias, Claudia Brajsdo. Colonia Activities John it. Egan and Prosecutor Alex Mr. Madison said lie Eber advised the committee and lilies of the valley. Miss Eileen. Margaret Duqn, Eleanor Wickley, Betty McFadden, Nanry Condes, LOOKING FOR SCRAP twice with Raymond r. \v,. against issuing permits to such Burke was her personal attendant WOODBRIDGE — Alex Katko, Edison enRiiwer, and ih arnivals. -while William Scully was crgwn Geraldine Krisak, Rosemarie Sksko, —A meeting of the Girl Scout Nancy Tirpak. Sr., was given permission to pick standing was that the \Y>, and Brownie troop leaders was Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley said that bearer. Flower girls were Patricia up scrap material, such as paper, engineers would estubli,;; ioth the Police Chief and the Brown ii. ' " ••" ^ Ann Brossy. Knights of Our Lady were: held at the home of Mrs. J. M. rags and light steel for immedi- However, no formal ami > n Joard of Health have powers to Frances Casale, Gene Cornell, Al- ate sale, by the Town Committee, Brown, Frances Street, Iselin, At- Other attendants were the been signed. and some i,.,; prevent the carnivals from com- bert Rowley, Robert Smith, Bryan Tuesday. Permission was granted ers do not krjow yet wiiri. tending were Mrs. Robert Deuer- ing here. Misses Mury Ellen Grate, Marylin Mullen, .Robert Timinski, George Keating, Dolores Menard, Iris with the understanding that Mr. live in . Edison or Wu llng, Mrs. Charles Enz, Mrs. Henry "Most of the carnivals travel by Bustin, Douglas Sanders. New Wilson, Veronica Darab, Jeanette Katko would not store any of Township. .raller," the mayor explained, "and members were received by the Rt. Dickson, Mrs. Rudolph Peterson, Farley, PegRy Palko and Barbara the materials in the Township. Township Clerk B. ,i ; iur ordinance prohibits the park- Rev. M.SRI'. Charles McCorristin. 1 Mrs. E. E. Harris, Mrs. C. D. Gas- Hatfleld. The attendants' girls was instructed tn writ ing of trailers where there are no Rev. John J. Griffin Fourth Degree kill, Mrs. Isaac Burroughs, Mrs. were: Jonnn Goodman, Patricia India has called an eleven na- Commissioners of Edisn!. sanitary facilities. Under the new Knights of Columbus served as tion Asian conference to consider Daniel A. Caruso, Mrs. Edward De Leahy. Mary Jane Miller, Margaret ing that the line csi.,h gambling and bingo laws, our chief guards of honor. Rev. Walter Slat- regional use of $200,000,000 in new Mr. Madison be acceph ; Groat and Mrs. Fred Hansson. las authority." Lomouico, Eleanor Keating, Nor- een Murtaph. Margaret Catalano, tery was the principal speaker. United States economic aid. community. —Troops 48 and 49 from the In- Last year, the Keasbey Fire man Avenue section attended the 'ompany got in difficulty with the Wooribridfie Girl Scout rally in Bingo Commission when they \ Woodbridge. Girls representing made six carnival people "honor- Troop 48 under the leadership of ary members" in an effort to hold Mrs. Robert Deuerling were Janet ilngo games. Schafcr, Mathilda Schafer, Aud- Back in the early 1930's, Rev. > 91 Homes SoM rey Aiuto, Helen De Young, Judith Jarl Mellberg, then pastor of the Brady, Judith Denker, Karen Da- ilethodist Church, led a campaign men, Margaret Menges, Sally Ann prohibit travelling carnivals in Opening Week!! Stulga, Dale Maglia and Cecelia the Township and aroused a great Hunter. Girls from Troop 49, led deal of interest, particularly in the by Mrs. Charles Enz were Gloria First Ward. However, the commit- Thompson, Elaine Spangenberg tee at that time bowed to pressure and Marian Bishop. from some of the lire companies in the Second Ward, which at that Above, Miss Virginia Siry, crowner, is shown entering St. James' —Tlie Colonia Civjc Improve- time were yearly sponsors of ment Club held a dance at the Church for the annual crowning rites Sunday afternoon. She is ravelling carnivals. clubhouse and proceeds will be shown with her personal attendant, Miss Eileen Burke, William used for the Memorial Day parade Scully, erown bearer, and Patricia Brown and Cynthia. Ann expenses. Fred Rosenberg was in UGH BttEUCHE Brossy, flower girls. Below, Miss Siry is crowning the statue of Charge. WOODBRIDOE — Funeral ser- the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mrs. Eugene Aber. Normandy ices for Hugh Breuche, Plains, Road, held a card party at her 'a., Were held Saturday in the ARMED FORCES CUT Knew It home. Attending were Mrs. James Ireiner Funeral Home with Rev. Secretary of Defense Charles E. The wife of a salesman, aware Walsh, Mrs. Charles Impink, and Harold Hirsh officiating. Burial Wilson recently disclosed thai he of her husband's selling tech- Mrs. Albert Yarns!, all of Colonia. was in St. James Cemetery. is sticking to the announced plan nique, Surprised him the other for a further cut in Army man- day with a complete new outfit, Irri r power strength. By this summer shoe*, dress, hat, etc. And added FORDS, HOPELAWH aid KEASBEY the Army will be down from a blithely, "It was a package deal present strength of about 1,250,- that I just could not ignore."— CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS 000 to 1,102,000. Christian Science Monitor.

(NOTE: For insertions in this calendar, >:;t^* call Mrs. Andrew Sedivy, 100 Grant Ave- nue, Fords, VAlley 6-5870, before noon on Tuesday of each week. Mrs. Sedivy is correspondent for Fords, Hopelawn and Keasbey.) I NO An Amazing Value Achievement In A MAI 20~-The;ttri! party to Millbum by Keasbey Women's Democratic DOWN FRONT-TO-BACK SPLIT-LEVEL HOME Club. \ I 2'A—Meeting or Ladies' Auriliary qf Fords Memorial Post, 6090,j V. P. W.. in post headquarters. - I PAYMENT With All These Luxury Features: 23—Meeting of Fords Lions cjub in Lopes Restaurant. Cathedral ceiling living room with large bow window .., 24—Meeting of Ladies' AuxiHtay of Fords Unit, 163, American FOR VETS spacious dining area ... 3 good-sized bedrooms... huge fin- Legion, in post rooms. 1 LIBERAL T|RMS FOR 26—Meeting of PTA of St. John's Episcopal Church In church ished recreation room with


DIRECTIONS: Out St. Gcor|M Av«.. to W. Lakei Av«;i R»hw»y. Follew W. Uk« ^;;V firflt Bank & Trust Bldg. IRST BANK AND TRUST COMEDY Av». to Model hvm*. *"•.-• $t 214 Smith Street 94 Main Street : •:' -\ Perth Amboy, N. J. , Woodbridge, N. J. PERTH AMBOY.KJ. Hlllcrest 2-4727 • Sales Agents; JACOBSON & GOLDFARB CO, WOodbrldgft 8-3722 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mb *mWr, K J, Hlltottf Specializing in Back Conditions and Nenoua Ailments

.•.I,,....-'.'.1.1.;*.. . 1NDKPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PAGE FIVE Woodbridge Oaks News 'lans Readied For Camp Cowaw umm mxn. (1LADYS E. SCANK and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, n Lincoln lllghww Newark. WOODBRUXJE—Plans are un- 4l derway foe the 16th jeasari of MK 8-2097-.? —Condolences to Alfred Smith,i and Mrs- R» k. Altrath, Camp Cowaw, Rarltan Council, Mr Adams Street, who lost his mo- street, enteretalneldd att Boy Scouts. Prospects point to 4 I'1.11H-1S ther this past week. banner year1 In enrollment and en- jolll.|.y Saturday. The guests 1 Included Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs, William Devlin thusiasm. The Camp Committee and Children, Billy and Janet, nnounced that many new facili- Robert Knoth Wood Avenue, motored to Atlantic ties have been made available and and children, City, Sunday, where they spent should be ready by the opening of it. a ti r 1 e and the day, camp. Among these proJeAa are Bobby and the the drilling of a well for a more Misses Doris -Mr, and Mrs. Henry Happel adequate water supply; Installation Altrath and and sons, Richard, Henry, Jr., Al- of a dishwasher recently acquired ,]onn Mitchell, lan and Oary, were Sunday guests from the California Oil Vo. .the nil of Elixa- of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Melselohn, :ompletlon» of four new tent forms', Keansburg. and many other small items rieces - Little ,Jo- —Mrs. James Clark, Wood Ave- sary for the general program and seph Weiss, 35 nue, IS a surgical patient at Perth benefit of the camp. There Is aUo Edward Street Amboy General Hospital, hope this year of providing an ac- tivities f.eld along the waterfront cousin, Lynda Pot- Illc —Mr. and Mrs, Robert Argales, area, so that there wlU be mote ;in:,),ii'r of Mr, and Mrs.Adams Street and Mr. and Mrs.opportunities for sports and camp- '.'.' y,,\\rf, 35 Francis Street, Henry Welman,. Bradford Place, wide games, the Sayrevllle Lions ,, : ivni uielr Ilrtt commun- attended the Shrlner's Military Club has undertaken to provide •-r , ;i crci'lla's Church, Satur- Ball, Elizabeth Armory, Saturday the camp with five new sections of .,,.,•,. honored at a family night. dock. Only \rmt brlnn io» limom LantMltt Bi>n< •»!•! s« Under, H )«lrj. in! jtl Ih.j con nt mirt tkt* ,., p.iriy at the Weiss• home - —The Robert Neales, Adams ordlnir) qlillljl Arm* U Iht onl) mijor l»o* akkl» Slnoe the establishment of the lh«i raiinUIni lu two bftt mytn rifht in thr fr*M , ;lV Tiif quests Included MT. Radishes Street, entertained at a backyard camp it is estimated that well over willr-trxlgilni - .',', run] West, Paul West, barbecue party Sunday. Present '»«<»r br»n< nwat'i »rt ih« finttl *>u h>ft mi uiiri. '6,000 boy weeks have been spent at ,iiHf Hellevllle; Mrs. Joseph were Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Wit' •i l.nbli r»r mntj tttk will b< tbttilyll, rrlialf*. i- MI. pnter McOrane, both the camp. Since the early years terehelm, Mr. and Mrs. John Wit- many facilities have been added; 1..i,uk. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scallions tershelm, all ot Irvlnnton; Mr Including 28 Adirondack type shel- ,,,„! daughter, Mary Mar- and Mrs. Charles Cordler, Union; ters that accommodate 4 boys LANCASTER BRAND "U. S. CHOICE" BEEF Mi and Mrs. Henry Pot- Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Neale and each; a dining hall capable of Selected ,,.; iimii!l>t«r, Elayne, and Mr. Children, Bobby and Martha Lynn. handling 1*75 boys;' the Abegg Each .; , niiitliw and husbanfl, Mr. Cucumbers —The. Woodbrldge Oaks Acorn 10c Lodge;the "Llddle" Cabin and V,;,. Henry Goodman, Florl- l Club met at the home of Mrs Health Lodge. The hours of vohin- ,.. i Maine. . * . Richard Oaczynskl, James Place teer service needed to build the Florida ! ,1'ic Robert Stewart Scank, Friday evening. camp and In preparing each season Ib. ,,f \ir. nnd Mrs. Robert 8, —Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jentls has been tremendous. Escarole 10c Chuck Roast 35 i 41 Adams Street, cele- and son, Steven, Bender Avenue, Rocky Terio, ehalrman of the ,.; in- third birthday Mon* were guests at a family home- Camp Committee has set aside the California One Price • • IS one Hither! Top Quality! ii-, •'nests were his Immedi- coming dinner at Bradley .poach weekends of May 28-29-30, June Utbtrg Head ] 3C AOIW'K ijtncastiT Brand Bwf l« not only (joitrnment Graded "D. S. Choice," but must meet 4-5, and 11-12 for all Interested Lettuce i limiy and his maternal given for Mr. and Mrs. Albert our rigid standards of quality! Properly trimmed before weighing. ,ii,,iiin. Mrs. Arthur Mar- Splro who had Just returnee? Irom people to spend an afternoon or \!,\::inilia Road. a six months vacation in Florida weekend to'help get camp, ready for the coming season. Such items Mr. and Mrs. Splro a1re the par- Mi u'Mfl Mrs. Joseph Mauceri as repairing the screens, painting, Avocado Pears --15c Lancaster Brand Shanlcless, Ready-to-Eat Smoked ents of Mrs. Jentls, i, :i;l iivn. Robert, Thomas, Jo- general clean up, connecting ,i, ,ir. and Rosemary, Bird —Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen waterplpe, are among the Jobs that and son, Barry, Bradford Place, ,,,,i],.. wi-ic Sunday afternoon have to be done. Registrations for Whole or Either li,.,(.. ,i! Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cuth- were Thursday and Friday guests camp are over the 300 mark for Pascal Celery •* 19c i.,,m. o.ik Tree Road. of Mr. and Mrs. William Lmkov, this year with registrations coming Full-Cut Half ||)< . MI,, Diane Lackey, daughter Newark. Mr». Cohen celebrated In dally. Mr. Terlo urges those her blrthfcdy Friday, Mi iiml Mrs. Lackey, Hancock who have not registered to do so as HAMAll excess fat removed shanklesSs means you do not pay for the »hank bone, which has been was an honored juest at H8unday guests at the Cohen soon as possible to Insure them of Green Peppers -19c removed. Fork-cult in*; tenderness! A mealtime masterpiece. home were Mr. and Mrs, Herber l,ci\ Day dinner at Sacred a place at camp this summer. He Barlow and daughter, Mlndy, chinch, Grove Street, Ir- also asks that they remember that Newark. Mrs, Barlow's brother if a unit requires bus service to and Fancy n. Hl>f entertained with ac- Lancaster Brand Overt-Ready Hen and alster-ln-law also wer from camp, applications must be Bunch ini,mi solos. 4 gue«U. filed for this service by June 15, Watercress I,uili' Chester Kulwaa, Jr., C in ni Mr and Mrs. Chester Ku- I Illilf AUJI 53 t ToO 1I6D lbsIDS.. ,/,i, ;i8i wood Avenue, was feted party after having received Port Reading Personals lncluding Smal1 Belhville !I:M niininunlon at St. Ce- 55 . Church Saturday, His dairy I Ui KGVS 'k •, nu'liulrd 111* Sponsors, Pat- By MRS. JOHN T. McDONNELL hcarsal tonight from 6:00 to 6:30 Colbert and Mrs, Charles IS Sixth Street for the crowning. Armour Canned \\- hi., nwk-rnal grandparents, Port Reading Fife and Drum Corps to Meet Lancaster Brand Did Mis. Charles Sales, ill WO-8-1U2-W The Fife and Drum Corps mem- 89 Fi./.abciii, and his Immediate Fifty children of St. Anthony's bers of St. Anthony's Church wll Extra Sharp Size meet (or rehearsal tomorrow from 1 Church will make their First Holy 35 Completely Cooked, No Bone Or Waste! 3:30 to 4.00 o'clock in the after- v.: and Mrs, Lester Leonard, Communion nt the 9:00 o'clock Bacon noon. Th#y are also to rehearse II- MIIM Avenue, have returned Mass Sunday morning. L Tlfe Saturday morning from 9:00 to >.. after visiting relative* in children fre to lOK)0 o'cloefe. ; i ;i'P. bo at the Attends Prom \v ami Mrs. Herbert Kra- CHEESE LIBBTS GREEN THUMB SALE church by 8;30 Miss Patricia McNulty, daughter Hi'iiiliM Avenue, recently o'clock. Mem- of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony McNulty •>:, led their eleventh wedding bus of the 9:00 of Woodbrldge Avenue spcfit the LIBBY'S TOMATO iisavy Several friends and o'clock choir weekend In South Bend, Indiana Special! •..••..•, were quests at a party will sins at thewhere she attended the Senior 18-02. 46-oz. 1 Prom at Notre Dame College as the • •:r luiiii'i . mass and par- Ib. can can \l;s Mary Glambrone, Henry ents of the of William Mullcr, Rahway •Mid Mrs. Albert Wheel- c o m m u n l- one ol the seniors. Juice 11 25 .iiul son, Albert, Jr., Oak cants will re- Auxiliary Activities LIBBY'S FRUIT' ito.ii! were Friday afternoon ceive communion at the same The Ladles' Auxiliary of Port n[ Mr. and, Mrs. Alex Cuth- Mass. A breakfast will be served Reading Fire Company 1 had a "i:. i''ned ut St. Cecelia'* by Rev. while Emma D'Alesslo and Jean RotUll are to be train bearers. The expert, a visitor delighted the au- 27 i M. Wilus, The sponsors Margarine dience by recalling first, and last Michael MoQuIre and Arlerfe First Communkm class will join Sodahft* members and other chil- names of all the men he had met. SUNSHINE L'might. I However, a few days later, the ii'oiKe. Peter Gabriel, son of dren of the church In the crown- tf/i-Qi. Package Ing procession. New Sodality mem- club' secretary, Herman UnruH, 19 IKI Mrs. George G*brleU 57 Corvette bers will be Inducted at the close received ft letter from Georgp ;e Place, was another infant of the crowning ceremony. Rey. Bailey, tlpe expert, stating thf(t SUNSHINE christened at St. Cecelia's Harold Hlrsqh of St. James' Bailey h^d Jorfeotten his hat— 6'/2*oz' (cv Wilus. Sponsors were Church, Woodbrldge, Is to be thecouldn't i remember where he had Vanilla Wafers 19 Gabriel and Mildred Mea- ! STAINLESS gueBt speaker. There Is to be a re- left it. . 't Mi. and Mrs. Vincent Amml-1 Kach C •mil daughter, Joanne, were Unit i"i dinner miesti ot Mr. and 79 frosted food lames Morrell, Newark. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS With $5 Purchase evening, tne Amml- Won't tarnish, won't rust, won't corrode! Start with a "aweet sixteen" (NOTE' Contributions tothi s column must be In this 4-piece setting ~ Unit #1 - dinner knife and fork, in honor o{ Eleanor Pe- office no later than TUESDAY NOON of each week.) ORANGE |i Union'. , wild fork and teaspoon for only 79cl See all pieces MAY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Acker- ! now on display at all Acme markets. A product of Inter- n and son, Robert Jr., Joseph /ID-Dinner at Pines, sponsored by Wcodbrldge Township Fed- national Silver Company. Jinniis, Adams Street, motor- eration of Teachers. 1 lJhll!ii)sburg Sunday, where 20-^Meetuig of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Wqodbridge Fire Com- visiwd the grave of Mrs, ' pany, at Wrehouse, 8 P. M. • / *'•!• mini's mother] Mrs. Cosmo 24-ChrMan Science lecture at First Congregational Church, UICE3 43 ';";i»ii in St. Philip and St. n,QA p ,Vf ""•h Cemetery, They also visited 25~Mwtta« of Chain CHllls Civic League at Sarg'a Old Corral. HSH FEATURES Mrs Ackewnan's father, 2ft-Mother-Daughter luncheon, sponsored by Utes jChaj^ter or *'<"• Cntugna at the home qt SUb-Deb at Oak Hills Manor. • ' "ii and daughter-in-law, Mr, Ullatton ^mK of Woodbrtdge Woman's Club at Wash- Mrs. liuub Catugna. lnatoD House, Wfttchung. • Pan-Ready Fillet of Haddock ^'•- and Mrs. William Caasldy nuaVMemorial Day parade, 10 A. M. services following "ii, Tlioiuajj, Wood Avenue, at War Dead Memorial toWoodbrldg e Park. Y ictunied from a week's visit JIJNE Pan-Ready Halibut Steak " I'^iUinouth, Vay.-at the "home 1 4~4>ance sponsored by Senior Sodality of St. James' Church. b and Mrs. Glenn I Cassldy. WoodbrWge, In St, James1 Auditorium. l 1 nLw visited Mr. and Mrs! Pan-Ready Swordfish Steak 53 tne Menl TertftCe qlvi 0rgBnla tlott ftt 'M\ A. Cassldy. Norfolk, Va, ^-Meeting «f ° *••* ° * I'liursday guests of Mr. and ' Schoel 14, Fords, All Advertised Prices Effective Through Saturday, Mtjjjr 21 A' (3reen, 74 Plymout\ Drive 7-Meettng of Chain 0' Hills Woman's Club. !i 1 ZjoS installation of officers of Sisterhood and CoMrt- Open " 'il, Mj-^ Jerry Cassell and g£n Math litwa at Woodbrldge Jewto Community Main and ''"•kriti-s. tarry Steinberg 7 Mal" Thursday and Friday P.M. ''""Kilter, ll(;ne; Mrs. William GARTERET^ir RAHWAY mi, Harold; »U ot I»e- 28_MWtUig of Chain O' Hills Civic Ave. Mreel Carteret ^ p. Mr auti Mrt. ». VlitaorskJ, INDBP8NDENT-I,F, l\, ! THURSDnV, MAY 19, PAGE LEGAL NOTTCE

them In water at the base of the SUPERIOR COURT 01 M u idle tree. The bees will do the CHrtiNvBRV |i|viMi B«8W. Wtzvah Class at Adath Israel Synngogue rest. County Court Your Garden TOWNSHIP or wo,.,,, Usually a male tree in a nulim- On Motlnn of a munliMnni i">rpoMn,. bor hood win result in polllnatinn JOSEPH A. HUNOf 8t«te of New Jcrwv .M'ornev for PlalntllT This Week •pmales up to 200 or 300 yards, nnd -44 Brond Htreet sometimes sTwttr distances Newurk 2, N, J ! _,_ ,. DtPOHlDT BROWN ,-i Wr Ctoriti H. qgntwn Hollies need fertilizer, best ap- 1D I' Civil ACl™ nttcen VnWenity, UK> Stat« plied in the spring. You can NOTICE th»t th« NOTICE tnlvattitjr of New Jtney ,ne organic ftrtl.lsfcr fit n TO: M»rv Tremi ;mi .i•.„„ islf the application used husband, mul UP >.. , tables. lionillon of New Ynn- Ton are herehv sui,.m , Holly may require some atten- You can g;t Circular 493. qulrtd to serve mion A n' i. tion now, as It puts forth ne* Growing Holly," free from Attorney for Plaintiff i,,,.| ,lay of May. "»»• drew !• 388 New Brim, .v, growth. • •ounty agricultural agent; or bv _, DUNI0AN, Pords, Now Jersey, an ;u Townslilp Clerk complaint HIM In a rn, Tin" worst im«t pest of holly Is end'ng a card to Bulletin Clerk. f whlnh lh« Township n \v a leaf miner. The eg* Is laid by h :clleRe of Asrlcultim-. nutg.-rs muntalp;tl corporniion ,,f i Jnivt rsity, New Brunswuk Npw Jmscy, Is plnlht.ur, m tlv. When the egs hatehes, It en- Brown, el »t». cr« defend r| tei-s the leaf and makes a tunnel In the Hup, i. UMirt „[ '• between the layers of the leaf. H-m-m bearlim Docket No. p-!(ir. This tunnel appear*-lighter in y | nivr "WeRk eyes, have you? ... ,-,,,. on0BItm of Jun:, 199S, exoluilVH ol ;olor than the main body of the manv lines can you read on \ Mirw>1 F^\ AN If yivi taj| yi to (U, th,. r , lent. There are two kinds of min- N ITS PRKflKNT In the Complaint will hi . j WITHIN THE BOUNDS OP ORAStfE you by itefault. You ^1H;i ,; PI-S, the native, which makes a "What chart?'" , STREET swer r i!i,. ?, ,.. thread-like tunner, and the Im- llnl Jr Alt01 ported, which makes a tunnel LEGAL NOTICES •ition '>' Amnn^er B* - - ' State H«u«t Atnii'x. Tr> w 1 n^i for *Wiib»ili S»i>bo. owner or rn- s^y. In accofdmice u/,n, , nbout one-sixteenth.of an Ihcli • w nVo.«lffi •tlttinfd In the Town- civil piuctlns mul pr. i • . wide. The latter Is the more com- ^ilu'.'f Woo'lljr|H»e. Co»nty of Midtlle- Tne action hno bom u. p ..» mid H'ntf of Now Jerwy.^known nr, the purpose of turct'iii.ii. Practlcfllly complete oontrol can Catch Bnsln rraiorttp Sirttclir- W>"*' wr ? redemption In »ml in, •'•,,'. be obtnlned by spraying with DDT, Catch B»aln Concr>'<> r-»-«»- "''vcl.s corner of Rntiwiw Avenue ami Certificates of Tut Si>. ., «-..w>>o!( Concrete Barrel Blocks ither the 26 pw ctnl emulsion— » mroH. on *hh l ' four 14) others: one d ", Mnnhole COMPN'W Bx'et-BNvi'.i Irtm' comnoiltlon mlnel* 18, 1947, m«de hy M ,i i 1 lublespoonful to 1 RalloB of water ;11I aprorrtlni" to State Hl'hft:'v ?"e"'d- •tore inn! rtwelltim. which snld' build- lector of Tiixfin (Jr WIK.H or the 50 percent wettable pow cHtlon.i will tw rfplvp-i b- ilir T"wn- in* eri'ToschM on the prnmlsen mure Bhlp, New Jersey, to in. , shli) OcminU'ee of Die Town.'hln of ' ilb«fl u Jol'oft: WoodbrMne, and m« •,'-,. kv 1 ounce to 3 gallons' of water. Woodhrltloe, New Jer^cv. at 'ho Memo- BEO1HNIN0 nt the ln'eriectlpn of known us Block 578-n i • ;i- u:-.' io dQ ft thorough Job of rial Municipal Butinin". w™vbri'*"f. Rchwsy Avmue with CTMIU SlrMt on the, Woodbi'.dKf rimn1 N«w ,l«rB«y, until IP. M. iDSTi Jim"1 thong* rimnlin II* «lonu th« South- located on Hnrrr-n A"nr iiruyins upper and lower surfaces 7 lS^S, imd tlion ut said Memorlnl pr'v slttf of frmXi* S'ft N 73 Towiirhlp; nnd thp ,,•'•,, f the leaves and at the proper M"»IHoi'l Building, pub'.ldv on I '•i mliuifi «'«t \mt feet to i 10. 11)37. made by M i time As soon as the new terminal anrt rrd'J uloud. Mlfll'-e f.\ »t rl"ht «n«lfl to orit"r •ctor of TIUM ol The liifurnmlton lor WMtn, Fortn Street. 3, 16 CegreeB 5 mlmitM, west shiphl . NN« w JJer»ey. to n,,. shouts devtlop three or four leaves of Bid, »iid Form nf Coinrnct may br OS feet to a point: th«ncf O) In » line Womlbrldne. mi'l cniui:! put the spray on. This will kill the obtained lit the office Of Uwrencf A parallel with tti« first dencrtfcrl «>urj* known as Lot 915 In n'n, Ciem«nt. Public Worlw Siipprlutmdenl. p 73 deure" 55 mlntius EMI 110 41 Woonnt, tTpper Mnln Street. foet to a stake In the westerly line of n Remsen Awiine hi •• i-itch before they can enter the Ruhwav A»d)U*; thence I*) aloiH the You and . , To>.nahlp 01 WootlOri'tue reserves tl'<" cWre»« J1'i> minutes. Emt IB Cut to t>eca\isp yol! huvc or m,iv \hu\r is ;i ^lass of ulrls who Here oonlirincd Sunday at Aduth Israel SynaROirue by Rabbi Samuel Newbcrger. I*ft to iiijht are if you have a holly tree that right to *«lve »ny Itiformalltlfs In. or the uolnt or pl«c» of BKOINNINO. some rltht. title IUMI >,r l.nis Weincr. Donna IMilsdi. Harriet BfrnsUin, Kdith Rosenbhim. Kabhi Nrwherecr. Mar" Corn, Marilyn Tnrnrr, Kona Tamilian and relfct anv or til bids BEINfl nlso known »s Wt No 1 In ifftctliij the real wu, Joes not bear fruits, It mRy be a Mo bidder m»y withdraw his bid <;;til H:irfii. R1O--K 59«-r on "MAP OF gOOAR TBR- loscd. by vlrtiio <>r I:.M: seedling that Is too young or a within thirty days after the nctuul RACE SECTION t. Woodbrldje Town- deed or convpvuncfv nr i nale tree and so incapable of do dme of the o'pmlmt thereof. sri'n N. J. legal rlKht. The nutun- Lhe reason that v« Townslilp Com- NOW. THERtPORt. Bt IT OR- 1. ORANT Children's Chotr, weekly ct 3:49 DAINBD DY THE TOWNSHIP COM- Clerk of tin- P. M.; Youth Choir, weekly at 7:15 While the formation of the mmltt« « of the Township of Woodbrlilne MITTEE OF THI TOWNSHIP OP il Miil Billdlii Dnted: Mav 9 1955 P. M; Senior Choir, weekly at flower is the real test, roughly you at the Memorial Municipal WOODBRIDQE, IN THE COUNTY OP 1 Main Street. Woodbrldge. New Jersey. Mmni.ERItX, as follows: . H. R0SEN8LUM. 8:15 P M. can tell by the way the flowers until 6 P. M., D.S.T., June 1, 1PM. and SECTION 1, That permission be and ttorney for Plaintiff 588 New Brunswick ,V.,. Friday , orrn on the new growing twigs then at said Memorial Municipal Bullrs to the flower stem. Crnske Street, until such time as P. M. right to waive unv informalities In, or he present building be removed or UBBANIK and MAH'IAI- Streets, Woodbridge Homer Berkeley Boulevard and Third Thursday, Women's As- If you have a female tree and no re lee t any or all bids. equlres re-coiMtructlbn or r«-bulld- NIK, his wife, Defi-ml.i:- Cooper Avenue, Iselin Kiation meets at 8. P. M. fruits, try to find someone- who Ho bidder m»y withdraw Ills hid ns, at which time the same shall he Execution for the M.P ,.• nn. l.av.lo Krcsheirethy. Pa*tnr ADATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE within Wtrty days after the actual premises dated April i. : icev. Alton Richardson, Pastvr Second and fourth Wednesdays, .las a male tree. Cut a few twigs ade to conform to the building line M.s. Jou'iiliinf M. Hahirh, Organist, Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge (lute of the openlnn thereof. > shall then be established. By vfrtue of the iilmv Choir Hirector Sunday School. 9:45 A. M. .adies' Aid Society, 2 P. M. Rev. Samuel Newberger, Rabbi #hen they are in bloom and place B. J DUNIGAN, SECTION 3. Thla Ordinance shall to me directedNand clc. - Township Clerk PI pose to sale Bt i>uhli' ,• Sunday. 9 A. M., Sunday School, Sunday Morninr Worship, 11:00 Friday, 7:30 P, M., regular Sab- .he effect Immediately. WEDNESDAY, THE Tttl • 'clock. Trinity Church School faculty, I.-L. 5-10, 26 HUGH B. QUIOLEY. 10 A. M.. worship service in Eng- ST. JOHNS CHURCH bath services. CommlUeeman-tit-Lurge DAY OF MAY, A D M . lish, 11 A. M., worship service in Sunday Fv-ning Evangelistic fourth Priday, 7:30 P. M. NOTICE TO ninP"" = HUNDRED P1I IV i Sewaren I More Church Neva on Pace 10) NOTICE I* HEREBY OIVEN that ttest: it the hour of two O'I-UW , Hungarian', 6 P. M., Y. P, tervice at 7:4j. . Boy Scout Troop 34, Friday, 7:00 J. DUNIGAN, prevailing (Standurd or • Joseph H. Thomson, Lay Reader COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL staled bids for the purchase by tne ownshlp Clerk. ^I'nnd gjnday at 3 P. M.. La- Wednesday, Bible Study and P.M. Township ot Ing) time. In the nf.cnn,..:. Mr). Dorothea Pocklembo, Organist Inman Avenue at West Street, To be advertised as adopted In Inde day, at the Sheriff's oitm dies Aid meeting, Mrs. Ida Pentek 'rayer Meeting, 8 P. M. One (1) #M2J2 BURROUGHS TAX lendent-Leader on May 19, 1955. 9:45 A. M., Sunday School, Colonla FIRST CHUBCH OF CHRIST, BILLING MACHINE Of New Brunswick, N J f residing. Friday, Prayer Meeting at 7:45 I.-L. 5-19 11:0"0 A. M., morning prayer and Sunday School and Bible SCIENTIST will be received by the Township Com- ALL that certiijn loi. •• Monday at 2:30 P. M., Released '. M. mittee of the Township of Woodbrld(-'e c«l of land and nrtmis> ervice. Classes, 9:00 A. M. West Avenue, Sewaren at the Memorial Municipal Building iinit; religious education. Saturday, Young People's Meet- NOTICE particularly descrlbfil, 11:15 A. M—Communion Sun- Qospel Service, Sunday, 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. 1 Main Street, Woodbridge. New Jersey, Notice Is heraby given that the fol- and being In the Town-!.. First and third Mondays at 7:30 ing, 7:30 P. M. *' until 8 P. M, D8T, on June 7, 1855. DWlni! ordinance was regularly passed lay, first Sunday of each month. Christian Women's Home Bible Church Services, 11:00 A. M. bridge, ln the Count v • ; , P. M.. Christian Faith Forum, and then at said Memorlnl Municipal ,nd adopted at a revular meetlnt; of and State of New JMM-V FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Class, Tuesday, 2 P. M. BulldtUK publicly opened and rend he Township Committee of the Town- Wednesday, Testimonial Meet- BEOINNINQ. lit a s.t,.lu- Ruv. L. Kecskemethy presiding. )UR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Young People's Meeting, Friday, aloud. hip of Woodt)rldge, In the County of CHURCH OF IStLIN, N. J. ing, 8 P. M. tilddlesei. New Jersey, held on the 17th the fence on the enst »w> Tuesday at 7:30 P, M., choir re- 8 P. M . 1 Plkna and specifications may be ob- Rev. Henry M. Hartmann, pastor New Brunswick Avenue, Fords Thursdays, Reading Room , 2 to tained ln the office of the Assessors. ay of May, 1955. leading to King Oeor^v\ 1 Rev. John E. Grimes, Pastor Thursday, Reading Room, S to fll Main Street, Woodbrldtie, Hew B. J. DUNIOAN. the southwest corner of t Sunday Services 4 P M. belonging to Wllllitm li. Every second Tuesday at 8 P. M., Sunday Masses 7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 4 P.M. Jersey. Township Clerk 9:00 A. M; — Family Church The fact that l&iting beauty Is The Towmhlp Committee hereby n- running east one and ;i : consistory meeting., ,,. '.. ,v .- .. TOE TOT VACATION lorth along said Bunii'1 Servtee: -' • "' " *•«•«•«" and tfeOfrxfe M. • '>*" gained through spiritual under- Mrves the tight to reject any or nil )F THE RELEASE AND EXTlNOtJlHH- Second Wednesday' af7:30 P. M., bids. chains and fifty links '" 9:00 A. M.—Sunday School for Weekday Masses: 7:00 and 8:15 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH standing of God's radiance and kJENT OF THE PUBLIC RIOHT8 IN east corner of Bimnel!'- Friendship Circle meeting. . M. B. J. DUNTPIAN. m ARISING OUT OF PORTIONS OF p children 3 to 8 years of age. Par- Rahway Avenue, Woodbrldie strength will be stressed at Chris- Township Clerk RANCI8 STREET. IN TH8 O*LONIA south seven degrees w Thursday at 7 P. M., Youth Fel- Monday Rev, William H. Sclimaus, Ktctor line with the easterly IIKI- ents can attend church at same tian Science services Sunday. I.-L. 5-lS, 28 ECTION OF THB TOWNSHIP OF by Buinuel Banon seven-.-. • lowship. time. Novena, 7:30 P.M. Mrs. William Neebe, Ori*nJlt t IN THE COUNTY- OF a stake planted as the The Lesson-Sermon entitled NEW «MEV DEPARTMENT OF MIDDLESEX AND 8TATK Or NEW First Thursday at 7 P. M., Sun- 6:45 A. M— Sunday School with Male Choir rehearsal, tf P. M Sunday Services C1V11 SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ner of (aid lot; theme <• "Soul and Body" Includes the fol- [ERSEY. a half degrees south t*n day School Teachers Training. ilasses for all from nursery to Altar-Rosary Society, " first Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M. Announced closing date for tiling BE IT ORDAINED by tho Township lowing verse from the King James application! May 11, 1955. fifty links to n suke p;.i:.-- Saturday at 9 A. M., Confirma- 'oung people. Monday after first Sunday at S Sunday School, 9:30. lommldtee of trie Township of Wood roud fence; thence north • Version of' the Bible iPsalms For applications, duties and mrtul- irldp-e ln the County of Middlesex: tion Class; 1 P. M., Junior Choir 11:00 A. M.—Church Service. . M. Holy Communion and Sermon, ,um quallflcatlons. apply to Deonrt- .,-t along said rotul wvi'-.. 96:6): "Honour and majesty are 1. Thut the portions of Francis ^'rsf to the place of BEOINNINd rehearsal. 7:00 P. M—Youth Fellowship. Holy Name Society, second Mon- 11:00 A. M., 1st and 3rd Sundays. nient of Civil Service, State House, lerelnufter more particularly described, before Him; strength and beauty Trenton, New Jersey. nineteen hundredtha o( »:; lay after Second Sunday at 8 le und the same are hereby vacated same more or less. Other Meetings Prayer and Sermon, 2nd and 4th are In His sanctuary." Open to male und female citizens, lid the public rights arising from the '. M. Sundays, Morning. 12 monthi resident In the Township of ledlcatlon thereof, be and the same BOUNDED northerly bv VVOODBKIDGE METHODIST Session—First Sunday 12 noon. Among the correlative passages Trustees—First Thursday, 7:30 Tuesday Holy Day services, 10:00 A. M, Woodbridge. -e herebv released and extinguished belonging to William Bun: • CHURCH to be read fromi "Science and Office Appliance Operator, Salary BEGINNING, at the point of Inter- and southerly by Iniuls i- P.T.A. meeting, third Tuesday Rev. Clifford B. Mutm ». M, Trinity Vestry, second Monday. Health with Key td the Scriptures" »3,700 per year. action of the Westerly line of Charles Samuel Barron and we»'t: Deacons—Second Monday, 7:30 if each month at 8 P. M. 7:30 P. M. Public Honlth Nurse, Salary, (3,000 Street with the Southerly line ot Fran road leading to King OVM • Services to be held temporarily by Mary Baiter Eddy will be the per year. 5. M. Thursday Trinity Men's Club, second :1s Street; thence (1) Westerly along BelnM the premises nni.:! at Masonic Temple (Craftsmen's following (247:10-12, 13-151: Ouen to male citizens, 12 months he Southerly line ol Francis Stree and designated as No e,~,2 • Ladies' Aid Society—Second and Female Choir rehearsals, 8 P. M. Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. resident In the Township of Wood- iDom 110.00 feet to the Easterly Blah n\ie, Woodbridge, N J. Club', Green Street, Woodbridge. "Beauty, as well as truth, is eter- bridge. 'ourth Mondays, 8 P. M. Confessions St. Agnes' Unit,, first Monday, 1 f Way line of tbe New Jersey Garden The approximate umoim' Sunday Services nal; but the beauty of material Truck Driver. Salary. $1.75-11.81 per State Parkway Route #4: thence (2) Young Women's Guild—Fourth Every Saturday from 11 A. M 2:30 P. M. ment to M uttsfleil by =•'. Bible School, 9:45 A. M. things passes away, fading and hour. Northeasterly along the Right of Way sum of Two Thousand Sf Tuesday, 8 P. M. until noon; 4 to 6 P. M., and 7 to St. Margaret's Unit, lirst Wed- I.-L. 5-5, 12. 19 line of the Naw* Jersey Otrden Bute Six (M.T06.00I Dollars lu Murnina Worship, 11:00 A. M. fleeting as mortal belief. . . .Im- Boy Scouts—Every Friday at 7 P. M. and sometimes on days nesday, 7:00 P. M. Parkway Route #4 60.00 feet more or the costs of thla sule Youth Fellowship, 7 P. M. mortality, exempt from age or de- NOTICE less to the Intersection (if the North Together with all n"'1 sefore Holy Days of Obligation: Trinity Altar Ouild meets quar- TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned triy line of Francis Street with th Staged Meetings cay, has a glory of its own—the ra- rights, prlTlleges. lierntr Explorer Scouts—Every Monday terly. shall apply to the MlddXMx County sterly Right of Way line ot aali appurtenances thereuntil Official Board, first Monday, 8 diance of Soul." Court, Court House, Hew Brunswick, Parkway; thence 131 Easterly along th at 7:00 P. M. Girls Friendly Society, Thuri- New Jersey, on June 24th, 1955, at 10 ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL The Golden Text is from Psalms Northerly line of Francis Street ao 00 P. M. Choirs—Junior Choir every CHURCH day, 6:45 P. M. o'clock In the forenoon tor a Judgment Feet more or Its* to the point of Inter- FurtnlBlitly Guild, second and r (104:11: "Bless the Lord, 0 my authorising them to n&sume the nmni>! section of the Northerly line ot Prancl* Thursday, 7:00 P. M.; Senior Trinity Acolyte Guild meets of RALPH M HB8S, SALLY HK88 NfBLKO, aCOJMMITH 'A Iijurth Mondays, 8 P. M. Fords' soul. O Lord my God, thou art treet with the Westerly Mn» of POLLACK. Attornitys Choir every Thursday, 8:00 P. M. quarterly, ROBERT JAY HE88 and GARY JAN Charles Strtmt; thence |4i Souther! Rtv. William II. Payne, Vicar very great; thou art clothed with HESS, renpectlveiy. I.-L. 4-28; S-5. U, 19 Wutiian's Society of Christian Adequate free parking rear of Trinity Choir, Thursdays, 8:00 along the Westerly line of Charles Service, third'Wednesday, 8 P. M, First Sunday honour and majesty,'f MEYER RALPH HESLOWITZ und Street 50 00 feet to the point or place church for these' attending serv- 9:00 A. M., Holy Communion. P. M. SALLY HSSLOWITZ. Individually >f Beginning. / ices. *' und as nutural guardian* of ROB- BE1NO tlut portion of Franc Is Street FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 11:00 A. M., Morning Prayer ERT JAY HESLOWITZ und OAKY lying between the New Jersey Q*rden NOTICE Ol ASM with Sermon. JAN HEBLOWITZ, Infants. State Parkway Route #4 and Chuli sl CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Julius A. Felnberg, Esq. Street. MEEHING OF TM I lUrron and Grove Avenues Market and High Street Other Sundays 17 Academy Street BOUNDED: Newark 2, N. J. TAKE NOTICE il'.." I YVoodbridge Perth Amboy 8:00 A. M., Morning Prayer. Northerly by Lot 2vit, Block 411 -B 11:00 A. M., Morning Prayer I.-L. 5-19. 26; 6-2, » Easterly by Charles Street Rev. Dewey Fagerbure Rev. Pe^er Kuwilchuk, Pastor Southerly by Lot 2900 and part o nual meeting of tin- " 11:00 A.'M., Morning Worship with Sermon. Hear Christian Science Till! MIDULE8KX COUNTY COURfT Lot 2M1. Block 4B1-A Minister* Clover Leaf Park Oin<' Mrs. George II. Rhodes, . 9:45 A. M., Sunday School LAW DIVISION Westerly by ftrove-mentloned P»rt Minister nf Music j DOCKET NO. II I9M1 way. aociation is to bu in- • 6:15 P. M., Baptist Youth Pel- OUR REDEEMER In' the Matttr ot the Application > This ordinance itmll tike eftec William H. Vuoih« ST.' CECELIA'S CBURCH Free lecture Entitled ment to atsume another mime, la wit other Wednesday, 2:00 P. M... JACK EHMAN. and It appearing to th< Weekday Masses: 7:3JO P. M. Court that he has compiled with G. & "A Club — Third Tues- Rev. John Wllui, Patter Sunday Masses: 7:00;, 8:00, 9:00 "Christian Science: of the provisions of Statute R.i). 2A day, 8:00 P.M. i Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8:00* 9^00, 52-1 et n»i, and Uie Court beluti taitli 10;00 and 11:00 A. M.1 fled thereof and thut there sire no tea- Sterna flllpha Phi Sorority—Sec- 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. How Scientific Prayer Can Help You" sonalile ob]ectlons thereto; ond ar.d Fourth Monday, 8:00 S1V ANTHONY'S R. C. CHURCH Weekday Masses, 7:30 and 8:00 It Is on this 13th rtny uf May. 1991, P. M. A, M. ADJUDGED that JACK EUGBNE ZINN Port Reading -by- j be and hereby Is authored to assume Young Married Couples—First Rev. SUnliUus Mlloa, Pastor Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., continu- the name of JACK EHMAN from an Sunday, 8:00 P. M. ous Novena to St. Jude, Patron of Dr,' Archibald Carey, C. S. B., of Detroit, after June 13, 19», and that wlthll Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9:00 and ton IluI days hereof, sold plaintiff cause Notice Pilgrim Fellowship—Every Sun- Hopeless Cases, 11:00 A. M. a copy of thU Judgment to be published day, 3:00 P. M. Michigan, member of the Board of Lectureship Weekday Masses at 8 A. M. In the Independent-Leader, nnd wlthl Choir Rehearsals FIRST PRESBYTERIAN twenty (20) days hereof he tile a.n Novena ln honor of St. Anthony of The Mother Church, The First Church of record the alUUuvlt of publication o Chancel —..Wednesday, $ each Tuesday at 7:19 P. M., with CHURCH OF AVENEL uutlcii, Judgment and nMdavlt of pub' Christ, Scientist, in Boa^on, Massachusetts. llcatlon of ludisiiient. with the Middle P. M. ' Rev. Shelley, St, Peter's Hospital, 621 Woodbridfe Avenue, Avmel Rev. Charles Bheirud MuKenile sex County Clerk, uiul that & o«rtlfl«[ Carol—Frlflay 3:15 P. M. New Brunswick, ln charge, copy of this Judgment be tiled with tin Junior^Frlday, 3:45 P. M. Mrs. C. filler and Mrs. WUllun Krui, _ in —< Uitretary of Btute pursuant to the pro 1 - Organists Please be advised \i Public Meeting Youth—Friday, 5:00 P.,M. ST. JAMES R. C. CHURCH Mrs. Fnnk Mumr, Jr., Choir Directress Amboy Avenue, WoodbrljUre O. B. Weferllnf, Sup«rlntendeiit of Held at the Avenel Fire House, Thui>«" in Hev. Oustav Bolt, Pastor Sunday Masses: 6;46, 7:15, 8:« sei7-Junior,, 11:00 A. M.; Junior Sunday 10:00 and 11:00. High and Senior High; Church Barton and Grove Avenues, Woodbri4ge, New Jersey 8:45 A. M., Sunday School Worship, 9:30 A. M. and 11:00 A. discuss with the taxpayers and citizen* clashes fur all ages. FIRST PRK8BYTERIAN M, Junior High Fellowship, 6:00 undet the auspiceu of the area a proposed expansion ol 11:00 A. M. Worship Service. CHURCH P. M.; Senior High Fellowship^ 6:30 P. M., Young People's Fel- Hahwky Avenue and Cartwtt 7:0Q P. Si. present fire house. lowship. Road, Woo4brl4M Monday First Church of Christ, 7:45 P. M., Oogprt Service ln Rev. Earl Hannum Devanny, MhUritr Lust Monday, 8:15 P. M., Men's son* and word. Mrs. LID* M. gtendwu, Pellowihlp; ^llnt Monday, Trus- Wednesday Or»»nlit aid Director tees' fMvtini I P. M.; Soy «couU .Scientist Board ol fire CommMoners, 8:00 P. M., Prayer meeting and Sunday fitrvtcei W«©Wy at 1 P, M.; OJrl Scouts Sewaren, New Jersey Bible study. Morning worship, at 11:00, WtxtJy »t T F. M,; VOUM Aduiu Avenel-C«tonia 8unday School. 9:30 K. It flrat and third Monday »t 1:30 WeHugh, Seovtiary Regular MMUVH P.M. . NEW DQVEiB WT First Monqay session meeting ln TUESDAY, MAY 24, at 8:30 P. M CBBlttM 1 Oolonl* 8«oond Monday, Board Deacont meci STATE WHS SUNDAY tats, White Church" Guild, at tiw month at 7 P. M AM, wooiid T«i»d8y, 8 f- M.; ««' You are wrdwlly invited to , TEL. W0.M8U Church SchdMt A. M. . an#*. »1«| «M«tln|, 23 M»ln Street, Morning Ww'ship*-U A. M. Third Tuesday, 9und*f «ohool Young FeltoWjiup—7:30 I*. «•

'\ "; '•••''•• .(,4-.1^,..-8:>'#t-i" '.••••?*•••£? A? Trftm3DAY, MAY 19. 1955 PAGE SEVEN Impressive Ceremony at St. Cecelia's Crowning Westburv Park Notes Chain o'Hills Park Reports Ml.'

(iLADVS E. SCANK lliza.beth; Mr. arid Mrs. Harold /IRS. GEORGE F, FT.RGL4ON 'steele and rfausrtv.e-. Linda; Mrs. U)7 Lincoln Wtlw* 3r«f and sons, Eugen* and Allan, 93 llnmra Park Avenut | Kichard Alban ar:.-? Miss MK6-8O07-J Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Al Oold- M*. R-iMI-M IGrangcr. Ruth:r:ord, and Wave Mr •uid Mrs. Harry Garnett, 'i'b, Union nnd Joanie and Ron- The Cvlr Leaime will h jld its Mary Kraft dE-SorMlK. V,i. H. mil Street, entertained at a nie Shane. Wrstbury Park. ii'v ii'irtlni! Wednc-sdny at | —A family was held 1 —Mr. nnd-Mrs. Goldfarb were 'Ml! . of the Cousin's Club, •:; c.Tial. 8 o'clock, at which ! after the firn rommun;on of guests at a family buffet luncheon Ejnday eve- time there will Frederick Austin, J:-.. Washington »t.ic hume of Mr. and Mrs. Har- . nine. Guests lie election of | Avenue. Nice to kniw KitMe ild nricf. Newark. In rjonor of Ira deluded Mr. vis. PI un I Austin has now rr-cvered from nnd Mrs. Paul 3rl(f, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brief. Twenty 'uicsts were pment. at't'iid. mumps Gilenson. ,'iill- Hicih Me-1 —Their eighth wecidin? nnnl- side; Mr. and —A group of ladies from W >st- bury Park attended the Installa- c Civnnd v«rs»ry «*s c.lebratd by Mr and Mrs. Oscar Gil- Av •nue. made Mrs. K. S.ivagr, and it wis Uth enson, Mr. and jtirt d.nnei- of,Hnda3Snh Monday livening fit Wandbridge Jewish his Ilv- t com- for Mr. ivnd Mrs s R Per- Mrs. Uartln Community Center. Attending munion Satur- "'i««n B01 ri couples reside on S ha pi ro, Mr, •vere Anne Knhn, Jean Schwartz, day. A family Park Avenue. and Mr.s. Her- Selwn •niidcro"Ti. Sharon Bilowit (liiintr was at- - -Get well wishes to John Mt- bert Shapiro,, and thelma Klepner. tended by his ohuel Tinnesz. Homes Park Ave- Mr. and Mrs. --Luiu't, ci'iLr^ii L.vy, daughter * i ii ndparents ! nue> all •* Laura, Park. I dinner and Mr. and Mrs, jf Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Levy, il9 VI i1 nnd Mi1 .lames McCabe, ! Avenue. John cliLken-pox II (inin'.T. "II of Newark; Mr. ull.jr,, was feted at a party It ami'*; M:s B-tty Michel! and i Rnd Laura n*s m«ite!?s in addition l0 Vi , ch.nlwi Ltfk'owltz, Mrs. n nonor of fur sixth birthday. Her •en. U.:)mi>. K iirncy; Air. and 1 chi^n-pox II ciii'iison. Orange and Mr, firsts included Mnrlene and Jahie Mr; Joint's V'Ciibe an.l son. Jim- -Mr. Maurice Dov^-n, admini- vii.., Hyman Juffe, Brooklyn. •Welsman, Roirnlj Shane, sii«rl inv .mi! Ores'ory. Is-lin; und Mrs. strator of the M;i;i!rs»x Reha- v.iri'ii: Kurayniwikl, Jr., Hoffman. Marcy and Anne Bllo- lit;.i Fiinui; i. Menlo P.irk, Mr. bilitation and Puli.i Hospital, , ,,: \iv. und Mr.5. Vincent Kuv- wltt, Linda Strand, all of Westbury nri Mrs. Mc^a'je attended the North Brunswick, uiv;'ted >the v 1 \,.yx I-,i. of 202 Reitlna Street Park nnd Ro'jert and Michael Levy Mi .y il.ui'T nt tin Green Street member, o! ths Wamt-nV Anxlll- , ;i ', df honor after r:eeiv- "'••''•••-•'I.-" VRMch. Hie Hctrs1 ,n t'.c evening, and rv ut Monday nitht's meeting ,, I,,, holy communion. The Wednesday night Mali Jong )i 1.1 (yen h., sifter Ihe dance. and iU-,ssed thv in,|it tiut this ,,.;., included Mr. and Mrs. ^.v in . ;.i"ine home of Mrs. - A1 .o r I'.clvliig her first com- .s tin on!v lc.ipirln.'r t'iilfr in tlie 1 I,,, Kuril of Iselin, Mr , and Duniel Hoffman, IGG Bedlord munUi was Luc.lle C.ilabfese, Slate of New Jn f> Mr Dorsen, ! ,M\ ;s:iii Pierce, Mr. and Mr.s. Avenue. Guests included Mr.s. Nn- !loiiie<; Park Avenue.-Guests for hlmyelf ;i |K:lio vU't-U't-iin cjnfinsd to tfiuii Shane Mrs. Melvln Weisman, Hn,,i, o'Tooli', all of Colonia; l!iv ekiy lit tne C?nlitb'.ese home .» \vheel-;-hiiir.'r mtrotfui't'il ,,,i \li.. William Brink, Mr. Mrs. Milton Levy and Mrs. Herman Dr. John L. Kelly, attending psy- .hidilh Oil, crowncr. is has b;en announced by Major dampness en the surfaces of cor- old. AVENBJL-- Mrs. Daniel L. Levy MeliM', all of Jersey City; The roof of your home is Im- very short, quiet session Tuesday Qonural Donald W McGowan, ners. Iflnk over the wallpaper and j-Edwaid Manning, Honres was elected Thiid District Advisor ii,i iiHiii-n and Mrs. Cath- lortant enough to reaulre the night. commanding general, New Jersey plaster on or next to the chimneys Park Avenue, had a fnmllv pnrrv of the New Jersey Federation of li:, ciuiaii, Hasbrouck Heights; National Guard. ery best attention. If you are Woman's Club Junior Department i .HIM Muth. Clifton, and In a petition submitted to the and fire place. In honor of his 3rd birthday last The changes in strength afv mllding a new home, invest in a at the State Convention held in •M Hr.KhoU/, Staten Island. residence committee by residents these signs do not always mean Thursday. feet Companies A and C, 252rid ifetime type roof if at all pos- Atlantic City on May 12-14 and 15. Mr aiul Mrs. Evan Linder, 1 of the Westbury Park, develop- you have a leaking room. The —Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Webster, Tank Battalion, commanded by ble. In the long-run this will Mrs. Carl Gloskey served as i.i:,l; entertained at a ment, Iselin, objections were rouble may be in the flashings. Rebecca Place, celebrated eight First Lieutenants Steven Kiraly, iaVe you many dollars. page to Miss Evelyn Boiwi, chair- i (i;i;iti insdjonor of their raised to proposed bus route out- The house gutters may be the years of marriage last week with man of the Junior Membership of 127 Prospect St., Woodbridge; Roofln;' tends to wear out unl- ••;i:<-i. \).\\\w, and son. Ken- fln»d by Possett Company, which cause ot the roof valleys. a dinner party for a few friends. Department. and John Valvovcin, 163 Cutter ormly so the first teak in an old i .- .ID received their first would use development streets, If you do find a sign of leak- —Tommy O'Hare, Grand Ave- The State project this year for Avenue, Fords, respectively. oof 4s always a serious warning. age, your best bet is to call a re- nue, was four years old Sunday, New Jersey Women's Clubs will be iiiiiiiiiiin in 8t. Cecelia's The petitioners stated that they The changes in strength were t may be that repairs will be ,i :i iM'lm. Gue.sts were; Mrs. liable footing expert at once. Any and attending his party were Mr. Upper Extremity Amputee Fund. had the safety of their children contained in a General Order by neconomical. Reroofing is often . i- ovum. North Bergen; Mrs. delay can be an expensive one. and Mrs. James O'Hare and son, Kirs. Hans Nielsen and Miss in mind as the^width of the Major General James F. Cant- he only solution. i,: M.nidlii) and sons, Law- James; the Misses Loretta and Mary Lou Gallsin attended as streets was no"t suitable for bus well, chief of staff, New Jersey i- J.unes. and Mrs. Law- A leaking roof always has a Service Marie Kraft, Thomas Kraft and delegates from the local club, and traffic. They also stated that the Department of Defense, when au- ••• M.iuijlio, all of Port, Lee; amazing effect on other parts of Barber; "Haircut?" Michael Schoemacher, all of Mrs. C. Gloskey and Miss Anna ('. E. Hawke proximity of Green S',reet. a main thority was received from ths \v,liter Luers and son. Wal- house. To name a few item* en- Stff>: "No,'Just change the oil." Lynhurst; also Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mae Zltrer were alternated. The natiiiji's top honor for thoroughfare, made the use cf National Guard Bureau, Wash- .1: I'.ilisades, and Mr. and achievement in industrial heat- ihe development streets unneces- ington, to permit recruiting up Anthony Sansevrfre, West- InK—ihe Trlnks Award—has sary. , to the level of fully organized, •; t'.nk been bestowed upon Clarence E. On a motion made by Commit- active duty tank companies. teeman Peter Schmidt, a resident Mi and Mrs. Irving Korland Hawke, vice president of the Company A is now at 103 men Carborundum Company. Until of Uelln, the'Possett Co.. was and Company C at dB. The for- :i .-iiildrcn. Myrna and Larry, advised to use an alternate route ;m.s Street uttended the Bar recently, Mr. Hawke was mana- mer maximum of 112 for each ger of the company's plant in along Green Street. company has been increased to iii Saturday evening of Residents of Colonia Village ob- Bronstein, Roselle. JAyxa, Keasbey, 143. jected to further use ol Colonia •. i: as usherette at the cere- Mr. Hawke received the hon- General McGowan ascribed the Boulevard, from St. George Ave- ii> or, for his pioneering in the de- special authorization to the ex- nue to New Dover Road, by buses Sunday dinner guests at the velopment and application of cellent . recruitment and main- of the Public Serviw; • •t'..Mid home •.•,•;::•? Mr. and Mrs. stiper-refractories for hiietal- tenance of high percntage of al- Committeeman Schmidt noted (ni.s Bercsoff, Newark. lurBtcal and other industries, lotted strength, and higji per- that buses have been routed A week end guest of Mr. land at a dinner In Pittsburgh. Pa. centage of attendance by the through the Village on a "trial Charles O'Neill, Bedford Ave- He resides at 187 Lake Avenue, units. was Mrs. Anne D. O'Neill, Metuchen. run basis" and on his motion the |iul,ill Manor, Staten Island. Public Service was notified to dis- -rv;.-"^ r—vi—~\r Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gold- Changes In design over the last continue the route. Construction Started -07 Julius Street, entertained fifteen years have failed to in- On New Rowling Alleys 1 family birthday party in crease the "crasbworthlness' of MR. & MRS. CLUB •''WS'Tr »!• of their son Michael's 8th automobiles, according to a Cornell AVENEL —Richard Kerr and HOPBLAWN — ofcrfstruction inlay Friday. His guests ln- University Medical College survey I Jack Tompklns led the devotionals ! has been started on the Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Al McKay, of accidents. I with Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie at the ( jestic Academy Bowling Alleys on piano, at a meeting of the Mr. and Route 9, between Pfelffer Boule- Mrs. Club of the First Presbyterian vard and New Brunswick Ave- Church of Avenel, in the church nue. auditorium. In order to be "good neighbors' Proclamation Gustave Koch, Jr., president, the owners announced that they welcomed Mr. and Mrs,, Robert have set a portion.of the site It costs no more Harmon as new members. as a playground for the neigh- WHEREAS: The annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Vet- Plans were discussed to form a borhood children. i ins of Foreign Wara of the United States, and the American Glee Club, with a meeting of the group scheduled lor May 27, In the ELECTED BY COLLEGE CLUB •ion, is ri'CQgnUed and endorsed by the President of the to go"First Class' church social room. Collegevllle, Ind. — Louis J jt:;u:

You pay nothing extra for Ford's Thunderbird styling... Signed: HUGH B. QUIGLEjr, Mayor

•lest: B. J. DUNIGAN, Township Clerk ' Luxury Lounge interiors.., smoother Angle-Poised ride •, .nor for Ford's 23-year V-8 experience that brings you Trigger-Tolrque power! 'II Your new-car dollars tuy more today. For Only Fold effort Trlggtr-Tarqulggtr-T * powtr example, a flrsUlass ride in a fint-class car b Whtllw rw dioow *. 141-h.^. Y-blotk V-8 of yours at Ford's low fare. ;. UJK.p. Sp«dol V-8, you g*t »pHl-i«»ont II, AAJ with im Sptid-Trlggtr f PORCH - ROOM 8X10 $795 You command a Y-blpck V-8 that responds Fordomatk Dri«>, you'n »v«n forthtr out front riu'luwd willi uipk' iiai k aluminum tuinliliutlun windows reassuringly when you need it. You hive Ford's ,.. dutomplleolly. smoother Angle-Poised ride. And you own the ALL YEAR PORCH 8 X 10 .... $695 car that's styled like the Thunderbird. 1HI NIW MST HUER... eni'UiM'd willi InUrclkaiiscibli' M-reen and Uorrli sasli, Only Ford offart »|h fMrt bwauM tt'i worth morel Thunderbird Styling You can expect more when you trade, too... SCREENED PORCH 8 X 10 ... $595 for Fords have been returning more in resale em'liiH'd vvlfh lifetime aluminum tcrmis Tpki Q clone look at Ihoio long, low, than any other low-priced oar. Take a Test Drive "front-running" lln«i. From th« vnart, viiond ht«) lighli Ip th» tapurad tpll fim, and you'll see whyl OPEN PORCH 8X10 $495 thty'r* Httindtthird through and ib/eggd. raslly ciiilosed by Uu-H-joursdf llolue owners Sl«p lmid». Colorfully Irnh n*w luxury '55 Ford Laung* InUrion melt* Ford tibly your F.CA. '* Spring co«l buyer ii tht JALOUSIE PORCH 8 X 10 ... $995* "living room Q» whtfll," . Sll,'i, tTIf|, STOP SAHLY-Hsvi Y«w <•* '»« buyer. Price* we u»u«llj \ nl,lwi| with nil wtaluer aluminum Jtilouslw—complete *er than u my other timt. Let iiHiilruitlim liuur—oelltlii—fooling ipd tldlnf Ml your bin now with Red JALOUSIE POpCU ENCLOSURES - WINDOWS - UOOKS , 1 "Ictqirked F«M««J Rt*Ji*[ 8 TKIIM.E XRAttK WINDOWS and 1 DOOR — Installed »195 fi'brgdti—ibit fine fcenmyl- »>• *W cool which ouu»ll» WOODBRIDGE CIRCLE , Inc. other, brind in Am«ric*. WIL'S WARR Coal & Oil Co. HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. ST. GEORGE AVENUE Tel. WO 9-3100 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. '85 ST. GEORGE AVEfTUE, WOOWUUPCHB WOudbridge 8-0724 RAhway 7-3515 GfiWT TV, FQRO THEATRE THURSDAY, 9:30 P.M., CHAHNEL 4 TAOE EIGHT THURSDAY, MAY 19, 19&5 INDEPENDENT-lKAi,:,, Prosecutor Checks Addition is Planned to Firehouse in Avenel Public Hearing is Slut > , Aft:r all these years of report- Rubel Is chairman, asked tor the tlori will be held In the near futuri h; hat the present fiiT| ine at ponce headquarters, Investigation after several com- to decide tjhe question. ln milt In 1929 and the ccpi,-, should b. linrd hiiiled iind not let plaints were made at Township The proposed addition will be 2C Hd me. 1 no longer feel | meeting. AS a result of the com- by 50 feet lo permit the housing of ipproximfttely is to 20 •.! sorry for folks who have Just been | plaints made by Mr. Rubel In an additional fire truck and much- The plans also call Un arre'strd. for I realise that they .behalf of. his group, a suit for !i- needed firt-fiRlitlng equipment needed reeniorcemcnt <>[ • ,'nt structure. Cmnn, wotilMn't. be there if they hadn't !bel was filed against him by Bom- The Fifth Fire District consists of .lenry Strubel said u ,i broken the law. But, when week j mer Brothers, the developers. all of Avenel and the 7th and 15th !; >plnton more equipment after we k 1 s^e and hear, things I At Tuesday's meeting of the voting districts of Colonia. u ial due to the many nr\> , that inviMvo younwters, I would - H is estimated the addition will Town Committee, a letter was re- ncnt« In the'district. JJus t like to wring a few necks— eeived from the Westbury Park cost $40,000 nnd th,Ht S20.000 will particularly those of some parents. Home Owners League statins! that be expended for a new truck and Ycsteri'ay, when I was shown a | it -has come to our attention from other equipment. The present fire rate In the Ave- Plant lo llui batch of so-called 'art" ptRpres]] Bn flrt|Cie taken from the Inde- nel district is .35 cents per $100 as- (Conttnurd [rnm i>, .., thnt were taken from a ,14-yoar-14 . pendent-Leader, titled: "Queries ( old boy who.had been Rowing on Sewers," Pane 8, April 21, that sessed valuation, and the addi- nent to Woodbridur- T> tlirm to schoolmates, I Vva-s mad- the spokesman from the Westbury tional protection, spread over a -stable list Is an ntiv,: der thnn a 'proverbial hornet's fte.H. Park Veterans Home Owners five-year period, will not burden he community of n,,, We. ns adults, must do something League attempted to read a tlv individual taxpayer, the com- x'opartions, particulars about it In today's issue, there is lengthy statement regarding Som- missioners promise. The .Increase mtalls no objection-th!, : a request, from Ed Kath asking for mer Brothers and was stopped will be nealiulble, they state. •if "any Kind. volunt^rs to help out in a new Mayor Quigley." The le'ter Elmer Dragos. president of the "We are most iupi>\ Rec program. It may be part ofthe , ^ ' enumerate again lulnley said yrstrid.iv t h e many Elegant Edgings fine company such as \i. against the Thermit tins declcicrt in league. . Above Is the architect's drawing of a proposed two-story, 20 x 50 ioot addition to the Avcnd firehouse. Plans call for the expenditure its headquarters h.'iv. \\\ Neicsctlps: The committee was then re- nf approximatel]' $10,000 [or tAe building and $20,000 for cquitiment. from its excellent. :- quested to address all correspon- ,hat it will bn a , scholarship to Johns-Hopkins and quarters, 113 Worth Street, Iselin. troit, eventually becoming the (Continued from PaRe l> same one who supplied the immediately." Gloria Vincz has received a $600 senior member of 'a firm engaged may even nave been gener- pansiqs for the town, hall- scholarship at Pembroke College, largely In the practice of corpor- ous, because when I came just decided, according to Heads No. 11PTA MONEY MAKES HOY the Woman's College at Brown Suit Settled ation law. to a plant which seemed lar- the Board version, that pan- BUS SHOT University. . The students at the (Continued from Page 1) After an extensive Investigation ger than the average I tabu- sies would look nice and WOODBRIDG E — The annual NEW YORK -Hi'iin u High School are elated over Robert Board of Education architects for of various religions and philoso- went ahead and planted meeting of the School 11 PTA was appeared Rt school tin , Jenninas" appointment to the new lated it as two. I have no many years, and a change or ar- phies, ha became convinced "that them. held Tuesday in the school audi- .tnd began handiue out :i Air Force Academy. Although Rob- chitects was made after citizen Christian Science Is ultimate mathematical facility, but I torium. large quantities to hi; * * • ' ert is Known as a "brain" among and civic groups demanded that truth, and also that it is the most can count to a hundred with Charles K, Paul was installed as friends. One boy, wlm i., the kids, he is still a "regular guy," the Board Interview several archi- effective healing method." reasonable accuracy — and It seems .strange that president and other officers are: •520 bill, hurried to a c,,i,. participating in sports and other tects before making a final le- While traveling In different when I reached a hundred suqh authority would be as- Mrs. Edward Schoefflor. Mrs. where he ordered a pent,'. school activities. In other words, clslon on plans for the new high Frank James, Mrs. Charles Willey. bubble gum and present".; he's well liked... countries, he realized the "world- I made a small mark on the sumed, and I know precisely school, After a totyr of schools de- wide need for what- Christian back of an envelope. I then what I would do if I were a vice presidents; James T. Byers. bill. An investigation liii signed by architects In this area, Science offers, and with the con- treasurer; Mrs. William La?ay, re- lo Henry, who came clean : In the MaUbag: counted up the marks, and member of the Board of Edu- ately. He had taken th. the Board of Education decided on viction that he could be of great- cording secretary; Mrs. Melnert Mrs. John D. Yuseff, 218U1 the appointment of Alexander added the odd 36, which gave cation. I'd call up the fellow from his grandfather. , er service in the practice of Hunt, corresponding secretary. Almaden Road, Los Gatos, Cal., Merchants Associates for the new Say "bon voyage" to your just arrived from Vu>•• Christian Science," retired from me my total. and tell him to put the Mrs. John J. Ruth, a past presi- daughter of Mrs. Alice Kehoe, for- high school and the Inman Avenue friends cmbarkins on vacation The bankroll, contains his law practice. In 1931 he be- grounds back in the s.ame dent, served as installing officer merly of Isclin. whose home was School. condition he found them, and Miss Susan Murphy, a faculty trips by Riving them some lacy- was retrieved and the vi ,:., burned down and who was aided came an authorized teacher of The pknsies extend Although the Board of Educa- member, provided the musical cd&ed handkerchiefs that you was persuaded to drpo.Mi by her neighbors and friends, Christian Science. around three sides of the and also have a very firm tion declared It had no contract background for the ceremony. Mrs. have crocheted yourself. These in^s in a bank. wrote to Miss Wertzel, Iselin, as talk with him about making with Pierson and MacWilliam for Since 1946 he has lectured on building, and run in a William Staum sang "May the thoughtful gifts will help to follows: "I wish 1 could thank the two schools, it did admit that Christian Science In many coun- couple of little tributaries any further assumptions. Good Lord Bless an,d Keep You" as make the send-off a joyous one, everyone personally and let them GOODWILL WEEK the firm did some preliminary tries, from Alaska to Argentina, side of Jthe walk leading into Who knows but what he a tribute to the new officers. She Especially fancy are those of know what the thought as well as President Eisenhower. .:. work, for which it shquld be paid. and from Europe to South Africa. might obey an impulse some- was accompanied at the piano by hairpin laf.e and crocheted the financial aid has meant to us police 'headquarters. In the a statement endorsin:; <, However, it contended the sum The public is Invited to attend. Miss Lillian Patrick. flower motifs. For tailored all. Mother will carry away with island opposite the town day to order a greenhouse Industries of Amen,\i ;,,. asked by the architects "was way Mrs. Schoeffler presented Mrs. tastes, the mesh-type edgings her warm memories of the kind- hall, they run the length of and set about improving the for contributing to tin- out of line." Jimes with her past president's are most appreciated. Crochet- ness of all her friends". . .Mrs. Jennings, Adams its perimeter, and I tallied breed of orchids? > ing instructions for making all and rights" of hamlu\ii>|>. Kehne i.s now making her home pin. them, too—under some dif- * * * four edgings may be obtained sons. with Mrs. Yuseff. , . Robert Gunc, (Continued from Page 1) Piano selections were played by from the Needlework Depart- 1080 Harriett Street and John Chemistry Benefits waminatlons. ficulty because they were If the pansy plants for Misses Linda Key, Norma Jacob- ment of this paper. Simply After Gilllgan, 511 JHnsen Avenue, both The first Air Force Academy being watered with one of the high school weren't or- son and Jane Stess. (Continued from Page 1) send a stamped, self-addressed Husband—Vy ant i.s : of Avenel and Arthur Dubiel, 23 and civic groups during the week class, which begins July 11, will those hoses that are full of dered, and are not wanted, The attendance prize was won envelope with your request for sweetheart after the i., Highland Place and Donald Fur- to tell the story of the Chemical attend classes at Lowry Air Force holes and I got sprayed from by the classes of Prank Geoffroy they should be removed at and. Mrs, Frances Peterson. Leaflet No, S-195. been killed.—Quonse.t. si. dock, 482 Nsw Brunswick Avenue, Industry and how the progress In Base, Denver, Col. The academy at all directions. However, I ac- onoe and sod replaced. I'd both of Fords, reported for Induc- ;he Industry affects our daily lives. Colorado Springs, Col., will not be tion into the armed forces this Plant tours will be conducted ready for use until the fall of 1957. cept those hazards in the line make short shrift of a prob- morning. . . during the week by the Du Pont! Nominees were required to be be- of duty, and found some so- lem like this, particularly if plant and American Cyana-mid tweeri 17 and 22 years of age, un lace, anyway, in the knowl- I were out hustling for 293 At Random: Co. for chemistry studerlts from married and of good moral char- edge I was not the only one additional classrooms to This is One of 17 Models acter and to meet certain physi- Miss June 0. Scott, 71 Enfield Woodbridge High School, Middle- cal and scholastic qualifications. all. wet. meet the needs of some Road, Colonia, has been selected sex County Girl's Vocational • * * school-less ' kids and faced three That You Will Find at DOOLEY'S to act as adviser to freshmen com- School, St. Mary's High School Had Selections were based on the prospect of opening a mutins students for the next aca- Perth Amboy High School. competitive examinations,— the I haven's counted the paiv demic year at Douglass College. . . Proclamations have been issued Air Force medical examination for sies which now adorn the brand new high school on a Patricia A. Potter, 144 Prospect by Mayor Hugh B. Quigley .Wood- flyins training, the" Air Force ex- high school grounds. As a double session. Street, Wqpdbridge, will irldge, and Mayor James J. Flynn aminatlon for pilot aptitude and matter of fact, the Board of * * * chairman of her dormitory next Perth Amboy calling on resi- officer quallflcalion, and the col- Education says they are a I tell you, we better get school year at Douglass College, dents of the two municipalities to lege board entrance test. HOME Rutgers University. . .William E. ibserve Chemical Progress Week. mistake—that they weren't our minds on more impor- ordered and won't be paid tant things than pansics. Palmer, 70 Manhattan Avenue, t U. S. WORKING CAPITAL Avenel, is on the Dean's list at Assets of cash, goods in inven- Stevens Institute of Technology, Christian Science tory, money to be received and Hoboken.. .Just arrived from Man- (Continued from Page 1) holdings of Federal government chester, England and very wel- an Science; How Scientific Prayer securities In the hands of the na- come: Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- 2an Help You." Lean, and children, Carole, 16; tion's corporations totaled $187,- ADVANCE SALE! Prances, 15; Peter, 13 and Irene. 9, Dr. Carey received the degrees 300,000,000; liabilities came to They are making their home at 18 \. B. and LL. B. from the Univer- $91,000,000,000, leaving a working Tappen Street, Avenel, The Mc- sity of Michigan and LL. D. from capital at a record of $95,800,000,- Leans are brother and sister-in- 000,000 as of April 1. law of Mrs. Joseph McClue, Fifth s the former Virginia Wight. Avenue, Avenel. . . Woodtnid&e, daughter of Mrs, MORE— James S. Wight, Woodbridge, and ;he late "Jlmmer" Wight. . . . MAJESTIC Last But Not least: '' Born at Perth Amboy General NOW THRU TUBS, Hospital. From Woodbridge, a son ISELIN, N. J. Fred Astaire in to Mr. arid Mrs. Philip Gelato, 144 ISELIN MET. 6-1279 Sherry Street; a daughter to Mr, ''DADDY LONG LEGS" TO SATURDAY and Mrs, John Oliver, 536 Alice NOW Cinemascope Place; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kent In Color Stultz, 554 Linden Avenue; a son L. Caron - Michael Wilding to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heffner. STRAND 568 Almon Avenue; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Andre Andrascak, 57J "The Glass Slipper" NOW THRU SAT. Amboy Avpnue. . . . from Colonial — ALSO — Anne Baxter - Steve Forrest in a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dana Andrews-Piper Laurie In Jacob, 11 Highland Road; a son to "SMOKE SIGNAL" __ "BEDEVILED" Mr. and Mrs, John Koch, 241 Col- — CO-HIT — onia Buulavaid.' , , from Sewaren, SUN. THRU WED. Dan Duryea in a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, John Cinemascope "THE MARAUDERS" 1 Kaposztas, 42 Old Road; a daugh- Jane Russell - Gilbert Roland ter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koz- STARTING SUNDAY lowski, 170 Old Road; from Avenel, Edw. G. Robingon - George Raft a son to Mr .find Mrs. ,• Harry "UNDERWATER" Noordzy, 900 Rah way Avenue; a Also Imagine! A Home Play • son to Mr. and Mrs. Sherwln 1 "j\ BULLET"FOR JOEY" "CATTLE QUEEN Ol' Steinberg, 1115 Railway Avenue; | . PLUS ground on your own lawn \M> MONTANA" 1 from Iselin, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Spllliiiif * James Loar, 56 Reynolds Street; "KISS ME DEADLY" or backyard which is engi- from Fords, a son to Mr. and Mrs. ••" delivered ami ^' "I1 Joseph Silatsyl, 64'6 Main Street. neered for SAFETY and . .. Born Saturday at Railway Me- designed for PLEASURE. 'Banket and morial Hospital, tlie first boy, but -STATE- $17-95 extra. third child, to Mr. and; Mrs Charles Raymond King, Tiangle- WOODBRIDGE This Safe-Play Gym Is tqulpptd with: wpod lane, Colonia, named POKDg, N. J. — HUlrrest l-iut Reg. $19.95 WED. THRU *AT. 1. Swing seat of high quality wood. Charles Roland girtf. The mothei Jeff Chandler - Jack Pittance in TIIURS. THRU SAT, This is a blanket masterpiece at iu regular price ...» 2. Hi-Flyer with adjustable wood saddlt sta'*. "SIGN of the PAGAN" marvel of economy al our special sale price. Beautiful 3. Safety formed steel trapeze bar. Now U the "THREE FOR THE SHOW" (Cinemascope) • with Betty Ur»bte-.lack Lemon weight for year-'round living . . . treasure ,of warmth time for 4. Two properly placid wrap-around ?h|ln ban.' PLUS , •TEN WANTED MEN" and wear. Fill all your home and gifj needs niovf. The Dnn O'llerllhey - James with Randolph Scott blankets ordered in this sale will be delivered in their 5. Basketball backboard with ring dnd rt«t. Fernandez in i Sal. Matinee-—Extra Cartoons own handsome gift and storage hnxes. 6. Shower head. ' "ADVENTURES OK and Comedy) ROBINSON CRUSOE" v7. 6' galvaniied slide with specially dwiflned "D" tubing SUN. THRU TUBS. DOUBLE BED SIZE IN GORGEOUS COLORS SUN. THRU TUK8. for side rails.and legi, , Robert Wagner-Debra I'agei in "THE RACERS" 8. All steel ladder with wrap-around rung! and cap nui» "WHITE FEATHER" with Kirk UOuglas-Bella Darvl (Cinemascope) "MA * PA ttETTLE AT GJinstensevi PLUS WAIKIK1' ; Shelley Winters - Sllv»na with Marjorle M^ln-Percy i)'l>

IT. ^nl'TENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 10, IOf)5 PAGE NINE ISELIN NEWS Snbepenbent-leaber COLONIA NEWS tub Scout Circus St Cecelia's School Group Visits Dominican Sisters Pareda Actintf Head Iselin Lions Club Of helin Aid Squad Is Huge Success ••••••••••••I ISEUN -Anthony Poredn. vice To Install Slate president of HIP Iselin First Aid 1M Thr circus sponsored Squad, will serve as noting presi- 19ELIN--Harold Goetcliius pre- |.|V i,y Cub Pack H8 at dent of the sqund as John Negra sided over ft dinner mcetina of the . Aviiiin Carnivnl Ground president has n three month's Iselin Lion's Club held at First j,,,,..,. success. Boys from \enve o( absence The latter has Presbyterian Church o( Iselin ,l''i ,,. six dons participated. been nsslRtiPd by his firm to go to Monday evening. , dm put on a side show Mtian, Italy Two new members, Carl Dl- chanRfid every half hour. Mr. Poreda 1ms announced that Pompfo and Francis Van Pelt, ,,,.., fifty-four boys In the the squad will participate in the were Inducted with Charles Chris- ii'i.i -:irh boy had a part. All Memorial bay Parade In Wood- teiuen In charge. bridge In the morning and the Ise- tiT imienls we're sold- out. A donat.on was given to Kr.tib'vy vliiic rbphant sale proved lin (Parade in thr afternoon. There was a li-rmthy discussion School to be awarded to students (1);, HK' names were enjoyed for the best two papers on "Citl- i ,',.'•.,.' v.-cre lovely prizes. . nn the purchase of a new ambu- lance. r.enshlp." lir ...ifk meeting, four boy. Pat Tomasso gave a report on ,,,! ii,iir Web-o-los, Andy SON FOR KINGS sight conservation; John Tennez , iin(i stephrn Kull were ac- CCfljOMA - Vtr. and. Mrs. C on Installation night and Charles i ; nil welcomed into Boy Rajpogd King. 7 Tanglewood Chrlstensen reported on plans for I; .,,.) .|7 sponsored by First Ltuvs^fre the parents of, a son, the annual picnic in July. , ',, I,, church by - Scout Charles Roland, born vfay 14 at The June 6 meeting has been , waiter Koen'g. Robert Rahwuy Memorial Hospital. The postponed and the next meeting ,r; i I'diitird Van Buskirk infant Is the grandson of Mr, and , > unii'il into Boy Scout Mrs. Raymond R. Km», HlUside will be June 10 In. conjunction with i:;' iiniisnri'd by the VFW mid Mrs. James S, Wight, Wood- Installation night at Mountainside :lll :t Williams, leader. Scv- bridge. Inn. M'.eivt'J awards as fol- i ;•• ,i(i KrenlR, benv book; ,\\ hi-cnbi'i'si, bob cat pin i.mik; Gary Yoos, bob cat v.iill ii'wk; Marc Stein- ISELIN PERSONALS 1;, .is ,,tripe; Leonard Van ,! \ i',ir pin; and Ronuld :ii , .il pin. By GLADYS E. SCANK I —Sunday guests of Mrs. Bessie , ,ci; will hold an all dtiy 497 Lincoln Highway Hackett, 18+ Cooper Avenue in- p.ciii,' at Koosevelt Park Iselin, N. J. cluded Mr, Fred Camman, Kear- it ral'li1 One. Grove One. Tel. Me. 6-2097-J ney; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Gnllo. East ,n in- names and prizes lor —Mrs. Robert Ness and chil- Orange; Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, dren, Barbara and Clifton, Perah- Staten Island; "Mrs. Edna Cos- Ing Avenue, wore Thursday guests tanza and daughter, Joan. New- - of Mr. and Mrs.'nek and Miss Bessie Yateman of Above are some of the students of St. Crrrlin's School who attended the annual lawn party of the Itomininin Sisters ;it Mount St, Mary's 1 (invent, Newburgh, N. Y., Harold Maul, OranRe, Fred Cinunan's mother., Mrs. Carrie Camman, Kearney, Is HIT Auxiliary Saturday. Khnun with them are Sister Mary C»rmel and Sister Marir A<|iiin;is. The "thers wen: visiting in thr cliapcl with Sister Mary Asnes when this picture was taken. Elmhurst Ave- visiting at Mrs. Hackett's home for nue. a few weeks. lids Kiddie Camp —Mr. and Promoted To Wed May 2<) Mrs. M. E. —Thursday guests of Mr mid ^wceneys Hosts] Parochial School Students Mrs. Edward Gallagher, of Elm- >NIA A donation to thn Bennett, 204 Benjamin Ave- hurst Avenue, were Mrs. Nicholas kid :v t-j) Well Camp, Reos^elt Llottl and son, Nicholas, Ji\, Mrs. Irk ,,, made by the Ladies Aux- For Infant Son Visit Convent in Newburgh Raymond Asqulth, and daughter, f Colonu Volunteer Hook the birth of a ISELIN -Approximately 125 pu- through Charles Terzella of St, Kathy, Sayreville. Mrs. Ll I .itM Co.. nt a meeting held ISELIN—William Carl McSwee- daughter. Val- pils of St. Cecelia's School, ac- Cecelia's Assembly, Fourth Degree, Mrs. Asqulth and Mrs. Liotti and HUM' with Mrs. James iicy. son of Robert and Mary Mc- erie Susan, at companied by Sister Mary Carmel, Knights of Columbus. George the children motored to PlalnfiPld ,l',i\ut pn MdiliS. Sweeney. D5 Elm Avenue, was St. Peter's Hos- where they dined and enjoyed" a school principal; Sister Marie Emery, president of St. Cecelia's y will march In uni- christened Sunday, at the home of pital, New Brunswick. tour of the shops. •m will: the fire company in the Aquinas and Sister Mary Agnes, Holy Name Society, accompanied — newcomer at 198 his paternal great-grand parents, —Mr. Gallagher celebrated his lal Day parade in Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marmouth, traveled up the Hudson valley to the group. Benjamin Avenue was a daughter Mount Saint Mary's Convent at birthday Wednesday, his Kuests in- Ridi^eley Avenue, by Rev. Henry for Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Bakos, cluded Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doug- uTrhaiHiiM1 club will be M. Hartmann, pastor of the First Newbui'Kh, N. ?., Saturday to at- born ul Perth Amboy General tend the annual lawn party of the herty and son, Joseph, Jr.. New- m June. Captains are Mrs. Presbyterian Church of Iselin. His Aid Squad Service Hospital. ark; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sutton, Dominican Sisters. They were .-, Flamiiisan, Mrs. James sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Carl —It is reported that Sgt. Melvin River Edge; Mrs. Raymond As- amonx thousands of other visitors mi. Mr.v Georee Scott, Mrs. L-unii, Iselin. Longfleld, stationed at Camp quith and children, Billy and 1 Available to All :i I'lic'i , Mrs, John DcSllva, After the ceremony, dinner was from all parts of the country who Stewart, is the radio broadcast Kathy, Sayreville, The Gallagher's ;il Lehman. served to the following guests: Mr. visited the Mother House of the supervisor of the Camp Stewart and Button's attended the Spring in .iime 7 the auditors will meflt nuns who teach at their schools. ISELIN—Wayne McCoy, one of and Mrs. Oustave Depreiter, and the members of Iselin First Aid U. S. Army Hospital In Georgia. dance at Green Street Fire house, j home of Mrs. Stanley Sea- hildrai, Frank and Louise, Pat- On their arrival, they were Squad has requested that residents The station schedules disc-jockey Saturday. Tiie next meeting will be welcomed by the Sisters, who : rick Ciirville, Mr. and Mrs, Carl of the new developments In the shows, tape recorded Army broad- —Mrs, Hamilton Billings and Lunn and sons, Gerald mid Dennis, joined them in the Chapel of the area call the Iseltn First Aid Squad casts, news and information all Hamilton, III, were Saturday af- all of Iselin; Mr. and Mrs. George Sacred Heart In a prayer of when in need of emergency treat- aimed to supply patients' needs ternoon guests of Mrs. Sol Aveiy.t Ulrlch. Metuchen, Mr. and Mrs. thanksgiving for the lovely weath- ment. Westbury Park, Woodbridge and preferences. Menlo Park. pin'vin'fis fb Mft'fep" Jack Kuhne. Oak Tree and Mrs. 'r and safe, enjoyable journey. Oaks, Holly Haven, Lorraine Park -^Fireman second class Arthur —The Hamilton Billings and! Dcwey Buckley, Key West, Flu. and Menlo Park Terrace, all are \llomv in Oaks Section MISS LILLIAN B. BACH At the Lawn Party, their first M'arkell, Jr., U. S. Navy, is spend- children, Diane and Hamilton 111,1 KDMl'NI) A. TANUVAY served by the squad. objective was the refreshment ing a weekend leave at the home were Saturday evening guests of \ KI.IN- The wedding of Miss 1'KKTII AMIH»Y—The (iili- COLONIA — Miss Bac h, stand where hungry girls ate hot The residents in the past have of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Billings,! i iMbnk. daughter of Mr. and fornia Oil Company bus an- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- been calling out-of-town -squads Priest Addresses doss and soda pop. They then thur Markell, Sr., of Magnolia Avenel. Chillis Robok, 113 Roosevelt nounced the promotion of Kd- hannes Bach, 70 Florence Ave- resulting in a delay which might spent several exciting hours riding Avenue. He is to be stationed at —Mr. and Mrs. John Waterson. % mund A. Tanguny, UO McFar- nue, has set May 29 as the date be disastrous to the Injured per- ".;ird, Edison, »nd Robert ponies, visiting the numerous at- formerly of Iselin, now residents land Koad, Colonia, to the of her marriage to Lawrence son. the Brooklyn Navy Yard for two Kvrk son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Rosary Society tractions prepared for their pleas- of Clark announce the birth of n : position of Senior Economic Goodwin, son of Mrs. William J. weeks. Ten Eyck, 114 Middlesex Ave- ure and riding on the Mount £teint John Negra, president of the daughter Sunday at Railway Goodwin, Highland Avenue, ' —Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell Metuehen, was held Saturday Analyst of the Analytical Staff ISELIN—Rev. John Petri of Sea Mary Scenic Railway. squad, is on leave and Anthony Po- Memorial Hospital. The Waters- \n the Comptroller's Organiza- Rahway, and the late Mr, Good- reda, vice president, who has Just and daughter, Kathleen, Charles |ciiKion at 3 o'clook In Simpson Bright, former spiritual advisor to The visit was concluded by a son's also have two sons. Mrs. tion. win. returned from sick leave Is taking Street, and Otis Dougherty, Ro- aidist Church, Perth Amboy, the Rosary Society of St. Cecelia's personally conducted tour by the Waterson is the former Edna Ben/,, M,v. Tanguay joined thp com- Tlic bride to be was honored his place. selle, were Sunday evening RUests Rev. Ki'iiinin Townsend, pas- Church, was a guest speaker at a Sisters of St. Cecelia's of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles pany in 1948, starting as an Ac- regular meeting of the Society held at a shower given by Mrs. Mi- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scank on ntfinatni'4 at the double ring grounds and buildings of their Benz, Sr., of Coakley Street. counting Clerk and hus worked chael Zebro and Mrs. Florence Lincoln Highway. in the school cafeteria. He dis- Mother House. Many interrup- A Sunday guest of Mr. and tuuiiiy. '[ In various capacities. He was cussed his trip to Europe for the Kalwicz, Elisabeth; Mrs. An- Fraternity Elects —Rev. Alton Richardson, pastor Supervisor In Analytical Serv- tions occurred as the girls watch- Mrs. Thad Plummer, Middlesex ••MI .. in marriage by her Marian Year, showning slides of thony Kalwicz, Mrs, John Kal- of Iselin Assembly of God Church, Avehue, Was Miss Delores Plum- ices In the Comptroller's Organ- id the novices and postulants of . i. i he bride wore a pink faille several European shrines. wicz, Garwood, aunts of Miss Cooper Avenue and Berkeley mer, New York City. ization until his present promo- the Dominican Order go about >. ui navy accessories and a JV social was held after the meet- Bach; Miss Margaret Mrocek, Iselin Resident Boulevard, attended the first con- tion. their daily activities. • —Diane Billings, daughter of .i e of white roses. Mrs. Vlr- ing with Mrs. Frank Hodum and Miss Grace Trzyna, Miss Julia vention of New Jersey State As- Mr. Taqguay is a graduate of Transportation Was arranged Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Billings, a Zornes, Metuchen, was maid her ban* in charge of hospitality. Woleczyk and Miss Caroline ISELIN—Ralph Carbone, son.of semblies of God ministers at At- Freehold High School, Class of Jr. Coakley Street, enjoyed a trip l • .iinr. Wayman Suiter, Me- The Rosarlans enjoyed a bus Bach, who are to be attendants Mr, James Carbone, 1315 Oak Tree lantis City for the last four years. 1940, and a graduate of Muhlen- to Trenton Cathedral with St. .' :i, was best man. trip Saturday to Mount St. Mary, at the wedding. The shower was Road, was recently elected record- berg College, Allentown, Pa., and —Four Iselin teen-agers who Paul's Sunday School. i .ind Mrs. Ten Eyck are or home of .the Dominican Sisters at held at Leonard's Hall, Eliza- ing secretary of Sigma Phi Alpha, received an A.B. degree in Busi- Annual Crowning were In the group of Woodbrtdge —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reedy, • :•..J i- tri|> to Niagara Falls Newburgh. These nuns are teach- beth and ,80 guests attended. oldest fraternity on the campus of ness Administration. He will re- the University of Bridgeport High School students who ap- Wright Street, spent the week end I'.in.ula. ers at St. Cecelia's Parochial King's Menj provided the music. ceive an M.S. degree, In June, (Conn. i. peared on the Ttd Steel show on at Lake Kopatcong. • •: travellinu the bride wore : School. : Held at Iselin '• "> • • Wednesday were Dorothy Torge- uit with white accessories. from Seton Halt University, in Mr. Carbone 'is a graduate of —Don't forget the cake sale son, Ronald Osborne, Tommy •I'eii Eyck Is a graduate o Business Administration. ISELIN—The annual crowning Woodbridge High School. Since sponsored by the Young Woman's Jones and Barbara Bourne. Amboy High School, Class Mr. Tanguay served In the V. Post Makes Plans at St. Cecelia's Church, was held entering the University of Bridge- Guild for the benefit of the Youth i She is employed by Gulden S. Navy for four years duriug Initiation Rites Sunday evening with Miss Judith port in September, after trans- —Little Allison Angela, daugh- Fellowship Group. Proceeds will •i iius in Metuchen. Her hus World War II and at the time Ott, as the crowher, ferring from the now defunct ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. be used for summer camp and con- Bd a graduate ef Metuchen of his discharge held the rank Held by Knights For Poppy Drive Miss Rose Sluk was the crown- Arnold College, he has been a Kidd, Pershing Avenue, was ference. The sale will be held Sat- ; -Sihool, Class Of '52, 1 of Ensign, He is presently a er's personal attendant. Other at- member of the soccer team, the christened at St. Cecelia's Church urday at the Presbyterian Church., v 'd by Gulden Industries a member of the V. S. Naval Re- ISELIN—Four new members tendants were Misses Marion Bea- Arnold Troupers, a gymnastic ex- by Rev. John M. Wllus, pastor of All donations of cakes will bo ISELiN—Exemplification of the hibition team*, the biology society gratefully received. • serves and is a Lieutenant Ij. were welcomed into membership at gan, Mary Anne Tomasso, Marilyn the church. The sponsors wqre First Degree was held by St. Ce- i ami Mrs. Ten Eyck will liv g.) on the staff of the Battalion Zwadskl. Flower girls were Kathy and the Newman Club. He is a Joseph L. Terranova and Isobel —John Nagra, Cooper Avenue, •elia's Council Knights of Colum- a meeting of Iselin Post 2636 VPW I Bender Avenue, Iselin. Commander. Teffenhart, Nancy; Reese, Alice junior In the Arnold College Divi- Kidd. will leave In a few days on a 3- bus at the Recreation Center. A at the post headquarters. They sion of Physical Education, major- Henry, Linda Radischy, Barbara —Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cralne, month business trip to • Milan, 1 total qf 59 candidates received the ing In physical education at the in of $40 billion in sales i: are Lawrence Barnekow, Walter Bond, Arlene Macedor Sharon Juliet Street, dined and danced Italy. ' , "•'I a 'piust." Colonia Auxiliary degree which was given by the Moranski, both of Iselin; Joseph Adams was the crown bearer and University, Degree team of New Brunswick the Hawaiian Room, Newark, —Mrs, Joseph Maucerl, Mrs. Urn Czarnlck, Menlo Park, and James other attendants were Sarah Thursday evening. Robert Sj Siank, Mrs. Lawrence Council. Helen! Treanor, Cotorila,- Black, Mafjorie Mohr, Scouts to Take Part —Weekend guests at the iiome Clancy, MUsl Lillian Abate, Miss Makes Donations Among the twenty-twoj candi- Stewart ai^dl Joyce Stewart, /e're proud, of our dates from St. Cecelia's Council In Annual Camporee of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Strasser Delores Mafia, all of Iselin, rep- The post's annual Poppy drive Rev, William A. Haughney, asn resented St. Cecelia's Bowtyn'4 COLONIA--Fred Anthony, Anv was Rev. Thomas Dentici, of St. included Edward B. Sherry, Miss will be conducted In Iselin, May 24 slstant pjistor of St. Francis League at the New Jersey State •an Legion County representa- CeeeliiVs. The other candidatis tnrough the 30th with Sanford COLONIA—Boy Scout Troop 44 Gladys Godfrey, Miss Alberta At- Chureh, Jfietuchen, delivered the will take part in the 1S55 Cam-,tulo and Clinton Muller, Newark. Women's! Bowling Tournament, ' of the Susanne School for Re- were; Frederick K, Kleen, Jl\, jima as chairman, sermon. The page boys were poree at Roosevelt Park Saturday They attended the christening of Red Btmjt. ,v tarded, Children in Metuchen. was George Kacinko, Thomas G. Giip- George Burns; and Michael Duffy, invas Plans were completed • for the and Sunday. ' the twin "sons'of. Mr. and Mrs. —It was misstated in last week's Kiiest speaker at a meeting of the »an, Robert G. Morettl, Edward J. Thirty-one (new candidates were May 21 dance to. be held at post The troop will meet at the New Strasser and .were godparents to paper that- Mrs. Glieknntn was Ladies Auxiliary of Colonia Post, Calne, William O. Molta, Edward received into the spdality. Instal- headquarters also under the chair- Dover Methodist Church Saturday the twins, (Richard and William, electeH corresponding secretary of I.eKidii. The unit J. Kenncy, Joseph P. Barry, Clpf,- lation of Juniors and Senior offi- manship of Mr. Luna. Music will nt 9 A. M, Scoutmaster Frederick who were chastened by John M. the Home and Schpol Association .,.. $2!) to the school. A donation ford E. Sharpe, Edward M. Kawn- cers was also held. Junior officers be provided by the Melody Men. T. Boyle will be in charge. Wllus at St. Cecelia's Church. The of School fl. Mrs. Seymour£<*«*i^^ plans were formulnUd for the final second annual art show and tea welfare, Mrs. W, C. Richards; from many styl«*. meeting of the s«wn tonight at Sunday, June 5, at Colonia Library COLONIA — Susan Hegedus, membership, Mrs. J, M. Casteras; *od colpri. Tailor- Iselin Personals; the school- A new slite of officers from 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. The House of Better Gifts and Cards daughter, of Mr, and Mra, Ernest publicity, Mrs. l-eroy Holnwn; will be installed. T^rs. Martin Heg«dus| Hlghfield Rqad, celebra- Thirty ihembers will display to your personal hospitality, Mrs. E. B. Harris; 405 New Bruiuwlek Avenue Hoffman will be installing officer. ted her third Birthday at a party. work in charcoal, pastels and oil ^-Mis. John Podezwa, Lincoln auditing, Rudolph Peterson; pro- Hlelway received the third pi'we The Joluiaon aud Johjwon Olee Guests were Mr. and Mrs: Albert dpne under the direction of their lords, N. J. VA-6-3396 ; gram, Mrs. Walter Ritchie. at the Ceramic League's Eaitern Club will entertain. M«. Henry Thullesen, Mr. .and Mrs. Hans Instructor, Herbert WyUie. There rs • An executive committee meet- Seaboard Ceramics Show at Con- Weimiin, president, itfgW members Thostesen, Mr. and Mis. Andrew will be no admission' charge and ing will be held June 8 after which "Anniversary aud Spring Sale Vention Hall, Asbury Park. Ceramc to bring friends. Thostesen and son, Barry, P.erth the public la Invited. Mrs. Norman a regular session will be held. A m AWING and Plsn» were, lurthered for a Amboy; Mr. and Mrs. Edward He- Bresee. chairman, is being assist- All Through May" displays were shown from League dinner in September and a dance teacher's luncheon Bohaduled for |je.dus and daughter/ Debra; Mrs. ed by Mrs. John Conger, Mrs, John members from Maine to Florida. (n October were planned. The ways BV BUND COMPANY June 1. A wa was ale* planned for Kalman Hegedus and grandchil- plcaro, Mrs. Ralph Siegel and Mrs. Mrs Podeawa has been the recipi- and means committee reported a 20% Discount ?X. ent, of first and second prizes In mothers of the newly registered dren, Linda a»)d Ilona Vargo and J. Van Buskirk.' NKW HKUNSWICK AVB. kindergarten pupils to be held profit of $88.05 from a recent yrovlous shows, Charles Cadmus, Fords; Mr, and — "Come In — Shop And Save" •*• j rtttni Wednesday, May KB. A fllm\ia to square dance and two coffee i^ns _Mr» Andrew. Palumbo. tttva. Mrs, Vied R»sic Mud -M** George A iurvty sues record capital ex be shown entitled "QHB day Hi tlie VA-B-JW Street, was a guest of Mrs. Robert U(e of a live-y«H' p:4" Souk. Unwln Hihay Who's Delinquent? SPRING SHOWING! A noted educator once was asked what LETTER TOvTHE EDITOR HujrfT Williamson k*lly had changed the present generation of March 8, 187S — Aufnst I, children to create such a serious problem 419 Prospect Avenue Ing a healthy ^,!, AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER of delinquency. He replied that children Avenel, New Jersey which children can spc The Leader-Journal (1834) May 14, 1955 leas houri enjoying n,,.,, have not changed, but that parents have. with books of fiction -,,,, The Woodbrldrf Uadfr (1908) Mr. Charles E. Gregory WundhrldKr Independent (1919) Parents, it seems to us, are the root of like; In short, it.will I,|.I' Kriitnr and Publisher the youngsters off the i ,, The Iiwlln Journal ._.j Hie independent-Leader most juvenile derelictions. We think we are Our campaign for ti, |' Cnarlw E. ll( ;!D Green Street under way June 1, win, , Editor and Publisher^ being just a little unrealistic, therefore, Woodbridee, N. J. to door canvass of Aveu, Published Every Thursday by when we stress our efforts to eliminate Dem- Mr. Gregory: membership of a dozen ,„ , The Woodbridge Publishing Company these weaknesses, by dealing with ado- The lament of » Woodbridge tions In Avenel will take j, Woodbridge, New J«rsey_ High School student concerning the canvass. Charles E. Gregory, President lescents whose judgments are not formed, the inadequacy of library facili- Because many of u». t,,, Lawrence P. Campion who are guided almost completely by the ties expressed In « letter to your that can accrue to n vuna, Vice President and Treasurer examples of adults, who have been deprived newspaper nnd commented upon from a modem, wr-n-si,,,',', By carrier delivery, 8 cents per copy. in the editorial columns of the brary are subtle in nai , , SuiMCTiptlon rates by mall, Including post- th^e ordinary disciplinary measures which Mny 12 Issue of the Independent- may take as long to si •. ai'c one yetir, $3.00;vsix months, tl.BO; three once were standard equipment in any well- I eader was of timely Interest to takes the young s;:hol,n months, 8S cents; single copies by mail, 10 we of the Board of Trustees of into manhood, it may i,, ii'iiu. All payable In advance. ordered home. the Avenel Public Library. „ what difficult to sell 'u,, ., We appreciate very much the interest of Perhaps, there Is no section in . the tune Of $15,000 mm ., the township where the lack of greatly appreciate nil ti,, ,ouf Police and Recreation Departments in adequate library facilities Is ft« ance we can get In the m,i, the so-called juvenile delinquency problem. great tis In Avenel. We recognize Your interest in nvi this nnd wish to bring to our such as this Is somewhat . We cannot resist the suggestion, however, community siiclv facilities ns will asy. Also, you occupy ;, , that they are dealing with the wrong gen- meet not only the needs of school Time to Restrict-or Not? In the community of w, students but also those of the tlge. We 6f*the Board <»i ; eration. An hour or two spent in games or ndult population. Thorp probably are, as the defeatists feel that these cou'.d !>• .,• supervised play cannot hope to take the Accordingly, we have with the help in our effort. We. t|- iciaim, many substantial legal inhibitions place of wholesome and protracted" guid- theme that "Knowledge Insures respectfully request Him *:ij;;iinst the restriction^of housing develop- Freedom" embarked upon a in whatever manner yn ance from the parents. The depredations of cnmpnifin to raise $15,000 In best, your aid and thai , ment in Woodbridge Township as advo- youth are the depredation*—and the Indict- LETS HOPE THI funds with which to construct newspaper In helping H • rated by the Planning Board. ment, in most cases—of the parents, and n modern, well equipped library. to trie residents of Aui, Book circulation has incveased value and countless bemi ( For a community, however, which is unless some plan is devised where the re- CrtttL greatly In recent years; tripling an adequate library w\\. • sponsibility can be placed where it belongs, within the last year alone. Un- our community. Jimwntly carrying the burden of unre- fortunately, present facilities are we are achieving little toward helping our Sincerely your ijliided development, we can only say there such that all ft visitor can do Is JOSEPH A MA\ youth to better lives. comf In, select a book and leave. Chairman, Av<;, 'must be some method by which we can at A person cannot sit a few hours 1 \k 'LJbniry i: least confine our problem to its present Juvenile delinquency is on many lips. nnd read—there Is no place to Fund Drive, The easy way to shrug oft concern about sit; nor Is there the facilities for , dimensions. Instead of a casual and flip one to spend a few. hours doing ;dismissal as illegal of the suggestion that it is to talk of recreation and wholesale research or reference work. In LOOKING FOR TKOtMi public activity, of regimentation, The hard this respect, we feel that an Im- "Every small boy hop, ;the municipality take some affirmative portant educational Institution President of the Unite, J steps to obviate enlargement of the crisis —and the effective way—to deal with it is Is lacking in Avpnel. some day." through the parents. Until we are ready We feel that an adequate li- "Yes," answered Snvy • now facing us, the resources which is our and equipped to take the latter course—in brary is necessary as a highly r "'The. Interest m government should devote itself to devising wmmtmt beneficial institution; for Its depends largely on the im Woodbridge Township or anywhere else, for value stretches through the years able human inclination ;, i means whereby We can meet the need that matter—we are just kidding ourselves. and defies measurement. As a trouble." (which faces us. source of knowledge and wisdom, we believe, that a library helps j At the risk of being tiresome, we can sug- Insure freedom, for knowledge VACATION ROMANO':' ' gest one such means. We can formally ad- What Students Reach the Top? Under the Caoitol Dome and wisdom are the basic Ingred- YOUTH—"Now on Hi. "Chemical Progress Week" being cele- ients of a free society—tyranny should like you to eiur,. (• any prospective developer that Wood- By J. Joseph Gritolns can only* flourish in an atmos- my darling Muriel'" I bridge Township will assess at 100 per cent brated nationally May 16-21 is a particu- phere of Ignorance and Intoler- Jeweler—"Would it mi- ance. We also feel that a library ter to have simply: 'Fm • larly appropriate time* to remind the young TRENTON—With juvenile de- HIGHWAYS:—A State bond Arthur T. Vanderbilt, the court |of true value all new residences constructed is a source of recreation and as lins"? You see. it will !>,• linquency on the increase in New issue of at least $100,000,000 declared there was no reasonable men and women of Woodbridge Township such aids in the fight against a week before we can let •. | within our confines. It is our own belief Jersey, members of the Legis- backed by further gasoline taxes, basis for excluding newsboys that education is the foundation upon juvenile delinquency by afford- the ring." 'that if we take this positive stand, we will lature have a number of private is in stole for New Jersey mo- from workmen's compensation find speculators most loath to attempt to which future success in the business world cures for the problem which is torist* if the Federal Government merely because they sold news- depends. plaguing both State-and muni- falls to come to the rescue of papers or magazines. Such a peddle their wares here. Possibly, they will cipal officials. New Jersey with adequate funds classification is "unreal and ar- A survey conducted recently of the edu- to build needed highways. bitrary," the high court said. find the sales resistance much less—under More than a score of bills are New Jersey probably needs cational backgrounds of chemical company pending in the Legislature de- |the stipulations we suggest—elsewhere.' more traffic relief through new DIABETICS' DILEMMA: — A signed to protect New Jersey's executives shows that in this highly tech- highways than any other State legislative bill devised to control children from harm—and crimi- Of course if this is done in the case of in the union. Although 45th in narcotics promises to give the C9T nical industry, the man with technical nal tendencies. Most of them will 'new development, it also must be done In size, It is second In population thousands of diabetics working training is needed at the top, About 57 per eventually be enacted into law. or visiting in New Jersey no end ''the case of old. The necessity of equaliza- density and ranks first in traf- cent of these executives have such training. One bill reauires a parent or fic volume. Present State high- of trouble. The measure is cur- Competence Creates Confidence ' tion of assessments on true value is, thus, guardian to attend court hear- ways carry an average dally load rently moving through the State But the industry will need more men ings involving minors charged | made even mere emphatic. Our Township of 11,000 vehicles per mile, day In Legislature. „ wjtb such training in the future. Chemical with purchasing or consuming and day oat, sevten times the na- The measure (A-393) spon- j Committee, which is 'the source of local alcoholic beverages. Persons who tional average and two and one- sored by Assemblyman Barnes, companies were offering an estimated 3,000 sell or offer as gifts any pointed [governmental power, has even at this late half times that of New York Essex, Republican, and Assem- jobs for technical or scientific graduates or metal tipped arrow to any State. blyman Kurtz, Middlesex, Demo- [date been unwilling to express itself on this minor, would be classed as dis- crat, would require a prescription As the corridor State, wi,thin last June, They are seeking these men now orderly. Seventeen-year-old mo- to purchase a hypodermic sy- | subject. It cannot continue this negative the past twelve months practi- because it has been conservatively esti- torists who are Involved in traf- ringe, needles and similar equip- cally 200,000,000 vehicles have •position if it hopes to rheet the obliga- fic accidents would lose their ment from the neighborhood mated that the chemical industry will be crossed its borders. ! tions which even now are facing' us—let driver's license immediately drug store. The restriction is four times as big, and certainly more com- under another proposed law. Spread over 21 counties, an- aimed at users of narcotics, who lalone this which further development will plex, 20 years from now. Tjhe effectiveness of New Jer- nual .State highway constructipn sometimes use such equipment to Jcontain. , sey's child labor laws would be funds are inadequate to cope with Inject doses of drugs. the demands of ever Increasing The survey proved two other facts im- determined by a study conduc-. However, such equipment has traffic volumes over the main i Unless and until our elected officials will portant to the young man or woman con- ted by a nine-member legislative far greater use by many diabetics highways of New Jersey, es- commission by pending legisla- in Injecting life-giving Insulin, t assume the obligations which their posi- sidering a career in this field. First, the pecially many Interstate routes. tion. Children would be prohibi- the drug used to offset failure ;• tions compel, there is little hop£ of turning chemical industry requires a wide variety ted from workin gin laundries Governor Meyner is frank to of their own bodies to produce admit that unless a plan resem- i chaos into order. It is estimated that 3,000 of training at its top levels. Second, while and dry cleaning establishments their own Insulin—without which under sweatshop conditions by bling the Clay presentation Is they cannot live. In fact, failure Why don't vim make li n ixilnt to conit In to our OHIIT ] homes are either in process of construction technical or scientific training is a big help, another bill. a«reed upon by the Federal Gov- of the diabetics to receive regu- Mime iliiy nnd usk us n lot of questions about lnivmin'i' ernment, there is no source of It may Iw possible to consolidate tomt of your polli'ir |or have been approved, and that unused A pending law would define lar doses of Insulin on schedule— the variety of educational backgrounds at adequate funds for essential Into oni' ami rfli'ot a savin* without »njr «acrU1c« In tl" juvenile delinquency In the com- and usually the first thins in the | land will accommodate 10,000 more homes. highway improvements without amount or protection. It la our business to keep our clleir • the top indicates that experience developed mission of certain crimes by a morning—can upset their lives, 1 new taxes or bond issues. • conversant with the happenings In the field of Iniitiriiiin < It also is estimated that the community after graduation and ability are the deter- child under 16 instead of 18 years even prove fatal. so-drop In and permit us to elucidate! is lacking 2Q schoolhouses, or 293 class- mining factors in the selection of men for of age. Curfew hours could legal- Diabetics, of course, would be ly be fixed by municipalities for COMPENSATION: — News- entitled to prescriptions from Friendly Service—As Near As Your Phoiu rooms. In the last school devised by our these positions. persons under 16 years of age to boys are eligible ^for workmen's their doctors to purchase neces- Board of Education, the cost per classroom So, if you are thinking of a career in this prevent them from loitering on compensation In New Jersey, the sary equipment. However, for |figures at $36,500 per room. streets or other unsupervised Supreme Court has ruled. those diabetics caught out of or any other technical industry, remember places after dark. Persons who In reaching the decision, the to^n overnight and away frum <. Is it time to find a way to restrict de- to include as much math and science as sell obscene literature to a child high court by a 4-3 vote, declared their doctors without either their STERN & DRAGOSII velopment, or isn't it? under 16 should be persecuted as unconstitutional a statutory pro- equipment or prescijiption—there you can in your high school curriculum. disorderly by another bill. vision which barred newsboys would be no end of complications ISTATf I •i from receiving workmen's com- Public agencies could Institute and dangerous delay. This would pensation In case of injury, but be equally true of the diabetic civil actions up to $300 against sustained the' constitutionality parents whose children ma- visitor to New Jersey's summer of the workmen's compensation resorts unaware of the State's Opinions of Others' liciously and ; wilfully destroy act. property. Minors would be ex- (Continued on Page 14,1 Robert De Monaco, 14-year- empted from testifying tp the J_ STUDENT EXCHANGE CUTS led the list of witnesses urging lobes, dissected flba#, nerves ftna old newsboy in Jersey City, re- commission of a morals ojffense full support of the program. The arteries. And yet the mystery ire- ceived the favorable decision a. The House cut In the appro- If the prosecutor agrees, under after being hit by an automobile It priation for the student ex- Senate could ido no better than mains. An Idiot's brain can* be another bill. | change program would weaken to follow the|r advice—and the larger than a wise man's; a la- two years ago while selling news- PAYING BY CHECK ISt not only our own understanding President's, — Washing-ton Post borer's no less complex than a A measure designea to help papers at night in Journal of otiiei peddles but also their and Tillies Herald, scholar's.; The forces that drive both juveniles and grown-ups in- Square. The/lower courts had ; understanding of us at a time men to gjreat deeds, and superior clined to crime would ' prohibit sustained the legality of the pro- the sale or possession wiljh intent' when Hie Soviet Union is greatly DO IT YOURSELF fax FORM understanding continue to elude vision which! barred newsboys to sell, any toy or imitation pis- Soft: you carry o checkbook inittad of intensifying its cultural ex- It's too late to help anybody the surgeon's scalpej and the froip receiving such compensa- change activities. The Sitlth- this year, but Representative tol which has a black, Slue, sil- tion. probe. . . . ver or aluminum color. Convenient: you pay bill* any time, Munclt and Fulbright programs Keating (Rep., N. Y.) has come Einstein sought to plumb the In an opinion by Chief Justice have >bt«n extraordinarily suc- up with a nlogan that could haye secrets of the (inlverse, and' he cessful instruments for further- won him a presidentlal'nomlna- entered the deeps more pro- GLAMOR GIRLS Bui!n*iillk«! y«vr cancelledjchvckt ing international understanding tion In the weeks before April 16. foundly than it is given to other art receipts; and for improving the skills of Said Keating the other day. humans to do. To an amazing American and foreign students, "What this country needs degree he comprehended the Thrifty: you 4qn wvi Miitr wfi«n • •?Fo carry on the work for an- most today is a 'do It y6urself universe; so it may be that those you know wh«r# your monty 90*1; I other year, President Eisen- taxi form." who now seek to comprehend hower asked for 22 million dpl- Everyone whose head is still him will be reminded that Smart: you build financial pr«lij« •liirs. which the House cut to 12 spinning and who sees form 1040 greatness resides in spirit, not wilh your chtdn. \ ; milliofi. An effort now is being spots before his eyes will say in matter.— New York Herald made In the Senate to restore "amen" to that—and is a sure- Tribune. tlif full appropriation. fire recruit for the bandwagon If ihe House cut were allowed of any politician who can force IMPERATIVE ISSUE to stand, the entire exchange, ; the/intej-nal.revenue department The 46,700 student population program in 31 countries would to 4ome up with a tax form ordi- in the Dayton school district will have'"to be eliminated; opera- nary citizens can use and under- be increased by more than 12.000 tions iu Germany would be cut stand.—MUwMikc* Journal. elementary pupils, 6,000 high to 96 per cent below the present school pupils and 1,000 kinder- level; the foreign teacher and . Since Albert. Elinsfein was this garten pupils by 1994. foreign' student programs would century's greatest man of sci- Unless already bulging class- •be drastically reduced; new Ful- ence, it Is understandable that a rooms are expanded immedi- bright programs planned for Is- study of his train is being 'un- ately, the 85,400 students of the rael, Formosa and Korea would. dertaken by scientist*. Man has next decade will be forced to be abandoned. In short, the an Insatiable curiosity about accept a low-calorie educational number of Americans studying genius, and when an Einstein diet. abroad and the number of for- appears upon the earth, It is Today's young people need eigners studying in the United tempting to seek the explanation more, not less,'education trian States would be reduced at a of his mental superiority in his past generatlns. Science with v Paid on Savings Accounts time when much' good, fpr All J brain, glands or blood vessels. its opening of vast, unexplored concerned would come from, The result* of similar post- tima uxuhanges. Vice Prwicltyi fields dramatizes the grater mortem, inquiries "\,>the pat, burden, oa educators. Social sci- Nixon, Dr. Milton Eisenhower have proved singularly dtsap- id (Senators Fulbright, Mundt ences alto must do a more thor- Wtatttif. Praia anitfomtets have ough lob to help people adjust IBmlth of New Jersey ton MI. HIM mtua ivmctn, i-, urno wan traced convention*, measured fl&stlnuid on pap 14) Only «ven people left in the audience! N«, »1K. OB« «f Federal JUtme PAGE TEN lNt)Sf%DENT-LEADER 1 ^_ them * wleepl* ,' ^ INDEPENDENT -LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PAGE ELEVEN Miss Irene Salaki Installation Dinner Olga Bercik Engaged Mtoa Berclk Is a graduate of Ihtltons Entertain Mrs. Robrrt O'Nell, Woodbrtdge. Planned by Lion* Club Perth Amboy HUh School, clnss of A dinner party was held with o Park Terrace Notes ToWUlinmJ.Toth 1952. and is employed in the ac- For Infant Daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Rock, Leo Dai- Is Ckrch Bride FORDS — The annual Instal- KEASBET—Mr. and Mrt Ber- counting department of Flagstaff ten ST., Perth <%mkoy; Donna arid MRS. fJEOROE FORDS—The Infant daughter Robert O*Ndl. Woodbrtdge. DUutt Mona Bernstein and Maria s»nd lation dinner of the Fords Lions talin Berclk. 319' Dorsey Street. Poods CO. Her fiance was gradu- or Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dalton, 142 (in Ethel Street George Kohl, FORDS —Miss fepne Salakl, Club will be held June 8 at Oak Perth Amboy, have announced the ated from Woodbrldge High and Debby Dalton, Pords, attend* MF 6 - 5912-M uffhtw of Mrs. M«rV Sulakl, 402 Mary Avenue was baptized Maur- Ing. About 30 guests attended the -Mrs. William Peterson, Mason Hills Manor, Metuchen. engagement of their daughter, School, class of 1948, and Is in pfn Theresa at n special service ,,isi ration of kindergarten Street, entertained her canasta New Brunswick Avenue, was mar- Rev.-John E. Grimes will pro- open house later. HIM! ried to Micrmel Francis Uchrln, OlgR. to William J. Tokht son of business with his pardnts. He held in Our Lady of Peace Church Kciisbey School will be group Tuesday. Present were Mrs. nounce the Invocation and Fred Soffer, Mrs. Norman Silver son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ooh- Mr. and Mrs. Emery Toth, 38 served two years In the U. S Army with Rev. Stanlry Uvandoskl of- Santee taken mile .,., „,;,„() A.M. to 11:30 A.M. 1 David Pavlovsky will give the tn 4:114 It M«, William Henderson, Mrs i'ln, 23 Charles Street, Saturday Highland Avenue. including a year in Koren. ficiating. Sponsors were Mr. and Kansas Relays. *"' " and from 1 to Oordon Iiilly and Mrs. Joseph afternoon at J o'clock In St. Nlch6- address of welcome. Introduc- 3:30 P. M., May Barry. las Church, the double-ring cere- tions will be made by Jack ^»&*^ 24. Bring birth mony was performed by the Most Boerer, chairman, and Edward and vaccination —Michele Rusclto, daughter of Rev. Julius Wojtovlch. J. Patten, Secretary of State, certifica- Leonard Ruscito, Jefferson Street, will serve as toastmasters. The bride W'RS ylven in marriage tes. Children will celebrate her fifth birthday Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley, must be five Saturday. Her guests will be Bar- by her brother. John. She wore a bara Dallavalre, Elaine and Pat- sown of rosepolnt lace and skinner Woodbrldge, and Mayor James years old by J. Flynn, Perth Amboy, will be November 1 In ricia Liltos, Danny Sheeley Pat satin with a bouffant ruffled skirt, Queen Anne collar and long point- the speakers. Installation of of- order to be reg- Paul andfloBeph Ruscito, 1 istered. ed sleeves. A headpiece or matching ficers la to be undef the direc- Build it, paint it, paprr it, hammer it, cement it, —Birthday greetings to Ralph tion of Claude W. Harklns, dis- —c o n g r a- Forrest, McOulre Street. lace, seed pearls and sequins held her nh\ of silk French illusion In trict governor of Lions. plant it. ... Whatever the job, consult this guide for tulatlons to Mr. —the Boys Club met at the , Mi- Kui'.fW Ladoux, Ethel place, and she carried a pYayer Presentation of the presi the materials that will help you do the Job better. home of Mrs. Qeorge Byrne,-Jef- book adorned with orctldfl, ",, niu)ii the birth of their ferson Street, Thursday, they dent's pin will be made by Mr 1 streamers and liUes-or-tlwrvalley. ,',]' .i.iiii'iltel , Qeni Karen, played ball at Roosevelt Park. Pavlovsky; the past president's »»>»»»<>»0»»fe«>O»wxx>o4 Present were Arthur Pritog, Pte- MrB. Louise Uchrin, North Ar- pin by Adolph Quadt, district .,,,. Al Cnnevari, Isabelle ven Kirk, Craig Rader, Mickey lington, was the matron of honor deputy governor, and other and Mrs. Helen Salakl, Fords, was ,'. ,ni,riiiined the Afternoon Westcott, Jimmy Duerscheidt and presentations will be made by ,, ,,i iiii. Present were: Mrs. George Byrne. the bridesmaid. Michelle Melene Edward G. Walder, Interna- Pelesky, Fords, was the flower girl. tional counselor, and Joseph A. '.,',,.' sunon, Mrs. RUsaell —Mrs. Sidney Dlbofsky, Jeffer- It was the Beauty and , ,i\ Mrs. lioe Raguz and Mrs, George Uchrln. Eatontown, Dambaoh. Benediction will be son Strtet, will entertain her mah served as best man for his brother by ftrt. A. L. Jtreyllng. Jongg grpup tonight. Present will while another brother William, Low Cost oi Jalousies Ml ;1IHI Mrs. Leonard Beaxt- be Mrs. Leonard Bearlson, Mrs. was usher. Paul Uchrln, North Ar- ,. .>],, ;H- Street, attended the Michael Williamson, Mrg,, Norman lington was the ring bearer. , j iiiniier dance of the Sulz- Rosen and Mrs. Lawrence Bll- ..., that made us ,, i nniiv circle at Goldman's kower. r On return from a wedding trtp to Niagara Kails and Canada the —Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Pritog couple will reside in their own •,-ni,!ny Kiicsta of Mr. and Mrs. Atlantic Street, will celebrate Mr. ,.',' Miteiifl were Mr, and Mrs. apartment at the same address as Prltog's birthday at a family din- the bride's, parents. .For traveling Take Your Choice of that Extra Room! ,", M|,.|| Hell Harbor and Dr. ner tomorrow at the home of Mr, i MI.. Monti Greenwood, the bride .wore a navy blue linen and Mrs, Arthur Pritog, Teaneck. suit, with navy and white acces- ...i-lMI On Bunday there will be a gather- sories, a mink scarf and an orchid i, HI,; Mis. Howard Becker, ing of five generations at the home corsage. ' ,',, sliect. entertained Mr, and of Mr. Pritog's great-grandfather, TSonkris i',,i Musctone and child; Mr. Martin Pritog. Mrs. Uchrln, a graduate of' \!, c.iri Colomblno and son, —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andersen Woodbrldge High School and the ,,,1 Mrs. Sal RuMO and Ethel street, attended a house- Burroughs Business • School in Point yourself the whitest, brightest, easiest-to-dean kitchen W it, I-. Sunday. Newurk, is employed In the payroll CREAM bathroom you've ever seen, with this wonderworking warming party at the home of Mr. \ inerttng of the Keasbey and Mn. James McQIlllvray okl department of the California Oil Take your pick I Not one, Co., Perth Amboy, Her husband ,. .ml School Association was Bridge. but all these kinds of KITCHEN AND BATHROOM Wednesday. Th« seventh was graduated from Perth Amboy ii ,i,ui(v will be held tomorrow —Birthday congratulations to High School and is employed in cream from Borden's! WALL AND WOODWORK i he einhtli grade danoe is Fred Soffer, Mason Street' and the shipping center at Johnson & ENAMEL Max Kerstein, McQuire Street. .,iuli.(i for June 18. The eighth Johnson Co., Edison. I,, will KU on an excursion to —Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth Mor- Yei, you can do it yourtftlf, even tf you'w never pointed befort, btcauu Iblft Yurk tomorrow. They will see rison and daughters, Suzan and • namel l> tip«cially mods lor YOU to use ... qoti on easily, smooths llttlf «ul, fel,n',v at Die Music Hall and takeGale, and Mrs. Ann Tennenbaum, driei to a hord, porcelaift.lika finish that fetiiti dirt, grimt, greas*. WiM Mi ;,i rid.- around Manhattan. Ethel Street, together with Mr, Hospital Croup chip, track or peel; washes perlectly. Moke sure you get the can with ttlt R6ODEVII on it... the tan with Ih. RESULTS right In it. and Mrs. Norman Gardner and 2 t! ; h.ivr' tK-en hired for the trtp. $010 Fill I OX 1 - do'lhe avtroge bathroom. TK« $6.93 •<*>*. tracheis' lunoheon will be childtenArlene and Freddie, held A I ULk ^ I i omy (allsn liti doe; the average, ki the limt day of school, June a picnic Sunday at Roosevelt Park. To Start Drive —Everet Phil Tarn, son of OPEN Everett Tarn, McGuire Street, will WOOTJBRIDOE—The annual FRIDAY PLAN TO VISIT US REAL SOON Mi;. ,hi\ Trnen, president of the membership drive of the Women's Home and School Asso- celebrate his ninth birthday. Wh«n you spe what we have to offer TILL 9 P. M. Saturday. Auxiliary of Middlesex Rehabili- HALF and HALF! you'll agree here are Jalousies as ias nuined committees as tation and Polio Hospital, North John Georges, Prop. jlims class mothers, Mrs. O. O. —Mrs. Morris Glantz, Wall Brunswick, will be conducted from Richer than milkl Lighter Jalousies should be. I Good and Welfare, Mrs. Street, will entertain her mah June 1 to Septefber 20, JB55, under than cream I th Morrison; hostess. Mrs. Jongg group tomorrow night. ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS the leadership of the president, JALOUSIES AMBOY FEED CO. Inc. ,i Weber; membership, Mrs. Present will be Mrs. Alex Oold, Mrs. Haydn Raabe. This auxiliary i.ini Barnes. Mrs. Milton Berlin, Mrs. Burt was organized in June, 1952 by a 27 MAIN ST. Oeorie Walsh, Prop, Ciiniuiitiilntions to Mr. and Levinson and Mrs. Murray Gold. group of six women from Highland 6E0RGES WOODBRIDGE WO 8-0121 i jiwpii Becchlna, Isabelle •—Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Park and now represents twenty- OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P, M. 279 New Brunswick Ave. Phone HI. 2-1350 Perth Amboy ei. on the birth of their George Byrne, Jefferson Street, seven chapters throughout the hiii at St. Peter's Hospital. were Mr. and Mrs. James Welch county. sii/im Lynott, daughter o! Mr. and daughter, Linda and Mr. and Mrs. William Harmson, Colonia. This is a voluntary, non-profit Mrs. Leo Lynott, Isabelle hospital, containing 26 beds and i niiuki-d her third birthday, —Vincent Passanello, son of Mr. staffed by an administrator, resi- CLEARANCE DO-IT-YOURSELF II ay A patty was held Sun- and Mrs. Anthony Passannello, dent physician, physical therapists ON ENTIRE STOCK 11iii her guests included Mr. Wall street, made his first com- and nurses, plus auxiliary person- Wall & Floor Mis Kinfrsley Roe and chil- munion Sfttwilay." nel necessary for the functioning UNPAINTED RITCHIE'S :i K.UTII, Kevin and Michael; —Saturday guests of Mr. and of a rehabilitation center. It Is LIGHT! •Mi Mis John Roe, Miss Carol and Mrs. Wally Mitchell, Mercer equipped with all types of physical, For your coffee, cere&l and FURNITURE Mi.v, Harriet Sherwood and Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Max electrical and hydrotherapy equip- frails! SALE TILE 1 ,.,III Sherwood. Splner, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Berg- SUdin? Door Bookcase ment, including the Elgin Exercise Available in AiiiiiviM'sary greetings to Mr. man and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brook- Table recently donated by Local Adjustable Shelves OI JC Mr, John Lahart and Mr. and off, Newark. 130 Middlesex-Monmouth Interna- Reg. 26.00 « *• *^O Anthony Foley, all of Mc- —Anniversary greetings to Mr. tional Ladies' Garment Workers Nite Table 1"l 90 PLASTIC-RUBBER-ASPHALT <;••• Street. and Mrs. Thomas McCann, Atlan- Union—a most modern piece of Kei. 16.00 iO>£t\J Latest Colors and Patterns Km. Ann Canevarl, daughter tic Street. equipment for physical therapy \l!\ ,md Mrs. Al Canevari, Isft- —Congratulations to Mr. and 6 Drawer Dresser O C f C AUTHORIZED and used, not only for polio vic- Reg, 43.S3 00./O We Carry All Makes of i- street, received her first Mrs. Anthony Pausanello, Wall tims, but also for rheumatic, ar- .niunmn Saturday at 8t. Ce- Street, upon the birth of their thritic and other paralysis cases. 4 Drawer Dresser QC OA AGRICO Reg. 30.65 60.OU INLAY LINOLEUM .i s church. Iselin. A comrau- third son 4$, Orange Memorial Hos- The hospital is presently operating CUSTOM VENETIAN BLINDS TO DRESS VV YOUR HOME DEALER , breakfast was held at the pital. , • at capacity and a waiting list has J Drawer End Table 1 (* A C ii-v,ii i home and June's grand- —Monday evening Mrs. George been necessary for the out-patiejnt MEDIUM! Reg. 19.95 IX) .*tO mix Mr, and Mrs, John Ro- Byrne, Jefferson Street, attended, a department. WOODBRIDGE FLOORS, Inc. LIME-PEAT MOSS Light- enough to pour, heavy STEP LADDERS |di v.eie quests. shower in, honor of her sister. Mar- During 1954 there were 5,667 in 4G8 Amboy Avenue — .1. & 1). Varey, Props. — WoodbridRe, N. J. HUMUS -Paul Frandano, ton of Mr. lyn Yardley, at the home of Mrs. patient days, 124 admissions and enough to whip! art 4.60-e FT 5.49 BURPEE FLOWER Mrs Peter Frandano. Atlan- John Gibbons, Elizabeth. 114 discharges. The out-patient AND VEGETABLE SEED : 'i'-t. celebrated his seventh '-Betty Ann Cumn, daughter department was visited 3,927 times SCREENS Sunday. Quests were of Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Curvan, a"nd 6.149 treatments were admin- In Stock—Most Shes .mil Mrs. Stanley Chrostow- Mason Street, marked her ninth istered. At present 8 post-polio In- LINCOLN Large Assortment in-ci children, Dolores, Cecelia, birthday Monday. patients from five counties are 1.98 SHRUBS • • FOB Yard HARDWARE & PAINT COMPANY "ui and Julin, Steven Nelson, —Birthday greetings to Mrs. being physically rehabilitated. ROSES It uul Joseph James, Robert Ernest Gousman, McGuire Street, The hospital hopes to start its Beautiful DUPONT PAINTS — HOUSEWARES EVERGREENS atti Hare, Jim and Peter and Mrs. Joseph Coi'cione, Mason Occupational Therapy Section In 3treet. the very near future. Front Entrance Doors GARDEN SUPPLIES — ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FRUIT AND SHADE \ siveiiy recovery wish to Phil —Brownie Troop 91 will meet at Stain Grade Mahogany St. George Avenue at Avenel Street TREES inn, son of Mr. and Mrs, '.he home of Mrs. Milton Berllne. IN PACIFIC AREA No Lites ''4 Kutzenco. tsabelle Street. COLONIA—MS/3 Norbert Wels, THIS WEEK SPECIALS Free Advice Kiucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Carl —Robert Rose, son of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wels, HEAVY! S'O" x 6'8" x 1%* .... IT.^O ism, Ethel Street, Saturday Mrs. Benjamin Rose, Wall Street, West Street, has left San Diego, Whips like a dream! DUPONT ALL STEEL Free Soil Test Mrs Mollie Lenox and Miss »U1 celebrate his sixth birthday, Cal.. for duty at Pearl Harbor. B Panel Colonial 1 C flfe RUBBER WHEEL Quickly I Entrance Doors 1O.UU Town & Country |ri"[i U-nox, Woodstde, 1.1. frlday. He will have a party Sat- Japan and Australia. OUTSIDE WHITE Mrs, Raymond Chalt, Atlantic jrday together with his uncle, HOUSE PAINT WHEELBARROW RITCHIE'S " entertained her canajta 3eorge Rose, who will celebrate his A House Armed Services sub Reg. 13.95 9.75 ! Wednesday. Present were jlrthday, too. Present will be Mr. committee unanimously approved 4.95 gal. a program providing nearly $1,- New Jersey Lumber GARDEN CENTER Muurice LeLb, Mrs. Erwin uid Mrs. George Rose and family, HEAVY BODY SHINGLE STAIN, gal. 3.00 )i«l, Mrs. Nick Klein, Mra. Mew York; Rudy SneWer, Michael 000,000 in additional training fa- Inman Avenue •e Byrne and Mra. Noah Rap- 3zembetto, Newark; Joan Glass- cilities for a ready reserve of 1- And Millwork Co. COLONIA noan, Joseph Carey, Donna Stanzel 9,000. 826 ST. GEORGES AVENUE FULL LINE OF DUPONT CUSTOM COLORS (Just West of Parkway) md David Swift. : Ackermaa, daughter, of WO. 8-0114-0415 § TEL. RA. 7 - 0270 • RA-7-1280 and Mrs. Roland Aekerman, —A meeting of the Menlo Park1 date Sunday at a-i>lcnlc. Guests "We Prize Your Good Will" i street, celebrated her sfce- Chapter of the American JewUli, were Mr, and Mrs. John TofllowsW ijirthday yesterdly. Congress was held last night at the and children; Mr. and Mrs. John tI'lmmas McCanr^, son of Mr. Jewish Commjinity Center, Me- Smith and children; Mr. and Mr* SOUR! \ Mrs. Thomas McCfcnn, At- tuchen. Guest' speaker was Alex- Larry Barnlkow and Mr. and Mrs Refreshing with vegetables MICHAEL BODNAR - Gardener Be Street, made his Ijrst oom- ander Brooks whe spoke on the William Bergln and family. and fruits! "IOII at St. Cecella'4 Church, topic, "The Commission on Law —Anniversary greetings to Mr, DO IT YOURSELF ) Open house was held at the Mid Social Action bf the American and/ Mrs. Edward Ahr, Atlantic 32 LIVINGSTON AVENUE AVENEL mm home. Quest* w«re Mrs. Jewish Congress and What it Street, who celebrated Monday. McCann, Jersey City; Mr. Means." ' -t-The bridge club met at the When yoio tee the ELSIE "STEELE'S MASTODON , Mrs. Michael yoldftrt, Mr. —Sunday guests of ,Mr. and home of Mrs. Jerry Winner, Tu DAISY 00 the carton, you •! Mrs. Angelo Polito and Qhll- Mrs. Milton Berlin, Isabelle Street, day. Present were Mrs. Gerald James and Michael, Mrs. will be Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berlin, Weil, Mrs. Fred Jeselsohn and Mrs, know it's I . PANSIES" P olow, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred] Berlin and Paul McDonald. j Grown by Mr. BodiUr In his field at th« end of Center Street • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Orchow- family, Dr. Harold Berlin and torn- —Our sympathy to Mrs. Ben* ; In Avenel »l sun, Robert; Mr. and Mrs. ly, Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Bein-' tamin Rosen, Wall Street, on the Untry and children, An- itock, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Bein- death of her mother. TSordtris Telephone WO 8-3888 — If No Answer Call S-1956-J • Prank, Joseph, Ann and jtock and family, Mr. and Mrs. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ladoux, in Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. 3am Berlin, all of New York. Ethel Street, and Mr, and Mrs. Ii Zukoweki, Matawan, Mr. —Karen Jan Tauch, daughter of Jerry Levine, Union, who havt •Mrs. Walter Rombaldcl and \tr. and Mrs. Henry Jan Tauch, Just returned from,their honey- See Our Fine 1 l moon, attended a show In Newark. CREAM "' >. Walter, Richard and Mason Street, made her first com- WE'RE AS CLOSE TO Selection of n, Spotewgqd; Mr. i and munion Saturday at St. Cecelia's —Birthday congratulations to tun Rosen ahd Mr. and 3hurch, Iselin. A party was held Mrs. Herb Rosen, Atlantic Street YOU AS YOUFj. TELEPHONE V Kdward Slavin, Jersey City. ijid guests included Mr. and Mrs. ind Mrs. Bea Eosenthal, IsabelU L'i'lit! Mah Jongg Group-met »t 3. James Jan Tauch and daughter, Street. WALLPAPER CLEAR CEDAR '<>"ie of Mrs. WUllam Kroner,. Lynn, West Orange; Mr, and Mrs —Frank Juarez, son of Mr, anc" Both Pre-$a?ted and 'lie street, Thursday. Pi-esent iteven Jan Tauch und children, Mrs. Frank Juarez, Ethel Street PICKETS Mrs. Jay Tenen, Mrs. K«n- iteven, Jr., and Barbara, Revert celebrated his fourth birthday Dial Regular Morrlson, Mrs, Saul Krita- 3e&ch; Mr, and Mrs. William Jan Quests were Mrs. Chor,^ ZulU ftuuh and children, Carol, Bil! md sons, Charles and Donate, HI 2-0180 Tour Choke of 3G» _ 42- _ 48" u' and Mrs. <»8rte Byrne, vnd Ray nee. Mrs, Nicholas Moralda and sons 1.000 PATTERNS "Jii, (ieorge, Jefferson Street, —Good luck and best wishes tc Nicholas and Dennis; Mrs. Lee 1 4>c and up I a bowling league banquet \rthur Bi'Auer, McGuire Street, oji Cedrone and children, Barbara "•" ' P, Saturday nlfht. the opening of his new drlv.e-lr Lorraine and Robert; Mra. Xdwart HI 2-0181 •re wishes for a speedy )n Lake Avenue, 3adowskl and children, Peter POULSEN'S Gordon's Rahwa: to Jacklyn R»pWn«, —The Canasta Club met at the Richie and Ann; Patricia, Llridi of Mr. *nd M«, No»h lome of Mrs. Seymour De Witt, md Cathletm Juarez, 118 MAIN STREET Builders Supply Ithel Street. Present were Mrs* —Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthui Free Estimates Cheerfully Given—No Obligation Ladoux. Ethel Street, WednatdA? Al your food Hoi; Co. B Peppi, daughter of Norman Gardner, Mrs. Edward v at your J»or. WOODBRIDGE 1(1 Mra. Anthony JPeppt, Kelly •tyluszka,, and Mrs. Abe Landsman were Mrs. Helen Peak uid ato 280 ST. GEORGBS AWNT Robert, Eaat Ol'RPW- Fords Coal & Lumber Co. mtirked bir third b,lrthd*y —Joseph C/urnik, son of Mr Ui KING OEQHGE ROAD FORDS nun* WO. I • IMS Bahwaj • ,*A. 1-ttM jind Mrs. Joseph|Cxarnllt, MuGulrt , —Welcome home to Mrs, Barne Weisman, Ethel Street. FREE DKUYEWT Strwt, celebrated his Uiiil birt,h-

•'•('• INDEPENDENT-LEADER PAGE TWKLVK THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1955 FORDS HOPELAWN KEASBEY Revaluation Urged Officers Elerlr 'Honor the Dead by Helping the Living' Merit Awards (riven Keasbey Fireman 1 By Better Schools Ry Hopelawn I FORDS—The Bettor Schools As- HOPELAWN - E;,,ni,, sociation met nt the home of Mrs. firm was held by H,M,ii., Joseph Sims. 52 Koyen Street, and morlnl Post, 1352, V y \y welro-ned Mrs. Walter Ming Into mcetini! in 'post hdariqii;ni..',, membership. Those mimed wen. C A letter was sent to Mayor Hugh Thomns, commander; ,i,, B QulKley urging reassessment Pierre, Sr., mid John !s, snd revaluation of real property vine commanders; John i •' for the purpose of raising funds for <1u it rtermastftr;'Prank Yin! nTfssary additional schools. lutant; Arne Rasmussrn . • Mrs. Geor#e Hnfely reported on Herbprt Blltrh,, judKi' tin- Inst meetliiR of the Board of Kdwiird Sroaka! three-.,• Kdurntion and Mrs. Irving Knhree tee, and Elmer Seuiuk, . -ubmitted a report on the Citi7,ens County cuunrll Uol'-u.n- Council. ivm-p Wnrrcn Fullerton ,n ,i Mrs. Kahree Will cenvftss the F.-dnr with Joseph K.IM•',' members on May 21 for books to Honry Korzeb a.s •„;'• be donated to the Township li- Elected eighth district ,i ', .'•: braries through the Citizens werp Paul I.nnd, Josepi, Council. Clmrli's loowr, Wnltn The dark horse prize, donated and Josrpii Skar/enski by Mrs. Harold Sorenson, was won mrnt encampment (iri..|.,,:, by .Mrs. Sims. Mrs. John Sorensen '(1 were, Kor/eh j and Mrs. Sims were in charge of t-ir and SilftRi. hospitality. Insttilliitioiv of dfiiii | The next meeting will be held i'.cld Juno 18 nt post he,!(|r June 14 at the home of Mrs. Kroiika, milRoinK cdnininii.! Kahree. comr-d Semok into meini,, poppy drive will be hold y, conjunction with the au\ The post drill team \\\\, Club id Present pute In Memuriiil Day ,, Hnpelawn at the fini;, march in the Woudlii;,: School Prizes Iselin parades Unit cl;iv tlon was voted to the Ku; Fire Chief Banyacski and members of the Protection lire Co.. Kcashoy. have rfcrivi-d a Merit Members «f the Ladies Auxiliary of Hnpekiwn Post. VFW, drnirutcd this window at Lund's FORDS—The Fords Woman's Well Camp. t'onfettioiipty Store to remind residents to buy a buddy poppy to help veterans in hospitals, and Democratic Club met in the Award from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America. Inc.. for their Fire I inters March their families. Scandinavian Hall and welcomed here. Charles Banko served us chairman of the cumiuiiKii vhirh wised Sl»7. Left to right are Mrs. Julia Eickler into member- Mr. Banko, Chief Banyaski, Committeeman R. Richard Krauss. anil Mldiarl Koperwhats, ship. president of the fire company. Fords Auxiliary Has State Office Mrs. Sue Warren, president/an- Lady of Peace is Setting nounced prizes will be awarded to » r- local graduating classes for ^'atti- Elects Mrs. L tude." On behalf of the club, Mrs. Dunkelberger - Slater RitesPTA Celebrates Of Paone-Strafj1 Wedding Adolph Quadt will present two FORDS —Mrs. I)umi employed as a stenographer in the prizes at the opelftwn School's 25th Anniversary was elected president ui • "C FORDS — Our Lady of Peace eighth grade graduation and Mra. Auxiliary of Fords Mim, -: Church was Uie setting for tye perspnlfcl department of Foster- Held in St. Mary's Church Wheeler Corporation, Carteret, Jennie Blanchard will present two were Richard Smith and Steve 8090, V. F, W.. at a nv : H£marriage of Miss Georgians Marie at the School 7 graduation. FORDS —Miss Elizabeth Ann FORDS —The twenty-fifth an- in post headquarters. Hi, -.Straffi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her husband was educated in Slater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Illes. niversary of Our Lady of Peace 6ch90ls abroad and now operates Mrs. Betty Fazan, ]ji The couple will reside at 224 Mrs. Dorothy Fan-in :in: ~ Benjamin Straffi. 20 Poplar Street, chairman, presented a patti Francis Al Slater, 159 Broad Street, School PTA was celebrated in the Others named wen. \ii Z. to John Paul Paone, sou of Dom- his own business, John's Shoe Re- Perth Amboy, became the bride of Sherman Street, Perth Amboy, on school annex with 650 guests and pair Shop, Perth Amboy. test, "I've Got a Secret," featur- their return from a trip to Canada Burke, senior vice pr:.i -. The double-ring ceremony was Quadt gave several piano selec- dolph Bartonek. Mrs. Louis Berte- Esflher Sundquist. Ruaixi : ! in St. Mary's Church, Perth Am- orchid corsage. • •"" performed by the pastor, Rev. John tions. * kap, Mrs. Francis Dodd, Mrs. Aler Margaret Larson, i,:,i H.R Grimes, New Slate of Officers Mrs. Dunkelberger, a craduate Mrs. Gertrude Egan won the boy. The pastor, Very Rev. Msur. Ivan, Mrs. Paul Bauer and Mrs. Trustee for three years, v "*'•• Escorted to the altar — the illusion neckline. The full sicirt perwhats; vice president, Steven satin. The basque bodice had a Heinig and Mrs. Violet !>,• "•"•with back panels of nylon tulle, ex- pany, Perth Amboy. A buffet supper was served and Fiscu;, secretary, John S. Ko- By Rosary Society wing collar and long pointed dance music was furnished by the alternates. .'*, tended into a cathedral train. Her vacs, Jr., treasurer, Charles sleeves. The bouffant skirt with District delegates rl. ',• • veil of illusion was attached to a Melody Men. il A' ere I Phelffer. Chief, Steve Katron- FORDS—The entire slate of of- tiers of accordion pleats, was Bride-to-Be Honored Mrs. Lucille Lovas, Mrs F\ .': I'fi.l "' queen coronet of seed pearls and sky; first assistant chief, Mi- MttS. A. A. OVERGAARD ficers of the Altar Rosary Society trimmed with lace. Her veil was sics, Mrs. Marie Novak : Zj' rhinestones. She carried white or- arranged from a coronet of rhine- .il Mrs chael Burchack; second" assis- of Our Lady of Peace Churcff was At Surprise - Shower Diane Gaydos Christened Mildred Gallagher. A: • ::.ucs| •••• cliids, stephanotis and lilies of the F O* I) S — Mrs. Arthur A. stones and seed pearls. She car- tant chief, Steve Faczak, Jr., Overgaard, S15 Main Street, reelected at a meeting held in the were Mrs. Sundquist. Mi 1- J'-.viillfy on a mother of pearl prayer truck forman, Robert Collins; school annex. ried whit,e orchids and stephanotis FORDS — A surprise bridal "At Lady of Peace Church ton, Mrs. Betty Lunii ,,i. 'r. book. was elected trustee to serve as on a prayer book. hose foreman, Charles Banko. Third District vice president at Those named were Mrs. Ray- shower was given Miss Dawne Westlake. C., Miss Doiorest Delia fietro, Fords, Frank Banyaski is the retiring the 61st convention of the New mond Levandoski, president; Mrs. Miss Dorothy Dunkelberger, Marie Pfeiffer, daughter of Mr. FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Robert A donation was vuirl the' bride's niece, was maid of chief of the fire company. Jersey State Federation of Wo- Helen FJeld, vice president, Mrs. Fords, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. John D. Pfeiffer, 178 Gaydos, 158 Winchester Road had Kiddie Keep Well CM;-. •"""honor, while a cousin, Miss Ruth men's Clubs held in Atlantic Julius Demeter, secretary; Mrs. was maid of honor. Mrs. Helen Ford Avenue by her attendants, their infant daughter christened Burke requested final n: ",. Decibus. and Miss Catherine Ctty. Stephen Martlnak, treasurer. Slater, the bride's sister-in-law, Misses Sally Sorce, Mary Ann Sev- Diane in services held at Our Lady made by May 23 tor i, j. D'Augustine, were bridesmaids. Clam Bake Projected The final meeting of the season and Miss Ann Ballas, both of chuk. and Joan Pederson. of Peace Church by Rev. Johij special project. BTwo other nieces. Miss Georgianna Mrs. Overgaard is a past June 6 will feature a covered dish Perth Amboy, were bridesmaids. Miss Pfeiffer will many Bruce C. Grimes. The sponsors were Mr. ! president of the Woman's Club A dark horse prize, tlni,. ^.{straffi and Judy Ann Straffi, were By Hopelawn Engine Co. supper, Reservations may be made Ellen Rafter, Metuchen, cousin of Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Cackowskl. Mrs. Farrlngton. was nn ^j junior bridesmaid and flower girl. of Fords, having served as presi- with Mrs. Francis Karabinchak, the bride, was flower girl. Charles Petersen, 57 Grant Ave- dent tor six years. She has also A dinner party for the imme- Novak. A social followed >. •* Eugene Tarautino, Perth Amboy HOPHLAWN-Joseph Kasctyk Mrs. VJoseph Cosky or Mrs. Helen William V. Slater, brother of the nue June i at 4- P. M. in Our Re- diate family and spdnsors followed. Burke and Mrs. Dorothy I H. served as best man. Ushers were served the club as second vice Kovacs. bride, served as best man. Ushers deemer Lutheran Church. and Amos Yanotka were welcomed president, Junior Woman's Club Open house was held later, , charge. •~ Peter Cavallo, Perth Amboy, Frank into membership of the Hopelawn ~ Jr. and Benjamin Delia Pietro, advisor, and as chairman of pro- Engine Company at a meeting gram and year book, radio and "nephews of the bride. Daniel held'in the firehouse. '^Straffi, another nephew, was ring television, drama and art de- A clam bake will be held June 5 partments. She served a two- !** bearer. on the ftrehouse grounds. Members £• The couple will reside at the year term as president of the planning to attend are a£ke,d to Junior Woman's Club of Fords; «. local address on return from their contact Chief Stephen Estok. Biggest, Most Beautiful, Highest-Powered Car ™- honeymoon to New England and has been a member of the State £ Niagara Falls. For KOing away the Members of the company will Federation Board for three years .". bride wore a navy blue 'suit with participate in local Memorial Day and served on the State Fall -i navy accessories and a white or- services to be conducted by Hope- Conference committee for three ^Chid corsage. lawn Memorial Post, 1352, V- F- W., years; at present she is* a mem- EVER PRICED WITH THE LOWEST! Ii Mrs. Paono is a graduate of beginning at 9 A. M. and the ber of the State Ex-Club; is •-'WoodbridRe -His;h ^chool and is Woodbridge municipal parade at serving as vice president of the 10 A. M. The firemen will meet at Past President's Ch* of the ::m^ijf •^vii>,!V'-? $"*. 8 A. M. at the firehouse that day. Third District and treasurer of the F.mmav Club also of the ADDITION TO FAMILY Third District. FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yurcick^ 48 Hanse* Avenue, are TO MEKT IN LIBRARY the parents of a daughter bovn In FORDS—The American Home the Perth Amboy General Hospi- Department will meet May 26 in tal.' the library.

What more appropri- M you can find where* •' • ate way to show how Jf| much they mean to g| you than with flowers! m Send a token of your m to buy anything love this wonderful S way. She'll appreciate S it so mjjcli. ^ FLOWERS f We Deliver and Telegraph (see Florists) Twm, WALSIIECK'S FLOWER SHOP AWNMGS 305 AMBOY AVK. WO 8-1636

i* GUARANTEED! mHE i»Ki, handsome Pontiac you see here represents thu Strenk V-8, 200 H.I', witli 1-barroi carburetor*, ppro- JL greatest automubilu value in America! vides nijore power than any cur within hundred of ALARM Keeping ia injnd the fact that this Porttjac 86(J dollars

-'•••. • jNnfirfiNDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PAGE THIRTEEN Girl Scouts Present 54 Books to Barron Library COLONIA ACTIVITIES Sewaren Notes Democratic Club 491 vVXt Avemir Meets in Keasbcy Rv MIIS. HENRI STBUBEL —Over 700 persons attended the Hv Mr- Percy Amlrti 2H ColonU BoulmM spaghetti dinner at the home of KEASBEY Thr Kpftsbcy Man's Mrs. Abton Till, St. George Ave- New pupils. entninR nchool Democratic Club met In the .and Mrs. Robert Hamll- nue, chairman of the ways and ii September, may be registered of Joseph Sebesky, county commit- Ml ShadowlBwn Drive, were Itnn. 13 meant committee of the Women's tho Sewarpn School on May terman and discussed zoning ordi- Saturday at a party for Republican Club of Coionia. I hosts 24 and 26. They nances and rc-rentlon requlre- members of the —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morecr.ift must have oms. Colonla Sew- and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strubei, their birth and The club went on rerord to »p- ing Club and Colonla, attended the Avaiel Re- v a co in a tlrtn uueli me State BoHid of Health their, husbands. publican Club card party at the I certlfleite wiih oi:,ii(nim lonil wai.T pressure. «tt Present were: home of Mr. nnd iwrs. :hem nt t!,o ;;t.s .umounsed tliat t:ie matter Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, Avenel. limp nf enrol)- if uunip.i'.K along Florida Orovs Dennis Collett, —Josfnne Glascott, who makes m nt nnrt must nnd l.Bii oet'ii re'ttrred to U\i Mr. and Mrs. her home with her uncle arid aunt, he five yenrs ii,ard of Hi.-alth.'"' Charles Wtch, Mr. and Mrs. Henry U.shoefu-. 2 old on or be- Dominic K»bana, Anthony Pro- Mr. and Mrs. West Cliff Road, was taken Into Ime Oct. 31, antK. Juan Fanititwicz. Benjamin • Robert Sawyer, the sodality at the annual crown- t)»nu:ct. Hichard Boland and.' Mr. and Mrs. Ing rites at St; Cecelia's Ciure.h, LOIIP, iie.enm were welcomed -;Th(- choirs Alvln Rytnsha, Iselln, Sunday. Jehu's Church will meet iU) uieiitij. i«.;ip Leon JegUhsky ,, ,,|,,i MIS. Clyde Edrlngton, —Mr. and' Mrs. Anton Till, S . in the church at res.dwl. ,, ' . ,,,l MI nnd Mrs. Henry Strubei, deorge Avenue, entertained Mr. II ,,| coionia Village. ftnd Mrs. William Risky, Si-., nnd iETS W'EUniNG BATE Ml", and Mrs. William Risky, Jr., onflrmation class of St FORD3— Miss Francis Barkan, l, and Mrs. Philip Jannar- Belleville1. •lolm's Church will meet in the 20b nmud Htn\t. Perth Amboy, pn(, mid children, Peter, lynn, —Tl)e Colonia College Club win •lunch iliis rvenlni? at 7:30 o'clock WHS iiiv. n ,i inisivhanccius »noiW<- (ilciin, 141 Long Hill Road, meet at-Coionia Library Mfly 21 with ft v, Orvllle N. Davidson, cf oy .vas. iVuuv n, 67 Fora" nuest.s of Mrs. Jannarone's Guest speaker will be dr. Ralph •ft. Murk's Church, Cnrteret. Avenue, \ass Bnrkan will marftr ,!. MI-.,. John L. Brown, New BrOnca'.l, director of t!:e Diagnostic The You'll Fellowship 6r St Harv.y Hheruutu. freehold.-June riuli.Ulli. IM. Center at Menlo Park. Mrs Jo eph tiihn's Churrn met on Tuesday ,6, Mr., Maurice Frell, Jersey Cahlll was elected secretary of the Tcninn in the Parish House on THEATRE l'AKTY .. ...prut several days with her club, Women wishing tn ion are I'llff Rond. asked to attend 'he meeting. KtASBZY — The Keasbey Wo- lu i,iw and daughter, Mr. The Vestry of St. John' Mis E. E. Graham, 3 Pine —Mr. and M>:>. Vtetor Birisch Church will mVet tomorrow eve- t.nh Uimoer.Uic Club will hold a and chllriren, Jhiron, Ehie and ning in the Parish HouSe. thwure party ai Mlllburn tomor- row. Mrs M. J. Miller, 35 Pine Victor, Kimberley hoad, atten: ed The Board of Directors of th a picnic sponsor-dby the Medical ( ,. r Drive, entertained the nny-lour books wtre presented tn the IVirrou Library by Girl Se uui nm>ii in utoiuiny. lima n>w. \:U to riuht. Umla l.nmard, Home and School Circle will mee Mission Sisters in Pox Chas;, Pa. in the apartment at 418 Cliff i..!ii>u!\ (.'lub. 'Present were Mrs. BCTnice Kovac, Karen Carlson, Mildred Lorsons, Nancy Jackson, Mrs. Carolyn Bi-nmunn, liliiaii.uv. Mrs. lYi!li;:in t. HuUrrs, assistant at the school next Thursday a -Mr. and Mrs. William S. librarian; middle, row, Barbara Ernst. Virslnia Pnimmond, Carol James, Mai-Bard IWenko, Mis. William Knvar; l:ark row, Mrs. 1:30 P. M. Road, recently vacated by Mr. and hard Hubbard, Mrs, H. J, Tar- Vesely, Jordan Road, entertained Frank Jones, B«tsy Ruth. Judy Ann Frey, Jane Ford, Katliy I.eisen, Vanry Wiisbbiirn. Mary Ann t'rimn. -Mrs. W. W. Bri-ndasse. Hoi- Mrs. William Burns who are living Mrs John Mclsaac, and Mrs. William J. Vesely, Mrs. Joseph ton Street, left Tuesday for a visl in their new home on Holton urn Koffel, all of Pine Tree Koudelka and son, Alan and Mis. in Boston, Mass. Street. Emll Vancura. Long Island. --Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stein and pastor of Ihe First Presbyterian Hio (ilri'Ct'on of Mrs. Frank Mas- Mr. and Mrs. Dnvjd Balfour, Week-end Kuests of Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Doll, East Cliff son. Kennth, 45 Fifth Avenue, Church of Avenel has chosen "You zur will sing the nnthem. "Abide •• —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Me West Avenue, were the dinner ., (inline Graham, Olendale Road, attended the wedding of her Avenel Personals spent the week end with relatives Too Cun Be Sure of God" as his With Me" nt the 11 o'clock service Crcery. Rod Miss Elizabeth Me guests in New York, of the Hon. wire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas cousin, Charles Fischer to Miss in J»rsey City. sermon topic for the three worship Creery, Luzcrne, Ph., were tl services Sunday. The Westminster PTA MFCTING week-end tuiests of Mr. and Mr: Leonard Ware. Washington, D. C., i.iyuor, Philadelphia, Pa. Margaret Marker in Bayonne. , By MRS, DAVID DAVIS —Mrs. A. O'Donnell. Bayonne, v Choir under the direction of Mrs. John WIlverdlnR, West Avenue. who has just returned from Isra- Mi and Mrs. John C. Orauff, —Mr. and Mrs. John Bablc 15 Lenox Avenue, Avenel visited her son-in-law and daugh- FORDS- -The PTA of St. John's Charles Miller will sing at the 9:30 —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cougl el, where he was a representative |S stiaiiowliiwn Drive, entertained South Hill Road, entertained nt Woodhrldie 8-0452-J ter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ascough. Episcopal Church will meet May service and the 3enior choir under lfn and son; Glen, are now livin of the State Department. (yli nnd Mrs. William Oeldhauser dinner In honor of the first com- —The Pride of New Jersey —Rev. Charles a. MacKemle. 26 in the church auditorium. ;.niv William, Jr., and Arthur. munion of their sonttPaul, at St Council Sons and Daughters of point Pleasant. Cecelia's Church. Attending were Liberty will meet tomorrow night -II. my Gallit. Chain 0' H11U Mrs. Louis Kathe and Mrs. Pau' in A v e n e .id has returned from a busi- ifoblc, Rah way. Rev. Victor Gra- School. es irip to Montreal, Canada. brlan, O.8.M., St. Joseph's Church —The Junior Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hodum, Carteret; Miss Mary Bradley, Car- Woman's Club teret; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vi- pi., iiml children, Eileen and of AveiMl will cmko and Mr. and Mrs. Emll Inga mk., 174 East Cliff Road, were Tuesday Colonla. •st,, u( Mr. and Mrs. Prank night at the —Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. lodum, Union. home of Mrs. if you want to cover Victor Scaturro, Kimberley Rond, James Mulli- Mi. and Mrs. Francis Hayes were Mrs. Mario Ignetzi and ch 1- gan, 152 Inmun d Mm. Kenneth. 152 East Hill dren, Phllomena, Angelina and El- l\venuc. a t lad ami their guests, Mr. and vira, New York; Mrs. Patrick Ma- which time the "s .lames Shaw and daughter, chlaverna and daughter, Caroline. revenlini; o f i!t!v, attended a performance Danbury.'Conn., and M. Sgt. and ecret pals will take place. f 'South Pacific" at the Paper Mrs. Matthew Scaturro and chil- —The Ladies Auxiliary of Ave- 1ill Mlllburn. dren, Rose and Michael, Wilming- y\ Fire Company will sponsor a Mr and Mrs. Henry Horns, ton, N. C. ;ard party May 27 at the fire- Siduc Lane, have returned from —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanton louse. Tickets may be obtained visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and daughter, Arlcne, New Dover :rom any member of the aux- Viillaec. Louisville, Ky. Th« group Road, and their house guest. Miss iliary. The public Is invited. Half the Kentucky Derby. Ann Urbanskl, Brooklyn, visited the proceeds will be donated to the Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Hege- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nemith. Avenel-Colonia First Aid Squad. and daughter, Susan, 101 Carteret. —The Brotherhood of Cong re- Hoad, attended a party Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Doll, East atlon Sons of Jacob will sponsor It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cliff Road, entertained Mr. and a variety show May 28 at the Ave- Rash. Woodbrld2<\ »n mark Mr. Mrs. George Schaffer 'and chil- nel Jewish Communitly Center. Rasl,\ birthday. dren, Robert and Carol, Jersey Over 40 children, between five and City. 12 years old, from the "Fords Mu- -Mrs, Arthur Helm. Mtdfleld —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witte- sic Box" will take part in the hour entertained at a demon- mund, Clover Avenue, entertained and a half show. Tickets may be gives you MORE/ |tnitiim party. Guests were Mrs. at a family dinner party in honor obtained from the chairman, Ed- t Jake way and Mrs. Stanley of Mr. Wittemund's birthday, ward Stern or any member of the Statcn Island; Mrs. Owen Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brotherhood, oodchild and Mrs. J. Maclaln, Tuerpe, Floral Park; Mr. and Mrs. —The Ladies Auxiliary of Ave- [JiUiway; Mrs. E. Dowling. Mrs. Casper Ruppe, Mr. and Ma. Hel- nel Memorial Post VFW will meet Klose and Mrs. E. K. An- mut Ruppe and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Monday night at 8 o'clock in the |frson, Carteret; Mr*. Lester Schaetee, all of Bayslde aqd Rob- post club rooms In Club Avenel. •lm. Coionia. ert Wlttemund. Jr., Colonial —The Sixth District Democratic —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grzy- Avenue. Club of the Third Ward will meet owski and children, Joseph, Jr., Wednesday night at Fitzgerald's SELECTIONS! mi Marian, Wllkes-Barre, Pa., New Member? Welcomed Tavern. Route 1. Township of- ere week-end guests of Mr. and ficials have been invited, to speak. Stanley Grzybowski, Mid- By Little League Unit Any resident of the Third Ward, food Way. FORDS—The Mothers' Auxt.1 interested in joining ls welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pawow- lary of the Fords Little League attend the meeting. FIBER RUGS and children. Genevore and met In the Amboy Avenue fire- —Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Levy, |a:-ulyn, East Cliff Road, were house and welcomed Into member- 60 George Street, attended a Perfect Quality Ui Ls of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ship Mrs. Bernard Frey, Mrs theater party In New York City, Limit 2 to a Thojim Pochanskl, Mrs. Oerhardt Saturday. They saw "Witness for I'-rcr. Breton Woods. Customer Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Gre- Deuker, Mrs, John Jensen of the the Prosecution." Phillies and Mrs. Frank Varga of y. Hoffman Boulevard, have Pfc. Robert Mazzur. son of Mr. Beautiful, colurful, the White Sox. from a business trip to and Mrs. Frank Mazzur, 10 Lenox lone wcarliij! It was decided to purchase water priced'. York. While there they spent Avenue, left for duty In England Jugs for teams that need them veral days with Mr. Gregory's last Saturday after spending a 14- Mrs. Robert Donnenwlrth and the SIZES PRICED Hfnts, Mr. and Mrs. Francli A. day furlough with his parents. Pvt Red Sox were in charge of hospi- Mazzur was formerly stationed at JUST AS LOW! |rei!ory. tality. Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wash. Anthony WielkopWci. Wllkes- Mrs. Joseph Chapinski and the —Mrs. Harold P. Wilson attended anc, pa., ihas returned home Tigers will be In charge of hospi- the convention of the New Jersey Jl''r a visit with his son- tality at the June 20 meeting. State Federation of Women's Jj)-law and daughter, Mr. and Clubs in Atlantic City, May-10-13, I"*• Stanley Grzybowski. Mld- ATTEND CONVENTION as representative ol the Avenel «i Way. FORDS — The following mem- Woman's Club' Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson, bers of the Fords Woman's Club —"One in Twenty Thousand" is Lane, entertained attended all sessions of the N. J. the title of a film on lung cancer breakfast In honor of their State Federation ol Woman's Club to be shown tonight at 8 o'clock in fui;:hter. Htlen, and Carole An- convention held In Atlantic City Avenel School Auditorium. There daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Overgaard, Mrs. Nich- will be no charge for admittance ''I'hi'ii Andrews, 301 Colonla olas Elko, Mrs. Elsa- Rosenblum and children under 11 year's of age ilfvm-d.' who received their first and Mrs. Joseph Fed^or. Member will not be admitted. Produced by pmimmion. attending sessions on Thursday the American Temperance League were Mrs. Oeorge Moilnar, Mrs, Miitthew Hratko, 130 East the film will show an actual lung Edward Legenza, Mrs.-.Frank Var operation being performed by Dr. fill Road, was sponsor (or Wwl- ga, Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs, of Mrs. qte- Alton Ackner, who has been presi- The art department dent of both the American College ;. zawtaunr*!, Pa«alc. at 'hi, ^{veT anaw^d for the repor Famous Matico »iii i matum. j of 'Surgeons and the American submitted by Mrs. Chester Bagln- Cancer Society. Pawow'itz, dau(h- ski. —Mr. and Mrs, Louis. Dudas, 473 Plastic >f Mr. and Mrs. Stianley Paw- Jansen Avenue, entertained at /.. celebrated her fifth blr-th- INKANT CHRISTENED family dinner party Sunday in • The Right Tile for at a family dinner. Quests FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph honor of the christening of their the Budwt Minded 1 har grandparents, Mr. and Kulschlnsky, 15 Summit Avenue had their Infant daughter chfls Infant -daughter, Maureen Dudas. I':- J H. Scherer, Breton "Woods The ceremony was held In Sf. An- Beautiful Colors I Mrs. Fred Horns, Newark. tened Janice, In the Fli'st Pi'es|y- terlan Church of Woodbrldge by drew's Church with Rev. John J. t Easy to Keep Clean Mi. and Mrs. WUUam Wels Egsn officiating. Sponsors were I son. Gilbert, West Street, Rev. Earl H. Devanny, Sponsore were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. David Dudas, Vails- tut several days at their summer burt). Ws So Easy to Install! in Lake Hopatcong. Woodbrldge. SWERDEL & CO. REAL KSTATK AND INSURANCE * Announce thdr Appointment as Agents for INSURANCE GROUP Writing Fire -Auto - Casualty and Hospitalization 2*4 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge, New Jersey Phone WOodbiidge 8-3599 SAMUEL SWERDEL INDEl*ENl5ENT-LF.,v r ,- THURSDAY, !1AY 19, 1055 security fund in the Federal ted vice president, uf ti,, •. PAGE FOtmTEEN successfully to cope with what Association of Statp i),,, face of this staggering total of Treasury has reached |4S4,641,- now seems to be the nation's Veterans Alt airs . . . v ,»..• ef Others funds and hutnan suffering—for 124.66 . . . New Jersey farmers greatest problem In health — should act now to be sure they hi i?ew 'Jersey this Hannery-Skibo .__ from Editorial mental anguish Is usually harder should secure a copy of to bear than physical pain—only The N*w York Time*. have labor available for the CLASSIFIED to the technological revolutions, planting and harvesting seasons, edition of "New ,!n .i ab«ut W0 million* a year U now ties" from the State i >.., and to the social problem re- the State Employment Service Wedding is Held being spent for research on pre- of Conservation ami i • MISCELLANEOUS • sulting from a world greatly State House Dome wains . . . State Rent Control • FEMALE HELP WANTED • vention and cure. Mental illness Development. ,\ New i, shrunken by modern oommunl- (Continued from Edltorl*! Page) Chester K. Llgham has taken un- EDISON ELECTRONIC TUBE CO. FORDS-'-The marrlafre of Miss cost* the nation over fi billion* mertare planting the ii i, EXPERIENCED OPERATORS cation and transportation. new restriction and who found der advisement a request for the MENU) PARK. NEW JERSEY Marian Irene Skibo, daughter of • year, counting lo»t incomes of nlng tomato crop on ,, himself without the necessary removal of rent controls on Section work, pnrt or full time, All types of Radio and Television Mr and Mrs. Michael Skibo, 50 But the first requirement, be- greater acreage than i those afflicted, yet the research equipment to inject insulin. rooming houses in Newark trainees considered. Tubes. All tubes brand new, 40%Central Avenue, to James Robert fore educators can do this job, investment to combat It is only , . . Attorney General <; CARLEEN SPORTSWEAR to 50% off list price; uuarantetd Flannery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Is to house adequately all the First Lieutenant Charles one-half of 1 per cent of the BATTLE:—New Jersey will Young nf West Orange, last Rlchman, Jr., hisbren :>,. 51 Essex Street one ye»r. Tubes tested. TVre de- Joseph Flannery, 81 Peltier Ave- students. The proposed 120,000,- to the Committee on '., cost—7 cents a year per person celebrate the 175th anniversary year's Air National Guard win* CA-1-8791 livery. Call ME-6-1170 or write to nue, Metuchen, took place Sunday 000 school bond issue Is the only In the United States compared Delinquency of the Nun 5--19 - «/l of the Battle, of Springfield on ner of the Earl T. Ricks Mem- the above address. Price list sent afternoon In St Nicholas Church. way this basic requirement can with $62 for alcoholic drinks. soclatlon of Attorney The Most Rev. Julius Wojtovlch, be met here In tlm«. June 23 next. orlnl Trophy jet race will com- free! 5/12-5/26' Not only Is the need especially pete annul or) July 2 from Los . . . Construction of ;•• -OPERATORS WANTED performed the double-ring cere- Every responsible citizen In Governor Robert B. Meyncr story office building i acu^e for more research In this Angelas to Detroit . . . Major BEST MADE DRE3S CO. PAINTER AND DECORATOR mony. the school district should resolve will soon Issue a proclamation personnel of the stu:.- field but recent developments General James F. Cantwell 37 Cooke Avenue Free Estimate* The bride, given In mftrrlage by now to cast his vote In favor of designating the date as "Battle ment of Labor and im. give promise that dollars given Chief of Staff, New Jersey De Cnrteret, N. J. v Call CA-1-4825 her lather, wore a princess styled the bond issue.—Dayton Daily of Springfield Day" In compli- the vicinity of Trenton to it can be Immeasurably pro- partnwnt of Defense, Is inspec 5/19 - 6/23n V:J,TKDE&CO gown of skinner satin with a Jiews. ance with a resolution adoptei consideration : . . Ni« 1 lii« United States Air Force In Chamllly IRCI bodice and train. A ductive. For example, even wiW by the Legislature, The Cover -..death toll from niotoi t Plllmore Avenue steliations if* Germany and SEVERAfi GIRLS to address, mail crown of orange blossoms held her The trustees of the, Ford the comparative pittance being nor's proclamation will dire;i thui far this year i«s Carteret North Africa , . . Scholarships postcards. 8pare time every 1/5-5/28 fingertip length veil of Illusion In Foundation could hardly have spent, new 'tranquillizing drugs that appropriate patriotic ob 223, or seven less limn week. Write Box 161, B«lmont, have recently been' discovered servance be had throughout th' have been awarded to 135 stu place. She carried a cascad? of chosen a more fruitful field .to dents in the several State teach which occurred up I,, i Muss. " 5/19 - 6 9 DARAQO'a which give promise of epocha State on that day. period last year. roses. cultivate with $15,000,000 than ers colleges of New Jersey . . AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL The matron of honor was Mrs. that of mental health — and relief. If anything like th< On June 23, 1780, the Amen • MAM: I1ELP WANTED • Largest and Oldest In County amount of money and effort ha< can forces under General Na New Jersey once again Is tops Heien Ststzko of Metuchen. especially the area of research &APITOL CAPEHS HydrafnaUc, Fluid »nd Standard been given to It as have been thanlel Greene consisting o in the nation In re- Bridesmaids were Mrs. Marian Into which, over the next five to ceipts per-acrc, the Slate Depart ter facilities adjanni EXPERIENCED construction fore- 280 McClellah 8t., Perth Aroboy Haack a nil Miss Mildred Plplk. ten years, the funds will go. spent on tuberculosis and polio regular troops able assisted b man. Must, be able to read blue- Call HillcrMt 2-7365 the results by now might alsc the militia of Springfield an merit of' Agriculture announces State House for use In i both of Metuchen. Peggy Ann Care and treatment of the ernor and members ut t: • prints and do all types of heavy 5/5-S/26 haye been sensational the neighboring .countryside sue . . . Coollna equipment (or chill- Haack was the flower girl. mentally ill cost federal, and lature Is definitely i 'construction work, including road ceeded In repelling the best e ing fruits and vegetables have Joseph Flannery of Irvlngton state governments alone more The" Ford Foundation gran' sltterntlon . . .With i< •, and sewer work. Write to Box 241,IF YODR DRINKING has become the British Army and Its Hessia been set up in most of New Jer- served as best man. Ushers were than $1 billion a year, for one will go far to take up this la sey's produce auction markets and democratic t»ln t i < • • Woixlbrldne, N. J.. giving full a problem, Alcoholics Anony- mercenaries. The event trmrke mous can help you. Call Market Michael Cafohe of Belleville, and out of every seventeen people In but,' as President Qalther has . . . Salvatore A. Bonlempo, Dl~ nallly adopted, pni.h details. 5-19, 26 Martin Byrne of Nutley. Robert the last attempt of the Brltb 3-1528 or write P. O. Box 253, said, they "will not meet th 1 rfCtor of the State Division of both parties muy nuv. i> ooney oi mmm wa=, w,* ,,.„—„. , til?-United States now xsuflerr to Invade New Jersey. Mooney of Nixon was the page boy. total problem." Far more sup Veterans' Services, has been elec forget about the \.uin, • WANTED TO BENT • Woodbrldge. The couple will reside at 28 Elm- , from an ailment of this sort ant JERSEY JIGSAW;—New Jt> 5/5-8/26 port is needed, from both publli wood Avfnue, Metuchen, following more than half of the hospital sey's balance In the employnu" SHELL OIL COMPANY employee a wedding trly lo the Pocono beds art used by them. In the and private agencies, If we a" desires two- or three-bedroom GETTING ENOUGH HOT WATER? Mountains, Fur going away the • imfiirnlshi-d house by June 15. iLJme scale removed from para- bride wore an aquamarine wool Phone WO-8-1000 ext 306 or PL-I colls, tankless heaters. Work done suit wttli white accessories and a 7-0725. 5/19 corsage of roses. BUSINESS DIRECTORY - - In your own home by specialists. All work 'guaranteed. Schaible The bride Is a graduate of Perth FOR SALE Lime Scale Equipment Co. WBAmboy HIKII SCIKJOI. Her husband was graduated from Nutley High MAYTAG WASHER, wringer type, 2-4999. t Service Station 5/5-5/26 School and Is associated in busi- • Plumbing and Heating • t-xcollent condition, reasonable. Musical Instruments ness with Planner's Department I Glazing 4T Lowell Street • upstairs i or call AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE Stuiv. Nixon, as sales manager. ' Coal CA 1-7952. 5,19 ASSOCIATION ENROLL TODAY Established 1902 in our WOODBRIDGE TOWNE GARAGE • MISCELLANEOUS • NAT SMITH & SON Over *,5OU,0O0 Members COAL - FUEL OIL BEGINNERS * J. F, OardiVr \ <-i Nationwide Service Father-Son Picnic 570 Amboy Avenue WO 8-1056 Plumbing & Heating ATTENTION: Time to plan your ACCORDION 493 RAHWAY AVI M I lawn Let us do the hard work. Ferd Kertes, Local Agent OIL BURNERS OPEN DAILY 8 to 8, SUN. 8 to 2 PROGRAM • Remodeling . WOODBRMHil Roto-tilllng. expertly done,, rea- 317 State street, Perth Atnboy Outlined by Group We Furnish and Install Remember, there sonably. Call for free estimate. Phone Hlllcrest 2-1148 • New Installations Tel. WO. 8-.»r, i 5/5-S/26 All Types of is no accordion to WO-8-3302. 5-12, 19 FORDS~The Mothers' Club of NO MONEY DOWN t Gas and Oil Burners We're SpecialWs ii. Boy Scout Troop 2 met In the home RESIDENTIAL GLASS buy. Chrysler Products Little Women Hostesses Of Mrs. Ernest Blanchard, 24 Louis LOCKSMITH WORK Complete Line of Musical 24-Hour Service Bear Wheel Aligmmiil Street and planned for a father 3 YEARS TO PAY KEYS' MADE Instruments at Lo^ Prices Call WO-8-S046, 111-2-1312 Precision Tune-uiis Donations Voted To Mothers at Banquet and son picnic at Roosevelt Park • Brake Service Free Estimates TOOLS L. PUGLIESE • A. LIPO June 5. EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER Transmission Service By Legion Unit FORDS—A mother and daughi Mrs. Joseph Sedlvy co-hostess I No Obligation to Buy GARDEN SUPPLIES AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC ter banquet was held by the Fords for the meeting presented mem- HARDWARE • PAINTS i Little Woman's Club in the library Ed. Bonkoskl, Prop. FORDS—The Ladies' Auxiliary bers with corsages. The next meet- CALL SMITH with Mrs. Harry Miller, counselor, ing will be held June 13 In the FLOOR SANDERS AND • Sporting Goods of Fords Unit 163, American Le- S57 STATE ST. VA 6-1290 In charge. home of Mrs, John Boelhower, 131 gion, met in post rooms and voted WDGE. 8-1400 WAXERS FOR RENT PERTH AMBOY Plumber Corsages were presented to Summit Avenue with Mrs. Steven donations to the American Cancer board members and mothers of Elko as co-hostesfi. All types of Society anitf-the Kiddle Keep Well members. Miss Patricia Zybon, Mrs. Wlllard Neary won • Jewelry Service Pet Shops Plumbing - Heating Camp. ' president, welcomed the guests. dark horse prize. AVENEL Mrs. Ellen Christensen, poppy The program included selections and Repairs chairman, requested auxiliary by Carol Jorgensen, accordionist; COAL & OIL CO. members to participate in distribu- Scibienskis Entertain 186 REMSEN AVE., AVENEL songs by Lois Ryder, Gail Lund, AVENEL FASHION CREDIT JEWELERS FINS, FUR tion of popples May 26 to 28 inDiane Seyler, Carol Fischer, Lynn On Birthdays of Sons 826 RAHWAY AVE. 589 ROOSEVELT AVENUE WO 8-3098 conjunction with the post sale. Elko, Ruth Sorensen and Evon CARTERET ElkO, KUtn ourtyiacii auu ~.— and FEATHERS A floral tribute in observance FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hlrner. Elaine Pastor accompanied CA-1-6308 of Mother's Day was presented to on the piano. Scrtbienskl, 67 Pitman Avenue, Drug Stores Pet Shop Radio & TV Service • Mrs. Kathesine Lucka, Mrs. Helen gave a party in honor of the birth- Cserr and Mrs. Julia Kocheck, the days of their sons, Peter, 3, and • DIAMONDS Foods, Medicines and unit's Gold Star Mothers. REEL REPAIRS A •«r«.inllV Routine Meeting Held Bernard, 2. 1 Miss Julia Dani won the dark • WATCHES Supplies tor Every Pet Reel Checked, CleanH I Mi-lietl, Quests were Mrs. Elizabeth Avenel Pharmacy AL'S RADIO horse prize, By Fords Fire Company Greased and Adjusted i '" Rock. Mr. and Mrs. John Babo 994 RAHWAY AVENUE • JEWELRY FORDS — The Fords Fire De- and son Dennis, Mr, and Mr*. Jo- & TELEVISION (or Only *• PENNY SALE PLANNED WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 FINS, FUR & FEATHERS partment met in the firehouse and iieph Cosky and daughters, Mary • GIFTS (plus parts, If ni'i'ilHl FORDS—The Mothers'. Club ol \t Main Street Opp. Town Hall Prompt Expert Repairs St. Nicholas' Church met in thevoted a donation to the Kiddle Martha nnd Julianne,, Fords; Mr. Expert Watch and "Home of Red I'm! and Mrs. Frank Rock Jr. and PRESCRIPTIONS RCA Tubes and Parti church auditorium and made plans Keep Well Camp. Willard Neary Jewelry Repair WOODBRIDGE 8-1601 We Have — in st», k presided. daughters, Dale and Susan, Far- WHITMANS CANDIE8 Batteries for a penny sale to be held June Lillian and Ed Miller, Owners • CUSTOM-MADE l'Ol I - 20 in the church hall. The. public Second Assistant Chief Louis mingdale; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cosmetics • Film - Greeting Cards 34 PERSHING AVENUE • MAINE-MADE M'11:- drill Everything In Pets struct local firemen in Perth Amboy. A. Klsh, Jr., Prop. WILDLIFE PICTUU.s HAND AND POWER (trained) AUXILIARY MEETING demonstration May 20. RAYMOND JACKSON The members approved monthly LIONS TO CONVENE LAWN MOWERS Telephone CA 1-5089 HUNTING AND FISI1IM, FORDS—The Ladies' Auxiliary FORDS—The Fords Lions Club AND SON i meetings for June, July and Aug- LICENSES ISSl i;i) of Fords Unit, 163 American will meet May 23 In Lopes Restau- FOR SALE Legion, will meet May 24 in post ust with drills to be held the third Sharpened • Repaired TROUT WORMi Friday of each month. rant. Druggists rooms. DUFFY'S Ask How You Can llm 88 Main Street BICYCLES FOR SALE One of Our Tropliir- Parts and Accessories TELEVISION & Woodbridge, N. J. RADIO REPAIRS ANU It's one time a fellow should be choosey" Telephone 8-0554 Hardware • De Voe Palnta Ul U mi MI; Mercury Outboard Motori Telephone ME. 8-0189 SNORTING GOOI^ 256 Monroe Street, H.iin^> Sales and Service • Monkeys • Rabbits Service Calls Made From Furniture Telephone *A T :.!• i Assorted, Potted Plants 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. ALBRECHT'S Majtag Washer* and Dryen PORCH AND PATIO KEY SHOP 1382 OAK. TREE ROAD FURNITURE SALE 124 WASHINGTON AVENUE ISEUN, N. J. CARTERET • CA 1-716S NOW IN PROGRESS (NTH PET SHOP Next to B*H» Drug Store "CARTERET'S LITTLE ZOO" Winter Brothers Liquor Stores t Wayside Furniture Shop 80 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Railings Better Furniture — Lower Price* Carteret 1-4070 Telephone Woodbrldge 8-1W9 Hlfhway 25 Avenel, N. J. ! Woodbridge ORNAMENTAL Open Dally 10 A. M. ti 8 P. M,| TAXI SERVICE Liquor Store Photography IRON Phone Woodbrldce 8-1577 RAILINGS JOS. ANDRA8CIK, Prop. JUST PHONT Complete Stock of Domestic Custom Made FuneraUDirwtors SPECIAL - FREE and Installed and Imported Wines, Beers Quality Work WO 8-0200 and Liquors 8x10 COLORED Fast and Com In ii 574 AMBOY AVENUE , 12 Thank Ybu Cards $300 up SYNOWIECKI 1 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. jNewipaper Picture Free Estimate Servii. *-' Funeral Home • Moving and Trucking • 46 Atlantic Street M. WOODBRIDGE I I Complete Moving Job W(»OI»'-' Carteret, N. J. WO 8-3146 3 Rooms 125 ' 5 Rooms $35 Telephone Carteret 1-5715 4 Rooms $30 6 Room* -40 Reaionable Storage 30 Dayi Free Tiling All Loads Insured—10 years exp. • Roofing and Siding t ECONOMY MOVERS NATION-WIDE MOVERS STEVEN Henry Jatuen & Son Ceramic '/''*' The tour most important things in »nv man's life! Rahway 7-3914 FLYNN & SON Kitchen and I*"11'" His Birth — 48 State Tinning and Sheet MeUl FUNERAL HOMES 507 Leon Ave., W«»«H» HUkllihed M VM™ Arrange for your Roofing. MeUl Cettiit|«|aBd His Deathhull — Movlnt 1 420 East Avenue Wedding Picture NOW Telephu" " Perth Amboy Service Furnace Work |i HijVocatiJn increasing and colleges arf graduating fewer ' 23 Ford Ave., Fords 588 Aldeh Street VA B-03S» AGENT About your birth you have nothing to »uy. each year. In 1954 the univeniiiei turned GALLARD'S PHOTO National Van Lines Telepbene 1-1211 Your dfath is largely beyond your control. out only 19,000 graduates in the Engineer- 547 AMBOY AVENUE Uilfonns Woodbrldje 8-3651 Woodbrldge, N. J. About the selection of your wife — you will ing field compared with 50,000 in 1950. STORE SALES R. 0. T. c. Open 10 to 6 have much leu to say than you have been Obviously there i« need (or action to bring According to statistics, retail \ This year's graduates of the Re- Mon, and Fri. Nights to 8:30 UNIFORMS serve Officer Training Corps have led to bejlove. But "your vocation —it'i• American youth and thii opportunity store sales In March were 8 per Services cent ahead of March, 1954, total- been notified that they may ob-_ your choice alone, it'i in your own handi, together. * ing $14,600,000,000. The figure i« tpln deferment from the draft for' > Plumbing and Heating • two years. In the past R.OT.C. You decide. Within our date —or dote by —there bawd on the advance report of re- tail trade conducted by about 1,- traduttes could obtain only a are • number of inititutioo*, with MUrid REFRIGERATION iERVICE Engineering, at a vocation, u an oppor- J00 retail concerns which operate year's delay. The officers, how- ever, mutt request the deferment, Cluirles Farr Prompt — Expert lUpaJn on tunity thai it/knocking at your door, u courwi in Engineering training, ft would about 37,000 stores In the United luniiy tnai iff Knowing si joui uuui, >• «»<»• ... «.,.....,....„ w .. State*. or they wilt be subject to service • Refrigerators opportunity bat never knocked Wore. ' be well jo write them for information con- as usual. Flmnblng - Heating BUWENBlT t Washing Mnqhlnep The demand for graduate, fengineen it «eming preparation tor Engineering degrcei Electric Sewer Service t Dryers • Ironers OLD LADY-(to parachutl«t>~ Or In The Senate MVMmerafj** of the 75 ye«n «| eatofet ','1 really don't know how you can ar any other MAJOR APPLIAHCl him from that till Uiinr The It U mighty hard to bellevt Amtrko* letiety er Mtthtnltul'" ' WoodbrMge I-05J4 Mhftnce #1 ittipenM mujt be terrible," that conversation la a lost irt 105 Haganun St., Ctrterft J»tchuti«t •*• *No, mumLlt'i while wu are waiting for your (tl UNDEN AVENTE WIUC JIRVICI ILKTWC AND GAI COMPANY tyrn at the public Ulsphonr— IBV. N. HMOS, Prop. wffen the suspense kbit iherrghat v ...(....ill- mlaku '• e, N, I. it's terrWi" •'i__ CA.1-7135 \ •// you iliinjjjf wist, tlww to your , MAY ift, simonsen to Seek Fifth Win Against Carteret Tomorrow

WmniGets 'Lucky tV Marksman Trophy "jcops Post 5th Win St. Mary's Toppled In Row in Pistol 6-1 on Basarab's League; Tie for 1st 3rd Win of Year

WOODBRIDOE —'vThe Wood- WMODBRTDUF. C'Ui-h Nick '•>nrtf>«' Township Police ,Pistsl ot's nrwrrnis will DP nut gun- •I'fiini. In a brilliant" display of f»f tlii'ir ninth win of the mnrksmanr,hlp, whipped Manvllle, n tomorrow afternoon at. 3.30 inn-1146, for Its fifth' straight Ciiitcrot High establtahts victory in the Central Jersey »:aiy residence at the local League. The rtonquest elevated •im diamond Earlier this tile local sharpshooters to a posl* WnodbridRp tripped St. tion where they are now tied for Mmv ; ot Penh Arnbory. 6-1, -• flr.^t place in the present stand- Bill Siminsen. who has rolled up foul nrniglu wins (or the Red ITS NICl! TO HEAR THAT ... W'bodbridge's total score of 1170 has been tapped to face •' is the highest recorded by any Our Lady of Peace has entered teams in both the ." Ramblers. In his last outing , team in the circuit thus, far this fl>:;iinst Plainfleld he1 hurled a Recreation Junior and Intermediate Leagues with Ted season.' Pi'evlous to their recent ing ono-hittcr, and struck. ' rflnrt, the township squad checked Satajczak slated to manage both clubs for the time total of 11 batters. Elth«i- • • in with tallies Of 1166 and 1188. Vic Krhwartz nr Jack Slivkn -will Ons of the reasons for Wood- being Artie Dunham Is knocking the cover off the work behind the plate, with ' 1.1 bridKe's clean-cut triumph was bail down in the Texas League with second place Simonsen on the mound. the outstanding shooting of An- Mlr Dallas. At present, the former Barron star is leading Dons Kinn. the Ramblers' men- Kflo Zuccaro who peppered the !nr. li,i.i not as yet decided upon targets for a 296 score out of a the circuit in triples and home runs. . . . George si sMrtins! pitrlicr. but In all prob- possible 300. The Port Reading Sirnpfendorfer, Ben Buckin and John Tokoly were hon- ub;!itv R:«v.-« Dorku will get the patrolman compiled his total by ored by the Gerber Plumbing League for receiving the nod in tw the rubier. Thus far • scoring 38 point* in the slow-fire Ihi.s reason Canoift h:>s posted a phase of the competition, 98 In high average, high game and high set during the past mediocre 5-0 record. the time and a perfect 100 in the season. ... Don Newcombe, the Brooklyn Dodger ace, . Tiwsdiiy afternoon, Woottbrldge rapid. ! posted its eitihlh victory of the Elmer Krysko and Phil Yaco- lends his financial support to the Colonia Dodgers. . . . I,,. I urkv Kicht, <>nt of Wnodhrldm-'s must u.tivc sporting organizations, honored one of its mem- nitniiainn against f;mr defeats on vino were also in the upper brack- August Scutti won the Junior National AAU Weight- , the streiiKtii of Mike Basarab's ,,-. I It.u Alilanl. ;it a recent meHinit for Ills achievements during the club's annual Spring Rifle ets for the victorious Woodbridge i well-pitched three-hitter against ,,...... ,,,.-i,l at Pa. Alihai.i arrrpt-d the Lucky Ei ht marksmanship trophy from lifting Tournament at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with K club with marks of 295 and 291. M.iry's. , ,.l. ..I Adams aftrr firing a !>2 score mlt «f a possibie 100.I n the ab(m WlB| membm wit. a total lift of 820 pounds. The Keasbey Eagle member Mike Wass was top man on the 'lie win was Basarab's third' „ ..».! fakm* part In the presentation arc from 1.ft to right, Michael Manganaro Harry range for Manville with a 293 ; of the sensun and undoubtedly his I'.i/vrkl. Adams, John ySchwar/., Alibuni, Lou Homer, Jr., and Walter Merwin. has a fine chance of making the 1956 Olympic team tally. ellart from the diamond po- Wnoribrldge returns to action Johnny Shallock may enter a small Pennsylvania col- dium The Iselin churker was fast.. Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock lege this fall. • setting eight batters down via the Optioned by Pirates at the1 Main Street range with oodbridge High Golfers folD YOU KNOW THAT ... mrike-oul route and walking'6nly'.,' Mack Motors of New Brunswick three. His mound opponent, Marty furnishing the opposition in the Police Sergeant Andy Simonsen struck out 18 batters HIT, was fhaifted with the Saints' scheduled league match. \I)roj) 2, Snap 5 Game Skein in his first appearance with Woodbridge High School set hark. „ •' WOODBRIDOE Take Early I^ad ll'M':' HHC )K -- After »x-|of breaking into the scoring col- SP TP In a game against Metuchen,. .. Addie Cunningham HP Woodbridgs jumped into the skein to five umn during the maffch. A, Zuccaro 9» 98 100 E, Krysko 98 99 98 rolled a 259 game in the Bowl-Mor Spring League. . . . leud in the top of the second in- ., ' ;i a 1 -!-0 triumph over Lakewood berame^ the second P. Yiicovlno 97 87 91 ning when Pat Barbato and Vic !:• i!:- Wfi:;dl)rldKe High A Lmlwls 98 92 98 Joe Grimaldi is vacationing in the Virgin Islands. . .. club to upend Woodb ridge this Schwartz started the mild upris- • i :\\r\, encountered rough •season with a well-deserved win. i 1170 The Barron track squad picked up 16 medals at the MM, SIMONSEN ing with back-to-baok singles. i)'. ... mw two in a row to MANVILLE Only Wheler, the Barrens' most Long Branch Relays last Saturday. . . . Nick Priscoe After one pitch to the batter. Urr : iJ-o, and Lakewood, SF TP BP TX Bill SlmonsiMi. the Barron consistent golfer, defeated his op- M. Wnss . 98 96 99 393 threw to second base in an at-' • was an outstanding water'polo player while attending senior who has notched four ponent and that was by a 2'..-^ A. Perslnko 96 96 97 289 tempt to pick of! Barbato; the' T. Lapivy 92 95 585 straight mound victories since 1 !i Link Tamboer's swingers T. Glurh Rutgerg University. . . . Charlie Molnar's favorite pas- ball bounced into center field, al- 95 89 95 279 the start of Hie 1955 season, is ,i p;nuc shootinK against K (i Neptune (0) lowing the fleet-footed Barron to Beres time is studying charts. . . . John Tomczuk is operat- scheduled to take the mouiyl 11:1 wneii Emll Beres, Robert 1146 come in to score the first run of f'urlson Brand tomorrow afternoon at the local i:i. Hichie Wheeler and WhMler J. Bnrone ing a thriving driving school.... Nutley once defeated the game. At this point Basarab Thompson F. Barone stadium diamond when Carteret i hiiinp'.son dominated their Woodbridge, 83-0, in a one-sided football game. . . . drove a grounded through Corej High moves in (or its second ;• in-, over the 18 holes with Woodbrldir (II) Union (U) at shortstop which enabled Percy Wukovets at cne time was regarded as one of meeting of the sprine in Wood- ij;fi• r checking in with 3-0 Bern . Postell STRIKES Schwartz to come around to tally Wheeler OBtroskl bridge. Carlson Mitt* the best scholastic pitchers in New Jersey. . . . The the second run of the frame. Thompson Ruppuport and ! .HI interrupted the Barrons' looal American Ler ->n Post will present a trophy to St. Mary's narrowed the margin »- ;. D.v .shutting them out with Woodbridcc (J(i> Ukrwood (»'. Beres Woodbridge High Cchool's most outstanding athlete somewhat in the bottom of t ,i:;- score yourself; Mark pable r«placement available for steady work behind the plate. Montice;io 49y2 48& Avenue managing and handling publicity for the of Edison Township, 9-8. single to left field; then Barba •idiees 1-2-3-4. You get ten every spot In any emergency. Fif- Before atoning with Pittsburgh. Mt. Vernon 49Vi 46»/z Bobby Kolibas, the hottest walked to set the stage for Joh tor a correct first pick, five freshmen and sophomore baseball teams. .. . Michael teen of the men on the squad can Peterson was an All-American Arlington '. 40 56 pitcher on the Barron Club, sub- Shallock, who drove both run ennui, three lor a third and play more than one position catcher at Rutgers University. Paul'Revere ' 37 59 Sisko edged Daniel Goryl and Hack Chomicki by slim dued South Plainfleld with a bril- ners home with a tremendou^t >::i'. for a correct fourth Honor Roll liant one-hit shutout perform- triple. Basarab, the uext swingw" margins to top the Woodbridge Service League with a : l'.wsity is average; thirty, Individual high scores: Charles ance. While working off the rub-dropped a hit into center field to fine 174.18 average.. .. The Amboy Service and Repair f>:t> very good, and fifty Bennett 207, John R. Zullo 209, ber, Kolibas fanned 16 batters to score Shallock and put Wood- Hornets Stampede Dodgers Ed Aleskie 226, Joe Gougeon 215, bowling team was honored at The Pines last Saturday lift his total up to 27 for two bridge on top, 5-1. v b:uk in 1901 the two John Tokoly 200, Anthony Valentl for winning the Saturday Mixed League title.. .. Billy games. The win was the Wood- Errors Help .r.i.'u.-s Imd a total of only 215, Ben Buckin 224, George bridsre chuckers' second this In the top of the seventh in- . u* r.s are getting into the terolo arid Mickey Schneider, who Bud DePederico, the Hornets' (Final Second Half Standings) rens 'had of starting a victory hits apiece. •• i U-pcio of the Red Sox,split the mound assignment. versatile third baseman, gave his W L streak disappeared when Bob Woodbridge (Gl !'^.uded as a slugger, hit Pratterolo worked the first three spring batting average a boost This is Your Little League Plaza Barbers , 32 16 Griffith drove in a run with a AB - R H • M i-arly April games, The Inning* and checked the Colonia after collecting two doubles land a single In four attempts, BVat- American Cyarujmid 31 % 16'i single in the eighth . inning to Kuzniak, rf - 3 0 1 • »t this week's quiz is to nine with two hits. Schneider terolo, who carried a potent bat. Bob's,TV 27 21 EQITOR'S NOTE: This Is the Now the hard part of the pre-break an 8-8 deadlock imi hand- Britton, lb :i o l tinier distances in major made his debut in the center of belted a home run in the second Cooper's Dairy 27 21 third! in a series of articles ut- season drills starts. Bach man- tContinued on Page 161 (Continued on Page 16) lurks. the diamond in the fourth and finished up allowing a pair of safe inning with the bases loaded, Saturday Niters 26 22 tlng forth the functions and ager, under Little League Rules, i''- lonsu'st distance from blows. ' Also playing major roles in Ser- Woodbridge Conf'y .. 19 29 aims of. Little Le&rue baseball. must cut his squad to the limit ill-Hi- to left field In the Fjrst Aid 17 V2 81>/2 of IS players. There are also age Hornet Managers Jack Tobias vjqc Electee's 13-hit attack were The material is being submitted i Washington's 386 feet. Victor Giordano and Bob McNulty Mt. Carmel Vets 12 36 by the Woodbridgfe organiiatlon restrictions, such as t)o team may HI you name the park with with two safeties apiece. Honor Roll to familiarize thfc public with have more than five twelve^year- !i--.t left field barrier? ( ) 'Junior teams located within the Team high game. Saturday the program. old boys and each team must have '• -Stadium, New York; ( ) Niters, 939: D. Cosgrove 155, J. at least Ave in the 9 to 10 age County Circuit township and desiring independ- Last week the financial setup 1'ielrt, Plusmirgh; t i Pen- Tobias J6S. L, Simonsen 217, j. group. This Is another balancing ent, games with the Hornets, are of our local Little League! was ex- I'ark, Boston; "i ) Polo Demko. 177, C. BohlkS 212. effort on the part of the Llttla requested to telephone Tobias at plained and now you will find out Yankee Stadium, New a lew. These men 'are dedicated from Memorial Dsy (MM 30) son Monday with seven teams set , ' W L 1 > Polo Grounds, New 31 to help curb Juvenile delinquency through August 5—10 weeks of to break from the barrier. Marsh & Ryan .... 65 1 ' Municipal Stadium, On freeway Card i through the activities of the Little baseball enjoyment for the towns- Woodbridge T-ownWilp wlU be College Inn 63 City; ( i Ebbets Field, V.F.W. 4410 33 League. Each one tries to Impart people. epresented In the league by two 54 '/*' 41 Vt MORRISTOWN — Novice stock American Legion some of his knowledge of the game Our Little League Is divided in earns, OuV Laiy of Peace ami 50 M» 45 Vt H takes a 352-foot blow to car racers, packing a tremendous White House of baseball to the younger genera- two divisions, American and Na- Ted's Diner of Avenel. The Fords 48 48 tin' right field wall at entertainment punch, will be back Fltz Contractors .. tion in order to help them in later tional, each one separate and nine will be managed by RataJ- 45 51 RHYTHM BOWLING* 1 -key Park, Chicago. Which on the racing scene Friday night Iselin Taxi !.., 43 years. distinct. At the end of the season, ozafc, while Ted Nardone la set 63 A'.uld you say has the hlgh- at the Morrlsfcown Raceway, It was V. P. W. 2636 14 82 the divisional champions play a to guide Avenel through the 1965 Selection with AMF 1 Forbes Pitta- matically assigned to the same balanced teams as $arey, Perth with the ] sport's followers who 206, J. Uahy 20UR, Oerity 211, League crown. Amboy; Calso, Perth Amboy; Mel- Uam. Next, to fill tbe voids left found the performance^ of the G. Washburn 243, F. Modavis 206, Openlnt Ganles the Polo QroundJS, New rose gportlng Goods, New Bruns- untried pilots a refreshing chance by the graduation of the twelve- SPECIAL INVITATION 209, The Little, League 19W season •' 'lit of 279 feet Is needed wick; flt, Mary's C.Y.O.;, along from the more serious professional year-old boys, the Woodbridge to all clubf, league!) and Results will start on May 30 with a dou- other groups! each Die left field foui line. with Fords and Avenfel strength- motor battles. Player Draft System Is u»d. , Three-game winner, Fitz Qon- ble-hender at the Stadium at the Our AMP Automatic Pin- von name the park with the ened for the tough frind ahead. Last week Joe Soranno, operator tractors over V.P.W. 2(136. This system takes all new regls foot of Van Buren Street. These sputters make U'WJi bowl- distance to left During the course of the season, of the Hanover Road motor com- Two-game winners: College Inn trunts and those boys who did not tames will pit the fit. Anthony's ing more fun for one and p»rle, Boston; the MW-County loop w'U) play its petition establishment, staged the over Marsh & Ryan, White House play with a team last yew. Try- C.iXi. Oubs against the James' all. And offer a stadium. Milwaukee; games on Monday and Tuesday first 1855, novice event, putting it tavern over Isejin Taxi, y. p. w. ouw are held for batting, fielding Motors Glantti In the National Wide choice of dates and Stadium, KansaB evenings at fields in Perth Amboy. on as a special event with his 44l0 over American Legion. and throwing under the watchful Division and the Maura Motor hours tp suit your sched- Yankee Stadium, New Fords, New Brunswick, South regular five-race N&9CAR pro-' eyes of all managers. At an ap- keep against the C.I.6. Browns ules. Call us today for River. South Amboy and Avenel. gram, and again the grandstand W0OI>6i«K)E SERVICE pointed date, the nttMWi«r« make to the American Division. Follow- rewtrvHtions. ; undBr lhe occupants- reacted favorably, de- >il oow for the next shortest All «w» y LEAGUE their elections to fill gape on ing that, each Monday, Tuesday, OPEN BOWLING SAT- manding' more of the same. 1 ••'" UJ right fleia-the Polo Jurisdiction ot New Jersey State Standlnti their teams. The pick starts with Wednesday and Thursday for the URDAYS & SUNDAYS ils m feet dwn the foul Peieration of Umpires. The distance of the special this W L in each league. next H week* will be Riled with ^ds the Ust. (Jut ««a you Leg unen, one of the founders Friday has been pegged at It laps Saturday Niters 64 32 This is done to help balance the cheer* and hurrahs for the Little Die park with .the next of the Mid-County league, will of the half mile oval, known as Plum* Barbers 63 33 league as to the abilities of the Leaguert, North Jersey's action track, with distance? < ) Ebbets serve as president of the organi- Amei*e*n Cyanamid boys. This progresses through the Make it a point to see some of the possibility of more than just, ( ) Forbes Field. zation this summer for the ninth Cooper's Dairy S3 fifth?fift: ffourth, third, learnt), and the games during the summer and one contest being presented if the - TT«dd Rtjczatj k Bob's TV ., first place teams and then around you will be treated to tome of th« Bowl-Mor Lanes field turpiin out it toa 4M»»i to. St«dium, and Walt ©uita round out the slate tnd around until all boys who .finest spectacles ot baseball that jam into a single sprint chase. ' ol offlwrs as secretary and trea- Com'y L*1' registered are fnfd ever want to MM. fie« you 135 AMBOY AVENUE WOODBRIOGE (Continued on Page 18) IHN PAGE FOR ANSWERS surer, respectively. , Qixml Vet* .»?• towns. at UM gtmeT PAOK StXTKEN THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 INDEPENDBNT-LEADRH

Rhodes. Mrs. Jacob Herman, Mrs. Oalya. 3b » _« JJ rolete and Plymouths ,,n Vernon Johnson and Mrs. Herman. way to big Chryslers m Sewaren Fifth Graders Visit Independent-Loader Many Win Prizes Cadillacs; • ' The next meeting of the club 21 \ 3 Score by Innings: For the third successive P will be held May 26 In the Rhodes % At GOP Card Fete home. Any resident of the Third Woodbrld5« .023000 1—6 night, drivers from Pennsv. Wurd interested In Joining the club St. Mary* 0 10 0 0 0 0-1New York and New j^',. will be welcome at the matins. make up the big flew of AVENEL — The Fifth District Plans for a family picnic will be tors In the three heats al Republican and Civic Club spon- Jlscussed. Barron Frosh Split consolation, each at fivemi |r, sored a card pnrty Friday at the the feature 12Vi-mlle batt>'" (Continued from Sports Page) home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lines up 25 speedy cars f,,r SON IS BORN Clara Barton a well - deserved Rhodes. 62 Manhattan Avenue, COTONIA—Mr. and Mrs. Ed- "race for the money." verdict. Table prize winners were Mrs. ward Imp Ink. Normandy Road, are Starting time remains v Robert Fischer. Mrs. Marlon More- ihe parents of a son. Mark, born In Griffith, who also took a turn P. M. ' croft, Mrs. Andrew Peterson, Mrs. St. Birnabas Hospital, Newark. on thr pitcher's mound, enjoyed K,ty Hasslp, Mrs. Myrtle Toe. Mrs, a perfect afternoon at the plate, ,'iimf.s O'Brien. Mrs. Mary Introne, collecting four hits In as many An$wer» to Sports O Mrs Arnold Qrnhnm, Mrs. Edward Simonscn to Seek trips from the bench. Wayne Ulz Kollcnz. Norman Barr, Vernon (Continued from Sports Page' Locklin blasted out two safe blows 1. The left field wall in »„, Johnson. Richard Barr. to naslst Clam Barton's conquest Howell,-2b 4 0 2 Fenway Park Is 37 feet > .!, Door prizes were awarded td 1 over the Red and Black. > high. thecJlBtance Is 3is" r^ ". Arrhdeacpn , 3b . 3 2 3 nt Mrs. R. G-irritj, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Wcodbridg'e's leading batters home plate. Arthur H< rman. Mrs. M. Dackert, .Irban8kl,.ss 4 0 0 durins the fracas were Richard 1 2. If a playw- would o],Ml Mrs. Jostoh Stark, Mrs. C. Has- Burbato, If 3 2 >JaRy. Jim Kocls and-Kolibas, who 4 0 2 wail at the Polo Ground:, m .icit. Mrs. .rteulcfc, Mrs. Morerroft, Shallock, cf accounted for six of their team's 2 2 1 ter field, It, Would be the m"•[• Miss Olorin Cheety, Ford Wheeler Schwaiiz, « 10 hits. Slivka. c " 1 0 0 blow in the history of hZ nri Joseph Stark. Locklln wns awarded Clara Bar- Basarab, p 3 0 1 In addition to the 483 fect'ii, Winners of the non-player p'rtees 'on's mound triumph, while Frank ter field, the wall is 50 foci i were Mrs. Eugene Gery, Mrs. Har- 6 12 Ciccone absorbed the Barrens' 3. A hitter would have to. old Hiin.scn. Mrs. George Ludwlg, 30 1 defeat. •» a 50-foot wall In Phil^n,, r?.. Prt<-r Gr«o. Mrs. Kay Mc- St. Mary's (1) Connie Mack Stadium in , C', Mrs. E. Vansco, Marilyn AB •R H field. , CUiiin'r, Jifs. Kenik-tn Bersey.l Troyand, 2b 3 0 1 Novices Attraction Fimik Gallo. Rnymond Grlbble. E.I """'^Tnvn. lh c '. 3 0 1 4. .AfW the left field f(,ui Olsen, .lames O'Brien. Kenneth Slewarga, cf 3 0 0 'Continued from Sports Pagei at Yankee Stadium the (i,s> Hrrs y ar.d Charles Slessol. i Urr, p 3 0 0 Whereas the regulars In the is 301 feet, and the wan ;, "sportsman" and "modified" crea- 51 Inches high. Mrs, James Yucilla was the win-' Corej, ss , 3 0 1 nor of the special prize. Mrs. Har- Carroll, If 3 0 0 tions are standardized on Ford 5. Yankee Stadium wins ;l old Bur wgs general chairman Yuhflsz, rf, >lb 3 1 0 entries, the novices come out Inin right Mi with 298 frK and she was assisted by Mrs. War- Mroa, c : 3 0 0 practically every make known to the wall li 45 inches hmi, ren Cline. Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Tirpak, rf 1 0 0 American motorists, from Chev- for the majors. I'upils in )!rv Jchn Mfl)imncll\ Fifth (irade Class at SIWJITII Sehoul ;iio «ho\vii in the Rrcrration Room of the WimdliridRr Pul>- 1 shine ('nmp.inv huildint. (irccn Strert. Tuesday morning after Inuring the entire plant. Thr youngsters visft. rt the composing and press rooms and saw first-hit:id how a newspaper is printed. MKMHER HONORED FORDS — The Dun-Bur Club •Mother of 1955.' Mrs. Onody was Margeret Eleanor Nimetz met in the home of Mrs. Jeiin Zo- presented with gifts and a corsage. !!rem:ki, 120 Beech Street and Mrs. Ann Sabine won the specla Bride of Raymond Sawicz honored Mrs, Ann Onody as its award. You Need FORDS—The marriage of Miss John G. Morvay, nephew of the Margaret Eleanor Nimetz, daugh- bride, was ring bearer. Sports Round-Up ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nlmeu, The couple will reside at the lo- (Continued from SDorts Page) 300 Meredith Street, Perth Amboy, cal address on their return from to Raymond John Sawicz. son of a tour of Quebec, Canada and New circuit championship. . . . The Woodbridge Little, Joseph Sawicz. 18 Beech Street, England. For traveling the bride League will hold an important meeting Wednesday and the late Mrs. Sawicz, took wore a navy blue suit with blue ac- place Saturday at 4 o'clock in thecessories and an orchid corsage. night at the St. James' Auditorium at 8 o'clock. , , . Shell Premium wifli TCP rectory of St. John's Greek Church, After fading slightly during the second half, the Satur- Perth Amboy, The ceremony was Mrs, Stilwell Hostess day Nighters returned to form in time to ship the performed by Rev. Dr. Joseph M. Mackov. To Seimron Card Club Plaza Barbers in two out of three games in the annual The bride, given in marriage by Woodbridge Service League playoffs. . . , Practically her father, wore a bridal gown . SEWAREN — The Sewaren over satin with a lace bodice and Bridge Club met last week at the whole township is enjoying the success of the Bar- beaded Queen Anne collar. The the Ramble Inn in Metuchen with rons on the diamond. Coaches Nick Prlscoe and Frank to get the Full Benefits of Mrs. George Stilwell as hostess. bouffant skirt of nylon tulle with Capraro have accomplished a terrific job overhauling panels of lace and accordion pleats Prizes were won by Mrs. F. T. terminated in a cathedral train. Howell, Miss Blanche Van Syckle the Red and Black after a slow start. ... All eyes in Her fingertip veil of illusion was and Mrs. R. G. Crane. the Central Jersey Pistol League ar,e focused on the arranged from a beaded and pearl coronet. She carried two white Others present were Mrs. Olive Woodbridge club, which has averaged a sizzling 291. Van Iderstine, Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, orchids on a mother-of-pearl during its last three matches... . The annual Knights prayer book. Mrs. Harper A. Sloan, Mrs. John F. Ryan, Mrs. Estelle'Noel, Mrs, of Columbus bowling league banquet is scheduled for High Octane Gasoline Mrs. Ann Giles, Fords, was S. J. Henry, Mrs. William C. Eck- Saturday night at The Pines in Metuchen at 7:30 matron of honor for her sister. An- er, and Mrs. F. J. Adams. other sister, Miss Lillian Nimetz Mrs. Herber Eyerkuss will be the o'clock, ,f. . Silent Pete claim's the Dodgers will have and Miss Mary Ann Fazakas, were hostess at the next meeting, May bridesmaids. Georglne Nimetz, to be broken up if they continue their current pace 26. niece of the bride, was flower girl. another three weeks. . . . The William Finn Memorial Stanley Sawicz, Jersey City, TO MEET MONDAY Football Trophy was awarded to Patsy Barbaro at the served as best man for his brother. FORDS—The Ladles' Auxiliary One of the main reasons today's engines are more Ushars were Paul Boos, Fords, of Fords Memorial Post/ 6090, V. annual Woodbridge High School Sports banquet Tues- brother-in-law of the bridegroom, F. W., will meet May 23 in post day night at the American' Legion Home. powerful is that they have higher compression ratios and Martin Mangel, Carteret. headquarters. —make more efficient use of high octane gasoline. But the "around-town" driving most of us do builds up harmful engine deposits—the major cause of You'll power and fuel waste. To overcome these deposits and thus obtain full power, a gasoline must not only be high in octane, but contain a special kind of additive as welL ,

Here's why: As your engine warms up, these deposits warm up, too —glow red hot. And these glowing particles act like hot coals—ignite the gasoline mixture ahead of time... before the pistons reach proper fixing position. This is called pro- • firing and means that power worb against you instead of (or you. i ' In addition, these same deposits have another power- wasting effect: They foul spark plugs, causing your engine to miss. Engineer! wQl tell you there'* nothing more wasteful of power and gasolipe than pre&ing and spark plug "miss.* But there is an answer—there's one high octane gasoline that gives you all the advantages of high octane without the if power-crippling effects of these deposits—Shell Premium (Wine witn TCP*. TCP, the Shell-developed additive, freproob the de-

SufW "011" HoMof Coupi. A GMMDI MOIWI Vulva. posit* so that they no longer cause pre-firing. No longer can they glow red hot and ignite the gasoline mixture. And I AND YOU LL"GO" FOR THE PRICE, TOO TCP stops spark plug "miss," too. Your spvk plugs do the job they are supposed to do, j Hat ibe vu of your dreams always been jiiBl out of reach? Well, prepare for actiou—"Rocket" ' Start getting the full power buflt into your fogfn* Get actioot For if you can fit any new car into your POK 2.364 Shell Premium with TCP. lfi the most powedal gasolktt future, you caa Uke title to i dueling u*w Olde- OLDtMOVILK "M" 1DOOR VCDAN (tHOWN AT LUT) - mobile (or 'SSI Doubtful? Juit ul» « look at our OKLIVKKCO UPC ALLY; ITAFB ANQ LOCAL TAXKt fcXTHA. your WCMUK , price . . . mi try to ait itiU! Tbtt Ibig, beautiful 1 Your prick dipendi upon *sh4ri "Bockft" Engine .OkUniobile the low- (hole* of iwd»l and body by Shell IUIJCM** w¥ ft* prioed DON mn 'V»y out of UaeTI That's why »tyl«, optional equipment and a««t»ori«. Fric*« ntdy vary you don't have to "tit tbil draan out"! You can ^ ^ . y |a nirltfr .bftcatiM of ppnn take commmd of a "Rocket 8" toda j\ Step in— cha'a«t. Att prkit wbjtct la GO AHEAD . . . pBIVE IT YOURSELF! cKgns* without p»Hc«. OLDSM I L_ Can Van SM, Sh.r, Stop SaMyt Ci«k Vow Cor- Only Shell Premium Gasoline III »O«« NIAIIST OLDIMOIILI PIAUI WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES 475 Raton? Avenui lias Lorn TCP w High Octane! ; * Woodbridge 8-0100
