Complete Newi, Picture* A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage *X.'.. vol. XLVII-NO. 13. Entered ts atcond Olui Utttn 4;!' »t tht Poat'Offli*, WoodMdg*, If, J. WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Governor Attends Reception Here for New California Oil Head Plant to Build Office Buildings, Warehouse Here to Cost $750,000 •2*1 Jennings, Adams Appointed Metal-Thermit To New Air Force Academy Headquarters WOODBRIDGE—A WoodbrldRe High School student and a former resident of Woodbridge were among the Ml cadets out of 8,000 can- To be Shifted didates chosen for th« first class of the new Air Foroe Academy, ac- cording to an announcement made by Secretary Harold K. Talbott. WOODBRIDOE Announce- The local student la Robert Sidney Franklin J*nnlnga, son of Mr. ment was made yesterday by •nnd Mrs. Wlllard K. Jennings, 5 Falrvlew Avenue, Colonia. The former Metal 4t Thermit Corporation it resident is James Riven Adams, will erect a $750,000 Reneral of- son of Mr. ahd Mrs. Clement H. Watson, Oarfleld Road, Concord, Win Coveted Places fice building and warehouse here Mass., and the grandson of Mr. adjacent to lta Research Labora- and Mrs. Janwa J./Dunne, Oreen tory on Rahway Avenue. It Is ex- Street. Rivers, who will graduate pected the building will be ready from Concord High School,1 June for occupancy in April, 1956. 8. has been an honor student. Hl| The office building will consist TI-I)Iinn was held yesterday pany and was attended by Gov- left to right, vt Charles E. tfi. Governor Mryner, Mr. and Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, of mother is the former Jean Dunne, of two floors with a total of 25.000 II iiniv.inl Johnson's for B.'W. ernor Robert B. Mcyner and in- Gregory, James R. MacDoBato", JHckard, former Attorney Gen- Woodbridge. In the foreground and his father, Rivers Adams, was square feet and its architectural ' piil, ml, newly-Hefted presl- dustrlaUtaadm In thf^nrfeh- president of General Cable eral David T. Wilrntz, Mayor is former Mayor August F. killed in World War II.' deslirn will conform to that of rt,n! ,,r Ilir California Oil Com- borhood. In the photo above, Corp.; Senator Bernard. W. Vo- .I;-Flynn of Perth Amboy Gr«lner of Woodbridge. the existing laboratory which wns ttober. t Jennings has maintained built 14 yeans ago. an A average'throughout his four years of high school. He was on One of the company's plants, Secretary of State, Suit for $195,343 the varsity track team for four which is engaged In chemical Incinerator Tmte Started; years, is a member Of . the Year and metallurgical engineering is r £pok Committee and was elected located In Carteret. The decision Settled for $20,000 WHttp.Mational Honor Society In to centralize accounting, engin- o be Memorial Day Speaker Early Operations Exp&tt&ik. eering, gales, production and hi^lMi(tof.4He is also on the WnoDHHIUOE—Secretary of State Edward J. Patten will be the WOODBRIDGE—Tests were started yesterday at the new Town- staff oflrSB^L manufacturing headquarters in WOODBRIDOE-tA $195,343 suit ship incinerator, off upper Main Street, and will be continued for Woodbridge ts the result of ex- II;.''.;M1 -]n:ikcr at the annual Memorial Day services. May 30. at brought by Pierson and MacWU- avy publication a aq the next few days. If everything goes well, it Is expected that the in- panslos of activities and personnel, W.i:- iviul Memorial in Wooclbrld«e Park.. liam, Metuchen architects, against Robert is also a junior fy 1 H. E. Martin, president of the •I. i . •-•I .;iTh will be proceeded by a parade which will start from the Woodbridge Township Board cinerator will be in official operation next, month. scoutmaster, a member of Hi- company stated. : II.. > Firehousc on School Street dhd will follow the traditional of Education, has been settled out At the next Township meeting, June 7, ordinance* will be Intro- plays on his church basketball of court for $20,000, it was an-duced accepting the incinerator and regulating the collection of gar- team, is a member of a model air- The Metal and Thermit now occupies offices at 100 East 42ivi r Thls year, under the rotating nounced at the Board of Educa- bage and the use of the incinera- plane club and Is a member pf the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts. Street In New York, and its ex- system. WoodbrldEe Post, Ameri- tion meeting Monday. tor. It is expected that rules simi- To Speak Here lar to thoBe used in Perth Amboy Nominated by Smith ecutive office^ will remain at that' r Toolan, Haney and Romond, can Legion, will be In charge of all will be applied in the Township. Befo're the announcement was address, at least for the time special attorneys for the Board, arrangements with the command- Materials that will burn, such as made of his acceptance to the Air being. reported that it holds in escrow a garbage, wood and paper will have Force Academy, Robert had taken News of the company's plan to Sweetness er. Elmer J. Vecsey. serving as duly executed copy of dismissal of general chairman. to be placed in one container, a competitive examination for the enlarge its holdings here was re- the wit*, pending payment of the while materials that will not burn, Naval ROTC and had been accept- ceived with 'understandable en- and Bands participating in the par- »30iOOO. *' ;i such' as ashes, tin cans, glass and ed. He was planning to attend thusiasm on the part of the local ade this year will be the New York The Board passed the nrtesuary metals, must be placed In another Princeton University, but his ac- government. The new building resolutions smd the money. accord- City PAL Fife and. Drum Corps., container. Two'trucks and twoceptance to the academy has def- will be constructed on a site pics-, Ing to the Board auditors, will have crews will be employed in each col- initely changed that plan. Kotert entry owned by the State as part| Light sponsored by Woodbridge Fire to come from the High School lection. Containers welshing wore was nominate* by 8«n*#ir H. tte.lfwjffwy State Prison J P\ ctlAKlES E. GREGORY fords VPW Band, bond money as part of the new than 100 pounds, with, Alexander Smith,, and pfuwed' alt tni Is diagonally across! high school cost, will not.be,«npUwt . : 8CMP» Band,! iConUnued on P*g* 8) Rahway Avenue from the prenrt! Plerson and MacWilltam were Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said bullalhgV' Senator B. W. VORRI,^ i may be suffering from I.selln Hook and Ladder Drum and Fife Corps and St. Anthony's (Continued on Page- 81 yesterday that steps will be taken who Is also WoodbridKe Town- n;my community deficien- very soon to correct the situation ship's counsel, and Mayor H Band. at the municipal dumps in Keas- Chemistry Benefits B. Quigley were larcely instru- but the list doesn't in- The parade marshal will be Her- boy. Bulldozers will be used to mental in obtaining an aRrcemcnt| lludc pansies. Ibert BIHch, commander of the Alibani is Slated straighten out the site and then on part of the New Jersey D--1 >• * * the whole area will be coverfcd with Observance Theme partment of Institutions nnd| | Woodbrldgc Township Veterans an ample depth of dirt. We are threatened, as a Agencies to relinquish a fivc-a::re^ Alliance and the assistant marshal To Take Mroz Post '•We will have to take steps to WOODBRIDOE — This week is tract to accomodate the. com-' flatter of fact, With being will be William Van Tassell, chief keep people from dumping at Chemical Progress Week and the pany's needs. of Woodbridge Fire Company. WOODBRIDGE — Mayor Hugh iiun by pansies—and I Keasbey after the incinerator is observance Is highlighted by a pro- Salons Must Approve B. Quigley stated yesterday that in use," the mayor stated. "I have »ak of the genus viola tri- At the park, Roy E. Anderson, gram formulated by representa- While approval of the Depart- Commlttee^na^ George. Mroz will great hopps that the site can be nr, and not In the verna- Woodbridge, Past Commander of tives from chemical plants in this ment'! aotion in releasing tlm the State Department of Ameri- resign from the Planning Board sol-d for industrial purposes." area. •ar. The pansy epidemic, due to ill health and that Com- DR. AKCHIBALD CAREY land must still be ratified by tin; can Legion will serve as master of The chemttfal plants sponsoring UI'.T some circumstances, mltteeman L. Ray Alibani, also legislature and approved by Gov- ceremonies. Rev. Earl Hannum De- the program and their representa- JAMES RIVERS ADAMS ernor Meyner, Senatof Vonel is uikln't be a matter of ,con- vanny. minister uf the First Pres- of the Third Ward, will be named tives are Heyden Chemical •Corp., in his place. The matter was dis- Prosecutor Checks corttldttit that this action will be ?m—but its acceptance to byterian Church, Woodbridge, is Christian Science Frank O. Harkay, Maintenance taken before the legislature ad- cussed in caucus Tuesday night. represents a confession of scheduled to give the invocation Engineer; Catalln Corp., August DIRECTORS TO MEET journs, In addition to the land to and Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley. the The mayor said he does not orption in small things VA Westbury Files Naprovnik, Mgr. New Product WOODBRIDGE—The Board of be acquired from the State, an ad- address of Welcome.
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