Company Profile

Oricom Co., Ltd. Greetings from the President

On behalf of Oricom Co., Ltd., and the Oricom group companies, please accept my heartfelt greetings.

We just celebrated our 90th year in business in April 2011. In 1922, our founder, Iwajiro Saito, launched newspaper insert advertising as a new business. Later, by joining forces with many collaborators, we successfully created a new business model, the prototype of the current transportation advertising. Our commitment now is to become a quality company in the communication business by proposing a new communication design.

Our driving force lies in the everlasting truth that an advertising company cannot exist without advertisers. This is the spirit of our founder, which never changes. Based on that spirit, we will continue our ongoing commitment to new ideas, creation of new business, and becoming an honest and interesting company.

Our advertising clients often say,“ We want to establish new relations with ordinary people by developing new means of communication (account planning, Web, digitization, and other ways).” The Oricom Group will meet this need by leveraging our abilities to make plans based on the viewpoint of ordinary people and put them into practice.

In the midst of the severe economy in and throughout the world, we are keenly aware that we need to continue evolving in order to ensure our contribution to the development of our advertising clients via acute and accurate prediction of consumer trends. Without it, we will not be able to gain support in the market.

Kazuhiko Masamori President Oricom Co., Ltd. § 1 Oricom Way A Quality Company in the Communication Business

Since its business inauguration, Oricom has thrived as an independently owned advertising agency, being immune to external interference. This is because we have aspired to always take on the various challenges facing our clients from a neutral perspective. We have acquired strength and power as a quality company in the communication business through the execution of our principle of “Think Ourselves, Create Ourselves, and Act Ourselves.”

To develop the best solutions for our clients is our first priority. We consider it our role to offer solutions that can achieve maximum results from the marketing costs that our clients invest.

We have adopted the corporate principle of a quality company in the communication business to ensure the fulfillment of our goal. We aspire to continuously enhance all qualities in our business activities̶quality of planning, behavior and action, and employees. The Oricom Way

Oricom has become the company chosen by customers by proposing and implementing solutions to motivate consumers for the challenges that customers encounter. To offer better solutions to customers, we at Oricom strive to carry out the concept as our daily action agenda. That is the Oricom way.

【The Oricom Way】

1. Customer focus To take action exceeding the expectations of our loyal customers at all times (Customer orientation)

2. Creative mind To create new valuable tasks on our own (Innovation)

3. Challenging spirits To eliminate imitative ideas and compromise and take approaches boldly (Aggressiveness)

4. Open communication To discuss freely and vigorously without being afraid of a conflict of opinions (Accommodation)

5. Result driven To improve the personal ability to fulfill a role (Responsibility)

6. Integrity And to establish credibility among customers (Honesty)

It is our wish to respond to your expectations of high quality services through implementation of the Oricom way. Oricom's Solutions to Motivate Consumers

Oricom has become the company chosen by customers by proposing and implementing solutions to motivate consumers for the challenges that customers encounter.

Motivating consumers is not only simply recognized as advertisements but also the achievement of taking consumer buying behavior to the next level. These actions include drawing their concern and studying, purchasing, utilizing, and connecting through word of mouth.

Characteristic of Oricom's solutions to motivate consumers, Oricom strives to make a strong showing in the mobile consumer segment.

With the Oricom's communication design to capture mobile consumers, Oricom aims to become a company with the characteristics to serve as a competitive advantage by providing solutions for the challenges faced by customers. § 2 Unique Selling Proposition

Oricom Strengths Transit Advertising

Oricom started the commercialization of transit advertising in 1928, and was a pioneer in this field in Japan. Since then, we have led the industry in transit advertising and have thrived in this business along with the development and expansion of railway networks in Japan. We still maintain strong business relationships with all the transit advertising agencies nationwide, and our annual sales in transit advertising are the biggest in the industry.

1. We carry out the complicated tasks unique to transit advertising in a reliable manner. In the case of transit advertising, the type of railcars, train service schedules, media specifications, regulatory requirements, availability of advertising space, and the timing for making arrangements are different, depending on electric railway companies. Since it is necessary to handle such varying and fluid information, the tasks involved become more complicated as a project size becomes larger. Oricom has had the long-standing experience of being commissioned by major advertising clients to handle transit advertising.

2. We make a proposition on the media plan that meets the needs of a client’s advertising plan. Oricom handles all the transit advertising media evenly across the nation. Also, we are among the top in the industry in having accumulated data regarding number of passengers, media statistics, user profile, and projection of effect. For these reasons, we are in a better position than any other advertising agencies in the industry to offer to our clients the media plan reflecting the routes, stations, and media best suited to meet the needs of their advertising plans.

3. We make a proposition on the creative plan that can make the best use of the characteristics of transit advertising. In transit advertising, it is necessary to use effective expressions making full use of the characteristics of train advertising and station advertising, respectively. As a pioneer in transit advertising, Oricom has always taken on the challenges of developing the creative unique to transit advertising. In addition, we are engaged in the development of special and new advertising in collaboration with media companies. Oricom Mapping System

Based on its unique concept of focusing on people and cities, Oricom has led the industry in utilizing the mapping system, an application model of the geographical information system (GIS), since 1994. It is possible to implement the area targeting by analyzing demographics and geographics in parallel and thus to certainly improve efficiency in marketing activities.

【Examples of Application】

Retails, Services Store development plan, establishment of trading areas, distribution of prospective customers, competitive situation, etc., in case of new multi-store development.

Manufacturers, Location of sales offices, establishment of strategic focus areas, Sales Companies distribution of target users, etc., in synchronization with sales activities.

Mail-order sales, Area distribution of (trusted) customers, exploration of promising Membership Service areas, etc., based on the customer database.

Oricom will focus in a target area all the advertising and sales promotion plans such as newspaper insert advertising, transit advertising, direct mails, interactive media, and sales promotion on the streets and in the stores, and will help capture a targeted position in the target area at once. We will continue to monitor client responses through the ZIP code survey, etc. and take the necessary actions by operating the PDCA cycle. Newspaper Insert Advertising

Oricom was the first company in Japan to commercialize newspaper insert advertising in 1922. In 1973, we established Orikomi Service Co., Ltd., which specialized in the newspaper insert advertising business. We have always led the modernization efforts in this industry by launching the scientific management of databases for circulation and trade areas using computers before any other company in the industry. We are now highly acclaimed as a unique company that can offer a total solution for sales promotional efforts with newspaper insert advertising as the core.

1. We make a proposition on the optimal areas for distribution of newspaper inserts. Original GIS Mapping System (OSCAR) : The system stores the latest statistical data by town and by area across the nation from to Okinawa and also the latest data on the distribution territories of distribution outlets nationwide for 60 major newspapers. Therefore, we can make a proposition on the optimal distribution areas for newspaper inserts to meet the varying marketing needs of our clients.

2. We lighten the burden of the cumbersome tasks of preparing and confirming the areas for distribution of newspaper inserts. Original Order Receipt and Placement System (ORDERS) : The system has the functions of preparing and confirming the areas of distribution of newspaper inserts and of placing associated orders. As our clients can access the database online, it is possible to simplify the cumbersome tasks of confirming the areas for distribution of newspaper inserts and managing the historical records. Also the Orders Plus, an optional function of this system, allows mapping of the client data that our clients have in their possession.

3. We are committed to make an accurate delivery of newspaper inserts. Original High-Speed Automatic Counting Device (COUNTAC) : The work of assorting the newspaper inserts by newspaper distribution outlet has been automated. We are committed to make an accurate, reliable delivery of newspaper inserts by using our Delivery Confirmation System, which is linked to the GPS function. Orbit Brand Engine TM

Oricom has been executing account planning, a technique that would enable us to develop superior advertisements, through business alliance with The Richards Group (Dallas, U.S.A.). The Orbit Brand Engine is a unique branding philosophy that has been developed through the execution of such account planning.

We timely grasp the changes in people’s information and purchasing behaviors, bring the consistent brand experiences to the people at every touch point, and consequently contribute to profit enhancement.

1. Brand Workshop : We build up the brand together with clients. The brand workshop is a forum in which the people from top executives to responsible on-site managers are engaged in discussing freely and vigorously, without regard to positions and job titles. We will clearly identify the expectations that people may have on the brand and will highlight the intent of clients toward the brand. By blending these two elements, we will make a proposition on the potentiality of the brand and the future direction for the brand to take.

2. Brand Brief : We offer a simple and practical format. The brand brief is a simple one-sheet summary of the essences drawn from the brand workshop. We will prepare an easy-to-understand output summary so that all the people involved in the brand may understand and share the essences as a blueprint for solidifying the branding position and also as a sailing chart mapping out the future direction for the brand.

3. Connecting Brief : We make propositions on all the touch points with people. We will prepare a summary sheet, called a “connecting brief,” in relation to all the touch points with clients, in order to enable you to offer consistent brand experiences to clients through all the touch points, from advertising to serving clients on sales floors and product planning. Connecting is voluntary contact with people. We will designate a responsible person in charge of promoting an action plan at each of the touch points with people. § 3 Agency Overview

Oricom Profile Corporate Profile

Name Oricom Co., Ltd. Representative Kazuhiko Masamori, President Head Office Shimbashi Center Place. 1-11-7 Shimbashi Minato-ku, 105-0004, Japan

Date of Business Inauguration April 8, 1922

Date of Establishment November 1932

Capital Stock 165 Million Yen

Annual Sales 27.4 Billion Yen (in 2010)

Number of Employees 206 (As of Apr 1, 2011)

Directors President Kazuhiko Masamori

Managing Directors Kazuo Nagaya

Shoji Ohtsuka

Hiromitsu Takahashi

Toshiaki Asai

Satoshi Kato

Katsusuke Ikeoka

Auditor Hiroji Moto

Major Banks Head Office Kyobashi Branch, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Ginzadori Branch, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Tokyo Corporate Banking Division, The Joyo Bank, Ltd.

Head Office, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

Osaka Office -Chuo Branch, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Osaka Chuo Branch, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Nagoya Office Nagoya Corporate Banking Division, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Nagoya Chuo Branch, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Fukuoka Office Fukuoka Branch, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Sapporo Office Branch, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. History of the Oricom Group

The history of the Oricom Group began with the commercialization of newspaper insert advertising in 1922, an industry-first endeavor in Japan. We were also a pioneer in transit advertisements in Japan. After World War II, we focused our resources on mass media and have thrived as an independently owned general advertising agency. Our corporate history spans 90 years. And our corporate spirit all through the years has always been to look ahead into the future and take on new challenges. This spirit has been carried over to the present Oricom Group personnel.

1922 Iwajiro Saito started the newspaper insert advertising department within Hokuryukan, a publisher, which constituted the inauguration of the present Oricom business. 1928 Commercialized transit advertising by putting up the first paid advertisements at the Japan National Railways (presently Japan Railways). 1936 Commenced issuing the free publication called The Metro Age for department stores along the subway lines. 1943 Established the Advertising Science Research Institute (currently Senken advertising Co., Ltd.) 1945 Handled advertising for the first post-war lottery in Japan. 1946 Assessed the effectiveness of transit advertising posters at the request of Reader’s Digest. 1952 Published the first issue of the Advertising Art. 1957 Designed and produced the radio program entitled Suzunosuke with red kendo padded vest (Akado Suzunosuke), a young samurai program for children. 1959 Designed and produced the TV program called Phantom Child Sleuth(Maboroshi Tantei). 1960 Published the first issue of Circulation / Transit Outdoor Advertising. 1963 Changed the company name to Orikomi Co., Ltd. 1973 Established Orikomi Service Co., Ltd. and Orikomi kaihatsu Co., Ltd. 1974 Established the operating structure of the Tokyo head office and four branches (Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo). 1978 Formed a business alliance with Ted Bates Worldwide (,which lasted until 1996). Jointly developed the sticker advertising with the Japan National Railways (presently Japan Railways). 1980 Established Ad-mail Co., Ltd. and Sunlight Co., Ltd. 1981 Moved the head office from Ginza to Nihombashi to integrate the dispersed head office functions. Established Ad-all Co., Ltd. 1982 Renovated Ginza Orikomi Building. 1984 Implemented“ Adpack” at Akihabara JR station. 1985 Orikomi Yokohama Center completed. 1989 Set up and ran the World Cup Masters Soccer held in the National Stadium. 1990 Established Orikomi Creative Co., Ltd (currently Creative Oricom Co., Ltd.) by spinning off a part of Creative Division and merging Ad-all Co., LTd. 1993 Changed the corporate name to Oricom Co., Ltd. 1995 Move the location of the head office to Roppongi, Minato-ku. 2002 Formed an alliance with The Richards Group (Dallas, U.S.A.), and introduced account planning technique. 2003 Moved the head office to . 2005 Established Priv Shelter Co., Ltd. Opened the Beijing Office. Obtained the Information Security Management System (ISMS) accreditation at the head office and the branch offices. 2006 Established IMC Department. 2007 Set up and ran The 9th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. Obtained the ISO 27001 Certification at the head office and the branch offices. 2008 Commenced one stop internet sales service for transit advertising, called Transit Advertising 1/2/3. Moved the head office to Shimbashi Center Place. 2009 Merged Senken advertising Co., Ltd. and Orikomi Service Co., Ltd. Established Beijing Oricom Advertising Co., Ltd. 2010 The group businesses alters to 5 companies. Office Locations in Japan

Head Office: Shimbashi Center Place. 1-11-7 Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 Telephone: 03-6733-2000

Osaka Office: Sumitomo Life Insurance Yodoyabashi Building, 4-1-21 Kitahama Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0041 Telephone: 06-6231-9971

Nagoya Office: New Sakae Building, 3-23-18 Nishiki Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0003 Telephone: 052-957-2511

Fukuoka Office: Tenjin Yasuda No.6 Building, 3-3-5 Tenjin Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 Telephone: 092-751-1781

Sapporo Office: Takeda Risona Building, 4-1-2 Kitaichijyo-Nishi Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0001 Telephone: 011-221-5686 Organizational Structure Chart

Account Service Dept. Account Service Div.1

Account Service Div.2

Account Service Div.3

Account Strategy Div.

Media Dept. Media Div.

Out of Home Media Div.

Media Promotion Section

Soution Dept. Communication Design Div.

Corporate Managemnt Dept. Strategy Management Div.

Finance Div.

Business Development Section

Osaka Office

Nagoya Office

Fukuoka Office

Sapporo Office Breakdown of Annual Sales by Media (in 2010)

Newspaper Advertising 6.2% Magazine Advertising 3.0%

Radio Advertising 1.6%

SP (Sales Promotion)Media, etc. 22.5%

TV Advertising 15.4%

Transit Advertising Internet Advertising 49.3% 2.0%

■ Years of Experience

Newspaper Insert Advertising 88 years (since 1922)

Newspaper and Magazine Advertising 48 years (since 1962)

Radio and TV Advertising 56 years (since 1954)

Transit Advertising 82 years (since 1928)

Internet Advertising 14 years (since 1996) (As of 2011)

Newspaper Insert Advertising 1922 2011

Transit Advertising 1928 2011

Radio and TV Advertising 1954 2011

Newspaper and Magazine Advertising 1962 2011

Internet Advertising 1996 2011 The Full-Service Group

The Oricom Group consists of Oricom Co., Ltd. (Oricom), which has all the functions of a general advertising agency, at its core, and five group companies, which have specialized knowledge and skills in their respective fields. By unifying the companies which has expertise in their respective domains with Oricom which is capable of building marketing strategy from a wide perspective, the total force of Oricom Group will come into play. We aspire to offer the solution best suited to meet the needs of each individual client. We propose the best solutions to the varying challenges confronting our clients by leveraging the collective strength of the Oricom Group.

Orikomi Creative Service Oricom Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Newspaper Insert Advertising Advertising Production

Oricom Co., Ltd Four Branch Offices (Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo)

Group Consolidated Annual Sales in 2010: 48.4 Billion Yen Total employee of Oricom Group:352 (as of April 1, 2011)

Orikomi Beijing Oricom Building Advertising Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Asset management Advertising of group in China businesses Major Clients

【Energy and Groundsill】 【Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics】 The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO) Zenyaku Kogyo Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. MSD K.K. Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Kureha Corp. Kracie Pharmaceutical, Ltd. Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. Rhoto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Fanuc Ltd. Yamazaki Teikokudo Co., Ltd. Kurita Water Industries Ltd. Otsuka Pharmacetical Co., Ltd. Organo Corporation Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare Co., Ltd. Japan Natural Energy Co., Ltd. Kanebo Cosmetics Inc. Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Nihon L’Oreal The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Cezanne Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Orbis Inc. Aveda Corp. 【Food and Beverage】 DHC Corp. Asahi Breweries, Ltd. Asahi Food & Healthcare Co., Ltd. Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd. e’quip Ltd. Sapporo Breweries Ltd. KOSÉ Corp. Sapporo Beverage Co., Ltd Yuuka Co., Ltd. Suntory Ltd. HRK Co., Ltd. Japan Sake Brewers Association Kizakura Co., Ltd. House Foods Corp. 【Sports Brand】 Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. New Balance Athletic Shoe Japan, Inc. Yamamotoyama Co., Ltd. MoonStar Corp. Kokubu Business Support Co., Ltd. Globeride, Inc. Morinaga & Co., Ltd. BB-Sports Co., Ltd. Lotte Co., Ltd. LOGOS Corp. Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd. Kameda Seika Co., Ltd. Sapporo Finefoods Co., Ltd. 【Precision Equipment and Office Machine】 Japan Wagashi Association Nikon Imaging Japan Inc. Tokyo Corporative Association for Trade and Olympus Corp. Manufacture of Wa-namagashi (Ja panese sweets) Canon Marketing Japan Inc. Japan Sweets Association Fuji Film Corp. Japan Nuts Promotion Association Ltd. Chidoriya Co., Ltd. Fujitsu FSAS Inc. Manda Fermentation Co., Ltd. Fujitsu Personal System Ltd. Casio Communication Brains Inc. Seiko Instruments Inc. Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. Kokuyo Co., Ltd. Otsuka Corp. Terasaki Industries Co., Ltd. Aiphone Co., Ltd. Ricoh Co., Ltd. Major Clients

【Home Electronics and Audio-Visual Equipment】 【Information and Communication Services】 Corp. NTT docomo, Inc. Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. NTT Communications Corp. Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp. Sega Toys Co., Ltd. NTT Advertising, Inc. Daikin Industries, Ltd. KDDI Corp. Hitachi, Ltd. eAccess Ltd. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Hudson Soft Co., Ltd. 【Automobile and Automotive Parts】 Voltage Inc. Hankook Tire Japan TV Asahi Corp. NHK Spring Co., Ltd. Asahi Broadcasting Corp. Aichi Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Fuji Television Network, Inc. Toyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc. TBS Radio & Communications, Inc. Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co.,Ltd. 【Real Estate and Housing Materials】 Kansai Telecasting Corp. Yomiuri Telecasting Corp. Shinnihon-House Co., Ltd. Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Japan Inspection Organization Chukyo TV Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Sanden Corp. Nagoya Broadcasting Network Co., Ltd. Taiheiyo Kouhatsu Inc. Shinhiroshima Telecasting Co., Ltd. Daiko Electric Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Broadcasting Co.,Ltd. Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Haseko Corp. Television Hokkaido Broadc asting Co., Ltd. Sundance resort

【Publishing and Newspaper】 Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd. Kodansha Ltd. Shogakukan Inc. Bungeishunju Ltd. Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. Futabasha Publishers Ltd. Gakken Marketing Co., Ltd. Shufunotomo Co., Ltd. Shonen-gahosha Co., Ltd. Fusosha Publishing Inc. Recruit Co., Ltd. KK Bestsellers Nikkei Inc. Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd. Japan Broadcast Publishing Co., Ltd. Kadokawa Media House Inc. Proto Corp. Gain Major Clients

【Distribution and Retailing】 【Transportation】 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co., Ltd. Keisei Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Odakyu Department Store Co., Ltd. Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. Tobu Department Store Co., Ltd. Metro Cultural Foundation The Seibu Department Stores, Ltd. Japan Airlines International Group Parco Co., Ltd. Tokai Kisen Co., Ltd. Mori Building Co., Ltd. (Omotesando Hills, Roppongi Hills, MOL Ferry Co., Ltd. VenusFort ) East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd (Tokyo Midtown) Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Victoria Inc. West Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Yamato Co., Ltd. Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. Kyugetsu Co., Ltd. Tsuyuki Co., Lt d. Otsuka Kagu, Ltd. 【Services and Entertainment】 Biccamera Inc. Oriental Land Co., Ltd. Megane Drug Co., Ltd. TOSHIMEAN Co., Ltd. Tsutsumi Jewelry Co., Ltd. H.I.S. Co., Ltd. Yamashita Shingu Inc. Hiyoriyama Kankou Co. Asahi Corporation Tokyu Resort Service Co., Ltd. Tsuhan honpo Co., Ltd. Kaieikan Group Meitetsu Department Store Co., Ltd. Fujiya Hotel Co., Ltd. Maruei Department Store Co., Ltd. JRI Kanidouraku Co. Megane-no-wako Co., Ltd. Sapporo Lion Inc. Natural Co., Ltd. Yoronotaki Co., Ltd. BOOKOFF Corp. Kyoraku Sangyo Co., Ltd. United Arrows Ltd. NewGin Corp. Parco Sappro Co., Ltd. Sankyo Planning Parco Fukuoka Co., Ltd. The Palazzo Tokyo Plaza Group Taito Corp. Avex Live Creative Co., Ltd. 【Finance and Insurance】 North Stars Pictures Inc. Mizuho Bank, Ltd. King Record Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. Hito Communications Co., Ltd. The Joyo Bank, Ltd. Tempstaff People Co., Ltd. Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. SECOM Co., Ltd. Aizawa-Securities Co., Ltd. ORIX Living Corp. AIG Edison Life Insurance Company Oshiire Sangyo Co., Ltd. MassMutual Life Insurance Company Reve 21 Co., Ltd. The Gibraltar Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Weekly Mansion Tokyo Co., Ltd. Prudential Life Insurance Company Warner Mycal Corp. Sompo Japan DIY Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Himawari Theatre Group Inc. Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shochiku Co., Ltd. The Life Insurance Association of Japan Hokkaido Toho Co., Ltd. Russell Investments Japan Co., Ltd. Meiji Kinenkan Community Bank Shinyo Kumiai Hakuyosha Japan The General Insura nce Association of Japan Ceremony Co., Ltd. First Credit Corp. Ceremore Tsukuba, Inc. Promise Co., Ltd. Kinan Corporation Co., Ltd. Mobit Co., Ltd. Major Clients

【Government and Other Public Offices, and Associations】 Cabinet Office, Government of Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 【Trading Companies and Others】 Ministry of Finance Japan Sakata Seed Corp. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Paloma (consolidated) Japan Tourism Agency Madras Inc. National Tax Agency The Association for Promoting Fair Elections Inochi no Denwa Tokyo Metropolitan Government Saitama Prefectural Government Gunma Prefectural Government Aichi Prefectural Government City Of Nagoya Government Fukuoka Prefectural Government Hokkaido Government City Of Sapporo Government Fukuoka Information Center for Human Rights Education J.forest Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd. JKA Japan Keirin Promoters’ Organization Florida Department Of Citrus Akihabara Electrical Town Organization Urban Renaissance Agency Hokkaido Extended Association for Health Care for the Latter-stage Elderly Kyushu Bureau of Telecommunications

【Education and Communications】 Aeon East Japan Corp. Aeon Central Japan Corp. Sundai Academy Johnan Academic Preparatory Institute, Inc. Eikoh Inc. Tokyo Individualized Educational Institute, Inc. Sunrich Homemade Association Nihon Kogakuin College Vantan Future Creation, Inc. Yoyogi Seminar TAC Co., Ltd. Adachi Gakuen (Osaka, Kyushu) Tokyo Legal Mind K.K. Z Kai Co., Ltd. Kyushu citizens College Eishinkan Co., Ltd. The Sanno Institute of Management Aichi University Nihon Fukushi University Musashino Joshi Gakuin Major Suppliers (in random order)

【Newspaper Companies】 【Publishers】 The Asahi Shimbun Company Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd. The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. Kodansha Ltd. The Yomiuri Shimbun Co., Ltd. Shogakukan Inc. Nikkei Inc. Shueisha Inc. Co., Ltd. Bungeishunju Ltd. The Hokkaido Shimbun Press Magazine House, Ltd. The Kahoku Shimpo Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. Chunichi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc. The Chugoku Shimbun NHK Publishing Inc. The Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd. Shufu-To-Seikatsu Sha Ltd Sports Nippon Newspapers Shufunotomo Co., Ltd. The Hochi Shimbun Kobunsha Co., Ltd. Nikkan Sports News Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. Sankei Living Shimbun Inc. Fusosha Publishing Inc. Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. Futabasha Publishers Ltd. Nihonkogyo Shimbun Co., Ltd. Gakken Publishing Co., Ltd. The Japan Times, Ltd. Kadokawa Marketing Co., Ltd. Other local, sports and industrial newspapers companies. Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc. Diamond Inc. Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc. Recruit Co., Ltd. President Inc. Orange Page Bestsellers Golf Digest-Sha Motor Magazine Co., Ltd. Hankyu Communications Co., Ltd. Hinode Publishing JAFMATE Co., Ltd. Toyo Keizai Inc. Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd. Benesse Corp. Takarajimasha, Inc. Impress Group Corp. ALBA Shodensha Inc. Ascii Media Works Inc. Hachette Fujingaho Co., Ltd. Starts Publishing Corp. San’ei Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd. Leed Publishing Co.,Ltd. And other publishing companies. Major Suppliers (in random order)

【Broadcasting Stations】 【Outdoor Media】 Nippon Television Network Corp. East Japan Marketing & Communications, Inc. Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc. (JR Higashi Nihon Kikaku)

Fuji Television Network, Inc. JR Tokai Agency Co., Ltd. JR Nishi Nihon Communications, Inc. TV Asahi Corp. JR Kyushu Agency Co., Ltd. TV Tokyo Corp. JR-Hokkaido Agency Co., Ltd. BS Nippon Corp. Bureau of Transportation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government BS-TBS, Inc. Metro Ad Agency Co., Ltd. Fuji Satellite Broadcasting, Inc. Tokyu Agency Inc. Asahi Satellite Broadcasting Ltd. Odakyu Agency Inc. BS Japan Corp. Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. Keio Agency, Inc. Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. Keikyu Ad Enterprise Co., Ltd. TBS Radio & Communications, Inc. Keisei Agency Co., Ltd. Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Seibu Railway Co., Ltd. J-WAVE, Inc. Sotetsu Agency, Inc. FM Inter-Wave Inc. Tokyo Monorail Agency Co., Ltd. Tōyō Rapid Railway Co., Ltd. Radio Nippon Co., Ltd. Saitama Railway Co., Ltd. Yokohama FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Shin-Keisei Frontier Planning Co. ,Ltd. Bayfm78 Co., Ltd. Hankyu Railway Ad Agency Inc. FM NACK 5 Co., Ltd. Keihan Agency Inc. Nikkei Corp. Nankai Advertising Co., Ltd. Yomiuri Telecasting Corp. Hanshin Contents Link Corp. Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc. AD Kintetsu Kansai Telecasting Corp. Transportation Bureau City of Nagoya Asahi Broadcasting Corp. Dentsu Meitetsu Communications Inc. Television Osaka, Inc. Sapporo City Transportation Bureau Osaka Broadcasting Corp. Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau Radio Kansai, Ltd. Nishitetsu Agency Co., Ltd. FM Osaka Co., Ltd. Tokyo Dome Corp. MCDecaux Inc. FM802 Co., Ltd. Best Crews Inc. Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Todenkokoku Nagoya Broadcasting Network Showa Neon Tokai Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. WELKIN Group International Co., Ltd. Chukyo TV Broadcasting Co., Ltd. And other railway, bus, airline, and taxi companies across the nation. Aichi Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Tokai Radio Broadcasting Co., Ltd. FM Aichi Broadcasting Co., Ltd. ZIP-FM Inc. RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corp. Kyushu Asahi Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Television Nishinippon Corp. Fukuoka Broadcasting Corp. TVQ KYUSHU BROADCASTING Co., Ltd. FM Fukuoka, Inc. Cross FM Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., Ltd. The Sapporo Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. The STVradio Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Television Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., Ltd. FM Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., Ltd. FM North Wave Co., Ltd. And other broadcasting companies Major Suppliers (in random order)

【Internet Media-related】 Asahi, Inc. Excite Japan Co., Ltd. ENIGMO Inc. NTT Communications Corporation NTT Resonant Inc. All About, Inc. COOKPAD Inc. Cyber Agent, Inc. cyber communications inc. CA Mobile, Ltd. GMO AD Partners Inc. SPiRE, Inc. So-net Media Networks Corp. D2 Communications Inc. Digital Advertising Consortium Inc. Trenders. Inc. NIFTY Corporation News Service Center Corp. Full Speed Inc. Benesse Corpora tion MicroAd, Inc. Microsoft Corp. mediba Inc. Members Co., Ltd. Yahoo Japan Corp. Yomiuri Online livedoor Co., Ltd. , Inc. And other internet media companies.