An Analysis of the Construction of Tswana Cultural Identity in Selected Tswana Literary Texts
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AN ANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF TSWANA CULTURAL IDENTITY IN SELECTED TSWANA LITERARY TEXTS GABAITSIWE ELIZABETH PILANE BA, BA (Hons), MA, PTC Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Philosophiae Doctor in Tswana at the Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys. Promoter : Prof H. M. Viljoen Co-promoter : Dr. R. S. Pretorius Potchefstroom 2002 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank my promoter Professor H. M. Viljoen who guided me through the years that I was busy with my thesis. He has been so patient in advising and encouraging me. From him I learnt hard work and perseverance. He was always ready to help and give a word of encouragement and for this, I thank him very much. My gratitude goes to my co-promoter Dr. R. S. Pretorius for his valuable guidance and advice throughout the process of completing this thesis. Colloquial thanks to my husband Bogatsu and my children for their sacrifice, and encouragement, as well as their support and love during my study and my absence from home. A word of gratitude to my son Phiri Joseph Pilane for typing the thesis. Finally I would like to thank God for protecting me through this study and giving me the strength and patience to bring the research to completion. Ill DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to the memory of my late parents-in-law, Ramonaka Pilane and Setobana Stella Pilane, who passed away before they could enjoy the fruits of their daughter-in-law's studies. IV DECLARATION I declare that this thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, hereby submitted by me, has not previously been submitted by me for a degree at this University and that all sources referred to have been acknowledged. GABAITSIWE ELIZABETH PDLANE 2002 V ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to analyse the construction of Setswana cultural identity in the Tswana literary texts : Pelo e ja serati; Dintshontsho tsa lorato; Maragana; Magagana; Pelo e ntsho, Matlhotlhapelo; Bogosi kupe and Moji Motlhabi. Chapter One outlines and motivates the aims and objectives, the basic problem and indicates the method thereof. In chapter two, the Batswana cultural identity is explored. A broad overview of the secondary literature on four themes in Batswana culture is given. The chapter indicates the history of the Batswana in South Africa, their groupings in the Western Tswana and in the Eastern Tswana. A brief history of the Batswana in Botswana and in South Africa is also given. The distinctive feature of the Batswana identity and the importance of the Batswana cultural aspects are examined. The meaning of these aspects is drawn out and elaborated to its final conclusion. Lastly, the link between literature and cultural identity is conceptualised. In chapter three the construction of cultural identity in Setswana culture according to interviewees is explored. The life-history of the interviewees and their response to the selected cultural aspects are given. Their feelings of being Batswana are also examined. In chapter four a critical analysis of the texts used in this study is given. They all problematise and deal with four important cultural practices of the Batswana, viz. marriage customs, chieftainship, ancestors, witchcraft and traditional healing. In the last chapter the conclusions of this study are summarised. The central argument was to indicate how cultural identity is maintained, negotiated or transmitted by these texts and how to determine whether these texts can open up new possibilities of being a Motswana. The final findings of the whole study and some recommendations are also presented. The conclusion is that literature maintains, reveals and transmits the Batswana culture, not only to the youths out there, but also to the older people in order to recognise its importance and their cultural identity. VI OPSOMMING Die basiese doel van hierdie proefskrif was om die konstruksie van die Setswana kulturele identiteit in die gekose Tswana literere tekste Pelo e ja serati; Dintshontsho tsa lorato; Maragana; Magagana; Pelo e ntsho; Matlhotlhapelo; Bogosi kupe en Moji Motlhabi te ontleed. Hoofstuk een skets en motiveer die doel, die basiese probleemstellig en die metode van die studie. In hoofstuk twee word die Batswana kulturele identiteit ondersoek. "n Bree oorsig van die sekondere literatuur oor vier temas in die Batswana-kultuur word gegee. Die hoofstuk skets die geskiedenis van die Batswana in suider Afrika en hulle groepering in die Wes-Tswana en die Oos-Tswana. 'n Kort geskiedenis van die Batswana in Botswana en in Suid Afrika word gegee. Die onderskeidende hooftrekke van die Batswana- identiteit en die belangrikheid van die Batswana kulturele aspekte is ook ondersoek. Die betekenis van hierdie aspekte is noukeurig uitgewerk en ten laaste is die verband tussen literatuur en kulturele identiteit gekonseptualiseer. Hoofstuk drie ondersoek die konstruksie van kulturele identiteit van die Batswana volgens 'n aantal ondervraagdes. Die lewensgeskiedenis van die ondervraagdes en hulle reaksie op die gekose kulturele aspekte word gegee. Hulle aanvoeling van Batswana te wees is ook ondersoek. Hoofstuk vier gee die literere ontleding van die tekste wat gebruik is in hierdie studie. Hulle problematiseer en behandel vier belangrike kulturele praktyke van die Batswana nl. huiweliksgewoontes, die voorvaders, kapteinskap, en tradisionele genesing en toordery. Die laaste hoofstuk som die gevolgtrekkinge van hierdie studie op. Die sentrale probleem was om te bewys hoe kulturele identiteit gehandhaaf, onderhandel of oorgedra word deur van hierdie tekste en hoe om te bepaal of hierdie tekste nuwe moontlikhede om Tswana te wees oopmaak. Die hoofstuk ook gee die finale bevindings van die hele studie en maak aanbevelings daaroor. Vll Die gevolgtrekking is dat letterkunde die Batswana- kultuur handhaaf, weerspieel, oordra nie net aan jong mense nie maar ook aan volwassenes sodat hulle die belangrikheid van hulle kultuur en hulle kulturele identiteit kan erken. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii DEDICATION iii DECLARATION iv ABSTRACT v OPSOMMTNG vii CHAPTER ONE 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. Contextualisation 1 1.3. Problem statement 4 1.4. Aims and objectives 5 1.5. Hypothesis 5 1.6. Method of research 5 1.7. Chapter outline 6 CHAPTER TWO Tswana culture and the construction of cultural identity 8 2.1. A broad overview of the secondary literature on the four themes in Batswana culture 9 2.2. A brief history of the Batswana in South Africa 9 2.2.1Traditional/Pre-Historictimes 12 2.2.2.Firstencounterswith the whites (Missionaries) 14 2.2.3 The time of trouble (Difaqane 1820s 17 2.2.4 A brief history of the Batswan in Botswana 19 2.2.5 A brief history of South Africa 1899-1948 22 2.2.6.The Apartheid regime in South Africa 24 2.2.7.Present-Day living conditions 27 2.3. Language as a distinctive feature of the Batswana identity 28 2.4. The importance of these cultural aspects 31 2.5. Marriage customs 31 2.5.1. Nature of marriage 31 2.5.2. Conditions for marriage 33 2.5.3. Initiation 34 2.5.4. Negotiations - Role of the parents 35 2.5.5. Betrothal 36 2.5.6. Lobola 37 2.5.7. Wedding ceremonies 38 2.5.8. Duties and rights of a man and a wife 39 2.5.9.Divorce 39 2.5.10. Changes in the marriage customs 40 2.5.11. Seantlo 41 2.5.12. Polygamy 41 2.6. Ancestors 42 2.7. Witchcraft and sorcery 44 2.8. Chieftainship 46 2.8.1 The role of the chief. 49 2.9. Conclusion 50 2.10. A critical analysis of the research into cultural identity and the construction of identity 53 2.11. Conceptualising the link between literature and cultural identity 57 2.12. Changes in Batswana culture 62 CHAPTER THREE The construction of cultural identity in Tswana culture according to spokespeople 65 3.1. Life-history of the interviewees 65 3.2. Interviewees' feelings about their culture and being a Motswana 68 3.3. Ancestors 72 3.4. Marriage 75 3.5.Chieftainship 84 3.6. Witchcraft 88 3.7. Conclusions : Construction of cultural identity in literature and according to the spokespeople 92 CHAPTER FOUR The construction of cultural identity in the selected texts 96 4.1.Cultural identity constructed through redefining marriage customs: Dintshontsho tsa lorato and Pelo e ia serati 96 4.1.1. Summary of Dintshontsho tsa lorato. 97 4.1.2. Summary of Pelo e ia serati 99 4.1.3. Conflict and cultural identity 101 4.1.4. Plot and cultural identity 106 4.1.5. Characters and cultural identity 108 General remarks on characters, their names and the love triangle Ill Brief description of Mmamotia's character 112 Brief description of Sakoma's character 114 A brief description of Dithole's character 116 A brief description of Nombini 120 Setting, time and cultural identity 122 Cultural identity and theme in Dintshontsho tsa lorato and Pelo e ia serati 128 The portrayal of traditional marriage customs and cultural identity in Dintshontsho tsa lorato and Pelo e ia serati 129 Relations to foreigners 131 The role of the ancestors in Pelo e ia serati 132 Conclusion: marriage and the construction of cultural identity 133 4.2. Cultural identity and the role of chief Maragana and Magagana 134 4.2.1. Summary of Maragana. 135 4.2.2. Summary of Magagana 135 4.2.3. Conflict in the two texts and how it is related to cultural identity 136 4.2.4.