[email protected] 81135984 INTERVIEW text by aishah hamza brit- rockers “Wow. We’re really happy to do an interview for Singapore! You’re not allowed to drop chewing gum in your city are you? Is that right? Sorry if I’m a little ignorant,” says Edwin Congreave, keyboardist of the next big band, FOALS. True to the Oxford-dropout tag he brandishes, Edwin answers my questions articulately and elaborately. He even cared enough to apologize for grammatical errors he might have made (there were virtually none!). Given their enthusiasm to speak to anyone who enquires about the band, it is no wonder then that these Brit-lads are enjoying a meteoric rise via word-of-mouth. FOALS. INTERVIEW text by aishah hamza “Wow. We’re really happy to do an interview for Singapore! You’re not allowed to drop chewing gum in your city are you? Is that right? Sorry if I’m a little ignorant,” says Edwin Congreave, keyboardist of the next big band, FOALS. True to the Oxford-dropout tag he brandishes, Edwin answers my questions articulately and elaborately. He even cared enough to apologize for grammatical errors he might have made (there were virtually none!). Given their enthusiasm to speak to anyone who enquires “I don’T ThinK THE M AINSTREam will GET US liKE WE’D about the band, it is no liKE TO BE GOTTEN and I ThinK IF WE do GET BIG WE’RE wonder then that these Brit-lads are enjoying a GOING TO INEVITABLY maKE IT HARDER FOR THEM TO GET US.” meteoric rise via word-of-mouth.