
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,417,636 B2 LOVe et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 9, 2013

(54) APPROVING ACHOPERATOR PROCESSING USPC ...... 705/43 OF ACH PAYMENTS BASED ON AN (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 705/43 ORIGINATING DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL See application file for complete search history. INSTITUTIONS APPROVED ORIGINATOR LIST (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Robert Anthony Love, Stockbridge, GA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Lantanya Neale Mauriello, 4,270,042 A 5/1981 Case Suwanee, GA (US); Nesta Valerie 4,727,243 A 2/1988 Savar Reckord-Yarde, Lithonia, GA (US); 4,823,264 A 4/1989 Deming Susan Lynne Robertson, Decatur, GA (Continued) (US); Robert Williams, Decatur, GA (US); Donald E. Nelson, Marietta, GA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US) WO WOOO3OO53 5, 2000 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA (US) “Development of interface between FED and Eurogiro', Jan. 14. 2003.* (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 499 days. Primary Examiner — Garcia Ade (21) Appl. No.: 11/416,946 (74)74). AttAttorney, , Agent, or Firm — King & SpaldingSpaldi (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: May 3, 2006 Approving automated house (ACH) payments for (65) Prior Publication Data processing by an ACH operator is based on an approved originator list identifying originators authorized by an origi US 2006/02O6427 A1 Sep. 14, 2006 nating depository (“ODFI) to originate ACH payments and to send those ACH payments to the ACH Related U.S. Application Data operator on behalf of the ODFI. The ACH operator receives an ACH payment originated by a first originator and sent to (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/953,754, the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. The ACH operator filed on Sep. 29, 2004. determines whether the first originator is on the approved originator list and processes the ACH payment if the first (60) Provisional application No. 60/507,294, filed on Sep. originator is on the approved originator list. The ACH opera 30, 2003. tor can reject the ACH payment if the first originator is not on the approved originator list or can seek approval from the (51) Int. Cl. ODFI to process the ACH payment even if the first originator G06O40/00 (2012.01) is not on the approved originator list. GO6F 7/60 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. 32 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

Remote Sending Point 118 120



Sending ACH Operator Customer 106 102

Processin Tracking and 9 Reporting Module K-> 110 Module 112 >

Receiving Customer 114 Database 113 US 8,417,636 B2 Page 2

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Remote Sending Point 118

ACH Operator Customer 106 102 Tracking and Processing Reporting Module Module 110 112

Receiving Customer S2NS2 114 Database 113

Figure 1 U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2013 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,417,636 B2

200 Method for value tracking and reporting of ACH transactions Store payment cap for an originating depositorv financial institution ("ODF"

204 Receive an ACH file for Settlement OrOCeSSinc

205 ille/batch

designated for No tracking?

Yes 210 Pend the file/batch

215 Determine whether payments in the file/ batch will exceed the payment cap

Yes 225 Obtain approval to exceed the cap

230 Approval

Yes obtained?

No 235 240 Reject the file/batch Process the ACH payments for Settlement

Figure 2 U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2013 Sheet 3 of 6 US 8,417,636 B2

? 215

305 Select a sending customer

310 Sum payments in the file/batch 315 Read the running payment total for a specified time period

320 Add the summed payments to the running payment total to obtain the accumulated payment value

325 Read the payment cap

330 Compare the accumulated payment value to the payment cap

335 Update the running payment total with the accumulated payment value (220) Figure 3 U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2013 Sheet 4 of 6 US 8,417,636 B2

405 Store default instructions for exceedind the paVment Cap

410 Attempt to contact ODFI for approval to exceed the cap

420 415

Default Contact instructions uCCessful? Orovided?

Yes Yes

430 Obtain instructions to approve or Follow default instructions to reject the pended payments approve or reject the pended payments

Figure 4 U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2013 Sheet 5 of 6 US 8,417,636 B2

G?un61 U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2013 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,417,636 B2

600 Method for approving ACH Operator processing of ACH payments based on an ODFI's approved originator list 605 Create an approved originator list for the originating depository financial institution ("ODF") 61O Communicate the ODFI's approved originator list to the ACH Operator 615 Receive an ACH file comprising payments for the ODF 620 ldentify the originator of the ODFI's payments in the ACH file

O 625 Compare the identified originator to the ODFI's approved originator list



Yes On the list?

O 635 Attempt to obtain ODF approval to process the payments

640 Approval

Yes obtained? 650 Process the ACH payments NO 645 Reject the file/batch

Figure 6 US 8,417,636 B2 1. 2 APPROVING ACHOPERATOR PROCESSING nator or receiver of electronic ACH payments and does not OF ACH PAYMENTS BASED ON AN imply exclusion of other types of organizations or individu ORIGINATING DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL als. Transaction items are created by an originator and are INSTITUTIONS APPROVED ORIGINATOR delivered in batches to an originating depository financial LIST institution (“ODFI). The ODFI will transmit these batches in an ACH file to the ACH operator through its sending point. RELATED PATENT APPLICATIONS The ODFI may act as its own sending point, or it may contract with a third party or “remote” sending point, to electronically This application is a continuation in part of, and claims transmit the information in a file to an ACH operator. This priority to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/953,754 filed 10 third party or “remote' sending point may be a depository Sep. 29, 2004 and entitled “Value Tracking and Reporting of financial institution or a company providing processing Ser Automated Clearing House Transactions.” which claims pri vices for depository financial institutions. The ACH operator ority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/507,294 can comprise the Federal Reserve or another operator. filed Sep. 30, 2003 and entitled “System and Method for The file comprises batches, and each batch comprises one Electronic Image Quality Analysis.” The subject matter of 15 or more ACH transaction items pertaining to one originator each of the above-identified priority applications is hereby and payment type. ACH transaction items are individual elec fully incorporated herein by reference. tronic debit payments or credit payments formatted to meet NACHA standards. Once received by the ACH operator, the FIELD OF THE INVENTION transaction items are sorted, batched, and assembled in a file for delivery to a receiving depository financial institution The present invention relates to processing automated (“RDFI). The RDFI may act as its own receiving point, or it clearing house (ACH) financial transactions. Particularly, may contract with a third party, to electronically receive a file the present invention relates to determining whether an origi from the ACH operator. This third party may be a depository nating depository financial institution (“ODFI) has financial institution or a company providing processing Ser approved ACH payments originated by an account holder of 25 vices for depository financial institutions. The ACH operator the ODFI and sent to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. may provide ACH accounting informationina machine-read able format to facilitate the automation of accounting infor BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION mation for participating DFIs. The following provides definitions of the ACH system One form of electronic funds transfer (“EFT) currently 30 participants: used domestically is known as direct payment (or direct (1) ACH Operator: The Federal Reserve Banks or another deposit) instruments. A direct payment instrument is an elec operator which receives transaction items from an ODFI tronically transmitted instruction to creditor debit aparticular through its sending point, distributes the items to appropriate account. For example, a company can use direct payment to RDFIs or their third party receiving point(s), and can perform credit the accounts of its employees, customers, Vendors, and 35 the settlement functions (crediting and debiting of accounts) beneficiaries. Direct payment instruments are becoming for the affected financial institutions. In some cases, ACH increasingly popular as conventional payment methods. Such operators may not perform the settlement function. as checks, decrease in popularity. Because the transaction is (2) Originator: A person or organization that agrees to performed electronically, direct payment instruments offer initiate ACH entries into the payments system according to an convenience and reliability. The electronic system that Sup 40 arrangement with a receiver. The originator is usually a com ports direct payment instruments in the United States is pany that originates an ACH item to a consumer's account or referred to as the Automated Clearing House (ACH). The another company's account. The originator is responsible for ACH is a payments network that uses a batch processing, obtaining and retaining any required authorization from the store-and-forward method for transfer of payment informa receiver. tion. The payment information in an ACH transaction or item 45 (3) Originating Depository Financial Institution (“ODFI): is an instruction to debit or credit a receiver's account. A financial institution that receives the payment instructions Receivers may be corporate entities or consumers. For from originators and forwards the items to the ACH operator. example, a company can use an ACH payment to credit the (4) Receiver: A person or organization that has authorized accounts of its employees, customers, Vendors, and benefi an originator to initiate an ACH entry to the receiver's account ciaries. Use of the ACH network has grown significantly in 50 at its RDFI. the past few years as more corporations and consumers (5) Receiving Depository Financial Institution (“RDFI): choose electronic alternatives for their transactions. The ACH A financial institution that receives ACH transactions from provides a consistent and reliable payment alternative. the ACH operator and posts them to the accounts of its cus The ACH is a nationwide system supported by depository tomers (receivers). financial institutions and ACH operators, including the Fed 55 (6) Receiving Point: The point to which files from the ACH eral Reserve Banks. The ACH network is governed by a set of operator are delivered for the RDFI. An RDFI may designate rules administered by the National Automated Clearing itself or another entity as the receiving point. House Association (“NACHA). The ACH network provides (7) Sending Point: The actual point from which a file is clearing of generally small value, recurring, and one-time deposited with the ACH operator for the ODFI. The ODFI payments among banks that participate in the ACH network. 60 may designate itselfor another entity as its sending point. The Financial institutions collect transactions and package them ODFI may have multiple sending points. in batched ACH files according to the NACHA rules for The following provides a description of the anatomy of a forwarding to other institutions via the ACH network. representative ACH file. ACH files comprise groups of ACH ACH offers financial institutions, companies, consumers, items in batches that must be in a specific sequence or the and others an efficient, alternative to paper based payment 65 ACH operator will not process the file. Each ACH file has one methods. Throughout this specification, any reference to the file header, which primarily comprises immediate origin and term “company' is intended to be representative of the origi destination information. Fields in the file header include the US 8,417,636 B2 3 4 local ACH operator routing number, sending point or receiv A depository financial institution also may authorize a ing point routing number, file date, file time, record block, customer, Such as an account holder, to originate ACH pay destination name of the ACH operator, and origin name (the ments directly to the ACH operator. A customer with that sending point or receiving point name). authorization is a remote originator. For example, a deposi Each batch comprises one or more similar ACH items and tory financial institution can authorize a customer to originate contains a batch header record that identifies the originator ACH payments for the customer's payroll each month. The and the purpose of the entry and a batch control record that customer originates ACH credit payments to debit the cus contains a count of the preceding entries. ACH files can tomer's account at the depository financial institution and to comprise more than one batch. Depending on who creates the credit the customer's employees’ accounts. The customer 10 forwards the originated ACH payments to the ODFI, which batch, either the ODFI or the originator will enter the data in forwards the originated payments to the ACH operator for the batch header. Fields in the batch header comprise the processing and, in some cases, settlement processing. The ODFI routing number, company name, company entry ODFI may not review the originated payments prior to for description (which prints on the customer statement), origi warding those payments to the ACH operator. Conventional nator identification, batch number, effective entry date, and 15 ACH operator processing systems do not allow the ODFI to standard entry class code. monitor and control the ACH payments after receipt by the Each ACH batch also comprises a batch control record that ACH operator. Accordingly, the depository financial institu announces the end of a batch. The batch control record com tion needs to limit and control those payments to prevent the prises totals for the batch, Such as number of items (pay customer from overdrawing its account. ments), total dollar amounts, and a Summation (algorithm) of Furthermore, an ODFI currently cannot control ACH the RDFI identification. Each batch must have a control operator processing of payments originated by a remote send record before another batch can begin. Throughout this speci ing point and sent to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. fication, reference to a batch header can comprise information For example, if a remote sending point fraudulently origi from a batch control record. nates ACH payments and sends those payments to the ACH Each ACH item comprises an item detail record. The num 25 operator on behalf of the ODFI, the ODFI may not receive ber of ACH items per ACH batch can be up to 999,999. Fields notice of those payments until the ACH operator has pro in the item detail record comprise the dollar amount, the cessed those payments and presents those payments to the receiver's RDFI account number and name, the transaction ODFI for settlement. The ODFI cannot prevent processing code for the receiver's type of account, trace number, and and presentment of those payments by the ACH operator. RDFI routing number. Each item detail record must be con 30 Alternatively, an ODFI may revoke a remote sending points structed in accordance with the NACHA record layout authority to originate payments and to send those payments to according to the Standard Entry Class Code of the batch. the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. As with the fraudu Each ACH file also comprises a file control record at the lently originated payments, the ODFI may not receive notice end of the last batch in the ACH file. The file control record of the payments until the ACH operator has processed those announces the end of the file and includes a Summary of all of 35 payments and presents those payments to the ODFI for settle the batch control records. Throughout this specification, ref ment, and the ODFI cannot prevent processing and present erence to a file header can comprise information from a file ment of those payments by the ACH operator. control record. Accordingly, a need exists in the art for allowing an ODFI Each file header identifies the immediate origin (sending to control ACH operator processing and presentment of ACH point or ACH operator) and destination (receiving point or 40 payments originated by a remote sending point and sent to the ACH operator). A file may comprise batches and items for ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. Particularly, a need one or more ODFIs. A file can comprise items for numerous exists in the art for determining whether an ODFI has RDFIS. Typically, each batch comprises only one company’s approved ACH payments originated by a remote sending items. Input batches, which are being sent to the ACH opera point and sent to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. A tor by the ODFI, can comprise items for multiple RDFIs. 45 further need exists in the art for making that determination Output batches, which are coming from the ACH operator, prior to processing of the ACH payments by the ACH opera comprise items for only one RDFI. tor, whereby the ACH operator can reject the payments if the A remote sending point can Submit ACH payments to the ODFI did not approve the payments. ACH operator using an ODFI-owned routing number (“RTN) or through a remote connection using an electronic 50 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION transaction identifier (“ETI). An ETI is analogous to an RTN but designed for use by other than depository financial insti The present invention comprises approving automated tutions. The submission on behalf of an ODFI presents a risk clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an ACH to the ODFI because the ODFI is responsible for the payments operator, where the ACH payments are originated by an presented on its behalf. 55 account holder of an originating depository financial institu Two examples of a remote sending point are a third party tion (“ODFI) and sent to the ACH operator on behalf of the direct depositor (alternatively, a third party processor) and a ODFI. One exemplary ACH operator is the Federal Reserve remote originator. An ODFI may authorize a third party direct Banks operating their Automated Clearing House (“Fe depositor to process all or a portion of the depository financial dACH) service. The present invention can allow ODFIs to institution’s ACH transactions on its behalf. That third party 60 identify which account holders are authorized to originate direct depositor then originates ACH credit and debit pay ACH payments and to send those ACH payments to the ACH ments directly to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. operator on behalf of the ODFI. Prior to processing the ACH However, conventional ACH operator processing systems do payments, the ACH operator determines whether the ODFI not allow the ODFI to monitor and control the ACH payments authorized the originator of the ACH payments to send those originated on its behalf by a third party direct depositor. 65 payments to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. If the Accordingly, ODFIs desire to limit those transactions and to ODFI authorized the originator to take that action, then the maintain control over the third party direct depositor. ACH operator processes the ACH payments. If the ODFI did US 8,417,636 B2 5 6 not authorize the originator to take that action, then the ACH there could be many different ways of implementing the operator can reject the ACH payments or can contact the invention in computer programming, and the invention ODFI for approval to process the ACH payments. should not be construed as limited to any one set of computer One aspect of the present invention relates to a method for program instructions. Further, a skilled programmer would be approving ACH payments for processing by an ACH operator able to write such a computer program to implement an based on an approved originator list. The approved originator embodiment of the disclosed invention based on the flow list identifies originators authorized by an ODFI to originate charts and associated description in the application text. ACH payments and to send those ACH payments to the ACH Therefore, disclosure of a particular set of program code operator on behalf of the ODFI. The ACH operator receives instructions is not considered necessary for an adequate an ACH payment originated by a first originator and sent to 10 understanding of how to make and use the invention. The the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI. The ACH operator inventive functionality of the claimed computer program will determines whether the first originator is on the approved be explained in more detail in the following description read originator list and processes the ACH payment if the first in conjunction with the figures illustrating the program flow. originator is on the approved originator list. The ACH opera In an exemplary embodiment according to the present tor can reject the ACH payment if the first originator is not on 15 invention, a method comprises the following steps to monitor the approved originator list or can seek approval from the the dollar value of ACH operator volume initiated by a remote ODFI to process the ACH payment even if the first originator sending point on behalf of an ODFI and forwarded to an ACH is not on the approved originator list. operator: These and other aspects, objects, and features of the 1. Determine whether an incoming ACH file or batch is present invention will become apparent from the following designated for value tracking and reporting services. detailed description of the exemplary embodiments, read in 2. If not, then process the undesignated ACH payments. conjunction with, and reference to, the accompanying draw 3. If yes, then pend communication of the designated send 1ngS. ing point file or batch at a preprocessing point. "Preprocess ing' means prior to processing the file or batch. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 25 4. Sum debit payment values and credit payment values, respectively, in the file or batch for a given ODFI by settle FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicting a system for value ment date, process date, or exposure period. tracking of automated clearing house payments processed by 5. Add the summed debit and credit payment values to the an ACH operator according to an exemplary embodiment of running debit and credit payment totals, respectively, for the present invention. 30 settlement date, process date, or exposure period to obtain an FIG. 2 is a flow chart depicting a method for value tracking accumulated debit value and an accumulated credit value. and reporting of ACH transactions according to an exemplary The running debit and credit payment totals comprise a total embodiment of the present invention. value of prior debit and credit payments, respectively, for the FIG. 3 is a flow chart depicting a method for determining ODFI previously processed during the specified time period. whether payments in a file or batch will exceed a pre-estab 35 6. Compare the accumulated debit and credit payment lished payment cap according to an exemplary embodiment values to pre-established value payment caps (debit and/or of the present invention. credit) to determine the process status of a given file or batch. FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting a method for obtaining 7. If the accumulated debit and credit payment values for a ODFI approval to exceed an established payment cap accord given settlement date, process date, or exposure period do not ing to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 40 exceed the respective debit or credit value payment cap, then FIG. 5 illustrates a file tracking and reporting table accord release the file or batch for processing and settlement. ing to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 8. If the accumulated debit or credit payment values for a FIG. 6 is a flowchart depicting a method for approving given settlement date, process date, or exposure period ACH operator processing of ACH payments based on an exceed the respective debit or credit value payment cap, then approved originator list according to an exemplary embodi 45 notify the ODFI that the pending payments will exceed the ment of the present invention. Cap. 9. If the ODFI approves overriding the debit or credit DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY payment cap and processing of the cap-exceeding ACH pay EMBODIMENTS ments, then release the file or batch for processing and settle 50 ment. The present invention can allow an originating depository 10. If the ODFI does not approve overriding the payment financial institution (“ODFI) to pre-approve account holders cap to process the cap-exceeding payments, then reject the that are authorized to originate automated clearing house file or batch. (ACH) payments and to send those payments to an ACH The above steps can monitor and approve the dollar value operator for ACH processing. The ODFI can create an 55 of ACH payments initiated by a remote sending point on approved originator list identifying originators with that behalf of an ODFI. In an exemplary embodiment, the file can authority and can send the approved originator list to the ACH comprise information identifying the remote sending point operator. When the ACH operator receives ACH payments and the ODFI responsible for the ACH payments. In another sent by an originator on behalf of the ODFI, the ACH operator exemplary embodiment, the remote sending point can trans determines whether the originator is on the approved origi 60 mit an ACH file comprising ACH payments for only one nator list. If yes, then the ACH operator processes the ACH ODFI. In another exemplary embodiment, the remote send payments. If the ACH operator is not on the approved origi ing point can communicate an ACH file comprising batches nator list, then the ACH operator rejects the ACH payments or of ACH payments formultiple ODFIs. In that case, each batch contacts the ODFI for approval to process the ACH payments. can comprise information identifying the specific ODFI The present invention comprises a computer program that 65 responsible for respective batches of ACH payments. Accord embodies the functions described herein and illustrated in the ingly, the value tracking and reporting system can Sum ACH appended flow charts. However, it should be apparent that credit and debit payments received from a specific remote US 8,417,636 B2 7 8 sending point for a specific ODFI. Then, the system can verify examines the item detail record for each item in the accepted the total value of ACH payments in the batch or file with batches to determine whether it conforms to the required respect to a credit and/or debit payment cap, as discussed information. If yes, then the processing module accepts the above. respective items for settlement. In an exemplary embodiment, In another exemplary embodiment, the remote sending the processing module also can perform the settlement func point can communicate all ACH payments for a specific tion to settle the accepted ACH items. Settlement involves ODFI using a unique identification number ("ID"). That pro debiting and crediting the appropriate ODFI and RDFI cess can apply at the file or batch level. The value tracking accounts related to each accepted ACH item. system can correlate the unique identification number to a If the file header, batch header, or item detail record do not remote sending point and a corresponding ODFI. Then, the 10 method can determine whether the ODFI desires value track conform to the required information, then the processing ing by verifying the ODFI’s subscription to that service. Next, module rejects the respective file, batch, or item. In that case, the value tracking and reporting system can Sum ACH credit the processing module will not settle the rejected files, and debit payments, respectively, received from a specific batches, or items. Accordingly, the sending customer must remote sending point for a specific ODFI. Then, the system 15 correct the errors in the information and resubmit the rejected can verify the total value of ACH payments in the batch or file file, batch, or item in a new file for acceptance. with respect to a credit and/or debit payment cap, as discussed Referring to the drawings, in which like numerals represent above. like elements, additional aspects of the exemplary embodi To prevent the remote sending point from circumventing ments will be described. the ID restriction by originating activity for the ODFI under FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicting a system 100 for value an additional ID, the ODFI can contract with the remote tracking of ACH payments processed by an ACH operator sending point to use a single ID. However, the ODFI may not 106 according to an exemplary embodiment of the present be able to control the ID used by the remote sending point, and invention. the ODFI relies on the remote sending point's good will to Value tracking involves tracking the value of ACH pay process its volume under a single ID. Accordingly, the ODFI 25 ments over a specified time period to prevent exceeding a may not accept the risk of relying on the remote sending pre-established payment cap for the value of those payments. point's good will to use a single ID. In an exemplary embodi In a typical ACH transaction, a sending customer 102 initiates ment, the value tracking method can require the remote send an ACH payment with a receiving customer 114 by forward ing point to initiate all ACH payments for a specific ODFI ing the ACH payment to the ACH operator 106. The sending through a dedicated node and sending point routing number 30 customer 102 comprises an ODFI that sends payments on (“RTN). In that case, the sending point cannot change IDs behalf of an originator to the ACH operator 106 either directly for a specific ODFI. The ACH files can be identified by the or through a remote sending point. The receiving customer network origination location. The security protocol mecha 114 comprises an RDFI that receives payments from the ACH nism attached to the remote sending points communications operator 106 either directly or through a remote receiving protocol connection can be used to allow the remote sending 35 point. The sending customer 102 also can authorize a remote point to send only specific IDs via a particular circuit. The ID sending point 118 to originate ACH payments on its behalf of the file can be validated to the remote sending points and to forward those ACH payments directly to the ACH process ID. Accordingly, the value tracking system can operator 106. The remote sending point 118 communicates require the sending point to use a dedicated node and sending eachACH payment as an ACH item in an ACH file. Each ACH point RTN to transmit work on the ODFI’s behalf. Then, the 40 file comprises one or more ACH batches that each comprise method can determine whether the ODFI desires value track one or more ACH payment items. ing by verifying the ODFI’s subscription to that service. Next, As shown in FIG. 1, the various parties to the transaction the value tracking and reporting system can Sum ACH credit can communicate ACH files and other information via a and debit payments, respectively, received from a specific secure session over a distributed computer network 108. For remote sending point for a specific ODFI. Then, the system 45 example, the remote sending point 118 can communicate the can verify the total value of ACH payments in the batch or file electronic ACH file to the ACH operator via the network 108. with respect to a credit and/or debit payment cap, as discussed In exemplary embodiments, the distributed computer net above. work 108 can comprise the Internet, a virtual private network, In another exemplary embodiment, the value tracking sys a computer interface protocol, or other suitable network. tem can sum all ACH payments for an ODFI from multiple 50 Alternatively, the various parties can communicate the ACH remote sending points. In that case, the credit and debit pay files and other information via a secure, direct communica ment caps can control the aggregate value of all ACH pay tion link 120. For example, the remote sending point 118 can ments for an ODFI received from multiple sending points. communicate the electronic ACH files to the ACH operator Processing of the ACH payments comprises determining via the direct communication link 120. In an exemplary whether to accept ACH payments for settlement. Processing 55 embodiment, the link 120 can comprise a direct frame relay involves examining the information in the ACH file to deter connection. mine whether all required information is present and in the FIG. 2 is a flow chart depicting a method 200 for value required format. First, a processing module of the ACH tracking and reporting of ACH transactions according to an operator examines the file header information to determine if exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The method it conforms to the NACHA required format and content. If the 60 200 will be described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2. file header information conforms to the required information, In step 202, the ACH operator 106 stores credit and debit then the processing module accepts the file. In that case, the payment caps for one or more sending customers 102 in the processing module performs a similar examination of each database 113. The sending customers 102 can establish their batch header in the file to determine whether to accept the respective credit and debit payment caps to limit credit risk respective batches. If the batch header information conforms 65 associated with ACH origination. to the required information, then the processing module In step 204, the processing module 110 of the ACH opera accepts the respective batch. Then, the processing module tor 106 receives an ACH file communicated from the remote US 8,417,636 B2 10 sending point 118 processing. The ACH file comprises one or the required information is present and in the proper format. more batches, each comprising one or more ACH payment Another part of the validation process examines if the rela items (“payments'). tionships between the parties in the transactions match the In step 205, the processing module 110 determines whether legal relationships as defined in an ACH customer directory the ACH file, or one or more batches within the ACH file, is database. If the NACHA required information is present and designated for value tracking and reporting. The processing properly formatted and the relationships are correct, then the module 110 can make the determination of step 205 in any processing module 110 accepts the file for ACH transaction Suitable manner. In an exemplary embodiment, the process processing of the batches included therein. ing module 110 can search the file header or batch header for The processing module 110 also processes eachACH batch a data string that indicates the corresponding file or batch is 10 in the ACH file to determine whether to accept each batch. To designated for value tracking and reporting. In an alternative determine whether to accept an ACH batch, the processing exemplary embodiment, the processing module 110 can iden module 110 examines the NACHA required information in tify the sending customer 102 responsible for the payments the batch header to determine if all of the required informa based on the name, routing number or other identification tion is present and in the properformat and to determine if the number, or other Suitable information of the sending cus 15 relationships between the parties in the transactions match the tomer 102 within the ACH file or ACH batch. Then, the legal relationships as defined in the ACH customer directory processing module 110 can determine whether the sending database. If the NACHA required information is present and customer Subscribes to the value tracking and reporting Ser properly formatted and the relationships are correct, then the Vice by comparison of the sending customer 102 to a Sub processing module 110 accepts the batch for ACH transaction scriber list. If the processing module 110 matches the infor processing of the payments included therein. mation of the sending customer 102 with information on the The processing module 110 also processes each ACH pay subscriber list, then the processing module 110 will perform ment in each ACH batch to determine whether to accept each value tracking and reporting of the ACH payments of the payment. To determine whether to accept an ACH payment, sending customer 102. the processing module 110 examines the NACHA required In another exemplary embodiment, the sending customer 25 information in the payment detail record to determine if all of 102 can request file tracking and reporting of ACH payments the required information is present and in the proper format for a particular originator of the sending customer 102. For and that the relationships are correct. If the NACHA required example, the sending customer 102 can provide its own iden information is present and properly formatted and the rela tifying information combined with the identifying informa tionships are correct, then the processing module 110 accepts tion of the originator to the ACH operator 106. The ACH 30 the payment for ACH transaction processing and settlement. operator 106 can store that information in the subscriber list. For each ACH payment, the processing module 110 In exemplary embodiments, the originator information can records a process date on which the processing module 110 comprise an account number, a customer/company number, will perform the payment processing discussed above. Addi or other information suitable to identify the originator. By tionally, the processing module 110 records a settlement date including the combination of sending customer 102 informa 35 for each ACH payment. The settlement date is the date on tion and originator information in the headers of ACH files or which the appropriate accounts are credited or debited to batches, the processing module 110 can identify payments for settle the ACH payment. The settlement date initially com file tracking and reporting based on the particular originator prises the future date of settlement until the accounts are of the sending customer 102. debited and credited. Then, the settlement date reflects the Thus, file tracking and reporting can be performed for 40 actual settlement date of the ACH payment. various entities related to a sending customer 102. In an Referring back to step 205, if the processing module 110 exemplary embodiment, the method can apply to ACH pay determines that the file or batch is designated for value track ments of the sending customer 102, regardless of the entity ing and reporting, then the method branches to step 210. In that forwards the payments to the ACH operator 106. For step 210, the processing module 110 pends the file or each example, file tracking and reporting can be performed for 45 individual batch designated for value tracking. In an exem ACH payments forwarded to the ACH operator 106 by the plary embodiment, the processing module 110 pends the particular remote sending point 118 on behalf of the sending designated file or batch prior to the start of processing of the customer 102. Alternatively, file tracking and reporting can be payment included therein. In an alternative exemplary performed for ACH payments forwarded to the ACH operator embodiment, the processing module 110 can pend the desig 106 by the sending customer 102 without using the remote 50 nated file or batch during that processing. sending point 118. In another exemplary embodiment, the In step 215, the tracking and reporting module 112 deter method can apply to ACH payments of a particular originator mines whether the credit and debit payments in the file or in of the sending customer 102 when those payments are for the individual batch will exceed the respective payment cap warded to the ACH operator 106 by the sending customer 102 established by the sending customer 102 responsible for those or the remote sending point 118. In any case, the processing 55 payments. Step 215 is discussed in more detail below with module 110 determines in step 205 whether the ACH pay reference to FIG. 3. ments in the file or batch are designated for file tracking and In step 220, the tracking and reporting module 112 deter reporting. mines the next processing action based on whether the pay If the processing module 110 determines in step 205 that ments will exceed the payment cap. If the credit or debit the file or batch is not designated for value tracking and 60 payments within the file or batch will not cause the payment reporting, then the method branches to step 240 to process the cap to be exceeded, then the method branches to step 240 to ACH payments. The processing module 110 processes the process the ACH payments. If the tracking and reporting ACH file, including the batches and payments in the file, to module 112 determines in step 220 that the payments in the determine whether to accept the ACH file, the ACH batches, file or batch will cause the payment cap to be exceeded, then and each ACH payment. To determine whether to accept the 65 the method branches to step 225. ACH file, the processing module 110 examines the NACHA In step 225, the ACH operator 106 obtains approval to required information in the file header to determine if all of exceed the payment cap from the sending customer 102 US 8,417,636 B2 11 12 responsible for the payments. Step 225 is discussed in more embodiment, the specified time period can comprise a settle detail below with reference to FIG. 4. Then, in step 230, the ment date of the ACH payments. method 200 determines whether the sending customer 102 In another alternative exemplary embodiment, the speci approved exceeding the payment cap. If the sending customer fied time period can comprise an exposure period of the ACH 102 approved exceeding the payment cap, then the method 5 payments, which is the time between the process date and the branches to step 240 to process the ACH payments within the settlement date. The exposure period encompasses ACH pay file or batch. If the method 200 determines in step 230 that the ments that have been processed but not settled and the return sending customer 102 did not approve exceeding the payment risk associated with debit payments. In an exemplary embodi cap, then the method branches to step 235. In step 235, the ment, the exposure period can comprise two days for pro tracking and reporting module 112 rejects the file, and the 10 processing module 110 communicates rejection of the file to cessed credit payments and three days for processed debit the remote sending point 118. payments. An account holder can initiate an ACH credit pay FIG.3 is a flow chart depicting a method 215 for determin ment without having sufficient funds in the account to cover ing whether payments in a file or batch will exceed a pre the payment and later can deposit sufficient funds before the established payment cap according to an exemplary embodi 15 settlement date. However, the ACH operator will debit the ment of the present invention, as referred to in step 215 of sending customer 102 for the ACH payment on the settlement FIG. 2. The method 215 will be described with reference to date, regardless of whether the account holder has sufficient FIGS. 1 and 3. funds in its account. An account holder can initiate an ACH In step 305, the tracking and reporting module 112 selects debit payment, which adds funds into its account. Those a sending customer 102 responsible for credit or debit pay funds may be returned in the event of a dispute or insufficient ments within the file. If the ACH file comprises batches of funds in the receiving account. Accordingly, the sending cus ACH credit or debit payments for only one sending customer tomer 102 may desire to monitor the amount of unsettled, 102, then the tracking and reporting module 112 can select processed payments to monitor its exposure for those pay that sending customer 102. If the ACH file comprises batches mentS. of ACH credit or debit payments for more than one sending 25 In step 320, the tracking and reporting module 112 adds the customer 102, then the tracking and reporting module 112 Summed credit payments to the running credit payment total selects a sending customer 102 responsible for the payments to obtain the accumulated credit payment value. The tracking in one of the batches in the ACH file. Then, the tracking and and reporting module 112 also adds the Summed debit pay reporting module 112 continues the method 215 for the ments to the running debit payment total to obtain the accu selected sending customer 102 and can repeat the method 215 30 mulated debit payment value. for each sending customer 102. In any event, the method 215 In step 325, the tracking and reporting module 112 reads proceeds to step 310 for the selected sending customer 102. the payment cap stored in step 202 (FIG. 2) for the sending In step 310, the tracking and reporting module 112 Sums customer 102 selected in step 305. The tracking and reporting the credit payments in the file or batch and separately sums module 112 can read a credit payment cap and/or a debit the debit payments in the file or batch. 35 payment cap established by the sending customer 102. Then, In step 315, the tracking and reporting module 112 reads a in step 330, the tracking and reporting module 112 compares running credit payment total and a running debit payment the accumulated payment value to the payment cap to deter total for a specified time period from the database 113. The mine whether the accumulated payment value exceeds the running credit payment total is a Sum of all credit payments payment cap. The tracking and reporting module 112 can processed for the sending customer 102 during the specified 40 make that comparison and determination for either the credit time period. The running debit payment total is a sum of all payments or the debit payments. debit payments processed for the sending customer 102 dur In step 335, the tracking and reporting module 112 updates ing the specified time period. In an exemplary embodiment, the running payment total with the accumulated value and the running payment totals can comprise a sum of all creditor stores the updated running payment total in the database 113. debit payments processed for the sending customer, which 45 The method then proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). payments were originated by a particular remote sending FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting a method 225 for obtaining point. In another exemplary embodiment, the running pay sending customer approval to exceed an established payment ment totals can comprise a sum of all creditor debit payments cap according to an exemplary embodiment of the present processed for the sending customer, which payments were invention, as referred to in step 225 of the FIG. 2. The method originated by multiple remote sending points. In another 50 225 will be described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 4. exemplary embodiment, the running payment totals can com In step 405, the ACH operator 106 stores a sending cus prise a sum of all credit or debit payments processed for the tomer's 102 default instructions for exceeding the payment sending customer, which payments were originated by one or cap in the database 113. The sending customer 102 can estab more remote sending points and/or the sending customer. lish default instructions to define ACH operator 106 actions in Accordingly, the payment totals can reflect payments for 55 case the ACH operator 106 cannot contact the sending cus warded to the ACH operator from the sending customer, the tomer 102 for approval to exceed a payment cap. sending customer and one or more remote sending points, a In step 410, the ACH operator 106 attempts to contact the single remote sending point, or multiple remote sending sending customer 102 for approval to exceed the established points. The running payment totals are set to Zero at the payment cap. The ACH operator 106 can contact the sending beginning of the specified time period. Accordingly, the run 60 customer 102 via any Suitable method. According to an exem ning payment totals equal Zero for the first set of ACH pay plary embodiment, the tracking and reporting module 112 can ments processed during the specified time period. generate an e-mail requesting authorization to exceed the The specified time period can comprise any suitable time payment cap and can forward that e-mail to the sending period for which the sending customer 102 desires to estab customer 102 via the network 108. In an alternative exem lish a credit or debit payment cap. In an exemplary embodi 65 plary embodiment, the ACH operator 106 can contact the ment, the specified time period can comprise the processing sending customer 102 via telephone or e-mail for approval to date of the ACH payments. In an alternative exemplary exceed the payment cap. US 8,417,636 B2 13 14 In step 415, the method 200 determines whether the ACH respective pre-established debit and credit payment caps 514, operator 106 Successfully contacted the sending customer 516, respectively. If so, then the table 500 displays a warning 102. If not, then the method 225 branches to step 420, dis message 522 to indicate that occurrence. cussed below. If the ACH operator 106 successfully contacted For each ACH file or batch comprising ACH payments that the sending customer 102, then the method branches to step 5 exceed the credit cap or the debit cap for a sending customer 425. 102, the ACH operator 106 can contact the authorized repre In step 425, the ACH operator 106 obtains instructions sentatives designated by the sending customer 102 for receiv from the sending customer 102 to approve exceeding the ing notice of the breach of the debit cap or credit cap (each a payment cap or to reject the pended payments. The sending “Notice Contact”), by telephone on a recorded line, by e-mail, customer 102 can provide its instructions by any suitable 10 or by other suitable means, and can inform the Notice Contact method. In an exemplary embodiment, the sending customer that the ACH operator 106 has received a file comprising ACH 102 can verbally instruct the ACH operator 106 via telephone payments that exceed the applicable credit cap or debit cap. or other communications device to approve exceeding the The sending customer 102 also can designate authorized rep payment cap or to reject the pending payments. In an alter resentatives to decide on behalf of the sending customer 102 native exemplary embodiment, the sending customer 102 can 15 whether to instruct the ACH operator to override the creditor instruct the ACH operator via e-mail to the ACH operator 106 debit cap and to release a file or batch for processing or or directly to the tracking and reporting module 112. The whether to reject a file or batch (each an “Approval Contact’). method 225 then proceeds to step 230 (FIG. 2). In an exemplary embodiment, the decision to release or reject Referring back to step 420, if the ACH operator 106 could can be made with respect to an entire file and not with respect not successfully contact the sending customer 102 in step to batches or payments within a file. In an alternative exem 415, then the method determines in step 420 whether the ACH plary embodiment, the decision to release or reject also can be operator 106 has default instructions from the sending cus made with respect to batches within a file and with respect to tomer 102 stored in the database 113. If the sending customer payments within a batch. 102 has not provided default instructions, then the method The sending customer 102 can provide written instructions 225 branches to step 235 (FIG. 2) to reject the pended pay 25 to the ACH operator defining default procedures in the event ments. If the sending customer 102 has provided default timely approval for rejection or processing is not received. If instructions, then the method branches to step 430. In step instructions to override a cap and to release a pended file for 430, the ACH operator 106 follows the default instructions to processing or to reject the pended file are not received from an approve or reject the pended payments. The method then Approval Contact by a specified deadline, the ACH operator proceeds to step 230 (FIG. 2). 30 can follow the written instruction provided by the sending The following text describes another alternative exemplary customer 102. embodiment of the present invention. In that embodiment, The exemplary value tracking methods discussed above each file or batch of ACH payments included in the file comprise rejecting the ACH payments when the accumulated tracking and reporting service can be identified by a header payment value exceeds the payment cap. In an exemplary that includes an identifier. For example, the identifier can 35 embodiment, a value tracking and reporting method can comprise a four letter ID such as “XXXX. The value tracking reject only a portion of the ACH payments which causes the and reporting method can provide the file tracking and report accumulated payment value to exceed the payment cap, and ing service with respect to ACH payments in files or batches the method can process the remaining payments. In that identified by the XXXX identifier. regard, the method can reject individual payments within a The sending customer 102 can specify in writing, a daily 40 batch and can process the remaining payments within the aggregate value for all debit items (the "debit payment cap”), batch. Alternatively, the method can reject one or more of a and/or a daily aggregate limit for all credit items (the “credit number of batches in a file and can process the remaining payment cap'), that may be originated using the XXXX iden batches within the file. tifier during a specified time period. Thereafter, the sending The exemplary value tracking methods of the present customer 102 can provide the ACH operator with a written 45 invention can provide several advantages. Specifically, the instruction to increase or decrease the debit or credit payment system can reduce sending customer 102 involvement and Cap. can reduce processing time. For example, the sending cus After the ACH operator receives an ACH file originated tomer 102 can authorize overriding a cap to process an ACH using the XXXX identifier, the ACH operator can send a file or batch that will exceed a credit or debit cap without report of the aggregate running total dollaramount of all ACH 50 actually changing the credit or debit cap value. Accordingly, debit and/or credit payments originated using the XXXX sending customer 102 involvement is reduced because the identifier during the specified time period, including amounts sending customer 102 does not actually have to change the in the file or batch just originated, to each of the authorized affected cap, and the sending customer 102 does not have to representatives designated by the sending customer 102 for reset the cap after processing of the cap-exceeding ACH receiving Such report via facsimile or e-mail. The report can 55 payments. Additionally, processing of the ACH payments be in the exemplary form of a file tracking and reporting table. does not have to wait for the sending customer 102 to change FIG. 5 illustrates a file tracking and reporting table 500 the appropriate cap. according to an exemplary embodiment of the present inven The “pre-processing exemplary embodiment also can tion. The table 500 comprises the specified time period 502, reduce processing delays. By pending incoming files prior to which is a process date in the exemplary embodiment illus 60 processing the ACH payments (i.e., at a preprocessing stage), trated in the table 500. The table 500 also comprises sum processing delays can be avoided. The system can examine totals of debit and credit payments 504,506 included in each the pended files to determine if ACH payments contained file 508, accumulated debit and credit payment values 510, therein will exceed a credit or debit cap. If the ACH payments 512 for the payments in the files 508, and the pre-established will exceed a credit or debit cap, then the sending customer debit and credit payment caps 514,516. The remaining debit 65 102 is contacted for approval to override the cap prior to and credit balances available 518, 520 indicate whether the processing the cap-exceeding payments. In other words, the respective accumulated payment values 510, 512 exceed the exemplary value tracking system will not beginACH process US 8,417,636 B2 15 16 ing of a file or batch comprising cap-exceeding ACH pay has withdrawn the money, then the sending customer 102 ments. Accordingly, the system can avoid stopping and alone is responsible for the returned ACH debit. As a result, restarting of ACH settlement processing. Each file, batch, and sending customers 102 may desire to cap ACH debits origi item can be processed a single time. nated by remote sending points to limit their exposure to In another exemplary embodiment, ACH files and batches returned ACH debit payments. can be examined during processing to determine if the ACH FIG. 6 is a flowchart depicting a method 600 for approving payments will exceed a credit or debit cap. If the ACH pay ACH operator processing of ACH payments based on an ments will exceed a credit or debit cap, then the ACH file or approved originator list according to an exemplary embodi batch can be pended until override approval is obtained or ment of the present invention. The method 600 will be until rejected by the sending customer 102. After receiving 10 described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 6. In step 605, an sending customer 102 approval to override a cap, the system ODFI, such as the sending customer 102, creates an approved can continue processing of the cap-exceeding file or batch. originator list identifying originators authorized by the ODFI While not providing the pre-processing advantages discussed to originate ACH payments and to send those ACH payments above, this exemplary embodiment still can reduce sending to the ACH operator 106 on behalf of the ODFI. Each autho customer 102 involvement by not requiring an actual change 15 rized originator can comprise a remote sending point 118. In in the credit or debit cap to process the cap-exceeding ACH an exemplary embodiment, each authorized originator can be payments. a remote originator for the ODFI. In that case, each authorized The exemplary value tracking systems and methods can originator is an account holder of the ODFI. report ACH payment activity directly to the sending customer In an exemplary embodiment, the ODFI can create the 102 without notifying the remote sending point 118. Accord approved originator list by compiling a list of originators that ingly, processing delays can be further reduced by directly the ODFI has authorized to originate ACH payments and to seeking sending customer 102 approval to override a creditor send those ACH payments to the ACH operator 106 on behalf debit cap. If the system reported cap-exceeding payments to of the ODFI. The ODFI can create an electronic list of infor the remote sending point 118, then the sending customer 102 mation that identifies the approved originators. For example, would be unaware of attempts to exceed the cap. In the event 25 the list of information can comprise an identifier for each the remote sending point 118 was unable to reduce its pay approved originator. The identifier can comprise a unique ments to accommodate the cap, the additional step of contact identification number for each respective approved origina ing the sending customer 102 to request a cap limit extension tor, a name of the approved originator, or any other Suitable would be required. Thereafter, the sending customer 102 identification of the approved originator. would have to contact the ACH operator 106 to authorize an 30 In step 610, the ODFI communicates its approved origina override of the credit or debit cap. Finally, the remote sending tor list to the processing module 110 of the ACH operator 106 point 118 must contact the ACH operator 106 with instruc via the network 108, and the processing module 110 stores the tions to resubmit the cap-exceeding ACH payments for pro ODFI’s approved originator list in the database 113. cessing. Those additional notification/authorization steps can In step 615, the processing module 110 of the ACH opera delay processing of the cap-exceeding ACH payments. 35 tor 106 receives an ACH file comprising originated ACH A debit cap is significantly different from a credit cap. payments sent to the ACH operator 106 on behalf of the ODFI Additionally, a debit cap is contrary to conventional wisdom for ACH processing and settlement. Then, in step 620, the for monitoring ACH payments. The conventional wisdom for ACH operator 106 identifies the originator of the ODFI's monitoring ACH payments involves controlling ACH credits payments in the ACH file. In an exemplary embodiment, if the for which the sending customer 102 is responsible. The send 40 ACH file comprises one or more batches that each comprise ing customer 102 will make payments out of its accounts as ACH payments for the ODFI, then the processing module 110 payment to the respective receiver of each ACH credit. of the ACH operator 106 can identify the originator of the Accordingly, the sending customer 102 desires to monitor ODFI’s payments by reading information identifying the and control the amount of outgoing payments necessary to originator from a header of the ACH file. In another exem cover the ACH credits. 45 plary embodiment, if the ACH file comprises batches that On the other hand, an ACH debit payment involves ACH each comprise ACH payments for a different ODFI, then the debits issued to a receiver on behalf of the sending customer processing module 110 of the ACH operator 106 can identify 102. The receiver will make payment out of its accounts to the the originator of a specific ODFI’s payments by reading infor sending customer 102 for the ACH debits. Debit payments mation identifying the originator from a header of the ACH provide incoming money to the sending customer 102. 50 batch comprising ACH payments for the specific ODFI. In yet Accordingly, limiting the amount of incoming money another exemplary embodiment, the ACH operator 106 can received from ACH debit payments is contrary to the conven identify the originator of the ODFI’s payments by reading tional wisdom of protecting outgoing money transactions. information identifying the originator from the item record However, a sending customer 102 may desire to limit ACH for each ACH payment. debit payments in anticipation of a receiver returning those 55 In step 625, the processing module 110 of the ACH opera payments. For example, a sending customer 102 originator tor 106 compares the identified originator to the ODFI's can sell goods over the Internet to buyers. To receive payment, approved originator list stored in the database 113 to deter the sending customer 102 originator or seller issues ACH mine whether the identified originator is on the ODFI's debit payments to the buyers' bank accounts at receiving approved originator list, Step 630. In an exemplary embodi banks. The receiving banks are charged/debited for the ACH 60 ment, the processing module 110 can compare the header debit and the sending customer 102 is credited. Then, the information identifying the originator to the information pro sending customer 102 credits the seller's account. If the buyer vided on the ODFI’s approved originator list to determine if a places a stop payment on the transaction, the receiving bank match exists. If a match exists, then the processing module returns the ACH debit payment to the sending customer 102. 110 determines in step 630 that the identified originator is on The sending customer 102 will then attempt to retrieve the 65 the ODFI’s approved originator list. money from the seller's account as required by the return If the identified originator is on the ODFI’s approved origi from the receiving bank. If the seller has closed the account or nator list, then the method 600 branches from step 630 to step US 8,417,636 B2 17 18 650 in which the processing module 110 processes the ACH above, can be made by those skilled in the art without depart payments. The processing module 110 can perform any Suit ing from the spirit and scope of the present invention defined able processing of the ACH payments after determining that in the following claims, the scope of which is to be accorded the originator is on the ODFI’s approved originator list. For the broadest interpretation so as to encompass such modifi example, according to exemplary embodiments, the process cations and equivalent structures. ing module 110 can process the ACH payments as previously What is claimed is: described in the method 200 illustrated in FIG. 2 and/or as 1. A computer-implemented method for approving auto previously described with reference to step 240 illustrated in mated clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an FIG. 2. If the identified originator is not on the ODFI's ACH operator, comprising the steps of approved originator list, then the method 600 branches from 10 receiving, by the ACH operator, an approved originator list step 630 to step 635. from an originating depository financial institution In step 635, the processing module 110 pends the ACH (“ODFI), the list comprising at least one originator payments, and the ACH operator 106 attempts to obtain authorized by the ODFI to originate and send ACH pay approval from the ODFI to process the payments originated ments to the ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI; by the identified originator that is not on the ODFI’s approved 15 receiving, by the ACH operator, an ACH file for ACH originator list. In an exemplary embodiment, the ACH opera processing, the ACH file comprising at least one ACH tor 106 can contact the ODFI and seek approval to process the payment originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH payments. The ACH operator 106 can contact the ODFI ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI; via telephone, electronic mail correspondence, or any other identifying, by a processing module of the ACH operator, suitable means. In another exemplary embodiment, step 635 the first originator based on information within the ACH can encompass a process similar to the step 225 discussed file and determining whether the identified first origina previously herein with respect to FIG. 4. tor is on the approved originator list; and In step 640, the method 600 determines whether the ODFI protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi approved processing of the ACH payments originated by the nated by unauthorized originators by identified originator that is not on the ODFI's approved origi 25 processing, by the ACH operator, the at least one ACH nator list. If yes, then the method 600 branches to step 650 in payment in response to determining that the identified which the processing module 110 processes the ACH pay first originator is on the approved originator list; and ments, as previously discussed. If not, then the method 600 rejecting, by the ACH operator, the at least one ACH branches to step 645 in which the processing module 110 payment in response to determining that the identified rejects or pends the ACH payments originated by the identi 30 first originator is not on the approved originator list, fied originator that is not on the ODFI’s approved originator wherein the processing module is implemented in a com list. puter system that comprises instructions stored in a The method 600 can protect the ODFI from unauthorized machine-readable medium and a processor that executes payments originated by an unauthorized originator and sent the instructions. to the ACH operator 106 on behalf of the ODFI. Additionally, 35 2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the the method 600 can allow the ODFI to control the originators step of determining whether to process the at least one ACH that can send ACH payments to the ACH operator on behalf of payment in response to the determination that the identified the ODFI. For example, if a party originates ACH payments first originator is not on the approved originator list. and fraudulently sends those ACH payments to the ACH 3. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the operator 106 on behalf of the ODFI, then those payments will 40 steps of: be pended or rejected because the originator is not on the in response to determining that the identified first origina ODFI’s approved originator list. The ODFI also can control tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting previously legitimate originators. The ODFI can remove an approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH originator from its approved originator list to prevent that payment; and originator from originating future payments and sending 45 when receiving approval from the ODFI to process the at those payments to the ACH operator 106 on behalf of the least one ACH payment, processing the at least one ACH ODFI. Thus, the ODFI can control an originator that the payment by the ACH operator in response to receiving ODFI no longer trusts to send payments directly to the ACH the approval. operator. 4. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the The present invention can be used with computer hardware 50 steps of: and Software that performs the methods and processing func in response to determining that the identified first origina tions described above. As will be appreciated by those skilled tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting in the art, the systems, methods, and procedures described approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH herein can be embodied in a programmable computer, com payment; and puter executable software, or digital circuitry. The software 55 when receiving a denial of approval from the ODFI to can be stored on computer readable media. For example, process the at least one ACH payment, rejecting the at computer readable media can include a floppy disk, RAM, least one ACH payment in response to receiving the ROM, hard disk, removable media, flash memory, memory denial of approval. Stick, optical media, magneto-optical media, CD-ROM, etc. 5. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the Digital circuitry can include integrated circuits, gate arrays, 60 step of creating the approved originator list prior to receiving building block logic, field programmable gate arrays the approved originator list. (FPGA), etc. 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of Although specific embodiments of the present invention identifying the first originator comprises reading an identifier have been described above in detail, the description is merely of the first originator that is associated with the at least one for purposes of illustration. Various modifications of, and 65 ACH payment. equivalent steps corresponding to, the disclosed aspects of the 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the reading exemplary embodiments, in addition to those described step comprises reading the identifier from one of a file header US 8,417,636 B2 19 20 record, a batch header record, and an item detail record asso when receiving approval from the ODFI to process the at ciated with the at least one ACH payment. least one ACH payment, processing the at least one ACH 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the ACH file payment by the ACH operator in response to receiving comprises an ACH batch that comprises the at least one ACH the approval. payment. 5 13. The method according to claim 10, further comprising 9. A computer-readable medium having stored therein a set the steps of: of computer-executable instructions that when executed in response to determining that the identified first origina cause a computer to perform a process for approving auto tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting mated clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH ACH operator, the process comprising the steps of 10 receiving an approved originator list from an originating payment; and depository financial institution (“ODFI), the list com when receiving a denial of approval from the ODFI to prising at least one originator authorized by the ODFI to process the at least one ACH payment, rejecting the at originate and send ACH payments to the ACH operator least one ACH payment in response to receiving the on behalf of the ODFI; 15 denial of approval. receiving an ACH file at the ACH operator for ACH pro 14. The method according to claim 10, further comprising cessing, the ACH file comprising at least one ACH pay the step of creating the approved originator list prior to deter ment originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH mining whether the identified first originator is on the operator on behalf of the ODFI; approved originator list. identifying, by the computer, the first originator based on 15. The method according to claim 10, further comprising information within the ACH file and determining the step of receiving the approved originator list by the ACH whether the identified first originator is on the approved operator prior to determining whether the first originator is on originator list; and the approved originator list. protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi 16. The method according to claim 10, wherein the step of nated by unauthorized originators by processing the at 25 identifying the first originator comprises reading an identifier least one ACH payment in response to determining that of the first originator that is associated with the at least one the identified first originator is on the approved origina ACH payment. tor list, and rejecting the at least one ACH payment in 17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the reading response to determining that the identified first origina step comprises reading the identifier from one of a file header tor is not on the approved originator list. 30 record, a batch header record, and an item detail record with 10. A computer-implemented method for approving auto which the at least one ACH payment is associated. mated clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an 18. The method according to claim 10, wherein the first ACH operator, comprising the steps of originator sends the ACH payment to the ACH operator via an receiving, by an ACH operator, at least one ACH payment ACH batch that is provided in an ACH file. for ACH processing, the at least one ACH payment being 35 19. A computer-readable medium having stored therein a originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH set of computer-executable instructions that when executed operator on behalf of an originating depository financial cause a computer to perform a process for approving auto institution (“ODFI): mated clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an identifying, by a processing module of the ACH operator, ACH operator, the process comprising the steps of the first originator based on information associated with 40 receiving at least one ACH payment at the ACH operator the at least one ACH payment and determining whether for ACH processing, the at least one ACH payment being the identified first originatoris on an approved originator originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH list that identifies at least one originator authorized by operator on behalf of an originating depository financial the ODFI to originate and send ACH payments to the institution (“ODFI): ACH operator on behalf of the ODFI; and 45 identifying, by the computer, the first originator based on protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi information associated with the at least one ACH pay nated by unauthorized originators by processing, by the ment and determining whether the identified first origi ACH operator, the at least one ACH payment in response nator is on an approved originator list that identifies at to determining that the identified first originator is on the least one originator authorized by the ODFI to originate approved originator list, and rejecting, by the ACH 50 and send ACH payments to the ACH operator on behalf operator, the at least one ACH payment in response to of the ODFI; and determining that the identified first originator is not on protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi the approved originator list, nated by unauthorized originators by processing the at wherein the processing module is implemented in a com least one ACH payment by the ACH operator in response puter system that comprises instructions stored in a 55 to determining that the identified first originator is on the machine-readable medium and a processor that executes approved originator list, and rejecting the at least one the instructions. ACH payment in response to determining that the iden 11. The method according to claim 10, further comprising tified first originator is not on the approved originator the step of determining whether to process the at least one list. ACH payment in response to the determination that the iden 60 20. A computer-implemented method for processing auto tified first originator is not on the approved originator list. mated clearing house (ACH) payments by an ACH opera 12. The method according to claim 10, further comprising tor, comprising the steps of: the steps of: receiving, by the ACH operator, at least one ACH payment in response to determining that the identified first origina for ACH processing, the at least one ACH payment being tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting 65 originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH operator on behalf of an originating depository financial payment; and institution (“ODFI): US 8,417,636 B2 21 22 identifying, by a processing module of the ACH operator, 27. The method according to claim 20, wherein the step of the first originator based on information associated with identifying the first originator comprises reading an identifier the at least one ACH payment and determining whether of the first originator that is associated with the at least one the ODFI approved ACH payment processing for pay ACH payment. ments received from the identified first originator on 5 28. The method according to claim 20, wherein the reading behalf of the ODFI; and step comprises reading the identifier from one of a file header protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi record, a batch header record, and an item detail record asso nated by unauthorized originators by processing, by the ciated with the at least one ACH payment. ACH operator, the at least one ACH payment in response 29. A computer-readable medium having stored therein a 10 set of computer-executable instructions that when executed to a determination that the ODFI approved ACH pay cause a computer to perform a process for processing auto ment processing for payments received from the identi mated clearing house (ACH) payments by an ACH opera fied first originator on behalf of the ODFI, and rejecting, tor, the process comprising the steps of: by the ACH operator, the at least one ACH payment in receiving at least one ACH payment at the ACH operator response to a determination that the ODFI did not 15 for ACH processing, the at least one ACH payment being approve ACH payment processing for payments originated by a first originator and sent to the ACH received from the identified first originator on behalf of operator on behalf of an originating depository financial the ODFI, institution (“ODFI); identifying, by the computer, the wherein the processing module is implemented in a com first originator based on information associated with the puter system that comprises instructions stored in a at least one ACH payment and determining whether the machine-readable medium and a processor that executes ODFI approved ACH payment processing for payments the instructions. received from the identified first originator on behalf of 21. The method according to claim 20, further comprising the ODFI; and the step of protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi receiving an approved originator list from the ODFI that 25 nated by unauthorized originators by processing the at identifies at least one originator authorized by the ODFI least one ACH payment in response to a determination to originate and send ACH payments to the ACH opera that the ODFI approved ACH payment processing for tor on behalf of the ODFI, payments received from the identified first originator on wherein determining whether the ODFI approved ACH behalf of the ODFI, and rejecting the at least one ACH 30 payment in response to a determination that the ODFI payment processing for payments received from the first did not approve ACH payment processing for payments originator on behalf of the ODFI comprises determining received from the identified first originator on behalf of whether the identified first originator is on the approved the ODFI. originator list. 30. A computer-implemented method for approving auto 22. The method according to claim 21, further comprising 35 mated clearing house (ACH) payments for processing by an the step of rejecting the at least one ACH payment in response ACH operator, comprising the steps of to determining that the identified first originator is not on the receiving, by a computer, at least one ACH payment for approved originator list. ACH processing by the ACH operator, the at least one 23. The method according to claim 21, further comprising ACH payment being originated by a first originator and the step of determining whether to process the at least one 40 sent to the ACH operator on behalf of an originating ACH payment in response to determining that the identified depository financial institution (“ODFI); first originator is not on the approved originator list. identifying, by the computer, the first originator that origi 24. The method according to claim 23, wherein the step of nated the at least one ACH payment based on informa determining whether to process the at least one ACH payment tion associated with the at least one ACH payment; comprises the steps of 45 determining, by the computer, whether the identified first in response to determining that the identified first origina originator is on an approved originator list that identifies tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting at least one originator authorized by the ODFI to origi approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH nate and send ACH payments to the ACH operator on payment; and behalf of the ODFI; and when receiving approval from the ODFI to process the at 50 protecting the ODFI from unauthorized payments origi least one ACH payment, processing the at least one ACH nated by unauthorized originators by processing, by the payment by the ACH operator in response to receiving computer, the at least one ACH payment by the ACH the approval. operator in response to determining that the identified 25. The method according to claim 23, wherein the step of first originator is on the approved originator list, and determining whether to process the at least one ACH payment 55 rejecting, by the computer, the at least one ACH payment comprises the steps of in response to determining that the identified first origi in response to determining that the identified first origina nator is not on the approved originator list. tor is not on the approved originator list, requesting 31. The method according to claim 30, further comprising approval from the ODFI to process the at least one ACH the step of determining, by the computer, whether to process payment; and 60 the at least one ACH payment in response to determining that when receiving a denial of approval from the ODFI to the first originator is not on the approved originator list. process the at least one ACH payment, rejecting the at 32. The method according to claim 30, further comprising least one ACH payment in response to receiving the the step of receiving, by the computer, the approved origina denial of approval. tor list at the ACH operator prior to determining whether the 26. The method according to claim 21, wherein the pro 65 first originator is on the approved originator list. cessing step is performed in response to determining that the identified first originator is on the approved originator list. k k k k k