Deep Run Connie Mack Guidelines

1. Deep Run’s Connie Mack A team shall be the best team we can offer as a club. This includes players and coaches. The players will be picked after tryouts in the spring. The head should be an experienced coach who knows the rules of the game, Connie Mack, and who can devote his time fully to the team. Seniority at Deep Run is only one part of the qualification. A coach need not have a player on the team. Final decision for picking this coach rests with the Connie Mack Commissioner.

2. Head coaches at the C and B levels will not necessarily picked before tryouts but will indicate their availability at signups.

3. NO Head Coach will be allowed to be a Head Coach at any Connie Mack level if he is also a Head

Coach or of any other travel baseball team at the same time as the Connie Mack Season.

4. Players are required to meet Bux-Mont Connie Mack residency requirements. These are not necessarily the same as Deep Run’s Little League requirements. Waivers can be acquired ONLY under special circumstances and MUST be approved by Bux-Mont Connie Mack. The Connie Mack

Commissioner is responsible for checking player qualifications.

5. NO first year 13 year old players are to play at the A level no matter what their talent level. 12 year olds may play Connie Mack as long as they are not on Deep Run’s Little League Williamsport team. NO 16 year old has to play the B1 or A levels if they do not make the team. That is the Coach’s option. If they do not make the B1 or A level they can play at the B level. If a player opts not to play, at any level, before the season starts, their registration fees will be refunded.

6. Registration fees – NO FREE RIDES. If a player can not pay to play, alternative means can be arranged. This includes umpiring, extra volunteer work, etc. in return. If this is agreed to but NOT followed, the returning player will pay in full the following year. A player CAN NOT play if not registered and paid for.

7. Coaches who opt to practice indoors before the season starts opt to at an OPTIONAL cost to be paid for by the players OPTING to participate. This is NOT to be paid for from Deep Run Connie

Mack’s budget. Arrangements for practice facilities can be made through outside School and Church gyms at the School’s/Church’s option to allow us to practice.