Davyhulme East 85282/OUT/15 DEPARTURE

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Davyhulme East 85282/OUT/15 DEPARTURE WARD: Davyhulme 85282/OUT/15 DEPARTURE: Yes East OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION FOR UP TO 3000 DWELLINGS; 80,000SQM (GEA) OF OFFICE FLOOR-SPACE (USE CLASS B1); 6,700SQM OF COMMERCIAL ACCOMMODATION (TO BE USED FLEXIBLY WITHIN USE CLASSES A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 AND D2); HOTELS (UP TO AN OVERALL TOTAL OF 300 BEDROOMS); A CAREHOME (USE CLASS C2, UP TO 150 BEDS/UNITS) AND A PRIMARY SCHOOL. CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN FOOTBRIDGE OVER TRAFFORD BOULEVARD; PROVISION OF ACCESS ROADS, CAR PARKING, PUBLIC REALM AND LANDSCAPING WORKS AND OTHER ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE. DETAILS PROVIDED FOR ACCESS, WITH ALL OTHER MATTERS RESERVED. Trafford Waters, Land between the Manchester Ship Canal and Trafford Boulevard / Old Barton Road, Urmston APPLICANT: Peel Investments (North) Limited. AGENT: NJL Consulting RECOMMENDATION: MINDED TO GRANT i Planning Committee - 13th October 2016 CONTENTS Executive Summary………………………………………………………… iii 1.0 Application Site……………………………………………………………… 1 2.0 Context……………………………………………………………………….. 3 3.0 Proposals…………………………………………………………………….. 4 4.0 Policy Context……………………………………………………………….. 7 5.0 Legal Considerations………………………………………………………. 8 6.0 Site History…………………………………………………………………… 10 7.0 Applicant’s Submission…………………………………………………… 12 8.0 Summary of the Consultation Responses……………………………… 16 9.0 Public Consultation………………………………………………………… 24 OFFICER ASSESSMENT 10.0 Principle of Proposed Land Uses and Quantum of Development…. 27 11.0 Ground Contamination…………………………………………………….. 37 12.0 Flood Risk……………………………………………………………………. 39 13.0 Noise and Vibration……………………………………………………….... 43 14.0 Lighting……………………………………………………………………….. 45 15.0 Telecommunications & Servicing………………………………………... 48 16.0 Ecology……………………………………………………………………….. 51 17.0 Trees…………………………………………………………………………... 54 18.0 Archaeology…………………………………………………………………. 57 19.0 Built Heritage….……………………………………..……………………… 59 20.0 Residential and Visual Amenity………………………………………….. 68 21.0 Urban Design………………………………………………………………… 73 22.0 Spatial Green Infrastructure (open space, semi-natural 81 greenspace and outdoor sports provision)……………………………. 23.0 Specific Green Infrastructure…………………………………………….. 92 24.0 Education Facilities………………………………………………………… 93 25.0 Healthcare and other Community Facilities…………………..……….. 100 26.0 Highways and Transportation…...………………………………………. 104 27.0 Air Quality……………………………………………………………………. 128 28.0 Crime Prevention……………………………………………………………. 138 29.0 Energy and Climate Change………………………………………………. 140 30.0 Wind and Microclimate…….………………………………………………. 143 31.0 Waste Management…..…………………………………………………….. 145 32.0 Planning Obligations….……………………………………………………. 146 33.0 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)…………………………………… 147 34.0 Applicant’s Anticipated Socio-Economic Benefits……….…………... 148 35.0 The Planning Balance and Conclusion….……………………………… 150 36.0 Recommendation and Conditions………………………………………. 156 APPENDICES Appendix A – Glossary Appendix B – Plan of Consented WGIS (Part and Full) Appendix C – Map Showing Study Area for Refined VISSIM Model Appendix D – Output Data from Refined VISSIM Re-Run Appendix E – Commentary on Outputs from VISSIM Re-Run Appendix F – Comparison of Weekend and Weekday Traffic Flows ii Planning Committee - 13th October 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application seeks Outline planning permission to erect up to 3000 dwellings; 80,000sqm (GEA) of office floor-space (Use class B1); 6,700sqm of commercial accommodation (to be used flexibly within use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2); hotels (up to an overall total of 300 bedrooms); a care-home (up to 150 bed/units) and a primary school. These land uses would be supported by the construction of a pedestrian footbridge over Trafford Boulevard; the provision of access roads, car parking, public realm and landscaping works and other associated development and supporting infrastructure. Details have been provided in relation to ‘access’, with all other matters reserved. The application site forms part of the Trafford Centre Rectangle (TCR) Strategic Location, which has been identified within the Core Strategy as an appropriate location for the delivery of a major-mixed use development that provides a new residential neighbourhood together with commercial, leisure and community facilities and substantial improvements to the public transport infrastructure. The application has been advertised as a departure from the Development Plan, on the basis that the quantum of residential development proposed far exceeds the 1,050 units identified by the Strategic Location Policy (SL4). The Local Planning Authority (LPA) has assessed the particular circumstances of this application against the Development Plan and other material considerations as set out in this report and having undergone the required balancing exercises, recommends approval of Outline planning permission, subject to the signing of a s106 agreement. The development would be ‘controlled’ by three key mechanisms: The development quantums; the Parameter Plans; and the Design Framework. These control documents define the ‘what’, the ‘where’, the ‘how much’ and the design language of the Trafford Waters (TW) development. Alongside these three control mechanisms, an Illustrative Masterplan scheme has been submitted. This is not submitted for approval as such, rather it demonstrates one way in which TW may come forwards in accordance with the parameters, specifications and guidelines within the control mechanisms. A primary school, of up to two-forms of entry in size (420 pupils), will be delivered within the application site in recognition of the existing pressures for primary school places in the Borough and that the closest Trafford schools are located over a mile away. This will be located within two adjacent sites: one to accommodate the various buildings, parking and playground space, for the sole use of the school; and the other to provide a playing pitch and Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) facilities that will also be made available for use by the wider TW community outside of school hours. The TW development will be supported by 8.0ha of publically accessible open space, as well as children/young person’s equipped play space and a small amount of outdoor sports facilities. Included within this provision will be a 9,100sqm area of informal recreation space, part of which will be shared with the adjacent primary school. iii Planning Committee - 13th October 2016 The Council’s NHS partners have identified a need for a health centre, within or close to, the application site, and the applicant has agreed to deliver this following a review of need in conjunction with Trafford’s Clinical Commissioning Group. The applicant has committed to achieving a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ for all commercial development within the site and a ‘Home Quality Mark’ of 2* for the new dwellings. These measures are considered to be appropriate and achievable. The applicant has demonstrated that it would not be viable for the development to provide affordable housing based on present day values. There is however significant scope for the development to create its own market and achieve longer term growth in market values. In light of this the applicant has agreed to re-assess scheme viability each time that a Reserved Matters application is submitted for development. If an application generates a surplus, this would be used to provide affordable housing in subsequent phases, up to a maximum of 40% in any one phase. The development will result in less than substantial harm to the heritage assets that are located within, and in the vicinity of, the application site. This includes the Grade I listed All Saints Church and the Barton-upon-Irwell Conservation Area. Great weight has been given to the asset’s conservation and special regard / special attention paid to the asset and its setting in accordance with the relevant parts of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended). However the public benefits of the scheme, including some heritage-related benefits, will significantly outweigh these effects. Any non-designated archaeological remains that are uncovered during the development earthworks are likely to be destroyed, however it is considered that their loss can be sufficiently mitigated through a programme of targeted trenching and recording and subsequent publication. The LHA has considered the overall development of the site with the associated infrastructure in place and the phasing plan. Taking all the information provided into consideration the LHA concludes that the proposed development would not have a “severe impact” on the surrounding highway network, as defined in Paragraph 32 of the NPPF, provided that the proposed mitigation is implemented at an appropriate time during the phased development of the site and the recommended planning conditions relating to transport are attached to any approval. Notwithstanding this, it is considered that the applicant has not adequately evidenced their strategy for the phased delivery of development at TW. Further discussions will be required in a post-committee / pre-decision environment to reach an agreed position on the details contained within the applicant’s phasing schedule The approach outlined for the provision of car parking associated with the various land uses within TW is considered to be challenging but acceptable in principle with a robust Travel Plan and providing that the necessary enhancements to public transport are secured. With respect to air quality and potential impact on
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