Project Director Reconstruction of Nawabshah-Sanghar Road Bungalow No: B-1, G.O.R
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OFFICE OF THE - PROJECT DIRECTOR RECONSTRUCTION OF NAWABSHAH-SANGHAR ROAD BUNGALOW NO: B-1, G.O.R. COLONY, HYDERABAD PROVINCE OF SINDH, PAKISTAN NO: F-07/PD/RNSR/SPPRAn- 6 2 DATED S /11/2014 PHONE # +92-22-2101076 FAX # +92-22-2101072 E-MAIL: [email protected] 0 The Managing Director, ,r- Sincih Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, Karachi. Subject - RECONSTRUCTION OF NAWABSHAH - SANGHAR ROAD Z Prequalification of Contractors was called vide this office letter No: PD (RNSR)/1222 Dated 21-11-2012 (Annexure-A). The advertisement appeared in the print media and their cuttings are enclosed as (Annexure-B). A Procurement Committee was constituted by Works & Services Department vide their Notification No: DDM/W&S/Rain Flood/Foreign Loan/2011 (II) Dated 12-12-2012 (Annexure-C). In response to the foregoing advertisement, four companies submitted their profiles (Annexure-D) The Procurement Committee evaluated the responding companies profiles and tabulated their eligibility. All companies were prequalified. Result of the Procurement Committee is enclosed (Annexure-E) and all companies were informed accordingly. Further, Notice Inviting Tenders has not been issued yet. upeRsAtedwetbositkkindlyei. arrange hoisting of enclosed contractors /( requalification ResultsIt isrea on End: As Above AWPak. (ENGR: SYED MANZOOR HUSSAIN SHAH) ECT DIRECTOR Reconstruc Nawabshah-Sanghar Road Hyderabad \01 .ett.fre OFFICE OF THE PROJECT DIRECTOR RECONSTRUCTION OF NAWABSHAH — SANGHAR ROAD (61 KMS) BUNGALOW NO.C-08, G.O.R. COLONY, HYDERABAD, PROVINCE OF SINDH, PAKISTAN NO: PD(RNSR)! /22 2- /2012 PHONE # +92-22-9201437 DATED THE: _ 11 201) FAX # +92-22-9201436 EMAIL: [email protected] NOTICE INVITING RMS (INTERNATIONAL COMPETATIVE BIDDING) RECONSTRUCTION OF NAWABSHAH — SANGHAR ROAD (61 11.MS)1 PROVINCE OF SINDH, PAKISTAN. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has received Financial Assistance extended by the Government of the People's Republic of China through EXIM Bank of China. The Project Director, Reconstruction of Nawabshah — Sanghar Road (61 KMS), intends to invite bids on International Competitive Bidding in respect of work "Re-Construction of Nawabshah — Sanghar Road (61 Kms)" to be funded from Chinese Soft Loan Facilities. The interested reputed leading Chinese Companies may obtain Bidding Documents by submitting request on firm's letterhead with a payment of Pak Rupees 3,000/- (Non-Refundable) in the form of Pay Order / Bank Draft in favour of Project Director, Reconstruction of Nawabshah — Sanghar Road (61 Kms), Hyderabad, Province of Sindh, Pakistan. Interested Chinese International firms are required to prepare their proposals for above project in line with the guidelines contained in the proposal document that can be obtained from the office of the undersigned situated at Bungalow No.C-08, G.O.R Colony, Hyderabad, Province of Sindh, Pakistan on payment of required fee for above project during working hours upto 09.01.2013 @ 12:00 noon on submission of written request and payment of prescribed fee. Method of Procurement: Single Stage Two Envelopes Method - Technical and Financial Proposals must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes with clear marking "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" and "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" and in compliance with the regulation of Pakistan Engineering Council / Sindh Public Procurement Regularity Authority will be received back on 16.01.2013 upto 11:00 am at the issuing office. Technical Proposals of the participating firms will be opened on the same day at 12:00 Noon. 6a) Technical Proposals shall be evaluated for technical qualification of the lima. Financial bids / proposals of the technically qualified firms shall be only opened on the date and time that will be communicated in writing to all the qualified contractors / firms in advance. Financial bids / proposals of technically un-qualified contractors shall be returned to them un-opened. Proposals received after closing date and time shall not be entertained. Application with incomplete documents and late submission will be disregarded. Any clarification on this Notice Inviting Bids may be addressed to [email protected] Procuring Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids at any stage in accordance to Sindh Public Procurement Rules 2010. -..>•tr\cc)ea tat 1,M's j....r(SHAFIQUR REIMAN) 1•241 10. PROJECT DIRECTOR rill ) Os" . Reconstruction of Nawabshah—Sanghar Road (61 Kms), eci s ■Alyderabad Province of Sindh Pakistan dditional Chief Secretary (Dev) P & D Department, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi. e Additional Secretary, Finance Department Govt of Sindh, Karachi e Secretary, Works & Services Department, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi. The Secretary Information Technology, Government of Sindh, Secretariat No.6, Karachi .c.)for.jfavouro. of information along with one CD with a request for hoisting the same at RA website. e Managing Director, SPPRA, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi, for information. ....the Director, General Administration NAB Sindh, Karachi. pct ,7,4 Copy forwarded (in six copies) to the Director Information (Advertisement) Public c, '4y Relation Department, Government of Sindh, Block 96 Karachi for information and t FP insertion in two widely circulated leading English language Newspapers. c*.* 8. The Executive Director, Transparency International Pakistan, Karachi. 9. The Chinese Commercial Attache, Diplomatic Enclave, Ranma 4, Islamabad. He is requested to please Publish the above Notice Inviting Bids in Chinese Newspapers for information of Chinese CompaMpe erfhe Chief (T&C") P & D Depart: Govt of Sindh, Karachi, for information. J 1., The Planning Officer (Foreign Aid Section) Govt. of Sindh, P & D Department, Karachi, for information. (SHAFIQ RE/EVIAN) PROJECT DIRECTOR Reconstruction of abshah—Sanahar Road (61 ICms), yderabad Province of Sindh Pakistan 4rnt-eXtti • S BUSINESS RECORDER Cava Aataa.1 /Lona. Vs, S•nar Ali • Yana sal ;las MONA. flu 0000000 lot a 'I. Zan. OFFICE OF THE PROJICT DIRECTOR RECONSTRUCTION OF NAWABSILAH.SANGIRR ROM) (61 BEI BUNGALOW NO. C4, Gat COLONY, 1111F.RA BAD, PROVINCE OFSINDB, PAKISTAN PHONE Y+92-22.9201437 FAX # +92-22-9201436 NO: PDOWSR)✓12222012 DATED me 21-11-2012 NOTICE INVITING BIDS UNTERNATIONAL COMPETATIVEBIDDING). REOINSTRUCTION OF NAWARSHAH • SANCHAR ROAD (61 KB'S). ERSYILLEOESINDILThini Islamic Republic of Pakistan has received Financial Assistance extend- ed by the Government of the People's Republic of China through EXIM Bank of China. The Project Director. Reconstruction of Nawabshah•Sanghar Road (61 KMS). intends to invite bids on International Competitive Bidding in respect of work "Re-Construction of Nawahsbah - Sattghar Road (61 Kens)" to be funded from Chinese Soft Loon Facilities. The interested reputed leading Chinese Companies may obtain Bidding Documents by submitting request on flies letterhead with a payment of Ptak Rupees 3,000/- (Non-Refundable) in the form of Puy Wet / Bank Draft in favour of Project Director, Reconstruction of Nawabshah - Sangho:: Road (61 Kms). Hyderabad. Province of Sindh. Pakistan. Interested Chinese Intonational firms are requited to prepare their pro- posals for above project in line with the guidelines contained in the proposal document that can be obtained from the office of the under- signed situated at Bungalow No. C-08. GO.R Colony, Hyderabad. Province of Sindh. Pakistan on payment of required fee for above proj- ect doting working hours upto 09.01.2(Sall Piknoon on submis• sion of written request and payitoftTreicribed fee. Method of Procurement: Single Stare Two Envelopes Method - Technical and Financial Proposals must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes with clear marking 'TECHNICAL PROPOSAL-and "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL? and in compliance witht the regulation of Pakistan Engineering Council / Sindh Public Procurement Regularity Authority will be received back on 16.011013 upon 11:00 am at the issuing office. Technical Proposals of the participating firms will be opened on the same day at 12:00 Noon. Technical Proposals shall be evaluated fur technical qualification of the firm. Financial bids! proposals of the technically qualified firms shall be only opened on the date and lime that will he communicated in writing to all the qualified contractors / firma in advance. Financial bids I proposals of n•chniodly on-qualified cuntrasors shall be returned to them unopened. Proposals received after closing date and time shall not be entertained. Application with incomplete documents and late submission will be disregarded. Any clarification on this Notice Inviting Bids may be addressed to bsInbydfe Nu mail an Procuring Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids at any stage in accordance to Sindh Public Procurement Rules 2010. Sd/- PROJECT DIRECTOR Reconstruction of Nawahshah•Sanghar Road (61 Kms). Hyderabad Province of Sindh Pakinan INNKRY/No. 4329/12 1/40p.sta,,,A,eri ts Lac 6,4")) ov _Ltiarvictalcrlop C.•:;47J.t Lidr ise (61 KMS).barleattykr(445, elh4.e.o.:,ocixe1 it1er4C-082A NO:PD(RNSR)11222(2012 Phone # 92-22-9201437 Dated: 21-11-2012 Fax # +92-22-9201436 Email: [email protected] L eta; L er 4Ce r vaM•7 (4150#.4 1.41.taba adshli.):ab • 4:5:60-11.4 aiett, AdJenSfatinilitthjO'ct; (61 KNAS) S./A"— 01"4 7.7,1). :0.114)Lre.)2 A,4; L Lit Li: c.f. 'tux M. , i-Payisr-Ii; st..04444.1....n.-4Exim=....),tityseadot4wedpi 4,61.41,1454/1h-tfrict)111 -to-Ott al cetgniou, zigefP(61104)5stifle-Arai74-4(4-611.4h< • (0 u1,1,J101.1 eol1Ok;limAth-CrFL(61 KMatle-ArkUliffild) Oil -LC tli e41: ran fik L.10.1; :irerOnitglolt9 Jadt,Alc-i.27‘ 011Z.A.