de la serra de mariola English version Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola
[email protected] Mas dUll de Canals Ctra. Alcoi-Banyeres, km 17.5 Apartado de correos 157 13450 Banyeres de Mariola (Alacant) Tel. 965 56 63 83 Assistance from: Layout: Benjamín Albiach Galán Kun.Xusa Beltrán Photography: Benjamín Albiach Galán Núria Lara Bernàcer Miquel Vives i Miralles G. B. Map Design: Pau Pérez Puigcerver source: ICV (Cartographic Institute of Valencia) Printing this material has been possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement signed on 21st April 2006 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, "la Caixa" Texts: Environmental educacion team and the Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Community Authority) for Undertaking the Integral Management Plan for Conservation of the Natural Systems of the Printed: Centro Especial de Empleo, IVADIS Valencian Communitys Network of Nature Reserves. Legal Deposit: Date of PORN approval: 2nd April 2001 Date on which it was declared a Nature Reserve: 8th gener 2002 Municipalities inside the Reserve: Shared by Agres (723 m), Alcoy (560 m), Alfafara (582 m), Banyeres de Mariola (816 m), Bocairent (641 m), Cocentaina (435 m) and Muro d'Alcoy (399 m), it has a rugged relief and major contour differences, above all to the NE (Montcabrer, 1390 m). The Sierra de Mariola mountain range, whose area of over 16,000 hectares was declared a nature reserve on 8th January 2002, spreads over the Vall d'Albaida, l'Alcoià and El Comtat counties, and is one of the most well-established reserves in Valencian popular culture. Some prominent features of the area are the many springs, country houses and a criss-crossing paths all over it, which vouch for all the hard work done taking advantage of the natural resources by its former settlers - ice-dealers, shepherds, woodcutters and others - who made their living from this land.