Rockingham Selectboard Hears Budget Increase Proposals From
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57 FREE Years Check our ECRWSS Snow Report PRSRT STD US Postage Online PAID Permit #2 North Haverhill, NH National Syrup Day POSTAL CUSTOMER is December 17! Independently Owned & Locally Operated DECEMBER 12, 2018 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 57, ISSUE 29 Quilt Group winners SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Quilt Group at First Congregational Church, UCC in Springfield is pleased to announce the results of the Quilters’ Raffle draw- ing, held Dec. 2, 2018. We sincerely thank everyone who supported the raffle. Congratulations to the following winners. Patricia Mazzacone of Mid- Santa meet and greet Sweet, colorful fun dleboro, Mass. won the lap quilt; Dianne Root of West Chazy, N.Y. won the snowman wall hanging; Jan Obdrzalek of Springfield won the batik table BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Kurn Hattin children greeted Santa at the American Jack spelled out his name with colorful candies on the office floor. Please runner; MaryJane Morin of Springfield won the placemats with napkins. Legion Post #37 in Bellows Falls to kick off the Christmas holiday. excuse his tummy ache since he tried to eat all of them! PHOTO PROVIDED PHOTO PROVIDED PHOTO PROVIDED Rockingham Selectboard hears budget increase proposals from town departments BY BETSY THURSTON gift Bennett a monetary thanks for Fire Department’s future needs and tical stock trucks. “Nothing fancy,” Gaetano Putignano asked when veterinary clinic, Susan Hammond The Shopper her almost 25 years of service with suggested two replacement trucks he explained. Griswold Drive was in the main- added, there is probably more traf- the town. to take the place of three currently Everett Hammond, director of tenance plan, and Doreen Aldrich fic than on Pleasant Valley Road. BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On Rockingham Library Director owned vehicles. The Fire Depart- Public Works, described the an- added, “Griswold [Drive] is hor- Everett Hammond agreed work Tuesday, Dec. 4, the Rockingham Celina Houlne requested an expan- ment wants to eliminate the rescue ticipated paving projects next year. rendous.” needed to done on all roads dis- Selectboard discussed budget- sion of their budget by $21,000 and truck and transfer the equipment to Pleasant Valley and Lower Bartons- Hammond said Griswold was cussed but did not have specific ary concerns and requests for the an inclusion on the Town Meeting a pumper. McGinnis noted a group ville roads will need repair with a scheduled for 2023 with a shim dollar amounts or scheduled proj- Rockingham Library, Bellows Falls ballot. Houlne mentioned their an- purchase would save money and suggested $50,000 increase to the overlay and chipseal with drainage ects on hand. Fire Department, Highway Depart- nual appeal begins soon, generating added that the rescue truck replace- budget as part of the Road Service work to be completed in 2019. On Wednesday, Jan. 2, the Se- ment, and a retirement gift. well needed fundraising, but due to ment would be at least $200,000. Management System. Hammond Peter Golec inquired if Lower lectboard will finalize the town of Kerry Bennett, longtime village factors including benefit changes, The Fire Department has applied said, “Preservation first prior to Bartonsville was a priority. Rockingham’s budget and projected town clerk and executive assistant the library needs the increase. for a grant for one of the trucks and road construction.” Chair Susan Hammond com- tax rates. The meeting is at 6 p.m. to the municipal manager, retired Bellows Falls Fire Chief Shaun should know more by February. He added, “We will do $50,000 mented that Lower Bartonsville in the Lower Theater of the Opera Nov. 30. The Selectboard voted to McGinnis updated the board on the McGinnis is interested in two iden- worth of work in the worst areas.” is a busy through road. With the House. Springfield Family Center needs your help collecting food and monetary donations SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The year is a food shelf and also offers a free ful holiday meal. The monetary do- one goes hungry at any time of the teered and/or donated this year. We Food donations may be brought will soon be drawing to a close and lunch meal five days a week, there is nations also help in case we need to year. The use of the food shelf and especially want to thank the Santa to the Springfield Family Center at the Springfield Family Center is in always a need for such other items purchase some items that have run lunch meals allows participants to Claus Club, which provides warm 365 Summer St. in Springfield 9 a.m. need of donations of non-perish- as canned tuna fish, canned chicken low on the food shelf. have nutritious food and not have clothing in October and toys in to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday or able food items and also monetary and other meats, peanut butter, jel- The Springfield Family Center to choose between spending their December for the little ones at holi- to the donation box in the Spring- donations to help those in need in ly, pasta and pasta sauce, packaged was established in 1971 to meet the limited income on medicine or heat day time. Also thank you to Willow field Shaws. Monetary donations the community have a great holiday macaroni and cheese, and pudding needs of low-income families and instead of food. Farm Pet Services for its donation should be brought or mailed to the meal. The non-perishables include mixes. individuals in Springfield. It now Last year the food shelf provided drive in November, which collected Family Center. canned vegetables, fruit, gravy, and Any time children are on vaca- also includes North Springfield and food for 2,568 families and served food and monetary donations in If you or someone you know soups. No cranberry sauce, though, tion, the family food budget can be Baltimore. Mike Wiese, executive 6,185 meals. These numbers in- our name. And, as always, thank might need any of our services, as we have plenty. Also needed are stretched. Monetary donations are director for more than four years, crease each year. The Family Center you to Shaws Supermarket for its please come to the center or call stuffing, cereal (hot or cold), and pie always gratefully accepted and help and the Board of Directors, staff can also direct people to other ser- donation of surplus bread, baked 802-885-3646. We are always look- crusts, canned pie fruit, and cocoa toward the purchase of the turkeys and volunteers work hard to get the vices that they might need. goods, and other items to our food ing for volunteers to help in many mixes. Because the Family Center that are distributed for that wonder- word out to help those in need so no Thank you to all who have volun- shelf throughout the year. different ways. VTrans presents alternative plans for Bellows Falls bridges BY BETSY THURSTON Built in 1909, this bridge “is the however cut the town’s quired to pay the 10 percent cost of The Shopper longest [at 112 feet] most unal- cost in half, which is construction for this alternative. tered example of Vermont’s earliest “an important distinc- Stefan Golec favored 4, remind- BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On Nov. generation of reinforced concrete tion,” explained Mu- ing the board that the Vilas Bridge 27, engineer Laura Stone and proj- bridge design.” nicipal Manager Wen- may open again and there will be ect manager Todd Sumner from the Two alternatives presented by dy Harrison, because added traffic through downtown State of Vermont Agency of Trans- VTrans, 3A and 4, were of most in- “instead of 10 percent, Bellows Falls. This alternative portation presented the Scoping terest. The state recommended al- the town’s contribu- would logically direct traffic off Report for the Depot Street bridge ternative 3A, which involves a full tion is only 5 percent.” the island and onto Rockingham to the Rockingham and Bellows bridge replacement of the Depot Alternative, 4 is a Street. Falls Joint Board. Street bridge with an offsite detour new steel beam bridge Gary Fox, development director, Currently, only two bridges ac- at Bridge Street. running parallel to added, “The bridge is a nexus” and cess the island that houses multiple The cost includes relocation the railroad bridge. currently there are acres on the is- businesses, the Waypoint Welcome of sewer, water, utilities, and the At a span of 170 feet, land available for redevelopment, Center, the train and bus transit new reinforced concrete arch, but its longer, more costly, which may cover many of the costs. station. Both bridges were deemed does not account for the removal and bound to require Stone interjected that VTrans structurally deficient by VTrans. of hazardous waste contaminants extra permits and cost supports 3A. Alternative 4 does not From the report, Stone noted that found on the Canal Street side of parking spots. How- have management approval. If the the Depot Street Bridge 53 is defec- the bridge. ever, it will eliminate town chooses the new steel beam tive with the concrete arch rated 4 This alternative also does not the truck traffic is- bridge, it will be harder to garner – or poor – with obvious deteriora- widen the turning radius at Canal sues. Stone noted the state approval. Stone added she tion and exposed rebar. The extent Street for the added truck traf- town would not be would like the town to choose an of damage under the water level is fic anticipated for the future. The eligible for a reduc- alternative, but the state will make Depot Street Bridge in Bellows Falls. unknown. offsite detour of Bridge Street will PHOTO BY BETSY THURSTON tion and would be re- the final decision.