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SURNAME GIVEN NAME EVENT SOURCE DAYMONTYEAR PAGE COLDAYMONTYEAR NOTES ILK JOHN Marriage Wood Co SURNAME GIVEN_NAME EVENT SOURCE DAYMONTYEAR PAGE COLDAYMONTYEAR NOTES ILK JOHN Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 12 SEP 1905 0 0 ROSA GESSERT / MAR. LIC. ILLION MARGUERITE Marriage Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 26 NOV 1892 23 NOV 1892 ARTHUR G. MILLER ILLION MARGUERITE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 1 DEC 1892 23 NOV 1873 TO ARTHUR MILLER INGALLS Death Grand Rapids Tribune 4 APR 1906 3 APR 1906 MRS. INGALLS - MOTHER OF WM. & OLIVE INGALLS INGERSOLL LIBBIE S. Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 31 AUG 1871 19 AUG 1871 TO BYRON J. THOMPSON INGERSOLL TEMPERANCE S. Death Wood Co. Reporter 23 JUN 1887 0 0 PROBATE - FROM TOWN OF RUDOLPH INGHRAM FANNIE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 17 OCT 1901 0 0 TO HARRY D. OSTRANDER INGHRAM ISAAC Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 2 DEC 1904 0 0 TO ANNA - DAU. OF E.A. BENDER OF PLAINFIELD / LAST WEEK INGLE CHARLES Death Wood Co. Reporter 2 MAY 1901 19 APR 1901 INGLES J. S. Death Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 17 FEB 1900 PUPS 2 9 FEB 1900 AT SHANTYTOWN / REL. LISTED INGRAHAM HARRIET MARIE Birth Wood Co. Reporter 28 MAR 1905 1 SEP 1835 SEE HER MAR.- INGRAHAM / DEATH - BRUNDAGE INGRAHAM HARRIET MARIE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 28 MAR 1905 24 AUG 1854 TO JOHN NEWTON BRUNDAGE /BIRTH - INGRAHAM / DEATH - BRUNDAGE INGRAHAM ISABELLA Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 8 SEP 1858 1 SEP 1858 TO HART BENTON PHILLEO INGRAHAM J. E. Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 31 MAY 1902 27 MAY 1902 TO MRS. E.R. KLINE INGRAHAM LELA ELIZABETH Birth Wood Co. Reporter 13 NOV 1903 0 0 ADPTION OF LELA ELIZABETH NYE BY MR./MRS. J.E.INGRAHAM INGRAHAM MABE Birth Wood Co. Reporter 23 JAN 1902 0 0 DAU.OF J.E. INGRAHAM / WIFE OF ARTHUR LEIGHTON/SEE BIRTH INGRAHAM MABEL Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 20 FEB 1886 S&S. 3 0 0 DAU.OF MR./MRS. J.E. INGRAHAM / SEE BIRTH 2 BROS./1 BRO DEAD INGRAHAM MABEL Marriage Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 20 FEB 1897 1 6 18 FEB 1897 TO ARTHUR SADLIER LEIGHTON AT LONDON, ENGLAND / ITEM INGRAHAM MABEL Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 25 FEB 1897 24 FEB 1897 TO ARTHUR SADLIER LEIGHTON INGRAHAM PHILLIP Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 20 FEB 1886 S&S. 5 0 1872 SON OF MR./MRS.J.E.INGRAHAM/SEE BIRTH BRO./SIS./ITEM INGRAHAM Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 20 FEB 1886 S&S. 3 26 DEC 1885 BOY TO MR./MRS. J.E. INGRAHAM / SEE HIS DEATH/BIRTH SIS/BRO INGRAHAM Birth Wood Co. Reporter 25 FEB 1886 26 DEC 1885 BOY TO MR./MRS. J.E. INGRAHAM / SEE HIS DEATH INGRAHAM Death Centralia Enterprise 25 FEB 1886 0 0 INFANT SON OF MR./MRS.J.E.INGRAHAM AT MADISON/BURIED HERE INGRAHAM Death Grand Rapids Tribune 15 NOV 1873 10 NOV 1873 ONLY SON / SCARLET FEVER INGRAHAM Death Grand Rapids Tribune 20 FEB 1886 S&S. 3 18 FEB 1886 SON OF MR./MRS.J.E.INGRAHAM / SEE BIRTH OF HIM/SIS/BRO / ART INGRAHAM Death Grand Rapids Tribune 2 JAN 1886 S&S. 3 26 DEC 1885 BOY TO MR./MRS. J.E. INGRAHAM OF MADISON/SEE BIRTH BRO/SIS INGRAHAM Death Wood Co. Reporter 9 MAY 1872 0 0 SON OF JAS. E. INGRAHAM INGRAHAM Death Wood Co. Reporter 25 FEB 1886 18 FEB 1886 SON OF MR./MRS. J.E. INGRAHAM / SEE HIS BIRTH INGRAHAM Death Wood Co. Reporter 11 DEC 1902 0 0 99 YR.OLD MOTHER OF CHARLES INGRAHAM AT OXFORD,WI. INGRAHAMS PHIL Death Wood Co. Reporter 13 NOV 1873 0 0 LITTLE BOY INK Birth Wood Co. Reporter 11 OCT 1904 0 0 BOY TO THE NEWTON INKS OF BABCOCK / LAST WEEK INKS JOHN Death Wood Co. Reporter 17 FEB 1898 3 FEB 1898 56 YRS. OLD INKS Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 7 MAR 1906 27 FEB 1906 BOY TO MR./MRS. INKS / SEE BABCOCK NEWS INKS Death Grand Rapids Tribune 30 MAY 1906 27 MAY 1906 BABY OF MR./MRS. INKS / BABCOCK NEWS INLOES WILLIAM H. Marriage Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 4 NOV 1899 0 0 TO MABEL BENSON A PAST RESIDENT / AT ASHEVILLE, N.C. IRELAND SAMUEL Death Wood Co. Reporter 5 SEP 1878 3 SEP 1878 SCALDED IRKE CAROLINE Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 28 MAR 1906 0 0 JOHN KOLMKE OF EAU CLAIRE / MAR.LIC. IRONSIDE J. W. DANIEL (JACK) Death Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 10 AUG 1989 2A 3 9 AUG 1989 OBIT./B.18 APR.1912 / MAR. VIOLA MAGEE 20 OCT.1954 IRWIN LOU Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 7 MAR 1889 0 0 FORMER TEACHER / MARRIED IN DAKOTA IRWIN LOU E. Marriage Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 9 MAR 1889 0 0 TO MR. PROUTY AT BRANDON TO LIVE IN DAKOTA ISAAC OSCAR Death Wood Co. Reporter 5 FEB 1874 0 0 WESTON MILL ACCIDENT ISENBERG MORRIS Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 24 SEP 1896 21 SEP 1896 TO HATTIE NISSENBAUM ISHERWOOD GEORGE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 5 DEC 1904 23 NOV 1904 TO MISS ADA TRAGESER / ARTICLE ISHWOOD ELLEN Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 26 SEP 1901 0 1888 TO HENRY EDWARDS / SEE HIS DEATY - OBIT. ISRAEL ALINE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 27 APR 1882 27 APR 1882 TO PAUL KALMUCK ITZEN Birth Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 12 MAR 1990 2A 3 10 MAR 1990 GIRL TO JEFFREY & LISA ITZEN IVERSON IDA E. Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 3 OCT 1906 0 0 OF SHERRY / FAY F.WEST OF PITTSVILLE / MAR.LIC./WED.COL. 3 IVERSON IDA E. Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 4 OCT 1906 10 OCT 1906 TO F.F. WEST /ANNOUNCEMENT/ SEE 11 OCT. WCR FOR WEDDING IVERSON OLIVER B. Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 14 NOV 1906 1 8 0 0 LEVA W. JANTZ / BOTH OF SHERRY MAR.LIC. IVERSON Death Wood Co. Reporter 27 DEC 1906 0 0 MRS. J.J. IVERSON OF SHERRY FROM T.B. IWANSKI STELLA Birth Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 29 MAY 1990 2A 4 20 APR 1910 SEE HER MAR.- IWANSKI / DEATH - ARNOLD IWANSKI STELLA Marriage Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 29 MAY 1990 2A 4 21 MAY 1931 TO PHILIP ARNOLD/SEE THEIR DEATHS - ARNOLD / HER OBIT. JACKAN FABIAN (POPS) Marriage Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 16 AUG 1989 2A 5 27 AUG 1966 TO THELMA SWANSON/HER OBIT.- JACKAN JACKAN JOSEPH Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 5 OCT 1901 30 SEP 1901 TO ANNA Q1UASIGROCH /ANCT.28 & MAR.LIC.21 SEP./SEE DZIEKAN JACKAN MIKE Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 9 NOV 1904 3 NOV 1904 OF SIGEL TO ANNIE PECARSKI OF NEKOOSA / AT NEKOOSA JACKAN THELMA Death Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 16 AUG 1989 2A 6 15 AUG 1989 OBIT./BIRTH/MAR. INFO GIVEN JACKAN VIOLA M. P Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 29 MAY 1990 7B 1 0 0 JACKAN Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 21 JAN 1903 0 0 GIRL TO MR./MRS. JOS. JACKAN JACKIN JOE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 3 OCT 1901 30 SEP 1901 TO ANNA QUASHAGROCH / BIG POLISH WEDDING JACKSON AMELIA Death Wood Co. Reporter 18 OCT 1894 16 OCT 1894 OLDEST GIRL OF MR. CHAS. JACKSON / 26 YRS. OLD FROM SENECA JACKSON ARTHUR Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 2 FEB 1904 0 0 DIVORCE GRANTED TO LIZZIE JACKSON / MAR. 20 APR 1901 JACKSON BEATRICE Marriage Wisc Rapids Daily Tribune 29 JUL 1989 2A 3 25 OCT 1941 TO WILLIAM S. LOYE /B. 12 MAR.1916/HER OBIT. LOYE JACKSON BESSIE MAY Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 27 MAY 1897 27 MAY 1897 TO GEORGE J. BESNAH JACKSON CORNELIA J. Death Wood Co. Reporter 11 DEC 1902 7 DEC 1902 BORN 14 DEC.1829/OBIT LISTS RELATIVES/MAR.DEC.1,1851 TO H.W. JACKSON CORNELIA J. BROWN Death Grand Rapids Tribune 10 DEC 1902 OBIT 7 DEC 1902 SEE HER BIRTH/MAR. - BROWN JACKSON EDWARD Death Wood Co. Reporter 15 NOV 1906 9 NOV 1906 3 MOS. OLD SON OF MR./MRS. MARTIN JACKSON JACKSON ESTELLE M. Death Wood Co. Reporter 2 JUN 1898 1 JUN 1898 MRS. JACKSON / ALSO SEE WCR 7 JULY 1898 JACKSON F. H. Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 16 MAY 1885 S&S 2 10 MAY 1885 TO MISS E.S. LESSIG / BOTH OF CENTRALIA JACKSON FANNY Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 10 DEC 1902 24 OCT 1853 OBIT OF MOTHER - CORNELIA J. JACKSON JACKSON FANNY Death Grand Rapids Tribune 10 DEC 1902 OBIT 14 FEB 1855 SEE HER BIRTH/ DEATH OF MOTHER - CORNILIA J. JACKSON JACKSON FLORA E. Death Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 7 AUG 1897 0 0 PROBATE JACKSON FRED Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 28 MAY 1885 0 0 TO LIBBIE LESSIG JACKSON FRED H. Birth Grand Rapids Tribune 10 DEC 1902 OBIT 3 APR 1857 SEE DEATH OF HIS MOTHER - CORNELIA J. JACKSON JACKSON FRED H. Marriage Centralia Enterprise 21 MAY 1885 10 MAY 1885 TO LIBBIE LESSIG JACKSON G. J. Marriage Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 12 NOV 1887 0 0 TO ? DICKERSON / DON'T KNOW FIRST NAME JACKSON G. J. Marriage Grand Rapids Tribune 12 FEB 1887 5 FEB 1872 15TH WED.ANNIV.OF MR./MRS.JACKSON OF CENTRALIA / LONG ART. JACKSON G. J. Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 10 FEB 1887 0 0 MR./MRS. JACKSON 20TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY / LONG ARTICLE JACKSON GILBERT J. Death Centralia Enterprise & Tribune 7 AUG 1897 0 0 PROBATE JACKSON GILBERT JARDINE Death Wood Co. Reporter 14 MAY 1896 7 MAY 1896 OBIT./ SEE MARR./SEE WCR 4 JUN 1896 ALSO JACKSON GILBERT JARDINE Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 14 MAY 1896 6 FEB 1867 TO FLORA E. DICKERSON / SEE HIS DEATH JACKSON H. S. Marriage Wood Co. Reporter 9 JUN 1858 0 0 TO ABBIE MORGAN JACKSON H. W. Death Grand Rapids Tribune 10 DEC 1902 OBIT 0 1875 SEE HIS MAR./DEATH OF WIFE - CORNELIA J.
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