IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS: SPL.SP.4.1 THEORY, ALGORITHMS, AND SYSTEMS 0 Designing Commutative Cascades of Multidimensional Upsamplers and Downsamplers Brian L. Evans, Member, IEEE Abstract In multiple dimensions, the cascade of an upsampler by L and a downsampler by L commutes if and only if the integer matrices L and M are right coprime and LM = ML. This pap er presents algorithms to design L and M that yield commutative upsampler/dowsampler cascades. We prove that commutativity is p ossible if the 1 Jordan canonical form of the rational resampling matrix R = LM is equivalent to the Smith-McMillan form of R. A necessary condition for this equivalence is that R has an eigendecomp osition and the eigenvalues are rational. B. L. Evans is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The UniversityofTexas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1084, USA. E-mail:
[email protected], Web: evans, Phone: 512 232-1457, Fax: 512 471-5907. This work was sp onsored in part by NSF CAREER Award under Grant MIP-9702707. July 31, 1997 DRAFT IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS: SPL.SP.4.1 THEORY, ALGORITHMS, AND SYSTEMS 1 I. Introduction 1 Resampling systems scale the sampling rate by a rational factor R = L=M = LM , or 1 equivalently decimate by H = M=L = L M [1], by essentially upsampling by L, ltering, and downsampling by M . In converting compact disc data sampled at 44.1 kHz to digital audio tap e 48000 Hz 160 data sampled at 48 kHz, R = = . Because we can always factor R into coprime 44100 Hz 147 integers L and M , we can always commute the upsampler and downsampler which leads to ecient p olyphase structures of the resampling system.