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T H E V O I C E O F T H E S T U D E N T S S I N C E 1 8 9 ]

Part-timeAdjunct faculty canpositions contribute real-world on experiences, rise nationwidebut drawbacks persist BBy y ANN A N DORN N D O R N \ i B s m S t m f m i t e S a i — | 1 — Editor-in-Chief The number of adjunct faculty employed at universities nationwide continues to rise, but the percentage of George Fox adjunct faculty remains below the national average. Three out of 10 college and university faculty worked part time in 2004, a 12 percent increase over the last 20 years, according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor Statistics and the Digest of Education Sta tistics. Currently, 37 percent of George Fox faculty are employed part-time compared to 46.2 percent nationwide. According to the Chronicle of Higher Educa tion, adjuncts often fit one of three categories: the hopeful, the expert, and the master teacher. Hopefuls are often instructors who simply have not landed their first tenure track position, while experts are employed in their field of work, such as communications or art, and often teach at a col Photo mustration by JAMIE GRIGGS lege or university in addition to their primary jobs. Outside the classroom: adjuncts often use their diverse employment experiences in their teaching. Master teachers have decided to forego tenure for personal or professional reasons. "I would consider myself hopeful in the pursuit are seeking full time, tenured positions. proval-read: Ph.D.." Allen said. "That pretty much of a tenure-track faculty position," said GFU adjunct "I've got nearly 80 students in two classes. That leaves me out of the running, which is good be professor Shannon Hinkle. Hinkle, who graduated seems pretty full to me," said GFU writing litera cause I hate those long black robes." with a bachelor's degree from GFU, holds a mas ture adjunct Fred Smith in response to a question Although adjunct faculty may wish to pursue full ters of divinity degree from Yale and will pursue about whether he would seek full professor status. time and tenure track positions, the road can be dif her doctoral studies once her two-year-old daugh "Besides that, a professor's supposed to know ficult, even in a market when more universities are ter enters school. However, not all adjunct faculty his stuff and have the ecclesiastical seal of ap Continued on page 2 Parker house damaged by tree in weekend storm

By JESSICA GARDNER of construction," said Clyde Thomas, director of Entertainment Editor Plant Services, in an e-mail. "It is conjectured that An oak tree fell on Parker house around one the trees would not have contracted the disease if a.m. early Friday morning, adding another tree they had not been watered." to the seven that have fallen this year. The tree OSU scientists discovered this type of root rot fell into the side of the house, breaking several when investigating the demise of white oaks in the windows and knocking off the master bedroom's Willamette Valley. balcony. "Persons in the grounds crew are currently Residents of Munn House heard the commo researching a new "lawn" grass, a tall fescue that tion and rushed over to help the residents of the remains green in drought conditions," Thomas house put plastic over the windows and assess said. "Planting this grass under the oaks may allow immediate needs. Plant Services fixed the win- the disuse of irrigation but GFU staff and clientele , 14.1 * 1 4 4 J 14 Photo Illustration by BRIAN RURIK clows, removed the tree later that day and tempo- balcony suffered the most damage from the tree. would have to become accustomed to a less-lush rarily fixed the roof. look." Parker house residents include A.C. Ben Kul- the roots and phytophthora a fungus found our However, the disease may not be preventable. pa and his family, as well as some students in the soils contributed to the fall as well as recent weath "The sad thing is that even if watering were lower portion. er conditions. ended, there is no promise that the infected oaks According to Plant Services, the oak fell be "All three of the oak trees that have fallen re will recover or that the spread of the disease will be cause of root rot (armillaria). Shallow burying of cently had roots that had been buried during times curbed," Thomas said.

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 Issue 16 Vol CXXIII the crescent Page 2 - NEWS

Adjuncts:* often „ , - ^ e i = n t a tchallenging i o n presentation s k skills. i l l s . conditions Editor's pen: hiring a greater number of adjuncts. "I still think some [adjuncts] can be really "It feels as though the number of hopeful good and can bring good experiences from the Won't you please be professors exceeds available teaching positions, outside," she said. j + i v particularly for coveted tenure-track positions, According a recent study conducted by the Hinkle said. U S Dept. of Education, adjunct faculty are usu my friend? Judy Balthazar, assistant dean of Bryn Mawr college and former adjunct, writes in a paper re ally not expected to handle the same workload Aristotle said cently submitted to a national forum on adjuncts as tenured and tenure-track faculty. there are three types that part-time instructors can fill valuable and "I regret that my dependence upon other of friendships; those much needed services. forms of income to supplement my adjunct teach of utility, those of "Whenever adjunct professors replace faculty ing position prevents me from further involving pleasure,and tliose on leave, they ensure the continuity of the cur myself in department meetings and events, but I that are complete. We have always felt welcome to join whenever I am u s e t h o s e f r i e n d s o f riculum," Balthazar said. "Wlien they offer new courses in disciplines outside our normal offer able," Hinkle said. utility when we need Sometimes valuable mentoring relationships something and we ings, they enrich the curriculum and expose stu u s e t h o s e f r i e n d s o f dents to new ways of thinking." with other faculty do not materialize for adjuncts, pleasure for...well... George Fox junior Kirsten Green has studied and frustration with being on the outside. A quick pleasure. Complete under two very different adjunct professors and scan of the internet reveals there are multiple friendships can (and found not all adjuncts are equally experienced Web sites and blogs created for adjunct faculty ByJILLLEPIRE do) include both of teachers. "One was like a normal professor, and members, such as those aspects, but are N e w s E d i t o r Despite some tension, many now-tenured fac set apart because they the other was not like a normal professor," Green are mostly unselfish said. "He was very dry—he was a lawyer, so he ulty have walked in the same shoes. and virtuous. was not very engaging and not very hard." "They have all been where I am right now," Making fidends in college has been a reflection Green felt she was not getting her tuition dol said GFU adjunct John Knox. "Personally, I ap of that philosophy. During the first weeks, we lar's worth out of the class. preciate my teaching position because I know flocked together to avoid being seen as an outcast. "He didn't understand what a good workload that many people with similar degrees are sell We needed each other; we needed someone to sit was,"w e i 5 > , she a .said. u c "He s d i u . was n creasonable w a s l ebut a s o inot i c i u i cchal- u u u ing i ishoes u i c i i afor i - a uliving i g i winstead x « . of — utilizing — e ,their with in the Bon, we needed someone to talk to in lectures and someone to hang out with at night. lenging." Green dropped the class because of his training as masters of theology or history." After tlie necessity and/or pleasure faded, so did the friendship. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, but we all crave and hunger for complete friendships. Friendships that are equal, interesting and cultivated with reciprocated love . WIN AN iPODI The whole friend thing has always perplexed me, and college has made the situation even March Madness of Photography worse. Sitting here, writing this editorial. I can't Enter your creative photo-whatever it may be! decide how much 1 want to say. I feel very deeply on this subject. I have been hurt numerous times by "fiiends," a situation I'm sure is common. How can I make my point without sounding mushy or Kick-Offthe Madness: emotional? Come March 6 to the cap and gown I can't give you "10 Rules for Lasting Friendships room between 5:00-7:00. Entry Rules: (and lose 10 pounds in the process!)," but I have Vote for your favorites, eat some cheese learned a few tilings recently (on friendships, not 1. Entries are not limited, but on the 10 pounds thing). cake and drink a little First, take care of yourself. If you don't love and likely one entry will be in the respect yourself, how can anyone else? This is my sparkling cider! tournament per person. Get plea - please, please, please don't lower yourself by those photos In fast! acting desperate for friendships or relationships. Second, the amount of fiiends you have is Send all photography to [email protected] 2. The competition is open to NOT related to your self-worth. Remember how, students only.-All students are in elementary, middle and high school we were so Check out our website at: welcome to submit! caught up in being popular? I always wanted to be Deadline is March 1st. the one who was Homecoming Queen, was invited 3. The 64 photographs will to all the parlies, had a cute boyfriend, was involved Voting will begin March 6th at the kick-off. in a million and a half activities AND maintained a be going against each other 4.0. I achieved two of those things (one of which 1 -v-1, for 32 match-ups in the should've been the 4.0...). I "failed" to my own 1 st round. You will decide who standards, but those standards aren't the ones that matter. I should aim to live His standards. sponsored by: goes on to round ,21 Third, He loves you. And so do I. So relax! 4. There Is no size or resolution That's all the so-called wisdom I have in me this week. Signing off for now... restriction on the photos. 5. Prizes awarded for 1st through 5th place.

The Crescent Staff

Editor-in-Chief he Crescent encourages reader response and Arts and Culture Editor Entertainment Editor Dai kroom Manager ANN DORN CRYSTAL FARNSWORTH JESSICA GAI^NER participation through letters to the editors. BRIAN RURIK Assistant Editor Opinion, Campus Life and Reporters th typewritten and no longer ANGIEGILL Faith lulitor ELIZABCTH RODMAN Designer leu"ers, K ut ^'11 your name"ot accept can be withheld unsigned by K R I S K i L L A M DAVID BENSON ERICA BADER Sports Editor ^ quest. We reserve the right to edit for clarity DAN BENNIvTr N e w s E d i t o r Business Manager Global Editors your letters to The Crescent, JILL LEPII^ NICKSEIfi^ONE ASHLEY STAIXMAN ux E. The opinions presented in this KEVIN SONOFF paper do not necessaily reflect those of the Erescem staff, ASC or the university.

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006

Issue I6V0ICXXIII Page 3 - SPORTS THE CRESCENT Schmick, Leith named to All-Conference First Team

By DAN BENNETT the most consistent shooters in the Sports Editor conference this year, leading the con ference with a .525 field goal percent 2006 Winter Olympics Three men and three women from age. She also drained 43 percent of the George Fox University basket her three-point shots, good for fourth ■/M Medal Watch torino aooe ball teams were named to All-North in the conference. west Conference teams, as selected Katy Campbell was the lone soph As of February 22 at 8 PM PST by coaches from every college in the omore from George Fox named to any conference. team, taking home honors as Honor Notion Gold Silver Bronze Total On the men's side, Aaron Schmick able Mention All-NWC. The second- was named First Team All-NWC for year post averaged 8.4 points and 6.4 Germany 9 8 5 22 the second consecutive season. The rebounds per game in 25 starts for the senior guard led the Bruins in scoring Bruins this year. Austria 8 6 5 19 and finished his career seventh in all- Lance Pecht of Whitworth College time scoring in George Fox history. was named the men's Player of the United States 7 7 4 18 Scott Szalay was honored as Sec Year, edging out Puget Sound's Chase ond Team All-NWC. The senior post Curtiss by one vote. Pecht, a senior Canada 5 8 5 18 averaged 12.6 points and 9.0 rebounds forward from Spokane, averaged 18.8 per game, as well as a conference-best points and 6.1 rebounds per game, 1.76 blocks per game. leading the Pirates to a 13-3 confer- i Phil Heu-Weller was named Hon ence record and the NWC Tourna- I orable Mention All-NWC. The junior ment. | wing averaged 13.0 points and 4.3 re Nikki Johnson of Pacific Luther From the Cheap Seats bounds per contest as he was honored an University was honored as wom for the second straight year. en's Player of the Year, getting sev For all you at anybody. It's just that right I am For the women, Kim Leith was en more votes than Puget Sound's Barry Bonds not proud to be a baseball player." named First Team All-NWC for the Sarah Carnahan. Johnson, a junior fans out there, Barry, do us all a favor and get second year in a row. Leith, a senior wing out of Tenino, Wash, averaged consider this a down off of the cross that you've wing, posted averages of 13.8 points 13.8 points and 9.6 rebounds per fair warning: put yourself on. You are the last and 4.0 rebounds per game. An Ail- * At no point game this season. DAN BENNETT person who should be acting like a American last year, Leith ended her Eric Bridgeland and Gil Rigell were Sports Editor in the follow martyr. career with 1,348 points, good for named Coaches of the Year for their ing column will Why do you think it is that fourth on the George Fox scoring work with the Puget Sound men and I say anything remotely positive you are not proud to be a baseball list. the Pacific Lutheran women, respec about Barry Bonds. player? Is it because steroids run Robin Taylor was named Second tively. Bridgeland guided the Loggers Sure, the man belted 73 home rampant in the industry? Oh, wait, Team All-NWC. After being the Bru to their third straight conference title, runs in 2001, which currently you were a part of that. ins' reliable "sixth man" last season, while Rigell led the Lutes to their first stands as the highest single season Or is it because some baseball Taylor established herself a's one of conference title since 2002. total in baseball history. players have frigid relationships And sure, whenever he sees his with the media who, by the way, one good pitch per game, he is have an obligation to report what NWC teams fight for spot always a threat to knock that one baseball players saiy and do? Oh, out of the yard. wait, you fall into that category, But this column will not be too. in National Tournament criticizing Barry Bonds the base Or maybe it is because some ball player. This column will be Major League Baseball players By DAN BENNETT criticizing Barry Bonds the human have egos slightly larger than Sports Editor being. Mercury and have a disease that In the most recent Bonds inhibits them from admitting their Six men's and women's basketball teams are vying for the Northwest Con development, Barry now says that mistakes. ference Tournament Championship this weekend, with the winner earning he is not sure whether or not he Does that sound familiar? the conference's automatic berth to the NCAA Div. Ill National Tournament. will return in 2007 to chase Hank Barry, I think you think you'll On the men's side, the University of Puget Sound will host either Whit Aaron's record of 755 career home be missed when you retire, i think worth College or Willamette University tomorrow, night. For the women, Pa runs. you think that parents will say cific Lutheran University will host either Puget Sound or Whitman College. This new revelation is, of to their kids, "You should have The hottest team in the men's bracket is, without a doubt, Whitworth Col course, contradictory to state seen Barry Bonds play baseball. lege. Led by the conference's top scorer, Lance Pecht, the Pirates rattled off ments made by Bonds just a few He's one of the best to ever put on 10 straight wins to end the regular season, including an overwhelming 98-74 days ago. spikes." victory over the Puget Sound Loggers in Spokane late in the year. "I'm not playing baseball any In reality, parents will tell their Puget Sound ended the regular season with a 14-2 conference record, more after this," Bonds told USA kids about you. They will tell them one game better than both Whitworth and Willamette, who tied for second Today. "I'm tired of all the crap that Barry Bonds is one of the with a 13-3 record. George Fox finished four games behind the Pirates and that is going on. I want to play this worst things to ever happen to the Bearcats, finishing with a 9-7 conference mark. year out, hopefully win, and once game of baseball. For the women. Pacific Lutheran took over for George Fox as the best the season is over, go home and be The truth is. Barry, that if you team on the West Coast this season. The Lutes finished the conference sea with my family. Maybe then every were to retire tomorrow, nobody son with a 14-2 record and a 21-3 record overall, securing the top spot in the body can just forget about me." would miss you. There would be conference tournament. ^ Is it just me, or does that last no parade in San Francisco honor The Puget Sound Loggers capped their season with a 13-3 conference line make Bonds out to be the little ing your achievements or mourn mark, three games better than both the Bruins and the Whitman Mission kid in the sandbox, all alone and ing your impending absence. aries. Whitman owned a better record against Pacific Lutheran and Puget Those parades, are saved for the Sound during the regular season, pushing George Fox out of the playoffs. melancholy because nobody wants to play with him? good guys. The selections for the National Tournament on both the men's and wom "I love the game of baseball, And you, Mr. Bonds, are not en's sides will be made this Sunday. The men's and women's Final Four will but I don't like what it's turned out one of the good guys. be played on March 17-18. to be," Bonds said. "I'm not mad

GFU Baseball GFU Softball GFU Tennis GFU Track and Field 2-2 (0-0 NWC) 0-2 (0-0 NWG) Men: 3/4 - Willamette Open (Salem) 2/24 - vs. British Columbia (2 PM) 2/24 - vs. Corban (2 PM) 2/24 - vs. Willamette (2:30 PM) 3/il - NWC South Meet (New- 2/25 - vs. Pacific Lutheran (10 AM) 2/25 - vs. Eastern Oregon (9 AM) 2/25 - @ Puget Sound (12 PM) berg) 2/26 - vs. Concordia 2/26 - vs. Ore. Instlt. Tech. (8 AM) 3/3 - @ Pacific (TBA) 3/17 - Linfield Open (McMinnville) 3/4-vs. Linfield (12 PM)** 2/26 - vs. Concordia (2 PM) 3/24 - Chuck Bowles Classic (Sa 3/5 - vs. Linfield (I PM) 3/4 - vs. Puget Sound (I PM)** lem) 3/1! - @ Whitworth (12 PM)** 3/5 - vs. Pacific Lutheran (12 PM)** Women: 2/24 - @ Willamette (6:30 PM) 3/12 - @ Whitworth (12 PM) 3/11 - @ Willamette (12 PM)** 2/25 - @ Puget Sound (12 PM) 3/15 - @ Corban (2 PM) 3/12 - vs. Pacific (12 PM)** 3/3 - vs. Lewis & Clark (10 AM) ** = Doubleheader ** = Doubleheader

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 Issue 16 Vol CXXlll the crescent Page 4 - FAITH GOT MILK?

By DAVID SEREGOW Faith Columnist

I have always wondered what pastors were talking about when they brought up spiritual milk and meat. The Bible compares a Chris tian's spiritual progress to human biological growth. At first, near the start of one's faith, people are PUctt Spaces in which we find Gods inspiration like newborn babies drinking spir itual milk. Later on as one grows, By STEVE SHERWOOD to water and restrooms. clarity about His voice in my lifSi It feels like a sacred place to and peace in His arms have hap they move on to eat spiritual meat. Faith Editorial Milk is for babies and meat is for me for a few reasons. On the out pened in that four or five more mature followers of Jesus. going end of each trip, it is the spot nestled in the Rockies of SW It seems si mple enough as peo My sacred place is perhaps spot where civilization begins Colorado. more public than most. It is the to recede, where excitement for ple grow in faith, they might move base camp of Young Life's Wild- the week ahead reaches a tipping on to more advanced discussions, nerness Ranch in Creede, CO. point, where the group makes the Is there a place that challenges, tasks, or knowledge; I've taken half a dozen groups of however, this is all a nice analogy, first halting steps toward com inspires you? high school students on guided munity and where prayers are but what exactly does the milk and backpacking trips at Wilderness o f f e r e d f o r G o d ' s h a n d t o r e s t Where have you found meat represent? When the Bible Ranch over the years and the upon us. On the return end, it is the Creator's guidance mentions milk and meat, it prob-. base camp is the site from which the combination of being clean, in to be most helpful? ably is not literal because my Bible the trips pack, receive orienta cotton clean clothes, eating a din is made of paper and doesn't make tion, a last hot meal, a three min ner at a table shared with a group Write a small 200-300 for good eating. Some say it could ute shower upon return, a first "that has new become intimately refer to the point when a person hot meal back and a worship time word article about it bonded and reflecting upon what grows into relationship with God with all of the groups that had God has brought about on the and send it to enough that she might complete gone out that week.' trail. Off the trail, but still in the the Crescent: The camp is significantly good works, which includes help experience. ing the poor. Others say spiritual more rustic than the world all of It is difficult to describe, but krkillam@georgefox. edu meat is memorizing the Bible and us leave to go there. One phone, many of the more profound mo limited electricity, limited access ments of communion with God, being able to recite it on a whim. I came across some verses in chapter five of Hebrews where the author says whoever is not skillful in the word of righteousness uses milk. The author also says spiritu Have you thought about spiritual gifts lately? al meat is having one's "senses ex ercised to discern both good and evil." Discerning good and evil is knowing right from wrong. Most people (71%) say they have heard of spiritual gifts. Knowing right and wrong can be tough, especially when some people have different ethi When those who have heard of spiritual gifts are asked to identify their cal and moral standards than oth spiritual gift, 31% listed characteristics or qualities which are not ers. The Bible however, which is spiritual gifts identified in the Bible. The most common items mentioned God's teaching and instruction, as spiritual gifts which are not biblical gifts are love, kindness, literally lists what is good and evil, beginning with the ten command relationships, singing, and listening. ments. Does this mean if we focus on Source: Barna Group teaching, "Jesus loves you," and nothing else, we are still drinking spiritual milk? God does love us and that is an important message, but.talking about God's love does not help us know what is good or evil.


Weekly events: Sunday: Impact @ 9pm in the Cap & Gown Room Wednesday: Manistry @ 9:30 in the Commuter Lounge Friday: Greenroom @ 10:40 in Bau- man

Special events: Broken Walls Concert: February 24th at 7pm ~lst John 3:11

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006



Population: 60,656,178

Size: 547,030 sq km

Capital: Paris

Political System: Republic

Language: French- 100 percent

Religion: Roman Catholic- 83-88 percent Muslim- 5-8 percent Protestant- 2 percent

Climate: Cool winters/Mild Summers

Unemployment Rate: 10 percent

Agriculture: Wheat, Cereals, Sugar Beats Photo: Immigration is not a new phenomenon in France We will fumble, we will make cultural mistakes that will burn in our memories, BY SYLVETTE NORRE but we will change ourselves In the process Foreign Language Professor The recent rioting in France researcher, and now the French ning the scarf worn by female Mus- and write, to talk and to feel valued. has fueled many public debates. Im Minister for Equal Opportunity, lim students. The European Union What I learned is that we can migration is not a new phenomenon. published in 2004 a clear analysis of now has some common rules per- not wait for official programs to take After all, the people who migrated to the consequences of the perpetua taining to immigration but doesn't care of what is or is not happening or across her territory as it is today tion of the French myth of equality yet have common policies to address around us. Yes, we need to advocate built France. More recently, every inherited from the Declaration Uni- social and cultural issues. and push for change through the government of the Fifth French Re verselle des Droits de I'Homme in Personal experience has democratic process. Yes, we need to public has taken measures to "deal" 1789. France does not keep track shaped some of my opinions on im debunk myths. Yes, we need to keep with immigration. However, elected of how well its different population migration. As a child, I spent sum statistics of how a given group is do officials are forgetting firstly that we groups are doing, arguing that we mers in deserted southern Italian vil ing overall. We mostly need to make will never be able to stop people from are all equals. Begag debunks this lages, where aging parents showed sure that we meet everyone as a trying to better their lives by immi myth and proposes a plan of action off colorful postcards sent by their unique human being and that we be grating to more prosperous countries to actually address discrimination children who had migrated north come agents of change. We will fum as long as resources are distributed and inequality. Tahar Ben JeJloun, to find work. Their eyes showed ble, we will make cultural mistakes inequitably between the Northern and Gisele Pineau, to cite two writ the sadness of seeing their way of that will burn in our memories, but and Southern Hemispheres. Sec ers we read in French classes, give life come to an end. In high school we will change ourselves in the pro ondly, they are forgetting that after us a glimpse of what it is like to be a and college, I belonged to a Catholic cess. As an immigrant myself, I ex a generation has passed we are no French man, woman or child "issus youth group working with "at risk perience first hand "a sliver" of what longer talking about immigrants de rimmigration visible", meaning migrant teenagers." After graduat my migrant friends shared with me but about French residents, some "having a visible ancestry". France ing from college, we started an al years ago. But my insecurities pale of whom are being discriminated vacillates between closing its eyes to ternative neighborhood school. By compared to the challenges my against because of visible differ unacceptable cultural practices that building relationships in tlie migrant North African friends experienced ences. Born in France of visible mi limit the choices of migrant women community our project succeeded in in Belgium. grant parents, Azouz Begag, a gifted and taking rigid political stances on becoming what the neighborhood writer and esteemed social sciences selected cultural issues such as ban- wanted: a place to learn how to read

GFU Who made the French kiss?''''1IL7cS™ Connection What does France have that these other countries lack?

Humanity has been sions of affection than a Brazil French label to language and showing affection for each oth ian, Australian or Korean per behavior that was generally un er since the beginning of time, son, it is simply history which suitable in public. Full Name: Dana Larson but when exactly did it get so... bestows France this honor. France may have a rep Residence: Castle Rock, CO French? Intimate and romantic The term 'French kiss' utation for being more expres in nature, the French kiss is Dana was born in Oregon and has spent most of became popular in the United sive and passionate in their ev seen as one of the most roman her life overseas. She first lived in Ivory Coast and States after World War II when- eryday endeavors, but the rest then moved to France, where she spent 10 years. tic ways to express affection in soldiers returned home from of the world isn't doomed to Dana attended French public school in Bussy-Saint a relationship. Europe. lack the same passion in their Georges, a suburb of Paris, until eighth grade. Although France is Abroad, they were al love lives. It's actually quite She is a double major in Theatre and Spanish here one of the many Western Eu lied with the French Army. amusing the way in which such at Fox. When asked what she misses most about ropean countries which speaks The French soldiers' behavior a commonly used term origi France Dana replied, "I miss the people the most a Romance language, originat and character seemed a little nated - It wasn't even a French and living in a place so full of history, where the ing from Latin, it is not alone. promiscuous and they held lit idea! chapel in town is older than this country [US]." Spanish and Italian are also cat tle back when more suggestive Even though anyone Dana hopes to one day be a missionary and teach egorized as Romance languag topics were being discussed. can experience a French kiss high school theatre and foreign language. Her ad es, so the question that comes The Americans quickly coined without being in France, there vice to fox students is "As Christians, the more we to mind is, "What does France the idea that the population of is something intoxicatingly ro travel and experience different cultures, the more have that these other countries France must be more of a sen mantic about the idea of shar we come to realize that we will never completely fit lack?" sual nation than most. Back ing a special moment under in anywhere on this Earth, because this is not our It is not that the French in the U.S., this classification the streetlights of Paris with the home, our citizenship truly is in Heaven." experience a greater sense of caught on with great popularity Eiffel Tower peeking through fervor in their physical expres and thus began the use of the mist in the background. Questions/Comments/Suggestions... We'd love to hear from you, [email protected]

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 Issue 16 Vol CXXllI

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\ j > y Page 7 - ENTERTAINMENT THE CRESCENT ■ts ^upposec to be Funny!

By Anna Moreshead

//lave two issues to address. 1. abbrev-iug (pronounced with a long sounding 'e'like in the word 'leave') 2. talking in instant messag ing language. Now, I tmderstand that we live in America where we must have everything as fast as possible without losing time, but is spitting out a few more syllables that hard for people to contend with? How much time are l)adoku you truly saving by saying "abbrev" instead of the ridiculously long version, "abbreviation"? 3 5 7 2 9 And people who talk at you like you are a computer screen saying things like, Tol" and 9 7 3 "brb," are just working extra hard to form those acronyms in their mind. In both cases, the 6 5 7 speakers of this crazy kind of talk leave their audience questioning and having to think way 6 3 5 too hard about what was just trying to be com municated. 4 8 7 3 Oddly enough, two very good friends of mine have taken it upon themselves to infil 7 4 2 trate the world with abbrev-ing and instant message talking. Friend A has decided that ab- 6 9 1 brev-ing is the solution to most of her probletns and with the time she saves by abbrev-ing, she 7 6 8 is going to change the world, one vocabidary word at a time. Sotne choice almost-words that 1 8 6 4 3 come out of her mouth include, "ridic" (ridicu Thjs raljss of §udoku simpl(2. Gnt^r digits froiTj t to 9 into th(3 blank lous), "troub" (trouble), and "prob" (prob spaejss. 0vgrg row must contain on(Z of j2aeh digit. §o must ^vizry column. ably). Sick. Friend B started out by making fiin of in Excerpts from the book World's Greatest Collection of Church Jokes. stant message talking, but then quickly discov • It was bedtime for Timmy and Jimmy who were staying overnight with their grandparents. ered his love of internet lingo. He proudly goes While kneeling to say his prayers, Timmy began praying at the top of his lungs, "Dear God, for around exclaiming his favorite ones and thinks Christmas 1 want some video games, a motor bike, a DVD player..." humping his voice up a couple notches while '*^\^loa," Jimmy hollered, "Why are you yelling? God ain't deaf." "I luiow God's not deaf," saying them makes it twice as effective. Now as replied Timmy. "But Grandma is!" classy as saying, "Lol, guys, lol, is, I just can t •A small girl was reprimanded by her mother for giggling during prayer. "It's okay. Mom," take him seriously when he says these things. she explained. "I was just sharing a joke with God." While I love both Friend A and B up to •Little Tony was in his uncle's wedding. As he came down the aisle during the ceremony, he the sky, I find their lack of appreciation for carefully took two steps, then stopped and turned to the crowd. Wlien facing tlie congregation the English language unsettling. Doesn t each he put his hands up like claws and roared loudly. So it went, step, step, turn, roar, step, step, turn, word deserve a chance to live up to itsfidl roar, all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, tlie congregation was near tears fi-om laugh potential? When you don't give them proper ing. By the time little Tony reached the alter, he was near tears too. When later asked what he credit, they've got to feel pretty bad about them was doing, the boy sniffed and said, "1 was being the Ring Bear." selves. Don't do this to them, there's enough •Mr. Johnson, a businessman from Wisconsin, went on a business trip to Louisiana. He im hate in this world already. Uave the shortened mediately sent an e-mail back to his vvife Jean. Unfortunately, he mistyped a letter and the e-mail words in their proper place - the computer. ended up going to a Mrs. Joan Johnson, the wife of a preacher who had just passed away. The Talk like a real person in real life. It just preacher's widow took one look at the e-mail and promptly fainted. Wiien she was revived, she makes se?tse. Okay everybody, ttyl- nervously pointed to tlie message, which read. "Ai-rived safely, but it sure is hot dovm here."

Issue 16 Vol CXXll Friday, Feb 24, 2006 THE CRESCENT Page 8 - CAMPUS LIFE A proposal for increasing cannpus communication

By RICK MUTHIAH ARC Director OOrufnBoarJs - Student News - M07illa Firefox £ c k t ^ ^ e o o k m e r k s l o c t s H s k > n I've been disappointed by the dimin '.php?f"46 ished communication on campus since ^ O 0) Outlook public folders were replaced by BruinBoards. My suspicion is that few people use BruinBoards because it re quires more work to check it - one has to choose to go to the Web page instead of Waldim*! nnuthu>h. • having news folders appear in an applica lou !»«t wiittedt Today *t -.y 1 1 0 U n r a a d . To t a l 0 - J tion that is already being used. If easy Student News

access is what's keeping you from using U«er Control Panel FAQ M e m b e r c L i s t C a l e n d a r N e w P o s t s S e a r c h - r Q u i c k U n k s L o g O u t BruinBoards, I have a suggestion for you. Use a tabbed Web browser that will open . . F o r u m T o o l s * S e a r c h t h i s F o r u m » multiple pages each time you open it. Fol Threadk in Forum; Sluclrnt Newt ^ R a t i n g lowing are instructions for downloading Thread / Thread Startnr pa Oregon HanaQement tntemshlo Proorani Deadline EKemd"** T o d a y - ' I and using FireFox, one of the most popular by dSlSfeSa dnobis

tabbed browsers. Today pg student OrlentaHon Director b« olmoiain ^, • Download FireFox (http://www. •Imorain for use as your Web aiorganfan04 browser. Instead of using Internet Explor V a i U ' d a y ■ ' ■ ; Weekly Menu by stiizans^j er or Safari, use FireFox. I dUsrane faatarday I Fo« E-nnouncementi (Jan. 17 ■ 21) •When you open FireFox, you will have • jvithart by txitlillX ^'

one Web page visible. Select a page you ac Vaitarday , Do YOU need helc. meth^ by maailda ^ cess frequently (e.g., https://bruinboards. mawtlde Yaatarday ' • •• • i I APA Citfttion Style Workthop ■ 1/24/06 b y n n u t h i a h I rmuthlah

- the Student News on BruinBoards) and FRgg Job Hunter's Success Workshea: Sat. January 26th. 9aiT>--12;30om yajterday by would like to set as a homepage. dnobia • Click "New Tab" on the "File" menu brurboards, (or use CTRL-T). This will open a sec Irbo-.-Kcroioti'S.. Q Calendar - ForFirenstrucUons.... EtumSoards - Stude... U - C v ■ *, ' ' 8 ond "tab" - a page on top of the first page. These work much like Excel worksheets, only these have the tab at the top instead of PAGES!! Every time you open FireFox, all browser, and Microsoft's upcoming version the bottom. the pages that you selected will open, each in of Internet Explorer will have tabbed brows • Type in another address or browse to its own tab. Read what you want or browse ing. another Web page you access frequently to other pages. Click the small red x in the My hope is that by using a tabbed browser (e.g.. upper right corner of the tab to close that - any tabbed browser - and setting Bruin rumdisplay.php?f=43 - Employee News on individual tab, or click on another tab to read Boards pages as home pages, more people BruinBoards). what is on that page. will make • Add another tab for each Web page that FireFox has numerous extensions (add- use of Bru you want to access frequently (BruinBoards. ins) available for customizing the program. inBoards, professional organizations, news, etc.). You can search the Web for popular exten thus In this example, I have tabs for 5 Bru sions, but these are not necessary for full use increasing inBoards pages. FoxFiles (Xythos), CNN, of FireFox; they simply add convenience and campus BruinData, and FoxTALE.A customization options. My favorite extension communi • Once you have all the Web pages is called Tab Mix Plus, available at https:// cation. selected, select "Options" from the "Tools" menu. Click on "Use Current Pages" under php?id=1122&application=firefox). the Homepage heading. FireFox is not the only tabbed browser • YOU NOW HAVE MULTIPLE HOME available. Opera is another popular tabbed 2H Pt?A£Tll£ £MfE(?VtEW PAV d P M C O C & A N S P M E M I 7 o r ^ P E A ( ? A t T H & £ : A M £ 0 PM PM e{70k;C]4 WAU.« d:oM::g

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f t i S O P M M E M S T E N N S V S . W U ^ - A M E T T fi ? P M - e ' 3 0 P t A W A t L S C O l 4 s X - < 7 1 Wappfn«n^? WOMEMS eASKET&ALL VS. TBA AROUm THE OUAD MEMS &ASKET&AU VS. teA

9 P M M O V I E h t E H T

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Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 J Issue 16 Vol CXXIll Page9 - CAMPUS LIFE THE CRESCENT

ARC Tips. Helpful hints on taking notes in class Spotlight: Institutional Technology By EMILY FONG o n v i r u s c o n t r o l AffC Student Employee strategies among college students are: The only sure way to know if you have • Make your notes as brief as a virus is to scan your computer with an n class because you are so lost antivirus program with up-to-date virus that you ve given up hope of getting possible. Don't use a sentence when definitions. If you don't have an antivi you can use a phrase, and don't use rus program installed, or if your antivi back on ^ack, so you decide to fall rus program is being disabled for some a phrase when you can shorten it to reason (viruses can do this!), try one of asleep? Ever had those professors a word. these resources to download: on campus that will talk for days • Try putting the professor's Online FreeScan from McAfee Stinger and you can't keep up with them in information into words that you can your notes, so you doodle instead? understand. If you detect a virus, try to remove it Here are a few helpful hints for tak • Make your notes into an outline with the scanning software. If the virus can't be removed, see our how to remove ing notes effectively while in class: or use a number system. Indenting a virus page. If you encounter, or suspect, a virus you are encouraged to contact the on your paper will help differentiate Service Desk. 1) Come to class prepared with between a major point and a minor either your notebook and something point. Below are some possible virus symp to write with, or your computer. • If you miss something the toms. Any of these symptoms could also point to problems with the operating sys professor said, don't worry. Leave tem, software, hardware, adware and/or 2) Look and listen for common some space where you missed infor spyware. Still, here's the list: clues that the professor may give mation and either ask the professor • Your computer is noticeably slower which would be important for you to during class, after class, or ask a than it used to be, or seems to be busy doing something else. remember, such as: classmate after class. • Your network connection is slower • Repeating a piece of informa • Date your notes so you can than usual, or seems really busy (this can just as often be the network or ISP). tion more than once go back and see if you are missing • Your computer freezes or crashes • Writing material on the board/ something or be able to review your repeatedly. • Your antivirus program stops run overhead notes in order. ning without an error message. • Cues like, "the first of three • You notice strange processes run views is..." and "in conclusion." Now, not all of these tips will be ning on your computer (this assumes you know what the usual processes are). effective for everyone, but do your • Folders on your computer start best to be organized, clear and con sharing themseives across the network. 3) It is important that you are • Files start appearing on your hard able to develop your own method cise with your note taking. Good drive, perhaps in multiple locations. of taking notes, but some common luck! • Microsoft Word or Excel suddenly starts warning you about macros exist ing in your documents.

Data from


true that Hoover foresaw the problems of the raging One of 1920's and worked to reign in the excess by ex cy. An my friends asked panding oversight of tlie Commerce Department o t h e r s u c h that he was secretary under Presidents Harding effort would not me, "Why do you have and Coolidge. Besides his presidency, with the be undertaken until the a bust of Herbert Hoover? black mark of the Depression years, Hoover's re In fact, why is one of the build 1990s. cord is pretty good. Hoover was a great man, ings on campus named Hoover and Working himself up from poverty, Hoover was who was loved world wide, even what's with Hoover Park?" one of the world's richest men by the 1910s. At the when America rejected him and he Herbert Hoover actually went to start of World War I he turned the offices of his deserves more respect than most histo George Fox back when it was still Pacific worldwide mining industry into a rescue organi rians give him. So, think twice next time College. Born in 1874. Hoover was orphaned zation. Single-handedly Hoover rescued stranded you pass by the Minthorn Building, take a by the death of his mother in 1884 and moved Americans from across warring Europe. During class in Hoover, hang out at Hoover Park, to Newberg to live with his uncle John Mint- the course of the war he loaned millions of dol or drive on the Herbert C. Hoover Memorial horn. For a time Hoover lived in the Minthorn lars to trapped Americans, in good faith, and re Highway (that's highway 99's official title), building with other Pacific students. ceived all but a few hundred dollars back. As the and just remember how lucky we all are to Now to answer the first question of why I war raged on, entire populations began to starve. go to school at Fox, a prep school for the have a bust of Hoover; I believe Hoover de Seeing the need, Hoover shifted his rescue mis presidency of the / serves more respect than he usually gets. sion to feeding the starving masses. It didn't mat United States. Most people only remember Herbert Hooyei ter who they were; German, French, or even Rus as the President who was m office during sian communists, Hoover's organization worked the Great Depression. It is true that he to get grain across the trench lines. oversaw the early Depression years After World War II, Hoover was brought in by V — and that the shanty towns that PresidentTruman to perform a similar worldwide sprang up around America m humanitarian mission. Then, under President the early 1930's became Eisenhower, Hoover was put in charge of a special known as Hoover- committee reviewing the expansion of the Feder villes. But, it al Government. Hoover's recommendations led to is also the streamlining of the government bureaucra THE CRESCENT Page 10 - ART AND CULTURE The Fox arts: What's happening Gray still has it By CRYSTAL FARNSWORTH By ELIZABETH RODMAN Arts and Culture Editor Senior Reporter

Art conference this week to compete and 's new "Life in Slow Motion" is The Lindgren art gallery is now attend workshops on various aspects of sophisticated and intellectual in both sound and lyrics. According showing "High School Art NW." The theater. Professors Rhett Luedtke and to Gray, "Life in Slow Motion" is not as autobiographical in story show is a collection of high school Bryan Boyd are also at the conference. telling and narrative as its predecessors. art done in various medias, including They will be acting as leaders to the However, listeners will find parts of themselves in many of oil and linoleum, acrylic and colored George Fox group and judges for a few the songs as the variety of moods and situations change from of the competitions. start to finish. From the simple but delicate "Alibi" (which pencils. Art was previously judged and winning pieces are marked with tags. Gray considers a sequel to his 1998 success "Babylon") to the The art portrays no specific theme, Writing "Disappearing World," both songs sound like 02 with a unique There are only three weeks left sound twist and potently poetic lyrics. although popular topics include portrait studies, landscape and nature, and still to submit essays to the Writing and The two songs perform effectively as bookends to a story. life. Literature creative writing contest. In between, the album contains amazing works such as "Nos $200 prizes will be given to the vrinner. Da Cariad" (Welsh for Goodnight Sweetheart) and "Now and Theater For more information contact Tammy Always." The theater department has taken O'Doherty in the Writing and Literature The latter is by far the most technically ambitious piece on 15 students to the regional KCACFF office. the record, running an incredible six minutes and forty-five seconds. It also contains some rather remarkable vocals. Other elements which went into the three year process of making "Life in Slow Motion" incorporate the use of over 50 musicians, including an orchestra on the track "Ain't No Love." The track "Hospital Food" functions as a commentary on living a completely docile, desensitized life. The most surprisingly wonderful song of the collection is 'The One I Love." It is the most "beautiful song about bleeding to death as you're ever likely to hear," a critic said. Despite being the first album recorded in a fully equipped studio environment,-"Life in Slow Motion" proves to have lost none of its artistic integrity or aspiration. Gray continues the work of establishing himself among the world's best artists performing today, adding "Life in Slow Motion" to his long list of

successes. Gray has eight years of tour experience and she previous . His 1998 work "" sold six million copies worldwide and remains the best selling album of all time in CRYSTAL FARNSWORTH Ireland. Fans of this UK import who have had to wait for a new album Members of the George Fox choir rehearse one of Mozart's songs during class. will find that it is worth every minute. The choir sings a variety of musical genres and makes numerous performances throughout the year. Fox Fashion Watch: Play with color during cold weather By CLAIRE HOLIDAY wardrobe now. Maybe wear a flowered tank baby doll Fashion Reporter cami over a tight, long-sleeved T.

I don't know about you, but this weather is making 2. Wear bight colored makeup. The spring line of eye me mad. The bright sun fools me into thinking it is warm shadow, lipstick, and eyeliner is vivid and shimmers. It is outside (possibly skirt or short-sleeves weather) when in the perfect pick-me-up for a bright day of icy sunshine or reality I need about four layers of clothes on so I can walk a freezing night out on the town. Try out a pink cherry out to my car. lip color, turquoise eyeliner, or lime green eyeshade for fun. I recommend Wet n' Wild cosmetics because they Magazines don't help my confusion either. Favorite are super cheap and actually work well. You don't want to publications like Glamour, Organic Living, Martha Stewart Weddings and Cat Fancy taunt me with articles spend a fortune.on fun makeup that you only wear a few about flowers, flowing dresses, ruffles and iced tea. All times a year. that makes me think about Easter, Spring Break and less itchy sweaters. 3. The spring line is coming into most stores. It's lucky I long for the day I can peel off tliese ugly wool socks for you because hats, gloves, scarves and socks are on and let my feet breath free in cute sling-backs or t-strap sale now. Grab some bright knits for a color pop in your sandals, and have tlie chance to spend my hard earned winter whites, grays and blacks. Coats are also going on money on French pedicures and fake tanner instead of sale, and right now American Eagle has warm, bright and scotch guard and opaque tights. all around awesome coats going for $20-$40 (originally So, the question is: what to do during these frustrating, priced $50-$100). My favorites are the aqua colored pea harshly lit February days? Answer: Do what you want! coats and the wool hoode^yellow or red toggle coats. (In case you were wondering, I will accept late birthday COURTESY CLAIRE HOLIDAY ^ \ r.-, „ , ' _ V-"""lo a Claire ociiiui is a senior vviiuiig Writing anu and Litera- Liiei 1. Look through your closet and find bright colored presents.) Also check out Buffalo Exchange or Red Light ture major who loves hanging out "summer wear" that can bb incorporated into your layered in Portland for amazing deals on "recycled fashions." with friends and looking good. Voice of the Students: If you were stuck on a desert island, what two books would you want with you?

"Anything by John "The Phantom of the Opera and the Bible, Ifs a lot to "The Bible and Wild at Grisham and The read and would keep me occupied," Heartf Bible." ~ iMura Douglas, Senior Social Work Major -Lance -Lauren Silva "The Bible and The Complete Works of William Shake Malmberg Freshman speare. It really comes in one volume." Senior Youth Pre-Nursing ~ Elizabeth Price, Sophomore Writing/Lit. Major Ministries Major 'The Brothers K and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," Major - Kelly Riechers, Junior Writing/Lit and Philosophy Major

Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 Issue 16 Vol CXXII Page II - OPIISJION T H E C R E S C E N T

America's policy with the poor next door

By CRYSTAL FARNSWORTH Art & Culture Editor

When President Bush Currently, the foreign delivered his State of the aid outlook is still lacking. Union address on Feb. 1, T h e U n i t e d S t a t e s i s he asked Congress to com now the leader in giving mit to a five year plan that the largest dollar amount to would give $15 billion, in foreign aid, yet our country cluding nearly $10 billion in is at the bottom of the list new money, to fight AIDS in when aid is calculated as a Africa and the Caribbean. percentage of the national I have only one ques income. tion for President Bush and President Bush Congress: if the budget is pledged $15 billion in new approved, will you honor money to fight global AIDS in CVMEL To ifs ycuR ufe weeK your commitment? in 2003. In her book "Mov Over the past two de ing Mountains: The Race to cades, the United States Treat Global AIDS," Anne- What a just poor college kid" can do has pledged billions to fight Christine D'Adesky notes poverty and disease in for that $1 million of Bush's By TRACY PRYBYLA eign countries. While this "new money" was chan Opinion Editorial attention to impoverished neled into the Global Fund. So the world is in that. However, if we each lot more likely to know nations The Global crisis: AIDS, genocide, i s c o m looked really hard at our and share information on F u n d i s a floods, abuse, civil wars, spending habits, I'll bet mendable, partner sex trafficking, the list subjects they care about. that we could find at least Read the news, websites the Unit ship be goes on and on. And the $1 dollar each week that and books about issues ed States The United tween gov United States is not doing gets spent on candy or h a s c o n that you find interest States has ernments, anything close to what it something that we could ing. The more informed sistently civil so could do to help alleviate do without. It doesn't you are about specific given less ciety and or prevent many of these have to be a lot; as the consistently subjects, the easier it will money the private critical situations. So saying goes, every little be to take focused action than it given less sector pri what? I am a poor college bit helps. Pooling money about it. originally student who barely has that you want to donate 4. Pray!!! I saved this money than mary, and pledged its primary enough time to get all of with a good friend or one for last because it to for it originally her homework done, let roommate can make the is the simplest, easiest, mission eign aid. is to fight alone get involved in the process more fun as you cheapest, and quite pos pledged to Added to world's problems. Right? encourage each other. sibly the most effective AIDS, tu these bro foreign aid. Wrong!! There are some There are a wide variety thing that we can do. Yet berculosis simple things that every of organizations to donate it is the one that I always ken prom and malar one can and should do to to: is one that find myself forgetting. ises is the ia get involved in the world concentrates on preventa When we are feeling the woeful inadequacy of U.S. Addressing Bush's $1 and help with these and tive measures and help most ineffectual and de aid money to meet the cur million donation of "new other situations: ing people to be able to pressed about the state of rent humanitarian crisis. money" to the Global Fund, 1. Write to your rep sustain a decent standard the world, we should turn I n 1 9 9 2 u n d e r t h e D'Adesky writes, "activ resentatives at all levels of living; the red cross to God. God cares about Bush Senior Administra ists quickly did the math, of government: local, focuses on disaster relief; the welfare of all people, tion, the United States and found that some of the the global fund (http:// and God also cares about state, national and private went to the Earth Summit money was not new; it was what we find important. organizations. They in Brazil. The Earth Sum merely being shifted from At the same time, we have more power than en/) works specifically to mit is a global conference other programs." need to be sure that we you, and they depend on fight pandemics such as focused on linking environ B u s h ' s M a y 2 0 0 3 AIDS and tuberculosis; do not depend on God your vote to remain in mental issues with the de pledge to the Global Fund the world wildlife fund to just magically change office in the future. They velopment of impoverished also went unfulfilled. He the world. God works also have no idea what is concentrates on environ nations. In particular, the mental issues such as through real people, initially promised the Glob important to their constit Earth Summit attempts to al Fund $1 billion, but two uents unless you commu endangered species and and therefore we should back up our prayers with aid developing countries so months later only $500 mil nicate with them. With preserving their habitats: that hunger is ended world the internet, it is easier and Newberg FISH is a thoughtful, focused ac lion was allocated for the wide. than ever to find out who local organization thai tion. program. These are just a few At the Earth Summit, It is my sincere hope your representatives are. helps local residents in economic need. What of the very simple things the United States pledged that President Bush follows lists all I haf we ran all do to help of the current senators ever method of aid you along with 21 of the world's through with his recent our world. None of them and their addresses by decide to support, I richest nations to give 0.7 pledge of $10 billion in new strongly recommend that. requires huge amounts of percent of GNP to poor na state, and time or money, but they money for foreign aid. how you do some background tions. According to Aler- ever unlikely that promise gov/writerep not only do require a willingness research to make sure, an independent includes a listing of each to participate and look might be. In the meantime, state's House representa that the organization has newsgroup backed by the I commend private donors a good track record and at our world for practi tives, but provides a form cal ways that we can NPR, the United States was and organizations such as that you agree with their not among the five nations that you can fill out on help others beyond our Oxfam, FORWARD UK, the web that is sent to cause. who kept their foreign aid 3. Inform thyself. circle of close associates. World Vision, Nuestros them electronically - you How can you work to help Being a poor/busy/con- pledge. Pequenos Hermanos and don't even have to buy a humanitarian crises if fused/tired/stressed/ Democrat president the Bill and Melinda Gates stamp! frustrated/scared col Bill Clinton did nothing Foundation for fighting 2. Donate money to you don't know anything about the problems? lege student is not a good substantial to close the gap poverty, disease and injus reputable organizations. Talk to people. Ask you enough reason to let in GNP aid goals left by the tice to the best of their abili Now, I know that money friends and co-workers these opportunities pass Bush Senior Administra ties. is really tight for most what gets them angry in you by. tion. college students. I can this world - people are a respect (and relate to) Issue 16 Vol CXXlll Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 THE CRESCENT Page 12 - FROM THE FRONT

Chang'mg "He won't be able to stand her anymore." / didn't believe them. "That's for sure." Perspectiv "He has no idea what he is in for." Parti ^ "This will not change my feelings for her!" Jared LaHHing

She was finally back,,.


how would a year in Japan change her?

I d i d n ' t t h i n k much about this, until my friends started talking..'. 'You won't last five days with her now." "She will drive you crazy."

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Friday, Feb. 24, 2006