Elements from the Technical Works
Elements from the technical works of Jean-Louis Giavitto Notes excerpted and translated from the Scientific Report of the HDR application file. May – July 1998 LRI u.r.a. 410 du CNRS btiment 490, Universit de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex. ii Summary This report summarizes in English the French Rapport Scientifique of my Dossier d’Habili- tation. It also includes some additional materials from technical reports that do not appear in the provided publications. This report mainly describe the 81/2 project. Started in 1991, the motivations of the project have evolved from the development of compilation techniques for parallel declarative pro- grams to the declarative dynamic representations of time and space in programming lan- guages. This document outlines the works centered around the 81/2 project and then eludes the researches I have conducted in the areas of • concurrency in object oriented languages [BG86, Gia86b, Gia86a, GDR+90]; • persistent objects [GDR88b, Lag89, RGD91]; • CASE tools and software engineering environment and methods [GHM86, GHMP87, Gia88, BG89, ttp89, GDRH89, GDR89, GM89, GDRY89, GDR+90]; • process migration [DG91]; • 3D interconnection network (the MEGA parallel architecture) [BGG90, BGG+91, BEG+91, GGB+93b]; • parallel functional languages and actor languages for MEGA [GGS91, GGF91]; • message routing [GG90b, GG90a]; • static execution model for reconfigurable parallel architecture (the PTAH parallel ar- chitecture) [CBG92, CBD+93, CGBD93, CBD+94]. For further informations, please contact me at: LRI u.r.a. 410 du CNRS btiment 490, Universit de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex. phone: +33 (0)1 69 15 42 25 email: giavitto@lri.fr iii iv Contents A Research Projects Outline 1 II.1 CLORE .
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