Ars Quatuor Coronatorum Vol. 58
-s-3jc uatttor CoronatoramV BEING THE TRANSACTIONS of the QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE NO. 2076, LONDON. FROM THE ISABELLA MISSAL BRITISH MUSEUM ADD. MSS.. 18,861' CIRCA 1SOO A.C. EDITED FOR THE COMMITTEE BY COLONEL F. M. RICKARD, P.G.D. VOLUME LVIII. PART 1. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE , Proceedings, 5th January, 1945 . 1 In Memoriam—Hubert Carpenter Audit Committee .. 2 Bristowe, M.D. .. .. 126 Exhibits 3 Exhibits .. .. .. .. ., 127 The Earl of Middlesex and the English Wessel Linden and the Holywell MS. 128 Lodge lin Florence .. ,. 4 Additional Notes on the York Grand Proceedings, 2nd March, 1945 .. 78 Chapter, Etc. .. .. .. 159 200 Years of Freemasonry in Bury 79 Review .. , . .. - 154 Proceedings, 4th May, 1945 126 Obituary .. ,. .. 166 W. J. Parrett, Ltd., Printers, Margate 1947 THE QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE^ No. 2076, LONDON, was warranted on the 28tb November, 1884, in order !•—To provide a centre and bond of union for Masonic Students. 2. —To attract intelligent Masons to its meetings, in. order to imbue them -with a love for Masonic research. 3. —To submit the discoveries or conclusions of students to the judgment and criticism of their fellows by means of papers read in Lodge. 4. —To submit these communications and the- discussions arising therefrom to the general body of the Craft by publishing, at proper intervals, the Transactions of the Lodge in thejr entirety. 5. —To tabulate concisely, in the printed Transactions of the Lodge, the progress of the Craft throughout the World. 6. —To make the English-speaking Craft acquainted with the progress of Masonic study abroad, by translations <in whole or part) of foreign works.
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