Committee Date: 04/04/2013 Application Number: 2013/00523/PA Accepted: 25/01/2013 Application Type: Reserved Matters Development Target Date: 26/04/2013 Ward:

University of , Edgbaston Campus, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15

Reserved Matters Application for the undertaking of library enabling works (Element 1c) associated with hybrid planning application 2012/02047/PA all reserved matters for consideration except Landscaping. Applicant: Estates West, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT Agent: 1 Severn Street Place, The Mailbox, Birmingham, B1 1SE Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions

1. Proposal

1.1. This application seeks reserved matters consent for the remodelling of a 2.78ha of land between Pritchatts Road and the western side and rear of the existing library to create new development plots and a new access road (from Pritchatts Road) into the University campus. This area of land currently consists of the running track, some parts of the inner service road and landscaped areas to the north and west of the existing library.

1.2. This application is made to provide the outstanding details associated with this phase of the Hybrid planning application, approved by Committee in August 2012, and which was subject to a S106 Agreement. That application proposed a range of projects, some in full detail and others seeking varying degrees of outline consent. The Hybrid approval consisted of 21 separate projects. The library enabling scheme, the subject of this consent, was annotated as Project 15a, 15b and 15c on the approved master-plan. This represented part of the Hybrid application (element 1c), which sought outline consent with all matters reserved. This application seeks consent for four reserved matters, being; access, appearance, layout and scale. Landscaping remains a reserved matter for consideration in the future when a wider landscape strategy is defined.

1.3. The land re-modelling would include the creation of a new road, connecting into the southern side of Pritchatts Road and linking into an existing road that runs to the rear of Aston Webb in front of the Munrow Sports Centre. The new road would then service the relocated running track, two new small car parks and the rear service entrance to the new library. These components are approved, in principle, within the master-plan but are still reserved matters in consideration of this application. This road would also connect to a roadway that currently runs to the rear of the existing

Page 1 of 7 library and leads on to run underneath Muirhead Tower. The new road would create key development plots and would require significant land reforming – especially in connection with the new running track which is required to be on a flat plane over a large area. The demolition of the Munrow Sports Building has been agreed as part of the hybrid application but the creation of the running track is subject to a later reserved matters application outside the scope of this current application.

1.4. The proposal shows landscaping areas to the west of the new access road with wildflower planting zones as an interim solution whilst a more detailed landscaping scheme is developed for later consideration.

1.5. The application has been submitted with a Design and Access Statement and an updated Arboricultural report.

1.6. Site area 2.78ha.

1.7. A screening opinion was undertaken and concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment would not be required.

2. Site & Surroundings

2.1. The site consists of the existing running track, its perimeter, part of a service road to its south and a landscaped area to the south of this area. The site is within the centre of the University Campus, to the north of the clock tower and Aston Webb buildings. The site is located to the immediate west of the existing library, east of Munrow Sports Centre and to the south of Pritchatts Road.

2.2. The site currently contains several groups of trees and individual trees principally to the perimeter of the running track and within an area of open land to the south of the running track. The running track and its central area is devoid of trees. The application site slopes down by 6 metres from North to South and down by 3 metres from east to west with the running track area being flat, approximately 3 metres lower than Pritchatts Road.

2.3. The application site is within close proximity to, Chamberlain Tower (Listed Grade II), Aston Webb (Listed Grade II*), Metallurgy and Materials (Listed Grade II), North Gate and lodges (Listed Grade II).

3. Planning History

3.1. 29/10/12. Pa no. 2012/02047/PA Redevelopment of elements of the University Campus buildings and infrastructure including: Outline application for a multi-storey car park, erection of student residences and sports pavilion, erection of new library and Full details for the erection of a new sports centre and the construction of a new pedestrian/cycle route to the Vale, Demolition of various buildings associated landscaping and car parking. Approved with section 106 to secure funding for off site car parking surveys and mitigation if necessary.

3.2. PENDING pa no. 2013/00524/PA. Reserved Matters Application for the erection of new library (Element 1c) associated with hybrid planning application 2012/02047/PA for all outstanding reserved matters. Reported elsewhere on this agenda.

3.3. Other current projects within the Hybrid application

Page 2 of 7 3.4. 07/03/13. Pa no. 2013/00181/PA. Reserved matters application for the erection of a multi storey car park (element 1a) associated with hybrid planning application 2012/02047/PA for all outstanding reserved matters and consisting of 496 spaces. Approved.

4. Consultation/PP Responses

4.1. MP, Councillors, Residents, and Resident Associations consulted. Site notice erected and press notice made. No comments received.

4.2. Transportation – No objection, subject to the associated S278 seeking two replacement trees to off-set the street tree proposed to be lost to enable the creation of the new access road from Pritchatts Road.

4.3. Severn Trent - There is a public sewer located within the application site. Public sewers have statutory protection and may not be built close to, directly over or be diverted without consent.

4.4. Canal and Rivers Trust – no objection but ask that the applicant be advised to contact them for any works that might affect the canal infrastructure.

4.5. Police – No objection.

4.6. West Midlands Fire Service – No objection, adequate access provided.

4.7. Western Power – no reply received.

5. Policy Context

5.1. Birmingham UDP (2005), Draft Birmingham Development Plan (2010), Selly Oak Local Action Area Plan (2001) SPG, Places for All (2001)- SPG, Car Parking Guidelines (2012), NPPF (2012), Conservation Strategy (1997).

5.2. Chamberlain Tower (Listed Grade II), Aston Webb (Listed Grade II*), Metallurgy and Materials (Listed Grade II), North Gate and lodges (Listed Grade II).

6. Planning Considerations

6.1. Background - The Hybrid planning application secured planning permission for 21 separate projects, some in full and some in varying degrees of outline approval. The scheme included the creation of a range of car parking opportunities to rationalise on site parking across the campus. This car parking strategy also included the removal of some pockets of ad hoc parking and sought to rationalise the total provision. In total this strategy has resulted in the identification of 3,500 parking spaces located in strategic areas; with new areas principally located adjacent to Pritchatts Road and Edgbaston Park Road enabling easy access to Bristol Road. A condition of the Hybrid application requires a quantum of 3,400 parking spaces to be maintained on site at all times and a further condition requires that each phase can only be implemented once the University have shown compliance with this condition through the submission of a car parking management strategy.

6.2. Scale – This part of the hybrid is concerned with land reforming as such issues of scale and appearance are not pertinent for this phase.

Page 3 of 7 6.3. Layout – The library and environs enabling works consists of land re-grading, from the north (Pritchatts Road) down to the south (currently approximately to the front of Munrow Sports Centre and the side of the existing library). The proposal includes the creation of the plot for the new library discussed elsewhere in this agenda. The new library would overlook a new area of open space in the centre of the site that is proposed to be created through the demolition of the existing library and the relocation/erection of new library to the west of the current library site.

6.4. This also reconfiguring requires the relocation of the existing running track, the construction of a new library store and the associated re-grading and leveling works associated with this alteration. The new central space, known as the green heart, would consist of three new areas of land; being the lower existing grass courtyard (in front of the existing library) a slightly higher level of land (consisting of the existing library site) and a significantly higher area of land (located approximately 6m above the ground floor level of the existing library). The highest area of land currently consists of an area of car parking and leads onto Pritchatts Road via an access located at the north gate between the two listed North Gate and Lodges (Listed Grade II). The proposals for the library enabling works relate to the new green heart due to its close proximity and together would contribute to the character of the place created along the new access / link road. The new road would be an important route through the campus for both vehicles and pedestrians. The changes in level across this part of the site would afford some important new views to the south. The layout accords with the approved hybrid master plan and is therefore acceptable. The element shown within the site, such as the new library store and two new car parks are subject to later reserved matter submissions.

6.5. Landscaping – An interim landscape scheme has been submitted that indicates a wildflower meadow located to the west of the new access road and other planting elsewhere. During consideration of the application officers have agreed with the applicant that final agreement to a landscape scheme would be premature without having sight of a detailed landscape master-plan strategy, including the new green heart, to avoid piecemeal pockets of landscaping. Consequently, the applicant has withdrawn Landscaping as a reserved matter from current consideration. A reserved matters submission for landscaping will now be submitted at a later date when the Green Heart is being designed.

6.6. Access –Transportation Officers have raised no objection subject to the replacement of a street tree with two new trees. The plans show the detailed arrangement of the new internal junction. This requires a new bell-mouth junction on Pritchatts Road and is within 3m of an existing street tree, which the tree survey notes as a crab apple. It would be inappropriate to reposition the access road to avoid this tree as the route avoids a more significant Common Lime Tree (category A). These works would require a highways agreement through a S278 agreement. This requirement has already been applied by condition to the Hybrid consent and this will ensure that suitable tree replacement is provided.

6.7. Trees – This part of the scheme would result in the loss of approximately 73 trees. These consist of 33 ‘C’ category trees, 35 ‘B’ Category trees and 5 ‘A’ Category Trees. The level of tree removal has been agreed in principle through the approval of the hybrid application and is a key component to secure the delivery of the agreed master plan, providing both the new road and a site for the new library. There is a small group of trees to the north of the track including Lombardy poplars (4 category B and 1 category C) and an A category Lime. Noting the creation of the library footprint, this loss is regretted although it is noted that there are limited alternative locations for the siting of the new library and there are significant design gains to the

Page 4 of 7 campus as a whole by placing the library on this site, creating space for the green heart and providing a frame for that new space. Trees to the west side of the existing running track are mostly category C trees and my arboriculturalist has raised no concerns in regard to their loss. The reserved matters proposal does not differ to the proposal in the accepted hybrid application. There are a couple of instances of group removals around the University Centre where single trees of the groups might technically be retained but it is considered better to replace these in the new landscape scheme, with new groups and individual specimens, rather than retain a few token trees. In any event individual trees retained from groups, in this instance, would be very poor quality on their own. The landscape scheme will adequately address the issue of suitable replacement planting.

6.8. Conservation – The application site is within 30m of the listed Grade II North Gate and Lodges and the listed Grade II Metallurgy and Materials building. However, the proposed works are not considered to affect the setting of any buildings of heritage value and would make a contribution to the final Masterplan that seeks to remove the car parking from the front of the lodges and alternatively create landscaped grounds.

6.9. Ecology – During consideration of the Hybrid Application no issues in regard to ecology were raised within this part of the campus. On the basis of the various survey results the Hybrid Application identified appropriate mitigation and enhancement measures in general terms such as providing native species of planting, wildlife care during construction and bird and bat boxes be installed where appropriate. The mitigation and enhancement measures proposed were considered to be pragmatic, proportionate and achievable. The Hybrid Application raised no objection to these measures which were then secured by condition and are subject to final agreement at a later stage.

6.10. Severn Trent Response- In regard to this issue the applicants have commented that the public sewer referred to is located within Pritchatts Road and a minor alteration to the site plan to exclude this area would remove this concern.

7. Conclusion

7.1. The proposed works would comply with the principles established by the hybrid application.

8. Recommendation

8.1. That planning permission be approved subject to the following condition.

1 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans

Reason for Approval

1 Birmingham City Council grants Planning Permission subject to the condition(s) listed below (if appropriate). The reason for granting permission is because the development is in accordance with: Policies 3.8, 3.10 and 3.14 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005; Places for All (2001); and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Case Officer: Ben Plenty

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University of Birmingham Posts

This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Surveyon behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2009 SCALE 1:12501:2500

This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Surveyon behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. SCALE 1:5000 Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2009

University of Birmingham Statutory Listed Building Development Directorate Edgbaston Campus Locally Listed Buildings 1 Lancaster Circus Edgbaston Queensway Birmingham Conservation Area Birmingham B2 2JE.  B15 Neighbourhood Offices 2013/00523/PA Site Boundary Birmingham City Council Date:25/9/2007 Site Location