Hi Sweetheart!!!!!

Adam was a central figure, along with Elohim and Jesus Christ, in of the earth, and I am excited to understand to learn more about him. He and certainly had to be amazing people. The Doctrines of Salvation has some excellent statements regarding .

“Adam was placed here, not a wild, half-civilized savage, but a perfectly-developed man, with wonderful intelligence, for he helped to create this earth.”

I personally don’t believe that evolution was used as part of the creative process of this earth that we now live on. I believe that this earth was assembled for our inhabitation, which entailed the placing of plants, animals, Adam, and Eve here from other worlds, rather than cultivating this earth through millennia of guided evolution. But that doesn’t mean that evolution, particularly guided evolution didn’t occur on other earths.

“Adam… possessed … power to communicate his thoughts in a language, both oral and written, which was superior to anything to be found on the earth today. “… for he was taught of , and spoke the language of the Most High, in which angels conversed.”

I suppose the Adamic language was lost at the time of the – at least it is certainly NOT English, which is a mess. I hope you don’t get too comfortable hearing sentences starting with “Me and xxxxx”! Finding appropriate words for expression is sometimes difficult. Maybe the Adamic language has some level of spiritual conveyance at the same time words are spoken, allowing us to feel meaning, instead of just hearing it.

In the DoS, Joseph F. Smith makes a reasonable discussion regarding what is known as the Adam-God Theory. is attributed to have said the following:

“…[Adam] is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days, about whom holy men have written and spoken – He is our father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.”

JFS spends several pages on this, but the bottom line is that Adam is not Elohim. Adam was a member of the Godhead that created the earth, and he has a primary role as the father of us all, as our bodies all flow from him and Eve. The keys of our world are held by him:

“The keys have to be brought from heaven whenever the gospel is sent. When they are revealed from heaven, it is by Adam’s authority…. Christ is the Great High Priest, Adam next.”

Elohim is Adam’s father – both spiritually and physically:

© Roger Malmrose 2020

“This is from one of the discourses of Brigham Young: ‘We are all the children of , and they are the offspring of Him who dwells in the heavens….

“[] also taught that, literally, God is our Father; that men are of the same race – the race called human; and that God, the Progenitor, or Creator, is the Father of the human race….

“…God, the Great Elohim, is the First, or Creator, of the human family.”

All this is found in DoS Vol 1, pp 90 – 106.

The profound message is that we are BOTH biological AND spiritual offspring of Elohim, who is our Heavenly Father. And with a little bit of license on naming our Heavenly Mother, we have modified the Hebrew to call her, Eloher. Adam and Eve were Elohim and Eloher’s biological children, and thus we carry heavenly DNA, being biological descendants. Similarly, we are spiritual offspring of Elohim and Eloher. The thought that He and She would like us to become like them rings true to anyone who is an honest seeker of truth.

Christ is the firstborn and the Only Begotten. As the “firstborn,” Christ is the first spiritual child of Elohim. The phrase “Only Begotten” needs to be fully read, as Christ is the “Only Begotten In The Flesh,” meaning that his mother, Mary, was “flesh,” meaning mortal and subject to death.

As we see in the scriptures and the , Adam was a principle actor in the events of the creation of world and our lives. Elohim is our Father, but Christ and Adam also have monumental roles in our lives. Christ’s atonement covered the sins of many worlds. It is possible – maybe even likely – that Adam’s role is specific to our world only. Elohim is God; Christ is God; the Holy Ghost is God. Adam was part of the Godhead responsible for creating our earth, and arguably is God as well. Thus having Brigham Young state that Adam is our God could be a truth that is not surprising when viewed from a different perspective.

YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I am so proud of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers always.



© Roger Malmrose 2020