BRITISH C0LUNBI:A DEPARTMENT OF MNES Hon. W. 8.MCIZENZIE. illinister. ., Rom. DUNS, Deputy Xinister. J. D. GALLOWAY,Provincial Mineralogist. J. D~cxsorr,Chief Inspector of Mines. BULLETIN No. 1. 1930 REPORT ON THE T.AKU RIVER AREA, ATLIN HINING DIVISION, SORTH-WE!STERN I41INERdL WRVEY DISTRICT BY J. !r. MANDP, Resident Mining Engineer SIJBXITTED BY JOHN .D. GALLOWAY, Provincial Mineralogist PRlh’ED BY AUTHORITY OB THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. TO the Eo%. W.A. HcKenzie, xilbi8ter of VLnes, Vicimie, B.C Sxx,-l beg to submit herewith a reytwt on the Taku River area, Atlin Mining Division, by J. T. Jlnndy, Resident Alining Enxineer, North-western District (NO. 1). This report describes in detail the implrtant featurm of this mineralie<!d area which is now attracting much attention. 1.t is eonsidered that this report is of sufficient interest to the publie to \wrmnt issuing it as a snecial bulletin. I hare the honmlr to he, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOEN D. GALLOWA'Y, Provincial Mineralogist. Bzc'eau of Xines, Victoria, B.G., January 9t74 1930. REPORT ON THE TAlKU RIVER AREA, AT:LIN MINING DIVISION, NORTH-WESTERN M1NE:RAL SURVEY DISTRICT. BY J. T. MnxnY, RESIDENTMININGENGINEEB (HFADQUA~TEES, I'RINCE RUPERT). 1:NTRODUCTION. The Taku river is the drainagechiinnel for about 5,000 square miies of the north-western section of British Columbia. The river and its tributaries occupy the next important druinage- trough of the Pacific Slopf? north of the Stikine river. The mouth of the Taitu river is ahout 140 miles north-westerly Of the Stiliine River mouth.
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