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April 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982

4-6-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 06, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Spring book 'Daily ~gyptian co-op axed; Tuesday, April II, 1982-Vol. fn, No. 128 future in doubt

By Mike Anthony $1,<100, it will lead to the demise Staff Writer of the co-op. U the Student Center charges The Undergraduate Student the USO "that amount of money " Organization will oot have a to run the co-op, it will be forced book CCHlp this spring and to close," Rogers said whether there will be future c0- Cook said, "I feel that ops rema::na in doobt, ...:.:urding students own the Student to Jerry Cook, USO chief of Center. The book co-op provides staff. a service to the entire student The flnt CCHlp last January, body and we shouldn't be ill which more than $10,000 charged for the use 01 the worth of books changed bands Student Center because we're ::.!'I" JOg 581 s~ta, was ter­ paying for it." Illed successful by both However, Corker and Dean University administrators and Isbell, SIU System treasurer student leaders. both agree that in order for ~ USO staff members llave center to meet requiremems to acknowledged that part r.. the bond holders, it must charge venture's success was due to the rental fees to any organization Student Center providing space that uses space in the center for and other services free of any' "income-generating ac­ charge. tiVIty." But University officials UIY The Student Center provided they will have to charge the space and other servrees free USO for future co-ops, while for the first co-op because it USO staff mt".nbers contend "didn't want to stifle the USO's that beeaust' students support effort," Corker said. the Cb-;~ through fees, the Corker said the center "is not USO should not be charged for saying" that it wouldn't prmde holding the co-op in the center. space and other services for John Corker, "Student Center another co-op free, "but if the directar, has i.:~"'lated the cost USO wants to run the co-op on a S&aff Pho&o by Mark Simi of the past co-op at between $800 and $1,400, and that future CCHlp ~:u~a:~ to b::i~:,~es On the up and up CCl6ts will run from $1,250 to Cook pointed out that $1,400. although the tJSO had c~ed a Wedeft :rom the E. T. 8lmaacll C_~ c... pan &he roadbed _ tile PIea.. at om Ro.d Both Cook and Todd Rogers, 10 percent ..:ommission on book 81 CarIKadale fitted the las' beam that ever,.. MODday af~. USO president, bP.lieve that if sales to pay for the services of wiD... . - the USO bas to par the Student recognIZed student Center between $1,250 and organizations and publicity CCl6t:, it made only $33 on the venture. The $33 was deposited in the ~~ps ask IC~ to study phone proposal StlMient Orpnisatioo Activities Fund, beea_ .. the USO By Rod Furlow R-Vergenneis, IstIaed a preu percent "because the towns-are rule," fItIsinesseI trW comprise doeso't want to make money off Staff Wrtier release saying they ...w make II further removed from Mur- much of the 4G percent ~ the co-op," Coot IBid. formal request thPt the ICC In order to pay ~ Student ~~3!fJ::~,~~ ~inw~~~~ Center .... mucb .. $1,400" for ha~oJ::S ~s:= =~a:::::e~ DeSoto and C~ndale "Several pbone represen­ rental and other related fees, Counties Action Movement in be{ore the service is instituted." systems, Manis said. taUves have talked to calling for a closer look at Manis said the current Oat ~onth1y Oat rates for businesses in the proposed ~~~~~~~~ books just to break even and the General Telephone of lliinois' mforon~!.._~~~dsinwillMurphbe~ysboro business phones will be cut from areas, and have told them that, p!~ to ch~e its loca1-ca1l lJVU:;; !)'Stem m Murphysbof?' from $!' to $3. Calls within billel at the same rate u those ~;.s':ZtsCC::.~ See CO-OP, Page Z of households. the mOBt part, businesses luave .:~r~~~:~ ~~~:r9m;~.be=a; Richmond said Monday that acceGted the concept that that GTI wants to bill on a per- throoIJgh Saturday will coat 3 the proposed billing chan~e will they' be pa:;~1l for phone call basis for Ioca1 calls. cents plus JAr cent per minute, bunlen - businesses, and Manis service like they do other gus General Telephone of Dlinois Manis said. admitted that businesses' phone utilities - !lccording to their submitted the proposal to the Calls made within Mur­ bills are the ones that will amou!".t (!f usage." 'Bode Dlinois Commerce Commission pbysboro anytime on Sunday probably increase. Jan. 29, and the ICC bas' until. :m6 /:IetweeD 9 p.m. and B a.m. Manis said that the GTl's Mary O'Hara ~ SCAM said' December to act on it, said Jim . OIl ".onday through Saturday testing ~ the system ill Clinton, .the _agency conta~ted lOfi Manis of GTl's Carbondale will coot l~ cents apiece, plus Jacksonville, and Tuscola bouseholds ~ SCAM mt:JIbers­ office. If. cent pe' minute, M.lDis said. revealed that to percent ~ and found that 7S ~ them ~ Gas sa,. ~cic...... e. IlIIdents, to State RePl. Bruce Richmond, Calls ~'OID MuTpb~'sboro to phone bills dec:reased. and 40 posed the new system. She said. yoar frlead.y, eooperative D-Murpbysboro, P.s!!)h Dunn, Carboni.ale or DeSoto would be t increased. the remainilll 30 either a'i»" Student Ceater4at dOll't uk R-Duquoin, and Wayne Alstat, charged the base rate plus 1.8 ~ ~ that "u a general prnved or didn't comment. . wbal ,OIl ,.y a fee for. Bond raps Reagan policies as unfair

By ChrIstopher ltade proved ecoooinic theo!'y. Today Reaganomlea Staff Writer IS an ~roved ecor.om.ic theory."

.1ulian Bond bas grown oldf:r, and the issues BOND'S SPEECH was a Utany at dangers which preoccupy thilI natiOll are not necessarily and ills wbic:b be believes c:oofront the natiOll, the same as they were during his early career during which the silenc:e at the crowd of about AS a civil rights activist in the 1960s. 400 was broken occasionally by murmurs ~ But the policies of the Reagan administratiOll agreement and approval. bave led him to believe that it is time to The leadersbip· ~ the Congress "hu an­ "mobilize the troops and lead tbem once agam nounced its intentiOll to alter or eradicate Iile into the streets against the barricades ~ landmark legislatioo which made it possible for apathy and indifference." black anJ brown Americana to enter Georgia state senator, appearing political process," he said. referring to the Monday as the keynote speaker for SIU-C's Voting Rights Act, wbuee extensiOll bas been Human Resources '82 conference in the Student approved by the House and will be voted on by Center, delivered a harsh aDd unreserved the StDate this year. condemnaticn ~ the Reagan admini1.tratiOll "Tbe tame conservative confederacy in­ and the New Federalism. tends... te. erase the laws and pn;!U'IlIDS written "A year ago, we were fearful," be said. in blood and sweat since Martin :.utber King '"l'oday I think we 1r.::icIW what real fear Is. A was the premier fi8ure in black ~~eriea." S&aff Pbo&o by cbrilt.apber Kade ~r • ." we thought our civil rights were in Boad said. Geargla State SeDater JaIJaa BOIl..... _-key mauer to jeopardy. Today we see them swiftlyalipping tleliver a bUltertac au..:k _ Itealaneaak:ll Mo!lday. away .. .\ year ago Reagancrn.ic:s was an un- See BOND, Page 3· • Forty Britisll ships sa~i1ing ews·Roundup----- B~e~h~e., ~eportedl:r on 'wintet4 rest' MOSCOW (AP) ~ The Soviet Foreign Ministry tried to end to battle for Falkland'Isles speaalation about the health of President Leonid I Brezhnev LONDON (AP) - A Britisb AUantic Islands were seized Invincible, signed an order by announcing Monday that be ''is on his regular wmter rest ... fleet primed for war sailed for Friday by an Argentine empowering the government to the Falkland Islands Monday A Western diplomatic expert said the statement was "an milita1"f foree. requisition British merchant attempt to say that everything Is normal. I don't think it says and Britain's foreign secretary ForeIgn Secretary Lord ships. The cruise liner Can­ resigned, bowing to national anything about what (Brezhnev's) condition is or if he intends Carrington resigned, saying be berra, capable of carrying an to resign." outrage and humiliation over assessed the situation wrongly armed division, was Argentina's seizure of the "and therefore I am respon­ ~itioned for the transport islands, sible. It He was replaced by of troops and hospital facilities. Reagun asks Bre~hnev to addres3 UN After Prime Minister former Defense Secretary Margaret Thatcher said, "We Francis Pym. The deposed British governor WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan, refusing Mon· bave to regain the islands," the Mrs.. Thatcher, facing the of the Falklands, Rex Hunt, told day to back away from his opinion that the Soviet Urdon has a aircraft carriers Invincible and worst crisis in her three years in a London news conference the nuclear edge over the United States, invited Soviet .President Hermes put to sea with a send­ office, rejected the resignation 84 marines assigned to the Leonid I. Brezhnev to join him in addressing the Uni~ off from teas of thousands of of Defense Secretary John NoH, colony's capital of Stanley Nations on disarmament. cheering, flag-waving Britons saying he is needed "ns our tined IS Argentine soldiers. Asked if the speech should coincide with a summit con· - some of the.:! in tears, forces prepare> for the wounded 17 and took three ference, Reagan told reporters: "I think it would be well if be The carriers will lead an ponsibility of ardled action" to prisoners in a fierce, 31A!-bour and I bad a talk." armada of 40 warships in a bid wrest back thr: islands. iiefense he ordered stopped '''Ibis whole idea ... of arms reduction, arms control, is one to reclaim the remote colonial Queen ElizaOeth II, whose 22· when 30mm cannons were of the most imponaut things that is facing lIS, aDd I hope that outpost inhabited by 1,800 year-old son Prince Andrew is a moved in. He said there were no wel1 both be able to a(..tress the

Gold.enKey National Honor Society

Information about Golden Key National Honor Society will be available in the Student Center on April 6, 7. and Our Juicy Hot Dog. 8 between 9 am ancl2 pm. Officers FrIes. & M.cI. Soft Drink welcome the opportunity to answer your questions. $1.81 901 South Illinois J - , ... ,.. .. . B.OND".from._~~ge ~ ~" .,.. . ·...... ' :.. : . The New Federaltsm. which "FOR TfiESE PE()PLE, :means on~ rewarding boll t he C8~t:d a"!ftew4tit."'tdf*'*=ia1 equU"'ppOtttmity means a weevils aM t'c·electillg the , Darwtmsm . -:-: sUnrtval of· the. better-tban-even chance for faint-hearted." ,. richest," is "a dangerow. plan minorities dnd women to be out That the people will be heard, to give the separate states of work, it means an unequal he said, was shown when responsibilities which are chance at the weUare rolls, a Lyndon Johnson in 1968 was properly rnattf!rs of national headstart in hopelessness, an "forced to abandon his plans for AMore COllCf.!l'D. affirmation of the opportunity re-election as an ilngry nation lhautiful And which America has a:ways shouted 'no' to his plans for a Confident You "REAGAN'S NEW guaranteed for blacks to be last· war financed at the expense of FEDERALISM threatens to hired and flrSt·fired," he said, America's poor. Wrth EkictroIysis. become the New Feudalism," "Now, in his proposals for "1bat shout must be heard CeI_ ...... __...., __ ...... and would take "the tired, poor, f1SC8l1983, the president intends again in the United States at huddling masses yearning to to cut through social programs every ballot box, at every forum ------. breathe free from Wasltinf.ton's like a hot knife through warm where the people gather," he back and dump them on the butter," he said. said. uncertain mercies of the 50 Despite what he sees as a "To accommodation with state capitals," he said. multitude 01 problems, ". great apartheid, we must say no. To Bond reserved particularly deal of the solution lies within reversal of racial equality, we harsh judgment for the our own hands. There is • great must say no. To elimination of Department of J:.iil'ice and deal we can do for ourselves," those programs which sustain WOULDVOURECOMMtND ~elmi&~neral William he said. life, we must say no. To those "This year's congressional who foul our air and water, we YOUR METHOD Of The Justice Department's contests ought to become 435 must say no. To the planners of . civil rights division brought five referenda on Re.. ganomics. nuclear holocaust, we must say BIRTH CONTROL TO discrimination lawsuits in tM Here is the first serious op­ no. To $1.000 china settings, to YOUR YOUNGER fIrSt six months of Reagan's portunity to purge Congress of ketchup on school menus, we term, be said, while 17 were the Moral Majoritarians. Here must say no. SISTERl brought during the same period is the fIrSt test of the ac· "We must say no to our own UDder Carter. ceptability of the arrogance of self-imposed political im· "In civil rights generally, a power, a time for a review and potence, to our seeming retreat has be.."Il sounded," he rejection of the radicalism of mability to help fmance our own think about it said. "It is hen: their actions the rabid Right," Bond said. forward progress," he said. are most frightening, their "Doesn't it make ordinary, ~ most sinister, their BUT RETAINING the common sense that if the people for information and desIgns a deliberate attempt to majority in the House and dedicated to your death and confidential counselinil. restore white-slrin privilege and reversi'1g Republican control in destruction are growing in Call the Wt!lness Center white·male dominance in the Senate "ought not be ends in strength and power t"'at you American employment. themselves if their pursuit ought to do the same?" 536-4441 PLEASURE ~o\).'( ILLINOIS LIQUOR MARTS

The reason the OBelisk 11 is AD GOOD AT THE FOLLOWING CARBONDALE LIQUOR MARTS published is to bring you ll:~~.• We have stories, articles, pictures (lots of pictures), all between attractive a •••&~.AN'- hard bound coven. Why! For your LlQUQ~ MART -LiQUOR MART PLEASURE· . WALL & WALNUT 109 N. WASHINGTON II , ."" ••• ,...... •." ' f . . . ".;_ .:;.: = .:. -; i,EASTG.AJE SHOPP1~ENn:~..:~ ~ .. The OBelisk nYearbook is:··, A PLEASURE to read ',',:::- I. ."", '" I...... '"' .. ~ ~:J~~. ~ A fJi'S:{}~~ to look"through A PLEASURE to share· "." ... ,. , . '" A.eJ,I;:.{\~4ES to OP"l ~I\'$ ~! .S2!! .. ~.~ Cans Btls The 1982-82 OBelisk Yearbook: n Register for FREE Bass Boat and M~tor at any Mart. A fL&~Y.B~ you'll treasure... . ~. Offer good thru Thurs., April 8, 1982 the rest 0 ur I

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_,_,_. ~_~·--T I nlilyFDJDm Opinion & Gommentary

lditorla' and l.tter PoIklft.Opim- .xp

STUDENTS AT sru-c have the benefit of access to one of the finest research facilities in the nation, Morris Library. With approximately 1.7 million volumes, 18,000 per:iodicals and 1.5 million microform units, the library is an educational resource of the rll'St rank. It is also the largest open stack library in tbe United States. Unfortunately, some students don't treat the library like the valuable tool it is. Some thoughtless and inconsiderate people are tearing into the heart of the University, which Morris Library Student votes can be powerful; certainly is, when they deface and steal library ma~ als. Up-to-date statistics on theft and damage'" materials are not available. The most recent inventories ollibrary collections are several years old. But anyone who bas searched in vain for that register to vote here Tuesday vital book or periodical !mows that the extent of theft and (iamage to the collection is significant. The T.Tndergraduate StudenlB Organization, the willingr.less to wvrt together can we stem the tide GradtJate sa.lent Council and the League of threatening educational opportunities for all IT'S REGRETABLE mAT such a problem exislB at a Women Voters are sponsoring a voter registration people. university. Tbe ostensible reason people are here is to tIlke .d­ the first ~t sbould you vantage to learning materials. Some people, thwgh, drive in Registration Center at Woody Hall in Back to my - why vote? of access conjunction with the Education for Everyone First, we can make a difference. As students at apparently forget that others may need the same materials they campaign. Tuesday from 10 a.m. to" p.m. L' your a large university in a small town, we comprise an are using, and deciOe to keep them f(]l' themselves. These are the last register. 8,000 people who steal books and tear the pages from magazines. chance to unusually large voting block. Because But why should I register vote? ADd why students voted in 1972 - only third of SIU-C's The problem, as is usually the case, bas to do with money. to one should I register in Jackson County? And even if I current population -. Jackson Coonty was the While the cost of library materials bas risen anywhere from 10 to did register, what difference. would one vote only county within 300 miles to canoy George 15 percent a year for the past several years, the budget f(]l' the make? These three questions are typical ol tbose McGovern instead of "Tricky Dick." The drastic library bas remained relatiYe.ly stable. The result bas been an inevitable squeeze on the library's resources. asked by students when I try to persuade them to euta proposed in student aid combined with tuition utilize their right to vo*'~. increases make it eYeD more important to vote At cme or two are on most times, only workers present each Most studenlB are ctsillusioned by the political today than at any time since the vietnam War. floor of the library. That makes it easy Cor irresponsible studenlB process, ieary ol politicians, made cycnical by the Second, students sbouId vote in Jackson Coonty - perhaps some are not students - to damage 01' remove foul taste - and strung negative impressions - because they live here at last Dine _tbs 01 tile periodicals and books without being seeti by library workers. 'Ibis would DOt be tu.Ich a serious probl~ if other usen of the =~. the Vietnam War and the Wateqate =~e:;:tl!t -: ~~ Y:rck a;::: '< h'brary would speak up when they s.ee \)8g~ being torn from But DOW • the time f(]l' a rebirth of studeut. tbrougb a Itudent work job bere (]I' from a student books or magazines. Few people do it, however, evidently particiP6~ - not a time ol violence (]I' loan or grant, is spent bere in Jackson COIBIty. preferring not to get involved. deslJ'lr.aon, but a time of orderly and organized Yourtaxesareaccessedandreallocatedbere. Not actiO"d. The gravity of the situation demands it, only is your potential for influencing the outcom,~ mE FINANCIAL SITUATION at the library, in addition to ami resources and opportunities needed to affect of elections greater bere than at home, but tht! making theft easier, compounds the damage each theft causes. change have never been greater. decisions that affect you the a.08t are also made In many cases. stolen items are not replaced. The money for We must work together and vote for what we here. replacements is simply not there, according to librarians. believe in. The political system respoods first and Remember Tuesday is the last day that you can What can be done to help make the library's collection safer? foremost to votes. In order to have. voi.!e in register to vote at the Registration Center. Take One possibility. if the necessary money could be found. would political decisions, studenlB must vote. Take two the time and the inteRst to speak out f(]l' what you be to institute a checking sysytem Cor backpacks. Many minutes out of your day today and go to tbt! believe in. Wliversities require that students take only a notebook or book Registration Center from 10 a.m. to " p.m. to Together we stand, but divided we wiD Call. - and pencil into the library, and leave backpacks and purses at register. Only if students show their solidarity and Tod4 Rogers, USO President. the door. SUch a system might be helpful at Monis Library. A stronger sense of responsibility on the part of students would also help, of course. If students who see materials being defaced would speak up to the librarian, instead of sitting silently, Professor blames apathY .. for cuts materiaJa could be preserved. There is often the charge that ".rtJo It's sad that the problem exists at aU. Students are studenlB won't receive that future students Can have .t sru-c journalists twist the news or a their Pert GranlB this year," be the same privilege. presumably adullB. They should be able to differentiate between story to fit their various was refe:Ting to student apathy. their own property and that of tile public. Obviously, not all can. ideol~es. A letter on the It does ,rost, Meighan, and it Meighan seems ro tbinIt that That's the real problem. editorial page on Mareb 11 in did coohibute to the lack of Roper was "blaming the vic­ the Daily Egyptian did exactly success in stopping the cut- tim" and even more that. backs in student aid made in the OUtr8geous was the idea that The author of the letter, 1982 budget. Roper was part of some -CLetters--- Matthew Meigban. took a When Roper went on to say "capitalist conspiracy" that is statement made bj a professor that if a student receives. loan. exploiting the working people of at the "Fight Cutbacks" teach­ "they better make damn sure this country. It seems clear. uso operates on your money in and very irresponsibly that they pay it back." be was given what Roper said, that he Elections for positions in the assistants to the president and twisted what the PrOfessor said referring to the large defaultwaa trying to get ~ ''v,ictims'' Undergraduate Student vice president are paid $600. to fit his own Ideology. The rate on the student loans .nd, as to act, &nd not be silent like they professor who made tile stat­ a result, the opportunity it gives were last year. Furtbennore, Organization will be April 14.1..6 This money just doesn't now ment was Robert Roper. is commonly known, student from the sky. it is your money. budget eutters to ~m the Roper wants. S~ltc. to act inten!St in student government When you pay your student fees, program because it IS Inef- responsibly WIth their al~. Does is not that great. Thus election USO gets a part of those fees When Roper said c'the real Haent and WaAtefuI. Roper this ~te with blammg the turnouts are low. Some reasons and allocates them to student blame belongs to evt:ryone in simply meant that students victim. -Jim Gr.D •••• given for not voti~ are that groups and top executive this room and the 5.000 sru-c should pay back their loans so SeDior. Polltica. SdeDce. student government IS a joke or positions. If {OI' no other reason a farce or that those who run for at all, vote to elect responsible by Garry TrudeaU USO offices are only out to fill people whether· their names are I);4Y. /01, 1HIS I 6017A IML their resumes. on the ballot (.. not. IIIJ.Jelfl«S1If-IIfTI(I!l.(MIflK. Tbese allegations may be true W- are in Iwd times, and I 1lII.D«.'IIJIIIL lltAITTfB(- in some Instances, but they are third: it is only ~t that people f Je 1ID«Ii6/f1( IQ6 I WIt8Ir certainly not true for all cases. who can do the job abould be J ¥ aA'i6t1' 1EWEQ1II« 1M This letter is a personal apo elected. "If%." A!i5~ peal to students to vote because Try and go to the presidential ~ of what is involved. debate on April e and listen to Even if you don't have a party what eacb of the candidates preference, (]I' II 100 just -donJt say. After you have listened, go care vote because of the money and vote on April 14 for the. invoived. The USO president candidates who you feel can gets $3,000. The vice president best handle your money. - gets 12,000 and the chief of ~ Lame.t Erik Bra.tley. gets '1,000. Executive SopIlomore. PolItical ScieDce.

Page .. Daily EgyptiID. AprtIt. ~ ___ 1 .. ----~'.~l.••. ..., ~.m~ ....• ~. ;& -----~ettcrs------Some D.E. stories belong Headline was insult to blacks in the Natio';'~l Enquirer 11IIS [S IN regard to the to. Tiley have demonstrated Is the Daily Egyptian a viable COB justice. The level of the viewpoint prominently Mitor'l Note: No PUD wal that time and again. source of information or just music W< fa!' from ear split· headlined "'Niggardly' funds intended. The word that Ms. Of course, use of the word another form of the National ting:'It was beautifully crisp foil black play" that ap· Wioies Iwl found olfensiVf "niggardly" could be argued, Enquirer? and clear, and I was in the peared in the March 3Q Daily WItS used in its literal lleDIie - but not justified, because it I just can't bt:lieve that the eighth row center seat. Of Eg-JPtian. slr.impy, miserly or ..~anty, as appeared in Parrish's Daily Egyptian gets away will course, this is his opinion versus l~ven thoug" Consuello she correctly observes its editorial; or because it ap­ all of the yellow journalism and mine, but in his article he Madonna Parrisn's viewpoint dictiOll8ry dermitioa is - aDd peared, after all, on the outright lies that it puts into ctha0nttr,a,thdieC*!!!,msed..!.t~y say:'ng was riddled with factual as the viewpoint writer. who editorial page and was most of its stories e .... eryday. ... v_ uv""" drowned errors and gross misin­ is black, used it. We ",geet labeled "viewpoint." But did I'm just sick of it. My student out the band." I just don't un· terpretations, and even that Ms. Wimes or otbers felt Parrish intend her words to. fees could be much better spent derstand how the crowd could though I seriously question offended. elsewhere. drown out the band if the band's he used in such an offensive On March 29, "Fight cuts, music was so ear s}llitting. He whether Parrish exhausted manner? Or it could have students told at rally," by Doug even said that, "it was un­ all avenues of com· exhibit such a blatant display been used because it was, in Hettinger and Lyndall Caldwell, necessarily loud, to the point of munication before writing the of unconcern, neglect and fact, set off by quotation said "two SIU-C skydivers, one belDg deafening." Yet the editorial, my complaint is not even racism - not to mention marks. However, there is no with an American flag trailing crowd managed l" drown out really with her. My complaint bad taste - in the form of the excuse for poor taste. his chute, landed in the crowd the band. That saY" a lot about is with the Daily Egyptian. viewpoint's headline. It is of no consequence tha~ as the lead guitarist of the band the vocal power {'If SIU-C The prominent display of the word "niggardly." ill its the offensive headline that IF THE STAFFERS or literal sense, mear.4 "stingy ~::~~d~::'ic!l~~e J~~; =~t .~.f we cO\l~d just accompaniet.' the editorial decision makers at the Daily or scanty . ., I !mo'" and others Spangled Banner.'" But what we really need confirms my view of the Egyptian thought the use of know the I.)ther negative The truth of the matter is that harnessed is some good writing Daily Egyptian and its tt.e word was amusing - it connotations the word im· the band stopped playing when ability on the Daily Egyptian sometimes questionable was not. If they thought it was plies. the skydivers came in, and staff. contents and practices. I did a cute pun (getit "niggardly" The Daily Egyptian could theresure ... asn't any American· I'm not about to say anything not fmd it bard to believe that and "black") - it was not. If not have been more blatantly nag trailing behind any ~~contthetenirtCOamPOSthieti0fna'cbutstthait is the Daily Egyptian would they wanted to show a offensive if it had actually tMrachute. It appears that these un: nd tl t jump at the chance to print a complete disregard for the printed the word the decision viewpoint so sarcastic and so feelings of the black students makers so carefully or =k!ta~wti!;~ are~nt:e ~u~~~tf toot~:r as~u~ urfavorable toward blacks. and the black community of carelessly implied. - Angela something more than it was, for readers that depend on the :iowever, even I was sur· Carbondale a!:.:l the D. Wimes, Copy Editor, The what reason I don't know. Daily Egyptian as a source of surrounding area - need Black Observer. Does the Daily Egyptian have information to make important prised that the paper would no any ethical standards to follow? decisions everyday. Or should they be selling the H the Daily Egvptillll cannot Daily Egyptian at the cbeckout do this, maybe our student fees Racism doesn't exist in theater ~~:~J!r~t::t =~. ~~r ~% I AM NOT in the habit of distorted of = the Theater faculty witb the department but also a gen· make up their own days student aid and budget firing off letters to the Daily idea of entering her I'!~y in tleman of the theater and a stories? cuts, we are going to have to Egyptian but after reading Another interesting story is drop p-ograms that have little the American College good friend. [ bave worked tbe review of the Charlie or no merit. the viewooint that was Theater Festival. She says with Moe on two separate published on March 30, I feel liioe expressed doubts that productions and have found I Dtmie1a Band concert by Tom The ax is swinging. Good Travin, the news editor. If Tom luck, Daily Egyptian ind Gus compelled to write in reply. the department could him to be fair. bonest and is the news editor, be should be Bode. Rest in peace. - Karl This particular item was one produce her play because of genuinely concerned with the of the biggest pieces of drivel artistic advancement of SlU­ ~ ~ts .:u~gb~ ~ ;~.ee. SIU-C SkydiviDg our ·'niggardly" budget. To tC I have ever read in the twist this statement into the e students. If you're looking review of the concert and as newspaper. context Parrish did in her for racism there, you're such contains Tom's personal The article to which I refer article was a very cheap shot barking ..iIl the wrong tnY.:. views of what happened, but the E4Jtar'. Note: The Dai!~ was headlined "'Niggardly' at the Theater' Department in TheTbeatel" Departme'l.t is facts should not change. Egypt!3B reeetn!s _ flUIds funds foil black play." .. - general ~ lld at Moe in par­ in a state of transition and Rt8 headline, ·~te eat"~ from Rudeut fees. It II almos' The viewpoint was ticular. change and when I las~ spoke eatlrely aeU-nppor1ed tllnugJa written by a woman com­ to people in a pOSIHn" to ~::r sa~'t:f.; ~BnJa: HverdaiDg reveaaes. piaining 01 being unable to IT WOULD BE nice if !mow,liWe was certain .bout get a play she bad written every play written at SIU-C next year's production produced at SIU~. In it she could be given a fulJ-scale schedule. One of the alings Nuclear ~eapons, power linked cast som.! ratber ugly production, but that's simpiy that have been m.ode cJear in 8lspeI1Jions at the Theater impossible. I hate to break it W1dergraduate meetings, the I would like to correct a realize the inseparable link Department and a member of to. you, Parrisb, but you Tbeater Department, like misquote attributed to me in the between nuclear power and its faculty. arcn't the only one in the many others, will have to Ilrticle "Simon to speak at nuclear weapons. The To begin with, let's set the world who ever wrote a play. closely count its pennies in nuclear rally," by Randy record straigh& on the word Many people write one after the future because of Rendfeld, in the Daily Egyp­ =~~:re~':::'f:= . another and never see a budgetary consideratioos and And in much of their course, tM. "niggardly," Webster's tian, March 26. defines it as ''miserly.'' The single work published or rning production CfY..ts. nuclear power industry and ~Jfl I'roduced. As to the rather It was reported that I said nuclear weapons industry ld1! continual use of tbe word thinly veiled implication ~t If P ..,-risb rea11y believes in ~t only a small portion of intercbangeable and in- "niggardly" along with racism was the real reaSOD her play, she'll continue her nuclear power !:1:nts are ae- terdependent. .. .. phrases like "black groups" and "black play" in the there was doubt your play efforts to ~et it produced. But ~lly ~er p. ts and that... Man, countries to which ~ would be produced by the filling a new,,:>aper witil 'the maJOr ~ ~ them are United States, as well as other column as well as in the headline was an extreme Tbeater Der.,artment, I can carefully worded L'!ISinuatioos -~eapons plan~. ~ not ~ coontries, export nuclear power only won't put her work on the IS not what I saId, but 18 also t--1. I gy can use fbi. display of poor taste. In her say timt that is the worst erroneous statement. I would ",,",uno. ° . viewpoint, Consuello :.ind of paranoid nonsense. boards. Spare us the sob ignore this misrepreseDtatiOD if ~logy 8!ld the nuclear fuel Madonna Parrish teliS oi I feel Parrish's column not story, please. - David Nava. it did not seriously damage the that IS p1'OVIded to.. prod.<1ce a approaching Christian Moe 01 only slaudered '.;be entire Junior, 11tea&er. credibility of the group I was nuclear weapon. The power representing and, by reac.t«, tberef~~ .cuM have association, all the groups an mnocent clYlhan c.over, concerned about nuclear ra~ than being obviously tedmology. military in nature. More a.cts at Shryock, pleace

I told the repo~ that a smaU I regret that my views were What's this? No name jazz Tyner, Akyioshi-TiiOackin Big such a large obligation to portion of the budget allotted for IIlisrepresented and hope that in acts at Shryock this year? Joim Band or the guitar duo of John satisfy the taste 01 ''tread­ nuclear development goes to the future more care can be McLaughlin and Cbiet Corea Abercrombie and Ralpb mongers" - those people more nuclear power, while th{f given to the accuracy of are in Chicago this month. Why Towner. These groups have all iDter~ted in "fasbionabl~/' majority goes to Il~!c;~r reporting in the Daily EgyptiaD. not Ali DiMeola, the Jaeo visited Chicago this semester. cGmmercial music, ignoring me weapons production and -Cadleriae Speifanl. Me_"'. Pastorius Band (featuring Or bow about Herbie Hancoct ~ !.'If those who enjoy music development. I furtber ex­ Wo ••• ', E.vtr••• eB' •• Randy Br",cker and Pt"ter Quartft (with Tony Williams, u iD1. tiopefully. in the future, plained that many people do not s.ppert GnIqI. Erskine), Steps, McCoy Roo Carter and Wyntoa M.... the SPC will present a more salis), Keith Jarrett or Miles balanced schecfuIe of rex:&. jazz. Davis? They all toured last classical and aoul. by Garry Trudeau semester. There have only been two jazz All these bands have the concerts at Shryock the past distinction of beiDg.n.... up 01. three years : Soony Rollins IlIId some of the finest musicians in Larry Coryell. It's bard to con\emporaf')' musi<.. 'l'here believe that, during the 1978-79 may be excuses fo.~ "ot IICbooI year. the following bands scbe.~ullng many of these played here: Pat Metbeoy, eoncerts, but not eveI1' single Jean-Luc Ponty, John ODe. Don't say that these groups McLaughlin, Larry Coryell, wouldn't brea& even either. All Billy Cobham, Jan Hammer of the aforementioned bands and Brand X. performed in small clubs or Maybe the SPC should open small auditoriums wtten they their ears and eyes to the music visited Chicago. that more people than they It's sad that the Student realize enjoy. - SeoU Blomley, Programming Council leela SeDior. hltUc ReIaUoas: Daily Egyptian. April 6, 1982, Page $ ) ~horl!l,e, Brass Choir to per1orm" ; Performaaces by pianist the Ol~' ~ 'F~tion~ h\II ~«fuate piaD : $25 of Ey.gla.... : Sour 70+ Id .: Off-.... Good With Coupon Until 4130/82 .: Whiskey COMPUTE ...... •...... & TUNE-UP Free Peanuts Popcorn '29" r·$···3·····5····0FF·····A~~·;;i;;;;·····i AFTERNOON D.J. SD~ .....-.....,;~ : _. Contact ~~ : . PRIZF>S. J'lR'-~ES. PRI~£'S ...... : ._, ., Offer Good wIth Coupon Until .v~IO/~ : • T_...... " ...... ,....,..n .... ,wlW :!' •••••••••••••••• .(COUPON)..4•••••••••••••••• ~...... piOkd's .... ~ ~ .o.dt ..... Oftd""'~'" .... Heineken ·AcItutt ....~ • We Fill Prescriptions From Any Optometrists w,.." ...l. .. '!hcIt ...... T~ (From Holland) ...... T_ ...... t~yau ..... rirgIv_ or Opthahnologist yawlorota ....._T "-_o...n. __ _ 95C .,...,.., .... ~-- • H Y_rs of Service In The Same LocattGa ITO'PM --TOYOTA All Day & Night CIta-DDI' ~ 1OII109'OfA • Eyes Examined By Or. F~ W. Wood QUAUn' IIIIYICII .. PADS 454Strohs BECK 'VISION CENTER- TOYOTA "AT PlUGIOT 114 N.III. Carbondal. 457·2114 _ RI. 13 W. MariOn, II. 9J..=l).~ 11 001",,-, ~.IT - (6pm tc2am) I~G~J.W H 'Ch' '·d,~G~JJ ·T~ 1~'~T~~rr e aven t .. a.nge .1~~; Any Mixed Drinks 0/ Your Choice ~~t,=-, Our Prices Since Septembeti980!! ~L' III ~ And You StUi Enloy The Same "'1Ic1~FoocI .. JE~L eJuicVGyros . '. Greek Salad 9pm-larn eHDnHtmad. ~ eSuvlaki Fried Mushrooms e Creek Pa5tri.es .~ & Onion Rings ~ IRlIIID! PII L01J1 eKeftes eBr~r&. Wine' LIIIII,PLAI. ~'II! 11111 I Fill ... JL~~~<...... ".... • ..."... 12·12 Sun M-Sot-- 11-11 n-l.... M-W !II eA~ Su.,12-11 11-2 Th-:$at 516 S. Illinois Ave· CarltondCl'. m-IJU/13M t'l>; 'Porky's' i,~.f~n..film .to watch, Seniors ... IF YOUHE ABOUT TO GET our Of COUEGE, YOU HAVE AN IMPOR­ but not=another great comedy T ANT DECISION TO MAKE. ..ABOlJT By Joe Walter 8&8" Writer satiric jab at fraternity life and G.Jfovie universities that often are .iust fidellhT UFE "'~~:'T~OOW "Porky's" is the type v! rJlrr, CD playgrounds f".,. uPfer-ch.ss that is great to see at ~ drive-J.o -aeVlew ~~ and upp .. r-midd e-clau or a budget matinee. It is go.xi, ------~~ students. ·on~~~e Ga-iach & Assoc. lightweight fun and it OOr.:sn't about growing up ever made - "American Graffiti" Vias a Uni lilt 457-3581 demand mucb ihcii8bt from the funny yea, funniest no. They funny and ptlignant ftJ~n with viewer. also compare "Porky's" to believable and likeable This might sound like a .. Animal House" and characters that ~med to toucb negative statemen!, bu' "American G •..rftti," but the audiences with memories of film is not in their class. what it was like growing up. "Porky's" is not a bad fllill. It is LM ON THE just a fun film, though the ad­ Aside from being funny. Reviewer', Rating: Z stan.C4 RICHARD "Animal House" was also a stan tops) ,.., PRYOR SUNSET STRlP vertising seems to bill it as a ~ & coo._..cT\MR soutbern-fried "Animal 2:11 ".M. SHOW I1.M HClU-w.." But there is little SHOWs D.... " 2:15 1:,. 9:11 comparison between the two. The film, written and directed by Bob Clark, is set in Florida during the 1950s. The action centers around Pee Wee (Dan Monahan) and his high school pals. Pee Wee's friends good­ naturedly think that a way Pee Wet! could lose his virginity is to go to a redneck dive called Porky's The bar, ~plete with a Mon-T.ul'Sl(61IS @SI.7SJ. rockabiLIy band and po-ostitutes, is owned by an obese ruffian -8130 1Ia1!\f'd {what else~) Porky. a little Wiler. ! Y!!:y cheats the boys out of tbeir moner" tbey plot revenge. That is It as far as the piot is concerned. 'Ibe mm also bas some funny. se.k but rauncby moments, such as when two ~ teachers' loud private Qffalr is overheard by everyone in the pbysical ac~ r education class. lill .,...... "rnEAS[ Tbe advertisements call 9:tt ".M. SHOW'l.M "Porky's" the funniest film WIIKDA'YS 5:tt 7:tt f:tiI Ann THEATRt' 5 .' fOX EASTGATE- ~ VARIITY 112 Eo WALNUT -4S7·568S MON. & TUES. $1 Keep an eye out for the funniest ~ about growing up ~-I-=-'=;;)ncludina: , .':~ e.ver made! . \ ::~~~cn,rv:!~ ~\t( ...... -1 ~ ..... , The most fun money can buy- Ends ~~a'~':~~'l Thursday iii a.. camJRY..f'OX F1UIS ~l-; . EJ ~:...~- :!J 2:68 P.M. SHOW t1.SI Moo-Thun. 7:15.9:30 SHOWS DAll Y t:Ot 7:11 t:2t mill ;::::::==-XT:~C=H:A:ii;S~.i:.B~~E=E:N:C:-A;N~~CiiiEiii;ij-li;iiLEiii;iDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_...... ,'1 SPC Travel this Spring ... For all SPC trips, sign up at the SPC Office on the 3rd floor of the Student Center, 536-3393

ST.LOUI5~ GAME: 12:5Opm ~.?;t VS DEPARTURE: 10:00am ;.,,~ PHILADELPHIA MOJOIrCOACH JMNSIIOITAOOH 513/person ~'-, Satunlay TO BUSCH STADIUM S25/couple . April 17 Deadline to slgft up April ,. White Water Rafting Cost $45.00 on the New River in Leaving Late Thurs. afternoon West Virginia April 7 last day to AprilS .. 11 sign 'Jp I~"""""~"""~~~~~~~""""""~I Canoe at Jacks Fork, Mississippi - April 16-18 -2 days -car pooling to b.:$ arranged -$20 cost inclLtdes -Organizatlonal Meeting canoe rental April 13 at i.OO pm Runathon taki.ng runners, walkers

Archway's l~mile walk 'n walkers is $$. F-.mds (rom the return to the motel. runathon will start at 8 a.m. event will go to the Archway, Entry forms can be obtained Saturday, April 17, at the 1108 W. WiDow, Carbondale, a from: Archway School; Carbondale Ramada Inn. school offering frograms for Bleyer's Sport Mart; Bleyer's The event is open to all developmental y delayed WestowD Store; Sohn's in walkers and runnern. Entry children. University Mall; Lyle's Sports forms must be subr litted by Participants will obtain Store in Murphysboro; and Monday. sponsors for each mile they State Farm Insurance in Entrants in the 11m must complete. The course o;".ill start Jonesboro Square. The forms submit a $10 fee, or as if they at the Ramada, traVI!! to the can be returned to all of the don't want a T·shirt. T1e fee for Southern Dlinois Airport and above outlets except State Farm by Monday.

XTC cancels Shryock show Prizes will be awarded for The XTC concert with special tiuring a concert in Los Angeles placing finishers in each of guest Jools Holland and his over the weekend and was (lawn several age categories in both Millionaires scheduled for April to England for tests. Karlenzig the walk and the run. 18 at Shryock Auditorium has said the manager did not tell bet-n cancelled. him exactly when Partridge Student Programming collapsed. ,,------_ .., ...... Council consorts chairman Kurt T1EGOLDUIIE COUPON i Karlenzig said the band's "I don't know if it's serious," manager called Monday Karlenzig said, "but the whole Monday-Thursday 5pm-closlng I morning and told him that Andy tour is cancelled." SPC has no I Partri'.!ge. lead guitarist and present plans for a substitute s~'!r, had collapsed onstage according to Karlenzig. Heineken J....4ight or Dark I Beta Sigma Phi sets F ounder~s Day with purchase of i The annual observance of will be obeserved. Music wiU be Founder's Day by the 12 Car· provided by Gus Pappelis .,nd slice of pizza. I ~~~ ~~~~ f~~~ ~~:: door prizes will be awarded. I p.m. April 24 at the Gardens All members of Beta Sigma Restaurant, Rt. 13 East. Phi are welcome to atten~. Jeanne Simon, wife of U.S. I 75·!I Rep. Paul Simon, D·24tb =:a:sns~r:cte~r~ ~ District, will speak on the topic mailed to Carole Vogt, • c::... 61 , S. l!IInoi. I "A Woman's Place Around the Brookside Manor 21·3A, Car­ I - _.. Call for den,,'9ry CI.fter 3:00 : 529-4130 I World." The Order of the Rose bondale, m., 62901. Heo L-i-iJ-~-;-~-!-i·~-=--~-!~~-~...=-!--!-i-i-i-e-~-~-~-~-i-ia:~~-i-i-~-i-~-i-i-i-i-i-i-;~~J TENDONITIS PROBLE'.,S BY DR. ROY S. WHITE Doctor of Chiropractk ~I If you haw a muso.dar pain the nusdas crnt.-oCt or tightIIn. in any part of your body, it others relax. ond this should may be caused ~ a condition howen at m. right time and known 01 tendonitis (1",1am- with the "'Ilht amount of motion of a Mndcxa). pressure. If the muscles are The joims In~.if' body, in . :n:=',,!::"on~ adIItIon ~ . - ..... 0IIIIIIng Int/IatIon and =~ inflammatl_ TheM and r...... ,.....,nJItOre~: reus cords tho balance and to chedc for any . attadI the --,-,...... misalignments in the spine de to the bone'~ :1':::: of":!. pnlblem == :;-n~~ " .. {, and the pain. . Special flc.meet, It ca~~"': Doyou ...... cau.. pain 0-. DR. WHm WrIta __II_, of the month sharp as ~nat· associated with bunltls. The Dr. Roy S. White Tanqueray axae may be ~strwa C/O Carbondal. caused by muscles out of Chi--tl.. CliriJC.".~ balance. ....,.. -'no 75~ Every joint has muscles that 103, S. Washington must work 1r unisonforMrmal Carbondale, 1162901 joint II'IOYttment. As same of 61~-8127

• .Ia•. "' ..... ,.,. •• :&_ ..... Page" DailJ EgyptiaD. Apri'11. 1111 '/ I -~------.------

Faner:- Gal'f!.~Y displaying art wo~ks The Flight Restaurant _'" Art works by winner» of"Ute pubne' 'reception and the to SIU-C in 1975 by Marguerite Rickert-Ziebold Truit Awards presentation of the awards from L. lUckert. who stipulaU>d that are on display at the tlJtiversity it be used each year to reward EASrER BRUN2)'H M~eum's Faner Hall North 8 ~nil~S~~\~~dal~hibit is a "the accomplishments of Gallery until May 9. wide range of r ·.edia. including outstmding undergraduate All YOU CAN EAT 10:30·2:00 I The exhibit of works. created pastel. etchings. ceramics, senim art students." Now accepting reservations ._ by award-winners Margo sculpture. watercolors and The ~xhibit is free and open to Apostolas. Jane Robinson, video. the pul.lic. Museum hours are 10 for Easter I :..J Robin Rittenberry, Matthew The six winners, all seniors in a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and Southern Illinois Airpo.1549-8522 Kolinski, Chris Stewart and art at SIU-C. split a $20.000 cash 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sundays. .-.:.-.-..~~ Eric Lindsey, opened with a award from a fund bequeathed : J &.. : ~ Students can get hands on relaxation White Watt:r Rafting in Virginia Students may learn to relax and relaxation exercises to ease AprilS.. 11 through the use of massage at a tension. especially in the head. workshop, "Getting in Touch: neck and shoulders. 1. Deadline is W'ednesday April 7! Massage and Exercise," from 7 "It is real important for to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Student students to realilze that they are Adam's Rib Recreation Center Golf Room. under stress and to do Sign up Now in SPC office Students will be taught the something about it." said MEN'S STYLING n third floor Student Center use of massage and relaxation Janice Kulp, assistant coor­ Hoir! HAIR L~B ANNEX ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••••• 715 S. Unlveralty 115 S. IlIInol. Wednesday : . lhursday l-pT;;;G-;:iiT-l Carbondale. IL Carbondale, IL. aon.I_Catflsh : AII.You-Can-Eat (Tuesday Specials) I ("I) 529-3905 ("I) 54 ...222 Cutupa. regular : Mo.techoll...... Iar ICIlad. 'rf... and : ICIIaci and garfk I 2 eggs with bacon,. Look and feel Healthy garlte 1treacI. • Isread. I ham, or sausage I •••••••• !l.t\ •••••••••• C••••• ····!?·~~ •• ···~··· this Spring • Sunday I $1.99 • Friday • Lunch Plot. Special I Bring in this ad for a : AII-You-Can-Eat Papa'. famous : Spaghetti and I Hot Beef I Jumito CocI Sandwich : .....Iar ICIIa4 and I Mesh Potato. gravy & vct9 FREE HAIR ANALYSIS and regular 1CI1a4. ·1 : L_--1t.~____ ... Regularly $5 n .•5 garl!~~. ;g- Jltittttt- EUERVBODV·S WORKING FORiTHE WEEKEND.e~ · ~:friday. April 23: ~8 pm $7 and 59

LOUERBOY Feb 20: SOLD OUT Feb 22: SOLD OUT Feb 25: SOLD OUT 'and Prism f;eb 26: sOLD OUT , (Don't Let Him Know) Feb 27: SOLD OUT Feb 28: SOLO OUT The Million Dollar. bands·

> ~ at the Arena· SIUArena 2~HOURHOTUNE ct * Based on ticket sales reported to Performance ~53-53.cl

Daily EgyptiaD. April .. ll1111Z, Page • SIU credit uniol' shows 1981 gaill OWTOWft "-s: Moth l1-1t Increases in dividends, " ... 10 ~_a members and deposibl iD 1981 ~~~h union building at !nembers, distributing almost e ... ': 'J ,,- ..... ,.. , were reported to members of 1217 W. MaL'1 W8!' f'xpanded Sol millioD in loan funds. aJ-Hta lulll·n The credit union pla:1S to .:tart .. ;;~.~:.. I . the SIl) Employees Credit do.Aring tht- yeH to give mem­ Union. Some of the gains were Oers easter a{.~':!SS to tel'ers and a new custom servic~s e..: ..... ~ the largest in the credit I:alOO'S loan officers A newer, more program. tailoring a financiai ,'!fficient data processing plac for each member and oK-J:r! h~t~niacher, credit system was also installed. family exclusively. BUSCH 12pk N/R Btl, 4.38 union treasurer and pnsident, i'Jespite current economic told 204 members at~ the coo.'ftiOll8. the credit un;on was Members also elected officen agency's annual meeting that able to meet every loan ;-equest includir.lJ: Joe A. Moore. 6pkCans 2.29 members earned nearly by fjUlllified borrowers at in­ C'hairman of the board; Dale E. 91!iJI!f $850,000 in interest and te1"lSt rate!. below the !:larket, lI'".aiser, vice chairman; John M. dividends for the year. an in­ ac:.:ording to a report by the Fo.'u', secretary; Schumacher, All French Wln.. AIiSizes 10%OFF crease of 112 percent over 1980. credit committee. lrea'Jurer-president; Sandra With over $10.250.000 in total "'orriSOD, vice president; and assets. the SIU unit is the Thfo credit union met the loan Danoa Ridings, asf'!;;~r.;:;~ Home Brew largest credit union in Sout!".ern delJ'!'ndtl of nearly 2,000 ~'5urer. We offer oil the supplies for nlinoin, outside the St. Louis area, Schumacllf': .... iJ. Beer II Wine Mokln Growth during the year was also represented hy an increaSe Ton;ght & Every Tuesday Night . . of more than 1,500 nlembers anrl .. ., all increase in deposits ~ ::3 is -Campus ~riefs-- Vic Koenig's ~I VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP sbeetI Greek Night ~~~~tig~~~~e~ the Mobiliutioo 01 Volunteer" Effort Serving 2 for 1 speedrails offiee. tbird floor 01 the Student No Sweat \)jJ I Center. by Wednesday. and AN ORGANIZATIONAL met'ting Air Conditioning Special I for both the April 28 National LeU!! .. Writing Day and the May 1 rally 50ct Lone Stars all night ~;~~ ~er~ hiI~tb~e~s p.: Also Tuesday in tbe Missouri Room. 1····A·;~~~~i~~;~~;:;~~i~i······1 ~X.~ri~bC::,.pro-Education at the TilE BILLINGS ovulation metbod Oasis Dining Room d namal family plannine will be ~ System Check of your car's air ~nditioner. All labor l ~~n!a~t~=J':~'5 ~~:: serving a : to leak check and chargf' the system as needed. : : Adjust air conditioni'1g belt. check engine coolant level: u:'~::~~:~:: ::If complete dinner : All paTts & Materials Ad".:tional : besh~"11 at7:3Op.m. Tuesday in the including : GoocI with CoupoIIlxpIqs: 4/12/H : ~~j!'T~ by the Asian ...... soup & salad : Lulwfcatl_ Speclol : ... & ShodIlnspectl_ : sr: ::!!'~~~\?.':i mJ.~5 : ONLYM : ONLYt7 : wii/:e t.eld at 3 p.m. Tu~"Y at the : ..... 16 : II .... SIUO : International Services Offla.\ 910 S. 98 Forest SL $2 & up ~.~=..~.~~~~~~~ .. L::~~~~.~.~.~.~ KENNEY wtTRER8. ~or of ~a&::;:'ty lZ:- w'Jl'=rT; uublisben at _~-~ In the Corintb Room. sPonsor:ed'bY Pbi Kappa Pbi. THE R.UNOIS Public Interest Rl!searcb Group will show a Ralpb Nader consumer film at 7 p.m. VIC KOENIG ~~yg~O~~~vi~= C{oa: ~ . -=- members. aa CHEVROLET A FENCING meet. ~lIIIOred IMobiI S8rvk. Dept Hours M-F 1-, ~~u!~~~~ will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday m!be 1040 E. Main M7-5470/S2t-1001 Recreation Center gym. Par- ea,-boncIaI. ::~~::aL~:r.J:::=U: desk. A RESUME .mtiull wor!ml!oP wiD be beld a 9 a.m. TueSday in ~ HaU Room 118. sponsored by-the Career Planning and Plac:emeat Center.

klnk~ copla

L.GaII ..... _ c.n do lor JOU' * PASSPORT PHO"IOS* 131o:f~~'

15.• ~n $4.99 ___.11 * COI'IU * ...... - ...... 12 _ --- SoutJumt DJinois Bike Tour _ 11_--...._._ -- ... -----_14 ___ ~.1I' April 9-11 * ..... * Hunt for artifacts and camp in an auth"'fltic Indian shelter for a ni£ht: visit the ghost __0:---- ••.- town of Progress. liinois; and enjoy the beauty of Southern Dlinois in Springtime during .._~C------"-'-___ .l_ a scenic backroad~ tour via Giant City and Feme Clyffe State Parks. -.. -_ .. _- . Fee: $35.00 per parlidpani *FIlM PROC£SSlNG $40.00 per area *AESUME SERVICE participant outside the slUe *GAAPHICS Learn basic bicycle mai.:tenan~e skill~ at the pre-trip meeting held on Wednesday, April 7 *HOlJRSI ,...,..-... ,.·_· ... at 7:00 pm. Pulliam Rm 35. For further information contact Mark Cosgrove or Dave Cielak -...,·10:00·-..- at 529-416l. Sft s. illinois Sponsored by SOAR Southern Outdoor Adventure Rec.r~.ation carbondale. illinois y M9·4'41 U.n.derw.a =P.roor._, am Touch of Nal1tre SIUC___ •• 1II==••• 1 l I

• ------.. 4 .. hon,or~" f~~.. ,t~aching,;AP serv~ce Happy Hour '~'faet'ut1lbem~~~!It~~~ 1~:aslij~Jsoh~~'~ista.J; and Sciences from 1966-1!r14. reeei ved A~~o FouJldatton deao'rc. undergraduate studi. Feiste has been at SIU~ sinee (2pm to 6pm) , outstanding reaching AWlirds . I in the .college of Buainess an4, 1966, and his awards include the and an academic adviser wiU Administration and assistant Standard Oil Foundatiorl award Marga,,'t.. '. '1.25 receive SIU-C's first Ad- budget director of SIU-C, in 1969 for outstanding t.eachiru(, Superior Beer $1.00 ministrative-ProfessionaJ Staff Beyler came to SIU-C in lSSl Jacobini joined SIU-C's A-P OUtstanding Service Award. as a professor of chemistry, He staff in 1967. She became dean Jack Danl.l. 901 David N. Rat(lman. an served as the department'. of general studies in 11174. anrl During Happy Hour associate professor in tile cbatman in 1965-66 and as dean assumed her present post in Beef N~cho'. $1.95 Department of Administrative of the old College of Liberal Arts 11176. Sciences, ~er E. Beyler, a 119 N. Washin ton Sf. professor in the Department of Clk.'mistry and Biochemistry, and Vernold K. Feiste. Canoe the associl.te professor in the Department of Electrical CURRENT RIVER 1~ dIICG Bateman joined the faculty in ,.. Meis has it. Here: romantically ruffled chambray camisole with pinafore front. asymmetrical buttons, 24.00: matching ruffled skirt, 36.00. Sunwashed blue tone-an-tone stripe in cool ::otton. Sizes 5·' 3. Includes concha style beit. a cinch for the southwestern look. Only two from our Santa Fe collection by Body English. So stop scoutir.g the trading posts... I and mosey into Meis. YOUNG CIRCLE

Call aft., 5:00 PM: 529-413. 611 S. illinois


Sunday, April 18, 1982 .10.00 doNtIon IEmen.inment charge•. With doNtion. eech e-t ~ • f,.. pecket of Culno Money. Tick... aveHab,. et door or SIU Student Centtlr Ticket Office. SIU At.ne Speclel Events Ticket OffIce. Coo-Coo'., Rt. 13 7:00·11:00 IMSI""" Benefit with pnJCtMtCfl to CulnoOe_ lntercolle9lete A thletl.:s Entemlnrmmt end the Sr.ftoof of Music. A_ ~hOW at 9:00 Denel", • Priz. Auction at 10;30 --, I NICELY FURNISHEIi ONE IUT.ftG USED V.W.'.· C ~ bedroom. Perfect for ccupie or Vaily 1:.gypiJan A~..;,H I, 'I ~ngle_ I1!'Jities included, central a...,c-.tIeR ATrE!=!.un~ ~~~ I C A8 for..-yan or Mike ~aor~r:d:~:iies~ :c~6~~db.:~~ . - ~c:d~!:,:"", ~"jr~1ae:lry~~~le~~t:'::J~ Mt-1521 parkin~ sites, o:her im­ n~ecflng repair fl~~;;~~G:s ~v3~~M.pril provementa. Live in and rent the Aeros. From Old Train Station 32OOBaI32 m-t.MIIln other. $13.500 full price. Also in rural Carbondale, c. acre land. 3 AUDIO 'KnPITAL FURNISH!:D, APARTMENT, 4 mobile homes, $420 ~r :uon:b females near communications building. utilities included. I'~ ::~Zi:~~~:.~'~:m .. 54~1,1 6947. B3349Ba131 Parts & Service 82!J7SAd134 S'rEREG Mobile Homes BEEFMASfER'S APARTMENTS REPAIR $1~~E~;,:'be!J~~o~t~nt.rr;:ls~~ ~I!!n~~~.~ ~ir.':n~ Aero.. From O(d Train SlOtion rooe 1·9II.S-485C or 1-~~B~~ ;nterest. Payments lov.-er than ~"OIOttOSPITAL ,...... , rent. 549-0491. B2968Ae 134 EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 1:lX55. 2 bedroom (front and rear), AVAILABLE (or 5ummer and :'::e~M:~~ii~$3~~U9-~f~.f"r- A-1 T.V. RENTAL ~!~k;1~~e~~I~;~~·F~U= 3074Ael28 T.V. RttpCllr information call4S·;-''340. 3218BaI34 1970, 12X60 THREE BEDROOM ·Free Estimates· RICHARDSON. I .... bathS, car- T.V. For Sole. 19" COLOR VERY NICE 2-bedroom apart­ ment available for Summer. GUARANTEED $2SO.00-mo. Call no ..... 549-7210. l:~~~i!::.~~lS~i~i!3enn1h~~xM:~ "45. B327983129 $5.500.549-5550. B3201Ael28II ....__ ~4;;,;:5:.:7.;.-.:.7"':.=.:...-_-.J 1965 VAUANT 10:1(52 with tiP'JUt: AVAILABLE NOW. THREE bedroom furnish'!CI. 409 W. Pecan, ~i·5o~.a~~~!irlriNlC!:~li~~0~2~~: Pets & Supplies Apl3. You pay utilities. 529-3581. 549-5044, 1-443-2982. 3249Ael38 I AQUARIUMS MURPHYSBORO, I B321683129 FOREIGN TROPICAL i'ishj small animals CARBONDALE MOB!LE and blnls' also oCJg and cat sup- CARBONDALE, FURNISHED 1 CAR PARTS 2. and 3 bedroom for fall and ~MC:~o~WJ~:a~ 5~~:J;~: I ~r.~n'sco., 20 ~~1 summer. Reduced for summer, BJ2II9Ael44 ~ than 1 block to ca=lsB:~1.i 529.1644 ------DALMATII: .. 1 MONTH OLD GL08ALAUTO ONE ROOM TRI.lLER CLOSE TO MALE. Excellent family house CAMPUS, Call 5019-2.)14. Bam-3prr.. 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED North on Hwy. 51 3336A~.29 ::5i ~n~~~~~7~~ro~r~ Apartnlent, 2 bedroom Cufl1ished Carbondal. 681-1073. 337SAhl37 r:~~3:!re ~~lti~I.Y ~I~ __ ..... ow dIIICIount .... 1973 BUDDY. 12'X5S', front and rear bP' .. oom, air conditioned, DOBERMAN PUPPIM, FUU. 4145. 83327Bal45 furD: .. ned anchored and un­ b100df.d but not reg"~II!rt.'49-2:1"8. 3381BaI32 ~J~', ge:;? f~~:~f~~:s~:~~ BOOR World offers you fost extra clean inside' and oul Great special ord8f' book se,..,lee. TEN MINUTES FROM campus. for travel and moving. ~"'9-7908. Two bedrooms} kitchenette. ac, 3254Aa1~' We ordpr any book that is in print. IJl!lrtly furnishoo. $250 ro:: month 73 CHEVY VEGA WAGON. SO. Coli 549-5122. ~~~IUf:ve. Call 549-41 0:m6W~~ Runs grea~ 30 mp~. nice interior; is HARLEY DA VlOSONi excellent rust. $475. 529-3563. b:30-I~~la~34 ~~~.oo~~roff:~~ :l~w. CARTERVILLE EFFICIENCY ex.cellent condition. very low Musical APARTMENT, furnished, all utilities paid, immediate o~- 1m MERCURY - TOP Shape, very SOUNDCORE - CO'''PI.ETE 12 ~~.y:r~~~~~~a!1er~ Channel PA -Gra'jlhJcs, mOtiit':lI. clean, DiagMstic Car CfInic in­ l'otust se'l boI.h before summer. 529- ~:~' crossroad Rt. ~~ spect:on, nigh class automatic 3509. 3182Ac131 ~~e::~~~~,,1111! delay. equipment, new tires, excellent MURPHYSBORO-LARGE FOUR HONDA' 4SOcc. NEW CON_WO~~-BURNING STOVE 3124An1l~ BEDROOM aprtment, $2SO- ~~::J:OO~~~~~f':~ TINE!l.7AL tires looks good runs CLEI'ln.\NCE Sale - A~ Wood p.m. 3275Aal44 great. Call Brian' 529-1753. s8so or rq",aters . 1-985-44. 65. For people YAMAHA CP·30 ELECTRIC 5~:r~:1:~ith !lesl 3233Ac132 who want a good stove- 2988Af131 piano, Sunn Concert Keyb..... rd r=nu:.u= amp. ACOUSfIC speaker systeJO:: 8336783131 all excellent condition. Jobn, ;:;I~~~a:~~~~~' 1979 SUZUKI. FUU. FAIRING ,S'!'A~T. YOUR. SPRING cleaning <;/'PHMORES. WE HAVE several carrying bag. GS 11'00 S2200 Lo.>i I early oy haVing your carpets eveni~, 1-985-6687. 3277Anl29 HAVE TO SELL SOON. Datsun h ...ury 2-bedroom apartments for 3 mileage, 1-942-5978. !3i2 South 141.; Icleaned. Clean carpets make the ~ ~ people. Call 529-2187 . ~~l ~~;;;e.~~~~t,er price. 51.. Herrin. 3257Acl:lo1 ~t!':n~~~ .~.Tavern B32871I !. APARTMENTS AND HOUSES 205 E. Mo.... Ph. 457·2134 549-8019. 3333Aa129 SUZUKI TS 251) 1974 dirt bike, ...... ,.". AI 1.... =-~~~t~y~~~~~. You 72 DODGE CORONET _ REBUILT ;:nJIl~oor~=ar~~ II, ~RICAN CURI4J5: CHESSMEN 3017BaI37 SIeer;,"'" looms ~lIy, ~recently. Clsn 3312Ac135 !:!l::l;!ttn~ .~~e~1f ~~ OUR APARTMENTS HAVE been ~.c·1~1D. 1906~ ~SO.OO FIRST Cf)ME Ii IRST buy. between &-10 p.m. J396A.~128 takeD, but we have excelleDt 2- ' ...... A...... -.. bedroom mobile homes near 11Iocb ..... c-.. 74 fIAT l28, NEW TIRES, tratl- C8DlplS. CaJ\457-73S2 or :"7039. Ioob~~~:=f~ir, Electronics B3OO2Ba137 ~YJIAIII.. IIDISSIOD, clutrb; exeelleat 'lIOtar, 3347AcUl 116LRawU.... 54H426 afterSp.m. '1400 :..,z ~ YAMAlIA TX5OO, ~ CARBONDALE DISCOUNT 33MAa =::. HOUSING, avaiLtbie fl)f' summer Mt-MM or4S7-7Ml .. __ to watch the ell­ s~ial rates, one bedroom fur: 1972 OL.DS CUTLASS, 4 cft.. :':'~b~~~19. rinp. d .... worW of compu..... I 3334AC129 _ "Computer World"_ ~~:~!f! W~i~i~ ~=:tla:ir in~:erbiat!s:!d air, 2 miles West •. .Idale FREEMAN mile8ge.ms. 54f.7223after{ BATES MOTORCYCLE SAD- On l.Y. a.1atunhIy ...... - or~ar: Old p.m.; 457~1l daily. 33MAa128 ~~~t1:n~' se~\~C~re:~J~i:i ...... at 12:31. a.-n~ ~If~~_OD Rou~:a~i. VALLEY APTS • eulY~latec!¥~= ~.... you ...... tok_ ...... S-& ...... CIIIIIpUNft ilUt _ OUR APAP."I'MENTS HAVE bee~ taken. bilL we bave excellent 2- ...... 14110". bedroom mobile homes, see ad .11,-,- INSURANCE :~~:~r!f! o~~-~ !f~' WIder mobile booles.. Call 451-7352 .1-'10 ...... or S4&-7039. B317lBaI37 $750. 457-8386. 3340Ac13i M.Uf .~.... ". Low Motcwcyde ..... WNOIS COMPUmt !tCt~41A/C LUXURY, 2 BEDROOM FUR- .c:.__ Also HONDA 350 GOOD CONDmON 1It_ .. s-.. C-...... street bike. S3OO.00, Contact Cbuck, .2~ ...... -..-cy Auto. ~ MoWIeHame 174-41 Evergreen Terrace. (l mi. East of Mall ....110 ... Buick) ~~~=r1c°ralt.~:ltit~1e. "1-532913 B318S8Io~41 .1" ...... AYALA INSURANCE I '74 TRIUMPH TRIDENT334~C~~ mCE ONE BEDROOM. Sum';;. "'-: .Nt-7Ut Htw_ chrome, runs-looks 1I0od. rare One or 2 pewle. S390. Pay by f-12 Sat•• Only bike, must sell, tI95O.00 or best. 549- axnpubzt 457-4123 .... __~...... ,__ '-_c .... _ ...____ ..... ~~::r. A-<:. you pa~~~~ H",MU 7-tpm WHIr...,. '-______....1 I3702. 3343Ac131 NOW ACctPTlNG UASIS HOUSlS._ LGrve'. Small CLOSE TO CAN.r>US SM. "2 thru SPa 'Q hmI...... 2-Bedroom Apartments nl..s-- 529-1082 WALNUI' HaJ.S 510 W. Walnut or 549-6880 MIDTOWN 310 W. College' SUMMER SUBLET 3 bto;1.-;;om close to campus, betUnd recreation CO-ED 708 W. Freemon ~t;r ~~~t~~'t~~. ~A-r1':~~ eoll.,7.2134 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME BENING REAL EST A TE ~::rn,!:~l~ !~~:, c:\~~~t'leW~~: 457-2094. 3280BbI3J 205 E. Moin Carbondale 3BEDR09_M O-N-E-,-W-a-l-nu-t. ~1;N_=T;:ok;:i:"9:Sp;:::rj"9='s.,;::m=m=.=r. =1=Fa=II~1 ~rr~~oo~\~\~u~~~d Check Th.. Features Now taking appl~~ and ~i!::!':.";;';'~~ B3284Bbl4-4 St"~MER SUB - FALL Option. WOODRU'F OFFERS appointments 3 Blocks from comPUI VERY NICE. LARGE house. to show houses. NONtS adjacent to campus. Washer- oportmel'ts. and trailers for ~';§Iii~~rg::::j.~F~·_~XCel~en~ " Air ConcIltlonlne _wtll--...."'.. dryer. Own room to sublet for summer and fall. Locations allowed, avai!able Mr.'; 15th " Fully Fumlshed I Malibu t:ast, price negotiable. -457: I 510-S. U,,"-siry ~. Serious Fema~B~tli throughout Carbondale and 0280. 3352Bc131 "W..... rDry ... 457-7'Ml surrounding country sides. L: •••,.. Contracts " natural Gas H_t ,.~======::!12 3 BEDROOMbedroom furnishedFUR;l/ISHED house hOU5e ~ 52'·1436 " 2&3Iedr_ bedroom furnished house Haw "vallabl. APARTMENTS ~ today...J ~ your SIU __ ,", ar SunlMr AndlOr Fall ~!f1ret~tr~.P(!f.· sl:ft: : Mobile Homes Moaa.'-at_Ctl ...... 333OBb145 BUY WHILE VOt.: RENT. check • \98) 1 & 2 8...-.drocm And-_nld .-. IomtIonI: n4 l. Co'­ _ftNTlNGOOII... • Nicely Frunish.'!d & c.:Jrpeted --SUMMUall'AIJ, 2 BDR FURNISHED house for , ~faib~n~.rCha5e·B~~:~ ..... ~ ParIl. ,.., • Enefgy Saving & Underpimed VII lop ...... _.2.'s,oIit-_ .... :':~~·c~=I~~B~B~r TWO BEDROOM MOBILE Home. .loundromat FCKilities furnIshed and air conditioned...... atural Gas GEODISIC DOME. FURNISHEr 549-7653 sa" 00 per month. located close to .Nice Quiet & Clean Setting ... "" -""",,- Ca:': Crali O~chard Lake. Phone 549- WoII ...... c:.,.... r,:,~;.;:~~~.'!:~~\~K 6612 days or 549-3002 ailer 5:00 • Near Campus --­ B33::'9Bb145 Rooms p.m. B2892Bc131 .....~rv..-...;. • Sorry No Pets Accepted FURNISHED PRIVATE ROOMS - II: ccmfrrtable. convenient coed CARBONDALE - NW 3 Bedroom CIamoI .... house. All utilities included --­_'ItT ~~~Y~'b\e s~~:r ~~~~ ~( summer with fall apOllO. 549-3174 .. VR'YQOSf ro~ 7'Mj/ ()I' 529-2286 after 5 p.m. 3180Bd131 3345Bb131 ... --~ ROOMS ABAlLABLE TO sublt'.l!se The Wall Street Quads for the summer. Large house close 1207S, Wall :go~~~u~. stri~:3t~ or call ROOM IN SMALL dorm near 457-4123 recrea.tlon t.uilding. F..ent $90- SW CARBONDALE. 3 m~th mcludes sharoo kLchen and SHOW"''''"'''INTS BEDROOMS. Furnished.. Living. lltUJties. 1-985-6!147. 3380Bdl32 ..... •..... ·Fri. famil din~ 2batJ.. Central air. Yb Roommates 'AT1.- .n.,.,. ~:i~tili~it!.~ill~l~~ CARBONPALE AREA • Trailet'. Check The Featur.. ~g~M~~~~e;o ~~i~:~~ tenttal aIr; also 1 bedroom house ROXANNE - CELEBRATING 20 WOODRUFF OFFERS ~~w.enls. $105.00 peil.W~~f~ C~APTS wi.tb large fi~lace. Both with YEAn:; in businesa with special "A lovely pl,,~~ to live" ~~,~~~en~Bb~~ rates for sumer and fall. Now .... Air ConcIItlonfng ROOMMATE SEEDED IM- for rn~\:g~S~~~Sh:::: " Fully Fumlshed , i!~IAJ!i:'Par;:n~s:~ H9USE SUBLET - ~uM~IER. Natural gJs avallable_ Very close . NIce 2 bedrooms. :;haded air. "W...... Dry... mOl"!. CalI-L.i7-7315 after 5. 2,3. or" people to .camPlS_ Sorry. no pets Nice. I ll79Bel31 Qui~t. Price negotiable. 702 N. qwet place to live. Sootb Hil!hway : ...... IGas ....t I J IHMlroom fum/unfum SpriDger.CaIl~ 33IlOBb131 51. Ptiooe 549-4713. 3l38Bcl29 .... 1 •. 3~ opts. for "'--& fall NICE. THREE BEDROOM. N_ Call...... , .... __ yaw- "~Su __ Rcat_" NEW 14-WIDE trailer fer _mer. Carl~olSUY furnis~..d~good ...... at_Ctl ..... Umi'-Cf Number-Sign up nowl 1UIDIIler. ~~~~~p~anJ~ ~. r~~ . .... location.: n4 L Col­ Display open '''' _11y MOBILE HO!'ftES. MVRDALE. 2 ..... 1autNrn ...... _'"EMALE ROOMMATE WANTED SUPER SlJMJ,iER HOUSE. Clore bedrooms a:,>pl"oximately same to sublet room in 3 bedroom bouse 1 last GraM & leN LGIM to cam~. ~ bedroom. living VII .... size. in Cil1limits SW residential =s;:a~~g~ to cam~~ ~21'" or ~sss room. ~ asher. ~er. lull city police and other services_ 549·7653 p.m. $132.50 ~ mile west r:i Murdale ,hopping ~t:;. ~~ ~Bb~ Center for complete needs. 2 iIiiles 1-3 BEDROOMS AVAILABlE Houses ror. cam!KIS or downtowD. travel TWO BLOCKS OFF Campus. 4 ~:~~~~~_~J:nt! ~t'~ THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED b~i"oom furDis~ed bouse: one ~Jr~:r'tiC t~~J:~='~Yti;:~ Naw Leasing Far: house_ K'lOd Carbondale location. ty.,droom furni1.bed aD!lrtment. :~=~:.;ts.=~~ I Summer and Fall ROOMMATES. 2. MALE or 8bsolu:~IY 110 pets, call ~ift;U8 I Also 2 bedroo'n bou&4! in Mllr- I ~ysboroavail6bleJu~B~sb"° I insulatiOil. save c:8ing and Semesters At ~~~~~~ret~~O~!~:: I pe Is_ Call 549-6679. 130 beating costs. 2-compartment I June tbrough August. option to .; BeDROOM HOUSE - Suble~ rrost1eo~ :-eirlgerator. 30 flallon MALIBU VILLAGE :-..nt for 82-83 scbDol year. $95.00 a ~~~~_J:~. ~&~:~529-~f~~ I ~~w.:~L~~.'!~~~~ ~~Jt:e!t;.ranr=ic!lg~~:: th~~~~Stly fur- • $1000. Fall $1050. :;29-4467 after =. Evenings-Weekends. 2823Bbl2.\ roi street and parking, large Highway Sl South 3361Be131 6:00. 3371Bb131 vate REi'oTiNG FALL AND summer. 1 ~~it'~:,~:atfa~7ee:;u::7. ~~~: und MATURB. FEMALE ROOM- throur 5 bedroom, furnished. 12 Must Rent For Summer call-lS7-~or549-7039. MALIBU VILLAGE EAST MATE needed immediatelv or for ______83_178_B_C_l_4-4 summer furnished dupCex near ~~-ip':,~~' DO pets~~~ To Obtain For Fall 1000 E k {ex: I STILL A GREAT SELECTION of ast Par Street campus (Wlth ~Ible fan-~~ ~B~EFORSUMMER.~e 1.3 bedr>._ Sf)/il level. fu ...is"-d. air-conditioned 3 bedroom mobile ~~l·p.i:U3354B~~ or -IS all utililjo" incl~. MI;" 0 .... \fa bom{;.~ w-washer-dryer. central Call r,:::io \~~~n!m~~= ....' on Port.. fromWoli. $415. air_ A~ close to t:amJlUS. call 549- I : 529-4301 or stop NON-SMOKING ROOMMATh su_ S!'JO. fall. r~li8:'rYtC is extra. ~~ 7653 TJDAY_ 32418c133 , by affic. at ~~~D u:~~a::m! ~dr= 4. 3IBCresMew. 3,**-".~. SPECIAL SUMME:R RATES - mer. lIllO-month negotiable. 549- -m-fumis"-d. $.100 ...... -. CARBONDALE DISCOUNT Extra nice., Dear canlp~~i=.u HIgf--, 51 South LocDtIon 1682 after 6 p.m. 3J9oiBe131 s..sohlll. =\~~te!.1=..!.O: ;'~:d 5. GlWIIow. 3 '**-"...... yard. TWO BEDROOM 12' WIDE. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED ~~~:Itr,.;:i~~t ::!eai.!\~ S375 _. $-CiOhllI. 6. 502 'teIen. 3 bedt-oom ...... 1- carpet, A-C. Available now. 5:5- I -r:=:::======! I ~fc~~ae~. ~bt::lr~::: ~pV:r7. ~~~~fi, ~bed~!'Or a:~ ...... $31S._.$d) ..... 35t;3 betwt>eIl6:30 and 10 ~134 I men! two blocks from cam~ and west r:i Carbondale Ra~" Inn OD 7_ ""'1. WaftIt. 5~fumiohed. ROYAl. RENTALS =~ ~ Nicole~~ Old Rt. 13 West. eaIl6&Hl4S. $500. summer. S6OOhlll. Would 12X60. 'tWO ::m 'l'HF Eli: bedroom, B309SBb138 ...... , on 0 ..... ,..,...... boalS. One furnished or unfurnished. car­ Now Taking Contracts LEWIS PARK - IMMEDIATELY 2 pr...... 4mote. r. ted• ancbored. u:ldeminned. A- Summer & Fall/Spring female roommates needed to share i>n~P~:'::.oW::~,l8i~ '.1112 E. Walnut. 5 bedroom. F",­ Semesters ~~~!r:fl~;~aJ;~~!~ks.~~t niIhed. _/1IaIIt indudd san ai~~.~~~l~~= =~ D'!!!r cam..... 5l9-:i:a:i _. S6OO101i. Wouldr8ftlon s...... II 3378Be131 o ..... penon boa",_ 4 peopI-.. TRAILER. 12x65. 2 l..edroom. $200.00 ~mooth.low utilities. air, Eff. Apts. $110 $160 ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3 B!:DRooM .:oUNTRY HOUSE ...ectlmote. 110 pets. furnished. quiet. 529-4740. . 011 fw'! ACre!i; lv.llliabed 1'4 miles 9. 251301dW. 13 3t.drocr:· ...... 1 Bdrm. Apt. $t.tO $200 =e~:g:t:~~pfu~ us:!llitei. from campo;, W5 mODth_ 549-3081 3308Bcl3S _*1.... 5275 . ...mlMf. $350. I 3168Bb141 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS, furnished, 2 Bdrm. Apt. $200 $300 ~~~iPe~~~%~r~~t~~ 1aII. Would ... on 0 ..... penon and air. summer rates, Available .:juiet and studious. Call after 6 OUR H-O-U-S-E-S--H-A--VE BEEN basis. One per ...... 2 ...... - 2Bdrm. Mobile Homes p.m.• Bob 4.';H395. 3387Be131 TAKEN. but we have excellent 2- n. 4 \10 mire. Foa' 01 Carbondale. ~m;r:J::n f!\I8~n~i~ I fteot ... Crab On:hard Lab. 3 t.d- 1I1alkiDg distaDce to sm. 529-1422. 10X5O $95 $120 ROOMMATE WANTED: MAN· :::t.O')~le~~c!;' :i~~ .-...... 101>; •• 2boths. 1.800oq. J>sJ18Bc130 '"'' ~1ON in Murpbysboro. 4 or S49-703t_ 8S176Bbl38 12><50 $100 $1 VJ ~ces. 2 baths. 2 car g~rage. ft. 2 car er.raqe. brick rancft wi'" CLEAN. TWO BEDROOM mobile rANTED: Z SISTERS pin 1 ....., Iarr' 4 acre ,ani ideal for 12X52 $105 $1 ro :tIi:=I:~fr-C~~::'IY ...... larpou'Cloo-rpelLA.... i =~t:~~~~~;:;' ~~l 33888-':131 3~r:::!m~J~1~ ~~ small b.mding muI~!:: ::~ as rent for summer to obtain for fall...... 1Iom. V-~. _. ~,.- 457-2874. 33!IOBc132 All Apfs. & Mobil. Duplexes ~:;~.==-,~h=O::: foII_ Homes fum. adel ale. 12.31.=--.3 .....---. SUBLET FOR SUMMER. 2' Ho Pet. ~~t: ~iR:'~·. a~~m::' ~~~~S~':.~~ -,"fvmw.4. $400- SU ...... bedroom. nicely futnished. 14' I $-CiO.foli. .'ide. very clean. Uoo-month. i 417.... 22 ~ ltudeni.s. 529-38~tf1~ ~~w;:~_et surrou~n~~ eo1l4S1-4U4 oegoliable_ 56-1682 after~':ct31 DaIl:r EgyptIan, April S. 1982, Page 13 Duplexes .. ~ MURPHYSBORO, Nl~ 1 , . BEDROOM. furnished; an<1 1 I:Ufltkl , • . '. . ~ I . , \ 100 R 'W . LOS 3 • ALE "EA~TER·, WEE¥.END." Ride ~T. WhCMi ...... ,OfTOWM our ~ ~.;~'::ft~~~=~' ~.=er:hi~~.· ~I)C:)~~~~!I(;: Crest at the ....Innln. of ~:;~~s~~~r. aeposi\lt'&\i!. ~L::~ 'rJ:ns~~ ~~ca~ ~~. the ~ib~~~~~::ih ~~~ha~e:a~~ Returns ~s:,.. As Littfe as 51,i "hoo'.,..r: tags. Last seen near East hours ,0 Chl~.. goland. $49.75 ~~~g~EAir~ !~90Me Meadowbrook Lane. Days 684-2151. roundtrip. For schedule in· formation and nsenations p/lone Wfl have a national liffiCflr closets. 2 miles S. 51. vacant, ext. 249; evening-weekend 549- 54!Hl32O. 3298Bf129=. 5177. B3157Gl30 529-1862. 3396P131 at our house this week who EYEGLASSES: LOST SATUR:­ DAY March 'rT at party at;103 N. would like '0 see " returned +~:~e~~~<:,~~N~ :!J:!'~~ before she leaves Thursday W~lex in the country with all the :r&l~~B. ~:'~~~g~~ ~~~r:J:'~ MOf"ning. Reward Call 457-2728. 33:>dG131 ~::~~.~.~·~rn~~:~ WST - SMALL. ROUND gold 529-3375 or 457-5086. B3293Bf129 ladies' watch - no watchband] betweenwe::rki'We garage anll the 51sten of !i~~SER~ICE·cn=.C ~fIt~~~:~~ ~~:'M~~~~l.~OIItact Delta %eta Available now for Summer and-or Listed with ~a'uate Sc~ool as Fall. 529-3216 (Iateeve~IB~ ~~R:f~. avail.1b~~ SMA='="'LL~GO=LD;-;::-A7"ND"""""Sil't:v:-:Oer~1~lt at er near Hangar 9 WeOile8day. NEED A PAPER typed? IBM March 31st. Sentimental value - SPACIOUS DUPLEXES NORTH Selt!l:!J:i~.lo fast, accurale and reward Laura 457-5210. 3389G131 Side, 2-bedroom - S220, $-bedroom - n- f:J~' 529-4467 after 6:00. B3J68B- ~~~ guaranteed ~~ GILBERT BOLEN FURNITURE Repair, modern and antique Management courses offered furniture repaired and restored with C:S~~~~~ -COCKTAIL WAITRESS, HIRING ~ndale. 457-4924. B3155EI40 now and for summer semester, to local businesses, industry ~~~n person, Gatsb~~I~ Ii~l:!G a~~ti~!~J>ur 1 w!~a By William J8lIOO Yoog each. The p.im is to study their provided by the department. ~r:~~.Y~J:=d needs and problems and to look The DCCA is part of the ~~Lc~~1f~~~:rt?u?:t excellence. RE;8S0oable ratell. 529- S&udent Writer 1910. B3ldOEI43 into ways the UniversitJ can governor's office involved in the reituired. ~plM at Gats~ 10 development and promotion of ~ot:. P .. , on-Sa~l~ Southern Illinois businesses meet their training needs, GET BETTER GRADES! • Let a and industries may participate Osberg said. business in Illinois, and in courses making Illinois an attractive VOTE USO - Election, ~~;..o~~~~~:~ ~1~~ your in management and April 14th. Coml?are issues and 8326211:_:3 other training programs to be Cla~=!nf::~i a: c:;r- place for investment. offered around the region this campus basis. Courses will be The DCCA and !.he business fo!!i~~O,;a:;~~~~n~~~ BABYSIITING, CARBONDALE. rall by the Department of given at selected locations in advisory council will meet in Office. si'ti-c, {' ~rbondale. IL ~. &srs:s.37'4A~ens~d: Continuing Education at SIU-C. Southern Illinois. On~mpus Carbondale April :!4 to discuss 62901. 3225C133 James 0sbe.'1l. conferenCio the block grant, which is the FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed coordinator, said seven =e~:~~\et~~~!d~g allocation of federal funds ror ~O~P~~~!~~aJ:~~ ~ management courses will be Last week, Osberg and Stickel state-level business and ~IJ~,~~~~~Q~ 1910. 8326IEl43 offered to Southern Illinois met with officials from the management programs. HEUUM BALWN BOUQUETS businesses to train fJJ'St-line Department of Commerce and A HOUSEPARENT FOR an 00- delivered in Carbondale fer any supervisors. The courses will Community Affairs in Last Ocrorber, a conference campus fraternity. Please send ~~ Call: Balloon ~1:J deal with work centers and their Springfield. The meeting was held at Southern Illinois letter or application and resume management, errective Airport out of which the ad­ ~~R~gc~~~~e~~ UGHT HAULING AND moving. speaking and writin8, lines of ~~ai ~~~f:a~cerr;:~9 visory council was iormed, or contact abOVe at (618) 453-5781. Reasonable rates. 529-2620. communication, labor­ business information to be O!Jberg said. 3281CI34 3315E131 management relations, prac­ DOES YOUR LAWN MOWER tical ~yc:bology! l~ aspects of business and fuu:!! aspects ol &E!t~ :::a~F=~r::~h:l~?_ business. Tuesday's Puzzle Z Rentals Center, 1817 W. Professors from the School of Sycamcre.457-4l2i. B3353EI32 Technical' Careers will teach ACROSS 49 DIrection TYPING, DISSERTATIONS, the courses, Osberg said_ 1 Ground 50 BIrd An advisory council has been _ 51 'Excited: DIal. ~~ot.u.rs::~~~I~ formed to help plan· and 5erelt 53~ ~~~very. $.ao-page and up.~"'YI6 10 Cheek 55 Chatt organize the trainmg progr&lDl!. 14 PrepoIItlon 56 AssigIwnent Currently. there are 11 businc!SS 15 - now 81 Dedalm INSULATION; SEE WHAT we can representatives from 16 CelebrIty 82 LAck of talent do for your Summer utility bills ... throughout Southern IDinois on 17 Relet... 64 -In a\llNle Today's Puzzle See QUI" low prices. Get a free the coonciI. 19 Stripped 85 Failure f1I~==~=,~ They are, from manufac­ 20~ 86Ended Answered 3383E137 turing, George Cameroo, vice 2 words 87 00 gardenong 21 Cull member 86 Simple 800g On Page 9 ~ident of Diagraph Export 22 PIN8ed 69 - Robles, Department, Carbondale; Don 23 Sell b1rdll <:aI. Gass, director of industrial 25 Weger OOWN relations at Turco Manufac­ 26 a.nboo 1 Smog turing- Co., Du Quoin; Fred 30 Egg drink 1 A__ of Thompson, general manager of 31 StIInds 3 Grlldetlon Southwest Forest Industries, 34 Single 4 ColI. 24 R202 (1919-2el, Herrin; and Richard Trokey, 36 Sou1h student 25 lOWland 40 PitCher pert A~ 5 Defeated 26 Hut 41 H_ personnel manager of Phelps 36 Girl'. - 8 N.V:. neigh- 27 H'!"';ng wings 46 SivooacIIed Dodge Cable. and Wire Co.. Du ' 39 RAFviI:tory. bor ~5 "~I": 48 Ser..~181 Quoin. Representatives from the· ~ 7 :n.::= 3 words 51 Asian CIty coal industry are William B. 42 G... - 8 lOCk ~ :I:~:::. ~ ~ =. Eades, training manager for 43 ~~ 9 ~ 32 Refuges 54 ANway Peabody Coal Co., Fairview .... _ Dame 10 ~ 33 ~ ~:::::.. THREE GRADUATE ASSISTANT For Anything Of Heights; Alan Weed. director of 45 Delicious 11 Corrupt 35 Violinist 58 City Gold Or Silver. human resources at Freeman R~ t:i~':f'm:~a~:.. f: ~ :m: United Coal Coo, West Frank­ birth control, unplanned CoIM-Jew.by-a...... tc.. 47 ~~ ~:or pung 37 6:7ruler furt; and DlIwn Woodland, ==4 18 Adipoee prwidanl 83 FIIYOrIte a.m. =! - : pregnancy and sexuality coun­ seling. p:-o.lgram [lianoing and J&J CoIN 823 S. "1457-6831 personnel administrator of Old leadersliip, matenals develop­ Ben Coal Co., Benton. ' ment. Qualifications incluae r---~~~...... ~-_ Osberg ex~ts to have ad­ background in counseling and PREGNANt" group facilitation. training and call BIRTHRIGHT ditional repr~ntatives on the council. He said it will be :~'i::~~~~~~Ti~ ::fN:I!Zcl F'" pregnancy testing completed by the end of next comfort level with a variet~ &confidentio' ....istanc. month. :X~issuy~rw~~enter, Mt-27t4 Ex-officio council members Resume Mon..-WecI.,.,r1...... ,... from the Division of Continuing 53&-4441. requea~30 r-";"'"__ ';,:,.-..;T,,;,,;hu-.;,,;rs.:;.:,.:...;N:.;,OOI:;,::.:.:;t-4~:.:.:..... Educatio.1 are Lowell Hall. director or credit free CHILDCARE WORKERS. programs; Osberg, coordinator ~;~~~ ~=sa~r~S~:h!'r for evening and weekend ~~~:~e~~~a1:d programs; and George W. care, salary. room and board, 4 Sjckel, coodinator for coo­ bllctual and special programs. serop-- :r::s &,!ii~:-,~~~ce?en~ EW PROFESSOR SEEKn..i to !..arry McDougle, director of portunity for eeuples with one rent quiet 1 bedroom, 1 year bactalaureate programs at the :O~~~g~nl:!!fd.re:mC:Il~~af{ ~1~\r~~I!:U::l)~'rTI2 3~Wi. School of Technical Careers, is Marian CeJander. Tues-Frt only. a1so a member. Osberg said Southern IlJinois =waoo~~~~ Glen- EW PROFESSOR SEEKING to was a heavily lDIiooized area, . 83mC137 =~~~O=:';~i~~~ '!te: and he hopes the council can SUMMER-PtwFESSIONAL JOBS $:00 p.m. 3284F138 serve 88 a link between the in National Parks. 10093 of FEMALE DOCTORAL snrnSNT business community and labor ~itioos. AlI.eKperience ieveIs. desires to "house-sit" this sum- unions. The council has contracted 30 D~r~~~~::L°8iv.'~:lf g:~J::.~t:t~~~~ different industries which have Boll601S2,~Ca~ 5. 33S5Fta several bundred employees Page 14, Dail"~ 'Ap1J .. 1_ '.- Salukis 14th .' GOAL ' . irol1lPage 16 . sights&. sounds Ott Colone~s think t was too positive ab<.:.!t what I could have done," Levy go tourney said about his performance. He Thru the month of April with If placed 40th in the high b: Bv Palll LoreDz competition. a minimum purchase of $199 Ailot'iaee SPf!r1I EdItor Levy explained that he's a.' all-arounder, not a specialist. of Home or Auto Stereo equipment recieve a The mlm's golf team placed "It's hard for me to compete i 10 Speed Bike Free 14th out of 21 teams, while in :-ust one event," he said. ". - Eastern Kentucky took first. work the high bar in practice O,~ly at Sights &. Sounds place hor.ors at its own golf when I'm fatigued, and I had tournamert over the weekend. more energy than usual at the Easterr, Kentucky, finishing meet. My adrenalin was going, " Men' s CYCUNGRACE -Women's with a JoJW score of 603, edged and there was the pressure of Miami of Ohio at 604 and being beaten." Jolm Levy Saturday, April 10, 1982, 11:00 am. Western Kentucky at 606 in the Levy had planned to d? a practicing it se:.Mn. I'll Info. Desk until 9:00 abbreviated, 36-hole tour. all Pre-register SRC am difficult dismount in finals . .aut mcorporate it into !r.y routine April 10, or sign up at race registration aJ"ea­ nament. Ohio State, a strong he never revealed his new next year. favorite ~oing into the tour· dismount because he didn't About his performance, Levy Tech A parking lot across from the Arena. nament, finished fourth at 611. make the finals. said, "I got through my set, but Course maps available at SRC Info. Desk. SIU-C recorded a 643 total. "I counted on making the I dion't do my job. The Salukis were in 12th place finals," Levy said. "Hopefully, "I ~udn't take my tricks to the , •

APRIL 11: 1982 STUDEl'lT c!~NTER TlclIIMII_ 8&Io;!d II.. Stadlmt 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. eealllr CeaanI TIc..... omo. TICKETS: ADVANCE DClOR ~(1O 7ft ...... ) lUG t3.oo 8tDdeD.. SUI ... s-tor~ (85. _) "75 ... AdIllI8 18.75 17..


SALADS T-.lSalad PraitSalad ColeSlaw Tlawa...Salad 0eIatia M ..... Sa1M II-'Salad ~.a.-8alad DESSERTS Spiced Apple S­ Bot .... CoIIIIMr 8pUt~cu. omw .... c,--...Pie A--.I Pndt TIII1a. VEGETABLES PufaiIII (1eUo) O ..... s-...... Appa. 8p1DM1l s-m. N_ ...... wItII 0_"'" Cana Ia &ova­ Da-RolIIo ...... JIutIIe .... ar.d

.. Former Saluki named harrier coach By Steve l\letseb time In f'ix years last faD. They As a member of the Saluki good connections in Amencan Sports Editor advanc'~ to t!te NCAA meet for track team, Corn...il was named cross country clrell!S. the sixth straight year and 8!1 All-America twice. He was a CorneD ailmltteQ be knew Calling it "one of the more placed 15'm in the nation. U.S. Track and Field "one or two" MmTay State pleasant tasks" he'll probably "I'm confident Bill will Federation champ once and harriers who may want to perform as men's athletics continue to expand the' ex­ was SIU-C's most valuable transfer to SIU-C thotWI they director, Lew Hartzog named cellence our cross country athlete in 1962. He was Inducted would lose a year's eligi6i.Uty as former Saluki track standout program has had," Hartzog Into the Saluki sports Hall of a result. Bill CorneD head cross country said "He bas been successfUl Fame In 1981. "I'd rather leave my and assistant track ct'acb as a Division 1 coach and After his IrBduation, Cornell replacement with as good a Monday. exhibits the same tenacity In served three years as Hartzog's team as I can," CorneD said. "Bringing BiD back to SIU-C coachin~ as he did in com- assiat'lllt wh1!e working 0.1 his As far as track is concerned, Lo; a great satisfaction to me," master's in physical education Hartzog said Cornell- who was said Hartzog, who bas doubled peg:~~ has had his sbare 01 before moving on to Murray a worla-class miler in 1965 - as cross counu) and track S11CCe5S !iDee leaving SlU-C in ;:;tate. will be in charge of the Saluki coadl for 22 years. "He is a 1967 to become head cross "I'm not !IUJ"e spring sports in distance and middle-distance pe1"SOl~ and close friend." country and track coach at the OVC are that stable," runners. Hartzog added that be'D be ltfurray State in Kentucky. His CorneD said. He added that SIU­ able to devote more time to his Racer harriers captured three C has a "classier program" and "Bill is a little better other duties with Come'l in Ohio Valley Conference offers the chance to compete educated than most track charge of the cross country against tougher opponenta. coaches in the United States. He team. ~i='mC's-:'~of w= Hartvlg said be and Cornell was schooled well In aU track "I need belp if I'm to be both year four times. "will have to recruit" together and field events In England but track coach and athletics "It was hard to leave Murray since the cross country and his principle wort will be ~th director. After all, I'm near 60, State," CorneD said, "but the Bill CCl!DeU_ track programs have just 14 t~~ middle people, .. Hartzog and I'm not going to wort Wltil chance to return to my alma scholarships to award. said. I'm 110," said the 57-year-old mater and work with myoid Carbondale the day after they The ~e Saluki coar.il Harttog. coach was too much to turn were married in 1961. Bill added).. Vilt!! tongue-iIH:,IY~-ek, Harb.og saii.! Cbrnell will earn ComeD, 42, said he is "excited down. CorneD had received a track that umle!I shoUld "116 'Ie a a~ ~iur.l~r his coaching to come back.to Carbondale." scholarship from SIU-C. He was Jrood season" with the ~ukis :ti:O He added that be "hopes to ~'~o:eis to~ :YJ:~ the flJ'St foreign athlete ever [osing standout harrit'tS Kar­ continue the tradition" Hartzog States from Murray," he said coached bf Hartzog - Corne1l Stfo"d Schulz and Bill Moran to Rose Cornell worked in has establisbed with the Saluki about the decision which be and is a native 01 Chelmsford, v.raduation. Hartzog said he's Murray State's Student Affairs harriers. his wife Rose made to return to Essex, England - and be en­ "not going to '" . Cornell ha'ie an Office and will probably seek The Salukis won the Missovri sn'-c. joyed a successful collejpate all-Englisb squad here;' bu~ employment at SIU-C ac- Valley Conference for the fOlli'th The CorneDs first came to career. added that Cornell b6.s mlillY cording to Hartzog. ' Valli sideli,led Gena VallI, stanc:fc..A1t pit­ "She'D probably be able to cher and first baseman of the DH this week~:!d and Saluki softball team, wiD be ho~fully to play fIrst 'JY the sidelined at least until the start of next week." weekend because 01 an arm Injury, according to SIU-C Perkins said Valli won't be trainer SaIly Perkins. able to pitch for at 'east two Perkins, who exami!led weeks. Valli's record is just 2- Valli'. pitching arm Monday. 5 this year, but she.has a said the senior "bas a brilliant 1.64 ERA. problem with two nerves" in Coach Kay Brechtel8bauer her right forearm_ Perkins said Valli will be misllerl in said the nerves were under the SaJuki lineup, calling her pressure from swelling an excellent ballplayer Who resulting from a stray pitch does well at the plate and in - which hit Vam in the arm in a the field. g'lme at Southwest Missouri Saturday. ''She's a good lcader," said the SaluiU coach, "and she "Soo r.an't grip anything or will be leading us from the make a fist." said Perkins. bench until she can play." Baseball team suffers

S&aff P ..... by Gre, DreJd_ 'lack of hitting ~trength' ". did beUer thaa I npec:ted," Tom SIom,kI,aId Gy.... 1tJa ChIll'...... "JIII& aaakJac .... 01 his foar1h-place flDisll_ the~, at tile NCAA fIuIa was ....L .. By 8&eYe Metada openur. Rather, the Cards 8porta EdlW pitcbl.ld themselves into their own jam. Baseball Coach Itchy Jones SIU-C tied the game in the Slomski 'ices' year-long goal said though he doesn't believe in seve.'lth when catcher Steve letdowns, the SaluItis always Boyd knocked a grounder to the 8y Linda StoekmaD was great." Slomski's nn8I routine scored have trouble on their first road shortstop with the bases loaded. Staff Write.. Another 01 the Saluki gym­ a 9.7, breaking the Saluki reconI trip following spring break, Boyd just beat the toss, and two nast's goals was to beat Randy 019.65 shared by Brian 3abcoclt As a perfect example of what Safultis scored to tie the game at Tom Slomski's "icing on the Jepson of Penn State, and he and Jack Laurie. Nebra,u's Jones meant, the Salukis split a n'le. . cake" at the NCAA Gymnastics did. Jepson placed sixth in the Jim Hartung gave a "flawless" . double-header at Louisville Four Salultis wa1ked while Championships included finals and also was named an 9.8 performance, according to Sunday. SIU-C won the flfSt just three hit safely in the top ,,, mat-ing the finals in the rings All-American. Slomski, to capture first in the game 11-5 in eight innings to the eighth as SlU-C pushed competition, breaking a school "It's the best routine I've stretch their winning streat to across six nms for the wm. The reooro,cap~f~pmce done, and cleaner than usual," "Sfmnslti said he didn't feel eight. But they lost the night­ hilthlight of the rally was P.J. and being named All-America. Slomski said, givirtg credit to much pressure going into the cap, 3-1, to drop their recora to Scnranz' three-nm triple. The Saluki gymnast's goal for Coach Bill Meade. NCAA meet, because no one 12-8. Rob Clark, ~l, got the win the season was just to reach U;e "He made me mad in prac­ expected bim to do well. "We were fortunate we won a with relief belp from Jf!fT'Y championships, which too~: tice, and kept reminding me to However, teammate John Lev), game, ,. Jones said. "OUr oit· Halstead, who turned in another place In Lincoln, Neb., on point my toes," Slomski said. who competed on the high bar, chers were sharp and deserVed "impreflsive periormllnce," Thursday, Friday and Satur­ The junior also gave credit to did feel the pressure. to win both, but we had a lack Ii acmrdinc to JOIle'.l. day. leti...... ~~e Danny Muenz. "I went into the competition hitting strength." The Salultis aN Mle Wltil "I'm very happy," Slomski "Danny pushed me and with a positive attitude, and I The Saluki batters didn't Thursday, when they play said. "I did better tha'l 1 ex­ belped me ;>olish my routine exactly knock the Cardinal Augustana at 3 p.m. at Abc pected. Just making the fmals this past we*." he $Sid. See GOAL. Page 15 hurlers nut 01 the hox in thP. Martin Field.

J------, Ahmed's I C1CJ~ 81G BASH April 14'fh ; Falafil Factory I l Regular I Italian l t.:t~ $1.00 buys you a j t Falafil I Beef I .u!;i spot at the party of . J $1.00 ! $1.90 I Ilt~~ . th,e year. Give us a 10:,3Uam-3am Carry Outs-529-9581J call at 536-6661 or 536-2361. L 1)01 S. IIItnois !II • PIIge--- 18, Dl.ily EgypmD. April .. 11182