O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 8 Association for PPerspectiveerspective Humanistic Psychology aahpweb.orghpweb.org First AHP President and Infl uential Teacher Jim Bugental Is Remembered Bob Edelstein Nader Shabagnam Kirk Schneider Tom Greening Elizabeth Bugental Transformative Political Psychology Reviews Living Deeply The Hidden Whisper Jesus in Kashmir Uncompromising Truth Tim Atkinson Real Wealth of Nations Jim Bugental OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2008 ahp PERSPECTIVE 1 ASSOCIATION for HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY . since 1962, kindred spirits on the edge, where human potential and evolving consciousness meet AHP principles include integrity in personal and profes- sional interactions, authenticity, and trust in human relationships, compassion and deep listening skills, and respect for the uniqueness, value, independence, interdependence, and essential oneness of all beings. KEN EHRLICH AHP–ATP Joint Board Meeting, Calistoga, California, July 2006: back row: AHP President Cuf Ferguson, ATP Co-President Stu Sovatsky, Ray Siderius, Ray Greenleaf (ATP), Deb Oberg, Don Eulert, Colette Fleuridas (ATP), PAST PRESIDENTS AHP Past President Bruce Francis, Olga Bondarenko, Stan Charnofsky, Beth Tabakian (ATP); front row, Kathleen JAMES F. T. B UGENTAL AHP OFFICE & PERSONNEL Erickson, Bonnie Davenport, MA Bjarkman, Ken Ehrlich, Chip Baggett, ATP Co-President David Lukoff. SIDNEY M. JOURARD 510/769-6495; Fax: 510/769-6433, E. J. SHOBEN, JR.
[email protected], 1516 Oak St., Suite #317, CHARLOTTE BÜHLER Alameda, CA 94501-2947, ahpweb.org Membership Director: Bonnie Davenport, S. STANSFELD SARGENT
[email protected] AHP MEMBERSHIP JACK R. GIBB Web Producer: John Harnish,
[email protected] connect with conscious community, GERARD V.