DOCUMENT RESUME ED 289 322 EC 201 283 TITLE Learning Materials Catalog: a Guide to Selection and Use of Games and Toys. Illinois

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 289 322 EC 201 283 TITLE Learning Materials Catalog: a Guide to Selection and Use of Games and Toys. Illinois DOCUMENT RESUME ED 289 322 EC 201 283 TITLE Learning Materials Catalog: A Guide to Selection and Use of Games and Toys. Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield.; Learning Games Libraries Association, Oak Park, IL. SPONS AGENCY Administration for Children, Youth and Families (DHHS), Chicago, IL. Region 5.; Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, Peoria. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 277p.; Also sponsored by the Resource Access Project at the University of Illinois. AVAILABLE FROMLearning Games Libraries Association, Box 4002, Oak Park, IL 60303 ($21.00 includes postage and handling). PUB TYPE Books (010) -- Reference Materials Directories /Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Auditory Discrimination; Cognitive Ability; Communication Skills; Daily Living Skills; Early Childhood Education; *Educational Games; Elementary Secondary Education; *Instructional Materials; Interpersonal Competence; *Learning Activities; *Learning Problems; Mathematics Instruction; *Physical Disabilities; Psychomotor Skills; Reading Readiness; Tactual Perception; *Toys; Visual Discrimination ABSTRACT The catalog was developed to provide information about more than 200 recommended learning games and toys for all children, especially those with learning problems or physical handicaps. The materials listed provide educational experiences through game formats and help to develop gross and fine motor skills, math and reading readiness skills, cognitive skills, auditory and visual discrimination, communication skills, social emotional skills, life skills, and tactile awareness. The listings are organized alphabetically by toy name within these skill areas. For each listing, the following information is provided: suggested developmental level, suggested interest level, a drawing of the item, brief description, suggested uses, manufacturer and price, and skill areas. In an appendix, a chart indicates the toy's availability from eight distributors across the country. Other items contained in the catalog include definitions of terms, a consumer's guide to purchasing the toys, and a description of the Learning Games Libraries Association. 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BEST COPYAVAILABLE 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Learning Games Libraries Association and the Illinois Division for Early Childhood, both associated with -he Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, extend thanks to the many persons who voluntarily gave of their time and talents in the development of the Learning Materials Catalog. Many stages of effort were needed to bring the project to completion including: identifying and evaluating appropriate materials describing materials and the suggested acti'ities to utilize them developing the catalog format, transferring information, ana proofreading/editing the final product The catalog was possible only because of the dedication and work of the following: Catalog Revision Committee Dennis Sykes, Co-Chair, Catalog Revision Committee; Coordinator, Resource Access Project, University of Illinois Carol Domroese, Committee Co-Chair; Learning Disabilities Consultant Janet Mutter, Recreation Specialist Ruth Peaslee, Head Children's Librarian, Oak Park Public Library Carolyn Speakman, Media Specialist Special -..hanks to: Mary Roddy, Education Materials' Consultant Future Child Others who assisted in special ways Judith Frank-Gonwa, Special Education Consultant; President, The Learning Games Libraries Association Daniel Hampson, Media Consultant Lynn Moore, Early Childhood Specialist, Illinois State Board of Education Mary Sillins, Learning Disabilities Consultant Gertrude Zill, Educational Materials' Consultant Near Wes:: Chapter 557 of the Council for Exceptional Children and other Oak Park, Illinois special education staff Mary Carapella, Chris Carlson, Carolyn Circo, Jo Ann Dunn, Pat Healey, Kathy Irving, Jill Widing, Sue Wolowitz, Sue Wortman, and Chris Zielinski. Others who p- tided assistance Madeline -man, Jayne Amhau,;, Mary Ann Billings, Debbie Breger, Jackie Crain, Jean tau Thvenport, Debbie Diamond, Louise Dunning, Mary Gebrig, Ivy Goldstein, BaL Tavares, Kathy Johnson, Dr. Miing-Gon John Lian, Dr. Barbara Lowentha 1 Miller, Jean Stockham, and Dennice Ward. **************************************************************************** * * * This edition of the LEARNING MATERIALS CATALOG has been co-sponsored * by the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, the Resource Access * Project at the University of Illinois, and the Region 5 Office of Human * Development Services, Project Head Start, U.S. Department of Health and * Human Services. * * **************************************************************************** 3 HOW TO USE THE CATALOG Each catalog page contains information to assist in selection and use of the materials. Whether used in a Learning Games Library or elsewhere, it is designed to help parents and professionals in working with children. Following is a list of the components of a catalog page with a brief definition of each: Title found at the top center of each catalog page. You will find items organized alphabetically by title within each section of the catalog beginning with the visual skills area. Suggested Developmental Level This describes the chronological age range in which most children can learn the skills required by this toy. It was determined by concensus of a committee of special and regular educators. Children develop at different rates; consequently you may find your child "ready" for. game or toy at some time within the range listed. Do not hesitate to use an item before or after the age ranges listed if that seems to make good sense to you and if your child is interested in it. Suggested Interest Level The interest level in some cases is different from the developmental level. A child may remain interested for various reasons even after the learning required to use the item has been mastered. In addition, a child who is disabled, who has a learning difficulty or a developmental delay, may not be ready to learn a given skill when most other children do. Some games and toys were purposely selected to reach the interest level of these children who are learning particular skills at a later chronological age. GraphicThe drawings provide a picture of the item to assist you in making choices before you go to the shelf to make your final selection. Brief DeszriptionThe few sentences offer basic information including, when possible, size, number of pieces, and the material of which the game/toy is rade. Suggested Uses Specialists in education wrote and refined the sequence of steps you will find on the catalog pages. The intent was to list easiest uses first with more difficult steps following. Do not feel you must start with step one. If step one is too difficult, build in smaller, easier steps. Or, if you find that step one is too easy, move to a step that is right for your child. We encourage you to begin with a success level -- one that is enjoyable for the child. Manufacturer and Price This information is found in the Lower left hand corner and is provided for those persons wishing to order the item shown on the catalog page. Use the grid in the appendix to assist you in finding where you may purchase/order. (See "Buying Sense" in the introduction for further details.) Skills The lower right hand corner of each catalog page has a listing of the main category (first letter capitalized) followed by sub-categories appropriate for the item on that catalog page. An asterisk appears before the skill area considered the main category for the game or toy shown on a page. Following are skill areas L.,ed in the catalog with definitions of terms on subsequent pages. 2 SKILL AREAS VISUAL SKILLS (Looking Activities) COGNITIVE (Thinking Activities) visual awareness shape concept visual discrimination size visual matching weight visual tracking color visual sequencing form visual memory depth sequence (seriation) AUDITORY SKILLS (Hearing Activities) classification cause/effect sound awareness auditory discrimination SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SKILLS auditory sequencing auditory memory solitary play parallel play TACTILE SKILLS (Feeling Activities) group play feeling LIFE SKILLS tactile stimulation tactile awareness self help tactile discrimination environmental awareness COMMUNICATION SKILLS MATHEMATICS SKILLS (Communicating Activities) math readiness playing with sound word problems imitating sounds consumer math following directions labeling READING SKILLS structuring sentences talking with meaning reading readiness reading comprehension GROSS MOTOR SKILLS (Big Muscle Activities)
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